Trust Meme


Been there done that. I told my wife her clothes were too tight. She said well take them off then.

Strangest thing just happened.

Pupster, age this morning.

Fuck Off Wheat Chex

Follow me for more recipes.

Knit ponchos. Ponchos made of yarn.


  1. Good morning! The saucing up the food vid was a crackup. Also there are some very cute dogs in this poat and they look soft and fluffy and huggable and they need me.

  2. Nice job again Pup. I was in pretty deep before I realized I was crying.

    Pan – Selfie girl cracked me up. Too many to name. I agree, lots of nice puppies and other critters.

  3. Substack author is conjecturing that Biden has vaccine brain. I dunno, I think it’s run-of-the-mill dementia.

    I saw that headline when I looked at my inbox earlier this morning and felt the same way Roamy. I haven’t read the article yet but my bet is it will say it’s possible but we can’t prove it. Don’t forget, he’s had a couple of brain surgeries, he’s 81 and wasn’t that skilled of a politician to begin with.

  4. Given this blog’s fondness for mason jars I would be remiss for not mentioning this as an option for lids

    They have a variety of lids for different functions. I saw the fermenting version somewhere which prompted my interest. I haven’t bought any and I’m sure there are probably cheaper versions of the same things made in Chyna

  5. I’ve seen those fermenting lids and almost pulled the trigger a couple times over the years but my system works fine, so why bother? Once the CO2 starts to pool above the veggies, you really don’t have to worry about air locks.

  6. That last dog has my heart.

  7. Wakey wakey

  8. 7 dogs at my house right now. Posey is still the cutest.

  9. Have I told you guys Moose’s new trick? For a few months he was having trouble getting up – I put him on these pills and i think its really helping. BUt it in his mind, he still needs me to “help” him. Which I had to do for months and months. But now, he only needs my emotional support. So, when he needs to get up, he barks and I go stand by him and give him encouraging words (like Jill to Joe Biden) and he just keeps up and goes on his way.

  10. When I realize people have been successfully fermenting stuff for centuries before plastic entered the scene it really tempers my desire for those products.

  11. Love of gadgets is a tempting monkey on all our backs.

  12. Figuring out dog behaviors is fun for the most part, occasionally annoying. They all have their quirks and make us laugh a lot. There are so many aspects of our daily lives that are altered by having them that we no longer think of the reason we do them. Foremost example is the locking lid on the trash can and the bin for the kibble. Every time I exit a door there’s a lot of looking for potential escapees with my head on a swivel. etc etc etc

  13. I saved the link to the site you mentioned anyway Jimbro, always good to have alternatives. Canning has progressed over the years, I still have a few of the old zinc lids from back in the day, only used for ornamental purposes, and canning safety is better than it used to be. I “lent” my All-American pressure canner to a good friend about 10 years ago, because she has a big family and puts up a lot of beans and such. She still uses it way more than I would, so it’s basically hers now.

    I was talking to the dinner buddy about the Tractor Supply venture into and then allegedly out of DEI. It made me think of Rural King, which I personally like better. Conversation shifted over to Menards, which I have never been to and he thinks is great. Kinda wish we had one close by, but all we have is Lowes and Home Depot.

  14. This guys is such a tool.

  15. A handy hurricane tracker site, I figure their mission should be protecting Naval assets, so maybe a little better than most?

  16. This guy is such a tool.

    . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    I think he’s one of those “influencers” that the DNC pays to put out their messages. I suspect his rate just went up for them if they’re going to set him up to be looking like such an idiot.

  17. I sent the canning lids link to my oldest boy, who is dabbling in making wines and meads. All in kitchen-sized batches. He is thinking of buying a small still as well.

  18. As my dad would have said, “Did you learn anything?”

  19. Pupster’s memes are always a favorite. Not that I always get some of them. Doggos make some of the best ones.

    In this hotter weather, my four puppers have been sleeping inside in the A/C during the day a bunch. I’ve been getting into the habit of a late afternoon nap as well. Which makes for a more restless night for everyone.

  20. I’ve got a couple of sliding glass doors, which have sliding screens as well. In this summer weather, I have to make sure there is something more substantial blocking them so I don’t have dogs bursting through the screens, which they don’t see all that well. And whatever it is they want to bark at (squirrels, rabbits, turkeys, deer, FedEx, UPS, Amazon) takes precedence.

  21. I didn’t get the one with the chick singing. Was it just because the lyrics were do vapid?

  22. I figured it was just because she was cute.

  23. Thank you, Carin, someone had made a crack about Harry Sisson, and I didn’t feel like digging through his timeline to understand it better.

  24. Made me think of back during the scamdemic, you couldn’t find canning lids anywhere.

    We had a local landmark used to indicate where to make a turn, it was named “Worms and Coffee”. The state bought it and tore it down for a highway improvement project.

  25. Best peach I ever had was one I got from a fruit stand in Seattle. It was YUGE, sweet and incredibly juicy. Never been able to find another like it. Peach dragon is real.

  26. I guess I’m lucky, there were really good peaches every year from a peach farm near Edgefield, SC. A black family owned the farm, and there were at least three generations working there. The grandma didn’t put up with any nonsense. Huge oak tree with tables set up in the shade. My parents would take us every year about this time and buy bushels of peaches. Peach cobbler, homemade peach ice cream, some either frozen or canned for later. I remember sitting on the patio steps, surrounded by four o’clock blooms and eating one of those peaches.

  27. I’ve been trying to find good peaches for years.

  28. And now I want to knit some ponchos. But it’s too hot for ponchos.

  29. Best peaches I ever had were grown on my Dad’s trees about 30 yards from our back door. Step out back and pick and eat. Those trees didn’t produce but about every 5 years or so, but when they did, we were inundated and had to pick to keep branches from breaking. They weren’t the largest, but you could grab them when they were at their flavor peak.

    It’s rare to find any for sale that even approach those. Store-bought usually taste like cardboard.

  30. Wow, our camp just sold for 15,000 above asking, in less than 24 hours from the time it went live on MLS.

    We used it a ton when the boys were younger, Paula worked at the big hospital which was a 25 minute drive and we had only two dogs. Now the boys are busy with doing all their own stuff now, her job is an hour drive and we have three dogs and an unfenced yard which requires an escort on the leash x 3 for every potty break over the day of which there could be as many as 5 or 6 on average. As a result we’ve used it less and less over time.

    We thought about selling it last year and contacted the agent that showed it to us when we bought it. She suggested an asking price 55,000 lower than we sold it for now. Paula had second thoughts about selling so we bailed on it and never signed a contract. Over the winter we went back and forth about doing a VRBO and decided it would involve dealing with “people” and given that said fcukit.

    FF to early June and our decision to get it up for sale. The realtor toured it, gave us an asking price a few days later and we signed the contract this week. Listed Friday afternoon and someone saw it last night and we had an offer this morning with 6 more showings over the weekend booked. Their offer included waiving a house inspection and an addendum in case of a bidding war that they were willing to go up to 25,000 above asking. After discussing it with our realtor we gave them a counteroffer that they met, 15 above asking.

    When we bought the camp the guy who sold it was from GA and spent half the year here. His wife had died recently and he wanted to move on. He sold all the furnishings in the house for 2 grand. If we had bought them new it would have been about 10 grand or more. These people do not want the furnishings so we need to have the mother of all yard sales. That’s where you guys come in – all Hostages qualify for EXTREME DEALS on everything … $20 or less!

  31. Here it is, hopefully this link works

  32. When do you think the closing will likely be? I’ll ask scott if he has a road trip in him!

  33. Just found an interesting meme (I guess that’s what you’d call it) but don’t know how to link to it. So I’ll put the text here.

    “Donnie Dunagan was the youngest U.S. Marine Corps drill instructor. He served three tours in Vietnam and was wounded several times, retiring as a major in 1977. Throughout his career, he managed to keep secret that he had been the voice of Bambi in the 1942 Disney film.”

  34. Gorgeous view, Jimbro, too bad that isn’t yard-saleable! I’m interested in the kayaks but we already have 5 and Scott would have a fit.

  35. Nice digs, I understand the reluctance to give it up.

  36. Dibs on the electric Jeep!

  37. Just made all the gifs for this friday’s poat, I’m doing a new thing where I upload to imgur and then wait for the nanny AI to delete anything with too many flesh-colored pixels. Last week they killed this one for some reason, it is not even a close up.

  38. You’re reminding me. Roughly 25 years ago, some dipshit wrote an anti-hunting screed in our local rag’s editorial page that ended in the idiotic and self-refuting sentence “Bambi’s tears are real.”

    At that early date I was less political than now, nor had I commenced the practice of arguing with pinheads on the internet. Still I felt compelled to reply. My retort was published and someone from the paper called me to tell me how much he had enjoyed the part where I patiently explained to this adult infant that “Bambi is a cartoon and not a real talking deer,” or something pretty close to that.

  39. Imgur hates pale skinned redheads with light colored clothing and big boobs.

  40. Congrats, Jimbro. It must be a little hard to let it go. My folks had a camp out in the woods in mid-Pennsylvania for decades, but as they got older, used it less and less. Eventually, my Dad traded it to a family that had a heating and air conditioning business, in exchange for putting in a new A/C unit in the place he and my my mom were living.

    Still, I have good memories of the place. I spent one winter in it after I got out of the Navy but before I headed off to grad school.

  41. I heard they were going to re-shoot Bambi as a live action movie. Also Bambi is trans with fake antlers and Thumper is Woopie Goldberg.

  42. Closing ought to happen soon, like this week or next. Two of the three kayaks are the boys and they’re keeping them. The red one is Paula’s and our realtor said the couple’s daughter was eyeing them during the tour. Given all we got out of the deal (above asking, no inspection hassles) she said to give it to her so we are kayakless. The electric Jeep is the grandson’s and for some reason made it up there for a birthday party we just hosted and didn’t come back here. So, I guess what I’m saying is, great mileage, one owner, comes with a full charge of battery.

  43. I posted about Sisson yesterday.

  44. The location is the key, you can’t build within 100 feet of the shore or thin trees above 4 inches in diameter any longer. Existing camps that are within 100 feet of the shoreline can be expanded by 30% max, one time only, which our camp had done some time in the past.

    Our neighbors factored into our decision as well. They’re not evil degenerates. More like annoying Karens (one is, in fact, named Karen). The smaller camp has a woman who complained to her other neighbor (Karen, for those keeping track) that my cigar smoke bothered her. She wanted to buy a small piece of our lot to square off her parcel. I first heard of this yesterday but she asked Paula a few months ago. My reply was that we had signed a contract so no and to ask the new owners when they move in.

    The other neighbor (Karen) in the large newer camp is annoying AF. Major nosebag who is not very bright. When we bought the camp she was living in a camper adjacent to the old camp that was there before. Her husband had died a while before that and she couldn’t afford a new camp. At some point she remarried and, wouldn’t you know it, the guy was the local building code officer! That new camp is easily double the size of the old camp, probably larger. There’s a shared boat ramp between our properties that Karen jealously guards and leaves stuff on all the time to discourage its use. We don’t use it anyway after experiencing the big drop off while backing the wave runner trailer in to the water.

    I think they’re upset because a new buyer will probably actually use the camp and interfere with their solitude. As I told Paula, I hope the new owners have a few teenage boys with a bunch of friends who like to smoke weed and shoot fireworks on random weekday nights.

  45. As I told Paula, I hope the new owners have a few teenage boys with a bunch of friends who like to smoke weed and shoot fireworks on random weekday nights.

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    And have their own PWCs that they like to roar around in and use the boat ramp frequently.

  46. Bonus fun!

  47. You shouldn’t leave it to chance, man, go on up there the day before the closing and shoot off those fireworks.

  48. Congrats j’brony!!

  49. Nice poat pup.

  50. Best peaches evah were from PA.
    Still chasin’ teh dragon.

  51. The china cabinet is friggen hilarious.
    I’d totally do that if I was single and motivated enough to even have a china cabinet.

  52. FYI – midway is having a sale on AR Stoner barrels.
    The 223 wylde looks like a good deal.
    I’m probably gonna pick one up.

  53. The china cabinet is friggen hilarious.

    . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    As someone living the bachelor life, paper plates are my go to, unless I have to microwave something. And they get reused unless they get something on them that can’t brush off.

    But they just sit off to the side in the stacks they were bought in. No cabinet. Cabinet space is premium for actual food storage or real dishes and glassware.

    I also have a collection of frequently used fast food plastic cups, hot/taco sauces, ketchup packets, and soy sauce packets. I won’t go into my plastic spoon collection that I recycled from the pantry at my last office job.

  54. Jimbro, sorry to hear you’re selling your getaway, but I understand your rationale – same rationale I had when I sold my cottage.

    Now go buy a boat.

  55. We’re trying to decrease our frustrations!

  56. Knitted ponchos reminded me that I have a pattern book around somewhere with a SUPER cute poncho that features a gorgeous entrelac panel down the front of it.

  57. Bambi has been recast as a mule deer.

    Gave old hound puppy a thorough nail trimming today, cut em back pretty hard, but no blood. She has one back nail that is off limits, she actually got a bit nippy, which is rare. I just said “good enough”, and let it go.

  58. Bought a mango the other day because I happened across some at the farmer’s market and thought “I haven’t bought a mango in ages.” Cut it open today and was reminded why it had been so long: I don’t care for mangos. What’s that other fruit that isn’t a mango and begins with the letter “P”? No, not passionfruit. Something else. I haven’t had one of those in a long while too.

  59. plumquat?

  60. pinepear?

  61. pricklyapple?

  62. peacharine?

  63. persimcot?

  64. papaytan?

  65. Persimmon. I have a tree.

  66. Pomegrorange?

  67. prunepaw?

  68. My guess is Mitch is either thinking of papaya or pineapple, in keeping with the tropical fruit theme.

  69. prairie steamer

  70. Papaya! Yes, I kept thinking papyrus which is that stuff The Ancients used to make paper so that was rong. Yes, papayas are always hanging out with mangos.

  71. Paula bought Peaches in Portland Monday and had only one of the four she bought. I saw the rest of them in the trash this morning with some kind of fungus or peach rot on them.

    I’m not a peach fanatic, maybe one or two a year. Same with plums, nectarines and other such summer fruits. I’m more of an apple guy and get into my apple eating rhythm around September through January-ish.

  72. Your mom has nice peaches.

  73. BITD we would venture into CO and pick our own peaches at an orchard. It was almost as Bubba Gump as being at my grandparents. Are peach trees an orchard? My grandparents had a fruit stand on the road between Ruidoso and Roswell. State road 70 AKA the evacuation route from the Ruidoso fires. Apples. Apple butter. Apple sauce. Apple cider. We weren’t allowed to eat cherries, pears, or peaches. They were for tourists. We could pick and pack.

  74. Too late for the game, but there’s always pawpaw’s.

  75. I found my usual supplements on wallyworld website at a sale price so bought a bunch. They shipped to me from CHY-NAH. I was immediately concerned because that has never happened before. Contacted the manufacturer and yup, these are counterfeits. They got here and the label is a pretty good reproduction but subtly different (the blue foil lettering on the real label is just in flat blue on the fakes) and the size of the bottle is different.

    Going to return them and bitch to wallyworld. God only knows what kind of drywall scrapings are inside the capsules.

  76. Oso, my parents lived with a couple named Oral and Katherine Posey in Ruidoso when my dad was stationed at Alamogordo during the war.

  77. I ordered turmeric from wallyworld as a reorder of the kind I usually get. It arrived in a sturdy box from a US address but it was a completely different brand that I’ve seen before but never purchased. When I contacted the seller they said they didn’t have the other brand in stock and to please return it for a refund. I waited a few days and said returning it was difficult in my rural area and I’d find someone to give it to. They refunded my purchase price. Should have offered that initially before I rated your drop shipping company.

  78. HS, I really don’t know white people. 1954 Hondo basketball won the state championship. My Great Uncle was on the team. Hoosier but NM. Met an engineer who played against my great uncle. He told me that Hondo basketball was the dirtiest team he’d ever played against. Told me about the spitting. The fighting. I asked my great uncle about that. Uncle Larry schooled me on white people thinking they were owed. They outplayed the other schools. With the spit. With the fights. My Uncle Larry was a Republican. His kids are Republicans. When we go to Roswell, we visit his restaurant.

  79. We visited them in ‘57. I was 8, but I remember that they lived on a creek that was lined with willows and cottonwoods. They had a bunch of kids and we had free run of the outdoors. The water was cold and clear as glass.

  80. Are you sure it was a creek? What is creek in Midwest is river in NM.

  81. It was October so probably the water was low. But it was a really awesome spot. Wish I knew where it was. Oral was a cowboy, and worked on a ranch. As a boy of 8 I was pretty much in awe of him.

  82. November 13, 2014 Dan turned 50. We had plans. November 12, 2014 my FIL passed unexpectedly. Dan turns 60 this year. I put in my time off request. Pending. I told my boss why I need this request approved. Pending.

  83. He and my dad went hunting jackrabbits. We kids couldn’t go. It was probably an excuse to go to the tavern, but they did come back with some, so it was probably both.

  84. First time I ever had rabbit stew.

  85. Dan is talking to a golf course to make an appointment on Friday for a twosome. I’m eavesdropping. They ask him how many will be golfing. Life in NM

  86. I’d imagine in NM they also asked their genders.

  87. Funny to me is MLG isn’t checking any boxes to replace Pedo Joe.

  88. There is going to be a foreclosure auction for the house across the street.

    The couple bought it for about $210,000 and now it’s worth about $350,000, but divorce.

    Credit is ruined and they walk away from $150,000+.

    Maybe I am missing something but that looks stupid.

  89. Scorched earth divorce

  90. Did your camp have heat or was it a seasonal place?

  91. I think I would be quite happy there if it weren’t for your 7 month winters.

  92. There was a small oil burner that we used a little bit just to see if it worked. At one point we called the oil company for a refill which was a mistake because we used the big one, RH Foster. They told us the oil tank which was under the house would need to be replaced before they provided oil. Since we hardly needed it we said FU but in the nicest way possible. That’s why the no inspection thing was such a blessing. No futzing around with nickel and diming on repairs versus deductions from the sale price for faults found during the inspection. They’re not using financing so they have the means to raise a big chunk of cash immediately. Maybe he’s a contractor and plans on a reno as soon as they enjoy the rest of the summer there

  93. Crap. That tank could be leaking…..

    That happened to someone I know.

    It got spendy.

  94. I was totally waiting for Osita to say one of the Poseys was a cousin.

  95. Detailed explanations reduce problems.

  96. Not leaking, thankfully. It’s a one story house which is built on a concrete slab with a cinder block foundation. The space between the slab and the house is about 4 feet in height. The tank sits directly on the slab and I think they wanted it to somehow be raised on supports of some kind … “and hey, since we’d be under there anyway, we might as well put in a whole new tank” That’s my recall – it’s been a long time since we contacted the oil company so the details aren’t fresh.

    I did a search of the buyers last night out of curiosity and if my search is right he’s a trained diesel mechanic who is probably in the upper echelons working for the local branch of a national corporation and she’s a school administrator in one of the larger cities around here. They actually live in a nearby town on the same lake so they’re certainly familiar with the area.

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