History ignored is history repeated!


  1. You really expect me to watch 8 minutes and 19 seconds?

  2. I mean, Sarah Shahai is in a skin tight skirt on the other tab. Really.

  3. You? No.

  4. I love Indian food. Hey do yall agree that a 10 1/2 hour shift is too long for a 16 year old? I do. She is beyond exhausted. Laying in bed with Mommy watching a movie.

  5. I’m not familiar with TX labor laws, but yeah, does seem a bit much.

  6. I’m nighty night

  7. I’m a little more than 45 minutes away from proving that one can actually make it through St. Patrick’s Day without taking a drink.

    Also, derp.

  8. *peeks into the thread* ‘Ello?

  9. http://tinyurl.com/6qwl6nx

  10. Ahhhhhhh! Spiders!

  11. This place is kind of creepy in the wee hours of the morning. There’s a lot of vomit and ammo laying around.

  12. MJ’s got his race this morning.

  13. I’m a little more than 45 minutes away from proving that one can actually make it through St. Patrick’s Day without taking a drink.

    I hate to break it to you, but my husband proved that years ago.


  14. I love Indian food. Hey do yall agree that a 10 1/2 hour shift is too long for a 16 year old? I do.

    Restaurant shifts are looooonnnnnnggggg.

  15. We watched “The Thing ” last night and thought it was pretty good.

  16. I see what I did wrong.

    Forgot to WAKEY WAKEY

  17. Good morning. Hey Sean, hope you stayed strong. How long has it been? 7 months? 8?

  18. Blearg.

  19. Good morning minions!

    Working a 12 hr day shift for a change.

    My body clock is beyond messed up right now.

  20. The bud-covers are falling off the magnolia blossoms already.

    This is insane. Winter missed us and now Spring is way early.

    Even though it will kill the blossoms, I hope we get one or two good hard frosts yet. We need some winterkill for these mosquitoes.

    There have been these three Bluejays in my garden all Winter. They’re out patrolling the yard with the Robins this morning. So pretty.

    I should fork up some garden dirt for them to peruse.

  21. Oh.

    Good morning.

    Carin, you going to make the homemade yogurt?

  22. Hey phat. I remember the days when my dad would work a week of midnight shift, a week of evening shift, a week of day shift, then have four days off. I don’t know how he survived years of doing that.

  23. Yes. Mr Car In is getting me a container of chobani right now.

  24. I have some horrible news to report.

    I lost all my worms.

    They all died.

    Ugh. I must have put the wet newspaper on to tight/heavy. Smoothered ’em.

    It must have been horrible.

  25. Just found a sorta local person selling redworms.

    I promise I’ll take better care.

    Ugh, I don’t know how I did that.

  26. When worms die, you don’t find anything. there is so much water in their body …

  27. Why are you keeping worms?

  28. Daffodils getting ready to open and I’ve got a fricken BUTTERFLY bush leaving out.


  29. Worm composting.

    Of course.

  30. I threw what was left (the worms had really made some wonderful stuff before they passed) into the garden and OMG does it look rich.

  31. I’ve been thinking, though, about some updates to my set up before I get new worms. To insure that they don’t have the same problem in the future.

    I’m going to cut a big hole in the bottom of the rubbermaid container, and put chicken wire, then some fine screen on top of that.

  32. Car in my bees shuffled off this mortal coil this winter too. New bees take a while to get their act together so there’s less honey at the end of the season

  33. Ohh, they’ve got them on Amazon. $20 for a pound – which is pretty much standard.

  34. When all my fellow bee friends ask about my bees I have a hard time admitting they died. Sign of personal failure and all. Like you, I’m always thinking of new ways to make them happier

  35. I recall seeing a worm farm setup with a tap on the bottom of it for draining off the liquids the worms produce and feeding houseplants, etc.

    Prolly good in smoothies too.

  36. Ohh, they’ve got them on Amazon. $20 for a pound – which is pretty much standard.

    Roast beef costs half that at the deli and tastes way better on rye bread.

  37. I could just kick myself. I set them up so WELL, filled the container with leaves – they must have loved it up until the end. Ugh. I just must have put too much newspaper on top. Normally, wet newspaper is good because it keeps moisture … etc … in

  38. This thread has successfully put me off my breakfast.
    Strong work, ladies.

  39. Yea, I collect the liquid too. I just made my set up with two old (huge) tupperware things. the liquid collects in the lower container. I have a TON of that stuff.

  40. Have you considered that maybe they just got sick of your bullshit and moved out.

  41. They’re $20 to start, but you’ll never need to buy ’em again.

    Unless you kill them all.

    They start making babies pretty quick.

  42. worm1: I don’t believe this.

    worm2: what?

    worm1: Leaves and coffee grounds.

    worm2: AGAIN?? How are we supposed to work in these conditions??

    worm1: *packing tiny little luggage full of dirt*

  43. PJM once linked a series of exciting worm farm videos

    I think volume one got an Emmy


  44. Worm Factory = Sweat Shop

    No justice, no peace!

  45. Don’t earthworms lay eggs? Is there a possibility you just threw away a bunch of viable eggs?

  46. Morning, worm wranglers and bee bungles!

  47. worm1: *packing tiny little luggage full of dirt*

    Okay, that makes up for the smoothie comment.

  48. *curtsies to Romacita, trips, hits head on corner of desk on way down*

  49. Morning to you too!

    Alright I’m off to do chores…do dishes I said I’d do 2 days ago, drop off trash, do rounds and then shuffle some papers

  50. Out to the golf course and their imitation HoveRounds. Later hot chicks and goofy guys.

  51. Have a good day Jimbro.

    I’m going to try my hand at making homemade ricotta today and then a calzone with all this extra white dough I made.

    And I have to shampoo my idiot dog too.

  52. Have you considered that maybe they just got sick of your bullshit and moved out.

    No. Until NOW.

    *feels bad

    Don’t earthworms lay eggs? Is there a possibility you just threw away a bunch of viable eggs?

    I didn’t throw them “away” – I put them in the garden. Which – win/win

  53. How much is “a packet” of dry milk? I have a huge container of that stuff, not a packet.

  54. But, they love my fricken leaves and coffee grounds.

    LOVE it.

    And, egg shells.

  55. 3.6 dry ounces is what it says on the package…my hands tell me it feels like between 1/3 to 1/2 cup, Carin. You technically don’t need to use any at all, but I love how that recipe came out with it in there.

  56. I would just use 3/4 cup for that recipe. It’s supposed to be nice and rich.

  57. Worm recipe, I guess.

    Oh, like this thread wasn’t going there anyway?

  58. CANO!

    How’s the ocean been treating you?

  59. Hola.

    Now, it’s bedtime. (12:06 monday morning, dontchaknow)

  60. Goodnight Americano! Nice of you to swing by.

  61. Pupster, that’s friggin funny. SO….

    Am I one of the dudes in the cage? Or am I the shark? Or am I one of the small fish waiting to eat the tasty shark shit?

    Do tell.

  62. g’night, Hump

  63. That shit Americano shows up and doesn’t bring us busty Filipinna diver pics?

    Wiser! Where’s the banhammer?

  64. Someone please tell Ghee I said BonJour.

  65. Be the shark, Americano.

    Be the shark.

  66. It’s even worse than I thought possible. I’m the actual shit?

  67. Nah, ‘cano. You’re my favorite Marianas based Hostage.

  68. Actually, One day, I was on my fifth dive of the day, leading only two customers. I was out all day, and never got a chance to, you know, take the kids to the pool. So I took them to the ocean instead.

    Step one: point tourists (and, most importantly, their cameras) in direction of clownfish.
    Step two: duck into coral swimthrough
    Step three: be the shark
    Step four: pray tourists didn’t see/photo you “being the shark”
    Step five: Chuckle, knowing that the ocean is your toilet.

    True story.

  69. Thanks, XBrad. You’re my favorite TankBoy.

  70. Ok, I used less than 3/4 – closer to half a cup.

    There’s always next time.

    Milk is in covered/cooling phase.

  71. Nytol. (And Xbrad, there’s one right next to me now. But she doesn’t dive).

  72. Does she at least go down?

  73. I bet the worms unionized. Are they picketing your garbage?

  74. Good morning snausages!

    Yesterday was so warm and beautiful. Mom scrubbed the patio, sis brought out and scrubbed outdoor furniture and I scrubbed the screens. Then we relaxed on the patio and drank champagne.

    (Woodbridge by Mondavi, really good and only about $10/bottle)

  75. OK, technically it’s sparkling wine, not champagne.

  76. Hi Lipstick!

    That sounds like a pretty good day, minus all the scrubbing and whatnot.

  77. A day without fish poop is a good day.

  78. *Finds IMPRESSIVE bra behind couch. Scratches head.*


  79. Whose brackets got busted yesterday?

  80. Hi Pups! It was a good day. I’m watching the squirrels play now.

    *scritches Pups behind the ears*

  81. Jewstin I can’t meet for lunch. DD’s shift starts at 2PM and we have several errands to run and I promised to take her to get a large chicken Ceasar salad (her craving) before she has to go in. Then I have to go washer/dryer shopping with my Dad….so maybe next weekend?

  82. Finally! Gimme that CB. It’s kinda like when PJM stole my bra

  83. Good morning, Miss Sohita.

  84. Sohos, I was thinking about your question last night about your daughter working 10 1/2 hours shifts. I routinely did that when I was a kid working in a fast food restaurant, I personally think it’s fine as long as it’s not a school night. And quite frankly, it’s very good training for life in the real work world which she will be entering in the not terribly long future.

  85. There is a spring-fed pond on the property and my friends and I used to spend many hours there inspecting frog’s eggs and catching tadpoles. Now it’s overgrown with scrub and poison ivy, but it could be so nice again.

    Dad is having thoughts of cleaning it up and putting a liner in it. It’s about 35′ x 20′. It could be such a beauty spot.

  86. MCPO?


  87. She loves her job and we know the owner of the restaurant and they think she is fantastic but when she got home last night she was beyond exhausted. We told her she doesn’t have to have a job she is doing this b/c she wants to. Needless to say I am very proud of her

  88. You should be proud of her, Sohos. She sounds like a great young lady.

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