Emergency T-rannyMonday Poat

As if ty-ranny is a bad thing.

I saw Dave Chappelle’s Latest Netflix dealio on his journey down the road with the current leftist tyranny against all things funny.

Not sure if they realize that the circle of life is figurative and real. What goes around…. etc….etc…etc.

DO NOT CLICK ON THESE LINKS IF YOU ARE AT WORK – they were all pulled from hot-n-tot’s laptop.

For those who love barbie – here

For those who want to make sure they book everything in November – here.

For those who want to catch up on the news – HERE


NOW onward to the tuckers:

muscly tucker –

Old School Tucker:


New School Tucker:

Is Chris Tucker Gay? - vooxpopuli.com

Later Tuckers & Tyrannysaurs –


  1. I promise to never be sick on Monday again, or at least to write and schedule the Monday poat on Fridays from now on.

  2. Good morning everyone.

    I linked some awesome sax music yesterday, and the only thing anyone cared about was the Kenny G? Dude. I don’t even listen to the guy, I was trying to explain why some saxophones aren’t shaped like saxophones but are still saxophones. Sheesh.

  3. Jimbro excepted. He liked the sax battle, because he is a good-hearted person.

  4. I have never been so glad for dead links in a post before.

  5. I listened to the sax battle – but I was busy yesterday doing all sorts of shit.

    I also watched teh NOT FUNNY SNL skit. man that show has been bad for a very long time.

    My streaming has sucked lately though and watching videos is choppy and painful.

  6. *beep–beep–beep–beep*


  7. SNL was only slightly worth watching back when Dana Carvey was still on it. After he left that was the end of it.

  8. I was busy with the family activities, I liked the subway sax and Saxman made me laugh. I try to give all the links in every poat a few seconds but I don’t always comment.

    I do appreciate the efforts of all our posters even if I don’t do any callbacks in the comments. Also calm down.

  9. I always enjoyed the sax in the DMB.

  10. Yes, Sobek does need to calm down. Good call Pupster.

  11. Blues Clues Trans Parade video, longest 2:49 video ever

  12. Believe me when I say I’m sorry you all had to see this.

  13. I got fuck-all for fathers day. I’ve been hanging out with nieces and nephews and my grand nieces and nephew here in Utah having fun. Mrs. Pupster was on a couch playing videos for the little ones on her phone and got a “You’re my favorite!” out of my grand nephew Sammy.

    Reminded me of this comic:

  14. I took a deep breath and feel calmer. Thanks guys.

    Never Tear Us Apart is one of the best songs ever, thanks to that sax solo.

  15. Haaaaaahhaaaaahaaaaaaa……..

  16. I don’t remember when or why I did this.
    No alcohol was involved.
    Bummer about the broken links. I wonder what they were for/to.

  17. Hope you recover from your hay-ness weekend venture leon.

  18. I too watched the sax links…

  19. Calm down sobek – just this once I will agree with you that Kenny g is a brassy god.

  20. Don’t take it personal, Sobek.

    Nobody reads any of the poats around here.

  21. Btw – in the car conversation we were having over at the H 8 it was mentioned that the 69 Camaro was the pinnacle of camaro design – all others are pale echoes of that archetype

  22. Mare posted at the h3 that sobek needs to calm down.

  23. I didn’t even do anything, I’ve been inside with Possum all weekend, just drove the truck a little so the bed could get loaded up with hay a few times.

    I’m not congested at all, either, I can breathe fine, which scared me because I thought I had brain damage or something at first. I’m sober as a judge and every time I get up it’s like heading to the bathroom for the first time after 2 hours at the bar.

  24. “”I thought I had brain damage or something “”

  25. Doood

  26. oh come on, it’s monday, leave Kenny G in the sunday poat!

    Where’s the master of the pan flute, while we are bathing in teh suck!

  27. Sobek was pre-neurology, when he calms down maybe he’ll weigh in with a professional opinion.

  28. My inner ears dried out once, and lost all balance. That was not fun. Hope that passes soon, leon!

  29. That’s what it feels like, Jay. Every time I lean or bend over I have the sense that I’m still leaning for a few fractions of a second after I know I’ve stopped. Hoping the sudafed clears it out.

  30. morning show lecturing us on not making fun of Brandon for falling off his bike. If you’ve never been clipped in to a bike you just don’t know!

    HE WASN’T CLIPPED IN! His foot was free. Same people that made fun of Trump for going down the ramp slowly. At least he didn’t fall down, like on a bike or climbing stairs (multiple times). Sick of these asshole liberals.

  31. Didn’t someone link a longer clip showing that Prezzy Shitzemself was going in to sniff some little kid at the intersection ?

  32. yep, jimbro pointed that out.

    Right after he got up he headed right over to said little girl.

  33. *continues poking fun at Kenny G and Zamfir

  34. His caregivers let him get on that bike.

    Think about it.

  35. only 10 more days of endless Pride flags!

  36. it’s truly not that big of a deal. He caught his foot on a pedal and tipped over. But the left has hyperinflated everything the prezzy does that you can’t help making light of it. I think it’s good that he has a low impact way to get in some cardio, everyone should.

  37. At this point there’s no turning back on his present bike set up. Any modifications for improved stability would be a sign of weakness that prove his critics right. When you look at the clip I linked earlier his left foot was completely on the ground and as he went to extract his right foot he shifted his center of gravity to the right and wasn’t able to get the foot out in time because he was chasing his German Shepherd in the shower up the flight ramp distracted by the little girl with what looks like a wonderful head of freshly washed hair Trump’s fault insurrection

  38. I watched the BC video. Was that really on Blues Clues or is this some sort of south park gag?

  39. That’s quite the takedown of Zamfir. He seems like a real tool.

    Also, I didn’t watch the whole sax battle but a good part of it and it was awesome, Sobek. I had to laugh when the second guy started playing the intro to Billie Jean as he strode to war and the train erupted in cheers. He was terrific.

  40. I could have been the Kenny G of the french horn if I hadn’t gotten braces at 12.

    All those flautists I missed out on /sigh.

  41. In a battle between Matt Yglesias and Taylor Lorenz I’m hoping for casualties all around.

    I would wager Taylor Lorenz knows exactly zero people without access to healthcare or whatever the fuck she’s talking about.

    I’ve always really hated the ‘think about the children’ or ‘think about those less fortunate souls’ types of statements. They mean nothing. There’s always a less fortunate soul out there.

  42. Taylor Lorenz needs an intervention. Seriously, all she seems to do now is spend her time digging her reputational hole deeper. A little time off of social media and most people would forget about her within weeks.

  43. Is anyone interested in a little application (.Net app on your computer) that will take a list of image locations (haven’t tested with wordpress locations, but don’t see why it shouldn’t work) and make a framework post from them? You can change the size of pics, but it defaults to 460 px. Just cut the list of hotlink locations (URLs of the pictures), load the table, and create a post of the pics. Paste this into the code view in post editor. Then you can insert other links and other formatting.

    Let me know.

  44. TIL there is a Juneteenth flag


    The comments below the video show that not everyone appreciates the artistry and symbolism of the flag

  45. Everyone should send Lorenz proposals for the jokes they want to make every day for her approval. Send to Immacunt

  46. cut off…immacunt@wapo.com.

  47. Haha, lumps, clipped off the header for that tweet. It was from Fauxcohontas, and the clapback was classic.

  48. O, FFS

  49. I’m still laid up at home on account of back injury. Holy shit is this tedious. Wasted the whole weekend and I’m still hurting. I need to start walking around and getting shit done but I’m afraid of jerking it again. Shut up, Hotspur.

  50. I started a bunch of the Bosnian beans in cups on the deck and I need to get them in the garden ASAP, but I haven’t been able to weed out the rest of the garden yet because of the dizziness and needing to be inside with Possum. She sadly has no desire to help me weed the garden this year so far. Hoping that changes when our strawberries start fruiting.

  51. I’m not allowing to farm where plants are visible. My Rhubarb and horseradish are visible to the association. Wonder if the asshole will try and kill them, like he did last year.

  52. Doesn’t Iowa have a Right to Farm law that supersedes things like that? There’s a court case to be had.

    Saw Jerusalem artichokes at the grocery store in IN yesterday and considered committing a misdemeanor with them.

  53. Carrots, red onion, basil, and jalapeños were ready this week.

    Hoping for tomatoes next week. I’ll have around seventy five trillion, give or take.

  54. HOA, so they get to do whatever they see fit.

  55. get some canning jars and a kettle. it’s really easy to store tomatoes that taste amazing all year long.

  56. Not gonna lie, loved dogsitting over the weekend despite the occasional early morning wakeup to go outside, but could have done without internet shitting the bed since Friday evening.

    Oh well. Puppers soothe the soul. Worth it.

  57. Puppers definitely soothe the soul. Can confirm.

  58. MJ, this thing is your friend: https://www.allamericancanner.com/All-American-21-Quart-Pressure-Canner.htm

    Mine was about half that price 10 years ago. They are damned near indestructible if used properly, but you likely won’t find a used one unless it’s at an estate sale. 7 quarts at a time is about the best you can do in canning short of industrial equipment. You do need a fine-control burner with a lot of vertical clearance, though.

  59. don’t need a pressure canner for tomatoes.

    I use it but only because I have it, and it takes less time.

  60. Need’s got nothing to do with it…

  61. Mostly that water bath canning in summertime sucks hot sweaty rocks.

  62. not if you have a turkey fryer

  63. or in my case, brewing rig

  64. I have a big propane burner that’s meant for outdoors and has really good control. Any canning I do will be on that. I haven’t done real gardening here yet. Last year’s squash patch was the most I’ve done since we moved.

  65. I have learned that the cardboard step in no-till gardening is likely non-negotiable. I’ve got an English fukketonne of mulch out there and the pokeweed is still coming up.

  66. I use my pressure canner outside on the gas hotplate. Works great, keeps the heat out of the house.

    The best way to can tomatoes is to halve them, press out the seeds and jelly, and roast them en masse in the grill or oven until they sorta deflate and a lot of the water is gone. Take them out of the oven, cool, and the peels pull right off. You can then can them as usual in their own juice from the pan, and you can fit more of them in a jar. Otherwise you get a jar of water with a few tomato pieces floating in it.

    Last year, after pulling off the skins I put them right back under the heat and grilled them until they got more dry and started to brown. They stayed moist enough to spread with a knife. These were amazing on bread with a little evoo, balsalmic and oregano or basil. I froze a ton of them and they froze perfectly. You can smear them on pizza dough as-is instead of using sauce. The smoky grilled flavor really elevates them.

  67. Yes to the cardboard. And worms LOVE it, too.

    you mean British Fucktonne Sterling, right?

  68. I want to be clear on these references so that we are all using the same units.

  69. Quite right, Lumps. I always forget that the fukketonne is a proper thing backed by precious metallics.

  70. Mom called. Promised her I wouldn’t try to cook or clean today but I think I am a liar.

  71. If I get a good crop of maters this year I am going to roast them again but then use my dehydrator to reduce them in storage. Mylar and O2 absorbers. I’m AMAZED at how small food gets when you dry it out. It’s just crazy. I have the flesh from a whole jarrahdale pumpkin packed in these two leeeetle eentsy-beentsy bags, lol.

  72. I just use a little cornstarch when making tomato sauce, the “water” in the tomato is quite flavorful.

    I wanted to drain them, and try making bloody marys with the clear juice, just to try it. Clear bloody marys!

  73. been wanting to try a freeze dryer, but can’t justify the expense.

  74. Also, Carin is the Queen of Father’s Day gifts. Pretty nice haul for Pay this year!

  75. Yeah, freeze dryer looks great but it’s something I would need to go in with, with other likeminded people, of whom I know none locally.

  76. why wasn’t I told about Pastalaya?


  77. been looking at one of those pizza ovens too, love how they work. Wanted to make one to make bread in too, that Ooni is too narrow.

  78. i have andouille and smoked chicken thighs in the freezer. guess what’s for dinner this week!

  79. Oh, according to the article, the problem was the lack of a permit.

    …damn, these unpermitted events! OF COURSE there would be fatality! No permit!

  80. I blame white supremacists.

  81. 100% of the meetups I have been part of were unpermitted! Wow! Talk about playing with fire! I had no idea how much danger we were all in.

  82. Black kills black- not the gun’s fault. Lack of permit.

    This is a new one.

  83. Whoa, Alex Stein confronted Ted Cruz too.

  84. and considered committing a misdemeanor with them.

    I’m going to need a little more context on this one.


  85. Stop doing the things lumps, you will only anger the lower-back gods further.

    I really like it when y’all talk about canning and preserving your fake produce.

  86. This sort of messaging has been going on for my entire adult life.

    Shootings. Left attacks right for complicity. Right says what about these mass shootings over here? No minds are changed.

    What if we said, you don’t care about black people. When my stupid FIL brought up anything political I called him a racist. He seemed a bit shocked and also scared. Dunno. Maybe we should do that more cuz it’s actually true.

  87. I can’t plant them in Michigan, Pupster. Invasive species on the same list as phragmites and water chestnuts.

  88. I’ve started reversing the racist claims too, pointing out who was the founding party of the KKK. Now I’m getting the Parties Switched Sides! eleventy.

  89. I really don’t want to live in a world with 3 living popes. 2 is bad enough, especially with how… colorful… the Francis papacy has been. Along with B16 being — by some accounts — a de facto prisoner in the Vatican. I feel like there’s going to be some really major Council a few decades after I’m gone that’s going to Settle Some Things for those who live after this current chaos.

  90. deletes photo

  91. twitter: another drag show with kids in Dallas.

    This time they kicked out Hansen. This resulted in you not hearing about this one, like the last one that blew up.

  92. HA! Love the picture, Pupster.

    Also loved the gif with the doggos getting stickered by the little girl with a curler in her hair.

  93. Pupster, kudos to your optician and your tailor

    (that shirt rocks!)

  94. Good God my troll is so fucking stupid.

  95. Tropical print shirts have become my “thing” lately. I’ve got about 50% of my office wearing them on Fridays. Fun.

  96. We’ll need a new collective noun for a grouping of popes. A superfluous of popes? A plentiful of pontiffs? A piety of popes? When the flock of cardinals get together we’ll need to get them to resolve this as well.

    Oh, and don’t talk crap about Zamfir The Undisputed Master of the Panflute.

  97. Did Zamfir have groupies? I’m left to wonder.

  98. In the vein of Taylor Lorenz not being able to keep her gums from flapping, yesterday a bunch of us in the marina were sitting around gabbing and I made some offhand deprecating remark about public schools. George, who is a died in the wool union man (retired), and democrat said, “Geoff, my son is a public school teacher.”

    To which I replied, “Congratulations, I hope he’s one of the few good ones, because there are certainly a lot of bad ones.”

    Someone abruptly changed the subject, but it makes me think, why do liberals always have to make it about themselves?

    If you said, “The sky sure is a pretty blue color today.” They would say, “Blue is the color I was wearing when Donald Trump was inaugurated, and I was traumatized.”

  99. I’ve started reversing the racist claims too, pointing out who was the founding party of the KKK. Now I’m getting the Parties Switched Sides! eleventy.

    Response, “Maybe, but they switched back, so stop being racists.”

  100. “The parties switched?”

    “When, exactly? And what events preceded it? And if everyone changed parties, why didn’t they just keep the same names and stay where there were? How fast was the turnip truck going when you fell off?”

  101. Pat likes to point out that when the parties “switched” everything went to shit in the black community.

  102. Did Zamfir have groupies?
    Well, DUH. So many groupies that during one of his concerts in 1982 he was nearly buried under the panties thrown on stage. There is no video of the event but according to reports it was very similar to The Chair Incident:

  103. We’ll need a new collective noun for a grouping of popes.

    There is only one pope at a time. Anyone else is an antipope. Suggested plural, an anathema of antipopes.

  104. We’d have 2 claiming ’emeritus’ status if this supposed retirement happens, which is still absurd to me even if it’s just one. Popes don’t retire. As the kids say today, the whole thing is and always has been ‘sus’.

  105. Ian Anderson (Jethro Tull) and his flute kick any saxophone’s or any panflute’s ass any day of the week.

  106. Well, that’s debatable.

  107. I read this for the article.

    Japanese Boobs 1, Feminists 0

  108. There are words.

    There are also Asian hooters.

    But there are words.

  109. Stay strong Japanese women, stay strong

  110. Japanx people

  111. Ian Anderson (Jethro Tull) and his flute kick any saxophone’s or any panflute’s ass any day of the week

    Totally agree. Anyone that doesn’t is thick as a brick.

  112. ^ heavy metal flute

  113. A few years ago I saw an old Rolling Stones holiday special from the late 60’s/ early 70’s. Ian Anderson was on it trying to play the flute and make the troubadour pose, unsuccessfully, he was so F’d up.
    Yoko Ono was also on it, all she did was scream. The guys in the Stones just looked at each other and laughed.
    I’ve tried to find it online, no success.

  114. LOL

  115. More Japan news with less hooters, but still fairly nice to see:


  116. Not really, Leon. It only means they’ll be coming (sp?) here.

  117. So no haying today, sudafed straight out of bed and a claritin later, and having the AC (and thus filtering) on all day, and I’m now just a little fuzzyheaded rather than feeling like I’m half full of Irish courage.

  118. I’m glad you are feeling better dude. What you were describing sounded kinda ominous.

    We are heading over to a Brazilian Steakhouse and I hope to return later with a case of the meat sweats to rival all y’alls moms in July.

  119. Yeah, I was feeling pretty scared about it on Saturday. Friday I just assumed hangover even thought I hadn’t had but a small nightcap on Thursday, and my usual hefty amount of water along with it to avoid dehydration. Saturday? Still ‘hungover’, that had me scared.

  120. Take 20,000 iu D3, quercetin (better absorbed with bromelain), and stinging nettles. Lots of natural antihistamines in certain foods you probably have around too, take a look online.

  121. I wonder if the pokeweed is poisoning me a little when I yank it up. My hands seem fine, but those stems can be pretty juicy.

  122. What are you bailing, Leon? Weed being legal in Michigan, are you sure it’s not a contact buzz?

    In all seriousness, Friday I experienced similar, felt like a chemical exposure. Thought I was going to need to leave work for the E.R. It passed by noon. I’m not sure, hearing you have similar symptoms, there isn’t a short term bug going around no one is talking about

  123. Wow, I never knew poke was toxic to the touch. Has never bothered me, but I don’t get poison ivy easily either.

  124. It’s not supposed to be toxic unless ingested, but I’ve been weeding barehanded, and most of my mulch is grass clippings to boot, so who knows? It’s probably just grass or alfalfa allergies.

  125. It’s the lack of congestion that’s messing with me. Usually an allergic reaction for me means runny nose and watering eyes with a lot of pressure behind them. This is just dizziness as a standalone.

  126. It’s also just me. Wife and daughter are fine. Animals all seem normal, so it ain’t chemtrails or anything.

  127. Maybe you got a snootful of some moldy grass clippings. I just looked it up and apparently some people do have a variety of reactions to handling pokeweed, too.

  128. Is your face still puffy?

  129. Dizziness could be labyrinthitis.

  130. Grass mold is a distinct possibility. A lot of the clippings are moldy in places now. Wife says face is still puffy.

  131. Leon’s puffy face kilt the blog

  132. https://www.independentsentinel.com/green-new-deal-denier-obama-gets-massive-fuel-tanks-for-his-7000-ft-seaside-mansion/

    UH-OH. Guys, make sure your generators work, and get extra gas cans and fuel stabilizer… he’s preparing for outages.

  133. Had to leave work. Nausea and GI. Couldn’t get in to see PCP. 4 hr wait at Urgent Care. Forgot it was an holiday. On list for Urgent Care tomorrow. FaceTime Drs want bloodwork, so I have to follow up with UC.

  134. Post office was closed. There’s your real Juneteenth constituency.

    Meanwhile I had to work on Corpus Christi.

  135. Crap. Feel better soon Oso!

  136. Actual prayers for Oso.

  137. Danica’s estranged relatives pleaded.

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