HHD – Ghost Pepper Edition

Happy Hump Day!

Squeaky clean

i4I love Bollywood


I bet he likes to walk on the beach


Tushar’s cousin?


Not Tushar’s cousin.




  1. Hawt

  2. Geez. Dudes need to pull up their pants. Saggin ain’t no way to go through life.

  3. Bite your tongue!

  4. Lol. There’s been enough blood spilled in my house today.

  5. Sorry to read about your baby, Brent. My Axeman had a killer scar over his left eye, BELOW the eyebrow, when he took a header into an ice chest after jumping from bed to bed at a hotel when he was almost 3 years old. Can’t hardly even see it now.

  6. Yeah, I’ve got one in each eyebrow. Cracked the forehead climbing a slide when I was two and actually ran into a dinner plate my dad was holding (I came running around a corner as he was coming the other way) when I was like 6. Can’t really see either of them now.

  7. Chicks dig scars.

  8. I want to listen to Tom Waits and Pandora gives me Queens of the Stone Age. WTFITS?

  9. Thanks, Jewstin!

    (I’m guessin’ none of these guys bat for “our” side, huh?)

  10. Sure beats the old days of holding them down in the papoose board and putting a local in with a pointy needle near the eye as they thrash their head around side to side. Then putting in sutures that need to be removed in a week or two. Kids today don’t know how good they have it. GOML.

  11. They did that to me when I was two, Jimbro.

    My parents still speak of it in horror.

  12. Scott, I’ve been to Stonington, CT twice for holidays when my friend’s mother rented a home down there. It was in my bachelor days and he, being a married guy, took pity on me around the holidays and invited me for dinners. His mom got very fancy food from a local caterer and heated it up nice. Never had a burger there though. I’ve heard there’s lots of old money in that town.

  13. My mom was a nurse so she just told us to listen to the doctor and get the local and the sutures or she’d leave us there with the homeless people.

    It was the 60’s and people didn’t fill out “satisfaction surveys” back then.

  14. The thing says I’ve made 99 poats. Yay!


  15. I got 99 poats….

  16. My father still tells the tale of the time 4-year-old me ran into the corner of our solid brick backyard barbecue pit and had to have stitches in the pediatrician’s office.

    TiFW mom was absolutely distraught, so they wouldn’t let her back in the procedure room with me; made her stay in the waiting room. TiFW dad said that every time the doc took a stitch, I would scream.

    And he could hear my mother all the way in the waiting room, wailing right behind me.

  17. I knocked out my two front teeth on a dining room table leg, when I was five. Smashed my gums up badly, too. I was running and slipped on a rug and took a perfect header. It was a heavy square piece of lumber and I pretty much split my face apart on the outside corner of it.

    This happened at the home of my mother’s friend’s mother. I remember we went straight to a dentist, and I was screaming the entire time. The dentist yelled at me and pissed my mother off. We never saw him again.

    Then followed days and days of sipping soft foods through a straw. That was actually pretty great, because as you know, I love pudding.

    Holy crap, I haven’t thought about that whole thing in years. My mother must have been at the very edge of her sanity.

  18. Why is it that in memories, you can see the back of your head?

    I noticed this when I was a little girl. I have a memory of being six years old, and of me thinking about something I did the previous day, and realizing that I could see my own pigtails.

    What the Hell is that madness?

  19. I might just need some pot this evening, frankly. Damn shame I’m such a fucking square.

  20. Probably just your brain filling in all the details of a situation. You’ve undoubtedly seen pics of your pigtails, or saw them in the mirror.

  21. Booze works too, laura.

  22. Or you can just go read Yglesias’ response to Cooke’s post where Yglesias refers to Cooke as a “dim bulb.” Yeah, he called someone else dim.

    That’ll send your brain into another state of being.

  23. Yeah, but I remember observing this phenomenon AS a child. Could my six-year-old self imagine the back of my head, including how my hair was done, on that particular day?

    How many pictures of the back of my head could I have possibly seen, at that point? Zero, probably. This was the early 70s. A young family used film for actual occasions. I had certainly seen few if any pics of myself, except for baby pictures.

    My family rarely took pictures even after that. I don’t think Dad even had a good camera until the year after we moved to the suburbs.

  24. Actually, it’s not a 70s thing. That’s just my family. Lots of other kids had seventy kajillion family pictures everywhere. We just don’t do pictures.

  25. Probably because my father looks like a gorilla.

  26. Beats the hell outa me, Laura.

    I remember things that there’s no way I should remember…or I can picture them from angles that are impossible. The brain is a weird and amazing thing.

  27. Comment by Teresa in Fort Worth, TX on July 30, 2014 4:19 pm
    Where did you commit said crime, PG? The TiFW daughters have received similar notices in the mail so often that when Mr. TiFW got one, he automatically assumed it was one of the girls who had run a light.

    Bryant-Irvin and I20 Access road. Never fucking saw the light.

  28. Oh, that one is notorious, PG – sorry you got nicked.

  29. Comment by bcochran81 on July 30, 2014 5:56 pm
    Or you can just go read Yglesias’ response to Cooke’s post where Yglesias refers to Cooke as a “dim bulb.”


    The balls on that girl!

  30. Behold….the butthurt.


  31. >> Probably because my father looks like a gorilla.

    A gray gorilla

  32. Jeez, Dave. That was what, five years ago? He’s gone all white now. And skinnier.

  33. He looks like Ernest Borgnine.

  34. Today I learned why you are supposed to start a generator every couple of months.

  35. Bcock
    I don’t know if that was tongue in cheek or if the guy was a fucking idiot

  36. TJ, it’s Yglesias. He’s a fucking idiot.

  37. Gas, diesel or propane?

  38. Gas. Battery went bad.

  39. Something’s wrong with mine (propane) where it doesn’t do its automatic weekly test by itself. If the power goes out it used to kick in automatically. Now we need to do a manual start. We’ll get it serviced when school begins and we’re home more. What size battery?

  40. It’s smaller than my lawn mower battery.

  41. Specialty item

  42. The negative terminal is still black.
    That will end soon.

  43. Well, that was a pretty good nap.

  44. >> Jeez, Dave. That was what, five years ago? He’s gone all white now. And skinnier.

    When I met your dad? Feels longer ago than that. After I fell in the water, next time in CT when what’shername hosted the gig. Sassy?

    I get you on the skinnier thing. My dad was a big fat strappin hoss like me in his 50s.

    By 75 he had shrunk.

    The oldness. It will mess with a person big time.

  45. He was diagnosed with pre-diabetes and had to change his ways. Then he had that heart trouble and a big operation in the hospital, last year. Aged him some.

  46. Well glad he’s going ok.

    He probably still wants you to go get him a beer.

  47. Hostage family theater

    Eating dinner with the boy and Penelope. Penelope made him fish on the grill.

    Boy: This is pretty good. What kind of fish do they put in tacos?
    Penelope: Where? It probably depends on what’s available.
    Boy: At Hooters in Las Cruces.
    Penelope: Probably snapper………….
    Me and Boy: *look at each other out of the corner of our eyes, crack up*
    Penelope: What? What’s so funny? What?

  48. Did anybody lead a ragtag army of slaves and gladiators in a revolt against anybody else’s unjust power structure today?

  49. http://the-toast.net/2014/05/29/talk-babies/

  50. Did anybody lead a ragtag army of slaves and gladiators in a revolt against anybody else’s unjust power structure today?

    *looks up at gladiator hanging from cross*

    *hides hammer behind back*


  51. Jesse Ventura is a punk. If I EVER see him at a Navy function I will spit in his ugly face. As for the Minnesota jurors, fuck you, you ignorant turbotard twatwaffles!

  52. The irony in this thing is Ventura sued to save his reputation, and besmirched it forever in the process.

    I don’t know if he was defamed. But I do know he defamed himself in this.

  53. Were there no witnesses? I don’t understand.

  54. About to head out to a meeting, but let me say how refreshing its is to see someone use the word irony correctly. Bravo, dave! Bravo!


  55. There were witnesses Scott. My understanding is that stories varied slightly, but told similar tales.

    I have no idea what happened here.

  56. It was a strange thing to come out during a book tour.

    I don’t know what to believe.

  57. The first day of school is behind us.

    And let me just add parenthetically for the record that the age 13 sucks balls.

  58. 13 is probably the worst.

  59. Is this Hotspur narrating this video?
    I love this accent.

  60. I quickly looked at one of Ventura’s books at the bookstore
    He was bitching about the Koch Brothers
    Some libertarian.

    What a dumb prick..

  61. No.

  62. Mrs. Hotspur with a really really deep voice.

  63. Before she quit smoking.

  64. I never got my balls sucked at 13.

  65. Cyn, just be glad your thirteen year old is a boy……

  66. L to R: Cyn, The 13 YO

  67. Is no one watching Sharknado 2: The Second One with me?

  68. I’ve heard that TiF; then again, I’ve heard moms who’ve had both boys and girls and they both suck at 13. Just depends on the kid.

    Welp, at least I know that he will be a good thinking strong willed assertive adult, so there’s that.

  69. I’ll bet phat is watching.

  70. LOL!!!!! One of THOSE days, huh?

    *shoves 1lb. bar of chocolate through USB port*

  71. Is Roamy’s video available at some link? Or was it just live stream?

  72. I’m watching, Jay!

  73. I doubt it’s on in my time zone yet, so NO SPOILERS, Jay.

  74. FWIW, even Rebecca is acting 13. It’s a much milder version than what we went through with the other 3 girls.

    Thank goodness.

  75. The beginning is EPIC!

  76. Killing them is frowned upon. That’s all I know.

  77. Did you guys see how hot my ass looked in the TITS panties?

    Damn. Rosetta Kardashian.

    *twerks, gets a 6.2 from the Richter judge*

  78. I have a concerning political thought to throw out there if anyone is willing to catch it and comment on it.

  79. 12 hours on the clock today. 38 hours so far this work week.

    *cracks open 3rd hard cider*

    Drinking now.


    goodnight, all. Love you.

    *logs out

  81. I managed to split both eyebrows as a child.

    I have scars under both. Your daughter will be okay, Bcock.

  82. *finishes 3rd hard cider*

    Hit me, Rosie, I’m all up onz the thinkiness right now,

  83. Comment by xbradtc on July 30, 2014 9:23 pm

    I never got my balls sucked at 13.
    Had to wait ’til you enlisted, eh?

  84. Ball suck age: 18. I think. I’d have to ask around.

  85. Thinkiness killed the cat, and that 13 year old.

  86. I spent 4 hours in a meeting with a white-haired old man who suggested that the thing I’ve spent most of the last 4 months actually doing on a daily basis violated the laws of physics, and snapped at me when I dared to disagree.

    *sends letter to the Vatican about miracle*

  87. I defied the laws of physics today.
    It paid well.

  88. It’s not doing too badly for me, either.

  89. Lindsay Wagner is 65.

    Has sad.

  90. >>I defied the laws of physics today.
    It paid well.

    Very nice, young Padawan. You have moved beyond defying the laws of geometry….

  91. Laws! Piffle, laws are for little people

  92. If Rosetta twerks a goddamn thing we are going to DEFCON1

  93. Geometry was implied.

  94. Laura got hurt again. I warned her 37 times and she still messed up her back.

    I think I need to hire someone.

  95. >>>Geometry was implied.

    Customer: “Hi. I need to move the contents of my 12 story office building two towns over. Can you do that in one trip?”

    Scott: “No problem. I have a Banglar Van. I can make it fit.”

  96. She wouldn’t have hurt her back if she’d worn pigtails today.

    I don’t know what that means, but it feels true.

  97. >>>Laura got hurt again. I warned her 37 times and she still messed up her back.


  98. >>>>Lindsay Wagner is 65.

    We can rebuild her. We have the technology.

  99. You take the light ones.
    I’ll take the heavy ones.

    Don’t screw up your back.


  100. Lindsay Wagner is 65.

    *hits it anyway*

  101. She’s got the legs of a 28 year old.

  102. All right Leon! Thank you.

    This is one of those thoughts that I’ve not fully fleshed out but it occurred to me which is enough to make me want to throw it out there.

    For maybe the last week the shameless Democrats have been pretending to have their collective panties in a bunch over an imagined GOP push towards impeachment.

    I think Obama and the Democrats are doing this obviously to agitate their base to turn out and vote in November. It doesn’t take a genius to get that.

    But I think Obama is potentially trying to go further as far as his legacy is concerned.

    Obama and the Dems daring the GOP to impeach him will not work for a myriad of reasons and they know it. However the fact that he won’t be impeached as the first black president will only embolden Obama to be more bold and to further provoke people that don’t think he’s king of this country.

    Not only is he not king and a terrible President but he seemingly wants to cripple the country.

    All that leads me to this thought. Would Obama prefer that his legacy be that of the worst president ever, black or white, or would he prefer the martyr status as the first black president who was also assassinated?

    There seems to me to be the beginning of a taunting that goes beyond impeachment. We have two more years of the first black president being unimpeachable.

    That’s no legacy. That’s affirmative action and maybe he doesn’t want that.

    It’s pretty obvious he thinks of himself as the greatest black man in a country of racist crackers. What better way to prove that correct and become a legendary martyr of civil rights at the same time?

    Are you still reading this? Discuss.

  103. If he’d wanted that, Hillary would be Vice President.

  104. Then what happened?

  105. Obama being assassinated is the worst thing that could happen. They would deify him. Kennedy to the 10th power.

  106. Then he slept with Beyoncé and they had a baby named TittyFace Hussein Jenkins.

  107. >>>>>It’s pretty obvious he thinks of himself as the greatest black man in a country of racist crackers. What better way to prove that correct and become a legendary martyr of civil rights at the same time?

    You are really gonna give him and his team credit for having the ability to play 12 dimensional chess?

    Ocean’s razor, dude. They honestly think they are right and that they are that much smarter than us.

  108. “Obama being assassinated is the worst thing that could happen. They would deify him. Kennedy to the 10th power.”

    Kinda my point.

  109. Comment by Rosetta on July 30, 2014 10:27 pm

    Kinda my point.
    I was a bit more succinct.

  110. Crack is bad.

  111. Jesse Ventura is a punk. If I EVER see him at a Navy function I will spit in his ugly face. As for the Minnesota jurors, fuck you, you ignorant turbotard twatwaffles!

    Roamy ♥’s MCPO

  112. I think he wants matrydom lite. You know, articles of impeachment, but not convicted.

  113. If 0bama dies in office I’m fleeing the notional borders of what used to be the country below Canada.

  114. But you have to admit that the thought of him being assassinated probably has some appeal to him. At least a good attempt.

    He believes he’s that great and that most of the people he governs are retarded gun-toting, bitter racists clinging to the Constitution as well as their religion.

    And has he been anything but antagonistic to those people?

    I think he hates this country so much that he would give his life to try and tear it apart and make himself a demigod in the process.

    Has there ever been a more narcissistic president in our history?

    And what is more narcissistic than thinking you are worthy of death by your enemies to glorify your cause?

    It’s the messiah complex taken to its logically end.

    Ok I’m done being serious. That’s my theory.

    Now where the fuck are my pants?

  115. Then he slept with Beyoncé Jay-Zee

    Corrected for believability

  116. Bwahahahaha, Sharknado 2 is awesome.

  117. Apparently I don’t know what day it is any more. Thanks for covering for me, Jewstin.

  118. ROAMIE!!!!

    Hands stop shaking yet?


  120. Great appearance today, Roamy!

  121. Rosie, I respectfully disagree. 0bama cannot conceive of a world in which he doesn’t live and isn’t cherished and loved by all right-thinking people. He lacks the depth to imagine such a world, and earnestly believes that history will vindicate him.

    Did I say “respectfully”? I meant “in deference to our favorite r-tard”.

  122. 1) It whips up the base in advance of the 2014 elections.

    2) It encourages donors to open their checkbooks.

    3) It’s battlespace prep for the court case. The administration will argue that if the President has violated the law through his actions, the appropriate response from Congress is impeachment, not a lawsuit. By whipping up controversy they’ll try to make the argument that Congress is using the courts because it’s too afraid for a political fight.

  123. >>>I think he hates this country so much that he would give his life to try and tear it apart and make himself a demigod in the process.

    Again, I think you are giving the narcissist-in-chief way too much credit.

    He’s a puppet. He has nothing to do with his “decisions”. All he cares about is himself and will do and say what he’s told, as long as he gets to be the star of the play.

    He isn’t smart enough to hate this country.

    And as for sacrificing his life to be remembered as a martyr?


    That would mean giving up on the easy life he has become accustomed to.

    The only way he gets assassinated is if Valerie Jarrett requires it.

  124. My drunkenness has turned the corner from happy to mournful.

    Not good. I blame MJ.

  125. I can see them staging an assassination attempt for propaganda purposes. There is nothing to which they will not stoop.

    Maybe miss Obama and hit Biden………… hmmmmm. Appoints the hand picked 2016 candidate as VP. I can totally see this happening.

  126. Hands stop shaking yet?

    Only when the camera is off. Man, that pissed me off.

  127. 0bama only dies if that’s what the board of directors at Goldman Sachs decides would best serve their interests.

  128. Yannow the best part of watching the Big Bang Theory?

    Those scenes where Penny is walking up the stairs.

    *cue Al Pacino’s “GREAT ASS” clip

  129. >>>>Only when the camera is off. Man, that pissed me off.

    I smiled. I know what you were dealing with.

    It was cute.

  130. I still feel absolutely nothing for Kaley Cuoco-whatshername.

    I would crawl over a half mile of broken glass for Melissa Rauch.

  131. Michael Jackson’s death lasted for a week. If Obama got dead I would have to burn my television because the media’s necrophilia would never end.

  132. All out of cider. I should retire for the evening. Flying tomorrow afternoon.

  133. blerg

  134. I was told to bring show-and-tell items. I brought a dozen or so. We had time for two.

  135. Please tell me no one here watches the Big Bang Theory….


  136. No one here watches the Big Bang Theory.

    There. You feel better?

    (I have no idea if this is true.)

  137. BBT is the funniest show on television.

  138. >>>>I was told to bring show-and-tell items. I brought a dozen or so. We had time for two.

    Heh. You kept closing your eyes as you spoke. It was like your “tell”

    “I don’t want to be here…. please stop…..”

    So cute. I know the feeling well.

    You did great.

  139. That was pretty awesome, reading the play-by-play at H2 from today. Streaming TV is blocked at Mr. RFH’s work, Mini-me is at camp, and Rocketboy slept through it.

    **runs around giving everyone who watched squishy hugs**

  140. >>>>I would crawl over a half mile of broken glass for Melissa Rauch

    Totally agree, but they go out of their way to un-sexy Bernadette, until they need it for the script.

    But Kelly’s ass is perfect.

  141. It gets easier, Roamie.

    So, now that you are a personality, when do I get you on my show?

  142. Dude, some of us LIVE with BBT. For years and years.

  143. BBT is a funny show.

  144. You kept closing your eyes as you spoke. It was like your “tell”

    I apparently do that when I’m doing my damnedest not to stutter.

    Not sure why I put myself through that, but it makes the project scientist happy.

  145. **sends Disney Princess bandaids for Bcoch daughter**

  146. Rosie, what kills me about Obama is that he isn’t what most people would consider an authentic “American” black man. He is only half black, and that half isn’t descended from slaves brought over in the 1700s. His father was never an American citizen, he was only in this country for a few years, and then it was back to Africa for the rest of his life.

    He spent his formative years in a Muslim country, then spent his teenage years in a state that was so far away from the continental US that he probably never learned our history.

    He knows NOTHING of the Civil Rights struggle, because he wasn’t here when it was happening. But he acts like he was personally slighted by all of that stuff.

    The man is the star of the movie reel he has running in his head 24/7.

  147. He’s a narcissistic little twink.

  148. I think Baldilocks came up with King Mierdas.

  149. >>>Not sure why I put myself through that, but it makes the project scientist happy.

    All of the other stuff beside, it was really awesome to see your pretty face again.

    It’s been too long.

  150. Great yob today Roamy!

  151. Sharknado 2 just started… bwahahaha *breathes* hahahaa!

  152. 86 degrees inside the condo. Stupid Swamp Cooler. Stupid rain. 5 fans going and the portable AC. Almost 11PM. 86 degrees. Cooler outside, but I can’t open windows, because of rain.

  153. Rats. I forgot about Sharknado 2.

    *Pokes Xbrad with pitchfork*

  154. OW!

    What the fuck did I do?

    **kicks Oso**

  155. *Wha? Throws bag of spiders on XB*

  156. They’re Daddy Longlegs!!! Sheesh, quit crying!

  157. I’m having another wave of Black Widows building around the house. Do you really want me posting more pics on Facechimp?

  158. You said you needed full time help
    Cos you’re all alone
    I said I’d derp for nothing at all
    If I just could take you home

  159. OK, I’m the only one here. Cool with that.

    Roamie, I woke up early in FL to watch you. You were great!

    Then I went back to bed.

    Landed in SFO 4 hrs ago and did the usual bar crawl.

    Vesuvius, mr. Bing’s and Comstock.

    Met an off duty bartender at Comstock who recommended a couple of other places.

    Great night, good drinks. Old school drinks are the rage in SFO.

    I had a 4th Regiment and a Pimms Cup. All very awesome.

    Have to stay up for another 2 hrs to make my sleep cycle work.

    Sometimes this job sucks, sometimes you’re drinking at 4:00.

  160. For MJ,


    I asked, they make their own celery bitters.

    This drink rocks.

  161. You are not alone.

    I woke up at 4. Watched a terrible movie called Hell Baby.

    Why does anyone pay for HBO?

  162. The other old school cocktail I had was a Sazerac.

    Evidently it’s from New Orleans.

    Very good.

    Start mixing MJ!

  163. Awesome, the MSTK3000 movie s on hbo.

    Never seen it. They’re doing ‘This Island Earth’.

  164. The singular high point of Hell Baby was a nude scene of Riki Lindhome. Why wasn’t MST3k on then, dammit?

  165. Great, now I’m alone.

  166. One more awful commute. One more Virginia office 3/4 day, then I get to go home.

  167. wakeyly

  168. Well crap. MST3K was on HBO and I was reading instead of watching TV. It has cooled to 78. Still too hot to sleep.

  169. This actually is true in Leon’s case:


  170. Not just leon!

  171. Morning children. Grrrrr, everybody on TV complaining about all the rain, and we still haven’t gotten much. It keeps hitting Albuquerque where they don’t really need it. Frustrating.

  172. I am curious as to how Lois Lerner can write “asshole” in an email without it getting flagged by the system for profanity.

  173. East Mtns is getting more rain than the West Side. Pepe, I would gladly give you guys all our rain and humidity. And thunder, lightning, and hail.

  174. “The US is through; too many foreigners sucking the teat; time to hunker down, buy ammo and food, and prepare for the end.”

    I am perfectly fine with the liberals doing nothing to prepare for any emergency.

  175. What did Romacita do yesterday that I missed??

  176. Showed us what space does to NOMEX

  177. We had about 3 inches more rain than average for July. Usually by now the lawn is slowing down and brown in spots. Not this year.

  178. Paula’s dad cuts hay and has had a hard time getting it in this year. He needs a good stretch of dry weather to cut it, bale it up and load it in the barn.

  179. she was on nasa live, showing us results of materials testing from space

  180. There’s another step in there called “tetting” which sounds dirty but isn’t.

  181. growing too fast, Jimbro? My brother has the same problem some years.

  182. tetting, otherwise known as turning it over.

  183. Dammit. Was it recorded? I’d love to see her again.

  184. cyn posted a link in the last poat, but I didn’t see the archives. wiserbud said he recorded it.

  185. I had to look it up Jay. Paula says it like I should know what it means. Try using the word tetting in a conversation with a non farmer and see what happens.

  186. i’m going to be very busy tetting today.

  187. Old farmers like to use terms like that, to confuse anyone else.

  188. Jargon. Jargon.

    It’s a funny word.

  189. Lauraw – i’m going to pickle beans tonight if I get everything done. I. Have. So. Many.

    I may even use them for tetting.

  190. I have so much $hit to do today. I’d better get tetting.

  191. I hate you all so very much.

  192. Tetaholic

  193. Yay! MST3K just started on West Coast HBO.

  194. Sorry, gal. Was reading.

    Finally get a beautiful day with a small workload so I can get things done around here, and my back is fucked up again.

    I just can’t even.

  195. I’ll come help you Lauraw. What do you need me to do?

  196. Clean my house, weed my garden, tie up the tomatoes, pull down the old pea vines, turn over that raised bed, fix the pond rock edge, pull my waterlilies up from the depths and vacuum the muck out of the bottom of the pond and the gravel shelf! THANK YOU!!

  197. Robin pool party.

  198. I don’t see you working in my yard yet, Missy.
    *pops another ibuprofen*

  199. Sorry your back is messed up.

  200. I’m an idiot, Oso.

  201. …but thanks.

  202. I don’t see you working in my yard yet, Missy.
    *pops another ibuprofen*

    I’m way in the back.

    *shakes branch

    See me?


    you didn’t mention the mosquito swarms.

  203. We have the Mosquito Magnet. No swarms. That thing is incredible. We could never enjoy our yard without it.

  204. Dan is still on light duty, but the GM wants him supervising and doing administrative work in his area. Guess who thought he could stock bananas on Tuesday?

  205. Bananas are heavy.

  206. They weigh less than his 30# restriction. So do cherry flats. See also peaches. At least we have the Club size ibuprofen at home.

  207. So, I haven’t really been following this Ray Rice situation very closely, but let me see if I got this straight:

    A player in the NFL can beat his fiance unconscious, in public, and he gets a two game suspension, whereas a team owner in the NBA says something supposedly racist, in private, and he gets suspended for life and is forced to sell his team.

    Have I got that right?

  208. Yes.

  209. Come on, it’s not like he plays for the Chiefs, it’s the World Champion Baltimore Ravens!

    Ray Lewis used to play there.

  210. The fiancé is now his wife. (Like THAT is supposed to erase the beating). Bobby Cox was inducted into the baseball HoF this past wknd.

  211. it’s the World Champion Baltimore Ravens!

    Ah. Well, then now it makes much more sense.

    Nice to see that someone has finally stepped up and filled the “violent thug” role left empty with the retirement of Ray Lewis.

  212. http://www.sportspickle.com/2014/07/roger-goodell-fines-ray-rices-wife-500000-role-getting-knocked

    I really feel sorry for people who write parody these days.

    It’s really getting more and more difficult every day.

  213. The fiancé is now his wife.

    awwwwwww….. this story just keeps getting sweeter every second.

    *wipes tear from eye

  214. Plenty of candidates for that role.

  215. My daughter is driving as I type . If you never hear from me again, know that I loved most of you .

  216. “Have I got that right?”

    It wasn’t racist.

  217. Heh, looks like Stephen A Smith in ESPN stepped in it. He got suspended for a week, saying something like “she could have prevented it.”

  218. If he were white they would have charged him with attempted murder.

  219. Jay, by that same token, the guy talks for a living. He should have known better.

  220. So the ESPN commenter gets suspended half as long as the brutal attacker, just for saying something stupid?

  221. It’s the RAVENS, xbrad!

  222. So you’re saying the ESPN commenter should have gotten 2 weeks suspension?

  223. He said something stupid against one of the anointed class, and he’s in the lowest caste, XBrad.

  224. If he were white they would have charged him with attempted murder.

    Sounds about right.

    Remember this guy?


  225. HA! Look where that article came from.

    Incognito was a TeaRepublican.

  226. I don’t think anybody should be fined or suspended. The NFL is not the morality police, nor the defender of battered women, the champion of the bullied, or the great equalizer for homosexual football players.

    No criminal charges, no suspension. No conviction, no penalty.

    I’m sorry Ray Rice is a fucking dirt-bag who hits his wife. I’m sorry his wife is an idiot gold-digger who married him anyway. I’m sorry NFL fans in general defend the indefensible and cheer for bad people who are good players. I just don’t think the league should be judging and reacting to these things without criminal charges and a court of law providing evidence and prosecuting crimes.

  227. I have no problem with a private entity imposing discipline via suspension and banning. I just wish there was some level of consistency.

  228. Teapublican. It’s all political and they never stop.

  229. Who made Pups the voice of reason?

  230. Teapublican. It’s all political and they never stop.

    I didn’t even notice that.


  231. I was laughing so hard when Tara Reid got her hand bitten off.

    And then when she explained how the shark knew her? wow.

  232. The NFL is not the morality police, nor the defender of battered women, the champion of the bullied, or the great equalizer for homosexual football players.

  233. DAMMIT! My hotel didn’t have SyFy. NO SPOILERS!

  234. Yeah, either you want players to present a good example of morality to young people (and impartially fire the guys that violate the image), or you stay out of it and let the law prevail. Political correctness theater + halfassing ‘enforcement’ depending on how valuable the player is, is not helping their credibility as a policing institution for the sport..

  235. *writes in Lauraw’s name for President of the Universe*

  236. If elected my first act would be to give Cyn an army and a dumptruck full of diamonds.

    Only good things can possibly flow from these actions.

  237. their credibility as a policing institution for the sport..


    You said “credibility.”


  238. Wiser, do you have time for lunch today? I’m in Cheshire – got done earlier than expected.

  239. Wiser is a scam.

  240. Wiser, do you have time for lunch today? I’m in Cheshire – got done earlier than expected.

    Unfortunately, I have a pretty important demo coming up at 1.

    Next time?

  241. If elected my first act would be to give Cyn an army and a dumptruck full of diamonds.

    Wooo Hooo! Yeah bay-bee!

    *frets about where I’m going to put all the diamonds*

  242. *frets about where I’m going to put all the diamonds*

    [original response deleted. insert alternate comment]

    Hi, Cyn. How are you today?

  243. Zip it, wiserbub.

  244. Good luck on the demo!
    I’ll be back in September I think. I’ ll try to give you more than five minutes notice.

  245. Break a leg, Wiser!

  246. I’ll be back in September I think. I’ ll try to give you more than five minutes notice.

    Cool! Sounds like a plan!

  247. Break a leg, Wiser!

    T’anks, sweets.

    Zip it, wiserbub.


  248. Ugh,

    Old-school cocktails may have been a bad choice.

    A little hair ‘o the dog and then back to bed.

  249. I hear Ann’s Deli is nice.

  250. Phat, did you catch Sharknado 2? It wasn’t as good (read: bad) as the first one.

  251. What was your verdict on Sharknado 2, Cyn?

  252. I hear Ann’s Deli is nice.

    Currently closed for 3 week vacation.

    But nice to hear the ads are working.

  253. Where did the deli go on vacation?

  254. I couldn’t stay up for the whole thing, but what I saw looked like it had excellent MST3K potential.

  255. The first one was so memorable. When he pulls the girl out of the shark at the end? Awesome.

    This one has a pretty funny ending, too.

  256. Jay, was flying last night (landed on the left coast around 9:30pm) so I missed it.

    I think they caught lightning in a bottle on the first one.

  257. Cyn,

    PHX layover next week. Get in late, staying by the airport, but have time for a cocktail. Will Email details later.

  258. Idiot daughter still an idiot.

    I tried to do a tune up on my truck this weekend. Was able to get everything except the wires. I needed to replace them because they were old and I broke the ends off of two of them while pulling them off the plugs.

    So I replace the plugs, and loosely reconnect SOME of the old wires to them, so I know where the new ones will go. Obviously, I can’t reconnect the broken ones. So there’s maybe 4 out of 8 plugs that are connected, while I wait for the wire set to come in. I also left the air filter off. No reason to replace that, since I’m not driving the truck until I get the wires anyway.

    This weekend, the check engine light came on in wiserdaughter’s car. She nearly freaks out. I explain to her that as long as it’s not flashing, she’s okay, just schedule an appointment to get it fixed.

    I had to work all day at the music store yesterday. I took wiserson’s car, because he’s in MA for the week. I get the wires on the way home and replace them on the truck.

    Wiserdaughter says to me while I’m doing this that the car was making a clicking noise. I asked her if she had made an appointment to get it fixed. She says “Not my car, your truck. I drove it to work today.”

    I said “That’s not possible.”

    “I did. I swear.”

    “You must have dreamed it. There’s no way that truck would run.”

    “I drove the truck to work. Honest.”

    I get the two wires with the broken ends and show them to her.

    “These need to be connected for the truck to run and they weren’t because they are broken.”

    “I drove the truck. Honest.”

    “Okay, I’m not gonna waste time having this argument.” and I go back outside to finish wiring the truck, When I get done, I grab the keys to start the truck.

    I get in…

    and I have to slide the seat back..

    Okay, that’s weird.

    Then I start the truck…

    and one of her stations is tuned in on the radio.

    So I go back inside and say “So when you drove the truck, how did it run?”

    “Oh, it was really slow and had no acceleration. It also sounded really weird. It kept making popping sounds.”

    Yeah, she drove the truck.

  259. Which end of the shark did he pull the girl out of?

  260. Haha, the middle.

    After he chain sawed into it.

  261. Idiot daughter still an idiot.

    I tried to do a tune up on my truck this weekend. Was able to get everything except the wires. I needed to replace them because they were old and I broke the ends off of two of them while pulling them off the plugs.

    So I replace the plugs, and loosely reconnect SOME of the old wires to them, so I know where the new ones will go.

    Obviously, I can’t reconnect the broken ones. So there’s maybe 4 out of 8 plugs that are connected, while I wait for the wire set to come in. I also left the air filter off. No reason to replace that, since I’m not driving the truck until I get the wires anyway.

    This weekend, the check engine light came on in wiserdaughter’s car. She nearly freaks out. I explain to her that as long as it’s not flashing, she’s okay, just schedule an appointment to get it fixed.

    I had to work all day at the music store yesterday. I took wiserson’s car, because he’s in MA for the week. I get the wires on the way home and replace them on the truck.

    Wiserdaughter says to me while I’m doing this that the car was making a clicking noise. I asked her if she had made an appointment to get it fixed. She says “Not my car, your truck. I drove it to work today.”

    I said “That’s not possible.”

    “I did. I swear.”

    “You must have dreamed it. There’s no way that truck would run.”

    “I drove the truck to work. Honest.”

    I get the two wires with the broken ends and show them to her.

    “These need to be connected for the truck to run and they weren’t because they are broken.”

    “I drove the truck. Honest.”

    “Okay, I’m not gonna waste time having this argument.” and I go back outside to finish wiring the truck, When I get done, I grab the keys to start the truck.

    I get in…

    and I have to slide the seat back..

    Okay, that’s weird.

    Then I start the truck…

    and one of her stations is tuned in on the radio.

    So I go back inside and say “So when you drove the truck, how did it run?”

    “Oh, it was really slow and had no acceleration. It also sounded really weird. It kept making popping sounds.”

    Yeah, she drove the truck.

    Awesome story. Would read again.

  262. Idiot daughter still an idiot.
    I tried to do a tune up on my truck this weekend. Was able to get everything except the wires. I needed to replace them because they were old and I broke the ends off of two of them while pulling them off the plugs.
    So I replace the plugs, and loosely reconnect SOME of the old wires to them, so I know where the new ones will go. Obviously, I can’t reconnect the broken ones. So there’s maybe 4 out of 8 plugs that are connected, while I wait for the wire set to come in. I also left the air filter off. No reason to replace that, since I’m not driving the truck until I get the wires anyway.
    This weekend, the check engine light came on in wiserdaughter’s car. She nearly freaks out. I explain to her that as long as it’s not flashing, she’s okay, just schedule an appointment to get it fixed.
    I had to work all day at the music store yesterday. I took wiserson’s car, because he’s in MA for the week. I get the wires on the way home and replace them on the truck.
    Wiserdaughter says to me while I’m doing this that the car was making a clicking noise. I asked her if she had made an appointment to get it fixed. She says “Not my car, your truck. I drove it to work today.”
    I said “That’s not possible.”
    “I did. I swear.”
    “You must have dreamed it. There’s no way that truck would run.”
    “I drove the truck to work. Honest.”
    I get the two wires with the broken ends and show them to her.
    “These need to be connected for the truck to run and they weren’t because they are broken.”
    “I drove the truck. Honest.”
    “Okay, I’m not gonna waste time having this argument.” and I go back outside to finish wiring the truck, When I get done, I grab the keys to start the truck.
    I get in…
    and I have to slide the seat back..
    Okay, that’s weird.
    Then I start the truck…
    and one of her stations is tuned in on the radio.
    So I go back inside and say “So when you drove the truck, how did it run?”
    “Oh, it was really slow and had no acceleration. It also sounded really weird. It kept making popping sounds.”
    Yeah, she drove the truck.

    Ok, there you go, Hotspur!

  263. PHX layover next week. Get in late, staying by the airport, but have time for a cocktail. Will Email details later.

    Cool – depending on day/time, I am THERE.

  264. If anyone else wants to read it, let me know.

  265. Phat, you can’t tell her the monkey story or the deer story until TITS.

  266. Gah. Sick of stuff today, no tolerance or patience. Mantra not working.

  267. My life is awesome.

  268. Xbrad,

    Not sure if I will make it to TITS.

    Eldest phatspawn has a campus visit to mizzou that I need to be home for. That crimps my schedule requests a bit.

    I will try and get a PHX layover for the weekend.

  269. As long as Mrs. Phat makes it. She probably tells the monkey story and the deer story better than you anyway.

  270. My life is awesome.

    *grinds teeth*

  271. Not sure if I will make it to TITS.

    This shall not be permitted.

  272. That’s quit a lump of excrement in that link, Hotspur.

  273. I thought you’d like it.

  274. Obviously Phatspawn needs to come as well so she can check out Arizona State University.

  275. *ding*

    OH! The muffins are done! Let me get them up on the counter to cool.

  276. Hmm, I wonder which gif is the actual events, Cyn’s, or Pupster’s.


  277. Both phatspawn are pretty solid chicks.

    They’ve been raised by me. They can handle you cretins.

    COAlex: after graduating from a military college and then being sent to flight school next to ASU, some oats were sown.

    Had a great time, but don’t want to pay for my daughter to go there.

  278. Obviously Phatspawn needs to come as well so she can check out Arizona State University.

    Yes, yes… please come and consider ASU.

  279. ASU is a scam.

  280. It mighta made it on a party school list once.

  281. COAlex: after graduating from a military college and then being sent to flight school next to ASU, some oats were sown.

    “Dad, my roommate is so awesome and we’re completely alike. We even look alike!”

  282. So, I see no one was concerned that I could have died in a fiery crash while my daughter was driving the car.

    This is why we can’t have nice things Mare left us. Lack of concern.

  283. So, I see no one was concerned that I could have died in a fiery crash while my daughter was driving the car.

    It’s a rite of passage for all parents. Besides, my sister has killed five cars, so if I can survive, so can you.

  284. I’ll just leave this here for Carin.


  285. So far she’s looking at Mizzou, Illinois and Purdue.

    Trying to get her to look at Marquette, but she’s a stubborn kid.

    Hot and very stubborn.

    She’s gonna make some guy very unhappy.

  286. Question for any handymen or handy women here:

    I’ve got some metal patio furniture bought used a few years ago. There is some rust forming on it. What’s the best way to get the rust off? (We have a pressure washer). Then what’s the best paint to cover it up again? Any particular brand of spray paint?

  287. Best way to get the rust off is to sand it or scrape it. Then prime with Rustoleum primer, then lightly sand the whole thing, and paint with exterior enamel of your choice of color.

  288. I prefer brushing instead of spraying.

  289. Just do your best with a wire brush and hit the bad spots with Rustoleum ‘rusty metal primer’ before painting.

  290. Thanks, I pictured the wire brush but Paula mentioned the pressure washer as an option. It’s a pretty good set but we leave it out year round and the weather is getting ahead of us.

  291. FAT BASTARD!! The fucker just walked out from the patio to the birdbath. Right in front of me. And me, laid up, unarmed, have to just watch.

    UGH!! I hates that whistlepig!!

  292. Make your kids scrub it with their toothbrushes and Crest.

  293. XBrad, we have a hard enough time getting them to brush their teeth. I’ve never seen kids as distracted from a task as when we ask them to brush their teeth. Momma usually needs to ask out loud “Dude, what smells like ass? Oh, it’s your mouth! Get in there and brush!”

  294. I shouldn’t talk. 3 weeks of trapping an no skunks have yet to fall for it.

  295. Send Nessie out there, She’ll find the skunk!

  296. Jimbro, you can get a wire brush bit for your drill – it will clean off the rust exceptionally well. And then light sanding (with emery paper, not sand paper) before washing, priming and painting. Rustoleum sells their stuff in quart cans – buy a cheap brush and toss it when done. You can’t clean that shit out of a brush worth a damn.

  297. Foam brushes work good.

  298. Looks like we got Lackey from ya, Jimbro. You get Allen Craig and Joe Kelly.

  299. Great advice AD, thanks!

    I’m making a shopping list for HD as we speak.

  300. At this point they’re only looking to 2015.

  301. Anyone with travel experience to San Francisco? The SF or Oak airport? And what’s the least hassle way to get from the airport to a Union Square hotel?

  302. SFO. Last time I stayed on Union Square it was the St. Francis, and they had a shuttle.

  303. Oakland is usually cheaper, but you’ll have to take BART to the City.

  304. Evan Sayet’s monologue at Ace’s is hilarious.

  305. killing poats softly with my song

  306. Is Fat Bastard still out there taunting you?

  307. I could have taken the post out, but I didn’t, because of civilian casualties.

  308. There are no innocents here, Jay.

    Oh, you said civilians. Wait, there is no one that is civil and/or civilized here.

  309. No, he ate some lawn clover and waddled away.

  310. Scott?

  311. I didn’t think Scott waddled.

  312. Only when he’s stuffed on lawn clover. Happens all the time.

  313. Lawn clover is surprisingly filling.

  314. Who knows a good book on Israeli battles? Years ago I read a book about a few of the battles and since they’re all at it again I’m looking to revisit the topic. Any good ones out there?

  315. Yeah, after reading Hotspur’s link on the Talking Heads political spewings, I’d like to read up on textbook Israeli tank battles.

  316. Dang – I just got one of the best scam phone calls ever received:

    It’s a robotic voice for the fraud dept of Barclays MasterCard World Card asking me to contact them. I used to have an account with them many years ago so I listened and made notes… then I searched google with the two phone numbers provided. Impressive.

  317. i got an email from EZPass, looked pretty real.

    Until you hover over the links. Plus I’m not on EZPass.

  318. I got an email from a hefty Russian gal who wants to marry me.

  319. Have you set a date yet? I can’t wait to hear where you’re registered!

  320. EZPass contacts me about every week or two. I’m not a pass holder either. It shows up in my spam folder.

  321. I get a lot of penis enlargement emails. I just forward them to agiledog.

  322. No date yet. I asked if she knows how to make borsht. I haven’t heard back.

  323. In other news, I successfully opened the bottom of a pocket on The Axeman’s school pants and then added velcro back to the pocket on the sewing machine without sewing my fingers anywhere on the pants! Wooo Hooo *high five’s self*

  324. Cyn’s a seamstress?


  325. Fuck the borsht – ask how many cases of vodka she’s bringing over.

  326. http://tinyurl.com/q75cbmn

  327. You are enabling your son to play pocket pool. Hope he doesn’t try for away games.

  328. Oh dear lawdy, Jimbro, I am no such thing. In fact the sewing kit and machine are my nemesis (nemeses? nemesii??).

    He’s started wearing his insulin infusion set on the top of his thigh and if he has PE, he’ll remove the set plug-in and his pump for a few minutes to play or do whatever sport. Aaaannnndddd, he’s now putting in this set w/o any assistance whatsoever! *fist pumps*

  329. Pocket Pool… oh God what have I done!??!

  330. Kid run.

  331. Hope he doesn’t try for away games.

    With the new setup, sounds more like he has to worry about the visiting team.

  332. Pocket Pool… oh God what have I done!??!

    Slutty tramps the county over thank you.

  333. Video of Car in.

  334. *click*


    Where’s the shovel?

  335. Pouch pool:

  336. When the weather gets cold I’m gonna try my hand at cochinita pibil. Has anybody had it or made it? Are the banana leaves absolutely necessary? I have no idea where I would go here, to buy banana leaves.

  337. I’ve never made it. I would imagine you could get banana leaves online.

  338. I had to look it up. Nope, never had it. The allrecipes dot com recipe didn’t call for banana leaves but had something called achiote paste. I found that on Amazon. Looks like its annato and tomato and spices. All on all, it looks tasty with or without banana leaves.

  339. Oh, I read the actual directions under the ingredients. Banana leaves are REQUIRED !!!!

  340. My CiL ordered Ti leaves online for authentic Kalua pork. Kalua pork recipe said to substitute 4-5 whole bananas for banana leaf???? and aluminum foil for Ti leaves.

  341. AgileDog,

    Did you not read that I am In SFO now?

    Go to SFO,there is a BART link at the airport.

  342. Does Mexico grow bananas? Yes, they do.

    “The bulk of bananas grown in Mexico are consumed fresh locally. As discussed in the International Symposium on Bananas and Food Security, only 5 percent of the banana crop is exported from Mexico (118,000 tons in 1997).”

    Read more : http://www.ehow.com/facts_7453168_bananas-exported-mexico.html

  343. I H8 bananas.

  344. When I fill Click & Pull orders for Members, I’m always shocked that they expect associates to choose produce for them. I would totes do bread and produce as exceptions. I don’t even know what to look for when produce shopping. I just toss everything into a box. Most boring thing ever? Going to a farmer’s market with Dan. $20

  345. Still makes me giggle to see Dan’s pickled eggs. He would Bobby Cox me into next week if he knew.

  346. He was calling me Janay today. I told him my new name was Lorena. Domestic violence jokes.

  347. Ebola patients, get your Ebola patients here!

  348. I just saw the monkey movie. Not funny!!!

  349. 1918 Influenza killed my great aunt in BFE NM. She was 10. They didn’t even have paved roads or cars. Lots of deaths in the valle.

  350. I think we should let all these poor illegal alien children in:


  351. Did anybody find out that they actually wouldn’t like anybody else if they just gave them a chance today?

  352. USC is rayciss.

  353. http://m.imgur.com/gallery/2kRGlHt

  354. That baby’s got a cute little snugglebuddy.

  355. Awwww…

  356. OMG.

    That vicious dog is trying to kill that kid. He’s trying to smother him!!!!

  357. Crossfit games on ESPN!

    Anyone seen Car in today? She did say she had a lot to do.

  358. Dan is being mean. He’s watching baseball to keep me from watching Frozen. He never watches baseball without making negative comments. Angels/O’s, so pretty good game.

  359. I know. Cutest goddamn thing I saw all week.

  360. Just wait a goddamn minute.

  361. *waits*

  362. It’s been more than a minute.

  363. So, I am a bit drunk and on the bus home after drinking some fine single malt at the expense of my employer.
    So, I broke my ‘one drink only at company events’ and had a bit more.
    And I got into a bit of hostage mode.

    I realizedthat typical hostage material is C K Louis level stuff fr most people

  364. Asking me to train two useless people how to run hundred-thousand dollar pieces of equipment in the middle of crunch time for eight different projects is like asking me to teach you how to shoot after the battle has already started and the bullets are flyin’.

  365. Roamy?


  366. Home. Cocktails and Hulu. Sleeping soon.

  367. Hahahahaha, XBrad. Yes.

    The co-op believes the coffee sign.

  368. Watching “Back to School”. Rodney Dangerfield has some good lines, and I love the Kurt Vonnegut cameo.

  369. That crossfit video was hilarity.

  370. Dinner was had.

  371. Back to School. Another great Billy Zabka tour de force.

  372. I have the next two days off, and 5 of the next 7.

  373. Bad news, scott, you’ve contracted ebola. You’ll be dead in a couple days.

    Can I have your time off?

  374. This calls for a brisket.

  375. Ebola calls for brisket?

  376. 7 of the next 10 days!


  377. You should make bacon.

  378. That takes a couple of weeks.


  379. Damn

  380. So, I am a bit drunk and on the bus home after drinking some fine single malt at the expense of my employer.
    So, I broke my ‘one drink only at company events’ and had a bit more.
    And I got into a bit of hostage mode.

    I realized that typical hostage material is C K Louis level stuff fr most people

    Drunken Hindus automatically get wide berth from US PC monitors, and the actual police. It’s kind of annoying, unless you’re having a parking lot party. In which case it is fucking awesome

  381. I saw Drunken Hindus open for…. shit, I forget.

  382. tldmb = too long didn’t make bacon

  383. Laura, why did you fail Scott? Why did you not have the bacon brined and ready for him?

  384. because of your mom

  385. Because she hurt her back.
    Helping me.

    I need a new lumper.

  386. It’s pretty damn dead in here tonight. If you guys are counting on me to liven it up, you’re screwed.

  387. Balls

    Just had to say that

  388. Cubes.

  389. My love is yours, baby, oh, right from the start
    You, you, you posses my derp now, honey
    And I know, I know you own my heart

  390. Happy Friday…August 1st

    Grab some summer while you can!

  391. Grab some summer BIG BOOBS while you can!

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