Big Boob Friday™

BIG BOOB FRIDAY!!!  STFU!!  It’s still Friday.

There is the perception out there amongst some of you more uneducated douche cannons of stupid that beautiful Asian women aren’t blessed by the Bosom Buddah like their western sisters.

Do you remember the original “O RLY“?  That was funny but “O RRY?” made me soil myself.  THIS is also funny.  And so is THIS.  The TittyWeb has transformed our entire existence but I would have been okay just with that stuff.

I’ve never played this song before so take note.

This is a first for Big Boob Friday.  VIDEO FRONT PAGE LOVE!!  If you don’t know who this is or what date it is, maybe you should hang out at Uncivil Peasants.  Oh SNAP!!  FIGHT!!!


* in 1898, the unfortunately named Dorothy Gish was born in Massillon, Ohio.

* in 1908, Lawrence Welk was born in Strasburg, North Dakota.

* in 1934, Greek medical researcher and Good Morning, Stupid host George Stamatoyannopoulos was born.

* in 1934, Hair Club for Men president Sam Donaldson was born in El Paso.  Good job, Texas.  Jackass state.

*  in 1936, judicial bad motherfucker Antonin Scalia was born in Trenton, New Jersey.

* in 1950, strangely interesting musician Bobby McFerrin was born.

* in 1957, explorer Richard E. Byrd died at the age of 68.

* in 1968, Otis Redding posthumously received a gold record for “(Sittin’ On) the Dock of the Bay“.  Well deserved I might add.

* in 1974,  record store Rhino Store gave people to take home Danny Bonaduce’s Album.

*  in 1982, Menachhhhh*COUGH*em Begin and  Anwar Sadat signed the peace treaty in Washington, D.C. while Carter fended off killer rabbits, knitted sweaters and sucked Iran’s balls.

* in 1990, Lithuania declared its independence.

* in 1991, Monica Seles ended Steffi Graf’s streak of 186 grunts weeks ranked as #1.

I’m going to have fun this weekend.  I recommend you do the same lest you die like you lived, Luthern.




  1. fist

  2. This isn’t bad for a piece of shit.

  3. Looks like I picked a bad week to stop sniffing glue.

  4. FUCK GLUE!!!

  5. That header pic is … ummmm … interesting.

  6. I gave up night-time skiing for this?

  7. Car In, shaved a rabid wolverine’s balls for this?

  8. That header pic reminds me of Rosetta and MCPO in CT.

  9. That header pic reminds me of Rosetta and MCPO in CT.

    It’s comments like this why people hate your guts.

  10. I’m going to have fun this weekend. I recommend you do the same lest you die like you lived, Luthern.

    You make a good point. Hitomi looks like she could probably cook up one heck of a good tuna noodle casserole.

    Do you have her phone number?

  11. That header pic reminds me of Rosetta and MCPO in CT.

    Ha ha ha ha haaa.

    *tackles Hotspur, gives him the ‘iPad packjob’ *

  12. Howdy!

  13. Rosetta – Hotspur is just dreading the other shoe dropping. . .the Polaroids of him and his division LPO when he was on his first deployment.

  14. 15 bean soup for dinner. . .Lent is here.

  15. 15 pean soup? Gross.

  16. Howdy Vmax and all. How is Garnet doing?

  17. this is shit

  18. Hi Lipstick, Garnet is great Zeke is fun, and Bear is sleepy.

  19. Fairy Rosette and FIBF kissing is so hysterical! Good times!

  20. this is shit

    Your wit made it so much better.


  21. Batman, there’s a top item on Ace’s sidebar headlines for you.

  22. Who is Garnet? Sorry I haven’t been around much

  23. Not cave-like enough, if you ask me.

  24. Did anybody flush a cherry bomb down anybody else’s toilet today?

  25. The mini-Batmobile is a hoot!


  27. Click the photo tab.

  28. This is Garnet Sohos
    Happy Girl
    Garnet and Zeke wrestling

  29. Vman she is beautiful! Looks like she and Zeke are friends. Is she with you for good?

  30. Rosetta–very nice Bewbies!

    Now go check you email stat you lazy pup!

  31. Thanks Laura.

    I made a reservation.

  32. Ewwww.

  33. I thought Garnet was one of pjm’s kids.

  34. When things seem the darkest. When the tide of your success has ebbed. When it looks like you will never again feel the sweet, sweet joy of triumph, remember this: Data slept with Tasha Yar.

  35. No Sohos I am fostering her, but I might not let her go, because I lurves her lots.

    I can see where you might be confused Sean, but remember PJM’s hoard the boys are named G. My Garnet is a girl.

  36. I spent several hours today learning about exporting cars. It is straight commission, or I can use my $$ and pay the man a commission and shipping fees.

  37. I love that video, Vmax! I miss when our old Lab used to playfight with our ACD girl Ruby.

    Ruby dislikes my boy Bubba and never would play with him.

  38. I say she’s a keeper

  39. I love youse guys.

  40. Snowshoe is right. You can’t disrupt Garnet’s new family!

  41. Congratulations on not dying for another year, Brew.

  42. Thanks Sean. Now come to my meat up or I’ll hunt you down and kill you.

  43. UConn men win again!

    4 wins in 4 nights, Big East Championship tomorrow.

  44. So, my comment on hope draws no takers? You teabaggers are not only racist reactionaries, but an intellectually lazy group as well.

  45. Happy Birthday Brew!! Did you do anything special today??

  46. Hi Cyn!

    Brewers game, Top Shelf, jacuzzi. Just an awesome day all in all.

  47. Happy Birfday BF!

  48. I have been fostering for 2 years now, and letting a dog go is not a problem.
    But Garnet adores me, (or has convinced me she adores me) Zeke Max and Bear are faithful, loyal, devoted, trusting, obedient. Garnet is all that and adores me 1st and foremost.

    Hopefully because she is old no one will want to adopt her, so I can keep her forever!

  49. Hi Brew,
    I was kidding when I said you were 400 years old. (this morning)

  50. Thanks Chrisp.

  51. So, my comment on hope draws no takers? You teabaggers are not only racist reactionaries, but an intellectually lazy group as well.

    It just caught us off guard, is all. We didn’t know you were into robo-sex.

  52. MCPO has his geek on

  53. Just an awesome day all in all.

    Sounds wonderful! You deserve it.

  54. O/T, but I actually received a very nice compliment today. The woman who was cutting my hair (who was kinda hot) said I had the coolest-colored eyes she had ever seen. She even said that they were distracting her. She did a good job, though.

  55. Such a way with words, *sniff*

  56. Hi vmax, I am 400 years *young* 🙂

  57. Cyn, we ended up going to Logans last night. Its pretty good if you’ve never been there.

  58. Sean, that is definitely begging you to ask for her #

  59. She had a ring on her finger, Vman.

  60. Heheh Brew

  61. Vmax,
    Often something good at Lexs place. I get a grin out of it when Xbrad & MCPO show up there!

  62. WordPress can bite me! My past 3 comments were in the spam bucket.

    Rings are confusing Sean

  63. 4 comments in the bucket
    F*U* again WordPress!

  64. Sean, I didn’t realize red was an odd color.

  65. Sean,



    If you can’t get her, she’s got female friends. Some of whom might not be hideous.

    happy friday my fellow peeps

  67. Rings are confusing Sean. Meh what can you say?

  68. Unfortunately, b-rad, I’m on NBC.

    With that, it’s time for Jeopardy.

  69. Luv u Brew!

  70. Happy Birthday, Brew.

    I should have your case of Depends gift wrapped by Monday.

  71. Big East Championship tomorrow.

    You say that as if it matters.

  72. **tap**tap**

    Hello? Is this thing on?

  73. I spent $270 on staples at the grocery store today.

    I need to go back for what I need tomorrow.

  74. Fuck you WordPress!
    4 of 5 in the bucket!
    Wordpress sucks!

    Hopes for top search on google.

    WordPress sucks!

  75. V, what do you keep saying that ends up in the bitbucket?

    Did we ban you or something?


  76. let me rephrase that
    WordPress sucks!

  77. So, lemme get this straight…

    WordPress sucks?

  78. Every comment X,
    goes into spam.
    Can I reiterate,
    Wordpress sucks donkey balls? WordPress is a dick breath, back stabbing, shit for brains, ignorant, mud packing, puss nuts, cock breath, puss nuts, ass licking, cock faced, lying bastard child, idiot, moronic, imbecile?

  79. Jeebus, where the hell is everyone?

    You guys are out having fun on a Friday night, aren’t you?

    Rat Bastards.

  80. I spent $270 on staples at the grocery store today.

    I shudder to think about how much you spend on paper and printer ink.

  81. I think that covers it, but this comment could go into the spam bucket too.

    I mean 6 of the last 7 did.

    WordPress sucks donkey balls. Let me repeat that!

    WordPress sucks donkey balls!

  82. I spent $270
    on Bacon!

    Now I need (more) real food!

  83. Rat Bastards.
    are fun

  84. Sean, how was Jeopardy?

  85. Garnet is all that and adores me 1st and foremost.

    I hope she stays with you.

    Mr. L. used to volunteer at a ferret shelter and there was one female that just took to him immediately. She was a rare solitary ferret who hated others and just wanted to be alone, but she loved Mr. L. Her previous owners had left her there because she needed an operation, so he paid for it and adopted her. When he came to get her after the surgery she ran over and laid on his shoe and cried.

    She was such a stately and well-behaved girl and we had a few good years with her.

  86. Awww, how sweet, Lips.

    Fetch me a beer, willya?

  87. So…….where all the funny motherfuckers at?

  88. I do not want to let her go Lipstick!

  89. vmax, what would happen if a boston terrior fucked a golden retriever? good mix or no?

  90. Sean, how was Jeopardy?

    It was an emotional journey. I laughed, I cried, and at the end, I felt that I had grown as a human being. A real Tour-de-Force.

  91. Awww, how sweet, Lips.

    Fetch me a beer, willya?

    Yes sir, coming right up. *fetches a special bottle of “ferret urine beer”*

  92. Omg Lippy that made me cry

  93. Weird. I posted a comment, and the page refreshed to the last post…

  94. Sohos, it was a happy ending because she got the best care and lots of love long after she would have died. She had a great life and loved to get out and burrow in the laundry basket.

    Mr. L. taught her that she would get out of the cage after she used the litter box, so whenever she wanted out and didn’t have anything “in the chamber” she would go to the box and fake it. I always let her out anyway for the effort!

    How is the convalescing pig?

  95. What the fuck is this shit.

    and should I have typed that on my son’s computer?

  96. That is the best story ever! I’m glad you told it! 🙂

  97. Thank you Sohos!

  98. **waves to Roamy**

    How’s the trip?

  99. You should do the next HHD on sons computer, then as Rocketdad why your son has gay pron all over his machine…

  100. I think Beasn has the only pigs

  101. **waves to XBrad, fires trebuchet

    Trip was fine, with minimal bickering from the back seat. Mr. RFH took advantage of my nap to drive 80+ mph.

    Oh bloody hell. I may be doing HHD on this computer.

  102. I think Beasn has the only pigs

    Oh crap, sorry.

  103. **waves to XBrad, fires trebuchet

    Oh, it’s ON!~

  104. Raise of hands who here loves the movie STRIPES?

  105. **raises hand**

    Most realistic war movie evah.

  106. Count is making me watch it…

  107. I was going to try to find a youtube of a mangonel throwing something, but I’m apparently keeping Mini-me and Mr. RFH awake.

    Hope the Olympiad team kicks some poon tomorrow!

    Squishy hugs and good night!

  108. Sean Young was actually cute in that movie.

  109. Sean young played in some pretty good movies back in the day. Wasn’t she the chic that got killed in that Gene Hackman movie about the Russian spy?

  110. Yep.

    No Way Out.

    Best Kevin Costner film ever

    (besides The Postman, of course)

  111. Yeah he is a Terrible actor (Costner) good movie though. Gene is my ALL TIME favorite actor

  112. Really? Gene Hackman?

    What’s your favorite GH movie (besides The French Connection)?

  113. If you didn’t like “Open Range”, you are a Commie asshole!

  114. I liked him in Hoosiers, but I don’t know that there are many movies that GH was in that I didn’t like his role.

    Hands down funniest was him in Young Frankenstein…….

  115. There are so many… ALL of them, the one where he is the lawyer against his daughter, the one where he is against Denzell, damn Superman? Hahahaha The Posiedon Adventure etc etc etc Open Range is good b/c of Duvall

  116. pendejo, Jack Russell plus Labrador seemed to work out pretty well in our case…except that she does chew.

    that reminds me, I need to post some pics…but not tonight ’cause I gotta get up early tomorrow.

  117. I’m too dam tired to think xbrad

  118. don’t think

    just drink

  119. Un Entirely-f***in-believable


  120. Russell Ziske rates the Russians! they’re pussies!

    Stripes is great.

  121. “What kind of training?”

    “Army training, suuur!”

  122. Ironically, I first saw “STRIPES” in Moscow.

  123. Moscow, Idaho.

  124. Well, then, that wasn’t really ironic, was it, Alanis?

  125. You’re expendable, you know that, right, Sean?

  126. Who isn’t?

    Also, check yer gmail.

  127. downloads complete, I’ll catch you guys like a social disease tomorrow.

  128. *watches Floyd rub his ass on this thread*

    *gives Floyd a treat*

    And by “treat”, I mean “chicken jerky and not awesome young puppy bitch sex from a young low self-esteem dog slut because Mrs Rosetta insisted that Floyd’s bells be chopped off”.

    And she wonders why his anal glands smell.

  129. And she wonders why his anal glands smell.

    That’ll happen when you hang out with Madonna.

  130. Huh. Mentions of an old, nasty skank and stinky anal glands killed a thread. Go figure.

  131. Well kiss my black ass if our neighbor’s music didn’t wake me up again tonight. Police are on their way.

    And for the record, I once spilled my entire lunch on Gene Hackman at a restaurant in SF.

  132. **crickets chirping**

    You people make me sick.

  133. You’ll be happy to know that the feeling is mutual, Paul.

    Also, Gene Hackman has been notified. He was NOT amused, by the way.

  134. Wakey wakey

  135. mornin car in

  136. crap hate it when i’m all accidental sock puppet brah

  137. I hate it when I can’t get to sleep.

    Why do the sheep all have demon eyes?

  138. Sohos ever see Bat 21?

    It was a box office flop I think, but did very well in the rental market during the good old days of Blockbuster Video.

    Good flick.

  139. What was Blockbuster Video?

    Was it, like, a horse stable or something? Also, what were horses?

  140. It’s snowing up here. Beautiful.

  141. Sean, I know you hate exercise, but walking will really help with the insomnia. biking.

  142. Thursday – I didn’t workout because I had to pack, then drive. I skied for about two hours at night, but it wasn’t enough.

    Worst night of sleep ever.

  143. Morning Count.

  144. Also, I just realized that I shouldn’t know about the concept of a stable. Go figure.

  145. I don’t want to appear as if I’m downplaying what’s happening in Japan – i’m not. It’s horrible.

    But if ever there were folks who could come out of something like this, it’s them.

    And, if anyone can deal with the nuke dealo- it’s them.

  146. I mean, if this had happened in the Middle East? They’d be done.

  147. I take Riley for walkies every night after dinner, Cari n.

    It’s the memories that keep me up at night.

    Vague memories…

  148. There are walks, and then there are walks.

    My dog doesn’t walk. He drags me from sniffing spot to sniffing spot.

  149. I also can’t help but think of the differences in recovery (which is going to happen) in Japan versus Haiti. Haiti wanted/needed all that aid, yet still there were the gatekeepers wanting their payola to allow it into the ports.

    The Japanese won’t play that game.

  150. Sean – and other West Cost hostages … I think you need to move.

    My husband is predicting a big one for California.

  151. “But if ever there were folks who could come out of something like this, it’s them.”

    It’s going to take them years. Remember what happened to the prices of building materials when China was building up for the Olympics?

    Copper, steel, and lumber are probably good investments right now.

  152. I of course have the same “don’t want to take away from the tragedy of it all” disclaimer, but how long do you think it will take before we get to hear another round of anti- Nu-cu-lar energy, and the importance of a new cleaner energy alternative.

    We should actually take this opportunity to dump billions of tax dollars into clean energy programs.

  153. I’m certain there’s some obama support’n college prof. somewhere that’s only one billion dollar grant away from changing the world and ridd’n us of big oil and all the greedy corporations behind big oil that have been destroying America for some time now.

  154. HAHAHA check out the chick at the 38 second mark in this video. she’s feel’n it

  155. “but how long do you think it will take before we get to hear another round of anti- Nu-cu-lar energy, and the importance of a new cleaner energy alternative.”

    You might be right, but that would leave oil and coal for the immediate future. I don’t think they would accept that trade.

  156. Funny, nuclear is “clean energy”. Except for when it isn’t.

    Countries like Japan and France that signed onto Kyoto couldn’t come anywhere near making their CO2 emissions targets if they weren’t so heavily nukular.

  157. I didn’t mean to underestimate the amount of recovery. But if anyone were up to the challenge, it’s the Japanese. They’ve got the smarts, the work effort, the morality.

  158. Plus, if there is no meltdown it just proves how safe nuclear energy is.

  159. I sure hope this world tragedy stuff doesn’t interfere with Teh One’s golf game …

  160. FOX NEWS ALERT!!!

    They overuse that expression just a tad.

  161. Plus, if there is no meltdown it just proves how safe nuclear energy is.

    You type that as if reality matters. They have plenty of time between now and the actual damage assessment to steer the conversation. (Tucson shooting)

  162. These aren’t your father’s Japanese, Car in. Well, actually they are. And that’s the problem.

    They don’t have the demography to deal with it all that well (1.21 fertility rate*). The high tax burden on a dwindling younger population used to fund aging pensioners’ benefits crowds out the funds they need to deal with a disaster of this magnitude.

    * See here. Below 2.1 (replacement rate) is bad. Below 1.3 spells D-O-O-M:



  164. Don’t they say that these tragedies always seem to result in a baby boom in 9 months?

  165. The thing that kinda strikes ne about this is that the japs are a first world population having to deal with this shit. It’s easier for me to empathize cause their lifestyle is very similar to ours. When it happens in Haiti or Sri Lanka or somewhere you kinda think, “sucks for them but they already live without electricity and clean water and a stable food supply anyway so this ain’t that big of an adjustment for the survivors”. This will be horrid for millions of japs in the immediate future as it would be for us.

  166. Very true.

    Of course, the difference is that Haiti had NO ability to deal with what happened to them. Cholera, etc. You think they’ll have a similar outbreak in Japan?

  167. It just proves that natural disasters are indeed racist.

  168. Perhaps you misunderstand the problem. Here’s another take on it:

    Nothing against old folks, since I’m rapidly becoming one, but Japan has the oldest average population in the industrialized world.

    A one-time blip 9 months from now from babies born to people of childbearing age won’t even be a statistical blip in the demographic death spiral Japan is in.

  169. Couldn’t remember what that 1.3 fertility rate number was called. It’s “lowest-low” fertility – the point at which a population halves every 45 years.

    No society has ever recovered from this.

    To the extent the rate is recovering in Europe, it’s highly correlated with the fact that the most popular boy’s name in many European countries is now “Mohammed.”

  170. Sobering link Andy

  171. Europe will be fine. Slap a couple decommissioned ICBMs up against a cathedral as minarets and it’s good to go.

  172. Moarnin’

  173. Moarnin.

    I have a poat ready to go in drafts for when this one becomes old and pusillanimous.

    Any of you dorkwads or hot chicks can publish it whenevah.

  174. Mornin’ –

    I agree with Car in’s assessment that the Japanese are going to come out of this better than a 3rd world country. There is an incredible pride of place in that population, and as much as I hate to say it, their anti-immigration policy will be a help, rather than a hindrance – they aren’t going to be dealing with “equality quotas” and such.

    This might actually spur more than a one-time baby boom over there – something of this magnitude (no pun intended) tends to focus people on the important things. Hopefully, they will be able to bounce back from this population-wise.

    In the end, this will be an opportunity for Japan to replace all of the old with the new, which is what nature does all the time. They’ll come out of this stronger than ever.

  175. In the end, this will be an opportunity for Japan to replace all of the old with the new

    I understand they have experience with that.

  176. TiFW, while I admire your optimism, the math simply doesn’t work.

    This event didn’t push them over the edge. They were already there.

    Not that they’ll disappear entirely, obviously, but their relevance in Western world (which, let’s be honest, has been waning since the 80s) will be greatly diminished. Land of the Setting Sun, as it were.

  177. Reading Steyn? I looked for America Alone to reread it, but then realized I sent it to my dad. Steyn is going to get another few bucks from me.

  178. Heh. Yes, re-reading.

    Pretty obvious, huh?

  179. I think I remember reading a comment a while back that you were rereading the book. Pretty scary stuff, especially in Europe.

    You know, my mom and I considered going to Egypt together a few years ago. Now its out of the question. I don’t really want to have the same conversation about Paris with my nieces in a few years. Sarko and the rest of Europe seem to have realized that multiculti isn’t worth a damn.

  180. Why are Car in’s alerts in Engrish?

  181. They’re paying lip service to it, but I’m not sure how serious they are.

  182. “A liberal is a person whose interests aren’t at stake at the moment.” – Willis Player

  183. YAY! Chores are just about done.

  184. What the fuck is this shit?

  185. Any of you follow this guy’s work?

    Ran across him today – he has some good writing (his entry on public unions is really good)…..

  186. Dave, Are you still in Ruckerstan?

  187. for another hour brad and then I’m outta here

  188. Its still BBF?

  189. Wave to Roamy and Cuffy on your way out…

  190. Good Morning, Sohos.

  191. OMG! Pup that is so amazing and just MADE my day *hugs*

  192. *blushes*

    I’ve been saving that one.


  193. […] H2 has Big Boob Friday. And some Rule 5 for the […]

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