Weekend Memes


























  1. Funtown is on fire.

  2. We have 2″ of snow. I had to put down another opossum the hard way last night.

  3. Comment by lauraw on November 10, 2018 12:48 am

    Don’t eliminate renal plenitude
    I, for one, appreciate your comic genius.

  4. Hope Jay reads this…and soon.

  5. The marriage meme is true in our house. Sometimes it’s not from lack of hearing but more from lack of believing.

  6. Oh, and builds Pups and extension on his home with an outdoor kitchen and a fireplace and seating area for his excellent work here.


  7. What really happened

  8. Marriage meme true here, too.

  9. We were supposed to go to Nashville this weekend to meet FDIL’s family. FDIL’s mom is not feeling well, plus the weather stinks, so we cancelled. It’s weird basically having a free weekend and a 3-day one at that. No pumpkin chunkin. No Science Olympiad. Nowhere I have to be. I should go do something productive but haven’t found my motivation yet.

  10. TIL that Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t celebrate Thanksgiving. I knew they didn’t celebrate birthdays or Christmas, but that was a new one.

  11. That outdoor kitchen reminds me of Michael.

  12. Made some bacon and keto bread, bacon sandwiches! Just let the wonderdog out for the 4th time this morning, the new deck is a bit slippy.


  13. Do people still cook Rock Cornish game hens? We were talking about different size turkeys for Thanksgiving, and I realized that I hadn’t seen game hens in the grocery store in ages.

  14. I only ever saw them in the freezer section. They might be “trendy” these days and getting bought out by the restaurants and such. Rock Cornish are still one of the most popular meat breeds, pretty much every YouTube homesteader or small farmer raises those and/or red rangers.

  15. Farmer’s Almanac says “warm wet winter” for this year, but that’s relative I guess. If it’s snowy and vacilates between 20 and 40F, that will simultaneously be true and miserable.

  16. For Oso:


  17. I think we have had the wettest fall in a long time.
    The rivers are at flood stage.

    Hoping that brings us a dry winter.

  18. FYI for all you admins…Wordpress is pushing a new editing program which is terrible, just like their last new editing program. If you want to edit in the old program, choose “classic editor” from the all posts tab.

    I don’t know how long it will be there but if they kill that program I’m out. I’m not sure what they are trying to do or who their customer is that wants a new editor, but it is impossible to create a post in a timely manner and I refuse to use it.

  19. I found Cornish game hens in the frozen food section of my local supermarket which really isn’t all that super. They’ve been in my freezer for about a month. I really ought to cook them soon. Not tomorrow though, my project for Sunday is a PBC turkey. I got the turkey hanger thing and want to give it a go.

  20. We used to have Cornish hens when I was a kid way too often. I despised them. I think only because they were cooked with a ton of canned mushrooms on & in them (remember B&B mushrooms?).
    Ive never had one cooked normally. Is it basically just a small chicken?

  21. That’s my take on them. Never had them with mushrooms. I like canned mushrooms on my steak but it’s been years since I’ve had that combo.

  22. Ugh.
    I think those canned mushrooms are why I cant stand mushrooms to this day. I have slowly been training myself to eat them lately – usually raw. I never got the appeal of those slimy suckers.

  23. I’m a big mushroom fan. Probably not as big of a fan as Leon but I’m a contender. Prefer mine cooked though. I went to high school with a girl who’s family had a mushroom farm. She was one of the smartest kids in our school.

    Looks like her brothers are still in the biz but in a different location


  24. I have packed all the things!

  25. I’m actually with you, Chi. I’m a complete snob about the mushrooms I’ll eat. Never from a can or in soup. Blech. Put those things on a pizza and it’s ruined.

    That said, apparently pretty much all edible mushrooms are natural aromatase inhibitors, so I need to figure on a way to get some of the ones I can buy at the store into my diet on a more regular basis.

  26. Cornish Rocks are a small breed of chicken that reach market weight in about 10 weeks. They were bred to gain weight fast, so if they live much past that they start to get health problems related to the almost-certain obesity. The cockerels cant breed naturally after a certain point at all, and both sexes start to get broken legs on the regular as they get heavier.

  27. Huh, put too much sriracha on my keto crack slaw. Delicious but burning mouth.

  28. Also, COCK!!!

  29. I’m glad I come from sturdy peasant stock. I eat everything. Very little I don’t like, live a long time, have strong bones and a strong heart. Weakness? Arthritis (I’m sure from eating everything. With all that work in the fields you’d think we’d be adapted…maybe a combination of the climates in our genes). I don’t have it but It’s in my family.

    ^^^^^best comment ever!^^^

  30. Dried powdered mushroom is supposed to be an amazing seasoning/ ingredient. I have never tried it. One of these days.

    I did once make a great big batch of duxelles paste, and froze it in little portions. That stuff was great added to just about anything. Soup base, smeared on steak, in sauteed chicken & veg dishes, etc.

    I should do that again soon. I could sub my garden leeks for the shallots and just buy a crate of shrooms at the cheap restaurant food place.

    Yeah, this is a thing. Thanks for the reminder.

  31. I watched a YouBoob video a little bit back that made me think of you, Leon. A homesteader/farmer that i follow.
    He had put mushroom spores in some old logs out in the woods on the back forty. After a year of nothing, I think he gave up on them. Then one day he noticed that they were growing like, well, like fungi.
    Let me see if I can find that vid…

  32. Shitakes:

  33. Yeah, this is a thing. Thanks for the reminder.

    No. Enough.

    I think it is time we had a conversation about Thing Inequity. We all have things, some of us want more things. Yet there are people who always develop Things on top of Things on top of more Things, with little thought about their impact on the Thing supply, and the consequences of taking on more Things while other more deserving people are denied Things on a regular basis.

    Check your Thing Privilege.

  34. Yeah, it can take years. The buyers of my last house will probably get my chicken of the woods finally fruiting out in 2019 and not even know what it is.

  35. I tend to put mushrooms into soups and stews. The plan tomorrow is to cook chicken thighs in the crockpot with mushrooms, and I might do the same for some meatballs as well.

  36. I had birch trees at the old place that I was hoping to give a bad case of chaga. It would take years to do that here, no birch trees at all.

  37. If they’re like me, they’ll be too paranoid to touch them. I grew up with the “knowledge” that you NEVER eat a mushroom you found growing outside – no exceptions.
    “Those things are poison!! They’ll kill you!”

  38. In all likelihood. The only exception to that is morels. Lots of otherwise mycophobes here will hunt those in season. He’ll be disappointed if so. I found all of 3 on that land in 3 years of looking, and this was with grassy fields, old growth forest and young forest, compost piles, rotting wood and leaves, anywhere a shroom might like, I had some of it.

    3 morels in 3 years.

  39. Is Mare hollering for cock again?

  40. Spicy cock that burns her mouth, near as I can tell.

  41. Ohio State is cheating.

  42. She must be bored.

  43. Ohio State is cheating.

    Sparty is giving it away.

  44. Edmund Fitzgerald foundered 43 years ago today.

  45. I’m not talking about this game but Ohio State loves to shoot itself in the foot.

    The way Alabama manhandled LSU, I’m not sure anyone can touch them. Clemson? Haven’t watched them all year.

    I like Alabama’s quarterback.

  46. Holy crap, fumble?

  47. Hope this isn’t the start of a foot shot.

  48. LOL

  49. Nice try Alex.


  50. https://is.gd/zcfoTH

  51. My dogs are staring at me after playing the banana bird gif

    As in “WTF Jim?”

  52. I picked up my toys in the yard and covered the still-happy mustard greens and parsley with fallen leaves, a sheet, old pots etc. Packed fallen leaves around the leeks though they really don’t need any protection from frost or snow.

    We’ve had a couple 28-degree nights so far but the ground was warmer then. More likely to be a killing frost tonight. If the wind dies down and it becomes cold and still. We shall see.

  53. 19 degrees here yesterday, 31 today.

  54. Moody daughter is still moody

  55. Leave her in Florida.

  56. Yeah, abandonment will stabilize her mood.

  57. It’s time for matching mother-daughter dolphin tattoos!

  58. Jimbro is an idea man.

  59. It’s almost time to harvest horseradish.

  60. Everyone gets dolphins.

    Baby monkey riding a blobfish.

  61. Told Rocketboy about Jane Fonda and her abhorrent behavior during the Vietnam War. He suggested we name a sidewalk in San Francisco after her.

  62. That is good.

    Shitty Walk of Fame.

  63. Houseguest must be running with a younger crowd.

    She just went out.

  64. For Leon

  65. And Another

  66. Two months and Apartment Frog is STILL camped out at my outside light. I think he may be working for the Illuminati keeping tabs on me.

  67. The shark dealio is TRUTH!!! When I left, we were at $602,000 for today. 36% increase to last year. I’m crediting Trumps tax cuts, but only in my head.

  68. Dan is a mushroom guy. He has started putting a layer of fresh mushrooms in his ravioli bake and in green chile chicken enchiladas.

  69. Hey Pepe!!!! 30s at night here. Sleeping with windows open. Princess Diva McStarvin Marvin has been sleeping in with me. Her tummy alarm isn’t working.

  70. Can’t remember if I talked about My Pillow here. ❤️❤️❤️ it. Dan stopped snoring by Day 2.

  71. Today we went to the manatee research center, then went looking for them in the wild (saw some butonly as they came up for air). Then to cousins for ocean kayaking/paddle boarding. Shopping for a bit, then dinner with everyone.

    Tomorrow it’s back to cousins house for a boat ride and dinner. I think erin must be getting news of ex or something because she’ll be fine, then turn in a dime into broody moody,

  72. Ugh. Throw her phone in a alligator invested canal. Pretend throw. Hide chargers.

  73. I’ve heard those mood swings diring pregnancy can be rough.

  74. My CIL has been posting pics on FB. His son got a draw on both a buck and an Oryx. Adult familia is nil on draws. Posts pic of dead animal on FB. Dan is a city boy. Not comfortable with hunting pics. Doesn’t eat game meat.

  75. Dan was historically a USC guy. Loved OJ. Loved the cheerleaders. Only PAC team he ever liked. I’m all in for CAL. 🐻

  76. Hope Jay reads this…and soon.

    Soon enough?

  77. Gonna keep movin’, gonna go to town
    I come up derp baby, I’m gettin’ down
    There’s only three things that for sure
    Taxes, death and trouble

  78. https://is.gd/y3vAu4

  79. SNL appearance by Lt. Com. Dan Crenshaw.

  80. Carin, should have enforced the no cell phone on vacation rule.

  81. I skipped No Shave November this year. Despite my efforts over the past few years, no awareness or money was raised for “Men’s Health Issues”.

  82. I have to go pick up a grandfather clock.


  83. https://is.gd/pMEt3x

  84. CLOCK!



  85. Where the heck has Troy been?


  86. https://is.gd/1qM06H

  87. Hallmark Christmas Movie Drinking Game (from Andrew Dyce on Twitter)


  88. https://evilbloggerlady.blogspot.com/2018/11/marine-corps-birthday-rule-5.html

    You’re welcome.

  89. “SNL appearance by Lt. Com. Dan Crenshaw”

    That was classy of him.

  90. Comment by Jimbro on November 11, 2018 8:12 am
    I skipped No Shave November this year. Despite my efforts over the past few years, no awareness or money was raised for “Men’s Health Issues”.



    Mare loves Jimbro.

  91. “Men’s Health Issues” are better helped by wives enjoying more frequent sex.

    I don’t know what I’m saying.

  92. Frequent ejaculation is a known protective against prostate enlargement, but if you ‘self serve’ you drop your T levels lower than an LPGA player.

    Mare is right.

  93. I had heard that, Leon.


  94. So what you’re saying is Mare owes me a handjob?

  95. Give her another and she’ll owe you 2.

  96. https://tinyurl.com/ybdmounw

  97. xbradtc, you’ll get a punch in the poon and like it!

  98. Carin, sad girl vacay update needed.

  99. PBC turkey update: mixed results.

    My coals kind of ran low after about 3 hours so I added more coals to the basket. Put it on at 9 AM, checked it before the game and added coals. Checked it at half time but left it on until about 4. The leg meat was not done and the center of the breast also wasn’t done. I cut it up and we finished it in the oven.

    It tasted great but I’m glad I wasn’t cooking for real Thanksgiving.

  100. hmm mine always lasts a long time. pbc turkey turns out great. did you use hooks?

  101. Next time:

    Load more coals
    Smaller bird
    Cut it in half

    This was a pretty big turkey, maybe 15 pounds? I let Paula load the coals and I think she wasn’t as generous as I usually am. And I’ve always had great luck with my half chickens on the PBC.

  102. I used the special turkey hanger that goes through the bird. If I used hooks I would have cut it, I don’t trust my hook skills for an entire bird!

  103. I’ve done a 20 pound with hooks. just use 4. the hanger would be easier though. I always use a full basket with big stuff.

  104. This one looks like it’s filled with stuffing


  105. I monitor cooking temps, especially in winter. Drippings can really knock the temperature down.

  106. Yeah, it rained a lot Friday into Saturday then the temps dropped. The water on the lid was a block of ice which didn’t melt after I knocked it out beside the cooker. Being in the 30’s didn’t help my cause.

  107. https://is.gd/yvKsPt

  108. It’s a rescue mission.


  109. I’m going to say spatchcock the next one.
    If for nor other reason, simply because I love to say spatchcock.

  110. wouldn’t cook one with stuffing inside, just dries everything out. Use the giblets to make stock, and use that in the stuffing.

  111. I don’t know what stock is.


  112. Mare probably likes it.

  113. Boat trip today. Jupiter island area. Millionaires on one side billionaires to the left. Sad girl seemed better today and I enforced a no phone rule on the boat

  114. Sizing up her next victims?

  115. It’s not stuffing unless you stuffed it into the bird. Cooked outside the carcass, its dressing.
    The only way to have stuffing is with the giblets ground up and mixed in. Maybe with some extra livers if you’re lucky. Ive never had a dry turkey this way in my fifty mumblty years…

  116. “It’s a rescue mission”

    That was pretty darned cool. And impressive. Happy dog didnt mind giving up his stick that time. I bet he shit like Al Roker in those rapids!

  117. Talked to my lib BIL for the first time in quite a while. He tried to start some shit with politics, but I didn’t play his game, so he quit. We talked about family stuff and what everyone was doing for Thanksgiving.

  118. Daphne expected Rogelio’s petulance.

  119. Happy Veterans Day (Observed)!

    I’ll be observing stuff at work today unfortunately. I’m taking some time off later this week and around Thanksgiving so I really needed to be there to take care of the backlog.

  120. Not sure if anyone else noticed a new marketing campaign for 11/11? I saw quite a few emails from places telling me to buy their shit because it was Singles Day. WTAF…

    Get it? 1111 … singles?!?

    Every year it seems like they invent a new one.

  121. Didn’t see it, but I don’t watch TV.

  122. MMM 345: Lion’s Mane

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