One Trick Pony Performs Trick

When your only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

But the explanation is plain: the health care bill is not the main source of this anger and never has been. It’s merely a handy excuse. The real source of the over-the-top rage of 2010 is the same kind of national existential reordering that roiled America in 1964…

If Obama’s first legislative priority had been immigration or financial reform or climate change, we would have seen the same trajectory. The conjunction of a black president and a female speaker of the House — topped off by a wise Latina on the Supreme Court and a powerful gay Congressional committee chairman — would sow fears of disenfranchisement among a dwindling and threatened minority in the country no matter what policies were in play.

It’s not happenstance that Frank, Lewis and Cleaver — none of them major Democratic players in the health care push — received a major share of last weekend’s abuse. When you hear demonstrators chant the slogan “Take our country back!,” these are the people they want to take the country back from.

I don’t know what the New York Times pays Frank Rich but they’re getting ripped off.  Buy a couple of liberal monkeys and put them in a room with a couple of computers and you’ll get five of these a day.  Think about how much money they could save by getting rid of Tom Friedman, Maureen Dowd, Paul Krugman, David Brooks and this low-grade moron.

No one has ever confused Frank Rich with Charles Krauthammer when it comes to political analysis and insight but come on.  If this isn’t phoning it in then I want to see what phoning it in looks like.

Frank Rich and his douche-bagging ilk are supposed to be the intellectual elite?  Hahahahahahahaha.  Good one.




On a related note, Andy goes shopping.


  1. Here is a picture of Heidi Klum.

    You’re welcome.

  2. Heheh,
    Morning Rosetta.

  3. Wonder if they have a lay away plan?

  4. Morning Vmax.

    Wonder if they have a lay away plan?


    Ass Depot.

  5. Dammit. The other header pic was 3x funnier with the tagline I added, but noooo….

  6. Butt … I dind’t mean to …

  7. And might I add, Obama can kiss my assssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!

  8. Mel Brooks’ version:

  9. It’s a beautiful day in our new welfare state, comrade Rosetta.

  10. From that welfare for college kids story: “There are enough SNAP dollars for everyone that needs them.”

    You sure about that?

    * Calls Rosetta’s underground real estate agent *

  11. Are you watching the Rubio v. Crist debate on Fox News Sunday?

    Crist creeps me out.

  12. It’s a beautiful day in our new welfare state, comrade Rosetta.

    Hahahahaha. I just bought that movie because of you.

  13. Wish I had bought more ammo.

    **short sheets Rosetta’s bed**

  14. You sure about that?

    This PJ O’Rourke quote popped into my head as I was reading that:

    “Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.”

    Politicians are scumbags.

  15. **short sheets Rosetta’s bed**

    Come here Romy.

  16. Are you watching the Rubio v. Crist debate on Fox News Sunday?

    No, but I read about it from Marco’s Facechimp page

    Crist creeps me out.

    Ditto. And adding to the McCain-Graham RINO bloc isn’t exactly what we need right now. Speaking of McCain, WTF is Palin doing campaigning for him? She should STFU.

    I just bought that movie because of you.

    Hahahaha. It’s a great flick. Be sure to watch the deleted scenes.

  17. Come here Romy.

  18. You know there are the rumors that Crist is gay but that’s not the vibe I get. I get the vibe that he’s either a pedophile or Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs.

    There’s just something about him that’s off.

    What was the deal with the hecklers at McCain’s event yesterday? I never caught what they were yelling.

  19. They were yelling, “mare is awesome, mare is awesome.”

    Some others yelled, “Rosetta needs nutrisystem, Rosetta needs nutrisystem.”

    That’s what I thought they said.

  20. hand it to Rich on this one: that was a first ballot hall of fame piece of shit.

  21. meanwhile, real violence did occur yesterday at that Tea Party gathering

  22. When you read the whole thing, you understand what “seething rage” means. Readers feel it because they are sick of being misunderstood, on purpose.

    My question, what does Rich get out of writing something so obviously stupid?

  23. Mare: he gets a 6 to 7 figure paycheck and invites to parties


    even with a ten point sampling advantage to the Dems in this poll, this should very worrisome, especially since the poll was taken after the vote.

  25. My question, what does Rich get out of writing something so obviously stupid?

    The answer is a word in the question.

  26. “invites to parties”

    I think Rich, Brooks, From, Parker, etc., love that. Invites to shows where they can hear themselves talk is up there too.

  27. The following is a presentation of Rosetta Community Theater.

    *Rosetta answers the door*

    Rosetta: Can I help you?

    Cops: Yes sir, we’re investigating the disappearance of Mare. Do you mind if we ask you a few questions?

    Rosetta: Sure. Go ahead.

    Cops: When did you last see Mare?

    Rosetta: A few days ago. She was trying to squeeze through the front door at Chow Yun Fat’s All-You-Can Eat Buffet.

    Cops: Did anyone harbor ill will towards Mare?

    Rosetta: Just the people that met her.

    Cops: One of your neighbors filed a noise report last night. Something about you running a wood chipper around 3am?

    Rosetta: Yeah.


  28. CNN no like math.

  29. “Rosetta: Just the people that met her.”

    hahahahahahaahhahaaha……we ‘re going to have a girl fight later!

  30. One meme I hope we can all agree is dead:

    Obama is the great uniter.

  31. Come here Romy.


  32. hahahahahahaahhahaaha……we ‘re going to have a girl fight later!


  33. I wish.

  34. You know what I’m in the mood for?

    L to R, Rosetta and mare:

  35. Rosetta tells Mare a secret.

  36. Ummm what is that Chinese guy in the wheel chair looking at those girls butts? I mean what is that?

  37. left to right

    mare and rosetta:

  38. Paul Krugman is a jittery little troll.

  39. Yes, Sohos, I really want to know what’s going on there too.

    Hostage garage sale?

  40. Ummm what is that Chinese guy in the wheel chair looking at those girls butts? I mean what is that?

    Sears & Roebutt

  41. What is sad is that Krugman’s professorial economics books were top drawer. Too bad he has become as ridiculous as the rest of the NYT

  42. mare and rosetta:

    Hahahahahaha. That’s one if my favorites.

    sohojomomo are you still on drugs?

  43. So after reading Krugman, we raise taxes, lower the deficit (forget what that does to commerce), we’ll still be a lower tax rate than Europe and we’ll all feel good about ourselves?

  44. 99 bottoms and rears on the wall
    99 bottoms and rears
    Take one down
    Pass it around
    98 bottoms and rears on the wall

  45. I ran into Paul Krugman a few years ago in DC. I should have kicked his ass when I had the chance.

  46. I’m about ready to relink the video of the dog pooing to represent what I feel about Krugman.

  47. oh, and nice to see the Green Jobs initiative is paying off

  48. 99 bottoms and rears on the wall
    99 bottoms and rears


    + 2 Nobel Peace Prizes and a picture of Mare eating a stick of butter


  50. Hey, Rosetta:

  51. Why do you even bother reading Rich, Krugman or Friedman? You know what they are going to say and you know it’s going to be stupid.

    I find it saves me a lot of time and blood pressure medication if I simply ignore the idiots.

  52. No, I cant stand those Vicodin. I only took them the first two days then weaned myself off and only take Tylenol now.

  53. Hey, Rosetta:


    I made a tribute video of Mare.

  54. From the “You can fool some of the people some of the time” department:

  55. morning goobers

  56. I really like Andrew Breitbart. I’m hoping he considers running for office. He appears to have courage and he is unwilling to be shouted down. That’s what we need, someone unwilling to accept any premise that is based on untrue talking points.

  57. Andrew Breitbart is an insane racist who wants to steal money from widows and take orphans’ lollipops.

    /AP’s already-written lede to a Breitbart campaign announcement

  58. And then it just rolled over and died. All of a sudden like.

  59. Doesn’t matter who runs, the AP already has some kind of racist/idiot meme attached to them.

  60. Oh. Sorry, Andy. I didn’t see you standing there.

  61. ‘mornin’, Dave.

  62. Yes, the AP criticized him yesterday for not proving a negative.

    He responded by upping the ante.

    I like

  63. Oh. Sorry, Andy. I didn’t see you standing there.

    No problem. You almost spilled my drink though.

    Then it would have been GAME ON!

    Gotta run to the Home Depot to buy some ass, racists. BBL.

  64. I was talking with my best friend last night who just moved his family back here from 3 years in England. We got talking about news sources because he is concerned about the lies being peddled as truth in the legacy media.

    I asked him how many people he knew who actually count on the LM for their news. At that point he asked me how many papers I read. I told him that I might glance at the Wall Street Journal now and again, and sneak a peek at the Globe and Mail, but that I don’t bother with them on a daily basis unless I am looking for something to make fun of.

  65. Andy: that Rasmussen poll seems to jibe with the WAPO one I referenced

  66. whoops!

    I made a pot roast last night and it was extremely spicy. Really, really spicy. Far more spicy that it should have been, considering the spices I used in the sauce.

    This morning, I discovered that someone had switched the labeled tops of the paprika and the cayenne pepper.

    Today I am making a huuuuge pot of stew…..

  67. This morning, I discovered that someone had switched the labeled tops of the paprika and the cayenne pepper.

    Today I am making a huuuuge pot of stew…..

    Hahahahahaha. I wish I could claim credit for that.

    OMG KICK ASS!!!!!

  68. Michael Moynihan: “Frank Rich compares Tea Partiers to Nazis, Republican leaders to Soviets. Generously avoids Khmer Rouge references.”

    OK, now I’m going …

  69. Morning….

    Who shoved this bill for a trillion dollars up my squeakhole?

  70. Wiser is always talking about food and diet.

  71. Hey! Get back in the barrel Mare.

  72. I get that fresh feeling everytime I shower. Duh.

  73. Good rant at DPUD, Eddie.

  74. *kicks beasn’s ass*

  75. *grabs Rosetta’s foot, in mid kick, flips him over onto his noggin*

    One meme I hope we can all agree is dead:

    Obama is the great uniter.

    Girl I work with says her mom lurves her some Obama because ….”for years and years, presidents say they are going to do something about healthcare and they don’t. I like Obama because he is getting things done.”

  76. Wiser is always talking about food and diet.

    I’m trying to change the blog to somthing a bit more family friendly.

  77. Rosetta, why are you now ‘the impaler’? Who did you impale besides the goat, chicken, and wiser?

  78. Girl I work with says her mom lurves her some Obama because ….”for years and years, presidents say they are going to do something about healthcare and they don’t. I like Obama because he is getting things done.”

    She then went back to her other job of standing outside of failing businesses holding signs announcing “GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE!!!”

  79. Who did you impale besides the goat, chicken, and wiser?

    Jealous much?

  80. family friendly blog hahahahaha i loves me some wiserbud

    but I hate being stuck in the bed/couch! Ugh! Count says he is going to boil some crawfish (maybe) and watch the Baylor game at 4

  81. Home at last!

  82. Home at last!

    yay. smoke ’em if ya got ’em!

  83. Fifty-six percent of Democrats now “strongly support” the recently enacted health-care changes; last month, 41 percent were solidly behind the proposals. Eight in 10 Democrats now approve of the way Obama is handling health care, the most since last summer.

    That is because 56 percent of democrats are firmly attached to my wallet. Too many people like Uncle Sugar giving them other people’s shit.

  84. Rosetta, why are you now ‘the impaler’? Who did you impale besides the goat, chicken, and wiser?

    Clear your cache, beasn.


  85. Who did you impale besides the goat, chicken, and wiser?

    Jealous much?


  86. They wouldn’t let me leave yesterday because it was “far too soon”. So I spend another miserable night, wake up and eat a cup of jello and the Dr walks in and says “so you want to go home today?”.

    I couldn’t do that at home?

    That cup of jello was probably $1200.

  87. I’m trying to change the blog to somthing a bit more family friendly.

    Which family?

    The Mansons or the Gambinos?

  88. Lunch over. Later.

  89. What flavor? The orange stuff’s only about $800, but the green stuff is pretty pricey.

  90. That is because 56 percent of democrats are firmly attached to my wallet.

    56% of dems… 0% of Repbulicans.

    Assuming a split of ~50-50 between left and right, that means ~25% of Americans support this bill. (That’s assuming that the poll is even honestly weighted)

    Fucking awesome.

  91. That cup of jello was probably $1200.

    Good thing you got it now. The price of hospital Jello is gonna skyrocket under Obamacare.

  92. I dont think they let you even into the hospital under obamacare I read an article that said that patients will email doctors for how to instructions

  93. L to R

    Beasns, Sohos

  94. Scott, glad you’re home. It all comes down to when the doc will sign the release forms and discharge you, everyone else is just parroting whatever they think they know. He likely wanted one more night of observation to make sure you didn’t show any signs of infection.

    Sounds like you’re bouncing back pretty well though, glad to hear it.

  95. New questions on hospital admission forms under Obamacare:

    1) What is your political affiliation? (If R, please leave now.)
    2) Have you ever voted for a Republican? (If Yes, please leave now.)
    3) Have you ever donated to ACORN? (If No, please leave now.)
    4) Are you a state employee? (If No, Please leave now.)


  96. I heard that I will have to go to Jiffy Lube to see my primary care physician.

  97. I heard that I will have to go to Jiffy Lube to see my primary care physician.

    Lauraw pays the doctor for Scott’s valve job…..

  98. Stop
    With your feet on the air and your head on the ground
    Try this trick and spin it, yeah
    Your head will collapse if there’s nothing in it
    And you’ll ask yourself

    Where is my mind?
    Where is my mind?
    Where is my mind?
    Way out in the water, see it swimming

    I was swimming in the Caribbean
    Animals were hiding behind the rock
    Except for little fish
    When they told me east is west trying to talk to me, coy koi

    Where is my mind?
    Where is my mind?
    Where is my mind?
    Way out in the water, see it swimming

  99. You OK Mesa?

  100. Pupster, that gif was soooooooo cute, I don’t feel like kicking Rosetta in the poon anymore.

  101. Not a bad cover …

  102. Wow…

  103. “I heard that I will have to go to Jiffy Lube to see my primary care physician.”

    hahahahaha…that’s funny for a few reasons.

    Scott, glad you’re home. Please keep your intestines from getting all squirrely, we miss you around here.

  104. “You OK Mesa?”


  105. Oops…

  106. Mare, I want to buy you a new outfit for your birthday. Pick out whatever you want.

  107. Love this version…

  108. Afternoon, Hostagefolks.

  109. This is how a pussy does it…

  110. “Mare, I want to buy you a new outfit for your birthday. Pick out whatever you want.


    One of these horrifying things is waiting for you outside your front door:

  111. Man, where did the day go? Church, then grocery store …lunch, clean up. It’s fucking 2:30.

    Didn’t help that church was 90 minutes today. Criminy. The homily dragged. OMG, when one of the readings is about 40 minutes long, the homily should be a tad shorter.

    We did get out of saying the Creed, though. Whew. I mean, that cut about a minute.

  112. Shrimp tacos sound gross.

  113. Agreed, Car in. Shrimp tacos sound super-gross.

  114. Spicy grilled shrimp…tossed with a little salsa and tucked into a warm tortilla with some slices of grilled veggies…yeah, that sounds disgusting.

    *whips Carin about the neck and shoulders with a low-carb wrap*

  115. Holy cow, vmax that is crazy.

  116. I want what Lauraw is having. Except two of them (hence, my problem).

  117. Have I told any of you today that I love you?
    Well, I do. Love you. Very very much.

    Life is beautiful and you are beautiful and everything is wonderful today.

  118. “Life is beautiful and you are beautiful and everything is wonderful today.”

    Little early to be smoking crack, isn’t it?

  119. I don’t care what you say, Lauraw. I’m standing by my initial statement.


    Why would you do something like that to a yummy shrimp?

  120. Lauraw, you’re supposed to ship the weed, not smoke it.

  121. One of these horrifying things is waiting for you outside your front door:


  122. We’re all glad that Scott is okay and home too Lauraw!

    A husband having surgery is rotten, a husband out of a successful surgery and back at home is terrific!

  123. Maybe I will make some shrimps tonight hummmmm

  124. Have I told any of you today that I love you?
    Well, I do. Love you. Very very much.

    Life is beautiful and you are beautiful and everything is wonderful today.

    **cowers in the corner, afraid of what “The Hump” will do next**

  125. I love that picture, Rosetta. And I bet that girl really did look like you when you were little.

  126. I love that picture, Rosetta. And I bet that girl really did look like you when you were little.

    Hahahahaha. I love it too. She’s a cutie patootie.

  127. Buenas tardes, ‘Tards!

  128. ‘Ello, Chief!

  129. *shoots MCPO in face with cannon filled with copies of ObamaCare*

  130. Hey Beasn! What do you think about this poat?

  131. What ever happened to Yogi Bear?

  132. Okay, seriously, did you guys know there is a picture of Rosetta at a tea-party addressing the media?

  133. wow

    Sounds just like Detroit. Just needs more shootings.

    Shrimp tacos and fish tacos are GREAT.

  134. Did all of you go over to xBrad’s to search for despoiled sheep??

  135. I took an unexpected nap. It was lovely.

  136. Son of a bitch. Those bastards at the Chevy place repaired my passenger window motor a couple weeks ago, and they fucking disconnected the non-factory issue speaker in the door that I installed last year.

    You rotten motherfuckers. I understand not dicking with non-factory equipment. How about just leaving it the fuck alone?

    Oh man I am so going to call Dave (the service bitch) tomorrow morning. Shit. I pulled the panel to look and see if the speaker was blown, it just was disconnected.


    Oh HI everybody. Glad Scott’s recovering well, heard Mrs. Pups was on the mend, good reports from Sohos and also I want a shrimp burrito please.


  137. Car in did you see my message yesterday that THIS is my favorite song right now?

  138. blackened fish and shrimp tacos are great. must have purple cabbage in them brings out the flavor

  139. Heh. I sound like Eddiebear. BOOYAH

  140. yay Scott glad you are home!

  141. Has anyone seen my Pokemon costume?

  142. I took an unexpected nap. It was lovely.


  143. I get to meet Sky tomorrow night!

  144. “I get to meet Sky tomorrow night!”

    Yay! I’m so excited.

  145. Me too!

  146. And, I’ll even have a car. Which is extra exciting, since I’ve been without a car on my last two trips to Texas.

  147. Nothing like a nice hot bowl of jambalaya after church.

  148. Oh good!

  149. Advance warning, Sohita: I get horribly lost everywhere I go, and I am fairly certain we are staying in teh ghetto (an Econo Lodge near the Space Center?). So I rely on you to not let me get lost in teh ghetto, mmkay?

  150. I just had a B-17 make a low pass over the house.

  151. “Has anyone seen my Pokemon costume?”


  152. No worries, the ghettos are miles and miles away plus we could always pick you up

  153. Well,l we’ll figure it out tomorrow, then. *does happy dance*

  154. L to R: Rosetta, Mare

  155. One of you cool chicks take a camera and take some pics.

    I think we need to start a meet-up photo page so you guys could be first.

  156. Lets see I have met Dave, PJM, Mesa, Mrs. Peel, and now Sky. Yay!

  157. “Has anyone seen my Pokemon costume?”

    There is an Asspotato Pokemon? What’s its power? The ability to projectile shart hash browns?

  158. >> I just had a B-17 make a low pass over the house.

    No shit? Wow. I’ve stood at the end of a runway, about 400 yards out, when a B-17 was taking off. He flew about 100 feet over my head, and it was FUCKING AWESOME.

    It wasn’t quite as fucking awesome as meeting Sohos, but it was close.

  159. That reminds me. I need to schedule my B-17/B-24 flight.

  160. It wasn’t quite as fucking awesome as meeting Sohos, but it was close.

    awwww can I get you anything? a beer? a sammich? hug?

  161. Okay. I have to go do an inventory. I’ll see you all laters.

    I think we need to start a meet-up photo page so you guys could be first.

    I think we need to start a lesbian pron page so you guys could be first.

  163. Dave in France.

  164. >> awwww can I get you anything? a beer? a sammich? hug?

    Yes. Yes. Yesyes.

  165. Sohita/Sky – Will one of you two remember a camera. . . and actually use it please???

  166. I think we need to start a lesbian pron page so you guys could be first.

    Lesbian pron? I don’t go for that sort of thing.

  167. Mesa has a great camera and I am sure he will be taking pictures. I will have him post some. Promise

  168. I’m glad Scottw is home and doing well, though it’s a little disconcerting to see Lauraw in a good mood without a blood splattered frozen mackerel in her hands.

    *checks freezer*

    Mrs. Pupster is back on her feet again, she went out with her mom for a quick trip to Gamestop to pick up the new Nintendo hand-held, a late birthday present. She doesn’t want to take anymore pain killers, so I’ve got some loose percocet for emergencies.

    I advise all residents of Texas to batten down the hatches tomorrow, the congruence of Skyliaember and Sohos may create an epic hurricane of awesomeness.

    Now…*rubs hands together* who wants a martini?

  169. Dave – Having help “procure” some engine parts for a restored B-17, I got a flight in one prior to the air show at RAF Mildenhall back in ’81.

  170. I love you BrewFan.

  171. This is Rosette’s thing:

  172. Rosetta shops for a new hat.

  173. Yay! I’m so excited.

    You could have a pillow fight. That would be fun.

  174. C’mon, Rosie, you know I love you!

  175. >> Dave – Having help “procure” some engine parts for a restored B-17, I got a flight in one prior to the air show at RAF Mildenhall back in ‘81.

    Was it awesome?

    I want to do that before I am your age.

  176. Now…*rubs hands together* who wants a martini?


    Thanks for sending me to hell, Pupster.

  177. Pupster just dragged me and you to hell.


  178. Yeah, the local Palm Springs Air museum B-17 has been up for about an hour and a half making a few circuits around the valley. I suppose if I’d pony up a couple hundred, I could get a ride, but as much as I like ’em, I can’t really afford that.

    Still, she’s a pretty bird, and while I’ve enjoyed seeing her on the ramp, it’s nice to see her in her element.

  179. This is Rosette’s thing:

    Oh my…


  180. Ok I’m back.

  181. Now…*rubs hands together* who wants a martini?

    Hahahahaha. Shaken, not stirred.

    * Books economy flight to hell *

    * Makes sure not to sit near Rosetta or Dave *

  182. 4:39
    Ok I’m back.

    You must have stopped for a snack, too.

  183. I wonder if that one has the Wright Cyclone engines?

    Four of those 100 feet over you head will make your loins stir.

    I’m just sayin.

  184. Welcome Andy, good to see you, man.

  185. Pupster just dragged me and you to hell.

    Pupster is making us go to IB?

  186. >> Pupster is making us go to IB?

    Hell ain’t got no pie.

  187. Company.


  188. Another brick in the path to a ginormous day of reckoning:

    Yay, Obama!

  189. Dave, pretty much every B-17 has 4 R-1820 Wright Cyclone engines. But they weren’t rev’d up going overhead. More a rumble than a roar.

  190. The ones I heard were on full power, take off.

    I’m just sayin, it was one of the coolest damned things I ever experienced.

  191. xBrad – Lots of them have been retro-fitted with Pratt & Whitney R-2800 Double Wasp.

  192. I want to walk in the open wind. . .

  193. Like women and midgets and such …

  194. Get in on the fun!

  195. Evidently CBS news is a bunch of Nazis too. Otherwise their poll results would be diametrically opposite of what I just saw. We’re gonna have to implement the fairness doctrine on those reactionary muthafucks.

  196. Get in on the fun!

    Why that was fun. Felt kind of like an eddiebear rant … f this, f that, f everything.

  197. Sohos and Sky, you absolutely need to take pictures and we really should have a meet-up page, especially for us asses who haven’t met anyone yet.

  198. Advance warning, Sohita: I get horribly lost everywhere I go

    Heh. You know that nifty compass that a lot of people have in their heads that tells them where they’ve already been and what direction they have to go to get back to some other place?

    Yeah, I was born without that too. Mrs. Wiserbud trusted me for a few minutes on a series of well-blazed hiking trails a few weeks ago. After a couple intersections that caused me to don The Furrowed Brow Of Idiotic Befuddlement she said, “Wait, we’re relying on Laura? That’s not right.” She has gotten to know me rather quickly.

    I got lost in my backyard once. It’s embarrassing.

  199. Laura – Herself is a charter member of the “See America Unintentionally Club.”

  200. I got lost in my backyard once. It’s embarrassing.

    Bread crumbs. Did you try some bread crumbs?

  201. Then neighbors came by for a few minutes to chat. Poor lady couldn’t get a word in edgewise while mom is regaling them with tales of a dinner party some people the neighbors never heard of gave 4 years ago, then tales of a Panama canal cruise, etc., etc.

    As they left, Mom says “She’s a talker!”

  202. MCPO, I wasn’t aware that any B-17s had been refitted with R-2800s. You’d think it would be pretty visible, what with replacing a single row with a double row. Plus, there’s got to be a fair number of -1820s around. T-28s and S-2s used the things.

  203. Bread crumbs. Did you try some bread crumbs?

    Hmmm. Maybe spray paint?

    *imagines my yard with little arrows painted on all the trees, all pointing toward the house*

  204. 99 bottoms and rears on the wall

    Andy, I’m hurtin’ from laughing so hard.

  205. **helpfully offers to hold Romy’s ladybits while she’s laughing**

  206. >> I got lost in my backyard once. It’s embarrassing.

    Me too. But it was dark.

    Also I forgot my phosphorescent compass.

  207. So, we’ve got PoL pics, high school pics, soon to be ‘meat-up’ pics. How about some baby pics?

  208. >> How about some baby pics?

    You all should do that. We did it at IB, like, I forget, 3 years ago or something.

  209. As a baby, I looked much like a slimy, hairy version of Laura’s hump, maybe with a little less pus flowing out of me…

  210. If IB did it, I want no part of it!

  211. Evening, stupackers.

  212. I’m kinda presuming it is still open blog at the mothership. I kinda want to put something on the front page, but I’m skeered.

  213. holy shit this is a good game

  214. what you wanna post Brad?

  215. My sense of direction works great in the United States. For some reason, in Europe, I was turned 90 degrees. I could backtrack well enough, but north wasn’t north, it was west.

  216. I’m thinking of putting up a post on The Pacific, and including a link to watch it online, for those folks that don’t have HBO.

  217. Romy, it took me a couple months in Orange County to orient my internal compass. Historically, the ocean has been to the west. I forget that in OC, it is to the south.

  218. Go post it.. I’m way behind on my reviews.

  219. I want the dukies, although I do like any team in Texas. I’m getting my priorities straight.

    I’m wearing a Duke Basketball shirt as we speak.

  220. OK, did I mention I hate Moveable Type?

  221. Soho, I’m gonna have to check out that song later. My internets are slow right now.

    Is that from his solo album he did a few years ago? Or a new one?

  222. In the keys the gulf of mexico is north, going south on US 1 is west, the Atlantic is South, and of course north on US 1 is east to Miami.

    That will mess you up

  223. I haven’t lived near the ocean much for that to make a difference. For me, it’s a feeling for which way north is.

  224. Good stuff Brad.. go poke your name on it

  225. there ya go.. have you watched 3? I’m on it tonight.

  226. No, I’m waiting for CastTV to update. It will probably be available around 10pm Pacific (heh).

  227. xbrad, your “hypothesis” that it was racial is bullshit.

    The Baaton March was in 1942, pretty early on. THEY projected their savagery from the start. They had suicide bombers that expressed a pretty serious amount of determination and willingness to value life.

  228. I might beat you to that one.

    Aside from the brutal hand to hand last week in 2, the most poigniant moment for me was Basilone talking to Morgan about “if it happens, it happens”.

    Also the aftermath of the Japanese naval bombardment.

  229. …….to value life……….not at all.

  230. Tom Hanks can go screw himself with an M-16.

  231. We fought just as hard against German’s and guess what, lots of them were related to American’s AND LOOKED JUST LIKE THEM.

  232. Mare, have you watched any of it?

  233. Good point, Mare, that there was indeed a racial element on BOTH sides. However, as of the events on Guadalcanal, virtually nothing was known by the US about the Bataan Death March. It wasn’t until well into 1943 that the US learned of it.

  234. Mare – You seem to feel strongly about this. Do your Japanese neighbors know?

  235. MCPO, I have lived as a minority for years. Where the hell do you live?

  236. I don’t mean that critically, I’m just suggesting you watch some of it, knowing Hanks made an ass of himself.. I m not seeing that in the production. I do see historically apt references, but not over the top. Understandable, given the time perspective.

  237. Pearl Harbor happened pretty early, like, at the start…..Suicide bombers were known from the start.

  238. As I said, there was a level of savagery that was absent in Europe. For the most part, if you tried to surrender in Europe, you could.

  239. L to R: Airdale, Mare

  240. When even the liberal media says it’s boring and it has mostly bad reviews, I’m especially not interested. I also won’t watch it because Tom Hanks made an ass of himself and it’s fun to watch it go down in flames. Also, I would NEVER pay for more than basic cable. I will however read the books xbrad mentioned in his review.



  242. Ok. At least I understand your perspective.

  243. I lied, I pay $5 a month more for extra sports channels.

  244. mare, please be less obtuse and tell us how you really feel! 🙂

  245. So you’re telling me you don’t like a show you’ve never seen?


  246. I was telling you your review was based on a false premise.

  247. Part of your review.

  248. Bring out your Dead.

  249. I believe the American Soldier will kill, without prejudice any enemy regardless of color or religion, who’s openly stated policy is to kill Americans or destroy the American lifestyle.

  250. Brad’s review?

    I didn’t read it as “total racial” but then I might be reading my own knowledge into that.

    There is no doubt at all that a racial element played in combat. That it played into national war policy? No.

    I don’t think Brad asserts that either.

  251. oh, ok, part.

  252. You should watch it though, really. I’m encouraging that you do… I think you’ll find something between the left and right reviews.

  253. “There is no doubt at all that a racial element played in combat. That it played into national war policy? No.”

    I don’t understand. Were we itching to fight those “yellow” folks because their lifestyle was different then ours? I thought we went to war after they bombed Pearl Harbor and necessitated a response.

  254. *facepalm.

    ok, I’m done.

  255. I believe the American Soldier will kill, without prejudice any enemy regardless of color or religion, who’s openly stated policy is to kill Americans or destroy the American lifestyle.

    Mare, troops aren’t automatons. We have the same prejudices as any other group of people. And almost ANYONE that our guys are fighting is going to be vilified to some extent, and if that means they get called Haji, or Raghead, or slope, gook, dink, Kraut, whathaveyou, so be it.

    The real test is what happens when we aren’t shooting. Look at how quickly and peacefully our troops occupied Japan, and many folks quickly came to love it. Same in Korea, lots of troops really like the place, and they sure seem to marry a lot of Koreans.

    So it is a dichotomy, that there can be a racial element to the hatred a troop feels toward his enemy, and then quickly dissipate. On the other hand, my uncle that fought in the Pacific spent the rest of his life referring to the Japanese as “the fucking Japs” even in polite company.

  256. Books are better, Dave.

    Look, I haven’t even seen Avatar. I don’t watch movies to talk about them. I’ve seen Pocahontas so I guess I’ve seen Avatar. I can’t remember the last movie I saw. I think it was Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. I liked it.

  257. yeah, I never ever read a book.

    unless it had pichtures

  258. “So it is a dichotomy”

    +1 B

    for example The Marshal Plan.

    Blow it up, Build it back.

  259. XBadTC. Freudian slip in your review?

  260. Xbrad, I think you proved my point more than you proved yours.

    My father and 4 brothers served in WWII some in the Pacific (one was a prisoner of war) and some in Europe. In the 8 million conversations with my uncles and father, not once was race an issue. Believe me when I say my father is not one to hold back for my sensibilities. They didn’t know much about the Japanese and didn’t care. They just felt strongly about Pearl Harbor and ships with friends being blown out of the water. It didn’t matter the color of the enemy…..they were simply “the enemy.”

  261. Dammit, I better not be getting a cold.

  262. Leon?

  263. You are so getting a cold.

    I recommend Zicam.

  264. “yeah, I never ever read a book.”

    Oh, come on, you know I didn’t mean that.

    The most amazing dichotomy is that Americans will fight with all they have and yet will leave a place better than before. Paid for by the American people. We are amazing and being called racist is boring and stupid.

  265. Our honor is not diminished by human stain, or political rhetoric.

    The honor stands.

  266. mesa loves the redheads doesn’t he?

  267. *facepalm.

    Dave was that because I didn’t understand you?

    I said, “I don’t understand.”

    What WWII National war policy was influenced by race?

  268. I have to agree with Mare. I’ve been in a few conflicts and, although there were some derogatory terms for our enemies, it wasn’t, at its core, racist. Hell, the Serbians aren’t a different race, but we still called ’em names. After all, they fucked up our Christmas and made us expend massive amounts of ordnance!

  269. That’s a lot of redhead to love.

  270. What WWII National war policy was influenced by race?

    Internment camps?

  271. Leon?

    Who’s he preparing to fight off?

  272. Who’s he preparing to fight off?

    Jillian Michaels

  273. Laura – Is Scott behaving himself?

  274. Who’s he preparing to fight off?

    Jared from Subway

  275. Jared from Subway


  276. 1. Grab a calculator (or use the calculator in your OS. (you won’t be able to do this one in your head)
    2. Key in the first three digits of your phone number (NOT the area code)
    3. Multiply by 80
    4. Add 1
    5. Multiply by 250
    6. Add the last 4 digits of your phone number
    7. Add the last 4 digits of your phone number again.
    8. Subtract 250
    9. Divide number by 2

    Do you recognize the answer?

    Stuff like this freaks me out. Who has time to figure this stuff out?

  277. Scott is wonderful. We just got back from taking a little stroll down the sidewalk. He has to get up and take short walks frequently as part of the process. He’s doing great, he just has to keep moving.

  278. i got 9 out of 10

  279. Laura – That’s great, but don’t let him know I was asking. . . I’d hate to ruin my reputation!

  280. Okay, Mare, look, I’m sorry. I get it. Believe me. I was as offended by Hanks’ remarks to TIme as you were, if more so.

    I had my radar tuned up to eleven for the first episode of The Pacific. I did. And there is some dialogue by the actors in the story that is cringeworthy, but not outside of the context of the time. It was not over the top, and it was not (in my stupid opinion) outside the norm of the time.

    The problem most of us have, looking into the past, is that we look with today’s eyes.

    Harder to look at it through the time that was.

    Japan’s war machine, and Japanese culture, at the day, was as racist as anything you could imagine. All I’m saying, is that in the presentation, by the idiot Hanks, it isn’t over the top, it isn’t overplayed, it is just there, and acknowledged, and really not burying the story of the 1st Marine Division. It’s not.

    You mentioned anecdotes, and I respect and appreciate the service and sacrifice you noted. My own dad got his knee blown to shit defending South Korea.

    I get it.

    So I’m just saying, we don’t pour ugly on the past with Tom Hanks’ idiotic assertions, even though he produced this story. I’m just watching it, thinking about my own friend Sonny, who was a 17 year old Marine there, who got a piece of metal blown into his eye, who fought all the way from there to the end 2 and half years later,

    And he didn’t hate yellow skinned people either. They were just the “enemy”, like you said.

    I don’t think it diminishes our cause to acknowledge any of the ugliness. War is ugliness. We still rebuilt Japan, defended Korea and South Vietnam.

  281. 8 out of 10.

  282. Welcome home, Scott. Yay for Mrs. Pups, too.

    Bet you’re glad that’s all behind you, eh Scott? /rimshot

  283. Dave, are you Flavious Julius over there?

    Seriously, I’m a troll? WTF?

  284. I am Flavious Awesomeness.

    Not Julius.

  285. Hi everyone.

  286. Open Range is Costner’s best movie, IMHO. Robert Duval as “Boss” is really excellent!

  287. Car in!!!!!!

  288. Getting 9 out of 10 on that quiz probably explains why I was not scared of Dave.

    Stupid quiz.

  289. Hi Car in. How YOU doin’?

  290. Open Range is Costner’s best movie,

    Tin Cup.

  291. No Way Out.


    got our first egg today.


    *twirls around
    *steps on egg
    *dog licks it up

  293. Water World.

  294. Tin Cup.

    Only gheyz and women think of romantic comedies as “best movies”. Which are you?

  295. Or Silverado. It’s a toss up.

  296. >> Stupid quiz.

    When you breathe your last, I will close your eyes and whisper comfort.

  297. Brad, dont think you can just run over here into the protective arms of the Hotsausages and hide from the crap you posted over at the HQ.

    I keed, I keed, good post, if nothing else you certainly livened up an extremely dull Sunday.

  298. Yea! What a welcome.

    PJ- I was JUST trying to convince the MR to let me get chicks.

  299. **kicks Blazer in the poon**

  300. Only gheyz and women think of romantic comedies as “best movies”.

    Compared to other Costner movies, Tin Cup is awesome. Definitely a “watch to the end whenever it’s on” kinda flick.

    Even better Costner movie? Fandango.

  301. Brad, dont think you can just run over here into the protective arms of the Hotsausages and hide from the crap you posted over at the HQ.

    hahahaha, protective arms? B-rad is our resident punching bag.

  302. PJ- I was JUST trying to convince the MR to let me get chicks

    They’re very easy to take care of carin. Also, I found a place that makes very healthy chicken feed. They used to only make it for their chickens, but they found a mill that agreed to make it for them, so now they sell it.

    I’m very excited about this as I LOVE Tropical Traditions products

    They’re in Wisconsin, so it’ll be a crapload cheaper for it to be shipped to you than what I have to pay.

    Garren has volunteered to eat the first egg.

  303. I might actually be interested in a discussion about The Pacific if I didn’t want HBO and any person associated with them to suffer complete and total economic failure.

  304. robin hood.

  305. That’s pretty much how I feel about HBO wiser. We got in one year as part of our package and we couldn’t figure out why we ordered it. It never had any movies on it. I wanted to see all the new stuff. Nope, it was like MTV, it stopped being what it originally intended.

  306. Is March-fucking-maddess over yet?

  307. What’s the theme of this here thread?

  308. Heh,
    There is a free weekend at one of the dating sites. I blindly stumbled into it, I have been flirting with this girl all weekend. Just found out she is a lawyer. She hates her job too. Should I be afraid?

  309. Bull Durham.

  310. I’ll answer that for you. No it’s not. It’s still on MY FRAKING TV.

  311. I have been flirting with this girl all weekend. Just found out she is a lawyer. She hates her job too. Should I be afraid?

    It would a folly on your part to pursue that relationship.

  312. Dances with Wolves

    * Ducks *

  313. PJM – The theme of this thread is the awesomeness that is me!

  314. What’s the theme of this here thread?


    OR – your deepest darkest secret.

  315. It would a folly on your part to pursue that relationship.

  316. PJM – The theme of this thread is the awesomeness that is me!

    Oh ok.

    Howard the Duck.

  317. 300+ comments.

    Someone should put up a new poat.

  318. Someone should put up a new poat.

    I’ll do it!!!

  319. Who is stopping you, Andy?

  320. PJM – The theme of this thread is the awesomeness that is me!

    New poat.

  321. damn it!

  322. I thought Costner was awful in Robin Hood, but there were some good lines and Alan Rickman was great. “So it’ll hurt more, you idiot!!!!”

  323. Orange?

    A Meyer lemon is a hybrid lemon and orange.

    *slices one and puts in Rum OTC, lets bruise and enjoys*

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