Intellectual Exercise

Who switches party affiliation after Nov. 2nd?

Joe Lieberman?

Olympia Snowe?

Nancy Pelosi?

Joe Biden?

Seriously, you know some will.  So, who?

Apparently, some of MCPO’s tours were not as difficult as others.

The Dems may switch parties, but will it be to the Republican side of the aisle, or will they avail themselves of another option?

Explained in depth:

IMPORTANT UPDATE: [Hostage wimmens IQ test]


  1. Shirlena?

  2. Jeff?

  3. Dave?

  4. Barry looks like he is about to gargle Frank. Or his Klingon.



  6. Rosetta?

  7. Wakey wakey.

    Had to to a kid run this morning.

  8. Morning Brew AND PUPS.

    Pups, your new avatard makes me just a bit dizzy.

  9. The cause of poverty? Poverty, of course.

    The main problem for liberals in talking about the “culture of poverty” is that any honest examination of behavioral roots of poverty will, almost certainly, diminish public support for the welfare state. Thus, any clear discussion of the links between poverty and behavior is to be scrupulously avoided.

  10. I know I need to go get ready for work. I don’t wanna.

  11. You want me to write a note for your boss?

  12. Pups, your new avatard makes me just a bit dizzy.

    *** Hands Dick $20 ***

    I thought it was ‘cuz you is Blonde….

  13. You want me to write a note for your boss?

    You gonna split the Ransom Money with us?

  14. Off to MouseHunt…

  15. Carin, thanks, but he’s already upset that I missed the mandatory safety meeting yesterday to go to the cardiologist.

  16. Have a good day, Sox.

  17. , but he’s already upset that I missed the mandatory safety meeting yesterday to go to the cardiologist.

    Everyone BEWARE OF ROAMY. She’s not safe anymore.

  18. Heh. Don’t ask me to lock-out / tag-out equipment. Derp.

  19. Okay, drive time. Y’all have a good day.

  20. Good morning. Can’t tell if I’m feeling better today or not, so I won’t be making out with anyone today.

  21. he’s already upset that I missed the mandatory safety meeting

    Back when I played pool in a seedy bar league, “safety meeting” was the euphemism league participants used for “let’s go do a jay in the parking lot.”

  22. Good morning!

  23. Can’t tell if I’m feeling better today or not, so I won’t be making out with anyone today.

    Well, I do hope you get to feeling better, Jazz.

  24. Important update.

  25. Thx, Aggie. Me, too. I feel like a caricature.

  26. ‘the fuck is this shit?

  27. Mornin’! Joe Lieberman will stay as he (as the sane Democrat) will gain power. He and McCain will try to form the Idiocratic middle “Party”

    They will be giving each other the “Cross the Isle”

  28. This is news:

    A federal judge said Monday that he would rule before year’s end on whether the health overhaul violates the Constitution, and he seemed sympathetic to the plaintiff’s core argument.

    In a two-hour hearing here, U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson pressed both sides on a case that could reshape the sweeping health law President Barack Obama signed in March. The case, one of 20 filed so far challenging the law, is considered among the most crucial because it is the furthest along of the state-led lawsuits.

    Virginia, led by its Republican attorney general, wants the entire law struck down on the grounds that it violates the Constitution by requiring most Americans to carry health insurance or pay a fee. The Obama administration counters that Congress can levy the fee under its constitutional power to regulate interstate commerce, or under its taxation power.

    Judge Hudson’s sharp questioning offered some clues as to how he views each side’s case. He showed sympathy for the plaintiff’s contention that requiring Americans to carry health insurance amounts to regulating “inactivity,” and that Congress lacks such a power.

    I await the result in eager anticipation.

  29. Carin.. Propane, Gas or electric on the dryer?

    Romy, show him that you know how to use the Electroshock paddles.. that ought to shut him up about Safety.

  30. Oh please Oh please oh please … rule it unconstitutional.

  31. Democrats enter kindergarten:

    A rift has emerged within the Democratic Party between liberal economists, who generally view the 2009 stimulus package as a success and say that Keynesian economics should remain the heart of the party’s economic policy, and elected officials, who in growing numbers have shunned affiliation with the $787 billion effort and are expressing doubts about the effectiveness of fiscal intervention.

    For decades, Keynesian policies, which call for government spending to make up for the shortfall in private-sector demand during an economic downturn, have been a central element of the Democratic tool kit and a principle of the party’s identity. But the unpopularity of the stimulus package signed into law by President Obama has left many Democrats in competitive races distancing themselves from such programs, raising questions about whether the party is beginning a more fundamental rethinking of its approach to the economy.

  32. arin.. Propane, Gas or electric on the dryer?

    My dryer is electric. But that’s been working fine.

    It’s the washer that suxxs.

  33. Oh please Oh please oh please … rule it unconstitutional.

    From your lips to God’s ears.

  34. Everyone BEWARE OF ROAMY. She’s not safe anymore.

    Anymore? When was she ever safe? Or most of the residents here, for that matter.

  35. I don’t think there is enough coffee for today.

  36. Can’t tell if I’m feeling better today or not

    That’s a sure sign you’rre getting old.

  37. The worm turns. US sues Michigan Blue Cross /Blue Shield.

    This is rich. They claiming that BC/BS (which is non-profit) forces docs/hospitals/pharmacies to charge it’s other customers MORE, in order to offer their planholders the lowest prices

    But, BC/BS pays more than Medicare/ medicaid.

  38. Cyn: Bad news. I can’t make the meat up. I have to be available at work for the next two nights. Apparently we have more ‘restructuring’ to do. Hopefully I’ll be out here soon, with Mrs MJ too.

  39. Suing BC/BS??? They are totally desperate.

  40. This is the good part:

    Area hospital officials are treading carefully around an anti-trust lawsuit filed against Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan over discounted rates from Michigan hospitals. State and federal officials allege the giant insurer’s acts drive up patient costs and limit competition.

  41. During the long, bitter battle over President Obama’s health-care legislation, Obama and some members of Congress argued that private insurers needed stiffer competition. Obama and his allies pushed unsuccessfully to create a government-run insurance option, arguing that it would hold private insurers more accountable.

    Republicans and other opponents argued that the “public option” would destroy the private market for insurance.

    Yea. Except Blue Cross is non-profit.

  42. That’s a sure sign you’rre getting old.

    Shut your barkhole, Spot. 🙂

  43. Yea. Except Blue Cross is non-profit.

    Total fucking scam.

  44.>this one is especially for Jazz.

    As for BC/BS. well yes. But what makes it different from BC/BS paying it’s executives top dollar or government folks (running a “non-profit”) living the high life.

    My contention is that the government is basically attacking a program that would be run EXACTLY THE SAME WAY.

  45. Total html fail.

  46. Total html fail.

    Sorta like the Dem agenda, huh?

    Just flash some leg to distract ’em

  47. I think Tuesdays are the lamest day of the week

  48. Mornin’, all. GO RANGERS!!!!!!!!!

    We now resume your regularly scheduled programming…..

  49. FWIW, one of the local DJs here in the Dallas/Fort Worth market said that he went to do early voting yesterday, and the line was out the door at 7:00 a.m. Business was apparently brisk all day as well.

    Front’s a’comin’ –

  50. Mornin’ Teresa! And GO RANGERS!!! back atcha 😀

  51. Teresa, here in Mass. we have a saying: “I support two teams, the Red Soxes and whoever beats the Yankees.”

    I’m not a baseball fan, but: “GO RANGERS!!!!”

  52. I think Tuesdays are the lamest day of the week

    That’s only because HHD makes you think Wednesdays don’t suck.

  53. Shut your barkhole, Spot.

    Arf? ARF? Aaarrff Arrffff Ararf, Aaarf?

    Translation: Spot? SPOT? Do I call you Disco, Jazz?

  54. Kilt it dead, I did. And I didn’t even have to lift my leg on it.

  55. I nominate this guy to be Rosetta’s alternate here at the Hostages when he’s too busy stealing little old ladies lifesavings to be here acting as our resident poodle-loving clown:

  56. Does anybody have that link to the comment editor posted the other day?

  57. this one is especially for Jazz.


  58. I thought you’d like that Jazz 😉

  59. Catman, I think this is what you’re looking for:

    The site is down now, but it indicates it’ll be up again today.

  60. I thought you’d like that Jazz

    Am I that transparent? My heartlessness would make me an awful Democrat.

  61. Poor Angry Black Man — all he wants is some “magical markers”.

  62. Where’s Chief? I’m doing phases one SB today because he said HE was gonna.

    I don’t know if I’ll do it for two weeks ( i don’t have 20 pounds to lose) – I just thought it was jump start me back into eating better.

    I had slacked a bit. Not too bad, but I want to nip it in the bud before it assplodes.

  63. I just ate the biggest salad you folks have ever seen.

  64. I’m not a baseball fan, but: “GO RANGERS!!!!”

    Ditto. And Cliff Lee…. Even as a passing spectator, I thoroughly enjoy watching a man at the peak of his talent and craft. What a performance he put on last night. Here’s a Fox story on him:

  65. Does Angry Black Man not know about Wal-Mart being open 24 hours?

  66. That Heritage study about marriage and poverty is most excellent.

    The Rent is too Damn HIgh candidate is a moron.

  67. I like me some coloring books. He should try the Walgreens on the corner. They usually have some good coloring books and colors.

  68. The Rent is too Damn HIgh candidate is a moron.

    Yes, but his display of moronitude is AWESOME.

  69. ok jazz, get to work. My feet aren’t going to rub themselves.

  70. I was going to drive up to see ‘the golden child’ (daughter’s nickname for her bro). Take him some freshly made banana bread (his favorite) and cook him some pot pie from scratch (his favorite) but have not heard back from him.


    Guess I will tend to the doddering pig instead.

  71. Yes, but his display of moronitude is AWESOME.

    Not in the second video. He would wash Barry’s balls with his tongue if Barry so inclined to lend him Michelle’s.

  72. I hate when waiting rooms don’t have good magazines. I am waiting to get tese damn itches (sic) ouyt of my back. This guy sitting near me is tickeling his own leg…kind of weird

  73. Is Jazz rubbing feet?

    *holds feet up*

    Me too. I just shaved my toes.

  74. This guy sitting near me is tickeling his own leg…kind of weird

    If it’s the middle leg, move to another seat. PRONTO!!

  75. Please forgive typos on my crackberry

  76. I like pot pie.

    A lot.

  77. John McCain’s opponent has a new video out:

  78. I just shaved my toes.


  79. Well, the turd just responded with, ‘class -> work -> homework -> sleep’.

    I wasn’t going to talk to him much as he isn’t a big talker….just make sure he ate something nutritious. Meh.

  80. ok jazz, get to work. My feet aren’t going to rub themselves.

    Peej!! You sexy thing, your corns are a little . . . well, let me get the cornhusker’s oil and a knife.

    Me too. I just shaved my toes.

    That’s a nice look – an no 5 o’clock shadow, either.


    Just through the summer. You shave them and it grows back to look like little toupees. In winter, having to wear socks and then shoes, wears it off.

    *flicks toast crumbs out of chest hair*

  82. I wasn’t going to talk to him much as he isn’t a big talker

    Don’t take it personally. Just think of dealing with your own mom. I know when I think about dealing with mine, one of the biggest factors is, “How much chatter will there be?”, ’cause my mom can give a three-hour discourse on the smell of punctuation.

  83. So, if I understand this right, we just get in line for a foot rub??

  84. Peej’s foot:

  85. I call NEXT

  86. I call NEXT

    Hey!! Sohos is cutting in line!!! 😉

  87. [flashes jazz]

    Walks to the front of the line.

  88. Is Jazz rubbing feet?

    ugh, I hate it when I leave a comment and then get distracted and forget that I left the comment.

    I lost my place in line for the foot rubbing. I haven’t shaved my toes either. I like them to match my knuckles.

  89. well, let me get the cornhusker’s oil and a knife.


  90. Jazz, I am nothing like my mom. I actually like my children and are sensitive to what irritates them. My mom would expect me to entertain/cook for her had she ever visited me at college.

    Now I can talk the kid’s ear off until he squirms and starts to sass but not when it is to do with school or work. I get out of the way.

  91. So, if I understand this right, we just get in line for a foot rub??

    Pretty much, but if you have cloven hooves you’re out of luck. To qualify for a foot rub, you have to have the foot hygiene of a British infantry officer at a minimum.

  92. I haven’t shaved my toes either. I like them to match my knuckles.

    I haven’t shaved the knuckles. My right hand is hairier than my left. What is up with that? Am I losing estrogen or something? They say as you age, you start to look like your spouse……..

    Uh oh.

  93. are you familiar with the hygiene of British infantry officers and if so, why?

  94. This is fun – a dem tasting the shit sandwich of defeat, and knowing he ordered it.

  95. They say as you age, you start to look like your spouse…

    well, my hubby and I do have the same haircut now……….I sure as hell hope I don’t get his hairy ass.

  96. To qualify for a foot rub, you have to have the foot hygiene of a British infantry officer at a minimum.

    CRAP. I didn’t want you touching my feet no-ways…

  97. To qualify for a foot rub, you have to have the foot hygiene of a British infantry officer at a minimum.

    Well, I soak my tootsies in scented rosewater every morning and every night….


    But PJM has a better question…just why are you familiar with British foot hygiene??

  98. I think Charlie Melancon (or maricon as I call him), is down further than the 17 points, Jazz. He is going to lose BIG.

  99. pjm, my husband is about as bald as an egg.

  100. are you familiar with the hygiene of British infantry officers and if so, why?

    The Brits suffered nearly 20,000 casualties due to trench foot in 1914, so they developed a rigorous foot hygiene program in WWI. I understand their armed services retain that emphasis today. Infantry officers were responsible for doing foot inspections and whatnot on the troops, and there were stiff penalties for the unhygienic. Foot care is not a joke in the British army. I remember it because (a) it’s such a peculiar subject, and (b) it showed up on a M*A*S*H episode where Hawkeye and Trapper trade a British officer an ingrown toenail removal for several bottles of scotch.

  101. pjm, my husband is about as bald as an egg.

    Yeah, maybe a hairy ass isn’t so bad. Course, think of the really cool wigs you could wear.

  102. maricon as I call him

    HAHAHAHAH! Cute. I was gonna call him “Melonhead.”

  103. Driveby hello to y’all.

    Now, back to work.

  104. God, Rodney Glassman’s video is TERRIBLE. No wonder McCain’s gonna stomp him. And I’m having a hard time getting excited about that.

  105. Foot hygiene is critical for any grunt. Yes, I have indeed spent time inspecting the toes of my troops.

    When you are out in the field for a couple weeks at a time, and spending 20 hours a day on your feets, with a load of over 100#, with only a couple changes of socks, you gots to take care of your feet, or you’ll be in a world of hurt.

    **pulls giant chunk of toejam out**

    **flicks toejam at PJ**

  106. Yellow, Andy.

  107. Brad, I posted a two fer for today’s HotW, just for you 🙂

  108. When you are out in the field for a couple weeks at a time, and spending 20 hours a day on your feets, with a load of over 100#, with only a couple changes of socks, you gots to take care of your feet, or you’ll be in a world of hurt.

    No doubt. Even athlete’s foot can be crippling. Trench foot and amputations pretty much suck. Foot care is a really big deal to an army.

  109. I just saw this bit over at Ace’s, and there’s something that leapt out to me that says a lot about the philosophical differences between Dems and the GOP.

    For Jano Cabrera, a Democratic strategist, the subject strikes a nerve. “My wife and I were having this very conversation,” he says. “When we were trying to seize power, we had justified anger, and now we talk about uninformed voters.” Obama inherited unprecedented challenges, Cabrera says, but in politics “you can’t go back and say it’s the other guy’s fault.”

  110. Well, I stand corrected on the foot care, since it makes so much sense. Be advised I do take good care of my feet. I used to be a foot model for a local catalog, and got used to pampering them 🙂

    Maricon, Melancon….sound the same, don’t they??

  111. “When we were trying to seize power,

    This was the line that struck me.

    Not earn votes. Not persuade the electorate. Not “lead our constituents.”

    Seize. Power.

    These jackholes are fascists and don’t even realize how much they’ve internalized that.

  112. **flicks toejam at PJ**

    *sniffs toejam
    *decides there’s been a lack of fiber in diet
    *eats toejam

  113. Aggie,


  114. ugh, I’m only getting intermittent internet acces. It’s going from 24 mbps to 1.1 mbps. Could it be that on cloudy rainy days, the wireless signal from my parents house to mine isn’t as strong? This is frustrating.

  115. Do you hate Alan Grayson?

    Do you like good Republican poll numbers?

    If the answer to these questions is “yes,” look no further than here:

  116. I aim to please, Brad!

  117. These jackholes are fascists and don’t even realize how much they’ve internalized that.

    I suppose to a liberal “seizing power” and “earning votes” means the same thing, thanks to ACORN, et al.

  118. These jackholes are fascists and don’t even realize how much they’ve internalized that.

    The very same comment had struck me for the very same reason. And then I got all raaaaacisty and started cursing La Raza.

  119. Hi.

  120. Hi.

    Oh, stuff it up your hump.

    /Hi, laura. 😉

  121. Hi.

    No, not yet. I might be though depending on the election results in two weeks.

  122. I thought we agreed not to have any more Tuesdays? Do we have to call another meeting?

    It’s like, we keep hashing this stuff out over and over, but then every time I turn around, BOOP! There’s another Tuesday staring us in the face.

    Guys, when are we going to get some action on this issue?

  123. I didn’t even bother to read the report laura because you didn’t put a cover on it.

  124. *makes tense bitchface with lips pressed tightly together*

    *types something out, prints it, and puts it in PJ’s file*

  125. Wrong font.

  126. Lauraw, you forgot to use the new cover sheet on your TPS report.

  127. Wrong font.

    hhhhmmm, if you’d said Wong Font, that would be a good name for Chinese food.

    ugh, I think this locarbing has me obsessed with food.

  128. Look, we met you half way, Laura.

    We now have Tuesdays Without Maury.

  129. I thought Lips said “wrong foot”

  130. *makes tense bitchface with lips pressed tightly together*

    *types something out, prints it, and puts it in PJ’s file*

    *reads note

    Oh no. HELL NO! There’s no way, I’m staying with b-rad for the weekend as a punishment for noncompliance. NO

  131. You’ve been freed from Askimet hell at H&B, Brad.

    PJM, I don’t think it matters, really. We all obsess with food.

    *goes to make a Frito pie*

  132. Too bad, PJ, we’re having a two-for-one special on foot rubs.

  133. Askimet hell

    mmmmmm, taco bell

    We all obsess with food.

    huh? Wha?

  134. Thanks, Aggie. I didn’t even check to see if I’d made it.

    I just presumed you loved me.

  135. Too bad, PJ, we’re having a two-for-one special on foot rubs.

    Yeah, what scares me about that is you said “we”

  136. Yo

  137. Yo, ho, you ho.

  138. I just presumed you loved me.

    Heh, well, you do tend to grow on one. Like a fungus 😉

  139. howdy cyn!!

  140. I feel bad for Cyn not getting to meet MJ this time around. She really enjoys the whole hostess thingy.

    But if she’s already made the bacon and beef stroganoff, I can be there to pick it up this afternoon.



    Whaaaaat…?? I have yet to see a copyright on that.

  143. I saw that MJ said he couldn’t meat me. Totally Bogus! Especially since I only slept about 4 hours last night and have already picked up some meth to keep me going on the way to taking the boys to school this morning. MOM!!! MJ OWES ME A SPEEDBALL!

  144. Hey peej! Your haircut looked awesome! Can I get in your pants? HAHA!

  145. There’s a fungus among us.

  146. Only, if you go on the low carb diet too..

  147. Can we ban MJ for standing up Cyn?

    And Aggie, I’ve been telling that fungus joke since Barbara Billingsly was telling Ward he was a little hard on the Beaver last night.

  148. Well, I knew Gus when he was just amusing.. Hadn’t even gotten to fun yet.

  149. There’s a fungus among us.

  150. And Aggie, I’ve been telling that fungus joke since Barbara Billingsly was telling Ward he was a little hard on the Beaver last night.

    A) you are about my age, 2) I have only recently made the H2 acquaintance, Q) you still haven’t shown me the copyright, and ELEVENTY!!) you misspelled Ms. Billingsley’s name, BLASPHEMER!!

    And I seriously hope you know I’m joking 🙂

  151. hahaha, I seriously LOVE these guys

  152. Aggie, it’s a damn good thing your eye is almost as sexy as PJ’s, or I’d have to put you on the “make sure the body is never found” list.

  153. *grovels prettily for Brad*

    *prays she’s never on that list*

  154. Can I get in your pants? HAHA!

    HAHAHA! Totally HAWT!!!

    Did you see b-rad thought I sharted? LMAO!!

    after how many comments did we make about a murder in my pants or a chicken sacrifice and he still didn’t get it?

    What a maroon

  155. Fucking Ace. Still ragging on O’Donnell.
    God damned rino punk.

    Thank you, Dick. I’m so tired of that schtick.

  156. damn good thing your eye is almost as sexy as PJ’s

    That’s very sweet of you to say. You get an extra hooker tomorrow 🙂

  157. PJ, I worked very, very hard to not listen to any comments that might imply lady troubles on your part that night.

    Ignorance is bliss.

  158. Did you see b-rad thought I sharted? LMAO!!

    What can liquid brown do for you?

  159. Ignorance is bliss.

    So what you’re saying is, you’d like me to break it down line by line for you?

  160. Rush is talking about the O’Donnell Coons thing that ace is crying about now

  161. PJ, I love you, so STFU.

  162. I just heard Tom Bosley died.

    First June Cleaver, now Mr. Cunningham….

  163. PJ, I love you, so STFU.
    That DOES IT!! I’m sending you a full detail description. Check your email


  165. Could it be that on cloudy rainy days, the wireless signal from my parents house to mine isn’t as strong?

    Those conditions should not affect the signal. A great variance between the high and low air pressure “could” make a difference. Much more likely that something blocks the signal temporaily – do you park cars in between the houses” Do you park them in different spots depending on weather or whim? Windows with actual metal screens open or closed in-between? Kids toys with big metal parts (soccer goal or something like that)? Goat fences? Radio waves aren’t affected by light or dark – but passing through mass interferes.


    WTF??? As if!!!

    *looks for old TV character named Brad…*

  167. **emails PJ a picture of my junk**


  169. Did you see b-rad thought I sharted? LMAO!!

    I did see that! HAHAHA!

    What a maroon man

  170. **puts AD on the “kill with science” list**

  171. First June Cleaver, now Mr. Cunningham….

    Still here, suckers..

  172. hahaha, that’s SO true cyn. That’s how a man’s brain works isn’t it?

  173. Rush on fire at the elites:

  174. Tom Bosley died.

    But his hair still looks great!

    (too soon?)

  175. Fuck off, Abe.

    I’ve outlasted both Dana and Gary. Hell, I’ll probably even outlive Todd!

    Who would have predicted that, huh?

  176. Oh, I see our Car in is getting hat tips from Goldstein.

    We need to keep her closer to the fold.

    And we thought she was just sitting on the spin cycle.

  177. I’d love to be limber enough to stick my head up my ass and pretend that O’Donnell is The Greatest Candidate Evar!!!(tm), but she isn’t. Not by a mile.

    But, in the famous words of Don Rumsfeld, you have to go to war with the army you have, not the one you wish you had.

  178. OK, time for lunch, then some chores. I’ll see you degenerates later.

  179. Heya Hostages and Hostagettes.

    I figured I should give an update on dinner last night. Sure enough, conversation turned to politics and that turned into some not-so-subtle bashing of my libtard sister and brother in law by me and my wife. Mom (who is a Republican) was very pissed off and started to defend them. “But but but…they’ve voted Republican sometimes,” she says. When I asked exactly who they had voted for, her answer was “John McCain.”

    Of course, she was even more pissed when I practically screamed, “They live in New Hampshire and they did that to SCREW the Republican party for Christ’s sake!” But my kids thought it was hilarious, and my wife was very pleased that my mom is mad at me instead of at her for a change.

  180. ok. I give up. I can’t take how slow my internet is today. I’ll catch you kids later

  181. I’ve outlasted both Dana and Gary.

    Oh, fuck off, you old fag. You should have been dead years ago.

    I’d just like to point out that I am still alive.


  182. Sounds like you had a lot of fun, jakeman 😀

  183. But his hair still looks great!

    (too soon?)

    Cyn, you are so baaaad 😀

  184. I would just like to make it clear that while I played a character named Bosley, I was, in fact, not Tom Bosley.

    I am dead though.

  185. Oh, I see our Car in is getting hat tips from Goldstein.
    We need to keep her closer to the fold.

    You guys never know what I might do if you don’t give me the proper appreciation …

  186. *checks pulse

    Yep, still kicking.

  187. Peej, if it’s any consolation, our Internet seems to do that on cloudy and/or rainy days as well. Don”t know what causes it – intellectually, I know it SHOULDN’T be happening, but it is what it is.

    We even had people out here to check all of the connections to the house – no apparent problem (other than the belief that somewhere our phone line and electrical line must be coming in contact with each other or something like that – I’ve slept since then….).

    Anyway, it’s not all in your head – even though the experts will try to convince you that it is.

  188. I just had a customer ask me if I had a cat that was good for hunting gophers. (*Facepalm)

    Guess where she lives.. California! Bingo! (Sorry PJM) Catwoman says she had a wide case of stupid…

  189. You probably don’t remember me, but, just in case you do, yes, I am still alive.

  190. LC, it was inevitable. She’s visiting for 10 days, and things had been pretty copacetic to that point. Methinks she had one too many whiskey sours while cooking dinner, a la Julia Child.

    I really hate arguing (my wife and I rarely do), but she and my dad used to scream at each other all the time, so it’s kind of in her nature. The real problem is that she’s irrational, and ragging on my poor defenseless little libdouche sister set her off.

    Hopefully she’s not still seething about it tonight…just need to make it till Thursday a.m.!

  191. I’m dead and so is Florence Halop.

    That’ll teach that bitch to take my part.

  192. PJ, is it plugged in? You should plug it in.

  193. Peej? Have you tried waving your hands all panicky like? Catwoman seems to think that will fix it…

  194. >> I just had a customer ask me if I had a cat that was good for hunting gophers.

    Souped-up wildcat, haaaawww!!!

  195. And, to add to the comedy, when we got home, my brother in law had posted a photo of their three-year-old son on Facechimp.

    In a flowered dress.

    With the caption, “That’s my boy!”


  196. PJ, is it plugged in? You should plug it in.

    HA! I swear that bit never gets old! Good call ‘Spur.

  197. I should go trap a wild cat and sell it to her as a southern gopher-getter. Charge a Large plus shipping.. THEY have to do the neuter!

  198. Sounds like she was protecting her young, jakeman…. how old is your sister??

    And according to Laura, there is no Tuesday, so you can enjoy that at least 😉

  199. posted a photo of their three-year-old son on Facechimp.

    In a flowered dress.

    And in 20 years when the boy won’t be able to get a job, he can blame dear old dad cuz shit on the intertubes never. ever. goes. away. ever.

  200. >> I laughed and told her this was nothing if the rino fucksticks don’t do what we want.

    So you read that link to Rush? If not, you’d better have a couple of drinks first.

    What’s funny is that the GOP establishment really thinks this new crop of incoming freshmen is just going to roll over and play dead for their “smaller big government” bullshit.

  201. my brother in law had posted a photo of their three-year-old son on Facechimp.

    In a flowered dress.

    With the caption, “That’s my boy!”

    Oh my everloving sweet Jehosephat….

  202. Guess. Go on, guess.

  203. Suck it, you youngsters!

  204. Guess. Go on, guess.

    The dad on Family Ties….

    Too easy.

  205. Good on you Dick for taking your dad to vote! {{Speshul BewbSquishingHug}}

  206. She’s 41 and pretty much of an outspoken beeotch when it comes to politics. Yeah, I’m sure it was protective instinct, but my mom thinks that she’s not *really* a liberal…somehow she was bamboozled by her college roommate who got her to work on the Bob Kerrey presidential campaign way back when, and now she only believes it because her husband is bamboozling her.

    To which I can only think (but WON’T say!), “Uh, at what point can it be determined that these are the things she believes on her own?” Fookin’ irritating.

  207. HA!

  208. Jakeman, my mother told my sister that someone poisoned my mind.

    She votes democrat for the free crap but says it’s because they care for the little people like her. Ex: Shriners paid for my brother’s hearing aids because they aren’t rich…but what they didn’t tell the Shriners was the money that should have gone for my brother’s hearing aids was going towards new dining room furniture.

    She says the reason why Sarah Palin had such wide support in Alaska, as gov, was because she gave away free shit to everyone and that is just not right.

    Talk about irrational.

  209. She’s 41, and her mother is protecting her from your big, bad views??

    Yikes, dude….

    *opens a beer and passes it to jakeman*

  210. *gives Dick’s Dad a gentle bewbsquishinghug*

  211. Shriners has nothing to do with her or her democrat party…just an example of the typical mindset.

  212. Your dad is a treasure, Dick.


  213. Careful Cyn, Dad’s only 5’5″ now and may just motorboat ya.

    HA! Well, then, I’ll throw on some heels and something v-neck to give him the advantage 😀

  214. *glug glug glug* Thanks, LC, that hits the spot. Now how’s about a double shot of Black Seal?

    beasn, that’s a classic. It *is* all about the little people, isn’t it.

  215. A very sweet story by a friend of ours in MA:

  216. Where’s Andy?


    I need the H2 Twitter login, STAT!

  217. The dad on Family Ties….

    Too easy.

    That wasn’t the question.

    Alive or dead?

  218. Sweet story Andy!

  219. Wiserbud, check your goatsemail.

  220. Alive or dead?

    Still among the living 😉

  221. That’s an awesome story, Andy.

    Some of us have lived it, and will live it again. She is an angel!!

  222. Wiserbud, check your goatsemail.

    got it.

    t’anks, buddy

  223. *Hugs Dick’s dad and pinches his ass.

    –What? I’m trying to make him feel young again!

  224. True story: Mr. Lipstick’s dad got kicked out of an assisted living facility for pinching the nurses’ asses.

  225. Mr. Lipstick’s dad sounds way cool 😀

  226. Every once in a while, sweet and sour chicken kicks ass.

  227. Cuffster gets teh big links today. See what you get when you tuck like Jame Gumb?

  228. ‘Sup, douche nozzles and hawt chicks?

  229. Dick – What’s the latest skinny on Stinky’s enlistment?

  230. I’m kinda hoping I’m a hawt chick….

  231. Kos’ twitter feed links a PPP poll that says Sestak has pulled ahead of Toomy, 46-45%.

    Weighting, however?

    48% D
    41% R
    11% I

    And Kos is roughing up the bishop to this? What a fucking moron.

  232. Nobody here knows as no clear pics have been submitted.

    I like being under the radar.

  233. Rasmussen moves Rand Paul’s race from solid R to leans R.

  234. Tommey can win, despite the fact that Philly and P’burgh voting machines will be pre-loaded with about 300K extra votes for Joe*spit*Sestak.

  235. Hey Aggie!!

  236. You ain’t no Stealth bomber.

    Thank goodness.

  237. MCPO, just what are you trying to tell me???

  238. I just went back and read the birthday wishes from all y’all. I only got calls from three of my eight sibs, so your wishes were and are a big deal. Thanks again, y’all. You really are the greatest.

    I’m going home to bed. Made it to the finish line – just. I’m ready to die now. Have a good night, y’all.

  239. Aggie – What’s your guess?

  240. Goodnight, Jazz, and sleep well 🙂

  241. Aggie – What’s your guess?

    That it ain’t the apron 😉

  242. That it ain’t the apron

    HAHAHAHAHA! It was intended as a compliment.

  243. Floors have been swept and mopped. Two posts written and posted at my crapblog. Self touched inappropriately also.

    Lunch was a bowl of Top Ramen.

  244. Did I mention that it is raining here? Last measurable precipitation we had was in Dec. 09.

  245. xBrad – Could that be because. . . YOU LIVE IN A FUCKING DESERT??!?

  246. Brad, raining as in some droplets, or as in “Holy shit! I can’t see ten feet in front of me!”??

  247. Don’t make me effin’ hurt you, GeritolMan.

  248. It was intended as a compliment.

    No worries, dear…it was taken as such!

  249. Damn, y’all did get quite the deluge.

  250. Kos History Quiz – started by IowaHawk

  251. Aggie, we never really get a good frog strangler here. I’ve been in plenty of storms like that when I was in the midwest, though.

    I’m hearing a good deal of thunder, but haven’t really seen any flashes.

    The thing is, I hate rain. Really, really hate it. I can’t tell you how many miserable nights I’ve spent huddled in a foxhole getting rained on and just focusing on how really miserable I was. The bad part wasn’t so much getting rained on, it was knowing that you couldn’t just pop inside and change into warm clothes. You get wet, you stay wet.

  252. That is perfectly understandable, Brad. My uncle hates rain to this day, for the same reasons, stemming from his tours in Viet Nam. He loves the desert, and would love to move there, but his wife likes Colorado.

  253. Yeah, Wiser, I’m really encouraged that the best and the brightest that want to rule me have no clue that the Tea Party might reference, say…. the Tea Party?

  254. OK, now it really is coming down.

  255. pffffft

  256. Dick, I’m allowed to snivel after the fact.

    You just aren’t allowed to snivel when you’re stuck in it.

  257. OK, now it really is coming down.

  258. You gents have a great time. I have to go buy concert duds for son. See ya later!

  259. I was thinking more this, MCPO:

  260. Hey, brad, what have you managed to stuff up your ass today?

  261. Dick, when I was in Saudi Arabia, we got flooded out by the worst rains on record there. We also had days where we woke up to frost on the ground.

    I had some of the worst luck with weather in the field.

  262. Hotspur, just a shiv I’m gonna stick in your liver when I meet you.

  263. I remember chipping frozen sea water off the tie-down chains on the flightdeck in the North Atlantic. The best was the M-60 emplacement in Iceland. . . It was a no shit igloo!

  264. Airdale, I have no doubt that conditions were quite miserable. But you had a nice warm rack and a galley with hot chow and coffee waiting for you.

    I remember thinking that getting to sleep inside an M113 was the height of luxury, and felt bad that I was being such a pussy.

  265. xBrad – I spent 3 days and nights in that fucking igloo. While you were all comfy in heated and A/C’d Bradley!

  266. MCPO, Brads had a heater (which blew either tepid, or white hot) but that heated the air. The aluminum hull was still colder than shit.

    There was no A/C on Brads back in my day. The only fans were gun gas exhaust fans. Temps of over 140 were quite common inside if you had to button up for more than a couple minutes.

    Most army vehicles in theater these days do have A/C and it chills the air to a comfy 100 or so.

  267. **wanders in, sits down, puts head on Dick’s shoulder**

  268. HEY!!

  269. Rand Paul losing support? Toomey, Angle, etc…races tightening, O’Donnell getting put through the wood chipper by even ‘our side’ because she isn’t a certain brand of candidate? GOP wanting compromise?

    Wanna know what I think? I’m going to tell you anyway.

    I wish everyone would back off saying the demonrats are going to get trounced in a big way. I am a pessimist. I think we’re screwed because so many people think someone else owes them a living, they want something for nothing, an attitude that they are to be catered to and if not catered to in the manner they demand..they get free shit, and that anyone with money needs their ass kicked.

    I say this from what I observe people in my sphere are saying and doing. People live in the now and various mindless pursuits, whether it be the middle class or the welfare whore. Welfare whore being the worst and that includes politicians.

  270. HEY!!

    Well, you smell like feet. Dick smells like brick dust and tequila.

  271. And Dick made me laugh out loud with the comment to Cyn about his dad motorboating her if she hugged him.

  272. Why is this mild cold kicking my ass?

  273. Well, you smell like feet.

    Don’t forget the smell of abused moist Dolly plastic.

  274. I smell like feet and ass.

    Get it right.

  275. **tackles Beasn**

    **gives her “the free shit”**

  276. Roamy, how did you wind up with a weak heart? Congenital or some bug bit you hard at some point?

    I sincerely wish you all the best.

  277. GOP wanting compromise?

    There was talk of this around the coffeepot this morning. I quoted Mark Steyn’s line about the UN, how the developed countries working with the tinpot dictatorships are like trying to mix a quart of ice cream with a quart of dogshit. Much the same with compromising with the Dems – it’s still inedible.

  278. Nap time. The rain has slackened enough I might be able to run home without destroying my computer.

  279. **kicks xbrad in the nuts**

    You have no idea how working retail makes a person want to go on a 57 state shooting spree or think evil thoughts on how to ‘get back’ at some fat bitch for nitpicking a cake and getting if for free just because said retailer is too big to give a shit about fat scammers.

  280. Beasn, congenital. I was diagnosed with SVT when I was 3 months old.

  281. roamy, that is the thing that drives me insane……the democrats NEVER compromise. They cram through their shit regardless the ethics or legality and here come the mincing pansy GOP…oh, we’re above that, we must follow the rules (that the other side makes up).

    For gosh sakes, I want to see blood and guts and hollering and yelling.

  282. After becoming very frustrated with the attitude of one of the shopkeepers, the young blonde declared, ‘Well, then, maybe I’ll just go out and catch my own alligator and get a pair of alligator shoes for free!’

    The shopkeeper replied with a sly smile, ‘Well, little lady, why don’t you go on and give it a try?’ The blonde headed off to the swamp, determined to catch an alligator.

    Later in the day, as the shopkeeper was driving home, he spotted the same young woman standing waist deep in the murky water, shotgun in hand.

    As he brought his car to a stop, he saw a huge 9-foot gator swimming rapidly toward her. With lightning reflexes, the blonde took aim, shot the creature and hauled it up onto the slippery bank.

    Nearby were 7 more dead gators all lying belly up. The shopkeeper stood on the bank, watching in silent amazement as the blonde struggled mightily and barely managed to flip the gator onto its back.

    Then, rolling her eyes heavenward, she screamed in frustration…..


  283. HAHAHAA

    Stupid blondes.

    *steals joke and poats it on blonde sister’s facechimpass*

  284. *remembers you can’t poat long screeds on facef*ck*

    *messages to sister*

  285. Beasn, did you see my Beasn as a little girl link?

  286. This is the other one I got today. One of my co-workers must have a million jokes. He sees me not smiling, he sends a silly or goofy one.

    **** In a rural program for farmers, a female TV reporter seeking the main cause of Mad Cow disease, arranged for an interview with a farmer who had some theories on the matter. The interview was as follows: ….

    The lady reporter said, “I am here to collect information on the possible sources of Mad Cow Disease. Can you offer any reason for this disease ? ”

    The farmer stared at the reporter and said, “Do you know that a bull mounts a cow only once a year ? ”

    Reporter (obviously embarrassed): “Well, sir, that’s a new piece of information.but what’s the relation between this phenomenon and Mad Cow disease?”

    Farmer: “And, madam, do you know that we milk a cow twice a day ? ”

    Reporter: “Sir, this is really valuable information, but what about getting to the point ? ”

    Farmer: “I am getting to the point, madam. Just imagine, if I was playing with your tits twice a day and only screwing you once a year, wouldn’t you get mad ? “


  288. The cause of Mad Cow disease is Canadian dykes who have a show on MSNBC.

  289. Beasn, did you see my Beasn as a little girl link?

    HAHAHAHA…yes, yes I did. Some fidget eats one of my pigs, that is how my pig shall be buried.

  290. Roamy knows all the best jokes!

    Andy, great link – hold on, there’s something in my eye…..

    Found out that my nephew will be joining the Air Force soon – he went for something yesterday; has already taken the AMVSB(?) test, and scored pretty high on it.

    Dinner this evening will be a spinach quiche – which Mr. TiFW will not like at all – and either soup or a salad. This is the first quiche I have attempted since college, and I must say it turned out very nicely indeed. The recipe I had in college called for half-and-half, and they always turned out extremely runny – which is why I never tried making them after that.

    Momma only buys the “good” stuff (heavy whipping cream) now……

  291. I’ve got a cold Hotspur. That is my excuse for today and I’m sticking with it.

    *starts digging a hole for ‘spur’s carcass*

  292. That lil’ guy is so dedicated.

    I’m thinking he needs to be bred. Six times.

  293. Thanks, Teresa. Stupid joke files are better than Paxil.

  294. *tackles beasn and samples her frosting*

  295. I never see any Uncle Jimbo poats at Ace’s anymore. Did he and Ace break up?

  296. Somebody forgot to tell Steny that his opponent is a Marine?

  297. His current life of luxury consists of studying algebra and physics 24/7


  298. Yay! Found everything at Wal-Mart, and son is set for his concert tomorrow.

    AND it’s after five!

    *makes a margarita*

  299. I’m not knocking brick dust and tequila at all.

  300. Gawd, this town is full of twiching little bird watcher professors.


  301. Algebra and Physics? You sure he’s your kid, Dick?

    *ducks quickly and runs out of room*

  302. OK, here’s one for you:

    How can you tell a blonde has been making chocolate chip cookies?

    There are M&M shells all over the kitchen floor.


    Now, the follow-up to that is when my blonde wife went to re-tell that joke, she started thusly: “How can you tell a blonde has been making M&M cookies?”

  303. LMAO, jakeman!!!

  304. >> I never see any Uncle Jimbo poats at Ace’s anymore. Did he and Ace break up?

    Has he been back after he went off on Gutfeld there?

  305. (reading upthread) What is Frito pie?

  306. Hi.

  307. Ah…. Frito pie is simple, RFH.

    You place fritos in a bowl, and pour chili over it, then sprinkle shredded cheddar cheese (or your choice), and nuke until the cheese is melty.

    Goes great with beer 😉

  308. Cthulhu swims very well, Pupster.

  309. Roamy,

  310. If fresh, yes, but mine was in the fridge, so I had to nuke it.

  311. The navy’s getting a clarinet playing math nerd.

    Sounds like a heckuva great kid, Dick (except for the math nerd part).

  312. I just want to publicly state that I have access to a gif of a naked running man jumping off a dock and dropping a huge deuce in mid air before landing in the water…with a dog jumping in after him at another angle.

    I will not be posting it. For Roamy and teh children.

  313. It’s a bar-setter.

  314. Pupster, what you just did there is considered “withholding” by the DSM-IV.

  315. Thank you for small favors, Pupster.

  316. **averts eyes, sends kids out of the room

    Run it, Pups

  317. NSF anywhere anytime do not click on this



  318. That’s a pretty impressive feat.


  320. O_o

    *As my kid would type*

  321. I bet the dog was pretty pissed off.

  322. My caller ID just showed some kind of research company calling. I was hoping it was a political poll.

    Boy was that fun! When they asked me how good a job Charlie Crist was doing I laughed and laughed and laughed, until the lady started laughing too!

  323. I love Castle.

  324. Vmax is an infectious giggler?

  325. L to R, Pupster, Roamy

  326. That’s a pretty impressive feat.

    I KNOW, right?

    I mean..yeah.

  327. Pups that wasn’t your jiggly butt was it?

  328. Wow, just wow.

  329. I must be Tattoo

  330. It’s not the worst thing to be Vmax. Altho, I did have to stop and figure out why you were being me for a moment 😉

  331. Heh. No. If I were that kind of talented I’d turn it into a traveling concert/book tour/movie of the week event.

    “Pupster, Lake, and Pooper”

    “On Non-Golden Pond”

    “A River of Runs Through It”

  332. Brings new meaning to “taking the boys down to the lake and teach ’em how to swim.”

  333. Dick, I honestly don’t know what the nephew’s score was – to tell you the truth, I was thinking to myself, “If HE scored well on it, how dumb are the people who score BELOW him?”.

    Not the brightest academic bulb in the box, that one. Of course, I would never tell anyone else in the family that (the TiFW “part” of the family already thinks that). He’s a sweet kid, though, and hard-working – I actually think that the Service is a good choice for him, and he should do well there.

  334. Lake Poo-begone Days

  335. Like Water for Chocolate?


  336. “Crouching Pupster Flying Feces”

  337. OMG, I got curious and clicked. Dayummmm.

  338. Pupster, I think that feller mighta had a bowl of Dave’s Chili.

  339. HAHAHAHA! Pupster!

    That SuperPooperMan gif was the laugh I needed today. Though I was very thankful for warnings.

  340. Dick, he mentioned a couple of things – the one I vaguely remember was Payload Master (?). I can’t remember the other ones….

  341. Changing the subject slightly, I found out why my boss was so pissed off. Counting the branch chief, deputy branch chief, two team leads, and the secretary, there were 6 people at the mandatory safety meeting.

  342. Romy, was that a mandatory safety meeting you were s’posed to go to?

  343. Let me guess, the reason it’s mandatory is because it’s a complete waste of time.

  344. I love Castle.

    Hey why didn’t my tivo record Castle?

    Guess I will do it on demand

  345. i don’t have to work tomorrow!

    Instead I have to sort, pack and friggin’ run errands.

  346. Hey why didn’t my tivo record Castle?

    ‘Cuz it doesn’t love you

    Guess I will do it on demand

    I have heard that rumor.

  347. Dick, at least 20. I’m not sure how many contractors we have left after all the layoffs.

    Scottw, precisely!

    I felt sorry for the chump who showed up.

  348. Heheh Tattoo.

    Tomorrow I am looking into a job exporting cars overseas. Kind of redundant but I guess I could export them to Canada or the rest of the Americas.

    Boss called and said no work tomorrow. I think I have worked 5 days in 4 weeks. I cannot live on that.

    Exporting cars is commission only, but sitting on my ass pays zilch….

  349. I really hate the corporate world with all of the accompanying bullshit…

    Preach it, brother.

  350. hey Scott. Check yer gmail, please.

  351. hey Scott. Check yer gmail, please.

    Don’t do it!

    It’s a close up.

  352. Other crazy coworker today tried to tell me that the farther south you go the faster people talk. Dude, seriously?!

  353. Other crazy coworker today tried to tell me that the farther south you go the faster people talk. Dude, seriously?!


  354. I gave her my best combo stare of “you’ve got to fucking be kidding me’ and “how much stupid can one person hold”.

  355. I think I will vote early tomorrow. instead of working. Then look for a job.

    Yes Tattoo, your co-worker is certifiable crazy.

  356. That was some pretty good Twittering, wiser.

    * checks sycophant status level *

  357. Miami is not fast,
    unless you count the Cubans Andy

  358. Si, vmax. You got it.

  359. The twitter feed is 4 hours old Wiser.

    Are we that slow?

  360. Dick,

    She was raised ketchup on crackers poor in backwoods MO. She refuses to see a doctor and treats everything w/ herbal shit. She’s a wackaloon.

  361. * checks sycophant status level *

    Too bad we couldn’t all be on it at the same time.

    Or can we?

    Are we that slow?

    Nah, I just ran out of ideas.

  362. Andy,
    When I graduated from High School in 79, I went to Key West to dive for my vacation. That was the year of the Mariel boat lift. The grocery stores were empty. I resented that.

    A year later I was working in Hialeah, and hired several day laborers. (remember the overton riots in 80? I was in the middle of it and lived)

    I hired Willy, who barely spoke english. I practiced my spanish with him.

    He was in jail for harassing the Russians. Who killed his brother for standing on his front porch after curfew.

    120,000 Cubans came to America in the Mariel boat lift. We sent 5000 back. Within 1 year we had 80,0000 new businesses.

    Beat that.


    oooh, I’d forgotten this one.

  364. vmax, when I’m working my balls off, nobody’s tweeting. I’m glad wiser picked up my slack today, because that joke thread is teh funneh.

    Once I get this damned IPO closed, I’ll get back on the port to real WordPress. I added a scrolly Twitter widget for the #KosHistoryQuiz over there that would allow you to keep up with everybody’s tweets instead of just seeing ours.

  365. Romy, that’s my song!

  366. We can all be on it at the same time!

    Think of the swarm possibilities.

  367. >> Miami?

    Nueva Laredo

  368. Bless you and your IPO Andy

    I am not a twitter er.

    What am I missing? Can I log in? Send me the stuff.

  369. Sends vmax “the stuff”

  370. Later H8ers!

    This registration statement isn’t going to update itself.

  371. This POS is still going?

  372. Think of the swarm possibilities.

    Exactly. Imagine how awesome a Hostage swarm would have been today with the material so generously provided for us by Kos and Gwen.

  373. This POS is still going?

    Sorry, I was very busy today.

  374. This POS is still going?

    Your heart??

  375. Thanks Andy

    To any Florida readers

    Dear Vmax,

    In the twilight of their lives, Ruby and Ben found themselves at kill shelters in Central Florida.

    Weak, afraid and in so much pain she couldn’t even stand up, Ruby was spared from death by one of our dedicated volunteers who went to the shelter as soon as we heard Ruby was there.

    Earlier in the week, one of our other volunteers rescued Ben from another kill shelter. Filthy and matted, with horribly infected ears, Ben was in slightly better shape than Ruby.

    Two weeks after their rescue, these two sweet seniors need foster homes and the support of our members.

    Ruby, who is about 12 years old, is a sweet but frail girl who tires easily. Miraculously, she has regained her ability to walk and is responding well to pain medication. She is very hard of hearing, but that doesn’t seem to slow her down. Ruby will need a quiet, loving foster home with no cats. She is a gentle girl, very affectionate, and wants nothing more than to be with people.

    Ben, age 10-11, is a spry and dapper senior gent who gets along with all other animals.

    If you are able to foster either Ruby or Ben, please contact or call our rescue line at (239) 369-0415. If you cannot foster, we would greatly appreciate donations toward the care of Ben and Ruby. They have been hospitalized at our vet’s office in Bonita Springs since their arrival and their veterinary bills are significant.

    There is nothing sweeter than “Old Gold.” If you can help these very special seniors in any way, please contact GRRSWF.

    Thanks to all of you for the thoughts, prayers and donations you have sent their way. We are so grateful to have your support

    I am on line to foster Ben if no one responds. He is a great dog.

    you can donate here

    I am a whore. yes I am.
    And I will foster Ben and Princess.
    And keep Zeke and Bear as well.

  376. I am a whore. yes I am.
    And I will foster Ben and Princess.
    And keep Zeke and Bear as well.

    You are a good man, soon-to-be-nicknamed-Lefty.

    Wish I could help.

  377. I am a whore. yes I am.

    Dude, you’re about the furthest thing from a whore in the world.

  378. Heheh
    Wiser rocks

  379. And I sent $$$ to the rescue for Ben. Who I might foster.

  380. Hahahaha

    Iowahawk owns the joak threads:

  381. Tell us how you really feel, Dick.

  382. Did I Kill it?

  383. Dick, that reminds me of long drives to visit family in Florida, when Dad had a pickup truck with a camper. I’d lie in the camper bed above the cab and listen to “Wichita Lineman” and “By the Time I Get to Phoenix.”

    Probably illegal to ride in a camper like that now.

    Mom liked Marty Robbins.

  384. HI pudding heads!
    I kilt it.

    Or deader than dead.

  385. Dick: just don’t mock Allahpundit. That’ll really do you in

  386. Dick, that reminds me of long drives to visit family in Florida, when Dad had a pickup truck with a camper.

    You guys would talk about beating up RINOs?

    Oh, you meant the song. Never mind.

  387. I’m sick and fucking tired of these rino fucksticks

    Correction: I meant to say, “I’m sick and fucking tired of these no godd, sorry ass, rotten motherfucking rino fucksticks’.

    Meh, that’s why I read two blogs. This one, and I dump it fast when it gets too political, and GCP.

  388. Good stuff Romy
    I used to listen to


    green eyed lady

    When I was young

  389. Dick: I was being facetious. I have been beaten over the head with the “but,but,but, Allah was so awesome in 2003!” line whenever I mention how much he sucks ass now

  390. Sean, I must be typing slow tonight. I can’t keep up.

  391. Allahpundit is a squishy Manhattan dwelling beta male with all of the conservative principles of Lindsay Graham.

  392. As a 30 year Republican voter.
    I will abandon the party as soon is it strays from conservationism.

  393. Both our dogs are rescues, and they are great.

    Sometimes you actually get the impression that they are just more grateful than the average dog to have a home and family.

  394. As a 30 year Republican voter.
    I will abandon the party as soon is it strays from conservationism.

    I’m assuming you mean “conservatism.” This ain’t the Sierra Club.

    Off to watch Jeopardy.

  395. my bad Sean
    I cannot spell

  396. Who was the Republican Congressman, Cao? of Louisiana, that can’t believe his wonderful Messiah Obama is staying with the Dems and endorsing his opponent. Ice cream and dogshit, man. Can’t pick the ice cream out.


  398. Heh, a bat went flying into one of the TV cameras for the Yankees-Rangers game. Interesting crack / craze pattern in the glass.

  399. I’m back.

    Please hold your applause until the end of the presentation.

  400. How many brothers and sisters do you have, Dick, and where are you in the mix? I am youngest of 5, so I got the backwards-facing seat in the station wagon.

  401. My folks dragged my 5 year old ass across the country from ATL to San Diego in the back of a ’73 Le Sabre. In July.

  402. Here Xbrad

  403. thanks, Tat.

    Chicks playing bass is a turn on for some unknown reason.

  404. You’ll notice the bass player also does a much better job of tapping her foot than Dave ever has…

  405. thanks, Tat.

    Chicks playing bass is are a turn on for some unknown reason.


  406. For those who care, HHD is scheduled earlier tomorrow in anticipation of being pushed down by the new Sean Bielat ad, when Andy gets it.

  407. My parents dragged me from Frankfurt, Germany to Tokyo, Japan in the back of a Constellation!

  408. Well fuck, let’s see if I can fix that.

  409. Airdale, my mom dragged my oldest sister to Sigonella on a Liberty ship. While she was pregnant.

    Navy wives were tough back then.

  410. BTW, I am wearing pants.

  411. BTW, I am wearing pants.

    Gold spandex hot pants do not actually count as pants.

  412. Hey Pilgrims.

  413. Tat seems a little fiesty this evening.

    I said “fiesty” not “fisty”

  414. BTW, I am wearing pants.


  415. For the record, I don’t own any spandex.

  416. OK, the cool damp air is making me feel crappy. I’m gonna crawl in bed and watch NCIS.

  417. Oldest of three and my little brother damned well new it.

    Just a little feisty. How could you tell?

  418. HaHaHa,
    I was the second of six. I used to get to drive some of the way from Portland, OR – to Garnette, KS(and back), from the time I was 11. Pretty funny one time when dad woke-up in the front seat to see me doing 85 across Wyoming.
    Chevy 9-passenger wagon with rear-facing seat! What a chick-magnet(NOT)!
    Going through Hays, KS one year, I looked in the rear-view and saw a tornado coming down the highway behind me, picking-up loaded grain-bins and blowing them apart!
    Pedal-to-the-metal, baby! Scared the crap out of all of us!

  419. Let’s see, Chrispy at 11. Was that about the same time Luther was nailing shit to a door?

  420. Youngest of eight. I was forced to walk behind the car.

  421. ===New Poat===

    *pours gasoline on poat, tosses in eleventy pine-scented hanging tree thingys, breaks out the good wooden matches*

  422. Tats,
    I think it was somewhere between Calvin & Luther, Yeah – right in there…
    I’ll be 62 on Sunday, if I make it that far.

  423. Chrispy, you’re older than my dad. But not as old as any of my grandmas.

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