Henry – 1, Pyloric Stenosis – 0

Listen, I signed up for dirty diapers and college costs, not baby surgery.  REFUND!

Henry was born to eat and sleep and not be a crybaby as he takes after his dad.  (insert lame “I’m his Dad!” joke here)

He’s been a champion on all counts until last Friday.  That’s when he started to barf up about half of whatever he ate.

So we had a few days of that and Mrs Rosetta smartly went to the pediatrician and, with what I thought was a SERIOUS amount of EXTREME precaution, the Doc said you should take him to the ER at Children’s Hospital.  So that’s what we did.

Henry ended having a textbook case of pyloric stenosis which means that the muscle that moves food from his stomach through his duodenum (fun word) into his intestines wasn’t functioning properly.

So to the ER we went.  At this point, Henry still doesn’t cry unless he’s hungry so we thought the ER visit was a bit much.  But in the end, the little man’s pylorus wasn’t allowing food out of the stomach and into the intestines so surgery was in order.  This news sucked.

Three things happened that I didn’t expect from, what we came to learn was a relatively routine surgery:

(1)  When you hook my son up to five different monitors via needles in his feet, I don’t fucking like it.  But he still isn’t a crier.  He took that all without a whimper.  I cried more after watching Sucker Punch than he cried getting prepped for surgery.

(2)  When, what I’m sure are super-smart anesthesiologists take your 16-day old baby into surgery, you cry.  You don’t expect to cry.  But you cry.

(3)  When you see your little man in the recovery room and you can hold him and hear the surgeon tell you that he did great, you’re so proud that the buttons pop off your poodle skirt.

Henry is doing fantastic and will hopefully come home tomorrow.  He had surgery today and right now, he’s watching cartoons.

He’s the best little man ever.  Here is what Henry looked like after surgery and in my unbiased opinion, he’s a fucking stud:

Seriously, he’s awesome.



  1. Beautiful!

  2. Rosetta-

    Routine though it may be, there’s nothing fun about doing surgery on newborns. I’m glad he’s okay- and there is NOTHING wrong with crying for your little guy when he’s on his way to the table. It’s scary as fuck to need surgery on our little ones, and I’ve seen some tough hombres cry when their kids are getting tubes in their ears.

    Hugs to the little guy and the entire family.

  3. A fucking stud indeed! And I want to nibble on his cheeks and toes. Glad to hear all came out well.

  4. Good job, Hank.

  5. Rosie, you got me crying. Love you guys.

  6. Oh dear God.

    It sounds like you had a lot of smart, good docs taking care of your baby boy, and for that I am grateful.

    And I pray that you and mom get some peace now, cause I’m very sure the last 5 days really, truly sucked.

    Damn. I didn’t have to take a kid into the OR until one of em was 10, years even.

    *thanks God for a lot of stuff*

  7. Awww. Prayers and hugs, sweet boy.

  8. Good to hear he’s on the mend.

  9. Praying for a quick recovery. What a brave little guy. I won’t mind if he spits some saliva on his dad just for fun.

  10. Rosetta I’m glad that sweet, beautiful baby is better.

  11. Are you or Mrs. Rosie able to stay with him at the hospital? Big hugs for you two.

  12. There’s no such thing as “minor” surgery, especially when it’s your baby who’s getting it.

    I am wearing my Hostages denim shirt which the completely generous and luverly Cathy was nice enough to send me, so that will be a good luck charm.

  13. Rosetta you and your family have my prayers. And some prayers of thanksgiving for the medical team that skillfully responded.

    Hugs. Your little man is a very handsome fella.

  14. Crap. Completely forgot to pack either my Hostages or Daily Dose of Splodey shirts.

  15. “Minor surgery” means it’s happening to somebody else.

  16. Prayers and hugs from me, too.

  17. Rosie, for what it’s worth, Mr. TiFW says that if you don’t cry when they take your baby back for surgery, then you just don’t care. (He should know – Rebecca had to have surgery when she was 6 weeks old for a duodenal issue)

    So glad that Henry is doing so well (you DO know that you are supposed to let your fake Internet friends know about these things so that we can worry right along with you and pray for you and tell you good things so that you keep your sanity, right?)

    Have you peeled Mrs. Rosetta off of the ceiling yet? Have you quit shaking?

    We’re here for you guys…..

  18. Routine though it may be, there’s nothing fun about doing surgery on newborns. I’m glad he’s okay- and there is NOTHING wrong with crying for your little guy when he’s on his way to the table.

    tmi3rd, Mrs Rosetta started crying when they came in the room to take him and I was holding him. I thought “stop your crying, woman!”

    When I had to hand him over, I think it was the first time I cried when I had no idea it was coming. It was overwhelming.

  19. Rosetta – My son (now 29) had the same issues at 14 days. Man, it is tough, but Hank is a tough little man! I’m happy everything went well.

  20. ‘Scuse me. I have to get something out of my eye.

    The little guy and his folks have my happy heathen thoughts.

  21. When I had to hand him over, I think it was the first time I cried when I had no idea it was coming. It was overwhelming.

    You done good. Hugs to you and Mrs. Good to hear from you. Thanks for sharing the story.

  22. This is one of those situations where you think how unlucky you are for 5 minutes.

    And then the rest of your life you realize how lucky you are.

  23. My Dad had to have a similar surgery when he was an infant, and he came out of it okay. Hopefully, they’ve progressed to the point where Hank won’t have a “zipper” scar for the rest of his life.

    Although, chicks dig scars…

  24. Nothing but good thoughts and great prayers for little Hank and his entire family!

  25. Rosetta – Oh, and you give that sweetie of yours a big hug from me, woodja?

  26. >> And then the rest of your life you realize how lucky you are.

    Perspective is a healthy if sometimes unpleasant thing.

  27. My Dad had to have a similar surgery when he was an infant, and he came out of it okay. Hopefully, they’ve progressed to the point where Hank won’t have a “zipper” scar for the rest of his life.

    Was he the first born son in his family?

    Turns out that most of these cases happen to the first born son.

    It’s a weird deal.

  28. Rebecca had to stay in the hospital after her surgery (they told us she might be there for 21 days; she was out in 5…..). We just THOUGHT we had it bad, until we saw the parents whose kids were on the 3rd floor (Cancer Wing).

    That put things into perspective right quick……

  29. Got nothing to compare with your situation, Rosetta. Can only tell you that when my little ones were sick, it was very hard not to feel guilty or responsible.

  30. Dad was the first born. He has a younger brother, and I don’t recall that my Uncle had any such problem..

    I was also the first born of two brothers, but I didn’t have that problem, either.

  31. Are you or Mrs. Rosie able to stay with him at the hospital? Big hugs for you two.

    Yes. We sleep on pieces of furniture that are from the Marquis de Sade Collection.

    It would be more comfortable to sleep in an iron maiden.

    If I ever meet the person that designed the extending-couch-of-back-pain, I will choke his bitch ass.

  32. Rosetta, the GREAT thing about kids is that they’re literally so damn tough… if you bring them to us with a heartbeat and breath, they usually go home healthy. There’s a little girl in my son’s day care whose esophagus doesn’t connect to her stomach completely… they need to wait a bit longer to do the connecting surgery, but she’s already a happy, otherwise healthy, bubbly baby girl (and has a twin brother!). She’s wonderful, and she’ll be completely normalized in a couple of months.

    The other great thing is that you’ve got some AWESOME docs over there, and the guys who do pediatric thoracic surgery ought to start putting “Happily Ever After” on their business cards.

  33. O/T from the infant surgery, but this shirt is very nice and comfortable on a hot night, Cathy.

  34. Rosetta – My son (now 29) had the same issues at 14 days. Man, it is tough, but Hank is a tough little man! I’m happy everything went well.

    Did he have to have the surgery or did he grow out of it?

  35. Rosetta – Massive positive thoughts on there way from Appalachia to St. Louis. There should arrive right about. . . . . . . . . NOW!

  36. Rosetta – Mike grew out of it, but still has digestive issues.

  37. That first born son thing is interesting. My first son used to do a Linda Blair vomit that would score 4.5 bald heads. We gave him Gripe Water as a baby that seemed to do the trick. He has no problems with food at all now.

  38. *Looks at Cyn funny.*

    What’s Gripe Water?

  39. but this shirt is very nice and comfortable on a hot night, Cathy.

    Awww, thanks Sean. I’m happy you are enjoying it.

  40. Here, Rosetta. This should make you feel a bit better:


  41. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gripe_water

    An Indian (dot, not feather) co-worker of my hubby’s recommended buying it from a nearby Indian food restaurant. That stuff was absolute magic for soothing tummies. I see now that many big baby product companies make it now.

  42. Rosie, bad news that turns into good news is teh bestest thing evah!

    lots of gentle hugs to your little tough guy, as well as your beautiful wife and, yeah, even to you. Even though you cried like a bitch, I still like you.

    And TMI3RD!!! What brings you to slumming around these parts?? You a doctor yet?

  43. Rosetta, the GREAT thing about kids is that they’re literally so damn tough…

    I remember reading a story one time about a tornado that hit a small town and when a cop was surveying the damage, he found a little crying baby in a tree.

    I’m convinced these little maniacs are closer to God than any of us and they have powers that we can’t imagine.

    The older we get, the dumber and weaker we are. I’m sure of it.

  44. Rosie, bad news that turns into good news is teh bestest thing evah!

    lots of gentle hugs to your little tough guy, as well as your beautiful wife and, yeah, even to you. Even though you cried like a bitch, I still like you.

    Thanks Richard. I cried but I dried my tears with rusty, steel wool.

  45. The older we get, the dumber and weaker we are. I’m sure of it.


  46. Hey, Wiserbud…

    I’ve been lurking for a while, and you know me and surgery stuff… can’t resist. Suffice it to say that the atmosphere back at the mothership was just about toxic… seems like Ronulans, LGFers, and genuine schizoids have taken over the place.

    Anyway, ever closer on med stuff… had to slow down once tmi4th came along. A year of physics left to go, with some assorted biologies, and the MCAT next summer. Barring any disasters, two years to starting med school.

    How are you and yours?

  47. >> Thanks Richard. I cried but I dried my tears with rusty, steel wool.

    So you used your hairbrush?

  48. Here, Rosetta. This should make you feel a bit better:



  49. had to slow down once tmi4th came along.

    heh. funny how that happens.

    A year of physics left to go, with some assorted biologies, and the MCAT next summer. Barring any disasters, two years to starting med school.

    damn. I am still amazed at your commitment. Best of luck with all of that. I hope I never need you, but it’s nice to know that I might have someone willing to look at my rash the next time we’re all together.

    How are you and yours?

    doing okay. Wiserson has become an obnoxious teen. Don;t know where that comes from.

    We still tell the story of you singing Happy Birthday to him lo those many years ago. Life long memory created, buddy. Nicely done.

    Glad you’ve landed here. Stick around. Hopefully we can bring back the good ol’ days of ace’s for ya.

  50. Good to hear sweet Henry is on the mend. It’s scary as shit for little babies to have to go through surgery.

    Our son was diagnosed with a hydrocele(?) before he was born (opening to his junk from his body was large and fluid was enlarging things). Pediatrician was sort of concerned and sent us to a surgeon, who was abrupt and cocky, when the boy was a couple months old. It wasn’t life threatening, other than being at risk for hernia… so I fled.

    The swelling did go down and his later Dr. didn’t see/feel anything off. So I just told my son about it – to beware in the event that weak spot gives out. His grandpa and uncle both had to have a hernia fixed.

    Then at nine months, he had to get both his tear ducts blasted open. Those were sealed where they drain and it kept backing gross crap into his eyes.

    Kids. They turn your hair white.

  51. Rosetta, someone who likes math a hell of a lot more than I do evidently did some statistical analysis and came up with the notion that kids achieve their maximum indestructibility around age 11. I don’t know that I totally agree with that… I’ve seen little kids withstand some stuff that scares the shit out of me. Your tornado story is testament to that.

  52. Thanks Richard. I cried but I dried my tears with rusty, steel wool.

    Learned that trick from when you had that attack of head acne, huh?

  53. Kids. They turn your hair white.

    That is so very true. And they also grow your heart to be 3x bigger than the Grinch’s.

  54. We stress-tested both of our kids and couldn’t break em at 11.

  55. That first born son thing is interesting. My first son used to do a Linda Blair vomit that would score 4.5 bald heads. We gave him Gripe Water as a baby that seemed to do the trick.

    Everyone kept axing us if Henry had violent projectile vomiting which is maybe what you’re describing. And they meant violent like, on the ceiling violent.

    Henry didn’t have that but most kiddies that have this problem do. But the surgeon said some kids just grow out of it.

    It’s one of those things that isn’t completely unknown but unless it happens to you, you don’t know about it.

    Thank God we live in a country with one of the worst health care systems in the world.

    You have no idea how many times I wished we were in Havana General.

    /sarcastic douche

  56. I’ve seen little kids withstand some stuff that scares the shit out of me.

    Hell, the fact that we make it through our teens more often than not is a miracle to me.

    Of course, we did it without helmets, curfews and strict smoking and drinking age requirements, which makes us even more bad-ass.

  57. Everyone kept axing us if Henry had violent projectile vomiting which is maybe what you’re describing. And they meant violent like, on the ceiling violent.

    “Define “violent.” You mean, worse than dad on his weekly bender?”

  58. Wiserbud, I’m hoping to be the official MD of the Moron Nation at some point… like you, I hope nobody ever needs me, but it’s amazing to me how many folks don’t have a doc they can get a hold of just to bounce things off of.

    I’m still trying to get a situation together where we can get Mrs. tmi3rd and tmi4th out to meet everyone… that was a great time, and it’s never a bad time to have an excuse to sing. Glad I got to do it, and tell Wiserson that even teenagers need a prostate exam once in a while if he gets out of line.

  59. did his head turn around?

    That’s pretty bad from what I hear.

  60. Hell, the fact that we make it through our teens twenties more often than not is a miracle to me.


  61. tell Wiserson that even teenagers need a prostate exam once in a while if he gets out of line.





  62. Hell, the fact that we make it through our teens twenties more often than not is a miracle to me.

    awwwwwww….. cyn’s pretending she’s a late bloomer……..

  63. I’m still trying to get a situation together where we can get Mrs. tmi3rd and tmi4th out to meet everyone…

    newport? this weekend?

  64. I stayed out of trouble this far.

  65. did his head turn around?

    Mine boy’s didn’t.

    But man, my head sure did changing his diaper at times!

  66. I never had any surgery until I was 44 and even that was oral surgery.

  67. Rosetta, I’m glad sweet Henry is doing better. It’s very hard seeing them hooked up to hospital junk.

    HOWDY TMI3, weird seeing you here and not on fb.

  68. so b-rad. what are our plans for Friday?

  69. I have to hit the sack like it was something that you would want to hit.

    I’ve been a zombie this entire week. I will see you 12-headed-jackasses soon.

    Thanks for being such good peeps.

    You never fail to make me feel good.

  70. awwwwwww….. cyn’s pretending she’s a late bloomer……..

    Okay, okay.

    I should have left in “teens” and simply added “twenties”.

    *scratches head*
    Hey wait a minute…did we meet back in the 1980s or 1990s? Your face does look kinda familiar.

  71. My boy, at 2 weeks, could vomit almost 4 feet after half a bottle. It was awesome in the original sense of the word.

  72. Wiser, I think she’d jump at the chance to ride another one out, but it’s a bit of a run from where we now are (KC).

    In any event, we’re thinking about what to do when I finally get my letter of acceptance to wherever, and she hasn’t done CT except for Bridgeport.

  73. nite, buddy.

  74. we’ll keep talkin smack about you while you sleep.

    well, they might. I’m beat.

  75. Oh- you did know you’re probably going to at least get a brush from Irene this weekend, right?

  76. Sweetest of Dreams Rosetta.

  77. I never had any surgery until I was 44 and even that was oral surgery.


    Seriously, goodnight.

    *bites bread’s ass*

  78. Gavin STILL pukes, so there’s that.

  79. *bites bread’s ass*


    *feels ecstatic about courtesy comment

  80. Nighty night to you too Dave.

  81. Wiser, I think she’d jump at the chance to ride another one out, but it’s a bit of a run from where we now are (KC).

    yeah, just a bit…..

    In any event, we’re thinking about what to do when I finally get my letter of acceptance to wherever, and she hasn’t done CT except for Bridgeport.

    Suggestion: Stay the hell out of CT. It has become hideously “common-sense”-adverse. Although, if Bridgeport is her only CT experience, she definitely needs to see other parts of the state before it implodes completely.

  82. PJ, you hooking up with Xbrad? Really? Cuz I have a little pool going on the side.

  83. Oh- you did know you’re probably going to at least get a brush from Irene this weekend, right?

    brush? Last I saw, we are in what Scott likes to call the “cone of certain death.” So I plan on buying more bread and milk than I ever have before.

    It’s that serious!

  84. Hey wait a minute…did we meet back in the 1980s or 1990s? Your face does look kinda familiar.

    heh. I remember you not having a great POV to have even seen my face……

  85. (chuckle) Wiser, her sister was doing AmeriCorps in ’05 in Bridgeport. I’ve seen parts of NO post-Katrina that I felt safer in, but I could carry a weapon in NO.

    In any event, yeah, we’ll try to make that happen. Gotta get back to physics now, but I’ll be floating around.

    And again, Rosetta, love to you and yours.

    If it looks like Irene is going to make a landfall in New England or New York, I’ll put something up either on the mothership or on Facebook… everyone stay safe!

  86. No, Cyn, there will be no baby naming contest as a result of any PJ/XBrad meatup.

    PJ, I’m gonna have some free time tomorrow afternoon, and I’ll be in the La Mesa area. I’ll call you.

  87. PJ, you hooking up with Xbrad? Really? Cuz I have a little pool going on the side.

    define “hooking up”

  88. PJ, I’m gonna have some free time tomorrow afternoon, and I’ll be in the La Mesa area. I’ll call you.


  89. Gotta get back to physics now, but I’ll be floating around.

    Great to see you again, my friend. Best of luck with everything and don’t be a stranger.

  90. define “hooking up”

    Should I take this one?

  91. heh. I remember you not having a great POV to have even seen my face……

    Well the POV might have been a bit tricky, but I distinctly recall having to look to see if anyone was actually there doing something.

  92. Should I take this one?

    Served up just for you wiserbuns.

  93. Best of luck with everything and don’t be a stranger.

    if you were on fb, you’d see him all the time.

  94. define “hooking up”

    Should I take this one?

    I’ll be more specific. Define me hooking up with b-rad and his mother

  95. if you were on fb, you’d see him all the time.

    huh. damn shame, that. Oh well.

    Well the POV might have been a bit tricky, but I distinctly recall having to look to see if anyone was actually there doing something.

    I distinctly remember there not being a single soul embedded in the headboard…. But, then again, you had a much closer view of it than I did.

  96. You and xbrad and his mom can enjoy tea and soup on the veranda. Hook up as in meat up.

  97. Define me hooking up with b-rad and his mother

    a) A damn good reason to but a hyuge bottle of tequila

    b) karma is a stone-cold bitch

    c) Making “two girls and one cup” seem just slightly less repulsive by comparison

  98. a) A damn good reason to but a hyuge bottle of tequila

    I meant to type “buy”, but “butting” a bottle also works.

  99. I wasn’t planning on inflicting my mother on you, PJ. Or inflicting you on my mother, for that matter.

  100. I hope nobody ever needs me, but it’s amazing to me how many folks don’t have a doc they can get a hold of just to bounce things off of.

    Here are two lovely words I have just discovered: “Concierge Medicine”

  101. Damn, missed Rosetta. Best of luck to Hank!

  102. I distinctly remember there not being a single soul embedded in the headboard….

    HAHA! That’s my recollection too!

  103. hahaha, so cyn, is the pool about whether I’ll flake or not? I’m good at showing up at meetups that are actually where I live. Two hours or more away? not so much

  104. I’m off to the land of slumber.

    Sweet Dreams to all.

  105. Rosetta’s a tough guy for getting through that. I remember how nervous my wife and I were when our son got tubes in his ears – one of the most trivial “surgeries” you can get. But we were seriously freaked.

  106. Is that like ordering blow from the front desk for your dead hooker’s ass?

  107. Yep; flaking out. But just yanking your chain.


    Nighty night.

  108. I am so gonna no-show PJ…

  109. I remember how nervous my wife and I were when our son got tubes in his ears – one of the most trivial “surgeries” you can get.

    heh. wiserson had that surgery about 5 times, first time when he was less than two.

    We handled it pretty well, having gone through it with wiserdaughter. In fact, we demanded they do it to wiserson, as we were pretty damned experienced with the whole situation.

    But yeah, first couple of times with wiserdaughter were scary as hell. But after a while, it was like “oh, has it been 6 months already?”

  110. Here are two lovely words I have just discovered: “Concierge Medicine”

    So I need to “google” that?

  111. awwwwwwwww, I missed cyn. Nighty night.

  112. ok. I don’t mean I didn’t get to see cyn just now, I meant that I miss her.

  113. Peej, it is like having a doctor on retainer. They have fewer clients and actually take time with you and don’t make you wait 6 weeks for an appointment.

    You can call and email and the staff is helpful and they are not located in the ghetto, like my old “doctor”.

  114. so b-rad. what are our plans for Friday?

    You asking tonight so you have tomorrow to think up a reason for bailing on him?

  115. You asking tonight so you have tomorrow to think up a reason for bailing on him?

    she needs a reason? She never needed a reason before…..

  116. She had a great reason that one time, Richard.

    YOU were gonna be there.

  117. What are you up to in La Mesa, b-rad? My Great Aunt has lived there since the early 60s.

  118. I’m spending a couple days in Coronado. But mom is visiting some old friends in La Mesa tomorrow, from lunch through to dinner. I don’t feel like sitting there all damn day.

  119. You can call and email and the staff is helpful and they are not located in the ghetto, like my old “doctor”.

    oh yay! I’m glad you found a new one.

    I use kaiser, it’s much like your new one.


    (actually, it’s not bad, I like them)

  120. You asking tonight so you have tomorrow to think up a reason for bailing on him?

    she needs a reason? She never needed a reason before…..

    Bullshit! I at least make up a good reason each time. I think that’s only reasonable.

  121. YOU were gonna be there.

    She was so afraid I would steal her heart away.

    Then she came to CT and discovered that her fears were extremely well-founded.

    She loves me. All the ladies love wiserbud.

    It’s a burden I’ve learned to bear.

  122. my favorite part of wiserbud is his modesty. His extreme modesty.

  123. He’s got a lot to be modest about.

  124. All the ladies love wiserbud.

    Man, I’ve met you. You’re far too white to be referring to yourself in the third person.

  125. You don’t know sean? His real name is LLCoolW

  126. Man, I’ve met you. You’re far too white to be referring to yourself in the third person.


    too white.

    pot. kettle.

  127. my favorite part of wiserbud is his modesty. His extreme modesty.

    Truly, if I were not blessed with such modesty, I would not be as perfect as I am.

  128. Thanks, Peej. Once Obamacare hits we’ll all have to do this to get good treatment, much like so many in England go for private care.

  129. late night. gotta go.

    See y’all again soon.

    I hope.

  130. Truly, if I were not blessed with such modesty, I would not be as perfect as I am.

    Oh Lord it’s hard to be humble, when you’re perfect in every way.

    much like so many in England go for private care.

    If only we could have their dental care. *sigh

  131. http://tinyurl.com/3nafrf6

  132. Hahahahah. I just noticed LauraW did a “shopping list” post at Ace’s.

    Good job.

  133. **poke**


    too white.

    pot. kettle.

    Hey, I may be pasty, but at least I have darker hair.

  135. “Straight outta Hartford,
    A muthafucka named wiser…”

  136. “I got a letter from the government the other day.
    “I opened and read it, it said they were suckas.
    “They wanted me to pay my property taxes or whatever.
    “Picture me givin’ a damn, I said ‘NEVER.'”

  137. “Cause the Boyz in New England are always hard,
    “Come talkin’ that trash and they’ll pull your card.
    “Knowin’ nothin’ in life to be legit,
    “Don’t quote me boy, I’m from Connecticut.”

  138. Sean, it’s like you’re channeling him!

  139. I think I’ve told this story here before, but my best friend’s family hosted a couple of kids from Japan as part of an exchange student program when we were in high school. This was around 1993. We asked them where they wanted to visit, and they answered “Compton!”

    We took them to Six Flags instead.

  140. Hahahahha.

    Getting your exchange students killed is considered poor form, I guess?

  141. It sure isn’t the best way to keep the exchange student program going. Unless the Yakuza was running the Japanese side of the program or something.

  142. The Watts Towers are pretty cool. Very Gaudi-like.

  143. Little known fact: The Watts Towers were built by some little-known Italian immigrant guy.


  144. Lippy!

  145. Hey brad, I enjoyed your video.

  146. Sean, a friend was researching a book that had a scene at the towers, so we went there.

  147. So, there’s thousands of really hot wimmens on the beaches of SoCal. So we’re gonna head to the ONLY beach in the state that consists solely of fully dressed men playing in the water.

  148. I’ve never been there. Are the towers as cool as they look on teevee?

  149. Yeah. I was impressed, having already been to Barcelona.

  150. Well, that sounded snobby.
    What I meant is that it is worthy of a visit.

    Unless it sucks vs. what it was in the eighties.

  151. **shuns Lips for being a snob**

  152. My nephew had that exact same dealo. That’s some amazing vomit they can achieve – did he projectile vomit across the room? That’s what my nephew did.

    It was like exorcist.

    Glad to hear he’s on the mend.

  153. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2029688/Navy-SEAL-Jon-Tumilsons-dog-sits-coffin-funeral.html

    Man’s Best Friend. Sorry, cats, but you just don’t qualify.

  154. beasn – my son had that hernia thing with his junk. Had to have it repaired when he was about four. I never noticed that he only had ONE GIanT ball,while the other disappeared …somewhere. (he was fine when he was a baby, it got bad later).

    He was my first. I didn’t know what those were supposed to look like.

  155. I had a heart murmur at birth. My parents took me to two doctors that said I needed surgery or I wouldn’t live to six months. The third doctor said something like 1 in 5 babies have a murmur and most just grow out of it.

    If you can, just skip to the 3rd doctor. It’s cheaper.

  156. Glad Henry is healing, and I should have said that first. Prayers for the little guy.

  157. My other nephew – Mr car in’s sister’s firsborn – her son had some sort of serious heart dealo. Had to wait until he was older, then they opened him right up. It wasn’t a murmur. But I can’t remember. Sil had a similar surgery when she was a child. She’s got a scar that goes from under her breast, all the way across her back.

  158. Mine was a valve that didn’t close all the way. It was gone by the time I was 5.

  159. Wakey wakey.

    My kids are pretty healthy( knock on wood). except for that ball thing.

    My first born also broke his leg when he was 2 1/5. Jumped off of something at the playground. He’s crying, and I’m telling him to walk it off (not really). I took him home and when he wouldn’t stop crying I took him to the ER – half embarrassed thinking he prolly just twisted his ankle. He wasn’t crying that bad. Not broken LEG bad. The nurses even figured he was ok. But broken it was. Just a freak accident, because he hadn’t even jumped that far, and landed on wood chips.

    Most amazing thing, though, was that think healed in THREE WEEKS.

    Three weeks. I was amazed.

  160. I think my nephews chambers were not right or something. They diagnosed it right away. I think they suspected it in the ultra sound.

  161. I’m actually not sure if I want to do an ultrasound. I’ve heard it can be bad for the fetus: little microshocks to tissue and developing bones. I know there are diagnostic advantages and all, but I worry it’s over-used.

  162. Aw crap, it’s Thursday. I guess I’d better go to work or something.

  163. Mornin’, fellow hurricane targets.

  164. They are saying that NYC will be getting hurricane force winds.

    That wont be good.

  165. GM. I read a book recently about corporate leadership and the thesis basically came down to this: The mark of a good leader is the ability to step aside without impact to the business. If the individual IS the business, then by definition it is fucked. People get hit by buses, caught with underage hookers, or contract rectal cancer. It happens. I hope Apple doesn’t turn out that way because I like their stuff.

  166. Scott, Paul Krugman disagrees with you.

  167. Woke to rumbly sounds in the distance. Peaches, of course, had hit the deck and was under the bed, but I was able to coax her out. Sky is cloudy. There IS hope.

    G’morning, folks. Thanks for blowing some clouds my way, Leon. Not sure any rain for us, but the clouds are nice…

  168. Hang tough Hank.

  169. When you’re 12 weeks pregnant, and you’re just anxious to make sure there is a little heart in there beating … you’ll do the ultrasound.

  170. Like what you said about leaders, MJ. Fits with what I learned years ago…

    Visionary leaders know it’s not about them. They have a vision, communicate that vision, and make decisions and direct others to make it become a reality. The vision can be planted in tilled soil, be watered, grow, and be harvested on it’s own. and at some point the leader can move to something else, but the endeavor can survive without them.

    Charismatic/nurturing leaders are a bit different. Their ability to lead people comes from their personality, charm, caring spirit, etc. They are liked, usually funny, and people enjoy being around them. They are great for shorter, more immediate, well defined projects, but when they walk away, there is less guarantee that the organization or mission will continue functioning as before.

    Some leaders are gifted to be both charismatic/nurturing and visionary.

  171. >>Comment by Car in on August 25, 2011 8:55 am
    When you’re 12 weeks pregnant, and you’re just anxious to make sure there is a little heart in there beating … you’ll do the ultrasound.<<

    Carin, gotta question. Your comment got me thinking about ultrasounds. When I was preggers, they were considered a way to examine that 'did no harm' but your comment has me wondering if more is known now… Do people now avoid ultrasounds? Why?

  172. I still remember my aunt being FASCINATED when my sister brought along a video of her ultrasound. To me, it was not that big of a deal, having had one 5 years earlier with DD#1 – by that time, they were pretty routine.

    Then I realized that our generation was the first one ever to actually be able to see the miracle of developing life. It made my aunt’s rapt attention more understandable.

  173. Morning, folks. More positive thoughts going out to our little Hank.

    Oh, and a question: Why hasn’t Will posted any more photos of Aaron? Doeshe hate us?

  174. There are some strange, big, fluffy dark formations in the morning sky.
    There is an odd rustling of leaves, and a definite cool feeling in the air.
    There is a strange dampness on the brick walkway outside of the Casa de TiFW.

    What could this be?…….

  175. Cathy – Interesting theory. I taught leadership for 7 years. There is a component of ethics and the ability to develop mentoring relationships that many of the new books/theories ignore, IMHO.

  176. Back in 1986, when I was pregnant with DD#1, ultrasounds were relatively new, and quite expensive. They only did them if there were questions about how the baby was developing (my doctor thought I might be having twins, so he ordered one to confirm/deny it).

    By the time DD#2 & DD#3 came along (1991 & 1992), they were more routine, and much cheaper.

    By 2001, when I was pregnant with Rebecca, we were STUNNED at the progress that had been made with ultrasound technology.

    I can’t even begin to imagine what they’re doing these days…..

  177. Henry is an angel and too good for Rosetta. And little ones who go through stuff as babies are extra special.

    ” I cried more after watching Sucker Punch than he cried getting prepped for surgery.”

    That made me laugh so hard I vomited a little too.

  178. MCPO, what do you think is the best book on leadership you’ve ever read?

  179. Ted Kennedy has been sober for 2 years.

  180. HA! Don’t count on it, Scott.

    MCPO where did you teach leadership? Were you a consultant?

  181. Mare, Covey’s Principle Centered Leadership is excellent.

  182. Time needs to slow the fuck down.

  183. I cant have any dressing at all so I have been slicing cucumbers, adding apple cidar vinegar, Sea salt, black pepper and just a tad cayenne pepper all in a baggie and shake it up, throw it in fridge for a few hours, then eat. YUMMY!
    Try adding basil and garlic. Toms if you can have those.

  184. Thanks, CLint.

  185. I never heard bad stuff about ultrasounds. I only had the two per pregnancy that is standard, but my sil did one per month and my nephew Is relatively normal. I skipped all those other tests.

  186. “This is one of those situations where you think how unlucky you are for 5 minutes.
    And then the rest of your life you realize how lucky you are.”

    AMEN….We’ve had a couple of those.

  187. I’m getting new tires right now. My old ones were an accident ready to happen.

  188. Teresa, I was preggers in 1983 and again in 1984-1985. Everyone I knew back then had ultrasounds…usually 2 each pregnancy. That was in St. Louis.

  189. Hope you’re getting Hankook tires. Quietest ones I’ve had, and they were great in the snow, too.

  190. I don’t have many choices in my size wheels.

  191. Mare – I taught in the Navy, did consulting with Sears Logistics and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. As to the best book, I’ll have to give that some thought.

  192. Carin, good tires for the taxi mom are important…

  193. Thanks, MCPO.

  194. Rosetta: Been there and feel your pain as well buddy. Watching them wheel my son and, years later, my daughter in for surgeries is one of the most helpless feelings I’ve ever endured. The time away from them seemed to freeze and my anger/rage/sadness for whatever reasons multiplied by the minute. As with my kids, and anyone else that has been through this, you are suddenly gifted with the words for another paragraph as to the definition of what love really is. When my daughter woke up and saw me then reached out for me to hold her……………. gah. That joy, that warmth, that feeling… that is love.

    Fuck you Obama.

  195. Love is knowing the government is there to pick you up when you’re down.

  196. “Fuck you Obama.”

    LOL….Great ending, GMLand.


  197. “Love is like a slice of Heaven.”

    Loreena Bobbitt

  198. I think Scott said it the other day, but this constant golfing DOES NOT make for a FAMILY vacation. Unless the whole family is golfing. I would be impressed (maybe) if he had fatass and the two girls on the course playing with him.

  199. FYI, Chief, AT&T really emphasizes in its training that integrity is the non-negotiable foundation of leadership, regardless of whatever other strengths or weaknesses you may have. I suspect a lot of businesses have figured this out in recent yours, and involves a culture, not just posting an ethics code on your website.

  200. Like what you said about leaders, MJ. Fits with what I learned years ago…
    You said it much better than I could have. Perfect.

  201. Michael – those are the values of leadership that I emphasized. One cannot effectively lead people without an underpinning of ethics and morales. Without that foundation and touchstone, only trouble lays ahead.

    I spent much of my time discussing and exploring ethical decision making in the context of leadership.

  202. MCPO, I could never understand how anyone was willing to separate Bill Clinton’s personal life with his political life. He’s only going to be unethical in one aspect? Ah, no. Same with Kennedy. Same with lots of them.

    “only trouble lays ahead.”


  203. Hmm, underpinnings of ethics and morals. Sounds like a religious theocracy.

    Separation of Church and Business! Wait…

  204. Mare, if I nailed someone who worked for me in the office, lied about it to my employer, then tried to cover it up, I would be fired. Hell, I’d expect to be fired.

    The fact that we don’t hold our employees (president) to that standard is…weird.

  205. J’Ames – As an agnostic, I find your opinion fascinating. . . do you have a newsletter I can subscribe to?

  206. You guys need to remember, for leftists, ideology trumps behavior!

  207. But MJ, it depends on the definition of ‘is’. And that wasn’t sex, silly winger.

  208. Golfing is not a family activity.

  209. MJ! Your prediction came true! What was the pool up to?

    Soylent Green: Eco-Tards Right On Time: Fracking Caused The Earthquake

  210. Good morning sunshines.

  211. Carin – You are mistaken. I see Dads out with Moms and kids on the course almost every day. So there!

  212. My father hated golf and beat me mercilessly with 5-iron.

    Doesn’t that make it a family activity?

  213. Should have used a metal driver.

  214. Good morning, Cyn!

  215. Hey Miss Mare!

  216. I was going to add that it’s not a familynthing unless you take your family on the course with you, but I was trying to limit the typing I had to so on my iPhone.

    I’m nor fixing that typo up there.

  217. Still waiting for my tires.

  218. My father hated golf and beat me mercilessly with 5-iron.

    He shouldn’t have taken that gimme…

  219. Thanks for the linky over to Soylent Green, Jay. Everytime I hit his site, I laugh and laugh, but I always forget to go there.

  220. I was still fairly small, J’ames, so a mid-range iron was proper club selection.

  221. Did your mom hold up one of these signs before the beatings, xBrad?


  222. Well, she did raise it over her head before striking me with it.

  223. http://is.gd/XLUtUm

    Ha ha! I’m thinking his mom was heard to say to his dad, “Go for it.”

  224. Ha ha! I’m thinking his mom was heard to say to his dad, “Go for it.”

    Oh, he got all of that one!

  225. The best supervisor Mr. TiFW had was the one who, as he put it, “Would go to the mat for me / “take the bullet” with upper management.”

    The worst supervisor he had was the one who left him swinging in the wind when the stuff that he had specifically been told to do by said supervisor didn’t work as planned. The guy was more worried about covering his ass than making sure that the people under him didn’t get unfairly blamed for following stupid policies.

    People TO THIS DAY talk about how good that first person was as a supervisor (he’s the guy who missed his own retirement party a couple of months ago). He was a chopper pilot in Vietnam, so he knew something about taking care of your people.

  226. Scrolling Soylent Green is not safe for work.

  227. Haha. FunnehStuff this morning. Been on the phone…

    Chief, didn’t know you taught leadership stuff. Fascinating topic. Sure has developed over time. And, like you, not sure how much I trust what might be taught about it these days, especially in some liberal university setting.

  228. Your smile for the day, Hostages.


    From Drew M.

    New Jersey gets it. New Jersey. Gotta credit Christie for drumming the message of dire fiscal reality into some soft lefty pates out there. Holy crap.

  229. Great news, Laura.

    Folks, this is how the country is gonna go according to all the independent stats that I’ve recently even privy to. Studies show that every single state, but not in DC, holds conservative views in the majority. All 50 states. Some are only a simple majority but others are so passionate that their stats are currently running at almost 80%. All we gotta do is to get out and start talking to folks to get them to vote when the time comes.

    Xbrad, I finally got around to watching your Coronado video. Thanks for that. Enjoyed hearing birds. Have a good time there. Bet it’s cooler.

  230. It’s a good deal more pleasant here than the desert, that’s for sure.

  231. That is good news Laura.

    Sorry to hear that Irene is probably going to kill your party this weekend.

    I have known several Irenes and never liked a one of them.

  232. Irene, Irene f’ing Irene!

    /Black Hawk Down

  233. So kids, what’s on the agenda for the day?

    *patiently sits by phone waiting for b-rad’s call

    crap, I forgot where I put my phone.

  234. PJ, gimme a minute. I’m only on my second cup of coffee.

  235. Via Drudge: Obama admin mulls mortgage refinancing for millions… TOO BIG TO FAIL: BUFFETT BUYS BILLIONS IN BANK OF AMERICA…

    Anybody care to bet these are related?

  236. Anyone remember Michelle from “a small victory”? She’s from Jersey, which that article reminds me of how she went from a luke-warm, 9/11 conservative to a full throated, crying on election night liberal.

    SHe stopped blogging, as far as I know hasn’t resumed, but I’d be interested to know if she’s still an Obama gal.

  237. Oh, it was michele with one l.

    that was always an issue with her.

  238. What party does Cathy have in the NorthEast?

    What Coronado video?

    Why is PJM waiting for xbrad to call?

    Why is my ass so fat?

  239. Everybody call Car in!

  240. Why is my ass so fat?

    because you and I eat together every night?

    b-rad and I are going out on a date this week…sometime…..if his mom lets him.

  241. What shall we call her?

  242. SHe stopped blogging, as far as I know hasn’t resumed, but I’d be interested to know if she’s still an Obama gal.

    Is there a link to her old blog? I’m not particularly interested in studying right now.

  243. Is today question day?

  244. Nobody better call me.

    I mean it.

  245. google a small victory. you should be able to find it.

  246. Oh, why am I supposed to call carin?

    I’m actually gonna look for my phone now. I’d hate for carin to feel unloved.

  247. NOOOOO. DOn’t call.

    I swears.

    If anyone calls me … I’ll … I’ll … I’ll NOT ANSWER THE PHONE.

    Don’t test me.

  248. Why are we calling you?

    you need support?

    Is cyn correct that this is question day?

    Will Veronica and Tad realize they are meant for each other and that Tad’s mother will have to die for them to be together?

  249. I have known several Irenes and never liked a one of them.

    Hah. My mom has a problem with women named Joan, and related names like Joanna.

  250. I’m not sure why J’ames advocated calling me, but I’m pretty sure he just intended to piss me off.

  251. well I don’t want my ass kicked by an angry carin. can lauraw call you instead?

  252. Will Veronica and Tad realize they are meant for each other and that Tad’s mother will have to die for them to be together?

  253. “because you and I eat together every night?”


  254. I’m not sure why J’ames advocated calling me, but I’m pretty sure he just intended to piss me off.

    Just stirring the pot, generating some comments!

    I see it worked. For now. *ponders next flash mob idea

  255. well I don’t want my ass kicked by an angry carin. can lauraw call you instead?

    Yea, I bet that would go swimmingly.

    *gets panic attack thinking about it.

  256. HAHAHAHAHA! Those are perfect, cyn!

  257. I’m feeling antsy today. Like I wanna pick, pick, pick or start trouble somewhere or move to a new state.

  258. Why not go over to AOSHQ and post some anti-Perry comments? That worked earlier today.

  259. Why not go over to AOSHQ and post some anti-Perry comments? That worked earlier today.

    ooooooh, this could work. Then I could talk about how much I love Ron Paul.

    *rubs chin in a contemplative manner


  260. I was just replying to a text message from my daughter. As I hesitated hitting the next key that little word suggestion thingee popped up a word it felt might work. I was typing, “I didn’t understand your message.” It suggested for the last word (Remember I have a roofing crew at the house right now.) “Mexican” … Bwhahahahahahahahahaa! Who knew technology could be soooo smart?

  261. Great reference to Black Hawk Down earlier Jay. I had to go out to YT to get a fix of the F’ing Irene scene with a bit of Stevie Ray Vaughn playing.

  262. Or Anti Romney that works too.

    Or anti whatever the poster has up.

  263. Holy shit, PJ, you live out at the ass end of nowhere!

    You’re closer to Cyn than San Diego!

  264. Anti-Palin is ALWAYS a winner.

  265. Holy shit, PJ, you live out at the ass end of nowhere!

    what are you smoking?
    I’m 24 miles from Coronado. that’s not that far.
    And you asked me how far I am from La Mesa. I’m 10 miles.

  266. PJ and I are neighbors and she’s not made a visit??

    You’ve been holding out on me, bitchIrene.

  267. Anti-Palin is ALWAYS a winner.

    you get the best of both worlds on that one. Everyone jumps in!

    and thanks, Cyn. Black Hawk Down is one of my favorite books, and movie. Started out as an anti war movie. Shame that didn’t work out for them, huh?

  268. PJ, it’s weird. I don’t mind driving 1500 miles.

    Or 3 miles.

    But 24 (or 10) is a pain in the butt.

  269. how far I am from La Mesa. I’m 10 miles.

    you live 10 miles from Omaha? La Mesa is my favorite Mexican restaurant near Offutt AFB!

  270. mmmmm….Mexican…..sounds delicious.

  271. OMG!!! J’AMES!! I actually live IN the restaurant.

  272. Shame that didn’t work out for them, huh?

    Yeah no kidding!

    Awesome flick. I’m going to have to break it out this weekend when the kids aren’t around.

  273. Ooooooooooh. Or pro-Palin and really tick some people off. Or how about I talk about how ugly Michele Bachmann is? That could be fun too. Maybe say she has fat knees and cankles?

    But 24 (or 10) is a pain in the butt.

    but I’m the one doing the driving?

    PJ and I are neighbors and she’s not made a visit??

    You’ve been holding out on me, bitchIrene.

    It’s too hot. I’m staying home and sitting in the air conditioning.

  274. Wow, if true. But it fits in with so many things that this administration does.

    Administration allowing the Trans-Alaska pipeline to dry up?

  275. PJ, I’m leaving for La Mesa in about an hour. I was planning on dropping mom off, then heading further up the 94.

  276. PJ, I’m leaving for La Mesa in about an hour

    what does this mean to me and what’s further up the 94?

    The gay part of San Diego is called Hillcrest. You’re going the wrong way.

  277. Read your linky Jay. I am just no longer surprised at anything this SCOAMF does anymore, and how sad is that really.

  278. What’s the goatherding part of San Diego called?

  279. this kid is fuggin awesome!

  280. What’s the goatherding part of San Diego called?

    Lakeside, but in this heat, it’s called Bakeside.

  281. someday when I can eat food again I am going to eat the shit out of some mexican food

  282. So you’re going to eat menudo?

  283. I think you missed the plato I explained that I will be eating. I am talking everything (except menudo ick)

  284. well you said “eating the shit”……..

  285. I just had a California roll with brown rice for lunch. The Wasabi was seriously hot. . . I think my sinuses will be clear for a month.

  286. Kilt it with raw fish and an avocado!

  287. I knew what you meant *tackles PJM and gives her the cheese enchilada*

  288. California roll. meh.

  289. Carin – What should I eat after a 2 hour workout?

  290. *tackles Chief, gives him “the Wasabi”

  291. *tackles Chief, gives him “the Wasabi”

    Man! That’s hot!!

    *spins around and gives Carin the Dearborn dip*

  292. urge to kill, rising……


  293. >> Anyone remember Michelle from “a small victory”?

    Yep. She’s still a friend.

    I don’t think she was ever not a liberal, she became as you described, vehemently anti-terrorist for good and personal reasons (lots of family and friends in FDNY), and while it might have tempered her lib tendencies for a while, they were always there.

    She actually gave me my first blogging break, and we still yak every now and then. We don’t agree on a god damn thing politically, but I love her tons and she … well she puts up with me. Be nice to puppies or somethin like that.

  294. I’ve seen her here lately,


  295. Wiser – Easily rectified; Remove all federal and state funding, including grants to faculty, Pell grants to students and refuse all student loans for those attending Goshen.

  296. “urge to kill, rising……”

    Stay away from hardware and grocery stores.

  297. >> urge to kill, rising……

    Meh. Mennonites always get their asses kicked.

  298. I knew what you meant *tackles PJM and gives her the cheese enchilada*

    oh thank you. I am SO hungry.

  299. I’ve seen her here lately,



  300. “If the “Presidency is too much for one person” it is because we’ve allowed the Government to take over too much.”

    –Darleen, Protein Wisdom

    Panning an Ezra Klein article, Darleen’s comment just about sums it up.

  301. Stay away from hardware and grocery stores.

    must. buy. bread.


  302. Is everything grinding to a halt in the Northeast?

  303. Wiser – Easily rectified; Remove all federal and state funding, including grants to faculty, Pell grants to students and refuse all student loans for those attending Goshen.

    And don’t stop until each and every one of the fucktards that went along with this asinine decision is gone.

  304. Is everything grinding to a halt in the Northeast?

    nah. Tomorrow’s actually supposed to be a nice day. Storm isn’t due to hit here until late Sunday, early Monday.

  305. *moves to Texas to stalk and harass Dave

  306. But still, there’s plenty of time to ramp up the “OMGOMGOMG WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!” bullshit,.

    Fucking Big Grocery.

  307. must buy roof rake…..

    must buy roof rake……..

  308. If the predictions are correct New York city will flood.

    Floods and underground computer rooms don’t mix well.

  309. Storm surge and NYC subways are not going to get along well.

  310. Storm isn’t due to hit here until late Sunday, early Monday.

    perfect. You can still have your meetup.

    b-rad’s coming to my neck of the woods to fondle my goats.

  311. If the predictions are correct New York city will flood.

    Hopefully, it won;t flip over.

  312. b-rad’s coming to my neck of the woods to fondle my goats.

    Just. wow.

  313. Storm surge and NYC subways are not going to get along well.

    Well, at least King Putt is cutting his vacation short, rolling up his sleeves and getting intimately involved in the prepar….BWAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry, I just couldn’t keep that up without laughing……

    The only thing that’s gonna bother Obama about New York City getting fucked up by this storm is that it will probably cause his favorite restaurants to close down for a few days.

  314. I was wishing he’d bring Dolly.

    I don’t think I’d have a problem with New York flipping over, especially if it takes Bloomberg with it.

  315. What I find incredible here ist hat they basically destroyed Bush over his supposed incompetence re: NOLA and KAtrina.

    Wouldn’t someone with even half-a-brain see this as an opportunity to show that Barack is a true leader, even if it’s total bullshit? Just giving one stupid speech would give his drooling acolytes more ammo to use against the evil BOOSH!!!

    “See? Obama was out in front of Hurricane Irene, while Booosh stayed on vacation!!!!”

    I think the Obama team is missing a huge opportunity here.

  316. Rain and wind starts Saturday afternoon. Real bad stuff is early Sunday.

  317. I was wishing he’d bring Dolly.

    Poor Dolly most likely asked to stay home. She probably needs the rest.

  318. Rain and wind starts Saturday afternoon. Real bad stuff is early Sunday.

    Last thing I saw had it over central CT around 2am Monday.


  319. The only thing that’s gonna bother Obama about New York City getting fucked up by this storm is that it will probably cause his favorite restaurants to close down for a few days.

    That, and he’ll have to take Air Force One farther inland for 36 holes this weekend.

  320. Last thing I saw had it over central CT around 2am Monday.

    – – – – – –

    Forecasters always underestimate the course of a strong hurricane. It will pull harder to the right, go back out to sea, rebuild then come back and take out Nova Scotia.

    You read it here first.

  321. You were the sunshine, baby, whenever you smiled. . .


  322. “We took everything out, and there were these absolutely BEAUTIFUL wood floors underneath!”

    While usually heard being spoken by realtors when showing a house, these were the words uttered by TiFW after surveying “The Great Clean-Up of DD#3’s Room”……

    ….and Mr. TiFW’s gonna hate me, because now my brain is working overtime on what needs to be done to spiff the joint up…..

  323. Of course, If I’m wrong then it was nice knowing ya Wiser.. 😉

  324. What GMLand Johnson said…..

    Seriously, I can remember times as a child growing up in Sohos/Peel’s/Jewstin’s neck of the woods, hearing that a hurricane was bearing down on us, and “OMG – BOARD THE WINDOWS, BATTEN DOWN THE HATCHES, HURRICANE’S A’COMIN’!!!!!!!!”

    We’d prep the house, then hunker down for the evening (they always seemed to come in at night), expecting the worst.

    Then we’d wake up in the morning to the news that the storm had taken a sharp turn in the middle of the night and had already made landfall – usually to the South, in Brownsville or Corpus Christi (which was a bummer, because we didn’t get the day off from school after all).

    Of course, once those storms hit the Gulf of Mexico, they’re gonna make landfall SOMEWHERE; on the East Coast, they’ve got a lot more ocean they can navigate and avoid landfall all together…..

  325. Of course, If I’m wrong then it was nice knowing ya Wiser.. 😉

    By gum, I was born on this here mountain and ain’t nuthin’ gonna make me move offen it!

  326. You are correct Wiserbud.

    Saturday midnight 30 mph winds
    Sunday noon up to about 50 mph

    Then we die.

    Monday sunny and warm.

  327. Hurricane Party!


  328. >> I think the Obama team is missing a huge opportunity here.

    Dude, he’s all over it. Andy linked this from Wapo today

    “If the public’s seeing FEMA, it’s most likely if we’ve had impacts and we have requests for assistance,” the agency’s administrator, Craig Fugate , told reporters Thursday. “Otherwise, we’re doing things to get ready, but we’re not getting in front of the governor’s teams, we’re there to support them.”

    See? You’re supposed to defer to state governments, just like everybody gave Bush credit for doing.


  329. Calgon! Take me away!

    *spashes around in the water*

    Ok. Who’s got my loofah?

  330. Where we going?

  331. Then we die.

    Monday sunny and warm.


  332. Where we going?

    *hands Calgon scrub and shower gel*

    *clips hair up in knot on head*

    You can start with my back.

  333. Then we die…

    and wake up in Texas!

  334. How do we know the cracks in the Washlincoln Monument are new?

  335. Odd; the NE cabal is going to have to depend on the SE cabal for safety when HURRICANE IRENE: THIS TIME IT’S PERSONAL, hits.

  336. *sends bread and milk

  337. >> and wake up in Texas!

    Which means you went straight to hell, cause it’s gonna be 108 on Monday.

  338. J’Ames – We’re gonna need eggs iffin we’re gonna make Fwench Toast!

  339. AlGore & the UN hardest hit!


  340. and wake up in Texas!

    I hate that dream.

  341. Odd; the NE cabal is going to have to depend on the SE cabal for safety.

    I’d rather die.

  342. Wait til Sunday, wiser.

  343. I cut the lawn this morning.

    Beer run Saturday.

    Storm prep complete!

  344. Well, ain’t that a kick in the ass!


    Thanks for this one, Chief. Stole it and posted/pushed it on Facechimp.


  345. I’d rather die.
    I like your plan. It meets everyone’s needs.

  346. Prayers for Hank and the Rosettas.

  347. Well, ain’t that a kick in the ass!


    Thanks for this one, Chief. Stole it and posted/pushed it on Facechimp.


    which is exactly why there was a big uproar at my church when some of the moms were trying to help a teacher raise money for her Susan Komen walk.

  348. From MCPO’s link:

    Climate models will have to be revised, confirms CERN in supporting literature

    Not a problem. Not a problem at all. We are reeeeeealy good at revising our models as needed.

  349. >> and wake up in Texas!

    Which means you went straight to hell, cause it’s gonna be 108 on Monday.

    Wazza matter with you guys? 108 is nothing a swimming pool, a beach umbrella, a good outdoor sound system, and a cooler of adult beverages can’t cure.

  350. I like your plan. It meets everyone’s needs.

    What can I say? I’m a giver.

  351. b-rad is lost, but I’m pretty sure that means he’s almost here.

  352. b-rad is lost, but I’m pretty sure that means he’s almost here.

    PJM, if/when Xbrad gets there, will you give him a squishy hug and sloppy kiss for me?

    Then give him crap for not wearing his Splodey-shirt.


  353. Anyone remember Michelle from “a small victory”?

    Yup. Used to check in on a regular basis.

  354. Climate models will have to be revised, confirms CERN in supporting literature
    It’s not science. It’s statistics. When will people learn that?

  355. AlGore & the UN hardest hit!


    Chief, if only we could identify the source of these magical “cosmic rays”, we could explain a possible global warming cause.

    But it would have to be big. Something on the scale of our sun.

  356. But it would have to be big. Something on the scale of our sun.
    We should block it out! I’m anti-sun!


  357. Someone say something funny. I’m bored

  358. Cathy, I will beat him senseless with a chicken for not packing any of his shirts.

  359. something funny

  360. *rimshot

  361. Cathy, I will beat him senseless with a chicken for not packing any of his shirts.

    Ok. But would you get the kiss and hug FIRST? Then tell me if he’s any good at either of them.

    Asking for a friend…

  362. I read ASV religiously for a while. While she was writing. Nonce she started doing picture stuff I wandered away. It was obvious she just wasn’t that into me.

  363. wooooooooooohooooooooooooo!

    He’s bringing me some Corona! This won’t be so bad after all and if I drink enough, I won’t even have to remember it!

  364. Ok. But would you get the kiss and hug FIRST?

    Can I wait till I’ve had a few Coronas? It’ll definitely be worth it for me to try out his new teeth.

  365. >> I hate that dream

    Heh. The things I’m willing to say to strangers

  366. Wiser – You can bring you crew here. The kids will have to use an areobed, but it will be dry.

  367. Ok. But would you get the kiss and hug FIRST?

    Can I wait till I’ve had a few Coronas? It’ll definitely be worth it for me to try out his new teeth.

    Well. I dunno. How many Coronas will he have had? Do you think the kiss will be better after he’s had a few?

  368. Make him put his teeth in.

  369. Wiser – You can bring you crew here. The kids will have to use an areobed, but it will be dry.

    Eh, we’ll be fine. We live at the top of a hill.

    Speaking of which, the W’s are invited here, should the swamp rise too high.

  370. Wiser, I will shelter your daughter while you endure the coming natural disaster. Just send her to my house.

    You’re welcome.

  371. Oh, Wiser, make sure she packs that white bikini, just in case she wants to work on her tan in my pool.

  372. I just hope that xBrad was awake enough to make sure he put his teeth and his codpiece in the correct locations!

  373. My picture doesn’t look anything like what that dog-man was issued!

  374. Wiser, I will shelter your daughter while you endure the coming natural disaster. Just send her to my house.

    Why, that is extremely nice of you, Michael.

    *checks flights

  375. I just hope that xBrad was awake enough to make sure he put his teeth and his codpiece in the correct locations!

    You do NOT want to get those reversed….

  376. Ummmmm, can I pass on that kiss? He’s not wearing any teeth.

  377. Ummmmm, can I pass on that kiss? He’s not wearing any teeth.

    KISS HIM!!!! KISS HIM NOW!!!!!

  378. The skeeters are going to have a party.


  379. Fuuuuuuuuu Nooooooooo!

  380. Although it will be nice being lakefront again.

  381. Although it will be nice being lakefront again.

    from the warnings I’m hearing, I may have lakefront property soon.

  382. MALARIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    COWS IN TREES!!!!!

  383. Ummmmm, can I pass on that kiss? He’s not wearing any teeth.

    KISS HIM!!!! KISS HIM NOW!!!!!

    Yea, I’m with Wiser. Kiss him!

    If you must, guzzle a beer first.

    Ya never know. Ya might like it…

  384. Ya never know. Ya might like it…

    get some gum, baby……

  385. I’ll expect aerial cow reports on the half hour

  386. newpoat

  387. “http://www.lifenews.com/2011/08/25/komen-gave-569k-to-planned-parenthood-abortion-biz-in-2010/”



  388. rosetta & Mrs. R. ;
    hope Henry is well…

    “Listen, I signed up for dirty diapers and college costs, not baby surgery. REFUND!”
    i know ppl that will go 50 bucks…

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