I have decided to foster Golden Retrievers

I applied to GRRH,org on tuesday morning. By Tuesday noon I was approved.Today I drove over to the 3rd Ward and picked up this wonderful chill Blonde Golden, we are calling him Blake.

Blake has never been inside. Ick

I will close the bedroom doors no carpet is involved i am quite happy to clean up after him


Pictures of Blake

DSC_1113 DSC_1115

What a sloppy drinker ! I thought I was bad


  1. i killed it

  2. Wait I will kill this again

  3. Where are those nice boobs?

  4. last post on south beach.

  5. we’ve been rescue parents for bull dogs.
    the challenges can be fun & frustrating. our oldest bullie is starting to show the sad signs of her advanced years: she had it good here though.

  6. I’m hungry. Considering taking wife to breakfast.

  7. Wives are high protein, but the prep time can be problematic. Why not have some bacon?

  8. If she doesn’t drag her butt out of bed soon, ain’t nobody gettin’ breffast.

  9. Good morning all!

    I woke up on my own, thought the boys were being unusually quiet out of respect for me sleeping and discovered everyone was gone. Basketball games at UMaine today. I never sleep through them getting ready. Must’ve needed sleep.

  10. We had not only rain, but fairly high winds as well. There’s at least one tree down on the golf course. And our sun umbrella was blown over.


    wakey wakey

  11. I have about as much sympathy for the rains in California, as I had for Georgia’s ONE DAY of ice.

    But it was thick!!! I just didn’t understand. CAN YOU IMAGINE TRYING TO DRIVE ON AN INCH OF ICE???!!!11111??1111

  12. Morning, children. They are predicting rain here later today. 50 mph winds, but actual rain. We really need it. 3rd driest winter on record so far.

  13. It’s snowing here. But then , that’s not really news, is it?

    Snow is good, though, at this point, because it makes it easier to drive on my driveway. Which, is very long, and covered with an inch of ice. Snow on ice is a better thing.

    There isn’t rock-salt to be found anywhere at the stores – people are using softener salt. I even tried to by some kitty litter to spread, and they’re out of that as well.

  14. Wow. ABQ is averaging one case of child abuse per day. NM is ranked last in child well being.

  15. Play sand still available?

  16. I was too tired to go check but I doubt it.

  17. As it was, we had to dig the rocks I bought out of the ice and snow. They were so happy to see me come back for more.

  18. http://www.mlive.com/weather/index.ssf/2014/02/record_cold_will_hit_michigan.html

    Awesome. I don’t know if it happened, but we were supposed to set a record on Friday where the ENTIRE state was below zero.

    Any end in sight to the cold?

    Unfortunately the 8 to 14 day temperature forecast from the Climate Prediction Center continues to call for much colder than normal weather well into March. The final graphic shows the large area of below normal temperatures will continue for March 5 to March 11. In fact, the area targeted to have temperatures most likely well below normal is Michigan.

  19. Looks like we did it. Warmest temp in the state at 7 am was -6. It was -18 here. -26 up by the tip of the mitten and -39 was up in the UP

  20. At least it’s not raining.

  21. Saw the published list of CT lawmakers who voted for the gun control bill with their addresses and a link to their photos and phone numbers.

    What’s the line from “Hunt for Red October”?
    “This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we’ll be lucky to live through it.”

  22. Yea, rain (in 70 degree weather) would totally suck.


  23. wow that is cold
    I am wearing a tee shirt to pick up Blake


  25. Car In is a truly caring soul

  26. >>>Wow. ABQ is averaging one case of child abuse per day. NM is ranked last in child well being.

    Worst part of my job. We usually let the Pediatricians run the show and focus on the fractures. Sometimes it’s hard to stomach. There’s a doctor in Portland who does nothing but assess abuse cases. I could not do that day in and day out.

  27. Morning reading material for Car In:


  28. Michigan would not be exempt from these changes, Walton added, saying the state could experience significant changes due to the Great Lakes.

    “You might see evaporation and drops (in water levels) in the Great Lakes,” Walton said. “You might see more lake effect snow too.”

    Michigan favorites such as the Tulip Festival and cherry farms are affected by climate changes as well.

    “Every year the Tulip Festival needs to be moved up a week due to weather changes,” Strychar said.

    Due to the changes already occurring, the panelists agreed that action to change human behaviors should be taken.

    ba haaaa haaaa …

    It was two years ago all our Cherry trees froze. FROZE.

    Car In is a truly caring soul

    Being a caring soul is over-rated.

  29. Car in is never over rated

  30. >> THERE ARE LEAVES IN THE POOL!!11!!1!11

    No leaves but some seed pods I’ll clean out of the filter skimmers later. When it’s up to 80

  31. Climate Change is real. I read it in the comments section on a story about footing drain disconnects in the city of Ann Arbor.

  32. I love the wording in the AGW articles about it being warmer in the 80’s and 90’s and the trend would continue into the 21st century. Hello! we’re 14 years into the 21st century! Once again, they mask that overall temps are down in the 21st century.

    What happened to the Ozone Hole? Has it lost favor?

  33. It turned out that the Ozone Hole was related to disco music so it vanished as well

  34. http://twitpic.com/dmy6vl

  35. Other than slowing traffic a bit, the rain hasn’t had any real effect on me, of course. But there *are* people with real issues. Flooding and mudslides damaging homes and property. And some poor truck driver jackknifed on an overpass and was thrown out of the cab and fell 50′ to his death.

    So yeah, it’s somewhat of a joke. They totally devoted every bit of TV news time to it. But there are real consequences for some folks.

  36. Watering in some pre-emergent herbicide today. Opening salvo of the battle against grass burrs. I got my ass kicked last year.

  37. Good morning, peeps.

    Way to go foster dads Vman and Jam!

  38. PG, you talking about those burrs that take out car tires?

    We can get “burrs” here, but they’re just the kind that stick to the dogs’ fur and don’t really hurt that much when you step on them.

    Out where my MIL lives, you don’t dare walk outside barefoot in some places.

  39. the panelists agreed that action to change human behaviors should be taken.


    You can’t “change human behaviors” – if they really think that, they must never have dealt with a toddler or a teenaged girl….

  40. ABQ cops are actually having to do their jobs and do something about child abuse. I think there are 2 videos now of them leaving kids with their abusers and not bringing CYFD.

  41. Yeah, Oso. Video where they left the kid and then the parents ended up killing him later.

  42. TiFW, taken to its logical extreme, a bullet changes human behavior…permanently.

    In their mind it makes all climate deniers, good climate deniers.

    On a related note, for that bananapants nut that thinks “PIV is rape! For totes!” Ummm…where is the next crop of feminists coming from?

  43. Yep. I’m not a fan of APD. When we lived on the Eastside, I called the cops on my neighbor because her toddlers were always alone outside in diapers. APD came by and spoke with her. No follow up visit fromS CYFD. No follow up visit from APD. You are supposed to be able to have anonymity when you report suspected child abuse or neglect. Not in ABQ. Trashy Mom and creepy boyfriend were beating on our apt door and threatened me. Dan calmed everyone down by yelling at me for calling the cops. His was more of a “who gives a fuck about her kids outside in diapers in the cold at all hours, playing by the pool and in the parking lot. She doesn’t.”


    I’m starting to think some of you are mocking the great misfortunes suffered by xbrad, Sean and myself.

    And Sean’s penis.

  45. https://twitter.com/TheDemocrats/status/439534721518018560

    I guess it’s hard to learn the lessons of history when you don’t know any history.

  46. And NO ONE mocks Sean’s penis!

  47. It turned out that the Ozone Hole was related to disco music so it vanished as well

    Not so sure. I saw Ozone Hole open for Dethklok just last year.

  48. I have boxed CD sets of all ten bands listed here.



    Finally, a disaster that might rouse Black Nixon from his beauty sleep.

  50. Mrs. Orwell keeps wanting to get a bulldog but this ain’t the house for a dog. No place for the fella to hang outside other than concrete and most of that is underwater in the shape of a pool.

  51. Yesterday, we had a high of 86F – which is VERY unusual for this part of Texas this early in the year.

    Monday’s high is supposed to be 36F.

    Texas weather is cray-cray.

  52. WPP.

  53. Some motard stole our garbage can. WTF? The damn thing has a serial number and it’s not like you won’t be billed for an extra can. Fucking Clownifornian assholes.

  54. That twitter comment was funny Dave.

  55. Hey, check out my shiny new garbage can!

  56. hanging curveball, low and inside but over the plate. I had to swing away

  57. I guess it’s hard to learn the lessons of history when you don’t know any history.
    One of Peggy Noonan’s observations of the Executive branch was that there was no one that had any historical knowledge. That everyone is simply living in the political moment.

  58. So, clear back on Feb 10, I came over to Irvine to care for my sis after her surgery on her Achilles tendon.

    Guess what I injured yesterday?

  59. I read it in the comments section on a story about footing drain disconnects in the city of Ann Arbor.

    Did they talk about orangeburg? There’s your real threat to humanity.

    Car in, Meijer has a ton of salt here. Want to come down for cocktails and melty minerals this afternoon?

  60. Fuck salt!!!

  61. >>>The damn thing has a serial number and it’s not like you won’t be billed for an extra can

    But you will be charged for the dismembered body discovered in the can at the end of your driveway.

  62. Well this isn’t good. I drank the DOTW and I still have to do the show.


  63. Guess what I injured yesterday?
    Perirectal abcess?

  64. Wiserpud is on.

  65. WATR’s most listenable show is on

  66. Achilles? Low back? Penis?

  67. I’ll be on in an hour
    *goes back to watching pron*

  68. Secret Santa gift:


  69. *goes back to watching pron*

    Show prep of champions.

  70. But you will be charged for the dismembered body discovered in the can at the end of your driveway.

    They never did that in the past.

  71. Why am I still hearing Tom Hill?

    Go home!

  72. Jeez, the audio levels on this TuneIn WATR page are awfully low.

  73. MJ, don’t ask me where I’m developing a cyst.

  74. Okay, that was rude. I’m sure he’s helpful-ish.

  75. Now we know TJ’s real name, so we can stalk him.

  76. I’m rooting for Wiser to say “bro” to TexasJew.

  77. MJ should concoct a cocktail called “The Cover Song.”

  78. Fascists!!!!

  79. Also found at Meijer: sunchokes!

    Going to eat the ones I bought and see if I want to garden them.

  80. MJ, don’t ask me where I’m developing a cyst.
    Ok, I can do that.

    Nice post at the mothership, BTW. I’m barely historically literate and I was pretty sure Russia was going to at least seize the deep water port and would probably try for the ethnic Russian portion of Ukraine, possibly all of it.

    I mean, WTF?

    I’m not advocating a war, but not noticing the obvious is really weird on the part of the administration.

  81. I wonder how close Wiser is to H. P. Lovecraft territory, the parts of New England hinted at in his stories.

    That would explain a great deal.

  82. They’re easy Leon. I planted some years ago and they grew like weeds. The area where the patch was got bulldozed and they suffered but a few pop up here and there where they were pushed. Even if you don’t eat them they look like nice tall mini sunflowers.

  83. All my young life I was promised war with Russia. This is probably as close as we’ve come in my lifetime, and it’s still not gonna happen.

    It’s like I’ve been in the “war with Russia” friend-zone for 30 years, and she’s finally single, and we just had coffee… and then she tells me about having a booty call with her ex last night.

  84. Henry Mancini

  85. That’s what I’ve heard, Jimbro. If I like them, I’ll almost certainly plant some, but I need to test. I’m mostly just pleased that I found some.

    Now I’m reading that they can cause a crap-ton of gas. Woot!

  86. A story about some old shit:


  87. *flips the bird at Microsoft*

  88. On a related note, for that bananapants nut that thinks “PIV is rape! For totes!” Ummm…where is the next crop of feminists coming from?

    Very flexible scissoring.

  89. Nice post at the HQ, Brad. If you’re hurt, who will take care of you?

  90. On a related note, for that bananapants nut that thinks “PIV is rape! For totes!” Ummm…where is the next crop of feminists coming from?

    She actually answered this in the comments. IVF was the first choice, with external ejaculation on the labia a distant second.

    Not kidding.

  91. Obamacare, who else?!

  92. Tom Hill hasn’t seen Princess Bride?

    Explains much.

  93. gag

  94. Mark Knopfler did the Princess Bride soundtrack. I didn’t know that until I just got the MP3 version off of amazon.

  95. The poat has been updated with pictures!

  96. Yay! Puppy pics!

    Thanks, Vman.

  97. Good looking dog VMan!

  98. New pooch!

  99. Cute puppeh!

  100. TJew on the radio!

    Blake looks friendly.

  101. He’s beautiful, Vmax!

  102. Awesome Vmax!

  103. Gah! Chemicals!! Whatever shall we do?

  104. *nominates TJ for smartest-sounding Hostage award*

  105. TJ’s actually had frac fluid in his mouth.

    I bet.

  106. *nominates TJ for smartest-sounding Hostage award*

    With all due respect to TJ, you’ve evidently never spoken with Roamy.

  107. I wonder why TexasJew doesn’t sound all hatey and racist and anti-science. I mean, he’s conservative.

  108. He’s hiding it well.

  109. I’m not advocating a war, but not noticing the obvious is really weird on the part of the administration.

    Who says they aren’t noticing. They have more ‘flexibility’ now. They backed out of a treaty with Poland, they’re disarming us. Obama is Putin’s willing bitch.

  110. Fuck ethanol!!!

    Except in MJ’s house.

  111. This is really interesting!

  112. Awww, Blake is a sweet boy! He’s lucky you’re there for him Vmax.

  113. Using oil right out of the ground without adding chemicals to destroy the environment faster? Preposterous.

  114. Morricone.

  115. Good job, TexasJew!

  116. Ethanol is the highest destiny to which grain can aspire, and being made into cocktails is the highest destiny to which ethanol can aspire.

  117. Cool VMax.

  118. TexasJew doesn’t sound like a knuckle-dragging gap-toothed Palinista wifebeater at all.

  119. DOTW:


  120. Ha ha! Good joke.

  121. *drinks

  122. TJ is teh smarteh.

  123. Great job, TJ!

    VMax, Blake is a good-looking pup; glad you were able to be there for him ♥♥♥

  124. TJew for President!

  125. MJ will be calling in drunk. Cool!

  126. East Side, West Side, all around the town…..

  127. Is “Dave” a plant that Tom had call in so that he could take over Wiser’s show?

  128. Bish, please. I’m only slightly buzzed.

  129. Aww. Blake looks like a happy puppy.

  130. Hahahahaha

  131. Sobriety inequality, HA!

  132. Well that’s over with
    Now to go absentee vote against George P Bush as Texas Land Commissioner

  133. I can’t drink anything called Gravity’s Rainbow. The dingleberry scene in the novel ruined it for me.

  134. “Dropping the shaker top”

    Best euphemism evah!

  135. Is it good with Skittles?

  136. Nice job MJ!!

  137. Great show, Radiobud

    *holds up lighter*

  138. ^^^ What Cyn said ^^^

  139. MJ, did you get any on yourself?

  140. That was really fun. TJ was really good.

  141. Thanks MJ and the rest of you guys

    It was fun

  142. We want to hear more about you having fracing fluid in your mouth.

  143. MJ’s cocktail for next week: Fracarita.

  144. I slept in and only heard the second hour, but TJ got a lot of good info out there. MJ — you rock.

  145. Fracolada

  146. Brokeback oil well

  147. Fracorita ftw.

  148. Dieseltini

  149. Hahahahahaha

  150. Fractini: fracking fluid instead of vermouth

  151. Slippery Shaft

  152. If I had a bar I would totally sell fracing fluid in pints.

  153. Did TJ mention anything about the importance of getting the pH right in your gel before going downhole? I’m sorry I missed it.

  154. He didn’t talk about going downhole, but he did mention laying pipe.

  155. PG
    You do need to set the pH before you pump it
    The cross linkers help
    Otherwise the gel will set wrong before the breaking fluid lowers the viscosity

  156. It was the top of the shaker, assface.

  157. I bet your ct audience ate that shit up.

  158. Yeah
    Wiser said they passed an anti fracing ordinance without having anything in CT to frac


  159. Talk of laying pipe is big in the oil patch. Most of those fuckers lie though.

  160. Makes them feel all virtuous

  161. haha, I was talking about the law CT passed.

  162. Might as well pass an ordinance outlawing monsters under the bed.

  163. I used to lay a lot of pipe at the Kermit Inn

  164. We should outlaw feeling bad about things.

  165. You have fucked ugly then.

  166. Imported goods

  167. I think you’re on to something with the sobriety inequality thing. You should run for office. And no fracing.

  168. NAFTA?

  169. Go ahead with the under the bed monster ordinance. It’s the closet monsters that’ll get you.

  170. Only the waitress from the Pizza Hut was NAFTA

  171. Damn!!! She’s still there.

    Did she have teeth back then?

  172. She didn’t need teeth as I recall

  173. Excellent jobs today, TJ and MJ.

  174. Quite a town you got there PG

  175. Thanks back Wiser
    It was fun

  176. Might as well pass an ordinance outlawing monsters under the bed.

    Add that to the things I wish I thought of earlier.

  177. It was fun

    It is, isn;t it?

    Nice job staying neutral and not bringing too much of what we talked about earlier this week to the discussion.

    I tried to get ya on Saudi Arabia, but you did a nice job of handling that.

  178. Wait… wiser was BAITING a guest?!11? SHOCKED!

  179. Blake is a handsome dog, Vmax. I love Goldens.

  180. Wait… wiser was BAITING a guest?!11? SHOCKED!

    welll…. “baiting” may be a little harsh…..

    but yeah.

  181. Spirited Discourse. It was good.

    Also, that would be a good name for a drink. Or a band.

  182. Wiser
    Say hi to CT’s only oil shale:

    Which sucks..


  183. Sorry Wiser
    I did wander off the reservation and got onto Russia a little quick
    Putin went in and on against fracing and RT is his hand puppet
    Saudi Arabia just sucks as usual

  184. I hope the show will be posted as usual, sounds like fun!

  185. I remember visiting a friend of my mom’s house on lake Erie outside of Cleveland, and the whole cliff from the lawn to the lake was shale. I wonder if it is the oil kind?

  186. I did wander off the reservation and got onto Russia a little quick

    Are you kidding? That was great!

  187. I hope the show will be posted as usual, sounds like fun!

    Should be available in about 30 minutes. Doing a little editing.

    Leaving the in Fox News break in the middle, because fuckit.

  188. About Tom Hill:

    HAving him there makes the show so much easier. He’s a great person to bounce topics off of and he is very aware that it’s my show, so he lets me take the lead on the subject matter.

    So while I find it funny that a guy who decided he didn’t have enough time to do this keeps coming back, having done the show myself for a few weeks, I get what he meant.

    I must put in 10-12 hours a week preparing for this show.

    Having someone who can bring stuff to the table is a Godsend.

    (with that said, I would definitely prefer Gambini…)

  189. Well Vmax the Utica Shale in Ohio is the next big play, so who knows?

  190. >>>Leaving the in Fox News break in the middle, because fuckit.

    Pee break

  191. Next week, I’m going to scream at him about “WHERE’S MY COFFEE??!?!?!”

  192. I’d prefer Nicole Kidman.

  193. Well Vmax the Utica Shale in Ohio is the next big play, so who knows?

    *tosses TJ a $50

    Here. Make me rich.

  194. I’d prefer Nicole Kidman.

    HAve you seen her lately?

    I’d prefer CZJ.

    Of course, then it would be a pre-recorded music show.

  195. I haven’t seen her lately. Restraining order.

  196. That Jeff Gordon video at Ace’s made me laugh and laugh.

  197. Hilarious- as soon as I saw that picture of ledge I knew where it was. That stretch of upheaved rock is in all the geology books. I’ve been driving by it every day for years and years. Every once in a while there will be a group of students on it, poking around. Apparently it’s a great example of something or other.

    So which Hostage is next to go on the show? At this pace we’re going to have to start recruiting for more members.

  198. So which Hostage is next to go on the show? At this pace we’re going to have to start recruiting for more members.

    I’ve been wondering about that.

    Maybe Jimbro can talk about how he arbitrarily removes feet and tonsils for no other reason than his personal profit.

  199. You can ask him what kind of cleaver he uses for that, and segue into an ad for the local Chef’s outlet.

  200. Or into Anne’s Deli.


  201. Maybe Jimbro can talk about how he arbitrarily removes feet and tonsils for no other reason than his personal profit.



  202. Tushar would be a good interview. He has an interesting job, has an interesting life story, and has an awesome accent.

  203. I’d call in during his segment and ask how many bullwhips he has shoved up his ass.

  204. “Sir, you are showing your ignorance! Cows are sacred to us and we do not whip them! Four.”

  205. I think hotspur should be on to talk about how everyone’s writing skills suck these days.

  206. I don’t think Tushar could speak to me without getting all sorts of approval from his bosses.

  207. I think hotspur should be on to talk about how everyone’s writing skills suck these days.

    I think I should just leave him on the phone live for the whole show and he can correct me throughout the show.

  208. heh. listening to TJ’s segment.

    He said “Gasland was a scam.”

  209. I really like the idea of having real people, that actually know what they’re talking about give their opinion.

    Talking head, split screen TV is totally pointless.

  210. I really like the idea of having real people, that actually know what they’re talking about give their opinion.

    It’s my unique spin.

    Guest who are not selling a book or some shit.

  211. Have you gotten any feedback from management, or information on ratings, wiser?

  212. Why would someone want a shit salesman on their show?

    I get the book part.

  213. I think I should just leave him on the phone live for the whole show and he can correct me throughout the show.

    He sounds a lot like this:

  214. Some people like to buy shit, MJ. I’ve seen things.

  215. Have you gotten any feedback from management, or information on ratings, wiser?

    Sadly, they don’t take ratings in our town. The station would have to pay for that themselves and…. they won’t.

    Makes it really hard to sell advertising.

    Management likes what I’m doing so far. Or, at least, that’s what they’re telling me.

    The station manager has given me a few pieces of advice, but overall, he seems really happy with the show I’m doing. He is always telling me (and his audience in the morning) how great the drink and tech segments are.

  216. Some people like to buy shit, MJ. I’ve seen things.


  217. Blake’s a handsome guy, Vmax. Are you a foster? Or, is he yours now?

  218. >>I don’t think Tushar could speak to me without getting all sorts of approval from his bosses.

    Wiser, you are right about that one. Every employer I have had since coming to NJ ferociously patrols the internet etc to make sure no employee takes their name in vain. A friend asked me to review and proofread a technical book he is writing. I suffered through the company’s bureaucratic hell, and finally told him that I will do it only if he keeps my name out of the book.

    Hotspur, my life story is not particularly interesting, but thanks anyway.

  219. I don’t think Tushar could speak to me without getting all sorts of approval from his bosses.

    Same problem for me. Part of why I only really talk about office politics rather than actual work stuff. My resume and LinkedIn profile had to get security approval.

  220. I would offer to help but do we really need another radio segment about muppet homosexuality?

    That science is settled. They’re all gay.

  221. I’d need to clear it with my employer too. They are self insured for malpractice and get nervous when we go off the ranch. One day I’ll write a combination tell-all book and how-to manual for solo surgery and appear on WATR to market it.

  222. Maybe TiF would be willing to share some info on gluten.

  223. BTW, my mom got two shiny new knees a few hours back. I talked to her. She is a bit tired but doing well. Baby steps tomorrow.

    I got her to promise me she will be skipping rope and doing jumping jacks soon.

  224. BTW, my mom got two shiny new knees a few hours back.

    wore the last ones out, huh?

  225. Oh, and this youtube video is good.

  226. Wiser, yeah. Damn osteoporosis.

  227. I hope she does well Tushar. Double knees = double pain but no anticipation of the pain of a second surgery when you just get one done.

  228. Wiser, yeah. Damn osteoporosis.



    I guess that would do it too…..

  229. I’m a Catholic ex-seminarian, ex-biker lawyer who’s a former Michigan Education Association union member with a degree in math and a black belt. I just know about stuff a lot of other people do, too. And, I don’t sleep in Holiday Inn Expresses.

  230. It just occurred to me…

    Lauraw is trolling for an invite to talk about gardening……

  231. I don’t know that all muppets are gay, but they are all fisting enthusiasts.

    And yes, there is something wrong with that.

  232. The Spring gardening segment could be ratings gold.

  233. Glad to hear things seem to have gone well for Tushmom.

  234. I met a judge today at a karate tournament. I had a good talk with him. When it was over, I asked him what I should call him – by his first name, or “Your Honor.” He laughed and said, “Your honor in the courtroom, and my name outside it.” I scored big today. Friends in high places go a lot further than advertising dollars.

  235. I guess that would do it too…..
    Ok, that was funny.

    Seriously, though, I hope your mom is doing well, Tushar.

    And by your mom, I actually mean your mom.

  236. Local nursery owner does a gardening show on the wknds. He’s been doing it for 20 years.

  237. Wiser, you need to fire Tom on the air a couple of times.

  238. >>oh.
    >>I guess that would do it too…..

    You bastard. Men in my family are NOT that lucky.

  239. I don’t know that all muppets are gay, but they are all fisting enthusiasts.

    There are few things on this earth I hate more than muppets. They all need to go out Gasoline-Soaked Flaming Buddhist-style.

  240. I stole Tush’s youtube link and posted it on FB. Hope your Mom has a successful rehab and PT.

  241. I’m gonna engage in some Christianist behavior for your mom, Tushar. Hope you don’t mind.

  242. Update: sunchokes are delicious. I roasted mine with a light drizzle of olive oil, salt, pepper, and a dusting of garam masala.

    They are also as explosive as advertised.

  243. If you want a segment on bottled water, I can pitch in. I’m drinking some right now.

    Of course, I filled it from the faucet, but, hey, technicality. It’s still in a bottle.

  244. seriously, Tush, best wishes for a fast and pain-free recovery for your mom.

  245. Sunchokes, huh, leon?

    *prepares the dutch oven for later

  246. Wiser, you need to fire Tom on the air a couple of times.


    I keep forgetting to do that.

  247. Sweet cardian, MJ. The drink looked pretty good, too, but I don’t imbibe. But, that’s a cool sweater.

  248. Is it wrong that I giggle when I read Tush’s mom?

    Best wishes to her! I apologize for going out for burgers earlier. I had no idea.

  249. Wiser should take to some sort of saying like, “What the Tom Hill is going on here?”


  250. Hah! I am not trolling for an invite. I work during your show, remember. And I don’t have a good voice for…anything, really.

  251. Sunchoke and dutch oven sound gross together.

  252. Jazz, Thanks. Appreciated. I am cool with all religions except you know which.

  253. >>I apologize for going out for burgers earlier. I had no idea.

    Ha ha!

  254. Best wishes and speedy healing for TushMom. XMom, too.

  255. Local nursery owner does a gardening show on the wknds. He’s been doing it for 20 years.

    And now, I would like to welcome Lauraw, who will be talking gardening with us for the entire hour!


  256. Jazz, Thanks. Appreciated. I am cool with all religions except you know which.

    Dude – Lootherns make good jello!

  257. Best wishes to your mother for a speedy recovery, Tushar!

  258. Be careful, Jay. This was a powerful, sudden effect. I did some reading and realized it’s probably the first time my body has ever encountered this:


  259. Okay – I’m off to a chili cookoff. BBL.

  260. Wiser should take to some sort of saying like, “What the Tom Hill is going on here?”

    I really need to be writing these gems down….

  261. Hahaha Cooking with Scott. Knitting with Peej.

  262. I meant Smoking with Scott.

  263. At least in such a high dose.

  264. And I don’t have a good voice for…anything, really.

  265. I meant Smoking with Scott.

    he quit a couple of years ago.

  266. Dude – Lootherns make good jello!

    But they let Michael be a member…

  267. I’m only home right now because I’m fighting some kind of inner ear thing. Wicked vertigo.

  268. Swimming with Dave

  269. I poated a picture of water gushing down our rain chain over at Hate House blog.

  270. Wicked vertigo.
    That sounds like it could be a drink.

  271. Thanks, everyone.

  272. Oh, Tushar, have to thank you for turning me onto Dr. Steve Brule. I’ve watched every single episode of Check It Out at least twice.

  273. I’m out, peoples.

    Feel better soon, lauraw and Tushmom.

  274. Stupid vertigo. Get better soon and stay off ladders, step stools, and gondola base decks.

  275. http://liquor.com/recipes/vertigo/

    Looks pretty weak. Bet we could add something to make it wicked.

  276. Bet we could ass something to make it wicked.

    Not a typo, methinks.

  277. Typo. Fixed. FireFox decided to become as slow as Joe Biden all of the sudden.

  278. George, I got a lot of hate when I posted that Steve Brule link. I am glad that someone appreciates it.

  279. High capacity knives strike again


  280. Holy crap, Tushar. I was laughing so hard I nearly passed out. There is now a third season, and the first episode is posted online.

  281. http://imgur.com/gallery/0Yq1F

  282. “Wicked vertigo.

    Alien mind control rays, they are the fault of, and reason for, all our problems.

  283. Wow. Pierced gangbanger Pikachu.

    possibly NSFW

  284. ‘Ups, wackjagons?

  285. Did anyone else talk about anyone else’s genitalia in their absence today?

  286. Hope your mom is back to her old self soon, Tushar! {{{hugs}}} to her ♥

    Maybe Laura’s employer would let her do a gardening spot from the store – she could even tell people what plants just arrived….

    You HAVE to get HotBride on the show, Wiser – she has such a cool accent, and she’s used to doing interviews.

    Perhaps GMLand would put you in touch with Marcus Luttrell –

    Get GND to come up with some quick recipes for noshes to go with MJ’s drinks.

  287. Clever how you changed up the wording of that just enough to keep the lawyers out of it, leon.

  288. Hahaha Sean!

  289. Sometimes I’m clever.

  290. The TiFWs will be eating Shrimp Gumbo and Hush Puppies for dinner this evening. DD#3 did the prep work and has now declared herself the “Rice Goddess”, due to her perfect batch of rice.

  291. Tushar, yes it is, but you’re welcome.

  292. Dan: Mexicans are so fucked up! (His show has the clown guy dancing with trannies and midgets and the band has their faces painted like Dia de los Muertos skeletons) I pointed out that he’s the one watching.

  293. “The only thing worse than having anyone else talk about one’s genitalia in one’s absence is not having anyone else talking about one’s genitalia in one’s absence.”

    –Oscar Mayer

  294. We got 22 pallets of wood pellets today.

    That’s 1100 bags.

    They sold them all in 2 hours.

  295. “The only thing worse than having anyone else talk about one’s genitalia in one’s absence is not having anyone else talking about one’s genitalia in one’s absence.”
    –Oscar Mayer

    –from his work “The Ballad of Reading Anaïs Nin”

  296. Scott, did people pay a premium for your pallets of pellets?

  297. We won’t be getting pellets until next October. Still getting phone calls.

  298. “Scott, did people pay a premium for your pallets of pellets?”

    And if a premium was paid for the pallets of pellets were the people pleased of petulant?

  299. or…. damn

  300. I love calling out a pallet of pellets on the work radio.

  301. Nope. They are stupid that way

    Nobody knows how everyone found out we had them.

  302. Text messages went out and multiplied when the first person saw them.

  303. And if a premium was paid for the pallets of pellets were the people pleased of petulant?

    The people were probably petulant. I bet they were piddling their pants.

  304. Did any of the bags of pellets fall off of the pallets and into the van, Scott?

  305. Was there any kind of per-bag limit that got imposed?

  306. You need to work on your alliteration, Leon.

  307. Heh, we had that shampoo when we were kids

  308. FFS. LULAC is giving Susana crap for calling illegals illegals. In the context of the DL law, you can’t be PC and call them undocumented because they need consular documents to get DLs. I H8 people.

  309. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/govbeat/wp/2014/02/27/what-your-name-says-about-your-politics/?tid=d_pulse

    I checked typical names including James, Sean, Christopher and then went to Shaniqua, Dashondra and the results were a bit different.

  310. You need to work on your alliteration, Leon.

    I said sometimes I’m clever.

    How about this:

    Did any of the bags of pellets fall off of the pallets and into your perambulator, Scott?

  311. Did you perchance purloin a pack of pellets, Scott?

  312. Perhaps purchase them prior to the public persons?

  313. Or get penalized for penetrating a pack or pallet of pellets piggishly with a penis?

  314. pubes

  315. As Ray Pritchett of Information Dissemination pointed out, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine isn’t nearly as violent as Ukraine’s beatdown of its own protestors.

  316. * punches Pepe in the poon *

  317. We should offer asylum to Ukrainian hotties in Detroit.

  318. We should offer asylum to anyone in Detroit. The place is a war zone.

  319. It’s true, the takers are still winning that war, as well.

    Bu I mostly meant that we’ve thrown out the “Detroit needs immigrants!” bullshit a few times already. If we want to “help” Ukraine, let them come.

  320. Obama has got their back.

  321. Good quick read:

    View at Medium.com

  322. TJ was a good guest.

  323. Did anybody conduct secret germ warfare experiments against anybody else today?

  324. Where’s MJ? I’ve got an idea for Drink of the Week next Saturday:


  325. I’ll do that at some point.

    Scotch. Glass.


  326. Michael tried to buy Wisers 14 year old.
    True story.

  327. The pallets with pellets moved by vessel over trestle.

  328. LOL…”IVF is the first choice…” What if men don’t want to spurt into a cup?


  329. Mundy, you’ve read her, we are all rapists and thieves. We’re lucky they don’t want us outright incarcerated.

  330. For Leon

  331. CIAA tournament this weekend.

    I live across from a fire house and a police station.

    Ear plugs rule.

  332. RIP, Mr. Candy.

  333. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLnw8qORqUg

  334. Good night jackholes,

  335. IVF is not as successful as that woman probably thinks it is, and if a woman is over 35, they almost always have to use donor eggs. And it’s not cheap, either.

  336. At 5:30 it was pouring rain and it was crowded here. Now it’s cleared up and it’s dead.

  337. Did anyone else witness their wife have a meltdown because she thinks her mom dismisses her, yet witnessing the event of dismissal in question left one asking oneself “what dismissal, it was just a conversation, WTF just happened?”

  338. This is a border thing
    For Oso
    Mexico’s most famous newsreader goes postal a couple of years ago on Glenn Beck

  339. I don’t have a wife, so…no.

  340. Sean or GO,
    Some of the pictures make it look like all of SoCal is running mud in the streets, houses sliding down cliffs, cats & dogs living together…

    What have you observed?
    How bad is it, really?

  341. http://www.drinksmixer.com/cat/330/


  342. Not all of SoCal, Crispy. But some of the hillsides that burned back in January are near where I go to AA meetings, and those neighborhoods have been at least partially evacuated. They did a good job of anticipating what could happen because those same neighborhoods got slammed with mudslides back in ’68 or ’69 under similar circumstances.

    Around where I live, though, it’s not that bad. Just damp.

  343. Sean,
    Some of what I was seeing was the runoff of mud and ash from the slopes that had been burned to the ground. There was no vegetation on the slopes to retard the erosion…

  344. I don’t have a wife, so…no.

    Yeah, rub it in.

  345. Some of the pictures make it look like all of SoCal is running mud in the streets, houses sliding down cliffs, cats & dogs living together…

    So, same shit, different day.


  346. I don’t have a wife, so…no.

    You bastard.

    You lucky, lucky bastard.

  347. We prefer the term differently abled erosion.

  348. Just a lot of wet in LA, a mess for housing unprepared for rain, but nothing like endless feet of snow or ice.

  349. Of course, in LA you pay four times as much for a house as most of the rest of the country, so paying for repairs demands money already spent on overpriced housing. Be happy you don’t live in Clownifornia, even if your typical local weather is less than ideal.

  350. For all the bitching and acting like chickens with our heads cut off, we can deal with the occasional heavy storm. But what we’re really overdue for is the race riots.

  351. But what we’re really overdue for is the race riots.

    It’s not like Eric Holder hasn’t been trying, but Angelenos are pretty lazy even about riots.

  352. But what we’re really overdue for is the race riots.

    ain’t we all?

  353. Bring it on

  354. Our modern, efficient redistributive State will eliminate the need for race riots by punishing the white devils with burdensome taxation and incomprehensible regulation, while giving non-white, saintly citizens EBT cards and lip service.

    If you like, think of the State as a giant lawn mower determined to cut everyone down to the same miserable level… But equal.

  355. I’m assuming that in this scheme, Korean merchants are counted as “white devils.”

  356. I’m assuming that in this scheme, Korean merchants are counted as “white devils.”

    Off-white, ecru devils.

  357. I’m assuming that in this scheme, Korean merchants are counted as “white devils.”


    Who’s gonna win?

  358. Well, there’s a couple of ways of looking at that. One would be to look at Koreatown and South Central in the decades after the riots. There’s not quite as much crack and gang violence in Koreatown.

  359. There’s not quite as much crack and gang violence in Koreatown.

    So, what you’re saying is it’s the difference between GTA4 and GTA5.

    Sounds like everyone wins

  360. Well, there’s a couple of ways of looking at that. One would be to look at Koreatown and South Central in the decades after the riots. There’s not quite as much crack and gang violence in Koreatown.

    The Koreans cheated by working hard and obeying the law.

  361. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

  362. Derp up at the disco
    And I think I’ve got a pull
    I ask her lots of questions
    And she hangs on to the wall
    I kiss her for the first time
    And then I take her home
    I’m invited in for coffee
    And I give the dog a bone

  363. IVF is not as successful as that woman probably thinks it is, and if a woman is over 35, they almost always have to use donor eggs. And it’s not cheap, either.

    One of the dirty little secrets behind all those stories about 40-something starlets having kids.

    It’s amazing how conservatives are declared to be anti-science while the left continually denies basic biology. Telling girls that they can spend their twenties and early thirties partying, climbing the corporate ladder, and then expect to easily settle down and start a family later on in life is cruel. I’m not saying that it can’t happen, merely that it makes certain things much more difficult.

  364. Grokety grok grok

  365. It’s Sunday morning and Putin continues his methodical kicking of our clown prince’s useless ass:


  366. Sarah E Palin, Supergenius:


  367. Morning, children.

  368. It’s 62 in West Texas and raining!

    Raining, I tell you!!

  369. Good morning all!

    I’ve been meaning to look at a map of the Crimea region. That one did double duty.

  370. 4″ of fluffy white death overnight. Because there wasn’t enough snow. Not enough time to do anything about it, really.

  371. This stinky old poat is still up? Some one needs to push it down.

  372. I have nothing appropriate to offer this morning.

  373. On the count of three, everyone with a small penis keep quiet….




  374. Heh.

  375. Toldja. Nothing appropriate.

  376. Hi Jazz
    Have a lot of old Brazilian music for Carnaval but waiting for the new poat

  377. Gnu poat.

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