While I was hanging out with my buddy Gerry the other day, Gerry was kind enough to let me read an email he got from one of his friends who is an Army sergeant deployed in Afghanistan. (I’ll call him “Sergeant X.”) His friend had asked that Gerry not forward the letter to anyone, but it made such an impression on me that I asked Gerry to check with Sgt. X about sending me a copy. Sgt. X was very gracious and gave Ger the okay to send me the letter with certain provisos about my own dissemination of the missive. I believe I’ve met them. So, without further ado, here’s the latest on Army duties in Afghanistan – and an enthusiastic “Thank you!” to Sgt. X!

I was “asked”, by my site commander, to serve as the EO representative to my FOB. On paper, that means it’s my job to handle all complaints and grievances between soldiers when someone gets their feelings hurt or is offended by anything in any way at all and to attempt to handle it before it moved up the chain of command and to be kind, understanding and to hand out hugs to whiney pussies. It reality, it means that when some douche up on high comes up with a new policy or revision and sends it down to us minions I have to read it and make sure everyone in my area of responsibility is updated. Clearly, I am the most sensitive person around here so that was a good choice.

Today I had to give a brief reiterating and updating the Army’s policy on Harassment/ Dignity and Respect. It was given to me as a 15 minute power point demonstration. I found it to be dull and lengthy – and I hate power point. So, I tightened it up a bit and paraphrased a shade. This is the brief I gave verbatim.

– It is everyone’s job to make sure that all soldiers are treated with dignity and respect no matter how fucked up they are.
– Fag bashing is an all time high in the Army – this is unacceptable to our higher authority and their boyfriends.
– Title X, US code 654 prohibits homosexual conduct – defined as: statements (admissions), acts and marriage or attempted marriage to another fag.
– Soldiers are allowed to be gay – they just can’t act gay. It is against the rules to ask them about their gayness unless you catch them knowingly doing something gay. For example – if you were at the back room of the adult video store on Aberdeen Rd just outside of North Fort Hood located 200 yards behind the Pizza Hut right off of Lancaster Ave just after 1830 and happen to accidentally step up to the “glory hole” because you thought it was for medical exam purposes and discovered, afterwards when you went to pay your $20 copay, that on the other side it wasn’t a certified doctor but a fellow soldier (we’ll call him Not-Smith) – then that soldier (Not-Smith) can be asked about his gayness because he knowingly entered into a gay act but the other soldier (Not-Me) can’t be asked about his gayness because he didn’t know he was being gay when the gayness was happening.
– Harassment or mistreatment, for any reason, will not be tolerated – harassment is defined as anything funny or true.
– In accordance with time honored military tradition – male on male gayness is always bad. Female on female gayness is good, assumed of all female soldiers and openly encouraged in a positive way – unless one of the females is trying to get a promotion, job or award that a male soldier wants – at which point she will be maligned as a bull dyke bitch with negative connotations.
– If you ever feel you’ve been harassed, alert your chain of command and I’m certain they will come talk to me and tell me to stop.
– Or, you just have to say EO or IG complaint out loud, then sit back and watch everyone jump through hoops to make you happy so they don’t have to do paperwork. Then they will talk about you behind your back.
– Bottom line – get the job done. Mission first. Respect each other. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Don’t make a big deal out of things that don’t matter. Jokes are a necessary and healthy part of a deployment…. unless you hurt someone’s feelings, then you’re fucked. Just kidding!

I bet I don’t get asked to do another stupid fucking EO briefing!


  1. This poat is so good that “awesome” is retarded in comparison.

  2. BTW, Sgt. X may come by to lurk. If you like the letter, let him know. If you don’t, SHUT YOUR WHORE MOUTHS!

  3. Holy shit. Did Jazz just put up a funny post?

  4. Well played, Sgt. X.

  5. Haha. Well done, Jazz.

    Sgt. X is a hoot.

  6. Wow. 68 degrees and sunny today, light breeze. It’s awesome.

  7. Jealous, DiT. Temperature is nice, but it’s all overcast and rainy.

  8. ::APPLAUSE!!!::

    Great post!

    – If you ever feel you’ve been harassed, alert your chain of command and I’m certain they will come talk to me and tell me to stop.


  9. It was cold and rainy yesterday here. This day is a treat. Unusually cold December for this part of Texas. I likes.

    Nap time.

  10. Yay! A chance of snow and sleet tonight. Fun.

  11. Yeah – I hope Sgt X can join us eventually. He’d fit right in here. I laughed myself apoplectic when I read this the first time.

  12. I laughed myself apoplectic when I read this the first time.

    Aren’t you a little old for that much excitement to be healthy?

  13. How old do you think I am, Tat? It’s not like I went to school with Chief or anything!

  14. Like I’m answering that loaded question.

  15. Hahahah! You loaded it. I have to step out for a few. BBIAB.

  16. Jazz doesn’t drink, so he looks older than he really is.

  17. Mesa, seriously?

  18. I am bored and hungry. Fuck.

  19. Fuck.

    That is one possible solution.

  20. “That is one possible solution.”

    Or, I could just grab a box of Cheeze-Its and keep watching Doctor Who. Ember Jr. will be up within 20 minutes, and I don’t feel like a quickie.

  21. It’s 32 degrees and raining here. The fun part is that the road surfaces are a little colder.

  22. Heh. Sgt. X is the man.

    It warmed up a tiny bit here, but it was foggy as all get-out this morning. I’ve seen it worse, though. The drive to church brings me closer and closer to the water, which usually means the fog gets thicker and thicker, heh.

    Jazz doesn’t drink, so he looks older than he really is.

    But then how do you explain me???

  23. Surrogates is a very interesting movie.

    And Bruce Willis has big ears.

  24. So.

    The router I was stealing signal from went away yesterday. Just plum offline.

    But now it’s back.

    I’m sorry. You’ll have to put up with me making unfunny comments.

  25. Yay! Xbrad! I missed you.

  26. Ha! My house is clean and my gifts are bought and wrapped (and shipped). All that’s left is makin’ goodies, and I’ll probably do that the 23rd and 24th. Yay!

    yay xbrad

  27. I was seriously jonesing for internets.

  28. I would absolutely go through withdrawls if I couldn’t get me my intertubes.

  29. *refrains, with great difficulty, from making a pr0n joke*

  30. (seriously, I totally know the feeling. First question I ask of any hotel: Does it have free internet? Friggin’ Hilton charges you. [At least, the one on Cocoa Beach does.])

  31. Mrs. Peel, I don’t spend ALL my time downloading pr0n.

    I spend a lot downloading regular television.

  32. Jazz doesn’t drink, so he looks older than he really is.

    But then how do you explain me???

    Princess, we don’t. We have just made up our minds to put up with a lot of abuse from the neghibors…..


  33. Gah, I live in a neighborhood full of dipshits who have no idea how to drive in snow.

  34. woo hoo saints are 13-0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sohos is dancing!*

  35. I’m sorry. You’ll have to put up with me making unfunny comments.

    Its nice to have the misery shared with others, “Boss”……

  36. ‘sup, Kitty.

  37. A day off “Boss”!!!

  38. Why is everyone I know trying to convince me to get a Twitter? I don’t need more social networking.

  39. Glad to hear it, Sox.

    A day off once in a while is good for the soul. Just hope you don’t have a lot of days off in a row.

  40. Amen, “Boss”.

  41. Load Heat Candidate, Xbrad…

  42. Never heard of her. But she looks great, and there’s a ton of good pics of her.

  43. I beleive the author should be an honorary Hostage. Thumbs up to jazz for poating it. Maybe he can take the example and originate something funny sometime too…Ahhhh, who am I kidding?

  44. Alice is about to come on the scyfy channel and I am finally going to get to watch it

  45. Alice did not suck, Sohos. I rather liked it.

  46. Agreed, Jewstin. I really enjoyed it.

  47. good!

  48. Hostages Rapid Reaction Force:

  49. Alice is about to come on the scyfy channel and I am finally going to get to watch it

    I started rewatching their version of ‘Dune’ last night.

    To quote that other stellar ladies’ man of the 80’s, Billy Ocean, “Simply Awesome”…

  50. Hostages Rapid Reaction Force:

    A libbloggers worst nightmare…

  51. The feature movie version of Dune was a mess. But I’ve got a six hour (?) miniseries version that was made in the 90’s that was pretty damn good.

  52. Mesa was watching it the other night and he said it was good as well

  53. see yall later

  54. I want it to be next Saturday … the new Doctor Who US premier will finally be on.

  55. I’m keeping an eye out for the new Torchwood.

  56. Eh, could never get into Dr. Who or Torchwood.

    I’m waiting for the new Saving Grace.

  57. Mmmm. New Torchwood would be lovely, as well. Are they continuing it? Children of Earth kind of left them … without … well, a Torchwood.

  58. “Eh, could never get into Dr. Who or Torchwood. ”

    You, my friend, are missing out.

  59. And Hustle. I like Hustle too.

  60. I live a severely limited existence.

  61. I’ve seen lots of rumors that another season will air. But I’m not sure it will be that great. They also say the new season will be on BBC2 and much more PG than the previous seasons.

  62. Damnit, that’s why they made the Sarah Jane Adventures – so othey could have a kid-friendly Doctor spin-off. They don’t need to go fucking with Torchwood.

  63. A new season of Torchwood, that is.

  64. Crap. I gotta wait till summer of 2010 for new Saving Grace.

    Oh, Well, at least I’ve got The Closer.

    And while Kyra Sedgewick will probably never make Load HEAT, she does have a nice rack.

  65. 2010 is looking to be a good year for nerds and tv shows.

  66. It’s no Alice, but it’s on the right path:

  67. The end of season 4 of Doctor Who is such a tearjerker. Happy sad.

  68. Wow. Got quiet real quick.

  69. Seriously. Where the hell is everyone?

  70. Loved Sgt X’s presentation. More meetings should be conducted with the same level of decorum and seriousness. Reminds me of a site I found on the internet about 8 years ago called “99 things Skippy man not do while in the Army”. Supposedly this guy wasa private and stationed in Kosovo during the mid 90’s. I’ll try to find it and poat some of them. They’re hostage worthy.

    In unrelated news: I got my first deer ever last night. I’d guess it to be about a 300 lb buck, had a nice rack. The only problem is that I got it with an ’06 Chevy Impalla doing about 65mph. The coyotes in eastern Tom Green county will eat well for the next couple of days.

  71. “The only problem is that I got it with an ‘06 Chevy Impalla doing about 65mph.”

    Pretty sure that’s not covered by the 2nd.

  72. Comment by xbradtc on December 13, 2009 5:17 pm
    Wow. Got quiet real quick.

    Comment by skyliaember on December 13, 2009 5:19 pm
    Seriously. Where the hell is everyone?

    I don’t know. People start talking about obscure television shows and the fucking joint clears out. Go figure.

  73. So sky…….are you saying that I may have violated that deer’s civil rights?

  74. They aren’t obscure, damnit. Doctor Who is the longest running science fiction show in history. It’s brilliant.

  75. “So sky…….are you saying that I may have violated that deer’s civil rights?”

    Yep. I’m going to call the ACLU.

  76. Comment by xbradtc on December 13, 2009 5:17 pm
    Wow. Got quiet real quick.

    Comment by skyliaember on December 13, 2009 5:19 pm
    Seriously. Where the he** is everyone?

    Working on a parts listHiding from Miss Tat and Mrs. Peel…

    And not going anywhere if pendejo is driving….

  77. Good news: Mom made brownies.

    Bad news: Mom won’t let me eat the whole pan in one fell swoop.

  78. ** checks in garage for silicone caulking and a nice buttplug **

  79. Good news: You won’t wake up in the morning needing to shit an entire appartment complex.

  80. Pendejo, a while back, Preacher and Mrs. Preacher saved for YEARS to but a new Mercury Grande Marquis. At 800 miles, Mrs. Preacher bagged the biggest buck that year. Sorry, bub!

  81. Gotta go get a workout in before I talk myself out of it. BBL

  82. I damn near got a deer with my K-car in Oregon once. Scared the shit out of me.

  83. Apparently, I have to go to the store. I don’t want to go to the store. Whiiiiine.

  84. Twas a company car. So $0.00 out of pocket for me. I’m just glad that the dear old deer didn’t decide to come through the windshield. It would’ve been difficult to explain to either God or one of his proxies why the very last word I ever uttered on earth was motherfucker.

  85. Somebody probably already posted this link of Lord Monckton breaking it to a Scandi Greenpeace supporter that her global warming emperor has no clothes, but if not …

  86. PG, you’d get a pass on that.

    Heck, you know the infantry prayer, don’t you?

    “Oh, Shit!”

  87. *pokes poat with a stick* You kill it, xbrad?

  88. Nah, I just put it to sleep.

  89. Well, that’s not helping to alleviate my boredom. Wake it up!

  90. Bored it to tears.

  91. Ember likes to wake up to a big cock:

  92. If there’s a better way to wake up, I don’t know it.

  93. Good job, Jazz! My favorite line was “sit back and watch everyone jump through hoops to make you happy so they don’t have to do paperwork.” Ain’t that the truth.

  94. Wow, you’re all a bunch of poat killers tonight.

    I’m dog-sitting again b/c heaven forbid the two rats w/ collars be expected to stay in their crates.

  95. I hate rat-dogs. My mom has a few.

  96. W.T.F.?

  97. Well done, how they hid this line in the middle of the article:

    The bill also approves a 2 percent pay increase for federal workers.

    On the tails of the report that 19% of federal workers make 6 figures, too. Well done, jackasses.

  98. Raises for everyone!

  99. Indeed. What is this “bad economy” everyone keeps talking about?

  100. This is probably really old, but it was new to me and it’s very good.

  101. Larry Summers said the recession is over. So, the 17% of folks without jobs are obviously lazy motherphuckers, should quit defaulting on their home loans and get a job!!

  102. “So, the 17% of folks without jobs are obviously lazy motherphuckers, should quit defaulting on their home loans and get a job!!”

    Nonsense, Chief, they’re being told to walk away from their homes and let them default. No consequences in Obambi’s world, baby!

  103. I’m a federal worker, I don’t make 6 figures, and I cringe at getting a raise at this point in time.

  104. Romy, I’m not particularly bitching at you for getting a raise. I never turned one down. But it is obviously pretty silly to push a raise in the middle of a recession.

    I can only ponder how this will be spun as jobs saved or created.

  105. Certainly isn’t your fault that our political “betters” are a bunch of idiots, Romy.

  106. Or you could just send me the extra money you’re making. I’ll make sure it gets spent wisely.

  107. I’ll make sure it gets spent wisely.

    Hookers, blow and booze?

  108. XBrad, on beer and smokes?

  109. Was it old or did anyone bother?

  110. More towards beer and smokes. If I can find a cheap hooker that doesn’t look like she’s either a he, or a petri dish of VD, I’ll spend some there.

  111. I bothered. ‘Twas new to me, sir.

  112. I watched it Scott. It was pretty moving.

  113. Scott, it was new to me, and I have forwarded the link.

  114. “Twas new to me, sir.”

    Careful with that sir stuff, or I will be forced to ma’am you.

  115. No, not the ma’am! Ma’am makes me feel old. I apologize with utmost sincerity.

  116. ma’amby pa’amby

  117. What say you, morons?

  118. Good friend? I would say something.

  119. Was it old or did anyone bother?

    I bothered.

    Wow, Scott. Never saw that before. Thanks.

  120. Hey Michael, I have a Cowboy stadium question? Are they playing in a new one? Where is it compared to the old one?

  121. I’m with Scott – tell the guy. Because of STDs, you can’t just ignore this kind of thing.

  122. I’d watch a couple more times just to be sure it was her.

    But I’d probably be a whimp and tell him via an anonymous email with a link to the vid.

  123. “But I’d probably be a whimp and tell him via an anonymous email with a link to the vid.”

    Nothing wrong with that, especially since he works with the guy. No need to get the HR department up in arms.

  124. Send an anonymous video to the wife of you watching her videos.

  125. What say you, morons?

    Is she hot?

  126. I’d have to tell the guy. But yeah, unless I were really good friends with him, I’d send an anonymous message.

  127. I’m a federal worker, I don’t make 6 figures, and I cringe at getting a raise at this point in time.

    Don’t you worry your pretty little head. When they check the voting rosters and find out you are anything but a democrat, you will get the axe.

  128. Is she hot?

    Well, he says she is. I’d have to watch the vid to be sure.

    Crappy blogger. Doesn’t even provide a link.

  129. “Crappy blogger. Doesn’t even provide a link.”

    Hey, folks, check out this porn that may or may not be my friend’s wife! What do you think I should do now?

  130. Maybe they were making the porn for the husband? I’d still send it anonymous to him.

  131. Yes, Scott, the Boys are playing their first season in the newest and fanciest stadium in the NFL. It rivals Yankee Stadium as a cutting edge venue. It’s in Arlington, and has a retractable roof. It replaces the old Texas Stadium in Irving (near me), which will be demolished. I actually drive by it on the way to work every day. (The Cowboys practice facility is still nearby, which is probably why Tony Romo lives just a few doors up the street).

    For now, the Cowboys have not sold naming rights. They decided that the pit of the recession was not the right time. Wise move, IMHO, because when their new stadium opened, corporate sponsors were just not in the market.

  132. Plus it’s December.

  133. I’d blackmail the shit out of that filthy wench.

    Kidding kids………kinda.

  134. I’d think about it, PG.

  135. I didn’t know the old one was in Irving. I thought it was in Dallas. I do remember it pissing us off because you could plainly see it from the interstate, but we couldn’t get to it.

  136. Maybe they were making the porn for the husband?

    Actually, not out of the question. I’ve been propositioned by guys for that reason.

  137. Yankee Stadium, by the way, is supposed to be a fabulous new venue that also just opened. What’s interesting is that the Yankees refuse to sell naming rights. They Yankee brand is so strong that they are afraid to dilute it. They will sell sponsorships. AT&T, for example, is the Yankees’ official telecommunications sponsor, so they have perks like a huge logo to the left of the scoreboard and they run the Business Center at the stadium (a big poke in the eye for Verizon in their own backyard). But, the Yankees won’t sell naming rights for the stadium.

  138. Blackmail -definitely blackmail. Hey, those bottles of Jameson ain’t getting cheaper!

  139. Where the hell is Wiser? The Giants are playing the Eggles!

  140. Texas Stadium is actually owned by the City of Irving. It’s a relic of the era when Irving was the headquarters of GTE, (or General Telephone), which was ultimately acquired by Verizon.

    The stadium you may have seen in downtown Dallas is the Cotton Bowl, which is still in operation for college games and concerts. It is adjacent to the fairgrounds for the Texas State Fair.

  141. Irving was fluch back in the ’70s, and Texas Stadium was built to replace the Cotton Bowl as a venue for the Cowboys.

  142. fluch = flush

  143. Michael, don’t you have your own blog to bore people on?

  144. If it were me, I might not want to know, but I would need to know, and if I found out that no one told me, and other people I knew did know?

    Let’s just put it this way. I’m a believer in the Klingon proverb: “Revenge is a dish, best served cold.”

    You won’t see it coming, and you’ll wish you were only gobsmacked.

  145. OH. Oh. Well. This is embarrassing. Uhm…BiW?

  146. GET OFF BiW’S MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!

    cuz it’s my turn.

  147. Here’s the list I referenced earlier. A soldier stationed in the Balkans during the 90’s formed this list of shit he couldn’t do. It kinda fits the theme here. Go look and you’ll find a chuckle or two. It’s almost as if Rosetta was in the army back in the day.

    Skippy’s List: The 213 things Skippy is no longer allowed to do in the U.S. Army

  148. What is going on over at your place Michael? Check out the recent comments

  149. I remember that PG it was funny

  150. #164 is absolutely my favorite.

  151. I’ve worked with guys like that.

    Pain in the ass, but fun.

  152. Oh the date canceled, bummer

  153. Maybe xbrad’ll loan you his girlfriend.

  154. Tough luck, Forrester.

    but no, I won’t loan you Dolly

  155. It is rescheduled to tomorrow

  156. Pendejo, Skippy’s List was the genesis of my sending XBrad an inflatable sheep.

  157. “52. Not allowed to yell “Take that Cobra” at the rifle range.”

  158. What’s a “leg” officer?

  159. If you haven’t read the story of Michael Oher’s life before — do it.

  160. Sean, not airborne.

  161. Sean M.

    I’m not army lingo literate, but my assumption is that it’s slang for infantry which is probably down a notch in status from airborne.

    My favorite is the one about not being allowed to use public masturbatgion as a tool for pointing out flaws in command strategy. I may have to use that one in my job one of these days.

  162. Got it.

  163. Ground pounder!!!

  164. Mare
    Do your daughters look like this?
    Evidently this is Tebows GF, or Lucy Pinder. Have we not seen Lucy here for BBF?
    The link is worth clicking too.

  165. Hey Cuffy!

    Mute the left video —

  166. Hey! I never got to hit Tebow’s girlfriend!

  167. Next hostage to do BBF and not include Tebow’s woman is gheyer than a backstage pass at an Elton John concert.

  168. Hey Dick, I got your book.

    Better not suck.

  169. Dick wrote a book?
    Where? What?

  170. Yeah, I don’t know if everyone is ‘posed to know.


  171. Speaking of books, Barrelhouse Boys is doing well. Joel has sold 70 in the Nebraska bookstores, 31 on Amazon, and 2 Kindle. He said it was the best Christmas present. For those of you who bought it, I thank you.

    He needs a good review on Amazon, but I feel like if I do it, it’s sockpuppetry.

    TBOM’s book is a good read.

  172. Hello morons and moronettes! Does anybody know the score of the Packers/Bears game?

  173. Good evening, retards and ladies.

  174. Wooh, bedtime was a fight tonight.

  175. Hi Brew AD and Sky.

  176. Wooh, bedtime was a fight tonight.

    Sounds kinda kinky – not really into that rough stuff.

  177. Forresterrrrrrr. How are you?

  178. “Sounds kinda kinky – not really into that rough stuff.”

    She’s 3, for heaven’s sake.

  179. Wooh, bedtime was a fight tonight.

    When little, our oldest daughter never wanted to go to bed. Our youngest was just the opposite. Sometimes you’d look around and say, “Where’s Emily?” and realize she put herself to bed.

  180. Our little one uses the “I’m scared” argument every night. I defeated her with a complicated string of logic, that ended with, “So. Your balls are not monster, your toys are not dragons, and nothing in your room will eat you. What are you scared of, again?” “Going to bed.”

  181. Evening, forrester.

    Does anybody know the name of any of Dick’s books?

  182. Good Sky.
    I did 4 loads of laundry today. Laundry stinks.

  183. “Good Sky.
    I did 4 loads of laundry today. Laundry stinks.”

    It’s why I invested in a trophy husband.

  184. Just make your kids more scared of you than the critters under the bed.

  185. My Bro had problems with his 1st going to bed. She would kick her bedroom door till her toes bled. Then he went to a Growing Kids Gods Way, class and within a week fixed the problem.

    I have no idea about it. But it worked like magic for him.

  186. Normally, Ember Jr. doesn’t mind going to bed, but every now and then, she decides to fight it. You can normally buy her off with, “Just try and I’ll come check on you in 15 minutes.” She has no concept of time, and is asleep within half an hour.

  187. heheheh

    I have no trophy’s. But I do have tomatoes, and peppers.

  188. Laundry stinks

    Isn’t that why we clean it?

  189. Agile Dog, what did you do all day? Sit around and lick your balls?

  190. Just make your kids more scared of you than the critters under the bed.

    Ah. More sound parenting advice from the Dr. Spock of the 21st century.

  191. Good night all.

  192. Night, quitter.

  193. We’ve got a fucking 1/4 inch of fucking misting-rain=fucking ice all over every fucking thing.

  194. what did you do all day? Sit around and lick your balls?

    No, I had wiserbud do them for me. I had Christmas gifts to make, and home improvement projects to complete. Our Christmas party is next Saturday – have to make the place look not-condemned.

  195. Scott, great video.

    Brew, exactly the same experience with both my daughters. To this day eldest is a night owl and a morning sleepyhead. Youngest would reach for the bed when she was tired, and still just goes.

    Eldest is more like dad I think in that regard.

  196. Tats: we started the afternoon with about an inch of snow, and then it warmed up. We’ve had several hours of rain since. Washed away all the new stuff, thank goodness. The frozen mess from last week is still here.

  197. Tatts – we have the lovely re-freeze and the black ice to go with it!

  198. forecast says sunny here, 50s to 60s all week.

  199. we have the lovely re-freeze and the black ice to go with it!

    We got warm enough today that it started melting. So we have melting snow bullshit in addition to raining ice bullshit. BTW, I full on laughed at the douche in the rear-wheel drive truck that sped past me and spun out.

  200. It’s been gloomy and raining, but warm enough, here for the past few days. I hate constant rain in the winter. I miss snow, damnit.

  201. We should hit 75 sometime this week.

  202. What is going on over at your place Michael? Check out the recent comments

    That’s just us talking on a super-secret thread where we make fun of the Hostages.

  203. Both of mine like to stay up late and are grumpy bears in the morning. I will let them stay up on New Year’s Eve to watch the ball drop in New York City. So what if we are Central time zone?

  204. FOG!

  205. Also, 51 is not the lower sixties.

    I been gypped.

  206. I’m quitting you all too. Like Tats we have freezing rain/snow tonight so I’ll need to get an early start tomorrow. 10 days until Florida. Not that I’m counting.

  207. “Both of mine like to stay up late and are grumpy bears in the morning. I will let them stay up on New Year’s Eve to watch the ball drop in New York City. So what if we are Central time zone?”

    Oh, lawd, I wish it were so with mine. Hubby and I are night owls and hate mornings. Somehow, though, no matter how late Ember Jr. goes to bed, she’s up at 6 am without fail.

  208. We should hit 75 sometime this week.

    Gloat all you want – we still don’t like you.

  209. Our high tomorrow–>10

  210. Does anybody know the name of any of Dick’s books?

    Yes, but if I told you, he’d strangle you with my small intestine. I’m still using it, so I’m afraid I can’t tell you.

  211. Roamy!

    Have you figured out how that Russian missle put up such a cool light show over Norway? Those were some awesome trails. Think you folks could do it here so we can get better pics?

  212. Mesa, it was low 60s here today.

    I told you Houston sucks.

  213. Yes, but if I told you, he’d strangle you with my small intestine.

    I ain’t afraid of that sissy. He’s a Donna Summer fan. My dogs would lick him to death.

  214. Wed we might cool down

  215. Normally I don’t not want to go to work. Always something to do…each day flies by.

    Tomorrow, not so much. Got a guy that put in 6 separate orders, one being 6 critter cakes – normally not a problem but he chose my most complicated/time consuming ones, the others being our specialty single serves made to look ‘just like the ones in the case’ and this cake and that cake made to look ‘just like the ones in the case’.

    Thing is we have 4 different decorators who have their own way of doing things, so had to make detailed descriptions in order for them to come out like the ones in the case on the day he ordered.

    On top of certain big wigs flying in from corporate – which means managers running all over the place like chickens missing their heads, contradicting each other and themselves, which means making us lose our minds with doing and undoing as they change their freaking minds 18 different times. And in order to make everything look pretty, making and displaying product that won’t sell. Which we will wind up throwing out. I hate wasting my time like that.

  216. Leave it Big Dick!
    We will buy it.

  217. Somehow, though, no matter how late Ember Jr. goes to bed, she’s up at 6 am without fail.

    Our oldest dog is like that. It starts getting light out, and she starts whining. If I thought she’d close the door on her way outside, I’d teach her how to open it on her own.

  218. Eve’nin yous!

  219. Good stuff Beasn.

  220. Houston sucks.

    Yeah, but I was drinking beer at a bar last night that has a deck over the water and docks.

    Boat to the bar. Several bars, actually.

    Can you do that in Dallas?

  221. Hi KKA!!!!!1111eleventy
    Good night

  222. I always hate corporate visits, beasn. Anywhere I’ve ever worked. It’s a fuckload of stress and in the end, it’s always for nothing but annoying you and ruining your day.

  223. Hey Annie.

  224. I ain’t afraid of that sissy.

    *sensing a business opportunity*

    Say, have you got a Last Will and Testament yet?

  225. HAHA. Hi and goodnight to you too!

  226. Hey Tats, cold enough for ya? I feel like I’m living in a meat locker.

  227. *looks at snow on the deck*

    I ain’t real happy at the moment.

  228. Trade, you, BiW. I want snow so badly. Trophy husband can shovel it out of the way.

  229. I really hate all of you living in the south. You’d think that, having lived in New England 95% of my life, I’d come to appreciate winter. No, it sucks. It sucks in December. It sucks in January, It especially sucks in February. And March’s only saving grace is St. Patrick’s Day.

  230. Hey Tats, cold enough for ya?

    Gonna get worse.

    I’ll export some of the Mexicans from my neighborhood up to you. They have no fucking idea how to deal w/ the snow/ice.


  232. Oh, no thanx. I lived in So Soo long enough – I know how they drive. This cold will chase a lot of them south for a couple months.


    Hey asshole, some of us are landlocked and snowbound. Knock it the fuck off unless you’re offering to buy me a plane ticket.

  234. Trophy husband can shovel it out of the way.

    If he becomes too useful, it revokes the “trophy” status.

  235. Good night

  236. Sky WANTS snow?

  237. “If he becomes too useful, it revokes the “trophy” status.”

    He is fairly useful, come to think of it.

  238. I want snow super-badly. I am so jealous of you snowed in folks. I love the cold. And the snow. I hate not having it!

  239. High 85, low 69. Lots of fog here.

  240. Agile dog – didn’t I read you have five dogs? They should keep you warm.

  241. Snowbound, let’s sleep in today
    Wake me up when the wolves come out to play. . .

  242. Well, come on over sky! Give a couple days, you’ll have enough.

  243. Come on down Tatoo!

  244. Come on down Tatoo!

    *suspects someone did not read the “buy me a plane ticket” part*

  245. Whee! Snoooow! I want to go snowshoeing. And sledding. And maybe even skiing. Oh, the fun of winter.

  246. Really, vmax – I agree with tat. Knock it off, or I’ll sic this killer after you.

  247. xbrad, you still around?

  248. And maybe even skiing.


    Annie, you gotta tell Sky where you’re at.


  249. so, still a weather blog, I see.

  250. Still here.

  251. Did you get the Christmas poem I sent you?

  252. They should keep you warm.

    Only two of them are cuddily (sp?). The others are like hugging barbed wire.

  253. I will buy tattoo a ticket
    And maybe AD but not his family. I will buy him and his family dinner though. Even MCPO and his lovely wife if he makes it this far down.

  254. Doc Z on Climategate, if’n you haven’t seen it:

  255. wiser – our brains are just frozen and we can’t think of anything else.

  256. Mesa, next time I need to come to Houston I’ll set it up so I can hang out longer.

    I needs me some more of those oysters.

  257. And KKA!

  258. Dude, it’s not weather. It’s fucking with peeps who have shitty weather in the winter.

    Like you.

  259. I will buy tattoo a ticket

    I’ll keep that in mind 😉

  260. Vmax – actually, I’m supposed to go to Florida next spring. Pensacola, perhaps.


  262. Going to be 71 here tomorrow, but raining the whole damn time.

  263. so, still a weather blog, I see.

    As if the weather didn’t have me all depressed, now wiserbud shows up.

    * fakes like I just noticed him

    Oh! Hi, wiserbud. Good to see you….

  264. KKA if you make it to P’cola I will drive the 8 hours to buy you a beer.

  265. “Annie, you gotta tell Sky where you’re at.


    Hey, you can go skiing here! In fact, my SIL and his buddies go every winter. You need to come see the loess hills, I think.

  266. It’s fucking with peeps who have shitty weather in the winter.

    It’s only shitty if you don’t like it.

  267. OK, before wiser shows back up, remember we agreed someone with the keys would go back and rewrite all those comments where we were talking about what a douche he is as comments on the “weather.”

  268. Xcountry, yeah. We got enough snow here if I had a pair of skis I’d be out.

  269. I’ll drag Tat with me , V

  270. As if the weather didn’t have me all depressed, now wiserbud shows up.

    Don’t be too bothered. It’s not like I’m gonna be here long.

    Just checking it to say hi.

  271. 32-degree rain falling on frozen pavers is teh suck. I skated on wet ice in my house slippers to bring the kitchen scraps to the compost bucket.

    On the other hand, no bugs.

  272. Oh, erm, hi wiser!

    ixnay on the oucheday ommentscay, Hostages

  273. There were a bunch of redneck yahoos “tubin” in the snow here today. Rope broke and they went through teh Post Office windows.

    That’ll leave a mark. ..

  274. Shit, Pensacola’s only four and a half hours from here. I go twice a year.

  275. rewrite all those comments where we were talking about what a douche he is as comments on the “weather.”

    Don’t waste your time. I never go back and read more the the last 20 or so comments, just to confirm that nothing has changed.

    And nothing has changed.

    Gad, you people are dull.

  276. I needs me some more of those oysters.

    They are pretty damn good.

    It’s crawfish season as well, they’re just starting to get good sized. I now know of a few places that do them really well. Pretty spicy, too.

  277. Can you do that in Dallas?

    Just lakefront dining, not salt water. Lotta big lakes around Dallas.

  278. On the other hand, no bugs.

    See? Now that’s the right outlook!

  279. I have the AC set at 73 and on now.
    32 lauraw? ouch!

  280. “confiomr ”

    wth is that?

  281. 32-degree rain falling on frozen pavers is teh suck. I skated on wet ice in my house slippers to bring the kitchen scraps to the compost bucket.

    *installs crampons on lauraw’s slippers*

  282. wth is that?


  283. I got it, KKA.

  284. Oysters are Yum! Raw Steamed Fried. it is all good.

    Bring Tattoo too KKA!

  285. Did you know that if you eat oysters whole when you’re drunk, then puke them back up 2 hours later, it’s not a pretty sight?

  286. On the other hand, no bugs.

    Other than wiserbud….

  287. xbrad, I thought it was kinda funny. One of those things you have to read outloud drunk and proud.


  289. I’m not drunk.


  290. I have never barfed oysters

  291. *wipes a little tear…

    ….don’t think xbrad liked my poem

  292. On the other hand, no bugs.

    See? Now that’s the right outlook!

    Sincerely. I could not live where they have those giant flying roaches, and little lizards in the pantry.

    Winterkill good.

    Winter. Kill.

  293. E.g., Primo’s at Lake Ray Hubbard.

  294. Did you know that if you eat oysters whole when you’re drunk, then puke them back up 2 hours later, it’s not a pretty sight?

    They look the same both times, don’t they?

    Actually, what you said is the exact reason I won’t go anywhere near them nowadays. Just the smell of them makes me sick now. I almost can’t take it when my wife has oyster chowder when we’re out at dinner.

  295. >> It’s only shitty if you don’t like it.

    Hey, I love snow. But that’s kinda normal when you don’t see it much.

    Mostly we gets the ice/sleet crap, when it happens. Not so much on the pretty.

    Now bugs, we got.

  296. Very nice, Michael. Makes me miss the Big D.

  297. Hiyah Annie!

    What’s your sign?

  298. Lizards are cool. Especially when you put your finger on the tail and it breaks off, and you hand it to a girl while it’s still wiggling to freak them out.

    I never get tired of that joke.

    Also can of Raid + zippo = flamethrower for flying cockroaches. Hours of fun.

  299. Winterkill good.

    Winter. Kill.

    I agree. Oh, okay, so you found ONE good thing about winter. Doesn’t mean I like it any better.

  300. I went to a bar mitzvah this weekend. The ceremony was 3 fucking hours!!!! Almost entirely in Hebrew.

    So I started reading the tanslation book, just to see what they were chanting about. Most of it was “Someday we will all live in peace” kind of stuff.

    I almost laughed out loud when I read one of the prayers towards the end. It included the line “And thank you, God, for not creating us the same as those pagans that surround us.”

    When we left, I noticed an Obama bumpersticker on the cantor’s car, with the O symbol and the rest in hebrew.

    I was slightly taken aback by the cognitive dissonance. So, let’s all hope we can someday live in peace, but then let’s support the guy who is okay with Israel’s mortal enemy, who has clearly stated their hope for the total eradication of Israel from the face of the Earth, acquiring nuclear weapons.

    Very strange weekend.

  301. What’s your sign?


  302. Hiya pupster!

    We see what you’ve been up to:

  303. “What’s your sign?”

    Do not enter.

  304. Did you kick any ass Wiser?

  305. Did you kick any ass Wiser?

    I was sorely tempted to, but no.

  306. “Almost entirely in Hebrew. ”

    I had somebody at work ask me one time why they speak Hebrew and not Jewish.

  307. Kind of a traditional Hebrew prayer. Jesus knocked a dude for praying that one, pointing out the hypocrisy of him praying that loudly while a man in the back of the synagogue humbly and quietly prayed for forgiveness.

    Jesus was like that. Totally busting on the blowhards and stuff.

  308. “What’s your sign?”

    Trespassers will be shot. Surviors will be prosecuted.

  309. It was also really weird that people were just kind fo strolling in and out during the ceremony, walking around the synagogue, chitchatting with each other…. very casual.

    The rabbi was not happy about it, though. All during the ceremony, he kept taking his glasses off and staring sternly around the room.

    That was really funny.

  310. Good night all. Sunrise will be here early (actually, it will be right on time, it will just seem early). I’m off to sleep.

  311. Those little green lizards are great.

    Here’s a cool trick — catch a couple of them, which is not easy, because they are very fast. After you catch them, blow on their snout. They will reflexively open their mouth. Then, clamp then on your ear lobes. They will automatically bite down, and when you let got, they stay clamped on to avoid falling. Voila, you have two lizard earrings and are prepared to make your entrance at the party.

    I have actually done this, but only because I was pretty sure that most of the people at this party were crazier than me.

  312. *trying to imagine what a stern rabbi would look like*

    *wonders where the nearest rabbi is in Central Texas too*

  313. Jesus was like that. Totally busting on the blowhards and stuff.

    Oh, that Jesus…..

  314. E.g., Primo’s at Lake Ray Hubbard.

    No dock.

  315. “What’s your sign?”


  316. Bumblebees belong to the genus Bombus.

  317. “Oh, that Jesus…..”

    personal experience?

    *ducks and runs

  318. Jesus was like totally busting on the goofballs and stuff.

    That wacky, wacky Jesus-dude.

  319. Oh, that Jesus…..

    Amazing guy. Although his native language was Aramaic, he was fluent in Hebrew by the age of 12.

    He learned German when he went to the seminary.

  320. personal experience?

    Being kind of a Messiah myself, I can understand Jesus’ point, there.

  321. So. FInished season one of Veronica Mars last night.

    They should have cancelled the show right then, cuz there was no way they were gonna make a better season than that.

  322. “Bumblebees belong to the genus Bombus.”

    Is that an answer to something the voice in your head asked?

  323. He learned German when he went to the seminary.

    Too bad he was so bad at math. He could have really made something of himself.

  324. “He learned German when he went to the seminary.”

    He should have learned French, cuz that’s what the wimmens liked.

  325. mesa, what is that?

  326. Too bad he was so bad at math. He could have really made something of himself.

    Yeah, it’s a shame. He might have gotten the science of climatology started on the right track.

  327. He should have learned French, cuz that’s what the wimmens liked.

    French accents are not all that sexy.

  328. He might have gotten the science of climatology started on the right track.

    Blessed are the geeks, for they shall inherit the grants.

  329. Australians have the sexy accent.

  330. French accents are not all that sexy.

    Jesus would have made it sexy. ‘Cause he’s, ya know…. Jesus.

  331. Australians have the sexy accent.


    And Wiser, sexy Jesus makes me uncomfortable.

  332. Looks a lot like a tulip farm.

  333. I wonder if the parting of the Red Sea was caused by global warming?

  334. Seriously, any Australian chick is 138&percent; sexier than she looks just because of the accent.

  335. my new wallpaper


  337. Italian PM gets nose broken by attacker in Milan's_Most_Popular

  338. Comment by xbradtc on December 13, 2009 11:21 pm

    Buddy Jesus?

  339. And Wiser, sexy Jesus makes me uncomfortable.

  340. Seriously, any Australian chick is 138&percent; sexier than she looks just because of the accent.

  341. Jesus, “How YOU doin’?

    Woman, “Well, I got this leprosy I can’t get rid of, and my brother, he’s got bread but no fish, and there’s this wedding coming up in Canaan.”

    Jesus..,”Not exactly what I had in mind…..”

  342. For the love of God Wiser, that wasn’t sexy.

    Somebody obviously needs to spend more time studying HHD.

  343. Wiser, you have GOT to warn a girl before you go linkin’ to shit like that. Now I have to clean this vomit up off my keyboard.

  344. You do know there is vomit pron, don’t you?

  345. Yes, I know there’s vomit pr0n. I had a roommate who kinda had a fetish. It was weird. Any time I puked, he wanted to take pictures.

  346. On that absolutely horrifyingly disgusting thought I’m going to bed.

  347. Sky, you’ve had far too interesting of a life.

  348. “Sky, you’ve had far too interesting of a life.”

    Because I used to live with a guy who had a puke fetish?

  349. I wouldn’t a told that.

  350. Amazing guy. Although his native language was Aramaic, he was fluent in Hebrew by the age of 12.

    He learned German when he went to the seminary.

    According to one of the Texas governors from about a 100 years ago, I think it was Ma Ferguson but I ain’t sure, Jesus spoke English. Just read the bible, duh.

  351. I never actually let him take a picture. I was the only person in our group of friends that he didn’t have a picture of puking.

    The plus side to that guy was he totally bought all the drinks in an effort to get folks to puke.

  352. I had a roommate who kinda had a fetish. It was weird. Any time I puked, he wanted to take pictures.

    Stacy????? Is that you?????

  353. kilt it daid.

  354. Nah, I’m busy looking for vomit pics.

  355. may as well start a new one….

  356. Found one:

  357. Michael’s first attempt at a Batman outfit.

  358. Found one:

    Right. Like I’m gonna click on that.

  359. well, another hectic weekend almost in the books.

  360. heh.

  361. Best. Puke. Ever.

  362. Great!
    The Fuckin’ snow is sticking to the roads. Good luck to BiW tomorrow, getting to work. I Hate this winter shit! The snowplows just went by again. The Goreball Warmening bastards can burn in hell for all I care. Stupid fucks!

    Lapsing into the drug-induced psychosis again, so I will go away.
    G’nite, ‘tards.


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