Take Meme Down











































  1. Pups gets us.

  2. Flerp

  3. gamemnuh

  4. We’re going to the diner for breakfast this morning. Going to meet up with a cute couple there. Life is grand. Crap, I’m old.

  5. Seriously though, diner breffish is funzies.

  6. Totally get that lauraw. 10 years in Worcester, MA and a diner breakfast happened at least a couple of times a month, often times more.

  7. The Seinfeld thing is pretty funny. Poor girl.

  8. Poor girl = step daughter of Kamala Harris.

    The world famous super model.

    Everything is fake.

  9. Eggs and bacon for breakfast, the whole house smells pretty good. I was thinking about an egg bake, and I remembered Lumpy and Scott had a different name for a baked breakfast casserole with layers of eggs, ham and cheese. What was that again?

  10. it’s good to see that Paul is not taking your mom’s shit anymore

  11. Init funny how the fashion world’s idea of a supermodel is someone nobody would like to fuck?

  12. https://is.gd/_Now_they_are_MY_Puppies

  13. Re that fashion model gig:
    Abnormal ppl are trying to drive the bus. Unfortunate really – but nature has a way of correcting things.

  14. Frittata?

  15. I don’t know, HS, back in the day there was this lass from Down Under by the name of Elle McPherson that captured my fancy.

  16. If you think of models as mobile mannequins it actually makes sense. They’re supposed to make whatever it is they model look good. Being too hot on their own is a distraction in many cases.

  17. Yes! Frittata. Thanks Tom.

  18. I’ve been pondering the civilization timeline that Leon (I think) posted vis-a-vis rise and fall based on global temps. We’ve really squandered an amazing opportunity to bootstrap the world up to a peaceful ish thriving sociosphere.
    Instead we have the same old oligarchic nightmare brewing.
    The commies/kakistocracy class are going to lead us right back to a dark age.
    They did an amazing job of commandeering education.
    What a fucking shame.

  19. I’m 90% in the let it burn camp.

  20. https://is.gd/_IMgur_VIDeo for Leon.

  21. From an NPR newsletter:

    “Three novels and two story collections — selected from a longlist of 15 — are currently in contention for the 2021 Aspen Words Literary Prize. The work of this year’s finalists covers everything from Native American land ownership questions to the intersections of Blackness and queerness to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”
    So, no zombies?

  22. In good news tho – the girls are taking me out to breffis at a pretty decent diner.

  23. Then it’s back to triaging for the great exodus of aught ‘21.

  24. models as mobile mannequins
    Yeah, I remember hearing that line of thinking. Not sure how Kate Upton figures into that equation

  25. Other good news (and dad bragging); little jamette had a 24 point 14 rebound game yesterday. Also had a few stops and picks.

  26. I get the mannequin thing however what artist wants to showcase their best on an ambulatory trash pile?

  27. No offense.

  28. “Covid-19” might be fake, too.

    I’m a Clinical Lab Scientist, COVID-19 Is Fake, Wake Up America! – Global Research

    So what’s in the “vaccine”?

  29. The work of this year’s finalists covers everything from Native American land ownership questions to the intersections of Blackness and queerness to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”

    Wow. Such diversity

  30. No offense intended Leon, but a site with a “911 Truth Now” picture in the header might be just slightly not credible.

  31. I believe in fake pandemic.

  32. The virus is real enough. The plague is actually political.

  33. And the vaccine is readily available.

  34. Vaccine for the political plague. To clarify.

  35. $300 property tax + $30 inspection + $3 online renewal fee for a sticker on Mrs. Pupster’s license plate. $333 is the number of the bureaucratic beast.

  36. How come we didn’t hear about this “mass” shooting? 6 people killed. I’m pretty sure it’s more than 5 …


  37. I was wrong. It’s more than 4 . Mass shooter. He fits the definition. Let the hand-wringing begin.

  38. “911 Truth Now”

    Believing one false thing doesn’t mean everything one believes is false.

  39. I heard about it Carin. It was in the news for a day or two but considering all the white supremacy and armed militia news it was hardly registered more than a blip

  40. What I found ‘interesting’, is that the revised WHO guidance on the PCR test(Drop the replication ‘Ct’ from 40-45 to 35 cycles, or less) happened on 20 Jan 2021. What else happened on that day? Inauguration…
    Suddenly, the number of ‘cases’ plummets by 70%+.

    It doesn’t matter, as the economic damage is done. They accomplished what they wanted to do, including get rid of Trump.

    All the talk of “Asymptomatic Cases” was bullshit. They were false positives.

  41. I just expanded our fridge hole.

    Fridge Hole Solutions LLC.

  42. Mom didn’t really need to gain any more weight.

  43. yup chrisp always has been.

  44. did expanding the fridge hole involve an axe?

  45. jimbros tiktoc is a hoot

  46. Watching Food Network. I want Detroit Pizza, now.

  47. The comments on that TikTok are a hoot. Guy who did it is a Trump supporting white supremacist attacking JoJo Grabbit.

  48. Fridge hole.

  49. I’ll take disinterested Eskimos for 1000 Alex.

  50. Detroit pizza is really good.

  51. Comment by ChrisP on February 21, 2021 1:12 pm
    What I found ‘interesting’, is that the revised WHO guidance on the PCR test(Drop the replication ‘Ct’ from 40-45 to 35 cycles, or less) happened on 20 Jan 2021. What else happened on that day? Inauguration…
    Suddenly, the number of ‘cases’ plummets by 70%+.

    It doesn’t matter, as the economic damage is done. They accomplished what they wanted to do, including get rid of Trump.

    All the talk of “Asymptomatic Cases” was bullshit. They were false positives.


    This, as well as Leon’s linked article, supports what we’ve all known from the start- it’s all political bullshit. The media’s job was to scare that shit out of the weak-minded. It worked.

  52. Dan is gathering ingredients for Detroit Pizza. I used to think pizza was just pizza. Always thought Mystic Pizza was just a movie. Still prefer Philly pizza. New York is ok. Chicago style is too much.

  53. Can someone smart read and interpret this for me: https://www.energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2021/02/f82/DOE%20202%28c%29%20Emergency%20Order%20-%20ERCOT%2002.14.2021.pdf?fbclid=IwAR1oXlmeXxGg9M9DiWQ7cuyxnkXX4kN8GnFz5aoCxCgYLzsMv6YwjEi3lSI

    The accusation is that that ERCOT asked the government if they could ramp up power temporarily (exceeding greenhouse bs things) to hand the growing crises, and Biden said no.

  54. I work with people that have had the Rona and the vaccine, still wearing their masks. I’m an ass to people, because I know that masks are BS. I love fuckng with them.

  55. Can someone smart read and interpret this for me:

    How does one read smart?

  56. https://www.history.com/shows/assembly-required

    New show, with Tim Allen and Richard Karn. April Wilkerson has a youtube channel with a lot of woodworking and workshop content. She’s perfect.

  57. must be a good podcast

  58. The accusation is that that ERCOT asked the government if they could ramp up power temporarily

    Since when is the fed in charge of the electric grid? I saw an article where nothing was reinforced, fixed, winterized from the last outage 10 years ago and that at least 5 board members don’t even live in TX…one residing in Canada.

  59. And if that is true that Joebama said ‘no’, why aren’t TX officials having a bitch fit on every camera they can find?

  60. because the ERCOT officials are true believers, and this was the plan?

  61. The fed gave China access to the grid. JoJo Grabbit.

  62. to be fair, china just has to right to buy parts of the grid, right? not direct controlling interest at this time.

  63. watching Carol Swain on Candace Owens, and there was a language warning for the video, and “views expressed might not be the views of Prager U”.

    Hmmm, wonder what will pop up in this one.

  64. Letterkenny To be fair🎶

  65. interesting point: Swain had the black students telling her what professors were racist (in the 80’s). She wound up taking those professors. When she took the classes, these were the professors that expected more of their students, and conservative.

    So, what points of conservatives are the ones that set us apart as racist? Cuz I know that we aren’t racists.

  66. I heard no reason for a language warning, and no reason for the content warning.

    Carol Swain is great, and has a great story.

  67. If I read the ercot thing correctly the feds gave limited permission to increase power output at the discretion of ercot for a short window of time.
    The rationale for fed involvement of course is enviro regulations.
    Ercot will be on the hook for any overage that is deemed excessive at some later date.
    They also have a payment window – maxima and minima which doesn’t make sense to me , but that is due to my ignorance on the current rate structure.
    I’m sure it does not favor the company.

    Anyway , my read is they were given rope with which to hang themselves. It was probably a fools mission.

  68. Real short version:
    Texas allowed it to happen.
    The feds don’t give a shit about dead Texans.
    Let it burn.

  69. Rabbit hole item of that little internet search is that bidens cabinet secretary appointments is being slow rolled thru the senate.
    The interim picks have been conducted in secret And that is first.
    The rationale that’s being proffered is that they don’t want the government agencies and most critically the Interim Secretaries to be publicly scrutinized or derailed “by Trump’s operatives within the government. “

  70. L-raw is right – this was absolutely stolen.
    They are quietly solidifying power so that a counter insurgency can’t be mounted.

  71. DC is an abandoned mess.
    NYC is in shambles and none of it is being broadcast to the public in any meaningful way.

  72. This is the kind of thing that will end in trenches and mass killing by govt tyrants.
    Timeframe yet to be determined. But zeke Emmanuel and other scum of that ilk laid out the war plan under the JEF

  73. I need to take a happy pill and start drinking

  74. Pup sorry to shit on your poat.
    Feel free to delete this diatribe.

  75. No, no it’s fine. I want everyone to comment freely at all times. I’d like to interject a bright beam of optimism but I’m fresh out.

  76. So the whole fashion model thing is pretty interesting. Apparently a runway model is someone who is near 6 feet and a size 0 or 2.

    A supermodel is the above but good looking.

  77. Zeke Emmanuel won’t survive the Burning Times any better than a French Noble fared in the Napoleonic Wars.

  78. ray of sunshine: red beans and rice tastes really good, with steamed rice.

  79. Leon, I bought beef kidneys, figured you had made something with offal that wasn’t awful, what should I do with them?

  80. return them to the store and get liver

  81. NEIN to either!

  82. I’ve never cooked kidney, but you want to look for a “kidney pie” type recipe, and you may want to start marinading them in milk or red wine if you want to cook them soon.

  83. Kidneys taste like pee pee.

    Bury them, Romacita. Honest mistake. Wrong organs for experimenting with straight out of the gate. Liver, heart. Best bets.

  84. You purchased catfish bait.

  85. I made rumaki (sp?) with chicken livers. First time I’d seen kidneys at the grocery store, and they were 99 cents/lb. Figured for $1.53, what the hell.

    They also had chicken gizzards, but my ex-sister-in-law wouldn’t share her recipe for how she fries them, and the one time I tried, they were meh.

  86. Texas should have just brought the idle coal and Nat-Gas plants online and told the EPA; “BOFA DEEZE!”
    ERCOT is a fucking joke. The top guy lives in MI, the number two lives in Germany. The top guy makes as much as Fauci, $485,000.

    The largest energy producer state in the USA gets 28% of their electricity from solar and bird-blenders. How stupid is that?

    At the peak of the freeze out, it was 2%. How’s that workin’ out?

    When ERCOT woke up and noticed the sudden voltage drop, they cut power to sub-stations in the Permian Basin. The sub-stations that powered the pumps of the Nat-Gas pipelines that fed the power plants. These people are morons…

  87. Oh, and who has purchased 10s of thousands of acres of Texas and built Solar and Bird Blender farms?
    But, that’s okay. They get billions of dollars in subsidies for “renewable” energy construction…

  88. Did Europe reject Presbyterianism?

  89. CHYna was making deals and building solar farms in Nevada with the promotion and blessing of Reid and his sons. Lots of palm greasing going on.
    How is selling our land and allowing the Chinese to slowly build/take over as en we go providers, allowed?

  90. Fedzilla/Reid/CHYna vs. citizen ranchers.

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