Shut it. It’s still Wednesday, dammit.

For the ladies to click only!!

Okay, but just one more…


  1. Oh great, more of THESE poats.

    Wait, I poated cheerleaders last week. I shut up now.

  2. Gay pie: Lemon chiffon.

    You can all stop playing now.

  3. *sighs dreamily*

  4. I LOL’d at the link for the ladies.

  5. Woo! Looks like he’s enjoying being on the bottom there, too.

  6. Is that…bacon apple pie?

    *mind blown*

  7. >> Key Lime is NOT gay! It’s super easy.


  8. so, does a glass pie pan work better? Or the regular metal ones?

  9. Mare, check your email. Laura, you want in on the couch-guy fun?

  10. Eh, I had two totty poats, even if Clint took a dump on the second one.

    I didn’t pass out, I was prepping my “sober up meal” that oughtta come out of the oven about 915.

  11. Nah, don’t bother, I gotta get over to practice the new liveblog format now anyway, but thanks!

  12. I’d have used bacon for both crusts of that pie. That’s how I roll.

  13. shit, I gotta get andrew to send me the link

  14. Poat updated, Rosetta-style.

  15. Is that…bacon apple pie?

    Yes. Yummmm.

  16. I don’t always agree with Stacy McCain, but I like his style.


  17. He looks ready https://twitter.com/dgjackson/status/253653386610753536/photo/1/large

  18. That smells like ‘win’, Scott. Gee, I wonder if we’ll get one of Obama sweating and chain smoking.

  19. Red tie. Good choice.

  20. I hope someone didn’t link this earlier and I missed it, but this seemed kinda interesting to me.


  21. What a great picture, Scott.

  22. Gee, I wonder if we’ll get one of Obama sweating and chain smoking doing lines of coke off Reggie Love’s dingus.


  23. I see that Sean is ready for tonight’s festivities. . .


  24. The Romney’s have good genes.

  25. A most excellent update Cyn…..smoooooooch.

    HAHAHAHAHA, the wine box is perfect!

  26. I might be drunk. I won’t know for sure until I try to shred some cheddar.

  27. The ride in from the same guy https://twitter.com/dgjackson/status/253640856920264704/photo/1

  28. Oooo watch the knuckles, Leon. That hurts like a sonuvabitch.

  29. Michelle Obama kindly did not threaten Ann Romney with her batt’leth. Magnanimous.

  30. I’m following that dgjackson now Scott. Good one.

  31. Ched some shreddar.

  32. I don’t know where you’re buying cheese with knuckles, but I suggest you find a new cheesery.

  33. Yes, I’d like to see a picture of Obama right now. Although I don’t enjoy flop sweat.

  34. Has anyone checked the stats on who clicks here from gay blogs?


  35. Mare is incredibly talented woman. . .


  36. Ann Romney is a good looking woman, love her outfit/hair/shoes. And that’s what’s most important.

  37. MCPO, she better not be wasting beer!

  38. Hell, everyone is hating on @barackobama for subscribing to the @ilovetits twitter feed.

    I am now a proud follower.

    Of the tits, not the SCOAMF.

  39. Cheese shredded, knuckles intact.

    Vulgar language may be forthcoming. I apologize in advance.

  40. Mare, did you get to see the pic of Mitt and Ann when they saw each other for the first time after her plane problems?

  41. Airlift world is quiet (besides the usual wars).

    This scares me. A shoe is about to drop.

  42. I’m fond of tits, but I hate twitter. What to do?

    Also, I have a mancrush on Neil Cavuto. I don’t have a fucking clue why O’Rly is more famous than Neil.

  43. No, Oso, where can I find that???

  44. You may be drunk Leon but you make a lot of sense. I like it!

  45. Crap. It was on FB. I’ll see if I can find it.

  46. If Obama loses this election, he will be angry at the country and feel bad for himself, lashing out angrily in post-presidency talks.

    If Romney loses this election, he will feel sad for the country and continue to be a good man.

  47. Thank you, Oso!

  48. I’m on FBN. I’m not drunk enough for CNN or MSNBC coverage.

  49. CSPAN on.
    Dinner ready.
    Cocktail full.
    And Go in 5… 4… 3… 2…

  50. Phat would you be coordinating the FBI going to Benghazi? Pffffffttttt, like that would happen in a timely fashion.

  51. Not you slowing it down, the administration. What they’ve done is criminal.

  52. Let’s get ready to rummmmmbllllllllleeeeeee!

  53. Jim Lehrer is a fucking muppet.

  54. Madcow and Tingles are off, so you can safely tune in.

  55. I can’t believe how good this guy is:

    David Burge ‏@iowahawkblog
    As president, Obama’s closest analog is Harding. Tonya Harding.
    Expand Reply Retweet Favorite

  56. The crowd will be silent.


  57. Mare,

    I would, but they have yet to request lift.

    That should tell you everything you need to know.

    We had a C-17 on the ground within 12 hours of the WH tasking. we’ve done a few other flights in, but it was mainly moving Marine FAST teams. Plenty of room on those for these mythical FBI agents.

  58. Mitt is taller.

    Tallest usually wins.

  59. Obama wastes his time trying to be human. Blatant lie right there.

  60. I refuse to watch the debate. I get very little game time.

    Tell me if Mitt is dominating. I may tune in.

  61. The red tie usually wins too.

    Obama’s wearing blue.

  62. Madcow and Tingles are off, so you can safely tune in.

    WTF? Are they both at a lesbian bar somewhere?

  63. Obama actually said he’s the luckiest guy in the world being married to her? I guess it’s what you’re use to.

  64. When I say ‘game time’ I’m currently on Mass Effect 3.

  65. hahahah…Good one, Leon. You need to drink more!

  66. Mitt appeared more human in his opening statement.


  67. Did anybody want to reach through the teevee screen and punch anybody else right in their stupid, lying face today?

  68. Mare, he loves how she uses the Bat’Leth in the bedroom.

  69. “North American Energy Independent” is sort of an easy layup, but I’m not gonna give him shit over it. He at least means we should be digging up our own stuff.

  70. hahahaha…you dicks are funny tonight!

  71. Sean, watching the debate is dangerous to your sobriety.

  72. I am taking a drink for every lie out of Obama.

    Call 911

  73. Did anybody want to reach through the teevee screen and punch anybody else right in their stupid, lying face today?

    Just now, when Obama talked about adding more teachers.

  74. Sean, I have the big book next to me as I watch this crap.

  75. More teachers WTF??

    Union love.

  76. Wow, Obama sucks.

  77. Romney is gonna beat him over the head with this answer.

  78. Obama is now pitching Romney’s energy plan… now he’s talking unicorn farts. Because they’re equivalent to an innumerate jackass like him and his constituency.

  79. How can he say he wants to boost oil and natural gas production?


    Romney should say we agree, but I want to do something about it.

  80. Page 417, phat. Read it, learn it, live it.

    Speaking of which, I’m heading to a meeting. Try not to pretend like you’re scratching your faces as you passive-aggressively flip each other off while I’m gone.

  81. He quoted Biden! Awesome

  82. Who’s vomitting drunk listening to Obama’s “uhs” already?

  83. And Biden makes an appearance. Heh.

  84. I’m having fun going between here, twitter, Ace, and listening to my husband watch it on his iPad with the headphones…this is great, I know EXACTLY what’s going on without watching.

  85. Wow, Romney went after him like Rocky in the late rounds!

  86. Who had 6:15 pm in the “Obama’s Pissed Off” betting pool?

  87. Obama: I’m going to ignore the time limit.

  88. hahaha…My husband just said, “that’s CRAP!”

    Obviously, obama is talking.

  89. Obama’s getting angry. Nice.

  90. Oh wait, sorry; I just got a ruling from the judges and they say Obama’s “Bristled” and not actually “Pissed Off”. Better luck next time.

  91. The sound of TFGs voice makes me homicidal. I’m searching for the pic I told Mare about before I realized I can’t find it!!!

  92. Romney is NOT paying attention to Lehrer trying to drive the debate in another direction. He will not let him get away with his lies.

  93. Equating Obama to one of his children…. bwahaha!

  94. Ohhhh, damn it, I had the 6:15 slot.

    You judges are harsh.

  95. “Mitt is taller.”
    he’s also smarter…
    less Douchebagger…
    our only choice … er
    (these elections are only getting more f’d up as our nation gets stupider)
    crap – i can’t believe my vote comes down to —-
    whatever romminator is…
    fuck it …. i’m gonna drink, watch the debatical and pine for the “good ol daze”

  96. Thanks for trying Oso and don’t go postal…we’re in this together!

  97. I keep hearing “enthusiasms. enthusiasms, enthusiasms”.

  98. Did Obama really just claim to know something about math?


  99. David Burge ‏@iowahawkblog
    President showing great command of the facts he pulls from his ass

    hahahahah….I want to have his babies.

  100. Wow, Obama is pissed.

    Romney got under his skin. Nice job for the first 19 minutes.

  101. Oso, was this the one you were looking for?

  102. Obama running on Clinton.

  103. Dan gave my leftover steak to the dogs!!!

  104. Sorry, were you looking for that picture? I owe you a steak.

  105. Cyn, if it wasn’t that exact pic it was in the series. Thanks. I love the interaction between the two.

  106. Mitt shouldn’t have insulted his sons like that. Even when they were toddlers, I am sure they had a better grasp of reality than Obama.

  107. Who had 19 minutes Cyn?

    Please be me, please be me? I play several spots on the board.

  108. Thanks CYN!!!!

  109. Mitt has this shit memorized, and — unlike O — actually knows what it means.

  110. Obama is getting schooled, and he’s going “uh huh, uh huh”.

  111. Mare, we’re good. He gave my steak away when he got off work. I gave them the last chicken breast for breakfast and didn’t cook more. I’ll be cooking chicken in the AM.

  112. Bowles-Simpson! Remember, those guys you didn’t listen to.

  113. Lehrerererer needs to cut Obama off. TIME PLEASE!!

  114. Obama is trying to run on Clintons record instead of his own.

  115. “Worst financial crisis since the Great Depression”


  116. Lehrerererer needs to cut Obama off. TIME PLEASE!!

    No favoritism here, nosireebob.

  117. Hey mare, Romney isn’t listening to the moderator. You would be proud.

  118. Good for Romney!!

  119. Good for Romney on that bug-in to close that hole.

  120. David Burge ‏@iowahawkblog
    “Maybe I’ll make it up in the swimsuit competition” – Inside Obama’s head


  121. Is our side wish casting or is Mitt kicking butt?

  122. Obamacare gauntlet thrown.

  123. Mitt is kicking ass, big time. Fact after fact, and directly refutes Obama.

  124. Obama must have been butt chugging.

  125. I BEG OF YOU ROMNEY, Say a real leader doesn’t blame others he gets the job done!

  126. He continues spouting the lies he’s been mouthing for 6 months to 4 years.

    And he can’t cite a spending cut, directs at the website.

  127. He seems to objectively be doing well, but I just inhaled 2lb of chicken thighs and didn’t notice, so I’m not an authoritative voice.

  128. As president, Obama’s closest analog is Harding. Tonya Harding.


  129. He has won most contests through metaphorical kneecapping, so it’s a good call from Iowahawk.


    That was beautiful, Mitt. Totally refuted his spending cuts.

  131. I’m enjoying your commentary. I can’t watch the debates as I have no teevee and even if I did, my anxiety level would be through the roof.

    Laura, I pasted your ‘conservatism’ comment to my kids. Traditions became traditions for a reason.

  132. Growth fixes damn near everything. We can’t grow with Obama(care) in the way.

  133. Has Tingles and Madcow begun foaming at the mouth?

  134. This isn’t a debate. They’re re-enacting the Ivan Drago/ Apollo Creed fight.

    From Ben at AOS

  135. Beasn, Jay tells me they aren’t on. I haven’t checked.

  136. They’re apparently off tonight, Beasns.

  137. He’s making 0 sense. You can’t even follow it, much less spin it in his favor.

    And now Romney refutes with facts.

  138. No, Madcow and Tingles are off. I’m on MSDNC for the night. This is gonna be GREAT!

  139. Romney brings the hammer down with Soylendra.

  140. Oh man, he went there. Compared greenshit to actual energy, in terms of years. 50-1. Holy shit.

  141. They will be back, after the debate.

  142. Ha ha. Obama picks losers.

  143. OMG. He’s going for the pity vote. At this point I’m starting to feel sorry for Obama.

  144. How much you want to bet that Little Green Althouse (yes, I immediately thought that after reading her whining), will write a poat in the next few days that she is definitely voting Barky ’cause Mitt picked on him?

  145. Federalism makes an appearance. The libertarian case is made.

  146. Annnd, here goes the regulations argument! Mitt lands another couple blows.

  147. All my lib friends have disappeared off FB for the night and my Morons are gloating.

  148. I am drunk and have meat sweats. I’m so glad there isn’t a pool or a flirty chick nearby.

  149. He’s still going with the $700 billion saved in Medicare.

    I have a feeling Mitt is gonna blow him out of the water with this one.

  150. hahaha…Leon!

  151. They’re apparently off tonight, Beasns.

    Aww heck, it would have been good comedy to see someone blog their tears and hair/clothing rending.

  152. How come Obama is looking down all the time?

  153. Anybody else think that the liveblog thingy at Ace’s blows? (Sorry Andy)

  154. I’m guessing some notes, Mare.

    Or his blankie is under the podium.

  155. Yeah, Cyn, it’s all the cobloggers. Not many outsiders.

  156. A little slow, but Mitt got there. Obama is flailing pretty hard.

  157. I think he’s insecure about what he’s saying.

  158. Maddow and Matthews will be on after the debate, just to be clear.

  159. Mitt just cast his 5th level spell: Math.

    Medicare is vulnerable to Math-based attacks.

    Also, Obamacare again.

    I would be so alluponz a flirty chick in a pool.

  160. Am I going to want to have five more of Romney’s babies after this is done?

    (his wife can have them, I’ll just take them and feed them and hug them and call them George I – V.

  161. I think he’s insecure about what he’s saying.
    He didn’t study. These are all arguments from his stump speech mixed in with a few personal stories. The problem is that stump speeches are mostly bullshit.

  162. t’s all the cobloggers. Not many outsiders.

    It was just moving waaaay too fast it seemed to me to let outsiders in to play. C’est la vie.

  163. By definiition, Medicare has to have higher administrative costs than private insurance. He’s lying through his teeth.

  164. He’s pretty far off his talking points, that’s never good for Obama.

  165. I guess someone golfed too much this week.

    Should have played Jenga with the Romneys

  166. I am now officially drunk listening and drinking at Obama Bingo.

  167. I couldn’t get through the mods. Probably didn’t help that I mentioned the liveblog thingy sucked.

  168. He’s in waaaaaaaay over his head. This is a serious business man, not some candy assed community organizer.


  170. Obama really doesn’t like profit.

    Except from books.

  171. Maybe shoulda hit the tip jar harder.

  172. Lehrer hasn’t stopped Obama once. I doubt seriously that it’s because only Romney is going over time.

  173. I couldn’t make it through the first exchange. My FIL is watching ( nice man, but a dem) and I had to leave the room or explode at the TV. Thanks for the updates.

  174. Obama has 1:47 more than Romney, leon.

  175. “This is a rolling calamity for Obama. He’s boring, abstract, and less human-seeming than Romney!” says…Andrew Sullivan


  176. Bingo, Leon. Lehererer obviously knows how to blow Obama’s whistle.

  177. He’s trying to keep Obama in this. It’s not working.

    He needs to stop talking when he rambles. Actually, he needs to have more to talk about, like Romney does.

    Mitt just slides into another topic. Over and over.

  178. Jay, this is better than I could have possibly imagined.

  179. That’s priceless, leon.

    And yes it is, MJ.


  180. Romney has obviously prepared. I may have to race Beasn to have his babies.

  181. Where did you find that factoid, Mare?

  182. Is there a 10 run rule in debates? Cuz we’re WAY over it!

  183. Gabe is being pretty hilarious in the liveblog.

    If he were also a flirty chick in a pool, I’d…

    I’m not finishing that thought.

  184. Twitter



  186. @politicalmath on twitter had it at 10 mins, mare.

    That’s from the live blog, I didn’t see it.

  187. This schtick that Obama does, where everyone else is the bogeyman works when the shit hits the fan, but when it’s been 4 years of malaise it just seems strange.

  188. WOW… Lehererer cut off Obama… He’s obviously given up trying to help his ass.

  189. Hold on, it may be more time for Obama now. I’ll check whose counting also Melissa….ah, what’s her name said Obama has had 10% more time.

  190. Romney is VERY WELL prepared!

  191. Man, he’s flailing badly, after berating Lehrer, who tried to cut him off.

  192. Oh, I see that now on the lower right corner at CNN.

  193. 10 percent, that’s right mare. 10 mins was wrong. Sorry!

  194. I actually have been surprised at how well Jim has basically done as the moderator. Not what I expected at all.

  195. He’s tried to help Obama a lot clint.

  196. If he were also a flirty chick in a pool, I’d…

    Ha ha ha! Go, Leon, go!

  197. This is a bipartisan idea, that’s fair it was a terrible Republican idea, and we rightly scrapped it. WTF is wrong with you dumbasses?

  198. Hehe, and Romney writes down more “facts” from Obama to beat him up with afterwards.

    Maybe he’ll continue on twitter afterwards. Just to “finish up”.

  199. I’m sensing that Obama thinks business and the private sector sucks fucking ass.

    It’s kind of a theme really. Maybe someone will pick up on it.

  200. Obama is having visions of flying off on Marine One for the final time in ’13

  201. Obama’s trying to run out the clock, isn’t he.

  202. DRINK

  203. 3 of my lib friends have peeked into FB to ask friends how they think the debate is going. 1 Independent *spit* is comparing Mitt to RWR.

  204. I heard Obama admit costs went up for insurance.

  205. Death Panels!

  206. Mitt just cogently tied his answer about IPAB to a defense of free enterprise. The Reagan comparison is not inaccurate.

  207. Mitt needs to be careful with his smile I think. He’s kicking ass, and he knows it, but he needs to be careful about what could be perceived as gloating.

  208. *sucks in breath as Mitt invokes the Ronaldus Maximus Reaganus name*

    I think I need a cigarette.

  209. I’d like to see Michelle’s face.

  210. Smile’s gone. He’s lecturing now, carefully educating. Doesn’t look like gloating.

  211. Not nearly as much as I had expected him to do though, Mare.

  212. Did you all hear that ~BOOOOOM~ sound, him busting Obama that he did in fact study Romney’s plan?! Bwahahaha!

  213. http://mediamatters.org/blog/2012/10/03/buzzfeed-declares-a-debate-winner-halfway-throu/190331

    Yeah, it’s a Media Matters link. Read it. It’s beautiful.


  214. Really, Land Grant Colleges? Iowa State is one of them.

  215. OMG Funny…

    They should have put a mirror above the debate stage so Romney could watching himself screw Obama.
    by Ben 7:13 PM

  216. That was great, Jay!

  217. I’m commenting too fast.


  218. Mr Apolitical is watching the debate and he thinks Mitt is killing it.

  219. We were watching Rays/Orioles and flipping.

  220. I read fast…s’ok!

  221. How can Obama possibly improve 100% by the next debate?

  222. If he improves 100%, mare, it will be even!

  223. “you pick the losers”

    Haha, I musta missed that while I was eating or something.

  224. Loaning students money for college doesn’t make it more affordable you unthinking imbecile. it’s demand-side economics. Demand expands, supply stays the same, costs go up, dipshit.

  225. Must be bad, FIL turned it off after the first 30 min.

  226. Daily Kos is melting down.

  227. Must be bad, FIL turned it off after the first 30 min.

    Yay! A good sign.

  228. Oooooo, my, that must be sweet, MJ.

    The liberal column in my TweetDeck is strangely silent.

  229. The funny thing is Obama doesn’t have enough time to prepare for the next one.

  230. I thought tears were supposed to be salty, but the tears of all the Dems weeping over O’s performance are sooooo sweet to me.

  231. 40+ minutes to Obama, 36.4 minutes to Romney.

    Lehererer sucked in that regard.

  232. If Kos himself is arrested naked in a fountain tomorrow, I’ll know why.

  233. Obama wants to channel my creativity.

    How ’bout you let me do that for a change?

  234. Biden v Ryan.

    Can’t wait.

  235. So glad I watched.

  236. Michelle is going to use the big one tonight.

  237. I miss Dave at Garfield Ridge. He’s killing it.

  238. maddow doesn’t know who won this debate.

    Direct quote.

  239. Mr. Maddow’s on now!

  240. Anyone who thought Obama won is delusional. Seriously, needs drugs delusional.

  241. Big cheers for Mitt. Obama has already left the stage.

    That pretty much sums it up.

  242. Maddow: Romney was “hyper”

    But not in a bad way.

  243. Wow. Long faces at MSNBC.

  244. Ed Schultz is PISSED!!!

  245. Ha, Special Ed says the President created a big problem for himself.

    Rachel, even Ed sees it!

  246. maddow doesn’t know who won this debate.

    Well, that seals it. If I had any doubts, I know Romney won for sure.

  247. Someone seriously needs to punch the twink talking on MSNBC now in the face

  248. Watching MSDNC… oh yeah; I’m lighting a sweet sweet cigarette and grabbing a bottle of gatorade.

  249. Matt Welch ‏@mleewelch
    RT @Heminator That wasn’t a debate so much as Mitt Romney just took Obama for a cross country drive strapped to the roof of his car.

  250. LOLing, Mare!

  251. Al whatshisname is melting the fuck out. Is it me or are the other Maddows looking embarrassed.


    Sharpton pissed about states rights. Doesn’t understand that state’s rights were what helped abolish slavery.

    Damn, they are angry on MSNBC.

    so sweet.

  253. Where is Chris Matthews?

  254. Matthews is gonna cry.

  255. Obama looked like the teenager who says he’s done his homework and is getting all A’s and just got busted for lying his ass off.

  256. MSNBC is wondering why it was a real debate and not a Glamour magazine gossip column.

    I think we just turned the corner on American Idol.

  257. My god, he’s even got spittle on his chin. HAHA!

  258. Carville seems to think Romney won this, since he actually wanted to be there, while Obama looked put upon the whole time.


  259. FB libs have all disappeared.

  260. Matthews is pissssssed! Hilarious!

  261. Al Sharpton is not amused.

  262. Wow, MSNBC is TRYING to spin it.

    Well, a couple of them are.

  263. Heh. FB lib just posted that talking heads don’t decide, voters do on election day. I can’t beat him up. He’s a RL friend and his Dodgers suck.

  264. Last time I watched MSNBC, Scott Walker kicked their ass too.
    by Andy 9:44 PM

  265. Oso:


  266. Lawrence Odonnell: Obama was too nice.

    Um, dude. He just didn’t study. It’s that simple.

  267. Obama was outclassed, pure and simple.

  268. Wow. My sister has been texting me all night. I had no idea she was such a conservative.

    I’m not sure I could be any happier.

  269. Hard to be mean when you didn’t actually pack any weapons, Larry O. You’ve gotta take time off from golfin’ to do that.

  270. J’ames, I’m too nice. He’s already the biggest fan of a loser baseball team. It would be like kicking a puppeh.

  271. Lerherer got rolled over by Romney? When Obama got 4 more mintues of speaking time?? WTF.

  272. My sober up meal worked like a charm. I’m still pretty happy though.

  273. OMG, they are so stupid. How many times can the tards at MSNBC say 5 Trillion dollar tax cut?

    That’s awesome. Even if it’s not really a tax cut that has a nice ring to it.

  274. Oh, Sharpton says Romney will be indicted for perjury.

    Ok, who forgot his pill tray?

  275. Whew. That was some prayers answered.

  276. Sharpton accusing Mitt of “all lies” tonight.

    read that again.

    Al Sharpton is accusing Mitt Romney of lying.


  277. heh. Obama was playing “prevent defense”

    Guess that’s what happens when you believe bullshit polls….

  278. We will be suspending polling for a little while. Need to take a walk.

    Heh… a very very long walk.

  279. Holy crap…

    Special Ed is totally off the rails….

  280. Seriously, was this it? This is all it took? After all these years
    ONE GUY, not even our best guy, to stand up to him just once? #GLASSCHINGOD
    by Dave at Garfield Ridge

    Damn right.

  281. The only people gloating more than Morons on FB tonight are Yankee fans.

  282. Jesus. Look how much the MSNBC crew is flailing around in their chair. They’re very excited.

  283. Ouch. Yeah, Romney was channeling Reagan. Obama was channeling Biden.- Insty

  284. Sooo, sure glad everyone wore the Romney Magical Underwear for good luck tonight. I don’t think I’ll wash mine until after the election.

  285. oh yeah…


    Ending the season with a sweep of the Sox and with an overwhelmingly embarrassing win over them.

    Oh, what a great night it’s been.

  286. At the next debate Romney should just let Obama talk for the whole time.

  287. “Dignified Reserve” [of the president]

    Bwahahaha! I”m crying here!

  288. Huh. I’ve never seen Odonnell from the side. Didn’t know he had a turkey neck.

  289. Ok so liberal spin is:

    Obama is dignified, and Romney isn’t very specific. I don’t even know what that means in terms of politics.

  290. I just had an argument with a liberal on Facedouche and he was telling me how the state does owe us all something it is called “A Social Contract”!!!! *cries* Seriously where do you even go from there?

  291. fuck live-blogging the debates. We should figure out how to live-blog the MSNBC post-debate coverage

  292. Holy shit!

    The amazing thing isn’t the story. It’s the last line…

    Gallard said the student was within her rights.

    “She was expressing her freedom of speech, and was not in violation of any school or district policy,” he said.

  293. What was mare’s from comment from earlier today?

    Hoo boy. That was it.

  294. I got a urologist back home. He gonna have a heart attack when he see what I brung him.

  295. Biden has to save Obama after this?

    I’m not even drinking for that one. I’m just gonna sit there with a giant bowl of pudding.

  296. the state does owe us all something it is called “A Social Contract”!!!!

    That’s another example of Goldsteins argument about redefining language.

  297. Now I want to know the results of that Lie Detector deal I linked earlier.

  298. I shouldn’t say this, but I’m starting to feel confident.

  299. Drive by.
    I was very surprised that a lefty moderator could be so neutral.
    OK, they both kind of stomped on his boy parts a bit and put him back in his box.
    Over all… I think I like this debate thinger.
    Particularly Romney’s closing statement.
    Checked the popcorn supply for next week’s VP debate.
    This is gonna be so fun!

  300. Cyn, pretty sure TFG broke it.

  301. I had been arguing with one of the writers at DK about Romney’s tax plan, and it’s pretty clear to me that I was correct based on what was said tonight.

  302. Popcorn and pudding. Count me in!

  303. Biden has to save Obama after this?

    I may faint, I’m so happy.

  304. I can see November from my house.

  305. Palin is still unelectable.

  306. I just get giddy when I see Romney dressing down Obama on MSNBC. I think I have red-meat sweats.

  307. Someone on the left will put out a column stating that Obama threw the debate on purpose.

  308. “Well, let’s not start sucking each others dicks quite yet.” I may be a pessimist. Palin kicked TFGs ass on FB again today.

  309. I guess the Obama camp didn’t even succeed in lowering expectations.

    Is there anything they can’t fuck up?

  310. Hope you had a great bday Anita

  311. They have to, MJ. Oh, and we’ll also be reminded that “Obama TOLD us up front that he was not a good debator”!!11ty!

  312. If the Ryan/Biden debate goes as I expect, I’ll be a father this time next year.

  313. Seriously people are saying they didnt know Obumbler stutters?!?! Where the fuck have they been?

  314. Where’s Sean? I need a spider status update.

  315. If the Ryan/Biden debate goes as I expect, I’ll be a father this time next year.

    Not if you keep eyeing Gabe the way you have been.

  316. Obama was really serving it up tonight:


  317. Shorter Romney: I call.

  318. Booya

  319. Best line: I’ve been in business for 25 years. I have no idea what you are talking about.

  320. Giuliani just schooled MSNBC twink.

  321. Rubio would have been awesome too. We have a good bench.

  322. Not if you keep eyeing Gabe the way you have been.

    He’d have to bear a much, much stronger resemblance to my flirty co-worker. The one with a functioning uterus.

  323. If you want a good laugh go to Ann Althouse’s place and read her real time thoughts on the debate, if you don’t think she’s an idiot after that, her last comment will help:

    9:39: Lots of hanging out on stage… together. Could it be that they like each other?

  324. Where’s Luntz with his live focus group dealie?

  325. Excalibur is on. Helen Mirren was so audaciously hittable in ’81.

  326. Cyn, they’re talking about Luntz’s Dunces at the HQ. 19-4 Romney

  327. He must have been on FNC while I was laughing at the MSDNC weepers.

  328. @billmaher

    Obama made a lot of great points tonight. Unfortunately, most of them were for Romney

  329. Evidently we just missed it, Cyn.

    He said it was the biggest post debate swing he’s ever seen after a debate.

    I saw the tweet, but I didn’t post it, as I was already posting too many of them.

  330. Plouffe doesn’t look happy, does he.


  331. When you’ve lost Bill Maher…

  332. I got off-line and watched the “Debate” straight-through.
    I was totally expecting Obama to lose his shit. He looked totally stressed while Mitt was attacking him.
    I figured we were gonna’ see a psychotic-break. I was quite disappointed. We were ‘This Close’ to a total melt-down.

  333. MJ is right let Obumbles talk

    I thought Mitt was strong but not riveting, Obumbles made me want to barf so I skipped a lot..

  334. Dick Morris thinks Romney won. Should I worry?

  335. Hahahahahaha. Al Sharpton thinks it was a bad idea for Romney to win. Hahahahahahahahahahhaha.

  336. Oh, Sharpton says this is a Rope a Dope strategy.

    He’s got the Dope part right.

  337. This is a big fuckin’ deal.

    /Biden fixing for Luntz

  338. Romney mostly looked like he was having fun. He enjoys learning and understanding nitty gritty numbers.

  339. Obama is used to being the widest ass in an ass kissing contest. Today he was a one legged man in an ass kicking contest.

    His wide ass didn’t help.

  340. Annnddd, Special Ed is back on message!

    Welcome back, Ed!

  341. Love it Roamy!!!

  342. @SoHos Thanks for thinking of me. Yeah it was all good.
    The bruise from the oil drain plug letting go unexpectedly hardly shows at all.
    The alternative was to get near the hot parts. Me not like the hot parts. They make blisters.

    But that’s a pressure washer story, Not nearly as interesting as watching this debate the day after seeing Obama 2016.

    I rather enjoyed that (after adjusting to the fact that there is no mute button for commercials).

    The best point of that movie was understanding the resistance to colonialism and Bambi’s brother’s take on that.

    I felt the shortcoming of that coverage was the influence of his mother. It was only referenced at a second level abstraction.

    I happen to think that mothers are the most powerful people on the earth.

    I’ma sit with some tomorrow in wimmin’s ministry stuff.
    Don’t know why I’m gonna go, but I will.
    I think there’s something I’m s’pozed to do there.

  343. When you campaign strategy is: What about your gaffe Mr Romney, you’re gonna lose.

  344. Dear God, they really really really wanted Obama to win. Their pain is palpable. “Why didn’t Obama do this?” Why didn’t Obama say that?” The whimpering is awesome.

  345. BTW, LI has some nice JP Souza to go along with the fireworks.

  346. Oh shit. Here it comes. Did you ask Obama to be a pussy?

  347. It was pretty funny watching the split-screen while O’bumbles was talking.
    Mitt’s grin just kept getting wider and wider, waiting for his chance to respond(Pounce?).

  348. Answer: No. He’s just a pussy.


  349. Anita, you are an inspiration!

  350. Obama better hope a Kicked Ass is covered under Obamacare.-Dennis Miller

  351. SWEET MERCIFUL BUDDHA, what is this? Twice in one day?!

  352. Come on, people, let’s remember the wise words of Winston Wolf.

    Only after the election.

  353. Jeez, about time, Gabe!

  354. http://twitpic.com/b0tfsw (from Cuffy)

  355. Also, Jack Mackenroth is nasty, stop putting his picture up.

  356. I was just thinking that, Jay. Obama runs a good campaign.

  357. Hi Gabe! It’s like Christmas.

  358. Anita, I’m glad you enjoyed 2016. I did also. Made my parents go with me as my birthday present.

    They liked it too!

  359. http://twitpic.com/b0tfsw (from Cuffy)

    Already.. hahahahah!

  360. That debate was amazeballz. That Romney feller, umph. I likes him.

  361. Ok. Bed time.

  362. Also, Jack Mackenroth is nasty, stop putting his picture up.

    He is quite nasty, yes. Yes he is.

  363. Jim Lehrer is about to take some friendly fire. Ok, now bed time.

  364. luntz on Fox NAO!

  365. He has a name?

  366. Sweet dreams, MJ.

  367. Yo, Gabe!

  368. Got it, Jay!!

  369. Roamy!
    I put this up the other night, while Dave and Wiser were comparing dicks about the National Felons League.

    “Roamy as the “Red Carpet Reporter” for Entertainment Tonight:


  370. Ace is fired up. He stomped on the ONT!

  371. CNN Polling

    The stronger leader? 58% Romney


  372. Axlerod on CNN now!

  373. Best line: I’ve been in business for 25 years. I have no idea what you are talking about.

    Wiserson was watching debate with me He got class credit for watching and discussing it on twitter.

    He is in the minority in his school, as a Romney supporter. One of his “friends” said he wanted to punch him in the face because of his tweets in support of Romney.

    Anyway, before I told him Reagan’s remark re: “You are entitled to your own opinions, but you are not entitled to your own facts”

    Even before I told him that story, he had already tweeted back that “dude, facts are facts. You can’t make up your own facts.”

    *so proud

  374. I believe the Governor may have delivered a body blow to the Precedent this evening. Let’s remember, there are two more rounds to go and the iWon will fight dirty.

  375. @IngrahamAngle: BREAKING: @BarackObama just seen limping up the jet way to Air Force One, covered in Nicotine patches.”

    ChrisP, I saw it. There was another XKCD I was going to share, but I can’t find it now.

  376. Proud dad, wiser! Good job!

  377. @Wiser. Tell that young man there’s a grandma out there ready to kiss his sweet face and stand between him and any harm.
    Send his “friend” to me.
    Then I’ll spit on a kleenex and clean his face a bit.

  378. DD is also having debates on twitter with her peer group. I am very proud of her. She called Obama and asshat *beams with pride*

  379. Do you think Obumbles understands the Laffer curve now?

  380. Tonight’s debate:

  381. Oohhhh SoHoS, I have yet another grand child. I feel so blessed!

  382. XB for the win!!! LOL

  383. Ha ha. Chrissy Mathews had a stinker running down the back of his leg.

  384. Yay! Wiserson. Being contrary is good. When you have facts on your side.

  385. Then I’ll spit on a kleenex and clean his face a bit.

    as any good grandma would.

    He got an extra big hug tonight, as well as some easily digestible info on romney for him to use in school tomorrow.

  386. Remember last week when Fox accidentally showed that guy committing suicide?

    I thought MSNBC might accidentally show Chris Matthews tonight.

  387. Hairy situation


  388. Dang, Xbrad. It’s the 3rd, and you’ve already weighed in with the funneh!

  389. Haha, school tomorrow for a Romney supporter has GOT to be a bright spot.

  390. If you’re not watching MSNBC, you have missed the greatest schadenfreude in a generation. But don’t worry. There’ll be a few more.

  391. Oh my – I need a cigarette after that performance by our next President.

    And I don’t smoke….. 😛

    Way to go, Wiserson and Sohosdaughter! Kudos to the parental units, too –

    Night, all – sweet dreams! ♥♥♥

  392. One “I wish…”

    “Ive been in business 25 years, and I have no idea what you’re talking about” should have been followed by “and frankly, I don’t think you do either.”

  393. Sohita, that was disgusting! Someone poat a frog pic quick!!!

  394. It’s so funny watching the leftards on MSNBC complaining about how “SOMEONE NEEDS TO FACT-CHECK ROMNEY!!!”

    From a team that allows Obama to lie and lie and lie and lie and lie, over and over again, only to be kinda somewhat sorta fact-checked..after the fact, when no one is listening…

  395. Hai, Tush!

  396. The JEF got his hat handed to him tonight. He was on the verge of a breakdown, but missed it by “This Much”….

    He was “Really” close.”
    Perhaps next-time…

    So it goes…

  397. Can we pause a bit and pray for our country?
    I only heard one job applicant refer to our (mostly) common God, the declaration of independence, and the constitution.
    I wouldn’t bother to ask if I hadn’t seen the results of prayer first hand.

    And now FUDE! Then sleep.

  398. I thought Andrea Mitchell was the fact checker? FB peeps were looking for Soledad’s Earpiece tonight.

  399. Jay —

    I hope I made you proud out there explaining the vision we share for this country.

    Now we need to go win this election — the most important thing that will happen tonight is what you do (or don’t do) to help in the little time we have left:

    Thank you,


  400. Roamy,
    Twice I have posted this here, and you missed it?
    I give up…

    “Roamy as the “Red Carpet Reporter” for Entertainment Tonight:


  401. HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!

    Biden will “haunt” Ryan in the debates, according to Al Sharpton.

  402. Guys, this is a good day for H2 when an influential columnist from NY Daily News hangs out with us!

  403. It’s awesome, isn’t it Tushar?

  404. ChrisP, huh? I said I saw your posted comic.

  405. Yeah, the entire MSNBC panel put all the pressure on Biden, in the VP debate.

    I wonder how that will work out.

  406. Found the one I was looking for. http://xkcd.com/303/

  407. well, have a good night.

  408. Right now Biden is scared. Because he’s reading the choke hazard warning on his Happy Meal toy.

    I want to have a few beers with Iowahawk.

  409. Chatting with a friend in Kabul on FB. He got up early for the debate.

  410. debates mean nothing….

  411. “debates mean nothing” Only when you lose. My Lib FB friends have conceded the night to Romney. They are all gone.

  412. I’m sure the polls won’t change. The samples will, the numbers won’t.

    Or maybe they’ll use this as an excuse to regain credibility.

  413. Leon, maybe someone other than Ras will use LV samples. Maybe.

  414. I’m sure the polls won’t change.

    might have changed Ann Althouse’s mind…..


  415. Ann would have to have a mind. I’m pretty sure she thinks with her ladyparts.

  416. My other Lib friends are starting to weigh in: Only thing that matters is the “Vote” on 11/6. Debates don’t matter!!!! I think the talking point is out there. Getting ready to go “gloat” some more. Still pissed at the TX Rangers. I HATE the A’s.

  417. The media spent years trying to convince the people that Obama is the smartest man to walk on this planet. They managed to convince Obama. Today he realized that they may have been exaggerating a bit.

  418. I am awaiting the Hitler video.

  419. Seriously, where’s Sean? He posted a spider pic on FB and we haven’t heard from him.

  420. Still pissed at the TX Rangers. I HATE the A’s.


    I actually chose to watch the debate vs. watching the yankees destroy the red sox to win the AL East

    well, they had already won when the Orioles lost… but still…

    Swept the Sox to end the season.

  421. I had Rays/Orioles on. Dan is seriously apolitical. He only watched part of the debate. I hate TFGs voice. I’m getting nervous by the Moron rejoicing taking place on FB.

  422. Tush, a lot of gloating on our side tonight. Lots of silence on the other side.

  423. Looks like Jim Lehrer was the “Replacement Refs” of moderators. Whatever.

  424. Do. Not. Gloat.

    It’s all about November 6.

  425. Thank you Andy for grounding us. Also for an epic loss to the Yankees.

  426. Tonight Michelle is thinking perhaps she is not cut out for a lesbian relationship after all.

  427. Heh. I guess this is TFG/Moochelle’s Anniversary. Lots of racism on display on FB.

  428. Tonight Valerie Jarrett is furiously rereading “Pygmalion,” trying to find what she missed.

  429. Heh. GO gets all literary and stuff.

  430. Romney: make -f POTUS /whitehouse
    Obama: rm -rf *

  431. Romney: Republican Party

    Obama: Lemon Party

  432. [i]from @KurtSchlicter

    There was no Burt Reynolds with a bow to rescue him tonight

  433. I had a dinner tonight so I missed it live but I just watched the debate on DVR. Here’s my take:

    Top to bottom: Romney, Obama:


    Hey Bill Kristol and Joe Scarboroughopolis:

    How my Bain taste?

    Who knew the world’s greatest orator was a dumb fuck?

    Who KNEW?

  434. I was just told that the gloating will continue on FB.

  435. Obama: Lemon Bear

    Romney: Dick Punch

  436. There was no Burt Reynolds with a bow to rescue him tonight

    Hahahahaha. And now a word from Joe Biden.

    Joe Biden: This President was buried over the last 90 minutes!

    I’m sure this was all just Obama throwing the first debate so he can look like a oratorical GENIUS in the next two debates but still.

    His obviously intentional suck was impressive in the pantheon of suck.

  437. It’s a trap, Rosetta. Obama is playing thirteen-dimensional doll house.

    I mean, chess. Yeah, chess.

  438. True Story. DRINK. My active duty FB friends starting changing their FB Statuses/settings last year. They don’t even have Birthday events enabled. Kind of weird.

  439. How pathetic is our southern Clownifornia local TV news tonight? When they decide to ask how the public debates went, they ask only a specific group: UCLA graduate students.

    Guess how that went. Even then, it didn’t make Obastard look good.

  440. It’s a trap, Rosetta. Obama is playing thirteen-dimensional doll house.

    I mean, chess. Yeah, chess.


    I think Obama accidentally played 1/3-dimensional doll house.

    Floyd has eaten the head off one of my Malibu Barbies and she could still have done a better job tonight.

    On-teleprompter, Obama is an erudite low-grade moron. Off-teleprompter, he’s a blubbering fucking idiot.

    I have confidence that Romney can still fuck this up but tonight he put Obama in a sheep suit and made him look baaaaad.

  441. Why was the 1st debate on a Wednesday? Too many people will be hungover tomorrow.

  442. Romney: Tom Servo and Crow
    Obama: TV’s Frank

  443. Liberals are all ultimately victims of unintentional consequences because they can’t think past the present hand of UNO.

    The idiot MSM has protected Obama from being challenged on a fucking thing for 4+ years and it showed tonight.

    The man is a goddamn dunce. The fact that he’s a socialist doesn’t help but he’s an idiot.

    If Romney doesn’t win by 80+ electoral votes, I’m moving to the Forest Moon of Endor.

  444. Mitt was en fuego. IMHO Paul Ryan has big ears.

  445. I better go smoke a cigarette, do a shot and hit the sack.

    *high fives George Orwell*

    *wipes unknown substance off my hand*

    Tonight was a good night. The stupid lib spinners will spin because that’s what they do but Romney kicked a eunuch in his phantom balls tonight and that’s a good thing.

    + 1 point

  446. PROTIP: tell Sheriff Joe he has to bone up for the pending Obama/Biden debate.

  447. *pantses ossobucco*

    *runs away*

  448. There is much joy in Mudville tonight!

  449. Floyd has eaten the head off one of my Malibu Barbies and she could still have done a better job tonight.

    It will be interesting when you clean up his poop and find it staring back at you.

  450. My Doxie, Ginger, ate a Ginger Spice doll. It was really weird.

  451. Doxie? How ’bout this?


  452. Mare, I have a FB friend from HI that tracks the political races there. He is hilarious. You need to FB with us.

  453. GO, I think that Doxies are over represented at that site. RACIST!!!!

  454. Yeah, I noticed that about doxies there. Are they really so… industrious?

  455. They are hilarious. They keep me on my toes.

  456. Oh goddammit, I missed RosettaBobetta. Maybe.

  457. See, this is just gayballz http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2012/10/its-over.php

    It. Ain’t. Over. ACORN’s still alive and well, and the stupid people that voted for Obama will vote for him again.

    Did this help? Yes. Is it the death blow? Aw, hell no.

  458. Maybe? EARWORM!!!!!

  459. Nighty night, lemon bear dick punchers.

  460. Andy!!! Robert Duvall is friends with Andy Garcia who is friends with a LOT of Morons on FB. Andy Garcia poats recipes!!!!

  461. G’night y’all. Except Sean and his stupid RL spider pic.

  462. Pushing up the ante, I know you’ve got to see me,
    Read ’em and derp, the dead man’s hand again

  463. I’m friends with Andy Garcia on FB. And I loved him in Black Rain until he got killed, so there’s that.

  464. “Tonight Obama finally united the country.”- commenter at NRO

  465. Black Rain was good.

    Internal Affairs was better.

  466. I really love Andy Garcia on FB. He must be between movies. He posts a lot.

  467. Black Rain is one of my favorite movies. Total flypaper, if it’s on, I’m watching.

  468. I’m not friends with any famous people on FB.

    Stupid restraining orders.

  469. The only death blow is when MSNBC calls it at 1054PM on Nov 6.

    This was just a surprisingly good uppercut in round 9, since Rocky analogies are popular right now. Fight’s probably got 6 more rounds.

  470. *Sends posse out looking for Carin.*

  471. wakey wakey

  472. Oh, there you are. *Reaches over to hug Carin. Accidentially gropes several important Carin parts.* Ooooops, my bad.

  473. I had to do stuff for a bit before I woke you guys up.

  474. One of my rare headaches woke me up about 2 hours ago. We have a huge temperature change coming later today and I think it set off my in-head weather barometer.

  475. I don’t know what you guys are gloating about. Sounds pretty even, after seeing some of the morning news coverage.

    I’ll wait to see what Matt Lauer and Savannah Guthrie tell me. Oh wait, I have to go work. Crap.

  476. Heh, I think my wife got that same headache, CB. She couldn’t get to sleep last night.

  477. Also, is it after 4 hours you are supposed to let your doctor know? Or 8?

  478. Heh, looks like Ace was up all night.

  479. HotAir’s reaction roundup post has some gems.

  480. Ace’s has two youtube videos, Smirk, and The Debate in Body Language. Anyone who has children, seen children or knows that children exist, can see a parent schooling a sullen, snotty child.

  481. I don’t know who casts the BDO commercials, but they manage to find some decently MILFy actresses.

  482. I so enjoyed the debate last night. Not being a huge Romney fan, I wasn’t really sure how it would go …

    ANyone note the Frank Luntz piece after the debate? WHich – wow.

    I was trying to show my husband this morning but my stupid DVR cut off before it started. bummer.

  483. What is BDO?

  484. It’s a giant accounting firm that advertises on Fox and FBN.

  485. According to the New Mexico news station’s poll, Obama won the debate 57 to 43.

  486. Mindless partisanship.

  487. According to the New Mexico news station’s poll, Obama won the debate 57 to 43.

    They probably polled the staff at the station.

  488. OMG the sun is out. I haven’t seen it in days.

  489. Treacher’s summary on the debate.

  490. Empty friggen suit.

    From the Real Revo:

    Stripped of the use of pandering demagoguery, Obama is reduced to a state of confused, passionless stammering. Soon he will be back in front of his base and will again have access to his tool box of class warfare implements and will again look passionate and engaged as he happily goes about dismantling American unity.

  491. What’s the InTrade line on bombing Iran as an excuse to skip subsequent debates?

  492. What’s the over/under on Obama coming up with some excuse to drop out of the other debates?

  493. There was mummers about how Obama was trying to lower expectations before the debate.

    I don’t think he lowered them enough.

  494. Heh, Coke to Leon, and I should have refreshed before commenting.

  495. His little (blatantly transparent) self-effacing comments about Romney being a better debater, were supposed to prepare people for Obama knocking it out of the park based on lowered expectations.


  496. Drive time. I won’t be around much today I suspect, I’ve got real work to do and a chance to remind people that they accidentally made me indispensable.

  497. I think Obama (and crew) have grown so used to his campaign speeches, which are met with approval and applause, they’ve forgotten that some people have a response to their bullshit.

    Even when they go on news shows for interviews, they spot empty bullshit, often with no more substance that Obama’s stump speeches.

    They – not Obama nor his administration – have had to answer the hard questions.

  498. Henninger agrees with me:
    “Barack Obama showed the dangers and risks of presidential incumbency. For all the powers of the office, the U.S. presidency inevitably causes the person holding it to place outsized belief and faith in the correctness of his own policies and ideas. In a word, hubris. It has happened before. “

  499. This is only 16 seconds long but says a lot:

  500. ba haa haaa haa…

    Preparation and study are HARD, Mare. And Obama’s never had to do that before in his life. Give him a break.

    The media usually does.

  501. Preparing for a debate is not like college Obama, smoking a fatty is not going to cut it.

  502. I’ve got to link the source:

    Joe Pounder ‏@PounderFile
    NBC’s Peter Alexander: Obama Has Prepared More For This Debate Than Any Sitting President http://youtu.be/pf9mbzuCHJw

  503. That really needs to go viral.

    This is the most prepared president than any sitting President?

  504. I won’t be around much today I suspect, I’ve got real work to do a

    Stupid work. It’s not fair that it gets in the way of our FUN.

  505. Romney exceeded expectations, Obama fell below his (already lowered) expectations.

  506. Mare, you should put that up on your facebook page.

  507. I admit I did not watch much of the debate last night. O’ bumbles would lie and I changed the channel. When I changed back it was invariably O’bumbles lying again. The few times I saw Mitt I thought he was solid and unexciting.

    I think I watched the wrong debate.

  508. Hey Carin, what’s Obama’s schedule for today?

  509. New Post

  510. V-man – this debate was ONE time that he was called on his bullshit. yes he lied, but romney responded.

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