HHD: Boys of Summer

A little mood music perhaps to start us off on our Hunky Hump Day perusal…

Something a tad different today featuring some very yummy baseball players: a non-ghey and a ghey side. You can embiggen ’em if you want. Happy HHD.


Albert Pujol, bbcard  Albert Pujol, Cardinals_cr
Brandon Inge, bbcard  Brandon Inge
Derek Jeter, bbcard  Derek Jeter, Yankees
Evan Longoria, bbcard  Evan Longoria, Rays
Joe Mauer, bbcard  Joe Mauer
Josh Hamilton, bbcard  Josh Hamilton, Rangers_cr
Nick Markakis, bbcard  Nick Markakis, Orioles
Rick Ankiel, bbcard  Rick Ankiel, Nationals_cr
Ryan Braun, bbcard  Ryan Braun


  1. The guys get shirts? I thought hhd was about shirtless men.

  2. New poat? Occupied.

  3. Smells like cork and Aqua Velva in here.

  4. *pushes Tushar down

    I’m occupying this.

    well done, cyn.

  5. Shirtless players were a tad impossible to find. We will have to rely on their dreamy eyes for teh hawtness Tushar.

  6. Smells like cork and Aqua Velva in here. and pine tar!

  7. Smells like sweaty nachos and funnel cakes.

  8. Tushar, how are you feeling?

  9. and, I have a late submission :

    Last night’s pitcher:

    Wearing the wrong uniform here BUTT I like the pose.

  10. Dreamy eyes and nice smiles.

  11. More Brandon Inge.

  12. He is yummy Carin. Niiice.

  13. His “tatts” yea. that’s what the picture is for. to show brandon’s tatts.

  14. Sweaty nachos??

    Is that some kind of locker room condition? Never mind; please don’t answer that.

  15. Damn good job, Cyn! Way to get into the spirit of the season!

    Could this be the start of a series? Just leave Sumo Wrestling week by the wayside, mmmkay?

  16. Do I have to go to work today?

    My husband says to sit back and view my job as if I was a stoner. It doesn’t define me, it’s a plus to our goal but not necessary, they don’t pay me enough to get worked up over it.

  17. Cyn, I worked at the stadium one summer. Ball parks smell like nachos, funnel cakes, sweat. And beer.

  18. That sounds like good advice beasn.

  19. “Shirtless players were a tad impossible to find. We will have to rely on their dreamy eyes for teh hawtness Tushar.”

    Hear, Hear, Cyn! Great job by the way! If you want shirtless you are often sent to places better left unseen.

  20. Where did you work at the stadium, beasn? Did you sell “COOOOOOLD Bud LIGHT!” up in the stands?

  21. Lips, I am alright. Just a routine check…. Hole in heart, missing leg, testicular cancer… That kind of complaints.

  22. Sounds like you maybe could use a little rub of dirt Tushar.

  23. Sumo Wrestling

    Um, that’s Rosie’s BBF’s Jay. He can keep those.

  24. It’s 11:15 and I’m still in my jammies!

  25. Hope you find your leg, Tushar. Those things are expensive to replace, unless you know how to whittle.

  26. Me too, MCPO.

  27. Jay, I worked in one of the stands at Busch. My friend’s mom got me a job. They didn’t have registers and we were supposed to add each order up in our noggins and go in back for change.

    Yeah, perfect conditions that brought out the best in people. No mathematical mistakes or massive thieving ever went on. Nope, none at all.

  28. I am NOT in my jammies. I am the 53%!

  29. they don’t pay me enough to get worked up over it.

    Yes. If the cakes don’t get done, it is the managers fault for not having enough staff to do it.

  30. Rosetta might have a Reg you could borrow too.

  31. J’Ames – STFU and keep those SS check coming!

  32. That sounds like good advice beasn.

    Yeah, it does. Sometimes he’s smarter than I give him credit for, but then, that is why I married him.

    It’s times like these that I wish I was a guy. Men handle stupid shit differently and I wish us wimmen could do the same.

    This weekend should be interesting. I have the whole weekend off ’cause my beasnette is COMING HOME TODAY for break.
    *happy dance*

    BUT, they only have one person scheduled for Friday and there are a shit-ton of orders that need to get done for Sat. including a little something something for a wedding. This one person has no clue how to do much of anything.

  33. Speaking of jammies, I better get out of mine and get ready for work.

  34. Oh, man, watch her stomach when she sits down.


  35. “….my beasnette is COMING HOME TODAY for break.”


    *seethes with jealous rage*

  36. lovely post, Cyn!

  37. PJM, how’s life in California?

  38. This video is great. Although the guy filming it has an annoying laugh, he ain’t got nothin’ on the libtard’s sky high level of annoyingness……Plus the cameraman owns him.

    Libtard talking about how oppressed blacks are: “In this society, name a black person who has the power to control anything in this country”

    Cameraman: “Barack Obama”

    bwahaha hahahaha

  39. wondering where Rosetta has been?


  40. Howdy mare! It’s going awesome! PJD got hired and they busted my meth dealing neighbors. Could life get any sweeter? I think not.

  41. REgarding Beyonce – it seems her baby bump is getting big pretty fast. She looks HUGE in that gif, in the stomach only.

    I didn’t get big until I was 7 months with my first. Even at 6, I had a tiny pouch. I didn’t start wearing maternity clothes until my 6th month and stil were awfully big.

  42. Mare, they need to slow-mo that gif, but it looks like it’s just the material of her dress that is weirdish.

  43. $10mil per mile?



  44. beasn, it’s much more fun to say she’s faking it. get with the program!



  46. wondering where Rosetta has been?


    wait, that’s actually scary. You can totally get lost in those. And then this kid named Isaac comes out and tries to kill you and take your baby. It’s awful.

  47. Car in, I didn’t show until month 4 with my son. He blew out my suspension so that when I got pregnant with daughter, I showed at month 2.
    I was pretty big at 6-7 months.

  48. What? Is her dress material made from special material developed at NASA? I’ve never had material do that.

  49. beasn, it’s much more fun to say she’s faking it. get with the program!

    Oh sorry. That conniving BITCH!

  50. “Howdy mare! It’s going awesome! PJD got hired and they busted my meth dealing neighbors. Could life get any sweeter? I think not.”

    You’re on top of the world!

  51. Well mare, the rest of her is getting big. Explain that.

  52. beasn, it’s much more fun to say she’s faking it. get with the program!

    I’d like to see her face so we can see if she’s got that “puff” goin on.

  53. I showed earlier with the later ones. But my first, things were TIGHT.

    I think she’s just got poor posture, and sticking her tummy out a bit much to accentuate the bump. WHen she sits, it’s retracting to more normal girth.

    There are shots from her from a month ago in a bathing suit, and she’s merely thick.

    attention whore. LIke we all care about her most special moment.

  54. wondering where Rosetta has been?

    OMGosh…..crying I’m laughing so hard.

  55. see if she’s got that “puff” goin on.

    yep, even your nose gets water weight. I hated that.

  56. I say we devote the rest of the day on this blog to Beyonne and her baby bump.

    Let’s take a vote before the guys come back.

  57. Where else is she getting big?

  58. The scariest part of the corn maze story is that those two procreated.

    Uh. It’s CORN. Not a wall. walk TOWARD the light.

  59. Husband: “I see lights over there at the place, but we can’t get there, we’re smack right in the middle of the cornfield.”


  60. Let’s take a vote before the guys come back.

    ..(( ____ \
    ..(( _____
    ..((____ …—-
    ………../ /

  61. From Occupy Boston:

    This is an ongoing thing for me. I’m unemployed, so it’s a good thing for me to have different things to explore. When I’m really hard up, I’ll get a lab job. I have a degree in biology and biotechnology. I’ve got to go home every few days to take care of things. And I’m going to run out of money in a couple of weeks. And my taxes.”

    OMG, a “lab” job? how do you condescend to that level?

    Why is this worth putting all that aside?

    “That has to do more with my broader understanding of the transformation we’re going through, not only as a country, but as a species and an earth community. Right now, we’re at a choice point. … It’s quite simple. It’s the choice between fear and love. We’re capable of much more as a species. This is part — I hope this is part — of that transformation of consciousness.”

    A choice between fear and love.

    Got it.

  62. _____
    (( ____ \
    (( _____
    ((____ —-
    / /


    I’m sorry, Wiser, your vote didn’t register.

  63. ….______
    ..(( ____ \
    ..(( _____
    ..((____ …—-
    ………../ /

  64. that looks so much better before it posts

  65. attention whore. LIke we all care about her most special moment.


    the irony…. it burns…..

  66. I’m changing the header pic. That is NSFW, as far as I’m circumcised.

  67. Hotspur, this whole site is NSFW.

  68. Now you’ve done it.

  69. The header is fixt.


    the irony…. it burns…..



    you new here?

  72. He’s not called wisermeany for nothing.

  73. you new here?

    Wait, what?





  77. It’s effen Wiser’s fault, cyn.

  78. Downloading iOS5.

  79. I DON’T KNOW!

  80. It’s effen Wiser’s fault, cyn.

    you want a piece of this? huh? You want a piece of this???

  81. Effen Wiser?


  82. Oh great. Now Hotspur is speaking in tongues.

  83. I see it’s still Cyn’s week to be nice to wiser.

  84. you want a piece of this? huh? You want a piece of this???

    bring it on.

    But if you’re going to start graphing shit out on a brick wall, I’m outta here.

  85. It’s always cyn’s week.

  86. Purty much, Jay, but today is my last day!!!

    Wait, I mean that I will be very sad when my week is over!! Very very sad!*

    *please don’t ban me

  87. But if you’re going to start graphing shit out on a brick wall, I’m outta here.

    Sun Tzu’s rule #1: Do not telegraph your weaknesses to your opponent.


  88. You could help a sistah out with that Carin. I thought we gals were supposed to stick together?

  89. graphing shit out on a brick wall


  90. I thought we gals were supposed to stick together

    Depends on your choice of lube.

  91. If ignorant both of your enemy and of yourself, you are sure to
    be defeated in every battle.
    ~ Sun Tzu


  92. for Car In:


  93. first heard this on Rush. It’s also at the sidebar at Ace’s:


    This is what we are up against.

    yeah… this is the 99%.

    Little fucking douche needs to be beaten with an economics textbook.

  94. Somebody take MS Paint away from wiser, please.

  95. Somebody take MS Paint away from wiser, please.


    MS Paint is for noobs. I use GIMP!

  96. http://tinyurl.com/3r2xwmy

    HAHAHA! Where’s Andy for verification?!

  97. Have you tried Paint .Net wiser? Works pretty good on a windows system, loads fast too.

  98. Have you tried Paint .Net wiser?

    never heard of it. I’ve been using GIMP for years. It’s free and does pretty much everything Photoshop does.

  99. Even I’m not gonna stoop to pick up the GIMP suit low hanging fruit Wiser’s leaving laying around.

  100. Even I’m not gonna stoop to pick up the GIMP suit low hanging fruit Wiser’s leaving laying around.

    dammit. And here I thought I was laying out the perfect xbrad bait.

    Well, almost as good as a OTH discussion…..

  101. Season 9 is coming up!

  102. for Car In:


    don’t start

  103. Season 9 is coming up!

    I think I’ve missed some shows … I live in some alternative reality where there is never anything on tv. i hear you folks talk about this show or that, but every time I sit down and am fortunate enough to have the clicker in my hand, I never find anything.

    I used to watch House, and I guess that started up a few weeks ago? WTF?

    I tried watching the new FX show, but it was too bawdy. I like to keep my porn and tv separate from each other, thankyouverymuch.

    My husband says he sees ads for shows that look like I’d like them, but I haven’t found ’em.

  104. >> this is the 99%.

    Saw this somewhere yesterday:

    “I want all my college debts paid for!” Fuck you, you signed the note, took money, paid a college to educate you.

    – how life works

    “Somebody needs to pay my rent or my mortgage!” Fuck you, you want a roof over your head you pay for it.

    – how life works

    “Erase all my credit card debts!” Fuck you, you agreed to repay the company who lent you money to buy shit when you signed your name here *mashes your face into the agreement with your signature* so pay up.

    – how life works

    “I want a living wage!” Fuck you, perform “living work”

    – how life works

  105. DinT – *sniff* That brings a tear to my eye.

  106. Woo hoo! Finally got some rain for the hippies in NYC.

    A nice cold rain.

  107. Who wound Dave up today?

  108. see the funny part to me isn’t the “fuck you”, it’s the “how life works.

  109. One no longer wonder at Wiser’s meanness, it started when he was very, very young: http://tinyurl.com/43grvy5

  110. If women are so perfect at multitasking, how come they can’t have a headache and sex at the same time?

  111. One no longer wonder at Wiser’s meanness, it started when he was very, very young: http://tinyurl.com/43grvy5

    and now you know why I killed my parents……

  112. If women are so perfect at multitasking, how come they can’t have a headache and sex at the same time?

    Oh, they can. They may not enjoy it or, hell, even wake up for it, but they can.

  113. “Erase all my credit card debts!” Fuck you, you agreed to repay the company who lent you money to buy shit when you signed your name here *mashes your face into the agreement with your signature* so pay up.

    s’funny how they want their debts forgiven, but try to get them to give up the shit they bought with that credit.

    “but, I neeeeeeeed my iPad!!! How else would I be able to update my facebook page and let everyone know how cool I am for being at this happening?!?!?”

  114. After you kill your parents, you’re supposed to kill yourself.

  115. I think those OWS hippies should spread the wealth and give Car in an iPad.

  116. OMG! http://i.imgur.com/yXDNU.jpg

  117. After you kill your parents, you’re supposed to kill yourself.

    and deprive the world of my genius?

    I think not.


  118. OMG! http://i.imgur.com/yXDNU.jpg

    It’s so… beautiful…….

  119. Anyone in the St Louis area? What’s the weather like? Sounds like rain for the playoff game.

  120. Scott – Sweet! Me want!

  121. Holy shit!


  122. Are those boobies or buttcheeks in the header pic?

  123. xBrad – Weak! You need to up your game.


  124. Don’t fuck with me, old man.


  125. Are those boobies or buttcheeks in the header pic?

    Has xbrad jacked off to it yet?

    Oh, who am I kidding? Like that would make a difference…..

  126. Don’t fuck with me, old man.

    For realz, playa?


  127. I’m pretty OK with Allison Brie’s cleavage.

    McHale’s buttcrack?

    Not so much.



  129. Oh, it’s ON, BEYOTCH!


  130. *slowly backs away from blog*

  131. Imma go ninja on the old guy!


  132. Wow, this is getting really ugly.

  133. If anyone here knows ugly, it’s you, J’ames.

  134. Jay, shhh! You’re sure to be drawn in if they see you!

  135. Medic! I’m hit!

  136. Cyn:


  137. Eat it, punk. Mangiarlo!


  138. Cyn – How is work going?


  139. I’ll cut you!


  140. Awwwww!


  141. This morning bought a 05 Lexus GX470 for $14k the manager was doing high 5’s it was traded in last night. I was doing high 5’s this is going to be a great week!

    Oopsie! they could not get financing. Umm they are wiring the money back to us.


  142. Fork you, pal!


  143. It’s just a flesh wound Jay; shake it off. Here, for godsakes man defend yourself!! http://is.gd/mLWpbb

  144. Hahhahhahhaha. I have that EXACT picture cued up, Cyn.

  145. Fine.


  146. I see it’s time to break out the big guns!


  147. Stupid smelly hippies. Be sure to read the top comment.

    * warning lots of F bombs *


  148. You’ll rue the day!


  149. Time to mix it up:


  150. Way to kill it, J’ames.

    Why you hate?

  151. Okay, boys. Mommy has to go out on business and I want this place cleaned up by the time I get back.

    Or Else.

  152. One mixer to rule them all!

  153. Let’s be bad so Mommy has to spank us. Me first.

  154. Watching hashtags on twitter for #brewers and #cardinals. People are pumped up for the game tonight. I wonder what twitter does during #yankees and #redsox. Should be fun to watch sometime.

  155. I’m seeing more ladies with these feather hair extensions.

    Cannot lie: it looks AWESOME.

  156. LauraW – Is it raining in Connect-the-cuts?

  157. So if the senate is called in to bomb Iran, how well do you think that will go over?

    We’re still in Afghaniland, Iraq, and what other third world shithole.

  158. Anyone in the St Louis area? What’s the weather like? Sounds like rain for the playoff game.

    Cloudy and drizzley, right now.

  159. Yes sir, Master Chiefy.

    And I have to take the dog out for his pip.

    *boo-boo lip*

  160. Should I get one!

  161. Beans – They can launch B-2 bombers from the USA, bomb the shiite out of Iran and make it back with little bother.


    Jennifer Granholm will have a TV show right after Olbermann on Current TV.

    Al Gore’s TV Empire™ has begun. Look out, Rupert!

  163. Did anybody rake anybody else over the coals today?

  164. If by coals you mean, the sidewalks of New York. . .

  165. Well, the coals are proverbial, so I guess that counts.

  166. Let’s be bad so Mommy has to spank us. Me first.


  167. Jennifer Granholm will have a TV show right after Olbermann on Current TV.

    well, that will help his ratings.

    ba hahaaaaa …

  168. TV viewer 1: You gonna watch the Jennifer Granholm show tonight?

    TV viewer 2: Who?

  169. My dad called to find out if I was watching “Rocket City Redneck”. Since I don’t get the Nat’l Geo channel, he then gave me play by play of a watermelon being thrown by a trebuchet being shot with a .243.

  170. Good job on HHD, Cyn.

  171. That was a impressive shot

  172. Goodnight, scrunt.


  173. Someone hit this chick in the head with the clue bat. There’s a box on your tax return you can check to volunteer to help pay down the U.S. debt. Check it and STFU.


  174. I think I am:


  175. Hotspur, link fail on the chick/clue bat one.

  176. Well, his policies weren’t on my “excellent” list but at least he’s not a flaming pile of crap like the current President:


  177. Hahahahahaha


  178. Sorry about the link at 6:20. I’ll try to fix it.

  179. Do or do not. There is no try.

  180. Hahahahaha

    Sean, trying is dying.

  181. Hotspur – Just sos you know, you’re the 3rd person to link the TEA Party guys at the OWS D.C. rally video here.

  182. Ladies,

    Don’t wear your Uggs to the petting zoo.


  183. FOR SOX , no one else click (yeah, right, I’d ignore that, too.)


  184. I didn’t get frackall done at work today. I think I accidentally flushed my morale and enthusiasm when I had my morning constitutional.

    This probably bodes poorly for my career unless I can find something to spur me back to worthwhile effort.

  185. Oh man, the sidebar link at AoS about anthropology degrees. Two of my friends have children working on degrees in that right now, and I just cringe at the money they’re spending on what I consider a useless degree. The girls are smart enough that if anyone could be successful in anthropology, it’s them, but still, in this recession?

  186. Nice header photo.

    I thought I said “NO” to crack?

  187. I have never met an anthropologist.

  188. Carin, you would look great with a few artfully-arranged feather extensions in your hair. But you would look great in anything.

    Most of the ladies around here are doing the really slim ones in natural colors that blend with their hair color, and it’s a super-nifty and subtle effect.

    I don’t usually cotton to these kinds of fashion fads, but this is a good one because it’s pretty and girly.

  189. I bet I could find one or two at OWS.

  190. My niece has an anthropology degree. She works at a jewelry store. Her brother has a philosophy degree. Works part time for Target. Both in their 20s and living at home. They post that OWS crap on their facechimp pages.

  191. Rosetta – STFU and keep serving drinks.

  192. I have never met an anthropologist.

    I’ve met a couple. Coincidentally, they both taught anthropology classes.

  193. Carin can just go in her back yard and get all the feathers she wants.

  194. I have never met an anthropologist.

    “Do you want fries with that?”

  195. Lauraw, I don’t know what you mean by feather extensions.

  196. http://tinyurl.com/yeg4j4o

  197. Honestly? I think you have to learn how to work when you are a kid, or else you will never really ‘get’ it.

    I used to go clean offices at night with my mom when I was 13 y/o, and houses too on no-school days. Babysitting. Took over another kid’s paper route when she was away with her family for an extended time (though I would not recommend a paper route to any kid today; what a ripoff that was). Got a first ‘real’ paycheck job of my own at 15.

    There’s a reality about work that you internalize as a youth. You have to learn how to work, and develop the basic attitude of a working person, which is that productive toil is a good thing, and the prospect of being engaged in it for X hours does not bother you one bit.

    I do not think these basic lessons can possibly soak in correctly after you are in your twenties and you’ve had everything taken care for you of all that time.

    It’s not so much that they are lazy, it’s that they are terrified of the unknown (working and being expected to depend upon their own output).

  198. Romy: http://www.uberchicboutique.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/feather-hair-extensions.jpg

    I’ve seen them better done and blend-y than that though. You get the idea.

  199. Excellent point, Lauraw, to which I would add that the little sippycup bangers (as BiW called them) have little financial skills. Mom and Dad have been the neverending debit card for them. I’d bet big bucks that as a child, if you wanted something, you saved your money for it or you went without.

  200. I know an anthropologist with a master’s degree. Works in a movie theatre.

  201. Yeah, I can see something like that in Carin’s hair. Mine’s too curly, though.

  202. I’m out for a while. Nobody say anything controversial while I’m gone.

  203. People today also cannot take criticism. Everything is a personal insult. I’ve had to learn to bite my tongue.

  204. Announcer just said, ‘Pujols got some good wood’. RAWR!!

    2 – 0

  205. They can be curled, Roamster!

  206. People today also cannot take criticism. Everything is a personal insult. I’ve had to learn to bite my tongue.
    Take that back!

  207. They can be curled, Roamster!

    Well then!

  208. People today also cannot take criticism. Everything is a personal insult. I’ve had to learn to bite my tongue.

    Just what the Hell do you mean by THAT?!

  209. People today also cannot take criticism

    I resent that.

    *Removes glove, smacks J’Ames in the face.

    You, sir, are a cad!

  210. People today also cannot take criticism

    Tell me the f*ck about it. My ‘boss’ takes suggestions or ideas as criticism.

  211. I know an anthropologist. He’s the IT guy at an ironworks, very active in the Grand Rapids python users group.

  212. People today also cannot take criticism. Everything is a personal insult. I’ve had to learn to bite my tongue.

    Hey FUCK YOU. huh?

  213. My SiL complains about how lazy her kids are and wanting them out. She has done nothing but enable them. I started babysitting at 10. Her kids were still being babysat at 10. They do not have to pay for anything. Car, car insurance, clothing. My SiL pays for everything.

  214. I can take criticism. My usual response is, “Fuck off, you Luddite twerp!”

  215. CrazyBear – Your SiL would appear to have her head placed firmly in her own colon.

  216. Jay, did you see Pujols get good wood? It was lovely.

  217. Rocketboy wanted his own computer. I said, save up. It took him nearly 2 years, but he did, and I was happy to order it for him.

  218. “Fuck off, you Luddite twerp!”


  219. Jay, did you see Pujols get good wood? It was lovely.

    How could you miss it? It was very impressive.


  220. Mcpo, you are right. My FiL can’t even say anything because my MiL and my SiL don’t allow any criticism of the “kids”

  221. My son finally wanted a car. He did his research, looked at his cash flow, and made the leap. He had enough money saved to pay cash, enough leftover for tuition, and a job to maintain it.

    Now to find him a young lady with the same values.

  222. Now to find him a young lady with the same values.

    Word. And not one that looks like Hellraiser’s Pinhead.

  223. My son wanted me to co-sign for his 2nd car. After I finished laughing, he kept his old one for another 6 months.

  224. “In your face llama” is one of my favorite gifs.

  225. Something has taken up residence in our rafters.

    Stupid nature.

  226. My brother started working at 14. Mowing lawns, delivering papers, and later working for a beer distributor to supplement his baseball scholarship. He didn’t want his kids to work as hard as he did. His oldest just started at U of A. My brother hired him this summer to help out around the law firm and spent the summer complaining about what a lazy slug his kid is…

  227. Something has taken up residence in our rafters.

    Sure hope it’s not a giant bat looking for a hump suit. Brrr..

  228. I’m sorry, Scott. The EPA says nature now owns your attic. Also, you have to provide it with a steady diet of fish heads.

  229. I wish Beasn was my mom.

  230. osoloco, I was concerned about that sort of thing when we talked about our kids going to college. I was more in the thinking of that they needed to do it themselves. Husband wanted to help them out for a couple of years. I was skeered of them becoming entitled snots.

    Even though we had it tough and had to do it all on our own, it was a valuable learning experience. Husband says, ‘well wouldn’t you have loved to not have had to worry so much or work that hard in order to focus more on your studies?’.

    But they have been good kids and do know the value of the dollar and how hard grandpa worked as a laborer in order to help each of his grandkids to a better life.

    So, we are lending a conditional helping hand. Haven’t been disappointed yet.

  231. *bakes Vmax a pie*

    *gives his puppehs a biscuit*

  232. Bat is my best guess beasn.

    Laying in bed and hearing something scratching the other side of your ceiling is a bit creepy.

    I located the entrance. It will be evicted.

  233. Hey mare, BEASNETTE IS HOME!!!

    I got home from work and she ran from her friend’s car, gave me a big ol’ hug and a kiss and ran back because they are going to Taco Bell. Brat.

  234. I wish beasn was my mom too.

  235. Laying in bed and hearing something scratching the other side of your ceiling is a bit creepy.

    **goes to bed with shotgun

  236. Bat is my best guess beasn.

    *wants to link a jeepers creepers video, but the ten minutes of that movie I saw, gave me the bad willies*

    Sure hope it’s not a human sized one. You better flame throw your attic just to be sure.

  237. Yum!
    How many single girlfriends does Beasn have?

  238. Not too many Vmax. One just remarried.

    I wish all ya’ll lived close. I’d love to make you some dinners.

    This empty nest thing isn’t good for a beasn.

  239. Hey, beasn, you can feed me sometime when I’m passing through your neck of the woods, iffin that’ll make you happier.

  240. Roadtrip to beasn’s place!

  241. Penn $ Teller have a new show on Discovery.

  242. * jiggles handle *

  243. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gScUOqFxDSU

  244. Scott – Bats are migrating this time of year. I only know this because the migration route goes right through our little hamlet

  245. Clint & Roamy, you’d be more than welcome. So long as it’s not a working weekend. Though the way things are going, maybe I’m on the short list………we’re hearing they are cutting a dozen positons. No doubt starting with old timers and full timers.

  246. …….been listening to beasnette telling me about college life…..annoying roomies…..not sleeping….needs more snackage…….etc.

  247. >> Hey mare, BEASNETTE IS HOME!!!


  248. bottom of the 10th, tie game. 2 outs.

  249. Some bats migrate?


  250. Allison Krauss – good one, roamy.

  251. The windmills take out a shitload of bats as well as birds, but the greenie people don’t tell you that.

  252. Top of the 11th, no outs, go ahead run at 2nd

  253. Thanks, beasn. I’m kinda filling in for MCPO tonight.


  255. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2JWJYLNUq4


  257. Nelson Cruz is your LCS MVP if the Rangers win this thing.

  258. Speaking of Alison Krause, have you heard this version with Keith Whitley? They didn’t record this together, it was dubbed together as a tribute for Keith’s death. Probably the best version of the song:


  259. Another Cruz missile in the late innings scores 3 runs.


  261. It’s baseball. Nobody cares.


    damn… does that mean detroit is out of it?

  263. Holy shit, Jay. I looked up what happened to Keith. 0.477 blood alcohol level. Dayum.

  264. >> damn… does that mean detroit is out of it?

    Course not. They could win three in a row.

    Two of em in Arlington.

  265. Roamy – I’m back!


  266. Course not. They could win three in a row.




    that’s nice.

  267. Stupid migrating bats! Too hot to go to Carlsbad Cavern in the summer. Now that temperatures are comfortable, there is no bat flight because all the bats are in Mexico.

  268. .477 is one too many. One bottle too many.

  269. MCPO, I’m looking for something a little gentler than Rammstein. Bet Carin likes it though. 😀

  270. How did the Yankees lose to these guys?

  271. Grandpa went to visit Carlsbad Caverns in the 20’s. 1920’s. I now have a worthless acre in New Mexico. Hey when I loose my house I can camp on my lot in NM for $7 a year in taxes!

  272. Yeah, fine. . .


  273. How did the Yankees lose to these guys?

    3 words.


  274. Yeah, fine. . .

    Heh. 😛

  275. We’re probably still paying him money.

  276. Call the lawyer and the Parson falalalala were about to commit arson!
    Falalalala bring your sticks and your marshmallows Fallallalla Lalala Well be singing acapella!

  277. We’re probably still paying him money.

    Hell, why not? He still seems to be playing for you…..

  278. Heh. I was —> <— close to putting A-Rod in as one of the HHD men.

  279. I know it’s too late to get into this at Ace’s (on the Wisconsin electoral vote thread), but how about we get rid of districts altogether and just award EVs by county?


  280. Well not now he isn’t.

  281. And with that, good night, my friends.

  282. Heh. I was —> <— close to putting A-Rod in as one of the HHD men.


    That guy better make a ton of money now, because he has no career ahead of him in broadcasting.

  283. Nice selection Roamy. Sweet Dreams.

  284. Vmax, is that the Deming property? You may have Mexican Nationals squatting there

  285. Well not now he isn’t.

    screwed the pooch last year, allowing the Rangers to get to the WS.

    screwed the pooch this year, allowing the Rangers to play a weaker team for the opportunity to go to the WS.

    yeah, he’s all about making the Yankees a success…….

  286. ick.

    Oh yes, that’s right. We do HHD for you boys to enjoy. NTTAWWT.

  287. I haven’t looked at the WI and PA proposals to split EVs, but it doesn’t feel like a slam dunk. Each congressional district is still a portion of the population (11,000 or so, last census, IIRC), and while gerrymandering can scoot a district one direction or the other, those boundaries are going to be fluid depending on which party controls which state house.

    Feels like giving too much control of electors to parties.

    Still, up to the states how they want to commit their electors.

  288. >> yeah, he’s all about making the Yankees a success…….

    I’m just glad he’s back in the pinstripes, where he belongs.

  289. Of course OsoLoco
    I and 3 cousins own lots in Deming. The taxes have gone from $7 a year to $21 a year.


  290. And with that, good night, my friends.

    KISS: proof that some men actually look better with makeup than without.

  291. Pinstripes.

    Ooo a bad boy.

  292. Good god, no shit about Kiss w/o makeup. WTF were they thinking!

  293. Sell when it’s gets to $25 and take the money and run Vman!

  294. Whenever I think of Deming, I think of the Aguirre Drug Cartel. I’m negative like that.

  295. Going for a personal best!!

  296. Aww, dangitall Oso. I was so on a roll.

  297. Oops

  298. Still, up to the states how they want to commit their electors.

    true enough and I do not disagree.

    But I hate the idea of trying to get rid of the EC and would, in fact, prefer a less politicized way of determining the distribution of the EVs.

    If they want to split the votes in a state, why not do it by county? That would eliminate the need for districts and certainly balance out the voice of everyone in the state, as opposed to giving all the power to the big cities.

    of course, considering the map I linked, there is no way the Dems would go for a county-based distribution.

  299. Grandpa bought the property in Luna County NM for $20.

    How many years do I need to evict squatters? Is NM a 7 year state?
    I was there in the 80’s
    Wait 82 +7 = fail 98+7 = 05. I am 20 years late!!!!!!!

  300. <i.I’m just glad he’s back in the pinstripes, where he belongs.

    some players are better being on your team, others are better for being on the other team….

    And I still think A-Rod may be playing for the other team…..

  301. At $20 he overpaid.

  302. Grandpa bought the property in Luna County NM for $20.

    Hey! That’s exactly what I paid for an acre of rainforest back in 1987!

    I wonder if I can find that receipt and maybe develop that little piece of land now……

  303. And I still think A-Rod may be playing for the other team…..


  304. >> If they want to split the votes in a state, why not do it by county?

    Reasons that come to mind. “They” is the party currently in power in the state house. Counties are a fairly arbitrary line of demarcation, even most state legislative districts (if they’re bicameral, House and Senate) are organized along district lines not counties. County lines really only have a relationship to government below the level of the state.

    It’s just an abstraction. The constitution says states can select electors any goddamn way they want. But masses of voters have a tendency to guide those decisions.

    Personally, I’d love it by county. There’d be 12 Democrats in the Senate, and 87 or so in the House, and we’d never have another Obama ever. So I’m with you in spirit.


  305. Whiskey
    Oyster sauce
    Ground cardamom
    My Aunt Josephine’s homemade peach preserves

    1) Mix.

    2) Apply as a long-term marinade to chicken.

    3) Bake & eat.

    4) Twitch joyfully and die happy.

  306. I wonder if I can find that receipt and maybe develop that little piece of land now……

    Better yet, sell some carbon offsets to compensate you for leaving it alone.

  307. What, oh what, is that in my machine?


  308. MICHAEL!!!

    where the fuck have you been???

    More importantly, where has your incredibly beautiful wife been????

  309. Annie Lennox kilt it? Who’d a thunk it?

  310. I knew it! The girl has not been eating right or well. We’re gonna have to fix that.

    *puts vitamins on list*

  311. Did anyone else torment an “OCCUPY MY BANGING SIPPYCUP” supporter today?

  312. Did anyone else torment an “OCCUPY MY BANGING SIPPYCUP” supporter today?

    Actually, I did yesterday, but too late to tell you about it now.

    Short version:

    Me: “What happens after they get what they are asking for?”

    Him: “d’uh….. huh?”

    ME: “I thought so.”

  313. Actually, I think we are all being taken for a ride.

    The OWS movement isn’t political whatsoever.

    It’s a new type of marketing campaign that has been designed for this movie that just got out of control:


  314. new poat!

  315. Where the hell is sean…….b-rad?

  316. […] The H2 has Big Boob Friday. And some Rule 5 for the ladies. […]

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