Just a little motivational speech for my fellow hostages tonight

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LiveLeak.com – Compared to this kid, you are a …, posted with vodpod


  1. Ein!

  2. “The whole experience was exhausting, but it made a more mature tennis player out of me” – Billie Jean pg 75

  3. “The whole experience was exhausting, but it made a more mature tennis player out of me” – Billie Jean pg 75


    I’m SORRY! I’M SORRY!!!!!!

  4. Wrok n’ wroll!

  5. You’ll see that kid in the Miami Heat locker room before their next game.

    GO DALLAS! (ugh, I feel dirty saying that)

  6. “So mainly it was just a pressure situation and I blew it. My knee didn’t help, but if it had been perfect I might have lost love and love.” – Billie Jean pg 123

  7. ARRRRRRRGH!! I went back to the other thread. I just made an attempt. I have to warm up damn it!

  8. Somebody should slap the snot out of that little shit in the video.

  9. Hi Chief!

  10. Shark seeks prey while
    scientist and cop partner
    enter the dark waters
    to end the nightmare
    Roy Scheider and Richard Dreyfuss


    Marco Polo

  11. Hey, Cathy!

  12. I’d slap the snot out of the dad-videographer before the kid, just sayin’

  13. Cathy – It’s an “either/or” situation. But I know I can take the kid down.

  14. Imma take another pill and try to sleep.

    Be good to each other (even Wiser).

  15. But I know I can take the kid down.

    Chief, with dad-videographer holding the camera up to his face, he’s easy pickins.

    Take him on.

  16. G’night Chief…

    I’m gonna walk the pooches… my good pooches.

  17. “So Margaret had to stay back, and that’s not her game. Also, when she stayed back, she stayed in too close to the base line.” – Billie Jean pgs 206-207

  18. what;s this then? A reading from the Book of Scrunt?

    Wiser-nitz, it was great to meat you in STL. Thanx for bringing teh sic, but it’s nice to share.

    all the best.

  19. what;s this then? A reading from the Book of Scrunt?

    Oprah’s book club is over, man. Get used to it.

  20. Yeah, I was reading “slug line theatre” in the other thread.

    Harpo (on) may be gone forevah but I don’t have to ever get used to it.

    You are not my boss mrspringsteen.

  21. Well, I guess it’s time to lick the toad…

  22. Aw, hell, where did all these musical instruments come from?

  23. Oh, no. I seem to be Journey’s road manager circa 1980.

  24. Anybody know where I can score a metric ton of cocaine in 1980 Cleveland?

  25. I could also use a shitload of AquaNet (the kind before people started freaking out about the Ozone Layer) and a good paternity lawyer.

  26. Shit. While I’m supposed to come up with all of this, Steve Perry needs me to “score” him a manor house in the Cotswolds.

    Anybody know a good real estate agent in England?

  27. My contract also says that I am not to do anything that refers to rival band Foreigner.

  28. This will make your heart sing

    Staff Sgt Peoples has big brass ones

  29. wakey wakey

  30. I don’t wanna wakey wakey.

  31. Good morning.

    HOME later today.

  32. Sorry Herr. Get your ass moving. Those beers aren’t gonna drink themselves.

  33. Aww, I don’t wanna work, I wanna drink beer with Herr!

  34. Carrie Keegan was on Red Eye last night. I didn’t used to think much of her, but the new haircut is… motivating.

    For the ladies, Terry Schappert was also in attendance.

  35. Aww, I don’t wanna work, I wanna drink beer with Herr!

    I’ll have you know that I never drink before 9:00. You can go clock in and be here in plenty of time.

  36. I’ll have you know that I never drink before 9:00. You can go clock in and be here in plenty of time.

    Jay works for GM?

  37. Jay works for GM?

    Oh, he does? Then he already drinks at work. That’s the only explanation for the Chevy Volt.

  38. There’s a Ford employee that works out at my gym. Really big dude, on at least one flavor of juice. Scuttlebutt is that he’s clocked in the whole time.

  39. I used know a guy that worked for GM. He had a parts quota to meet every day. He did it in about two hours. So from 5:30 to 7:30 he was at the plant, then from about 8-3 or so he was running a lucrative landscaping business. His GM pay was about $40/hr, and he always managed to get about 10 hrs a week in overtime.

  40. *removes pants*

  41. Headed to work. I’ll likely be away from the PC until Sunday or so.

  42. Let us hope it is so: http://tinyurl.com/67eehh3

  43. Headed to work. I’ll likely be away from the PC until Sunday or so.

    You’re just not that into us, is that it?

  44. “Let us hope it is so”
    now that’s good bullshit

  45. I hate you all so very much.

  46. Except Count.

  47. Headed to work. I’ll likely be away from the PC until Sunday or so.

    Damn, they take their security serious there. Guess he doesn’t work for the TSA!

    Now, where did I put my beer? Gotta run some “tests” on America’s Great Green Hope™

  48. awesome, you’ll get killed last

  49. In the battle of “What to do today”, Play Golf vs. Look For A Job was not much of a match up.

  50. I get to go home today, too. Whew!

  51. Way to kill it early!

    **brews some coffee

  52. Herr, I thought you lined up some kind of a hospital job……giving hand jobs to over-stressed doctors or something.

  53. Soft chicken tacos and iced tea for breakfast. When did I get to be so comfortable with the messican diet?

  54. Good morning, pendejo.

  55. Morning, cretins and hot chicks.

  56. Hi roamster, thanks for blowing me a kiss. Somehow I just know that it’s directed specifically at me.

  57. I don’t know that those three things necessarily go together, chief.

  58. Good morning, MCPO.

    Pendejo, you get a squishy hug, too.

  59. PG – you questioning my powers of observation or my piss-poor grammar?

  60. This is better than those carbo loaded “women” that frequent here on Fridays (MCPO’s BBF the exception, she was beautiful).


  61. hahahaha! The joke thread last night was brilliant! I loved all of them but this one nearly made me wet my pants:

    Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide

    He watched his fate move inexorably toward him

    Feinting, he chose his victim and took control

    Chazz Palmienteri in

    Four Square

  62. 9.1%

  63. Unexpectedly, of course.

  64. That was a good joke thread.

  65. It’s a beautiful day here. I’m heading outside.

    Mare – Thanks.

  66. Last full day in Alabama.

  67. Making note that “morning” can serve as a noun as well as a salutation.

    Just trying my word play skills. Poorly.

  68. I should finish packing, but I’m enjoying my cup of coffee with my feet up.

  69. I think I drank too much last night.


  70. Carin, I read some of your comments on unemployment last night. You are only seeing the tip of the iceberg.

  71. Hotspur, I haven’t entirely caught up. Did you fire Satan and his wife?

  72. Why’d I wake up with bites on me neck? *ROWR*

  73. No, Roamie, they have me between a rock and a hard place. I have to stick it out.

    I’ll handle it, but it is definitely eating my guts out.

  74. Sorry to hear that, Hotspur. Not much beats telling an asshole who desperately deserves it to go fuck himself.

  75. That sucks, Hotspur, sorry to hear it. Is there at least an endpoint in sight, though?

  76. Why’d I wake up with bites on me neck?

    Rat infestation?

    Mornin’ all!
    God, you guys are hilarious – I can’t stop laughing at last night’s thread!

    Going to a retirement luncheon for the guy who trained Mr. TiFW fresh outta college. You know you’re getting old when all of the people you “started out” with are retiring…..

  77. Why’d I wake up with bites on me neck? *ROWR*

    Oooops….. sorry. I was dreaming…

  78. Time to pack up the computer and catch a plane. Y’all have a good day.

  79. Is there at least an endpoint in sight, though?

    It will be sometime in July. Then of course there is the one year warranty afterwards.

    I’m tired of building buildings. I spent seventeen years in architecture and I’m in my 27th year of operating my own construction company, so it’s the only thing I know how to do.

    Maybe Beasn could train me to decorate cakes.

  80. Hotspur says:
    June 3, 2011 at 9:28 am  (Edit)
    Carin, I read some of your comments on unemployment last night. You are only seeing the tip of the iceber**
    yep, I couldn’t really finish, but mr ca in had a long talk with the labor people\unemployment folks and they told him if he didn’t Appeal or respond she’d automatically get it. They’ve got this idea that employers are evil alwYs out to screw The Workers ( yes it’s Marxism). See he may have been acting unfair to her and she had no choice but to quit.

  81. Carin my last Employer fired a girl (basically for theft) and she has been fighting for Unemployment for over 6 months. They keep having these phone interviews and he has to do each one or else she gets what she wants. keep fighting it.

  82. Jack Kevorkian, suicide doc, is dead.

  83. Morning

  84. So many potential jokes there.

  85. safe flight, Romaine!!!

  86. I thought he did some good work though. RIP Jack.

  87. Mornin’

    Reminder: Rosetta’s bewbs drop in 5 minutes.
    Well, not really Rosetta’s … YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!

  88. I’ve got that song, “My Dick in A Tweet” stuck in my head.

  89. Jack Kevorkian was a maniac piece of shit.

  90. Sean’s hallucination last night actually made me want to lick a toad.

  91. Carin, fight every single claim. That’s what we do, unless we have legitimately laid someone off due to lack of work.

    You have to have three written notifications of negligence acknowledged by the employee (signed) before you can fire someone without them automatically finding in the employee’s favor. (Except for crimes committed on the job, but then there have to be witnesses.)

    The agency is totally rigged in the employee’s favor, but I’ve beaten hundreds of claims.

  92. Kevorkian was a serial killer who got off on snuffing people.

    Having said that, I can think of a looooong list of people we should assist with suicide.

    **looks at Michael**

  93. “Kevorkian was a serial killer who got off on snuffing people.”

    I completely agree. He would have a gleeful attitude when he talked about it.

  94. I think Jack started an important discussion regarding end-of-life options.

    Having worked in healthcare for nearly all my life and from what I have seen, I can tell you that it’s almost cruel to keep some people alive, just to satisfy the “all life is sacred” mindset.

    We put our pets to sleep to end their suffering. Why should we deny that same comfort to our human loved ones?

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