Procrastination, Sloth, and Turpitude – 2019 resolutions to live by

I always liked the word “Turpitude”.

It’s got a nice ring to it.

Kinda like a turtle gone wrong.

Then there’s sloth…..

Who doesn’t like a nice cuddly sloth?

They smell like success.

Tweetable sloth facts:

A sloth at full tilt travels at 6 centimetres per second

A sloth’s stomach can weigh over one-third of its body weight

A sloth will typically only defecate once every 7 to 10 days

A sloth may take 50 days or more to digest its food”

and then there is




Procrastination. Give me a second or two; I’ll write something good about it…


  1. Disappointed college football is over for the season. Not disappointed I fell asleep in the 2nd quarter.

  2. I hate being fooled by reruns of past games when I’m surfing the channel guide. As I flip through the guide I’ll see a game, get my hopes up for a brief second and then realize it’s a “Classic” game.


  3. oy!!

  4. only three weeks and 4 days till GroundHog Day!!

    make sure to get your shopping in.

  5. it’s on a saturday this year.
    i’m gonna try to con the family into taking a trip to punksy with me

  6. Ha! I bet they sell all manner of memorabilia for GH Day

  7. HA!!
    that’s just what Geoff needs out there.
    dirty, shiftless, stoned AND trippin’, lazy fuckin’ hippi wanna-be kids ..

    i think scott mentioned something about the stoners up in the mountains.
    every little village i went thru had filthy panhandling burners lining the streets.

  8. no offense

  9. it’s a good thing those stoners are to poor to afford cars –
    that’d be a nightmare


  11. In my reading on the seven deadly sins, I learned some neat stuff about sloth. The short “o” (slawth) version is the physical lack of industry, and is usually a genial sin at worst, considering it’s usually the result of illness or poor nutrition. Long “o” (slowth) is the more serious sin, and is often better rendered in english as “perfidy”. Perfidy, as I understand it, is the sin of believing that one cannot be holy or become holy, cannot receive the grace of God, and is thus a sin against the divine virtue of Hope in God’s mercy. The sin lies in believing that there is some good thing (i.e. saving you) that God cannot do.

  12. Wonder how many Tide fans are on suicide watch this morning…I’m betting the Saban era is soon to end…

  13. The recent “Conservatives denounce AOC dancing video” kerfuffle was the subject of a tweet that brought back memories of something that happened during JEF’s presidency. The whole “Conservatives are in an uproar over Obama wearing a tan suit” thing. When I saw it I thought it was an odd choice for him to wear what even a rube like me considered an outdated style but then I saw endless reports of the derision he had suffered. Manufactured outrage … huh

  14. They think we are NPCs just like they are, that’s why they tried so hard with the “grab them by the pussy” crap, expecting us to vote Hillary or stay home rather than elect a short-fingered vulgarian.

  15. I make no secret that I think Cannabis should be legal and viewed on the same level as alcohol……but Im not sure I can support the legalization of hallucinogenic substances. There may be a therapeutic benefit to the whole “micro dosing” thing, but I will have to wait for actual evidence that such a benefit exists and isn’t a placebo effect.

  16. wakey wakey

  17. More on the AOC dance video (with ample wry sarcasm as a bonus) and the timeline portion of it towards the middle of the video is good stuff

  18. A big part of the problem of illegality on mushrooms is that the “magic” ones are now growing nearly everywhere, and they are even easier to cultivate than cannabis. It’s almost impossible to enforce the law save for those growing them at scale for commercial purposes. The situation we have right now is potentially more dangerous, because of the risk of someone consuming a poisonous lookalike, and because people dealing in illegal goods tend to feel like other crimes are similarly worth engaging in.

    I’m not gung ho in favor of legalization or anything, but the facts on the ground seem to favor it for practical reasons, similar to repeal alcohol prohibition. I tend think the appeal of such drugs is extremely limited, which is probably why there isn’t as big of a lobby for them. That and the near-un-enforce-ability of the law.

  19. that was good jimbro. The reaction from libs has been along the lines of well, this is how fake news works and bla bla bla fairness doctrine.

  20. /makes notes regarding viability of side hustle growing ‘shrooms

  21. Where is Breitbart when we need him? If he were still around he’d offer $10,000 for proof that any conservative mocked that video.

    Cute honey with nice jugs dances on a rooftop back when she was in college.

    Brett Kavanaugh liked beer and fart jokes in high school.

  22. The only way to make money at it nowadays is to basically have a clean room grow lab, Cavil. There are cultivated strains that are MUCH higher in psilocybin and psilocyn than the wild-type fungus that can’t live anywhere else. Those are the only ones you can really sell, since just finding one of the others gives someone with a closet and some glassware an unlimited supply for personal use.

  23. I tend think the appeal of such drugs is extremely limited, which is probably why there isn’t as big of a lobby for them. That and the near-un-enforce-ability of the law.

    I disagree about the appeal. Unfortunately, I think we’ll see a broad push for legalization over the next decade, and we’re going to end up with a generation or two that is basically happy to live life in an impoverished filthy haze.

  24. Shaun King offered $1000 leading to the arrest of the white guy who shot the little 7 y/o in Texas. I don’t know if he paid up given that the guys were black (although a tip to him did apparently lead to the arrests).

    There are mummers in a group I read that the mom wasn’t so innocent. That she was facebook friends with the actual shooter.

  25. Andrew Breitbart would have been a pig in shit with the Trump years. Watching the media and left humiliate themselves, the combativeness of this administration… he would have loved it.

  26. I knew a lot of people who smoked weed. I only know one who ever even tried mushrooms. Limited sample, but I don’t think the demand for the latter is even remotely close to the former.

  27. The issue is young folks. When things are “legal” the idea that an age restriction means anything in the bigger picture is problematic. WHy is it magically ok for a 21 y/o to do X? You see how well it works with alcohol, and driving the age to 21 has only made it worse, imho.

    When Pot and other things are “legal”, it takes the curse off of it for some people. And I think there is little dispute that excessive pot use has a negative effect on growing brains.

  28. From what little I’ve read, the initial thought that it was a white guy was due to witnesses seeing someone of that description driving away from the scene.

  29. I knew a LOT of people in college who did shrooms.

    A venn diagram of the types of people leon and I hung out with may not have had a lot of overlap.

  30. I do think guys like Joe Rogan and Paul Stamets are doing a lot of popularizing, so that could be changing. Gen X had a very different view of the drug world than the millennials or Zs

  31. Coal – yea. But the immediate cries of hate crime, etc. …

    It makes them look stupid.

    A crime is a crime, and equally outrageous no matter who did it. That’s what makes me so angry about these things. Are they AS OUTRAGED now?

    Or, are we going to get some sympathetic people talking about how these poor youths had a bad upbringing, etc …

  32. I think that pot shouldn’t be a schedule 1 drug, because there should be the ability for companies to conduct research on it. Ditto for mushrooms and some of the other stuff, which may have therapeutic effects.

  33. The issue is young folks. When things are “legal” the idea that an age restriction means anything in the bigger picture is problematic. WHy is it magically ok for a 21 y/o to do X? You see how well it works with alcohol, and driving the age to 21 has only made it worse, imho.

    Honestly, I expect age restrictions to be targeted soon enough. Why should the state be able to deny you a right based on your age? Age of consent laws, laws against the drinking age, driving, etc… Too many people will support it based off a predatory goal, or because they fall into the trap of intellectual masturbation.

  34. Oh, definitely. Discouraging a child to do X when X is legal is a lot harder. I tend to favor decriminalization over legalization for most things for that reason. Keeping it illegal maintains a needed stigma and lets LE do what’s needed when a particular situation needs it. I think keeping prostitution in this category is preferable to Nevada and Amsterdam, but I’d like to put a lot more things into that category than currently are, like stripping and wearing yoga pants at a BMI over 30.

  35. Coal – yea. But the immediate cries of hate crime, etc. …

    It makes them look stupid.

    A crime is a crime, and equally outrageous no matter who did it. That’s what makes me so angry about these things. Are they AS OUTRAGED now?

    I don’t like hate crime talk, and think it’s usually BS, but I can’t entirely discount the idea of “hate crimes” and legislation against them either. Human beings are tribal, and the impact is different when one member of your “tribe” is attacked for being part of that tribe, versus a random attack by a criminal. The former impacts the whole group, by making them suspicious of all interactions with another group.

    Americans are weird in that we’re such a young country and our population is constantly shifting and changing so we don’t see the effect of centuries of group isolation, tribalism, and cycles of retribution/vendettas like you see in most other parts of the world.

  36. Oh, definitely. Discouraging a child to do X when X is legal is a lot harder. I tend to favor decriminalization over legalization for most things for that reason. Keeping it illegal maintains a needed stigma and lets LE do what’s needed when a particular situation needs it. I think keeping prostitution in this category is preferable to Nevada and Amsterdam, but I’d like to put a lot more things into that category than currently are, like stripping and wearing yoga pants at a BMI over 30.

    I’m the opposite. Decriminalization just gives the government more power to abuse.

    Also, you can have my yoga pants when you pry them from my cold, dead, flabby ass-cheeks.

  37. I’m on the side that a crime is a crime. I can hate whomever I want. I can use hate speech. But I can’t commit an actual crime.

    Theater of ideas. If I say ugly things, then call me out. Debate. Don’t criminalize.

  38. There is that, when the law is not uniformly enforced you will get abuses, but when the law is well beyond the capacity of any policing entity, it makes the law a farce.

  39. If I kill you because I want your money, or if I kill you because I want your money and you are a fag, which is a hate crime?

  40. Wasn’t Shaun King’s reward 100,000?

  41. Or if I kill you for a hate crime, versus mistaken identity or whatever. Little girl is still dead.

  42. I can see the hate crime aspect. These are crimes which might impact people’s moral views (racism is a moral view. Some people actually treat people as less, just because of something about them). Making the penalty worse might help in making someone stop and think a little bit.

  43. Yea, no. I am completely against “hate” crimes. It’s a slippery slope that has lead to unpopular speech being a “hate” crime.

    Can we charge people for doing wrong things because they’re too stupid? Because maybe if we add that, I could get on board.

  44. If you’re Matthew Sheppard, a gay meth dealer can kill you for stealing meth and money from him and it’s a hate crime because shut up.

  45. If I kill you for being the wrong race/tribe and talking to my sister, is that worse than if I kill you in a botched robbery? Libertarian logic would say, “no, dead is dead.” Realistically, the latter isn’t likely to set off a cycle of violence in the same way that the former would for most places and times.

  46. No, hate crimes place more value on a person’s life or property based on an indeterminate quantity in the mind of the perpetrator. It’s wide open to abuse.

  47. I’m with Carin. Hate crimes are idiotic. Criminalize actions. You can’t criminalize feelings and attitudes. That’s tyranny.

    *edited by Hotspur because Lauraw is too effing lazy*

    *You’re welcome*

  48. If you’re Matthew Sheppard, a gay meth dealer can kill you for stealing meth and money from him and it’s a hate crime because shut up.

    Meh, the guys who killed him claimed it was a hate crime because they wanted to avoid the death penalty. The punishment for “I killed him because he was gay” was actually lighter than the punishment for a drug-related crime.

  49. Hate crime laws support permanent division and factionalization as they are enforced. It’s never anything but BLM-types using it to rent seek.

  50. The problem I have is that the idea of “hate crime” is completely politically driven. It is fuzzy. It is what I say it is. “I know it when I see it”.

    If two people get in a fight over a parking spot, but one of them is gay, suddenly the assault is a hate crime, when it had nothing to do with that.

    We’re pretty much beyond the point where there is actually mass violence against a particular population (oh, unless we’re talking muslims against jews – but OOPS they’re not included).

  51. Sorry for the unnecessary ‘literally’ in there. I’d like to stealth-edit it out, but I’ll leave it as a warning to others. Plus, lazy.

  52. Meh, the guys who killed him claimed it was a hate crime because they wanted to avoid the death penalty. The punishment for “I killed him because he was gay” was actually lighter than the punishment for a drug-related crime.

    This is not a positive outcome.

  53. the big ten from on high cover most everything in life –
    murder – covered
    hate speech – covered

    criminalizing things found in nature is the ultimate in hubris.

  54. If a transgender handicapped hispanic man gets into a fistfight with a gay black woman, and they both claim it’s a hate crime in court, how long until the judge gets death threats on twitter?

  55. You can’t criminalize feelings and attitudes. That’s literally tyranny.

    You aren’t criminalizing attitudes. People are still free to believe whatever they want, and even voice those opinions.

    As a society, we judge a person’s mental state and thoughts all the time when determining the seriousness of a crime and the amount of punishment. The most obvious being the difference between first-degree murder, involuntary manslaughter, and voluntary manslaughter. In all cases someone is dead. Yet punishments can differ significantly.

  56. (FTR, at this point I’m playing devil’s advocate. Practically I think hate crime legislation should be gutted like a Tijuana hooker, since it’s open to too much abuse, and absent a strong push for a unified American culture it simple exacerbates existing divisions.)

  57. If a transgender handicapped hispanic man gets into a fistfight with a gay black woman, and they both claim it’s a hate crime in court, how long until the judge gets death threats on twitter?

    The first tweet will be sent before the fight has actually taken place.

  58. So … if we already include that in the punishment, etc, why do we need something that clearly can be abused?

  59. People are still free to believe whatever they want, and even voice those opinions.

    Naw, brah. People have been prosecuted for ‘hate speech.’ That particular slippery slope has slid.

  60. “Some people actually treat people as less, just because of something about them”

    i’m kinda guilty of this –
    i treat stupid ppl differently; sometimes i purposely try to hurt their feelz.

    it’s one of my few flaws

  61. In the new world, you’re only allowed to purposely treat people differently if they are in certain groups. You know, like Trump voters.

  62. i’m kinda guilty of this –
    i treat stupid ppl differently; sometimes i purposely try to hurt their feelz.

    it’s one of my few flaws

    I hate people in generally, and figure that a majority of the population are utterly worthless. So I don’t care when bad things happen to them.

  63. “If a transgender handicapped hispanic man gets into a fistfight with a gay black woman,”

    Zhe is gonna get Zher’s ass kicked.
    My money is on the dyke. (channels HS briefly)

  64. ooooo – Colex is an EqualOpportunarian

  65. Depends on the handicap the hispanic “guy” has. If it’s hypertrichosis, my money’s on the werewolf.

  66. I’m with Car in on the hate crimes. A crime is a crime, no special protections. I also question why law enforcement gets special protection.

  67. Comment by jam2 on January 8, 2019 8:06 am
    no offense



  68. Hate crime is bullshit. Hate is involved in lots of crimes, so is greed and envy.

  69. This is really interesting. Combine with the RFID they’ll want to implant in your hand soon and we’re in some Interesting Times.

    The mounted turrets on the walls of your burbclave will be checking your blockchain id/mark of the beast.

  70. Leon, that article is sort of horrifying.

  71. Yep. I expect China to use a blockchain to enforce the Social Credit system.

    Just like faceborgtreon will use here to permit you to buy and sell.

  72. I’m waiting for the day that Experian and faceborgtreon merge.

    Want to buy a house? Oh, looks like you tweeted pro-Trump messages and posted a meme to your timeline that has retroactively been deemed offensive…

  73. wretchard is always interesting, has a unique POV most of the time.

  74. If we criminalized butthurt every millennial would be serving a life sentence.

  75. Hate crime is the politicization of the legal system, privileging one (or more) classes against one (or more) others. Which is the point, naturally.

  76. Let’s be honest. Rich people get the good legal system, the rest of us are fucked in the goat ass if anything goes wrong.

  77. Yes, 100,000

  78. Honestly, I think the nexus of politics and legal system may be the worst. The political prosecution of your enemies … the trail by media circus.

  79. I still think that there would be a lot more equity in the legal system if misdemeanors were punished with public whipping.

  80. Rich and politically connected people. Laws just don’t apply. Kill a prostitute with an overdose, have drugs in plain sight? If you’re a connected Democrat, you won’t be charged for anything. Ed Buck article at AoS.

  81. I need the osotake on Ed Buck. How will Fox Sports handle it?

    Oh wait, that’s Joe Buck. Never mind…

  82. Wouldn’t it be great if everyone had to use a public defender?

    Bill Clinton would have been in jail faster than Bill Clinton unsnapping a fat chick’s bra.

  83. Ed Buck likes black men who are high.

    that’s teh 411.

  84. Ed Buck likes black men who are high.

    That’s gotta be a very niche fetish.

  85. I’ve always been wary of people who have hyper specific fetishes.

    And murderers.

  86. Mine are pretty generic and I’ve never killed anybody, so you’re safe.

  87. So, how would you describe your muppet fetish?

  88. What if a person has a strong attraction to wimminz that bring him pizza?
    Asking for a friend.

  89. Related: even after the move, I still haven’t found my Monster Booty CD. I have to accept that it is well and truly gone.


  90. Muppet fetish is okay. Because you can rape and dismember muppets all day long, and its not a crime. Just a timewaster.

  91. Making movies on that basis, however, is a crime against humanity, punishable by death of career and being forced to listen to “Manah Manah” on endless loop for a period of not less than 24 hours.

  92. I’ve not seen the Cortez video and am really not that interested in seeking it out.

    We all know the MSM are a bunch of liars, hucksters, and faux outragers but the question is, even if conservatives did make fun of it, what is the big flippin’ deal if they did? Have your seen the Sasquootch in her sparkly thigh high boot things? Ho-lee shit that she-man is hideous.

  93. Ellen Barkin is doing her damndest to make it impossible to re-watch Buckaroo Banzai, which is the only movie she’s ever been in that I give a fig about.

  94. The Big Easy was good.

  95. Next meatup activity?

  96. Too complicated. We should just drink beer and tell stories.

  97. Comment by leoncaruthers on January 8, 2019 1:41 pm
    Too complicated. We should just drink beer and tell stories.

    Burpees. We’ll do burpees.

    And wall balls.

  98. Ugh, grandma is in the hospital, and it’s not looking good.

  99. Free healthcare in NYC. This is gonna be fun.

  100. Sorry about grandma 😦

  101. “”This is the city paying for direct comprehensive care (not just ERs) for people who can’t afford it, or can’t get comprehensive Medicaid — including 300,000 undocumented New Yorkers,” spokesman Eric Phillips tweeted.”

  102. Does the hospital need new siding or updated windows or something?

    Kidding, sorry to hear it.

  103. Rant on: My 12:30 case, slated to last 3 hours is already 1 1/2 hours delayed. And it’s snowing. Rant off.

  104. ” including 300,000 undocumented New Yorkers”
    this is why the state and city are bankrupt.
    phillips is a water carrying piece of shit toeing the line for a full blown commie fukwad that should have been put down in nicaragua with extreme prejudice

  105. I don’t think Ayn Rand would guard NYC with her body anymore.

    I’m just waiting for the inevitable bio-terror attack on it.

  106. I know some people in New York. I was talking to one and he said they hardly keep any food on hand. Pick up dinner or a few groceries on the way home from work every day. Most people are like that. If there’s an interruption for whatever reason, people have no cushion.

  107. I get ragging on Charlie Sykes, but I wish Ace would learn something about annulments before doing so. It does not affect the children in any way, it’s a question of the validity of the sacrament involving the participants alone, and is completely separate from the civil divorce.

    Mine was granted on the basis of my case against myself being properly educated on what the sacrament itself was, for instance.

  108. My brother in Chappaqua is in NYC one day a week. 9-11-2001 was one of those days. I have never since been comfortable with him being there regularly. (Honestly, I think he’s been up there too long anyway, but that’s another issue.)

  109. I went once as a kid. I fully intend to never set foot there again.

  110. I have to restart my work laptop, and thus must save state on something like 50% of my exocortex.

    Pray for Oso.

  111. My boss wants me to turn quarterly data into monthly data. Kill me now…

  112. Even better, all the variable labels in the quarterly data are incomprehensible, and there’s no data book to reference.

  113. Just take your Q data and divide by three. Close efuckingnuff.

  114. Second derivatives are for pussies.

  115. Pendejo, the PITA is figuring out which data to do that to. Total migration that quarter? Sure. Unemployment rate? No.

  116. New Yorkers by and large are sure nothing else exists but nyc. I don’t really mean that in a nasty way it’s just the city has always had everything at a moments notice so they are used to it. If there is ever a really serious logistics shut down I’d imagine fatalities in large numbers would start within just a few days. Good luck getting out of there if the bridges ever get shut down – you better have a boat, helicopter etc.

  117. Procrastination and sloth remind me of the radio announcer’s practice. Four pumpernickel porpoises. Six pairs of Don O’Day facial tweezers. (number, can’t remember if it’s 7 or 8, too lazy to look it up) brass monkeys from the ancient crypts of Egypt. Nine sympathetic, apathetic old men on roller skates with a marked propensity for procrastination and sloth.

  118. Give that sloth some milk of magnesia.
    He will hate you, but he’ll be shitting for the next two days.

  119. Pick up dinner or a few groceries on the way home from work every day

    And, of course, going to the store is limited by what you can carry.

  120. Exocortex restoration in progress. All systems appear nominal thus far.

  121. I don’t think it would be relevant for me to reply to any comments from the 0900 hour.

    So I’ll just say this – my dog is a moron. He was sleeping just fine and didn’t realize that he was hungry. Then I got a meatball sub & a calzone delivered, and all of a sudden he’s a staving Ethiopian child with a distended belly. Whining like a college chick…

  122. “I don’t think it would be relevant for me to reply to any comments from the 0900 hour.”

    whadda ya kidding – that’s just a few minutes ago. we still talk about shit from ’09

  123. “….for people who can’t afford it, or can’t get comprehensive Medicaid — including 300,000 undocumented New Yorkers”….

    This shit burns my ass.
    So much fraud even the usual honest, hardworking people are getting in on the action. Case in point, a buddy of the husband worked at a large brewery in St. Louis from out of high school up until they were bought out and many of the employees were let go a few years back. He made good money there and had good benefits. He saved for his retirement, paid off his house, and did some other work on the side. Never married….child is grown up. He’ll be 60 in a couple of years.
    Nowadays he reports around $12k in income and claims to get $8k in EITC which he uses to buy better insurance than what his former employer offered. Because why not get in on that action. They do not look at assets.

    And then we pull our hair and rend our shirts because we’re $20T in debt.

  124. Now what shall we talk about?

  125. I bet cock blocking means something entirely different in a chicken coop than it does at you neighborhood pub.

  126. Lady across the street from me gets assistance..

    1) don’t get married
    2) put the house under the boyfriends name
    3) wait for the state aid to start rolling in

    I think that is very common now.

  127. Playing by the rules is a scam.

  128. It’s pretty much just for chumps and those who believe in an afterlife one can lose by deceit, anymore.

  129. 2. why not move into the boyfriend’s house instead of signing yours over to him?

    1. it’s all a scam by design. “They” are purposefully discouraging people from getting married.

  130. nuclear family is teh debble

  131. nukular

  132. Wiserbait

  133. Union rep emailed me at home to tell me to call Senator Shelby and ask him to stop the shutdown and worry about the wall later. How about I call Senator Doug Jones instead and ask him to build the damn wall?

  134. More Wiserbait: now that he’s part of the media, he’s probably pro abortion, anti wall, pro transgender in the military, pro hate crimes, anti Trump, etc.

    I expect he’s a full blown SJW, feminist by now.

  135. Roamie, is your state right to work?

  136. We watching this thing or what?

  137. Wouldn’t miss it for anything.

  138. Shep Smith is a cunt.

  139. “How much more American blood has to be shed before Congress does their job?”

    Dayum, that was good. He didn’t go off the rails, he didn’t get weird. Thank God!

  140. I’m so excited to hear Pelosi. She’s such a great speaker

  141. Hotspur, yes. I joined because my boss was threatening my job when I got pregnant with Rocketboy, and the threat of a union grievance was enough to make him back down.

  142. Where do you see shep? Fox has Bret b

  143. That sucked ass. Wooden, tight, scripted, …..he’s lousy at teleprompter. He also didn’t look well ( maybe the right eye squint thing) and breathing pattern….

  144. Schumer looks like a Bond villain.

  145. What’s wrong with Nancy? Go

  146. Local Fox station had Shep.

  147. Trump wins that round.

    I don’t know if it was enough.

  148. What’s wrong with Nancy

    She’s a cunt, a whore, and a cunt.

    Did I mention she’s a cunt?

  149. Color me surprised that Schumer didn’t cry on cue.

  150. LIV watched low energy 45 with weird breathing before switching to sports. He was still fist pumping the border wall before going to Blanco Basura TV. Dan would never watch a D🐀 response. I could not handle TFG so D had an 8 year reprieve of the SOTUN. He would watch anyway, just to piss me off. Marriage.

  151. I love that Schumer and Pelosi are the face of the Democrat party.


  152. I hope the silly ass speech writers release a transcript with foot notes that source every fact he delivered.

  153. LOL, we should play some Slim Whitman.

  154. I should probably go look for another job, shouldn’t I. Schumer’s gonna drive this car off the cliff.

  155. Leon? CoAlex?

  156. Absolute Fuck is the lowest state of fuckery that exists.

  157. place your derp on me, yeah
    they’re never gonna take you
    these days were never supposed to get here
    no never, gone, never, gone

  158. […] blog of the day is The H2, with a post on procrastination, sloth, and turpitude – 2019 resolutions to live […]

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