Morel of the Story

I’m usually not very successful on the morel front…

This year i got a biggun‘ tho –

The neat thing about Morel’s is it’s damn near fool proof as far as identification goes.

They’re ugly and hollow.

If it ain’t hollow it’s a false morel.

Now for the obligatory musical interlude….

Sobek forwarded this to me while he was contemplating a magical Sunday ‘shroom voyage… and his navel.

yur welcome


  1. whispers … that doesn’t look like a morel

  2. When the moon hits your eye

    Like those hollow fungi

    That’s a morel

  3. Jimbro, that’s a funny video, but the still is really gross-looking.

  4. No morels here this year. Had a bunch the first year, plus some dryad’s saddle. Even with all the rain this year, I’ve only found a few of the latter on trees, and not one reishi.

  5. I only trust mushrooms that come out of a can.

  6. The morel of the story is:

    If it ain’t hollow, you don’t swallow

  7. I don’t trust cans.

  8. you people have issues

  9. After you eat it, it’s called a lessel.

  10. It’s true. Knew a guy whose wife ran off with a can of Starkist.

    OK, the exact words were “decided she preferred tuna”.

  11. I only like trust from a can.

  12. Seriously? ATL short on ATCs? Jeebus. Air travel nationwide’s going to be borked from that.

  13. I’m sure there’ll be just enough for private jets.

  14. I like your mom”s cans.

  15. Biden gonna make them suckas at Ticketmaster pay big.

  16. “Seriously? ATL short on ATCs? Jeebus. Air travel nationwide’s going to be borked from that.”

    I think a bunch of people on my flight out of there missed their connections. My connection was over two hours, so I’m good.

  17. Great news, we fly into ATL in a couple of weeks. I hate flying, but it’s a 24 hour drive.

  18. I found some dried morel mushrooms in the grocery store once. I followed the instructions on rehydrating and cooking them but the results were not particularly good.

    I designed and crocheted a morel mushroom for a friend once. It was a pain in the butt.

  19. Took me a minute to figure out what ATC’s were. I thought Brandon’s FAA widened the net of potential ATC candidates in the interest of diversity?

  20. I’ve bought a dried mushroom “medley” a few times at the grocery store and used it soups. There’s so much going on in my version of soup that it’s hard to pick out a single flavor.

  21. what? glue is the secret!

  22. I stick with paste myself

  23. I’ll give AI a small amount of credit, it did say “non-toxic glue”. I understand you can make glue out of flour or cornstarch. I just think if you have a problem with pizza sauce sliding off you pizza, you probably have some other issues. Generally, I think AI is a threat to us all, and pretty untrustworthy, mainly because of the manner in which it learns.

    I see no virtue or benefit in tobacco use.

  24. Tobacco raises T levels if done in moderation.

  25. The guy who sent me that NY Post AI article is a CT tech and he said they now use an AI program to reformat CT scans and it’s a real game changer for time. Within minutes it can accomplish what a human needed up to an hour to get done.

    That happened after my time reading CT’s. Previously I’d see sagittal images and would need to wait an hour or two to see reformatted images.

  26. Generally, I think AI is a threat to us all, and pretty untrustworthy, mainly because of the manner in which it learns.

    Or maybe just that it’s being designed, taught, deployed, and used by insane imbeciles.

  27. I think Tim and I are on he same page here with AI.

    I had to stop reading the tobacco smoke enema article because I started laughing too hard.

    Before bellows were included in the resuscitation kit, the results could be disastrous to the tobacco smoke blower.

    There is no doubt that AI is useful is certain applications, I’m just not sure it’s ready for the lay public.

  28. I see no virtue or benefit in tobacco use.

    What? I love tabasco sauce. I use it on all kinds of things.

  29. I wouldn’t recommend a tabasco enema thought. WTF?

  30. So! Can any of you Michiganders out there tell me anything about Midland? Because I’m just learning my Nephew got promoted up to High-A with the Loons in early April…

  31. I’ve never been, but I’ve also never heard anything awful about it. Chinese classmate of mine at UM was from there, he seemed okay.

  32. I can tell you that he doesn’t want to be in Midland, TX.

  33. Chipotle Tabasco sauce has many virtues and benefits, especially in hamburgers. See the Jesse Kelly burger.

    The house I live in was built in the mid 1960’s, before there was municipal water or sewer service here. I think I nay have found the original water well, but will need to check it out further. It is most likely a well point, less than 25′ deep, because sand. If it can be rehabilitated, I might use it for watering the grass, washing the car, non-potable uses. I may also be asking for your knowledge on shallow well pumps. I know you will be on pins and needles waiting for an update.

  34. Lived in Midland for about 10 years. My data is circa the 1990’s so no idea if it still holds. A lot of amenities for a town of its size, due to the financial power of the Dows. Three of my four kids were born in the Midland Hospital. Most employment was either Dow Chemical or Dow Corning. So lots of science/engineering/technical folks, which meant the schools were good. The Tittabawassee River can be prone to flooding. Big mall complex just north of I-10 so plenty of commerce, though we used to go to Saginaw for some variety.

  35. More memories of Midland trickling to the surface. If you like gardening, you need to know Cohoon’s Elevator. The Midland Community Center had a nice indoor pool facility where my first two kids got their first exposure to swimming/drown-proofing lessons. Lots of sports leagues and the like. The Dow Gardens are scenic.

  36. Also has the Pere Marquette Rail Trail of Mid-Michigan.

    “The Pere Marquette Rail-Trail is a rail trail in Michigan occupying a 28-mile abandoned CSX railroad corridor in Midland County and Isabella County that was once part of the Flint and Pere Marquette Railroad.”

    Which is very, very flat.

  37. After you eat it, it’s called a lessel.

    Are you sure it isn’t an immoral?

  38. Heh, your pool story reminded me of Paula’s pool experience this morning. The closest pool is in Hampden and she resisted going there because it’s not as big as the Belfast Y’s pool. But it’s much closer so she broke down and finally started using it last year. Nearly every time she’s there she has to deal with the old ladies who use the pool and hate sharing lanes. The pool is only so big and the open times are limited so she grits her teeth and deals with their attitudes and eye rolls with a fake smile on her face. Today after swimming she was changing in the locker room and was behind a curtain when some old ladies started talking about her and asking why that woman always insisted on sharing a lane and ruining their swim time. She quickly figured out they were talking about her and confronted them in as nice a way as possible under the circumstances which was probably nicer than they deserved. You’re never too old to learn and they sure learned some stuff today.

  39. You may have missed this, but it’s meaningful to me.

  40. The retarded part is not whether you agree with the ruling or not, or whether Jonah Fatberg will write 20+ tweets about it. It’s that a state government has (1) a legal definition of a sandwich and (2) specific statewide ordinances that govern sandwich production and trade.

    Which is fucking nuts.

  41. Anybody here ever tried Migas? I love Tex-Mex, especially for breakfast.

  42. My main concern about sammiches is whether the wifey will make me one next week. If not, I know how to do it.

    I was sad that the judge didn’t go as far as to make a Big Mac a sandwich. I guess three pieces of bread is just too much.

  43. Here’s an Imgur Gallery of people using elastic bands to assist with resistance weight training and completely not understanding the physics behind elastic bands and also not watching any videos of it on the internet ever.

  44. Looking forward to a glorious weekend. Got some small beer to take care of for the business tomorrow morning, then immediately afterward, we’ll be gone fishin’.

    I need to practice casting. I haven’t fished since I was a wee sprout.

    After the weekend, we plan to sneak into work on Monday and get a lot of stuff done while the customers don’t know we’re there.

    What are you guys up to?

  45. Cripes, those are horrific, Pupster.

  46. curl bar with elastic is my favorite

    Close second to guy tripped up by weight after running away from it

  47. small beer business?

  48. reminds me of the lady who took a watermelon to the face when the launcher didn’t let it go.

  49. Small beer business must be beer in pony bottles

  50. Branding at a remote ranch on Sunday and Monday. May have to camp out overnight. #1 grandson should love it.

  51. I’m assuming this is not an online marketing strategy.

  52. HEH. Just watched a live clip of Trump’s speech in the Bronx.

    Holy shit. At this very moment the Biden war room is now hip deep in feces and all they have on their feet are galoshes, freaking out about having just lost the Bronx. Within minutes they’ll calling AOC onto the carpet to explain this to them.

  53. I was just remembering when Ethan had a Picc line and wasn’t allowed to shower – for a month . It may have been a few days ago roamy brought this up. My dad had a port and he also couldn’t get it wet.

    i know of a great wipe though that works amazingly if you want a link. Best whore bath ever.

  54. nice parks in midland

  55. Dow (I think) invested a lot of money to make it nicer.

  56. MEH, Trump talks about the June debate. Refers to Tapper as “Fake” Tapper.

    Do better when at the debate, Don. Call him Jake Fapper, to his face on world wide tv.

  57. Does anybody know what triggers the block type comment box versus the regular ? I swear I’ve done nothing different but one time I comment and it is just a plain box and the next time it has the editor bar above the box with the paragraph, align text, bold, italic and link tools.

  58. No. It’s fucking sorcery. At best.

  59. I raked 2/3 of the garden into rows and pulled like 8 lb of rhizomes out of that much with plenty left behind. Tomorrow I get to finish raking rows and then plant all the starts and seeds and get them watered in. Family Memorial Day grilling on Saturday at the lake, Sunday rain, Monday helping build a retaining wall.

  60. That doesn’t leave much time for masturbating.

  61. its like hes lost all sense of priorities

  62. Did you try jiggling the handle?

  63. No, it doesn’t, but I already need glasses so I really should refrain.

  64. The fine folks at the Social Security Administration has approved my application.

    You all work for me now.

  65. Pffft, get in line behind all the Gender Studies PhDs.

  66. I, for one, am happy to carry ScottW on my back. Right up untill I qualify myself…… in a month or two.

  67. I will never collect SS, it will have been a pure tax my entire life.

    My boomer dad refuses to believe this. He’s a good man, but woefully naive.

  68. i know of a great wipe though that works amazingly if you want a link. Best whore bath ever.

    Yes, please.

  69. I wore my Spitfire t-shirt today, and the bag boy at the grocery store commented that it looked pretty cool. I said it won the Battle of Britain, you bet it was cool. Conversation continued as he bagged, and then it dawned on me, he thought we fought Britain in the Battle of Britain. So I explained that, no, we weren’t in the war at that point, the British were fighting Germany. He then declared that he knew we won our independence from Britain in 1776, and I was kind of afraid that he thought we had Spitfires back then. Harry Turtledove could write that one.

  70. Darlene examined Randy’s purchases.

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