Stand By Meme

Top Right Corner

I saw one this week and had the exact same thought.

Dave the Sinner.

When Dan met Oso.


  1. Holy crap!! Lotta laughs in this one! There’s too many to scroll back through but I had some good lols! Good thing I got up early.

    Thanks, man.

  2. I don’t know who the nice guy at the convention center is, though. I hope one of you can enlighten me.

  3. Good morning sprinkle tits and sandy cocks

  4. No idea either. At first I thought he was that astronaut guy that made a brief stir about 2-3 years ago but by the end of the text I had NFI

  5. I have not seen a cybertruck in the wild yet. I do see a lot of cool antique cars on the weekends – muscle cars and true vintage cars from the early days of autos – because the former airstrip in my town has been repurposed as a dragway. From mid-April to late October there’s car shows and races of all sorts and I’ll see them coming and going to the dragway.

  6. He is a porn star, Johnny Sins. There have been a lot of memes and hoaxes where his picture or video has been shown in ads where he plays a professional Tradesman, doctor, fireman, plumber, soldier.

  7. I made it less than a minute

  8. Nice job Pup. For some odd reason, I thought for a while that Ving Rames (mid-evil) had passed away. Turns out, he’s a little younger than me.

  9. The Sins family has got to be proud of all of Johnny’s various careers

  10. Crikey! I just looked at the 10 day forecast and next week we have 2 days where it reaches the 90’s. All y’all Southern rednecks and hillbillies who are used to that are surely pointing and laughing but that’s a bona fide heat emergency for us shrinking violet Yankees.

  11. The Celtics are one game away from the NBA championship. They didn’t seal the deal last night against the Mavs but I’m sure they can manage one out of the next 3 potential games. I haven’t watched more than the occasional highlight clip on X so I’m not super invested in the outcome. Just nice to add another title to the case for a storied team.

  12. wakey wakey

    I saw a Cybertruck last week – I was driving to the small town just south of me. I live out in the country, but there are some crazy HUGE estates tucked away.

  13. Black lesbian witches. That is a solid plan for a series.

    Who test marketed this?

  14. Its going to be fucking hot up here for the next 10 days too … which falls right during my Ragnar. There will be a lot of walking, apparently.

    I can’t run 32 miles up hills in 90 degree weather. Nope. Call me weak, I don’t care.

  15. Us southern boys aren’t laughing, I seriously doubt I could run 32 feet right now. Heat is tolerated much better than cold at this point, but there are limits, there is always at least one fan on here.

    A long time Celtics fan here, I’d like to see them win it. Always enjoyed watching John Havlicek, Bill Russell, Larry Bird, etc. Some great teams.

  16. You forgot Bob Cousy. Or am I giving away my age?

  17. My bad on Bob Cousy, he left the Celtics when I was six years old, but I remember him. I wear my age as a badge of something nowadays, but I still like Tool, so.

  18. Just had a morbid thought about Jerry West, maybe he timed his death so he didn’t have to watch the Celtics win another championship. RIP Jerry.

  19. And Kevin McHale.

  20. Ah, The Torture Chamber, although I just called Kevin the designated hit man. His short bio mentioned that he played alongside Robert Parish and Larry Bird. Nice catch rural.

  21. Gonna bake some bacon, don’t want to take a chance on running out.

  22. Cousy played back in the time like we did in high school. Contact was a foul, traveling (steps) got called, no double dribbling, and no ups and downs.

    I know some of these are called today, but not on cunts like Lebron James – spit.

    Anyway, Cousy was a class act, and he was only 6’-1”.

    I don’t watch Criminal Basketball Association. Still like NCAA, but it’s getting worse.

  23. Can’t decide which one I laughed at more, the Alabama Voldemort or the whack-fuck game. Sent the cotton-eyed Joe dog one to the kids.

  24. Cotton-eyed Joe dogs made me wish our dogs liked to play tug of war with each other. Rowan absolutely loves playing it and will often stare at the tug toy and if you don’t catch his meaning he’ll bark at you. When he plays Ollie and Lola start barking like idiots and won’t join in on the other end. I can’t get the other two to play tug of war at all on their own.

  25. Tug of war is a dominance thing. Nobody wants to lose. Somebody has to let go. Frisbee and fetch are safer.

  26. Does anyone know of a good online pharmacy that doesn’t require a prescription? Laura?? I had one, but can’t dig up the name.

  27. Man where is this day going. I’m taking a little break and I can’t believe what time it is already. Going to Dad’s for a bit later on and hopefully I can get back at a reasonable time to get out and do some more stuff that needs to get done.

    I ripped out an enormous overgrowth of cleavers (the velcro plant) on one corner of the garden. It had gone to seed and now my gloves and clothes are covered with little sticky hairy balls.

    I’m not sure that’s enough for you swine to work with, but I’m leaving it there just in case you get struck with some kind of literary inspiration.

    Twotree more sips of iced coffee and I’m outta here. See ya

  28. There are pharmacies that don’t require prescriptions?

    I have a telehealth doc that does things over email. Scott found her at the FLCCC. Last time she charged $75 for a consult and then dispensed the script. Within reason, of course. Routine stuff.

    l a u ! r a; w…tips AT the old hotmail thingy. Remove punctuation. I’ll check my email later tonight, get back to you then.

  29. Yeah, I can’t play with him while I’m standing up, I have to sit down and he damn near drags my rolling office chair around the living room if I don’t put my feet down. He’ll put his front paw on me to get leverage and shake his head and body to try and get me to lose. Every now and then he’ll do the alligator death roll. After 10 or 15 minutes he’s panting and that’s when I put it up out of reach.

  30. This makes me sad:

  31. I’ve used generic cures for horse paste in the pill form. They sell antibiotics too. They ship from overseas somewhere and the whole thing seems dicey but they deliver.

  32. Libtard co-worker posted on Facedouche absolute glurge on not Charley Pride month. It’s a very long, very unbelievable story involving two drag queens who are medics who save lives except when they went to the Pulse nightclub, and very “all you homophobes who call yourselves Christians” crap. Tedious.

  33. My buddy Tom used to have a yellow lab named Duncan. That dog loved tug-o-war. He’d bring the rope to me every time he spotted me. You could not beat Duncan. He would not give in.

  34. The Friday File: While Coca-Cola is by far the single most popular carbonated U.S. drink with a market share of 19.18%, there is a spirited fight for second. After climbing steadily for 20 years, Dr. Pepper, invented in 1885, is now #2 at 8.34%. In third is Sprite at 8.09%, followed by Diet Coke at 7.82%. The overall Pepsi brand, including Diet Pepsi, and Pepsi Zero Sugar remains number two.

  35. Had fun showing all the memes to Mr. RFH. Neither one of us could figure out the lady in pink next to Kirk or which episode that’s supposed to be.

  36. A purely scientific atheist society would purge LBGT+WTFBBQ types purely as a matter of public health. They really ought to be showing more gratitude at the forbearance on display in the West.

  37. She was “in da pendant” Roamy. It’s not great.

    Also the Fiona cosplayer is welcome in my swamp.

  38. After some reverse photo lookup, it’s “Squire of Gothos”.

  39. We figured out the pun, just didn’t recognize the scene.

  40. The actress is Venita Wolf.

  41. I don’t think online pharmacies will send you anything without a prescription, but some will ask you some basic questions and then have their own MD’s prescribe for you and then ship you certain things.

    If you want some emergency meds, like antibiotics, here’s who I’ve used.

  42. I’ve ordered pharmaceutical stuff in the past that came from overseas, and I’d say there is a 1 in 4 chance it will be confiscated by US Customs before it gets to you.

  43. My n of 2 was shipped successfully

  44. Wildcats up over the Wolfpack 3-1 in the bottom of the 4th. Weather forecasters missed by about a week, raining now, but it’s all good. I need to cut the grass anyway.

  45. I had a friend bring me back about a hundred dollars worth of amoxycillin the last time he went to Cancun. I had a bad cold and sore throat a year or two back and so I started taking some and it made me break out in hives. I’m thinking their quality control has been loosened up in the cartel age. I’d never had any problems with it before.

  46. I never had any allergies until about roughly 10 years ago my dentist gave me amoxicillin for a wisdom teeth extraction that had a “dry socket”. I’m not 100% sure if it was or not but he took the upper wisdom teeth out before he took a cracked tooth that his partner had sealed months before and subsequently got infected so I didn’t want to roll the dice on it. Anyway, after 2 days I was covered with a pruritic rash on my torso and amoxicillin is now on my allergy list.

  47. That was filled in a US pharmacy but I have no idea where it was manufactured. Probably Chyna or India and shipped in bulk to the states to be put in capsules and distributed for a substantial markup.


  48. My dad used to go down to Nogales every year to stock up on his medicines. I used to tell him, ‘Dad, you’re not poor. Why the fuck do you want to buy medicine in a third world shithole? Probably poison.”

    He’d say because it’s cheaper.

    And my mom would say, “But we have to drive all the way down there.”

    They lived an hour north of Phoenix.

    Made absolutely no sense.

  49. No, you’re not supposed to put mayo on top of the hotdog sandwich. It goes on the bun, then some shredded cheese, then the dog itself so it can start melting the cheese. Next a bead of mustard down one side, a bead of ketchup along the other and, of course, relish down the middle (dill or sweet). I like slices of pickled jalapenos as the top layer. Chopped onions are optional if available. There’s a perfect hotdog.

  50. That sounds awesome, Mitchell. Gourmet even.


  52. Here’s a new summer treat that The Internet told me about and I just tried today: fresh squeezed lemon juice on watermelon. It’s good!

  53. In Other News it looks like food will become more expensive:

  54. I read about that 2-3 days ago and then yesterday saw an X post of a woman talking about the timing of it. Supposedly the water restriction roughly coincided with an operation to extract lithium (?) in Idaho by either the military or a military affiliated contractor. That operation is “water intensive”

  55. Here it is. Just listen to her, don’t look at her because she looks a bit loony

  56. And KY Wildcats win 5-4 in 10 innings. Double elimination at this point so the Wolfpack is not out yet.

    The original horse paste is horseradish. Who wouldn’t like that?

  57. Thanks for the giggles, dawg. My mom would go to Mexico for dental work and meds. Curandera 💩. Her passport expired in 2009 during her 10 1/2 month hospitalization. Had to rely on American medical for the next 11 years.

  58. I was just looking to pick up some Amoxycillin without having to schedule an appointment 3 weeks out. Penelope picked up a cold/flu/covid/ebola at the last knife show, then gave it to me. I got over it pretty quickly, but then it turned into strep in me. Really got rough yesterday. It’s always nice to have some extra stuff on hand.

    Thanks, Jimbro. Genericcures sounds like who I ordered some Ivermectin and a few Z-packs from. Although I clicked on the link and my browser says it’s a dodgy site.

  59. #1 son and wife gave birth to grandson #2 today. She was scheduled for a c-section on Wednesday, but evidently the baby didn’t want to wait that long. Everyone is doing fine.

  60. Have they chosen a name and gender yet?

  61. Baby Naming Contest!


  62. I’m disowning my children. Women much younger than me have many grandchildren. This is sum bullshit.

  63. I gave my nephew a pep talk re: marriage and babies and referenced my sister getting older and being too polite about nagging him but secretly wanting grandkids. Within a year both happened. Do you have a brother who might be able to put a bug in their ear?

  64. I think I missed TiFW in the Grammy brigade. 🐻❤️ TIFW Grandbabies

  65. Congrats, Pepe! My mom wanted to name my bro “Thaddeus Bartholomew.” First Eucharistic Prayer.

  66. Dans sister has 3 kids. My brother has 3 kids. We’re guessing 2 gays. 2 abortion loving feminists. And 2 potential fathers if they finally hook up with chicks that refuse to abort.

  67. I adopt all Bear posts as my own. I’m still locked out of X. Saw a meme this AM. P Diddy waving “See you later, alligator.” Waving alligator “At your trial, Pedophile.”

  68. We called my dad “Bob Cousy” He was mister set shot. We called him Naismith. He hated “Ghetto ball.” He would light people up with his 1950s basketball. I no longer watch the NBA, but I never became a chick basketball bitch like my dad. He was MR NCAA softball ghey before he passed.

  69. Another good, solid biblical name: Nimrod.

  70. Owning comments like 2010

  71. Scheffler isn’t going to win!!!!!!!111!!@

  72. Maybe one of Pat’s siblings jimbro. I’m all out. My half brother isn’t very close to my kids.

  73. We didn’t take Scottie this week. He only pays $13. We have Collin, Rochambeaux, and Aberg.

  74. I have a cat named Angus. It’s a nice name.

  75. Sometimes a little nudge from a 3rd party is all it takes

  76. Aidan Eoin for a boy, Mary Clare for a girl

  77. Pretty good nugget from Mothership. EXIT. Business ideas and networking for men who want to leave the algorithm.

  78. BITD it was 50 right layups. 50 left layups. 100 free throws. My dad was a goofy guy. 3 on 3 in the driveway. My dad would smoke kids with his Cousy 💩


  80. I have Bryson too.

  81. Dana enjoys religious podcasts.

  82. I’d give a right arm (not mine) to be able to share these videos. Awesome!!

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