Please Don’t Leave Meme




    (Imgur video with sound)

  2. My first laugh of many was the monger lament


  3. Stupid browntail moth caterpillars. I have the moth rash big time from mowing the lawn a couple of days ago. I didn’t shower until evening because of the heat and I was sweating ballz all day even with the fan. Next time I’m showering immediately after mowing.

  4. Not that they’re great deals but I have noticed an increase in ammo offers by the places I get emails from. Hopefully manufacturers and suppliers are catching up.

    Probably because everyone shifted their buying to fighter jets and tactical nukes

  5. The last one is definitely inspirational.

  6. Wakey wakey. A million people and a million dogs here.

  7. Got a little rain and a lot of lightning last night. Big lightning that would rattle the windows. Hopefully none of the animals were hit.

  8. Overcast here. I don’t know what the day is going to bring.

  9. Why not a million and one?

  10. My mom just posted some stupid picture of Biden hugging the brother of one of the missing people in the building collapse.

    I don’t know if this is being widely reported but here in South Florida, Pres. Biden has made a huge impact with his presence and empathy. This is the brother of someone missing in Surfside. Grateful for the comfort and humanity shown to all the families affected 💔 #Surfside.” – Twitter user @KiwiHeather

    The picture is of the guy, getting a hug eyes closed leaning into Biden – obviously upset. Biden is looking at the camera.


  12. An interesting thread discussing the problems of low-IQ individuals in society. Basically we’ve destroyed the institutions that normally would have helped to guide such people and prevent them from making bad mistakes.

  13. “You only hear what you want to hear”made for lots of hilarity between my husband and me.

  14. Pups first comment made me lol too.

  15. I don’t know if this is being widely reported but here in South Florida, Pres. Biden has made a huge impact with his presence and empathy. This is the brother of someone missing in Surfside. Grateful for the comfort and humanity shown to all the families affected 💔#Surfside.” – Twitter user @KiwiHeather

    His policies may well get us all killed but KiwiHeather at least “feels” that all important ‘aaaaawwwwwwweeeeee’ that all the simpletons crave.

  16. Seeing a report that in Mass the state police have 8- 10 heavily armed men surrounded in a wooded area. Report says they were in multiple vehicles, dressed in camo type attire and are sovereign citizen types of the Moorish Nation. Quick search shows black Islamic based crazies established early 1900s in Chicago


  17. A million people and a million dogs here.

    Pics or it’s not happening.

  18. The Tomorrow War is the best movie I’ve seen in a while. conservatives write better stories. hard to watch at times, because I miss my dad. highly recommended..

  19. That’s quite the chapeau the state police colonel is sporting.

  20. From the paywalled Boston Herald article

    “Staties said that the “heavily armed men” were “claiming to be from a group that does not recognize our laws.” Mason said the men said they were on their way from Rhode Island to Maine for a “quote-unquote ‘training.’”

    Uhhh … where exactly in Maine?

  21. They seem nice

  22. Nice to see the fez catching on again.

  23. So the cops caught a bunch of Shriners?

  24. You know this incident with Rise of the Moors only proves that the biggest threat to our democracy is white supremacists as well as how the Massachusetts State Police are operating under a cloud of systemic racism

  25. Mass Cop Hat

    Nazi Luftwaffe Hat

  26. Memes!

    Pupster, if you ever stop doing this, I will tear off your face and sew it on a basketball.

  27. …kay.

  28. Then I will send that basketball to an especially sucky team, once I figure out which teams suck.

  29. Yard mowed, healthy baby skink count (2), no sign of the anole lizard but he/she is crafty and camouflaged.

  30. They seem nice


    (Imgur video with sound)

  32. So, I have a question. Suppose the cop who arrests you, a black man, is from Bangladesh and you, a black man, come from modern day Ghana, meaning you’re not Moorish even a little bit. How does that fit in with the theory?

  33. I kept reading those “Heavily Armed Group Standoff” stories and in none of them does it say ‘Arrested for WHAT?”.
    Sounds like they were stopped along side the highway fueling somebodys rig, dressed in their cosplay costumes when a cop drove by. Then we call out SWAT and tell everyone in the area to ‘shelter in place’.
    What fuckin’ law did they break? It never says…

  34. If they had firearms on display in Mass they definitely broke the “law”. This is not to imply that I agree with Mass law regarding firearms , but they are notoriously restrictive. Running into the woods didn’t really help the situation

    I was kinda hoping they’d have gone hot. Lots of things would’ve been learned.

  35. Pretty sure the signs on the highway say 5 years minimum for breaking Mass gun laws.

    Doesn’t take much up there.

    Loaded rifle..large magazine

  36. Fallout 4‘s Massachusetts is objectively better in every way.

  37. Once we’re ready to have Dachshunds again, I want to name them “Timex and Rolex”. When you get dressed, are you sock sock shoe shoe, or sock shoe sock shoe? I need data.

  38. I’d think twice before letting a sock shoe sock shoe person housesit.

  39. So these guys were trying to discretly travel through Mass at 0400 in the morning. They are being so discrete they carry their own refuel, and planned to avoid gas stations. So they pull over, unass the vehicle with their weapons and provide cover while the refuel occurs. Up rolls State PD, goes hmmm, lets do motorist assist and encounters the above..or were they driving some place to shoot up whitey at a independence day celebration? Are they some benign cult that’s existed for a century in its obscurity because it presents no real threat? Or are these whackadoddles some hybrid black sovereign citizen folks that are militarizing?

  40. Sock sock shoe shoe. And I agree with Leon, the other ones should be shunned

  41. How did you guys know that I was sock shoe sock shoe?

  42. Sock sock shoe shoe. We knew it because you are unconventional sweetie.

  43. Trying to keep a low profile does not equal what the story reads like with that group. They were either doing a practice run or the real thing.

  44. Seems pretty foreign, to me. I live in very blue WA., in rural Pierce county. Probably almost half the adult males you come across in this country are carrying.

    Like I said, when I got run into on the 21st, the deputy didn’t even look up, when I told him I was armed. They take it for granted.

    MA sounds like a really shitty place to be.
    Too many restrictions.
    Not enough freedom…

  45. It’s only logical to be sock shoe sock shoe. Your socks stay clean and never touch the ground, floor, or carpet. Only the inside of your shoe.

  46. Shoe sock shoe sock and wear the socks on the outside, your shoes don’t get dirty.

  47. That is a negative ghostrider. Prepare for the shunning.

  48. Pups, do you wear socks with sandals?

  49. They are white supremist Trump supporters TeeRoy

  50. Pups, do you wear socks with sandals?

    I have…I don’t make a habit of it now that I live in not minnesota where the only time my feet were bare was in the shower. I’ve gone out in public with socks and crocks. I’m not proud of it.

  51. I wrote a poem that heavily plagiarized Dr Seuss. It was about Dan wearing Sox with Crocs. I’m pretty sure we could all figure out my Green Eggs and Ham plagiarized poetry. Moron just tagged me with an All In The Family link. Sock shoe sock shoe was a Meathead Hippie move.

  52. Sock sock shoe shoe
    Anything else means
    you’re sniffing glue…

  53. Here’s another one, you’re making a PB&J. Do you put the PB on one bread and the jam/jelly on the other bread to make the sammich? Or do you add the J to the PB and put the nekkid bread on top to make the sammich?

  54. I’m starting to believe it’s a gender dealio.

  55. PB one side jelly on the other. Pretty sure that’s part of a psych eval test.

  56. Sock shoe sock shoe was a Meathead Hippie move.

    I remember that episode.

  57. I didn’t, until I got tagged.

  58. Your thoughts on Trevor Bauer. IDC because he’s a Dodger now.

  59. Well, looks like dental implants are in my future – one of the new crowns on my front teeth came out last night, along with the rest of that tooth nub. No way for the dentist to put that back in place.

    Of course, it happened after hours on the Friday night of a three day weekend, so I’ll be heading to 4th of July festivities looking like a meth head redneck…

  60. Anyone else put the peanut butter on the jelly?

  61. If they serve corn on the cob you’re all set up for as great gag on the unsuspecting hosts

  62. Jimbro, I never thought of that as a third option?

  63. Move over cargo shorts!

    “Jean Shorts—A Dad Style Staple—Are Suddenly in Fashion”

    -From scrappy DIY versions to extravagantly expensive designer models, once-mockable jorts are a big summer trend for men. Here’s why.

    ^^^ From the WSJ

  64. Jimbro, closest thing I saw was 5,7, 9, and 12 inch lengths for men’s shorts.

  65. Last guy I knew who wore jean shorts was an older mountain biker named John we used to ride with back in the 90’s. He was a local legend and I got to ride with him a few times. He was a blue collar guy, carpenter, probably in his 50’s then and would show up in a t-shirt and cut off jean shorts about mid thigh level and absolutely out ride every one in their 20’s and 30’s wearing their special mountain biking clothes. My friend Kelton got to know him well and often went on super long rides lasting all day. When they took a break for lunch everyone would take out their power bars and sports drinks and he would take out a ham sandwich his wife made him, drink some water out of a reused soda bottle. After the break he’d keep the lead all the way home. He fell one day working on the roof of his barn but had a severe head injury. Kelton sat with his wife and kids in the ICU and helped them with the decision to turn off the vent and allow him to be an organ donor. They ran a memorial ride for him for several years where everyone wore cut off jean shorts.

  66. Epic. Memorial Ride FTW

  67. It isn’t gender. 50% of my loser female friends are now sock sock shoe shoe.

  68. That’s how everyone does it.

  69. Could be different in New Mexico.

    You got poisonous bugs. Shoes are a bigger emergency there.

  70. I always slap my shoes. On Taiwan we would get flying roaches and snakes. Lizards. My shoes are always empty. 🙏🏻

  71. sock spider sock scorpion

  72. sock shoe dead bug

    Makes sense.

  73. this looks interesting, not really a flashlight not really bright but it has a kilometer throw! I have not heard of a Laser Excited Phosphor before

  74. The fact that Teresa is going to the 4th festivities looking like a meth head makes me love her more.

  75. Your emotions want revenge and hatred. That’s easy. Forgiveness is difficult, because it is the work of the intellect. This young lady was able to do the hard work and make the investment in saving her sanity.

  76. Your emotions want revenge and hatred. That’s easy. Forgiveness is difficult, because it is the work of the intellect. This young lady was able to do the hard work and make the investment in saving her sanity.

    It reminds me of how a friend and I were discussing her forgiveness of her ex-husband. Forgiveness isn’t really about the other person. It’s about you and your own mental and spiritual health. Forgiving another person doesn’t mean excusing what they did, or forgetting it. But you chose to move on from it rather than allowing the transgression to continue to influence you in a negative way.

  77. Oso, why were you in Taiwan?


  79. Done editing, Remy paused.

  80. Not really news around here

    Interesting article with lots of linked stories

  81. Rainy/Chilly Independence Day

  82. Money Under Mount Runnin’

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