The Turn of a Friendly Meme



  1. Smear The Queer

  2. Ollie, the unrepentant counter surfing blue heeler, managed to eat 4 cracked eggs in the frying pan this morning. He would have had 5 if the Uncle Roger video lasted just a minute longer and I hadn’t heard the slurping noise. Paula was distracted by a bike thing and has been flitting between the garage and the house while watching instructional videos about her problem. She heard something she wanted to try right after she had cracked the eggs and turned the pan off to run out and try it.

  3. “As God is my witness, I thought wieners could fly”.

    There are a lot of good songs on that Alan Parsons Project album. I have all of them on the computer now, but had a couple on vinyl, CD and of course cassette tape.

    And Good Morning!

  4. Good morning. I like Dolly singing ‘Caffeine.’ That’s my new anthem this morning.

  5. I had 16 eggs yesterday. Probably will again today. Trying to get caught up.

  6. Is that all you are eating? I remember seeing eggs-only as a short term keto induction gimmick.

  7. The ‘self defense’ claim gets stronger every day, for every living thing on the face of the earth.

  8. No, I had an orange and some pistachios too.

  9. 2 eggs is breakfast. gets me through til lunch

  10. Wakey wakey

  11. Headlines that should be real:

    “Kiddy Diddlers Rapidly Evacuate Louisiana”

  12. So Pat was asking if I’ve personally noticed any $$ hardship in my friends from the economy. Most of my friends are pretty much insulted from that – but … the restaurant? Prices are up and they’re running as SLIM as they can. Orders run barely enough to get us through a few days. And these are the positions they’ve eliminated on Mondays to cut corners:


    Dishwasher (cut back)


    Bread/prep cook

    To-Go person

    You know who has to do all that stuff now? ME. Right. In addition to my tables, now I get to do all that other stuff for the huge huge sum of $3 an hour.

    You need a refill on your drink? Sorry, I’m in the kitchen making your free bread. How about you stop filling up on it before your meal arrives?

    I was there until 10:15 ON A MONDAY. We close at 9.

  13. Vet bills are way higher lately I’ve noticed. They had to increase labor rates at a lot of them to keep/attract workers.

  14. Leon, I’m beginning to think that Bill Gates is criminally insane. If you have already had breakfast Jay, you are free to talk about your strange dreams.

  15. Jimbo, That headline reminded me of the unofficial interpretation of MARTA (The Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority), moving Africans rapidly through Atlanta. I’m so raciss.

  16. Kiddy Diddlers Rapidly Evacuate Louisiana

    That’s the worst DERP I’ve ever seen, Jimbro. You’re terrible at this.

  17. Diddlers Escape Resected Phalluses

  18. Testicles would have made it a DERT

  19. Yeah. I notice inflation. Pay where I work has been frozen at 2019 levels for…well since then. I didn’t really make enough to live on then. It’s only gotten harder.

    Not going to get into housing prices, my current nemesis. That’s It’s own brand of stupid.

  20. Hey everyone, Claire McCaskill said something true!

  21. 90% of people wouldn’t notice the minor issue here

  22. Clock the Jock

    Jump the Chump

    Beat the Meat

    Floor the Whore

  23. I’ve noticed the price of everything seems to have risen. I’m sure there’s variance in exactly how much in different sectors. My haircut with a tip used to be a $20 event and now it’s $30 with a tip on the low end.

  24. Bidenomics is great y’all, haven’t you heard? I’m retired so I don’t have the wage exposure, but I sure notice when I go to the store or get the monthly bills. My taxes, property and auto insurance prices are up significantly. I’m with Tim, the housing issue is big. Even some of the wealthier couples who bought homes here during the last boom are saying that they bit off more than they can chew. I think they are over building here now, which may ease a little pressure, but not much. I guess we’ll see in a few years.

    Oh, and that looks like more than a minor issue to me.

  25. I’m spending what I used to spend on college tuition on home health care for Dad and groceries for Dad and stepmom. I told stepmom to make a list for me of all the things she needed, and it was over $300. Even with that, their freezer is still half empty.

    DIL is still unemployed after a year. I know she could easily get a $17/hour job, she just doesn’t want grunt work. I keep my mouth shut on the matter.

  26. Kudos to you Roamy for taking care of the folks.

  27. M&Ms used to be 64oz for $9.98. They are now, 62oz for $15.98. 2020 until now. I was still doing sign changes in 2021. It was ridiculous. Bacon and eggs were the two staples that had the most ridiculous increases. Theft went up to very high levels. New manager from Texas can’t believe how much theft we have in NM.

  28. Thanks, Markie. At least they were finally honest with me about their finances. Dad has always been “mind your own business” with his financial situation, and I didn’t know until years later that he and Mom had declared bankruptcy. I’m pretty sure if he still held the checkbook that it would still be MYOB, but it’s stepmom handling it now.

  29. Non-binary music

  30. Housing is broken, the litany:

    1. Interest rates rose after a generation of being stupidly low, so if you owe you don’t sell because you can’t borrow new money as cheaply as you currently have old money borrowed.
    2. Wages are stagnant, so starter homes are still occupied by people who cannot afford to move up.
    3. Starter and small home inventory is actually declining because new ones simply aren’t being built. There’s no margin in it, and developers make better money on trailer parks with permanent lot rents.
    4. NAR just settled a ridiculous lawsuit that has put the role and compensation of a buyer’s agent into complete chaos, in a market where few homes were being bought in the first place, now agents are hesitant to take that role in the transaction.
    5. Sellers are holding onto credit-bubble prices because their own retirement plans cannot afford the needed haircut to actually make the house affordable. Lots of the inventory just sits on the market for months.

    It’s a mess, and nearly all of it is government-caused by way of shitty monetary policy, and the support of that lawsuit on NAR.

  31. I would kill to make $17/hour full time.

    Ran across an old pay stub from a previous job for a place that closed in ’05. I make 7 cents an an hour less than I did then.


    After twenty years, including several years of the most brutal inflation since I was a child.

    I need a new job. Prospects in my area seem to suck for my skillset, sadly.

  32. I like the way this guy talks/writes, and it’s not because he lives just down the road from where I used to live in WV. I don’t subscribe to any substacks, but I’m strongly considering Don Surber.

    Sometimes even baby steps move us in the right direction.

  33. Wendy’s here is advertising a starting wage of $16/hr.

    Only jobs I can find paying less than that are “bud tenders” at the pot farms. $15/hr.

  34. Surber has been good for years, glad his stuff is all in one place now!

  35. If you’re okay with hand tools and don’t mind factory work, there’s a place in Elkhart that cranks out aluminum truck caps that starts at $20/hr, but it’s 6am-430pm M-F with 7.5hrs of OT per week. It must be tough work because they pay $500 bonus if you stay 90 days or refer anyone who does.

  36. heh, one problem I have with Surber’s article:

    The media isn’t the iceberg. It’s the Titanic.

  37. Elkhart, is that the RV capitol of the world?

  38. What in tarnation is a “living room wax melter?”

    Counting my blessings today. Yesterday the well/plumber guys came out around 10am and had the new pressure tank installed and water pressure back in the house by noon. True civilization is being able to flush toilets and run dishwashers.

    Have an ABA continuing legal education zoom class today on estate planning during marriage and during the pendency of divorce. Should be interesting.

  39. Surber’s substack is free, so long as you don’t want to comment.

  40. I mentioned the last housing boom here, which occurred (I think) because of all the folks fleeing NY and NJ to get more affordable housing and a better climate, plus to get away from some of the heavy handed government stuff. They all seem like nice folks and we welcome them with the customary southern hospitality. Most plan to retire here, but are a little too young, or they would take a beating on the sale of their homes up north. Just speculation on my part.

    BTW, Rural may appreciate this. I was dismissed from the last lawsuit filed against me and 5 other individuals, my employer and a bunch of contractors because I was refinancing a mortgage. Of course the lawsuit cast a wide net just to see who had significant insurance coverage. After about a year of discovery, etc. I told the lawyer who was lead counsel representing all of us that my re-fi was stalled because of the lawsuit. Plaintiffs counsel did not object and the judge dismissed all 6 individuals without prejudice. The re-fi saved me in two ways, thanks to lucky timing. Yay!

  41. Elkhart, is that the RV capitol of the world?




    They also have a pretty nice Lowe’s. And Mod Pizza.

    The job in the industry that I interviewed for was over in Middlebury. Middlebury has Amish and RVs and that’s it.

  42. What in tarnation is a “living room wax melter?”

    Incense for yuppies.

  43. Rural, made for melting scented waxes. Wifey prefers the Scentsy brand. The link I copied won’t show correctly.

  44. ‘Without prejudice’ means they could have pulled you back in if they wanted to just by filing a motion to rejoin you. Not being one of the deep pockets has its advantages.

  45. Cripes!

    I just ordered some boat stuff from a place in Oklahoma. The fucking sales tax is 8.25%

    Maybe they don’t have a state income tax.

    If true, I like that idea. Make everybody pay.

  46. What’s your sales tax? IA is at 7, with add ons for cities that want to.

  47. MI is at 6, IN is 5.

    Also, today is the 20th anniversary of Marvin Heemeyer’s Killdozer.

  48. MI also has an income tax and a property tax. If our tourism was better, I’d be fine with ditching the income and raising the sales.

    I’d drive 2000′ to Indiana to not pay it, of course, but I’d support the measure.

  49. And I just read a substack article that says inflation is predicted to rise sharply later this year.

    Reasons being Biden’s China tariffs, sea transport (or lack thereof because of attacks) issues in the Red Sea, US authorizing Ukraine to use their weapons into Russia which leads to the Russian potential to use strategic nukes, German and Belgium energy issues (Nord Stream pipelines, anyone?) closing down manufacturing, and lingering pandemic concerns (being instigated by WHO and their desire to get their treaty accepted).

  50. Saw a meme about Marvin Heemeyer a day or two ago, I’ll have to look it up.

    NC has two tax rates, @% for food and 6.75% for everything else.

  51. If I recall, MI also has a intangible personal property tax where they go after the value of stock portfolios, bank deposits, and the like.

  52. 2 percent for food.

  53. Ain’t no fast food joints paying more than $10/hour hereabouts. I’d try the manufacturing thing if I was younger and not in such asstastic half-crippled shape these days. Not that there’s much available in these parts. Definitely thinking relocation will be my best bet for continued survival.

    Don’t know what it is with Alabama. It’s like they never got over having to actually pay their workers or something.

  54. I ❤ PB&J sammiches.

    That is all.

  55. Oh, and 10% sales tax here in town.


    Fuck this place.

  56. Don’t know what it is with Alabama. It’s like they never got over having to actually pay their workers or something.

    Yeah, the democrats are still mad about that.

  57. Plausible. I would have thought the giant runup in M2 was already priced in by now, plus I saw this here the other days, I think it was Lumps that poated it:

    So M2 has actually contracted somewhat. I’m assuming that’s people liquidating savings to stay afloat, or plowing it into commodities to avoid more inflation, but either way it’s fewer dollars chasing same goods, should mean a brief deflationary period, then a depression.

    I know nothing, it’s all just tasseomancy anymore.

  58. Tim, I can’t promise much but friendship and free eggs if you move to the area, but it’s not nothing.

    Oh, and zucchini. At least this year. I only planted two patches but I’m sure to have more than I want before long.

  59. Sales tax round here is 7%: 6% state and 1% county. You may want to consider relocating to Florida Bro Tim.

  60. I wonder if there are other causes of money-go-poof going on as well, like various investments/enterprises with former crazy large valuations now going for pocket lint and half a donut.

  61. Zucchini futures are dirt cheap now.

  62. I don’t know if M2 counts debts that might be written down, but in principle it shouldn’t be counting investments, only real physical currency and account balances in savings and CDs and the like.

  63. Honestly, that little bit of me that wants to pack everything in a moving truck and start driving in a random direction has been hitting big time. I no longer have much support structure here, no live family in state, few of my old circle of friends left. The new church and its community is a plus, though, which is the first major growth in my real-world social circles in a long time.

  64. Yeah, whiny mode again, sorry about that.

    Is it better if I complain about WP’s trashtastic comment box? Because Yea Verily, It Doth Suck Upon The Big One.

  65. Reasons being Biden’s China tariffs

    I was assured that tariffs were racist, and not good for us. No way King Brandon would be party to such a scandal.

  66. Heh, Gates vs. Garland is like McCormick vs Fauci

  67. i’d love free eggs. I had a way, but then it fell through.

    *sad trombone

  68. “Joe Biden announced in May that Washington would enact punitive tariffs of $18 billion on Chinese goods, including electric vehicles, battery parts, and solar cells.

    In April, Biden also threatened to triple a 7.5% tariff rate on China steel and raise the aluminum tariffs to 25%.

    Exporters from China are front-loading shipments for the holiday season due to worries about US tariff increases, as well as because of the prolonged “Red Sea disruptions.”

    These exporters are said to be in a near panic over the proposed tariffs as well as the increased shipping rates, according to the SCMP news.”

    “US economist Stephen Roach (the former chair of Morgan Stanley Asia) stated this week while in Bejing that the US’ recent tariff hikes on Chinese goods were a “blunder” and the result of election-year politics might drag the United States and China into a “new forever war” on trade.”

  69. Is a fractured supply chain from tariffs or weather that results in higher prices on some goods “inflation”? That seems wrong somehow. It’s not monetary, it’s supply distortion/destruction.

  70. So, is Pride Month like Christmas for gays? I mean, the excitement that surrounds it is … weird.

    But, FEAR NOT friends. My vet sent me an email this morning that said that June was Pet Appreciation Month. So instead of going to fetish pride marches, you can just walk your dog, or pet your cat.

  71. I mean, I can see where a foundational commodity like oil going up in price would have 2nd and 3rd order effects on prices for things moved with or made from oil (aka everything), but it seems like that should have a description other than inflation, since the actual product for sale is short at hand, rather than there being too much currency chasing a static supply.

  72. Don we now our gay apparel.

  73. So far, the best thing about Pride month is a new generation learning why Grandma had a painting of this framed in her house.

  74. I recently got a Sacred Heart of Jesus t-shirt and need to wear it often in June. Just the heart, not the whole Jesus.

    Never go full Jesus?

  75. The Agony in the Garden. I’ve seen that as part of a set.

  76. I watched American Fiction last night. It was a fantastic movie, I’m shocked it got made, and I’m not the least bit shocked that liberals in the audiences reportedly looked really uncomfortable.

  77. Just the heart is a popular image too, but it’s an IYKYK thing.

  78. I updated my poat to the actual image. It was sort of a b&w sepia tone. It hung on the wall over the TV.

    My mom also had a magnetic plastic Jesus on the dashboard. In those days dashboards were stamped sheet metal.

  79. I still have the crucifix that I was given as a Confirmation gift that hung on the wall in my bedroom with a frond from Palm Sunday.

    When we got the new frond each year, that one would replace the old one, and since the fronds were blessed we had to burn them in the fireplace instead of throwing them away.

  80. Yeah, my shirt is a IYKYK version. Same with my Nazarene shirt. Saint Michael slaying the dragon might be too.

  81. I’m only about 15 min into this so far, but it’s been pretty good.

  82. I watched Godzilla Minus 1 the other night and it was fantastic.

  83. I think of inflation as anything that reduces the buying power of a currency and thus impacts prices. If it reduces the value of your savings, it is inflation.

    That can be monetary supply, resource scarcity, supply chain problems, … you name it. It can be too much new currency chasing the same amount of goods, or it can be the same amount of currency chasing fewer goods, or any variation thereof.

  84. Or it could be the variation that the government gave billions of dollars to everyone to sit home due to a “pandemic” so they could throw an election.

    It could be something like that.

  85. Looks great Sobek!

  86. LOL – Hidden ball trick.

    Always amazing to watch someone pull it off.

  87. BroTim, IT job at Maxwell AFB $18.45/hour. Given your experience, I would expect higher than that.

    Plenty more for the same or higher if you can do contract shit.

  88. The Critical Drinker review of Godzilla Minus 1 was very positive, and I don’t think he’s know for his positivity. How did you watch it? Netflix?

    The killdozer video is on my todo list now.

    The hidden ball trick is better than the banana in the tailpipe trick.

  89. Comment by Hotspur on June 4, 2024 1:00 pm

    Or it could be the variation that the government gave billions of dollars to everyone to sit home due to a “pandemic” so they could throw an election.

    It could be something like that.

    . . . . . . .

    Yep. That’s one version of more currency (additional unearned Covid money) chasing fewer goods (supply chain shortage caused by pandemic).

  90. The Killdozer video is really good. Didn’t kill anyone at all, despite the name. Would have been hard since he was only going 3mph.

    Ultimately stopped by falling partially into a basement.

  91. primary today in IA. Will be disappointed when my new favorite loses to the new RINO incumbent

  92. The Drinker is honest, and I can respect that.

  93. Best Tom Petty Song, VOTE NAO!

  94. Spot of tea, sir?

  95. I recently listened to Tom Petty’s album The Last DJ, having never heard of it before. I was really impressed with the production quality. It all sounded fantastic, just leaps and bounds above the sound quality on Full Moon Fever or any Heartbreakers album I’ve ever heard.

  96. above full moon fever? no way

  97. Bookmarked, Roamy. I do need to look more at the requirements though, my actual IT skills are crazy rusty.

    Really wishing my laptop hadn’t gone bits-up. It’s a decade old anyway, but still.

  98. ”American Girl” takes me right back to HS and college driving around in my buddy TJ’s Caprice on our adventures around town. 90% of them led to drinking beers around a fire behind the cemetery.

  99. I just finished Daniel Defoe’s sequel to Robinson Crusoe.

    Did you know there was a sequel? Neither did I.

    It’s a good read. It’s not as good as RC, but it tells a very interesting tale that spans India, the South Pacific, Asia, and Eastern Europe. It is amazingly accurate as to geopolitics of the day, so it shows that Defoe really had his shit together.

  100. I think I have to harvest the free birds today or wait another week. Good weather today, so it’s probably gotta happen now before they start thinking about laying eggs.

  101. Thanks Leon, that was one of the most entertaining videos I have watched in a while. Why am I shocked that there was a government corruption angle to the whole thing. I just wish he could have bought a 375 model rather than a 355.

  102. I don’t think any other model would have worked. The 355 was a near-exact fit to the garage door where he did the work. Unless the 375 was the exact same width or narrower, there’s nowhere to do the up-armoring.

  103. It was twenty years ago today
    The Killdozer rolled outside to play
    They’ve been demonizing it so long
    But you ask me, he did nothing wrong
    So I introduce to you
    Rollin’ after all these years
    Mr. Marvin’s Ko-o-matsu Tank, yeah!

  104. You are correct Leon, the 375 would not have fit through the shop door, I was just thinking of more damage in a smaller amount of time, that’s how I roll.

    One thing I thought was interesting was a photo of the 3 Thompson brothers (I have nothing against Thompsons, honest). They look like 3 of the most inbred fuckers I have ever seen.

  105. I remember when I first saw a trailer for American Fiction. My jaw about hit the floor wondering how that made it past the gatekeepers…

  106. LOL

  107. The Komatsu 375 is the closest thing to a Caterpillar D11. I just looked and you can download both the Komatsu and Caterpillar Performance Handbooks in pdf form. I have hard copies from several years ago and I don’t need either. They are quite detailed and cover pretty much everything they make.

  108. Did brandon say this out loud?

    we must secure the border NOW, “The simple truth is there is a worldwide migrant crisis and if the United States doesn’t secure our border there’s no limit to the people who might try to come here.”

    He did!

    And lightning did NOT strike that lying SOB down

  109. Darn you Mitchell, I have an earworm now.

  110. God doesn’t do that anymore, Jay. He gives the wicked ample time on earth to find some way to repent, then lets them die peacefully either way, as a grand show of mercy.

    Or something. It’s the only explanation I’ve thought of for why we never, ever see justice in this world.

  111. I feel singled out

  112. Jesus Christ Jay, I’m flabbergasted. He’s saying “Listen to what I’m saying now, not what I’ve been doing for the last 3 years”.

  113. It’s merely to give him a talking point to answer the invasion critics, of which there are many. All the koolaid kids and deranged libs will believe he’s sincere about the problem and let you know it.

  114. I feel singled out

    I’m still alive too.

  115. it limits asylum after 2500 PER DAY has been reached. Only 921k people get in, plus whoever doesn’t get caught. But the leftist window lickers will gloss over that.

  116. heh, I was referring to mitchell’s song, but yours applies too

  117. So, I’m entering day 2 of dog sitting for a Maltese (about 12 pounds) for my dear 90 year old friend. My dog doesn’t give a shit about the little bitch, but she has my cats buffaloed. One has been outside and the other has been hiding in one of the bedrooms since last night. I’m wondering when hunger will take over. The dog sit is over tomorrow afternoon.

  118. Tonight’s “Food, it’s what’s for dinner!” is beans and cornbread. I boiled up the ham shank yesterday and got the ham and broth from it for today’s meal. Normally I go with pinto beans but I occasionally switch it up with black beans which is what I went with today. They’re no Beefy Resilient Grex I’m sure but I have to go with what’s available.

  119. mmmm bean soup with ham stock. Black beans is a good call.

    Jalapenos in the cornbread? I’d go with habaneros, myself.

  120. Glad y’all are liking that song! Crazy how time flies. I read somewhere the other day that Viggo Mortenson is the same age now as Ian McKellen was when they started filming LoTR.

  121. Ah, no peppers of any kind in the cornbread. Dad cannot handle any level of spiciness above a dash or two of black pepper. I must try it sometime though and just make two pans. My brother and I will eat the one and leave the plain one for him and my sister, who also can’t handle spice.

  122. Dad cannot handle any level of spiciness above a dash or two of black pepper.

    I have a brother?

    Seriously though, it’s shocking to me what the rest of my family thinks is “spicy”. They aren’t out there buying extra mild salsa or anything, but it’s close. I deliberately set out to develop a taste for/tolerance of spicy foods back when I was lifting heavy. Eating spicy foods correlates to high T levels. Causative? No idea, but it seemed to help and it’s cheaper than TRT.

  123. I always use two pieces of cast iron when making cornbread. I put the needed shortening in each of the places for corn sticks or muffins, and add a generous amount to a small skillet for use in the cornbread recipe. I put them in the oven and pre-heat both. I dump the hot shortening from the skillet into the cornbread mix and it’s ready, along with both pans. I don’t see any problem with dividing the mix at that point and adding peppers to half, then placing each in a pan to bake. You are probably way ahead of me on this, but I just like thinking about fud.

  124. Cornbread isn’t really part of my culinary tradition. Banana and zucchini bread were a lot more common at gatherings.

  125. Y’ain’t from around here, are ya?

  126. I like the bread too, but I’m not buying zucchini futures. The main focus for me is to eat what you like.

  127. SW MI. Our cuisine is basically German food heavily influenced by English and French.

    The desserts are world class but they think Taco Bell is spicy.

  128. I use great northern beans for my bean and ham dinners. Not a fan of black beans. I love cornbread but I’m trying to limit the carbs.

  129. Speaking of odd food habits, my maternal grandmother always salted her watermelon at the various family picnics as I was growing up. Is that normal?

    I’ve tried it, and it isn’t bad. Though I usually do without the salt. That side of the family is responsible for my love of all sorts of pickles and saurkraut-type foods.

    Her background was the 13th of 13 kids on a West Virginia farm. Her parents were German (Pennsylvania Dutch) whose families migrated down out of the Buffalo NY area during the War of 1812 after getting burned out.

  130. Salt on watermelon is the norm for me. I put salt on my grits too. My wife uses sugar.

  131. I think we all put butter on grits here, but I just told my neighbor about this conversation. He puts pepper on his grits.

  132. My family didn’t eat grits. They did cornmeal mush or scrapple. With lots of maple syrup.

  133. Butter on grits, salt on watermelon, salt and pepper on tomatoes.

    My grandpa used to eat slices of tomato from his garden on a saucer with a knife and fork, after lots of salt and pepper. He’d cut it into triangles like pizza.

    My wife butters her pop tarts, she learned it from her southern grandma.

  134. FYI all you H2 admins, I gave RC the keys.

    Have you poked around behind the scenes here yet RC? If you want to make a post and need help let me know. Try not to delete anything.

  135. Salt on tomatoes was something I learned from a Haymarket tomato vendor in Boston around 1980. It was eyeopening! And he made his sale. I’m surprised I hadn’t learned it earlier in life, since my Dad grew lots of tomatoes in his garden.

  136. I’ve not poked around behind the curtain to see the Wizard. If so inclined, I’ll ask for advice first.

  137. Or get me a cheat sheet.

  138. Tabasco hot sauce on raw tomatoes is good too.

  139. Leon, after hanging out here for roughly 20 years I’ve come to the conclusion that you’re very learned in a wide variety of topics. That being said, a question has occurred to me over the last couple of years and I don’t know anybody who knows. You’re my best shot. Any of the rest of you lot feel free to throw in what you know or what you think.

    Topic: Immigration Patterns in the 19th century.

    it seems to me that most of the Irish and Italians must’ve stayed in the coastal cities as there are exceptionally few of their progeny in flyover. But the Germans, Scandis, Czechs, Poles, and Scotch filled up the farms in the empty middle of America. What was it about the Mics and Wops that caused them to stay put where they landed?

  140. The Scot-Irish infiltrated the Appalachians from Georgia up to Pennsylvania. But that was at least a century before we became the United States.

  141. Housing is 400-1000 dollars per sf in my zip code.

    I’m sure it’s fine.

  142. Irish moved inland a lot, mostly as farm labor, that’s why a university founded by French nuns (Notre Dame) has a leprechaun as a mascot. I don’t know this exactly, but my guess is that the reasons behind the immigration in each case mattered. Irish immigration was driven by famine, so we got a lot of farmers along with the urban types. Being Catholic, they stayed near the few heavily Catholic areas as they spread out, with the city dwellers staying mostly to their new cities like Boston and Baltimore.

    Italians came a bit later, well into the industrial revolution, so the cities had work for them, and the farms had tractors by then anyhow. At the time, American cities were much more attractive places to live than the country, so why leave?

    I do know that between the two groups, the rise of Catholic schools was so widespread that a sort of ‘protestant panic’ erupted, and you started to see a massive increase in support for public schools and even membership in groups like the Freemasons and the Klan. I’m not throwing out conspiracy theory here on the masons, they were vocally anticatholic at the time, and the Klan hated them because most were immigrants.

  143. Chipotle Tabasco is great.

    Pendejo, there was a contingent of Irish that settled in rural southwest WV. I only ran across this link as part of deed research in Mingo County. Some of the deeds are written in the manner in which they spoke. I’m sure the deeds are still in the courthouse and the company files, but I don’t have access to them now. Some of those deeds go back to the early 1800’s.

  144. second on chipotle Tabasco

    salt is delicious on watermelon

  145. Appalachia got a lot of the early Irish immigrants, definitely. Came up as a plot point in John Jakes civil war series North and South.

  146. A thousand bucks a square foot!? That’s insane.

  147. I have no idea what’s going on here but housing has increased 35% per year for the past two years.

    I just got back from Florida. A grouper sandwich is $25-30 with fries. And not fancy ones. These are sysco all the way.

  148. My FIL told me high prices were due to corporate greed. I quickly agreed and mentioned that it absolutely wasn’t because the money supply is high, chasing fewer goods.

  149. What was it about the Mics and Wops that caused them to stay put where they landed?

    …And Portuguese, you could well add, who also stick by the coasts.

    You answered your own question in the previous text. Overwhelming presence of icebacks in the middle of the country. Repellent to all others.

    No. Seriously though, don’t complain, just enjoy the quiet.

  150. One of Mr. RFH’s German ancestors grew up in NYC, moved out West to be a cowboy for some years, then moved back east to NJ. I would love to know the rest of the story.

  151. So, West Virginians, where would you say is the best place to live? As a former Buckeye I lean to the west side of the state, but I am open to any location. Where are the highest mountains? Where is the most coal or gas? Where is the most arable?

  152. Thanks guys. Leon I didn’t really know when the Italians started moving here as there are virtually none in Texas or. Oklahoma that I know of. If they didn’t start arriving until the 20th century then all the land was bought up and there’s little opportunity outside the industrial centers. I figured the Scotch and Scotch-Irish clung to the Appalations because they were highland people where they came from.

  153. I had never had a Kolache until I moved to Texas, and OMG where have these been all my life!!! Also I was rather disappointed in the Whataburger cult, they are meh. The first one in my county is opening soon in Florida. I must say that when I tasted Whataburger Spicy Catsup, I was again, Where has this been all my life!

    I also miss Shiply’s doughnuts (mostly because of their Kolaches)

  154. Vmax, my sister-in-law and family lived in the Martinsburg area. It was affordable, not too far from the rest of the family, less than 2 hours to three different airports for reasonable travel accommodations, and some pretty views.

  155. Dirk’s evidence remains plausible.

  156. I grew up outside of Parkersburg, if I was going back I’d settle down in Ravenswood or Ripley. Morgantown has WVU if you want to party, Cheat Lake is nearby and really pretty. If I was looking to hole up for the apocky clips I’d look at Beckley area, lots of hills and hollars.

  157. W.Va. is on my list of states I’d consider settling in. The list isn’t formal by any means, it’s more of a visceral reaction to the thought of moving there some day, along the lines of a Yea or Nay Classification.

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