All together now … SING!


  1. best site ever?

  2. HA! Sad, sad song…

  3. This song put the rock in rock crusher … the ball in ball buster … the feather in feather duster.

  4. I have to go to the bank and do errands and stuff. I will see you again very soon. Maybe even later, if I can manage it.

  5. the feather in feather duster.

    That made me laugh ๐Ÿ˜€

  6. Thank you for the fun and warm welcome, too – y’all are the best, except for wiser, who’s … like…. seventh best, I guess. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  7. This poat is RAAAAACIST!

  8. See you soon, Jazz!!

  9. best site ever?

    Man, for an alcoholic, I sure live in the wrong town. The default location it gives me is a Park & Ride lot.

  10. The default location it gives me is a Park & Ride lot.

    That’s just so wrong…

  11. At least it’s not a school.

  12. Whoa! Crazy Stats!

    Welcome Twits from the Twitterverse!

    Delurk and say hello!

  13. Ok, Jazz saw the avatard, so back to Christmas Vargas!

  14. All lurkers welcome and Merry Christmas juicebox and back-fat fans!

    Well, that’s not completely true.

    Most lurkers are welcome.

  15. Lurkers, DELURK!!!

    At least if’n you want a juicebox.

  16. Heh; that video is actually pretty good.

  17. juicebox?

  18. You get vodka, John.

  19. Why doesn’t vodka come in juiceboxes though?

  20. Because then they’d be vodkaboxes. Duh.

  21. You know, that’s actually a really good idea …. Buzz Boxes!! Liquor filled “juice boxes.” Easy to sneak into concert type venues and strip clubs.

  22. Buzz Box Solutionsโ„ข


    I’m in!

  23. Bourbon box.

    I like it.

    How you doing, Comos? That’s nice.

  24. You forgot DUI checkpoints, compos.

  25. what is wrong with drinking in a park n ride lot?

  26. are you guys able to vote on this? If so, can you guys vote for the 24/7 question. The occupy san diego people HATE the homeless people that live there 24/7 and it would amuse me to no end if the ppl who get the greyhound ticket to “Occupy D.C” are the homeless. bwahaha hahaha

  27. Ass cocaine.

  28. The only poll I see is the one about the $600 for the Greyhound tix, PJM. Is that the one? Because that one was so full of spelling mistakes that I had to take a screenshot of it.

  29. hahaha, that’s the one, but apparently upon reading further, today they actually like the 24/7 peeps. Guess it depends on the minute

  30. Where’s that whore Mare?

  31. Scott, now I know where the word ‘crack cocaine’ comes from

  32. Scott, now I know where the word โ€˜crack cocaineโ€™ comes from

    *up twinkles*

  33. From Our H2 Sooper Sekrit Research Department: Our lurkers/hits are coming from a linky at Free Republic.

    Hello FReepers!

    Do NOT delurk to say hello. I repeat: DO NOT DELURK!

  34. How you doing, Comos? Thatโ€™s nice.

    Hahaha! Dickface. Here’s all the fucks I give about how you’re doing:

  35. Screwdriver box – vodka and juice. I don’t even drink and that sounds awesome.

  36. I’m telling you guys, they’d be a good seller. Someone already manufactures Pokcet Shots>, but they’re straight booze – no mixer.

  37. I don’t want to make too big a deal out of it, but Big Juicebox has been discriminating against functioning alcoholics for years. I guess I’m just tired of having to live like a second-class citizen.

  38. Yes, John, that seems wrong.

    Xbrad, excellent picture.

  39. Those cleaned up pretty good, Hotspurt.

  40. Ass pennies?

  41. That Lincoln was such a brown noser.

  42. Hotspur’s representation of our 401k’s value.

  43. ROFL

  44. Sooooo……

    Did anyone ELSE spend a couple of hours at the ER this morning, getting a gaping wound in their kid’s head stitched back together?

    Just me?

    OK, then…..

  45. When I was a kid, my parents used spit and dirt.

  46. Goodness, what happened Teresa?

  47. Good heavens, Teresa. Is she ok??

  48. bwahaha hahaha wonder how long till this gets deleted.

    So I haven’t been down to the plaza since last Wednesday because I had surgery on my back and have been stuck in bed. I was looking forward to coming back as soon as I could, but now I don’t think I even want to since it seems like if I am not a self appointed “24/7 occupier” then I might as well not even be a part of OSD… People really need to have an ego check.

  49. When I was a kid, my parents used spit and dirt.

    When I was a kid, we didn’t have dirt and were grateful to have spit.

  50. Did anyone ELSE spend a couple of hours at the ER this morning, getting a gaping wound in their kidโ€™s head stitched back together?

    Um. Nope. Sure didn’t.

    Did the boyfriend from England do it? You know how those limeys are.

  51. Well, we got to the climactic scene in the live action “Peter Pan”, and she started jumping up and down on the couch (which we’ve warned her not to do, but which she does anyway), and somehow her foot slipped out from under her – going from front to back – and she did a HARD face plant right onto the coffee table.

    The skin on the forehead being what it is, it split like a banana – blood everywhere, screaming and running around (that would have been ME; she was just holding her head in confusion).

    Grabbed the paper towels to attempt to staunch the bleeding (those head wounds sure do give off a lot of blood), shoved shoes on my feet, put a coat on her and me, started to leave to go to the ER, DD#3 came downstairs, I said “Hi” and “Bye”, bundled Becca into the car and off we went.

    I think I ran a couple of lights.

    The ER is only 5 minutes away from the house.

  52. When I was a kid, my parents just hit me with a rock somewhere else so I’d forget about the hole in my head.

  53. and she did a HARD face plant right onto the coffee table.


  54. We get there – there’s hardly ANYONE in the ER during the day; even so, if you have a gaping wound, you go straight to the head of the line.

    We get asked the same questions over and over again – ‘cuz you know, we’ve been parents for 25 years and have MAYBE been to the ER 3-4 times…..

    But, they have to ask.

    Anyway, they gave her some GOOD drugs, and stitched her up – 5 internal and 9 external.

    Now we’re at home, watching her like a hawk, ‘cuz she’s not quite herself yet, and given how hard she hit her head I’m a little bit concerned (she doesn’t have a big goose egg like I’d expect to see).

    The ER doc didn’t seem to think we had anything to worry about, but Becca doesn’t EVER complain, so it’s hard to know if she’s feeling OK or not.

  55. Well, she’ll have a nice little conversation starter on her forehead.


  56. Seriously though, glad she only has some stitches. She’ll be fine, I’ll put her in the prayer rotation. I like that she doesn’t ever complain…GOOD GIRL!

  57. You guys, don’t tell Mr. Doom Monty this, but the Occupy San Diego crown says California isn’t broke and is doing just fine. I feel SO much better now.

    We hear it all the time… California has oppressive regulations and a poor business climate, and so businesses are relocating from the state in droves… more than any other state.

    But it turns out this is just one more lie, promulgated by the corporate-controlled media to increase their profits through scare tactics. “You’d better vote for the business-friendly (i.e. Republican like Meg Whitman) rather than the liberal Democrat (like Jerry Brown) or your company might leave the state, and you could lose your job.” What is the truth?

    See this report which clearly shows that California is 21st from the bottom in terms of job losses from emigration of companies out of the state. Sure, since CA is the most populous state, they can fool you with absolute numbers, but really is is a non-problem.

    But what this makes you realize that the well-known fact is not true at all, but is still promulgated and believed by almost everyone you meet.

    Click to access R_910JKR.pdf

  58. Tifw, hugs for you and Becca. Scary stuff.

  59. PJM, what’s the latest with your kiddies? Seems there’s always something interesting going on.

  60. Of course, The Boy is here, bless his heart – and all of this is happening around him! He’s certainly going to have some stories to relate when he gets back home….

    DD#3 was quite kind – she cleaned up the mess at home before we got back, and also went across the street to talk to our neighbor about watching the pets while we’re away visiting family (since I was occupied elsewhere).

    We did meet DD#3 and The Boy for lunch before they headed down to pick up DD#2. Had a lovely time with them; he’s quite a nice young man, and we apparently haven’t scared him off yet.

    And as DD#3 told him – he’s the only one she’s actually brought home to meet mom and dad, and she keeps warning us to “be nice” to him, so as far as she’s concerned, he’s not going anywhere anytime soon.

    I think he’ll fit in nicely with us – he said he likes sarcasm…..

  61. PJM, whatโ€™s the latest with your kiddies? Seems thereโ€™s always something interesting going on.

    They’re fighting in the living room………does that sound interesting?

    Day 2 of Christmas break.

    Please kill me.

  62. HA! PJM, turn on the hose and soak them. That will teach ’em.

  63. Of course, The Boy is here, bless his heart โ€“ and all of this is happening around him!

    So he DID do it! I KNEW it!

  64. HA! PJM, turn on the hose and soak them. That will teach โ€˜em.

    Good idea! I just have to get them to go outside first.

    Maybe I can borrow some of Rebecca’s drugs and drug them up instead?

  65. When my hubby went to Texas to meet my parents and siblings, I had already told him my family was crazy. They didn’t disappoint.

  66. Thanks for the well wishes, everyone.

    Actually, this is one time that I wish she DID complain a little bit more – I don’t know if she’s in any pain or if she’s feeling weird or “off” or anything.

    She was remarkably good at the ER, though – not a peep out of her. Of course, the Versed they gave her might have had something to do with that…..

    She was a little punchy at the restaurant afterwards, too – I don’t know if the stuff they gave her was time-release or what, because she didn’t seem that way when we left the ER!

  67. Poor kiddo! But at least it sounds like she doesn’t feel too terrible.

    My immediate family is fine. My extended family…Don’t get me wrong, I love them, but there’s a reason my dad and I have been trying to get my mom to write a book about our relatives for a long time.

  68. Head stuff is freaking scary. You sound like YOU handled it like a champ, TiFW

  69. PJM, loan your kids out to OSD. You could make some nice cash and they will get exercise harassing old ladies and shop keepers.

  70. Glad Rebecca is ok, Teresa.

    Gaping is never a positive word.

  71. Yeah, Ron Paul’s gaping pie hole is not positive.

  72. You sound like YOU handled it like a champ, TiFW

    Oh, ask anybody who knows me – I’m apparently the Rock of Gibraltar in a crisis situation (I can’t confirm that assertion; I just go into auto-pilot).

    After the crisis passes, however, I’m a total wreck – I’ve been shaking like a leaf for the last hour or so; I guess it’s all of the adrenaline working its way out of my system…..

    Gaping is never a positive word.

    Especially when it’s your sweet little “baby”; I saw some colors I NEVER expected to see on a cranium (apparently the purple things I saw were veins…..).

  73. FWIW, Peej – I certainly didn’t FEEL like a “champ”; I would swear that I was just babbling and making no sense at all.

    I called Mr. TiFW and had him meet me at the ER – he did the “heavy lifting” this time; between the adrenaline and the MG, I thought I was pretty worthless this time around.

    He said it was OK – he’s off starting tomorrow, and he wasn’t in much of a mood to work today, either.

    So he’s home taking care of his girls this afternoon, and getting things ready for our trip.

  74. Glad the little one is alright, Teresa. Extra Christmas cookies and squishy hugs will probably help her.

    >> Iโ€™m apparently the Rock of Gibraltar

    I am told that so am I. Especially between the ears.

  75. ***Impoartant H2 Alert***

    The Amazon meatup fund stands at $122.37 right now. Nice work, whoever bought that case of slightly-used rubber fists.

  76. SWEET!!!

    That will get us 10 mins of bar time. I mean us, not all of the hostages.

  77. I survived the shopping.

    It’s nice that you were all so concerned about me.

  78. I’m thinking more like a keg for BANGLAR PARTY VAN.

  79. Great idea, Andy.

    Can we get a keg of vodka by any chance? Mare wanted me to ask you.

  80. Carin, an update on your spot fading cream, please.

    Andy, an update on your cross dressing experiment, please.

  81. Itโ€™s nice that you were all so concerned about me.
    How is your calf? That’s what concerns me.

  82. MJ, an update on your coming out to your parents, please.

  83. >> Andy, an update on your cross dressing experiment, please.

    The dog hated it


    Stupid dog.

  85. Heh. Horse made a funneh.

  86. How is the cute little puppy Andy?

  87. Why you hatin on me over at ace’s mare?

  88. NEVER Jay!

  89. Nice work, whoever bought that case of slightly-used rubber fists.

    Great. Thanks for letting everyone know what I got my Secret Santa recipient.

  90. Haha, mare.

  91. Moar Crazy Blog Stats Gone Crazy!!

    Helllllooooo Morons!

    I dare you not to delurk.

  92. Cyn, show them… ya know, YOUR stats.


  94. Why the hell do you think they’re here? Everyone got to see my ‘big stats’ today Ghee; you didn’t get my twitch??

  95. MJ, an update on your coming out to your parents, please.
    They were kind of surprised, but took it well. You’re referring to me telling them that I’m better than them in every way, right?

  96. I received nothing from you.


  97. Look harder, but this time use your OTHER hand.

  98. “They were kind of surprised, but took it well. Youโ€™re referring to me telling them that Iโ€™m better than them in every way, right?”

    HA! YES! I bet it was awesome!

  99. *reaches for Cyn’s goodies.

    *encounters some sort of force field


  100. The cute little puppy is getting big and learning to ask to go outside to do her bidness.

    Potty training WIN!

  101. Look harder, but this time use your OTHER hand.

    – – – – —

    Use my other hand, hahahaha, as if there is going to be someth… HEY! Well I’ll be.

  102. Andy – How ’bout working on xBrad next?

  103. Good little puppeh!

  104. *reaches for Cynโ€™s goodies.
    *encounters some sort of force field


  105. Use my other hand, hahahaha, as if there is going to be somethโ€ฆ HEY! Well Iโ€™ll be.

    Blind Date Win!

  106. I remember when I first delurked, back in 1988-89, around there – it was a little intimidating at first, but my Commodore 64 was up to the task and it wasn’t long before we were sharing copies of all the cool and funny faxes that we got on a daily basis.

    Ah, memories.

  107. Yannow how they USED to tell you not to let a kid fall asleep after they cracked their noggin?

    Well, that’s not the case anymore – in fact, it’s OK for their little brains to re-boot themselves after a fall.

    But then they tell you that excessive sleepiness is a problem.

    So now I’m trying to decide if Rebecca falling asleep on the couch is a good or bad thing.

    (She isn’t very happy with me checking on her every so often to make sure she is “rousable”…..)

  108. Andy, can we get another puppeh pic?

  109. Welcome, visiting morons.

    *pats self on back for not mentioning this POS by name in the sidebar link*

  110. I’ll take one tonight, Oso.

  111. Yeah, I want a pic of the puppeh too!

    Honestly, I want to see Rebecca’s forehead too!

  112. Thanks, Andy.

  113. Criminal Minds is a good show, but it sure is gory.

  114. Sweet! Jazz is back!


  115. Was Jazz ever really gone?

    /Zombie Bob Fosse

  116. I think Jazz should hang out here regularly if for no other reason than a good, regular venting. Save him some bucks!

  117. Criminal Minds is a good show, but it sure is gory.

    It’s just not the same since Inigo Montoya is gone.

  118. mare is on to something. Maybe the Amazon thingy should collect therapy charges, too.

  119. I have to go grocery shopping.


  120. Pick up a brisket, Jewstin. Mine looks tasty, gotta cook it later this week.

  121. Jay – what are you most fascinated by?

  122. That’s a fascinating link of your gmail account, GMLand, thanks!

  123. I know that the H2 has always made me feel better. Both as a lurker and a delurker. Especially this past week.

  124. OK, here’s one to tide you over:


  125. She is so adorable.

  126. sorry you had to go through that, oso.

  127. Awwww, Andy – what a cutie-pie!
    I guess she’s got you wrapped around her sweet little paw…..

    Honestly, I want to see Rebeccaโ€™s forehead too!

    Well, there’s not much to see there anymore, but right now it’s covered with a great big bandage, and we were told to leave it in place for a while.

    They seem to have done a great job on the stitching – I’m just hoping when all is said and done that she doesn’t end up looking like she has a unibrow, ‘cuz that’s about the spot that the scar is in right now…..

  128. Got my secret santa from fed ex today. I may be wrong but I think it’s wads of 100 dollar bills stuffed in a box. awesome

  129. Thanks, Jay. I can’t even imagine Christmas at my cousin’s house this year. Just really makes me want to hold my friends and family close. And look at puppeh and bebe pictures. Thanks Hostages for providing both.

  130. In all of today’s excitement, I never got around to advertising today’s blog post:

    My Advent Calendar of Music โ€“ Day #20: Sounds Like Christmas

    Today’s selections are several old “standards”…..

  131. Yannow how they USED to tell you not to let a kid fall asleep after they cracked their noggin?

    True. You just have to decide whether they’re being tired is because of all the crying and trauma that they’ve been through (which is exhausting) or if it’s because of the head noggin. Good luck with that!

  132. Hey osoloco! So I was reading the Occupy San Diego page, natch, and I saw this comment by a girl who is employed at Target who’s only wish this year from Santa would be to Occupy Target on Christmas Eve like they did Walmart on Black Friday.

    Yay her! She’s so smart.

  133. Tifw, I used to love the cheesy Christmas specials. Andy Williams’ specials were the best.

  134. Oh, my, that puppy is really cute and I like the way he appears to be looking at his shadow….or a past tinkle spot.

  135. OK, hereโ€™s one to tide you over:


  136. TiF: Glad to hear Rebecca’s gonna be fine. You on the other hand should do a shot now; you’ve earned it. They make gluten-free booze you know.

    Andy: Cute puppah!!! I want to bury my nose into her scruffy neck and tickle her belly!

    Count: The bills?? Yeah, um, those are mine.

  137. โ€ฆ.or a past tinkle spot.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Mare has won the internets for the day!

  138. Omigosh – I just glanced over at Rebecca, and noticed that THERE IS A DENT IN THE EDGE OF THE COFFEE TABLE WHERE SHE HIT HER HEAD.

    *feels terrible all over again*

    At least she’s up and talking now –

  139. I have been hankering for brisket, but the ones in the store are all big enough to feed Kerry Marie for a day and a half. I don’t want to mess around cutting one up and wrapping it and all that noise.

    I got a pork tenderloin instead.

  140. Just got off the phone with my mom; she needed help with driving directions to a doctor’s office about 45 miles away. I gave her turn-by-turn instructions and even told her what the buildings looked like, and gave her alternate directions if needed. Plus, I described her route to get back onto the freeway to get home.

    Not only do I need a drink after that 20 MINUTE LONG CONVERSATION (!!11ty!!), I am changing my name to Tom-Tom Cyn-Cyn

  141. They make gluten-free booze you know.

    Yep – almost ALL of it is!
    (Snickers and most Ice Cream, too – now THAT’S my kind of “diet”…..)

  142. PJ, a week ago we were informed we would be open until 9pm on Christmas Eve. Last year we extended hours until 7. It has totally ruined a lot of Christmases. Instead of Occupying Target, I wish people just wouldn’t shop after 6pm on Christmas Eve.

  143. I donโ€™t want to mess around cutting one up and wrapping it and all that noise.

    Small children are much easier to eat.

  144. So you want me to Occupy Target? I know where the tent section is.

  145. Small children are much easier to eat.

    Good thinking. A gaggle of them have been running around here since last Friday. I’m pretty sure the small to medium ones would fit in my oven.

  146. Nah, just boycott Target on Christmas Eve. They are still reeling from the crappy results from Black Friday. Lots of our regular demographic stayed away. We had lots of single item door buster shoppers. I bet we’ll be open next Thanksgiving Day.

  147. There’s no way in heck I’m venturing out of the house on Christmas Eve, you do NOT have to worry about that one.

    I don’t venture out on Black Friday either.

    Although, I was surprised to find out my almost 70 year old pops got up on Black Friday and got himself and exercise bike on Black Friday. He said Sports Authority wasn’t that crowded.

  148. OMG,OMG,OMG…..SIXTH PLACE!!!!!!!!

    You are all scum compared to me!!!!!

  149. Jewstin, we actually got a little brisket from Sam’s Club. I don’t know any of the details. I just know I’m getting brisket and potato salad for Christmas. It might have been a 2 pack and we’re freezing one. I really don’t pay attention to kitchen stuff.

  150. PJ, it is a good thing I always go to Mass on Christmas morning. The Midnight Mass and children’s Mass types are boned.

  151. Oso, that’s got to be tough. Really tough.

  152. “I really donโ€™t pay attention to kitchen stuff.”

    You are now, officially, my idol!

  153. Last time I was in Wal-Mart they had small briskets, but I figured I could get a better price at the grocery store by my apartment.

    Which was true, because it’s less per pound at Food Mart. But, their briskets are all the size of a pillow.

  154. OMG!!! If you’re deaf and like to lip read, this might be what Mitt Romney seems like he’s saying to you. Funny

  155. Mare, I used to collect cookbooks for the pictures. I’m lucky that my hubby loves to cook.

  156. PJ, it is a good thing I always go to Mass on Christmas morning. The Midnight Mass and childrenโ€™s Mass types are boned.

    oooooooooh, we always do the Midnight Mass, that actually starts at 10 because our priests are too old or something, but anyways, it’s SUCH a beautiful Mass to me.

  157. Teresa, Noggins heal. Coffee tables don’t. The round goes to Rebecca.

  158. When Mare and Oso become roommates:

    Oso: What do we have for breakfast?

    Mare: (Looking in cabinet) We have. . . Corn flakes and a box of wine.

  159. Vodka time.

  160. “Mare: (Looking in cabinet) We have. . . Corn flakes and a box of wine.”

    Exactly! What’s your point!

  161. Jew, that sounds about right. I have 2 boxes of wine in the fridge right now. Chablis and Zin. I’m sure they’d both go with corn flakes.

  162. Must be a Hostage thang. I’m doing a brisket for Christmas dinner too.

  163. Oso, I’ll be there in an hour!

  164. PJ, I love Midnight Mass. You have to get there at 10 to get a pew. 2 hours of Christmas Carols. I just can’t stay awake after 10 hours of work so we started going to morning Mass. It has always been beautiful seeing the luminarias and quite frequently snow on the mountains as we drive to church.

  165. I’m jealous yours actually starts at midnight! Ours starts at 10 and you have to be there at 8 to get a pew. hahaha

    It has always been beautiful seeing the luminarias and quite frequently snow on the mountains as we drive to church.

    I miss that. Our neighborhood in Florida used to do that. Stunning.

  166. Pork loin tonight for me too. Recipe says to spread 1/2 cup of Dijon mustard on it and sprinkle with crushed peppercorns.

  167. Pork loin tonight for me too. Recipe says to spread 1/2 cup of Dijon mustard on it and sprinkle with crushed peppercorns.


    I’m going to Occupy Fresh & Easy.


  168. I love the luminarias. One year we saw a family using sand from the local elementary school’s swing set area to fill their paper bags. My hubby, the racist, likes to play “Guess the ethnicity?”. We have our pork loins so my hubby can make posole. Except for tongue and mudbugs, I think Hostages think alike a lot.

  169. *scratches pork loin off dinner list, just to be impudent; uses crayon just because it’s fun*

  170. How is your calf? Thatโ€™s what concerns me.

    I updated that earlier. Where the hell were you ?

  171. Comment by Tushar on December 20, 2011 6:33 pm
    Teresa, Noggins heal. Coffee tables donโ€™t. The round goes to Rebecca.

    Ladies and Gentlemen, I believe we have a Thread Winner……

  172. Happy Hanukkah to all the candle lighting peeps.

  173. Helluva a cooterfest you have going here.

  174. Glad you could join us, Hotspurlina.

  175. Andy that puppy is giving Zeke a run for cutest golden on H2

    Good thing I checked, my boss texted me we are working at bradenton 3474. I almost went to bradenton 1004

  176. We only have to endure 5 more days of this crap!!!!!!!11!!!

  177. Aha! Now that John E, Vmax, and me (that really doesn’t seem right, but I’m beyond giving a fuck) are here, the Florida Cabalโ„ข is complete.

  178. Hi, Scott! My asshole to nice guest ratio is increasing every day. The panicked last minute shoppers are getting nasty earlier this year. Today, I had really nasty people at my store. Usually they wait until Christmas Eve to get ugly. I was running interference for quite a few team members today.

  179. I updated that earlier. Where the hell were you ?
    I wasn’t paying attention. I remember something about 4 miles, then pain, then walking, then shame, then running again.

    Is it muscle pain? I’ve been using a foam roller thing, and it actually seems to work.

  180. “The Amazon meatup fund stands at $122.37 right now.”

    We should do lunch.

  181. Hi, Scott! My asshole to nice guest ratio is increasing every day.
    I know you are a sweet lady Oso, but that had to be done.

  182. You just need to nuke them Oso. It’s the only way to be sure.

  183. Is PJM still a honorary Fl cabal member MJ? Or did I miss a vote?

  184. Osito, you don’t happen to work for a Mouse store, do you?

  185. Your links never disappoint, Scott.

  186. Comment baleted.

  187. I need some parenting advice. Mini-me bought a gift for Rocketboy. Do I drag Rocketboy to a store and make him pick out something for his sister? Or do I let him put his name on something I already bought?

  188. I work for Target but we had our Disney training in the early 90s. Guest, onstage, offstage, blah, blah, blah.

  189. Roamy, let him pick out from something you already bought. Do you REALLY want to go back out to the stores??

    Osito, I worked for them Mouse for a while, too. That’s why I asked ๐Ÿ˜€

  190. Good call, Spurt

  191. Roamy, if you are going to enable him, don’t do the latter.

  192. Is PJM still a honorary Fl cabal member MJ?
    Of course.

  193. I worked for Disney too.

  194. Oso do you still celebrate and enjoy Christmas?

  195. Cyn – CHECK YOUR EMAIL!

  196. Aggie, at a park or a store?

  197. Drag him to the store Roamy. And be sure to lay the guilt on pretty thick so he remembers next year.

  198. Scott, not really. I try to not let retail get to me but some years it wins and Christmas loses. I have not put up a tree in 3 years, lights in 5, and my Lenox Christmas China has been packed for 10. We always make it to Christmas Mass. We haven’t been out looking at Christmas lights this year.

  199. Roamy, make Rocketboy shop for his sister. My brother bought me a Navy goat one year. Using his own money. I still have it. My Mom used to cull a gift from my parents or Santa most years but one year she made him shop.

  200. Both, osito. WDW in “guest relations” and as a cast character (that was a nightmare), and at the stores in the Houston area.

  201. I enable Mr. RFH in the gift-buying. **hangs head in shame.

  202. Sounds familiar Oso. We have never had a tree, a decoration, and gift giving stopped about 10 years ago.

    I would spend the day on the couch if I could.

    stupid family

  203. Aggie, I am so jealous! My two ambitions are being homeless in Hawaii or being a cranky ticket taker at WDW. I want to live in Celebration, FL from November to May. I’m probably too foul mouthed for Disney though.

  204. Airdale, I am NOT opening any more of your women’s prison p0rn email links nor will I rate them for you!

  205. Scott, we stopped gifts about 10 years ago too. My dogs aren’t even getting gifts this year.

  206. If you want to see Mickey Fucking Mouse get your rugrats under control, and tell them to wait in line!

  207. MJ, did you work at WDW?

  208. Iโ€™m probably too foul mouthed for Disney though.

    I didn’t learn to cuss in the military. I learned it at Disneyworld™!!!

  209. “I learned it at Disneyworld!!!” I should fit right in! LOL

  210. They closed the post office on the NASA side of the arsenal, then they talked UPS into opening a branch office. The lone UPS employee has been out sick for several days, and UPS won’t release the only other employee badged for arsenal access from his work assignment to keep the place open. I don’t think that branch is going to stay open much longer.

  211. I used to like Christmas. Now I associate it with pain and music that makes me use bad words.

  212. Oso- I am happy to report that I am usually the nicest fucking shopper ever. Chit chat. Small talk. The whole deal. I dont shop much which is prolly why I’m nice.

  213. MJ, did you work at WDW?
    I worked for DRE, which was a very short lived concept to bring the Disney experience to big cities. I was a corporate trainer.

  214. Hahahaha

    Sunday I pulled into McDonald’s to get HotBride a latte so she could tolerate my family. All I had was a $100 bill.

    The drivethru chick had to call the manager for change. The woman in the car behind me was apeshit. I laughed and laughed.

  215. *crawls back in from the mall*

    Too loud music, smelly perfume, I HATE that candle store – the smell is enough to make me gag……

  216. The past couple of years, being so exhausted from work, I hemmed and hawed about even putting up the tree, but beasnette would have been sad if I didn’t.

    But after it’s up, I’m glad it is. I love the lights and our ornaments. The husband deals with any outdoor lights.

    Probably my attitude about it all would change once I’m away from retail.

  217. I keep watching Sean’s Christmas Shoes link. That helps. Car in, most guests are great. Last minute shoppers want to blame the minimum wage kid for their procrastination. I am considered to be very patient onstage. Offstage is another story. I had to get mama grizzly on a guest who accused a team member of saying “Fuck You” to her. He was on lunch and smoking under the portico outside in the sleet. He sarcastically said ‘Thank you” when she incorrectly informed him of local smoking laws. He is the only team member who wouldn’t have said “FU” to her.

  218. Anyway, got some clothes for beasnette’s Christmas. Everyone else will get gift cards to some restaurant. (I did the Shari’s Berrys the past couple of years for my mom. I think she liked them.)

  219. Sunday I pulled into McDonaldโ€™s to get HotBride a latte so she could tolerate my family. All I had was a $100 bill.

    Shouldn’t you have taken her to the ghetto bar instead?

  220. Scott – Whatcha doin’?

  221. Oso – I’m actually pretty friendly. That’s why I was always on oddball in Detroit.

  222. Beasn, I think if we had kids we’d feel obligated to put up a tree. I have 4 trees and tons of ornaments. I have cousins that are putting in dibs for my ornaments and trees.

  223. Hostagettes – Just for you.

  224. osoloco, I dislike a lot of ‘customers’ immensely. We had one call the other day to see if her order was done. We checked and didn’t have an order with her name or particular cake. In fact, I told my coworker, who was speaking to her, that I was there the day before, when she said she ordered it, and said that particular cake was not ordered by phone. The gal then said, ‘well, I was up there and ordered it’. Um, no, me and another coworker manned the counter and not one order of that cake ever was made.

    She said she will be up in an hour to get it. Nasty lying bitch. I hate liars. So everyone else’s orders were pushed back to accommodate her. We should have not done it and when she came to pick it up, said noone by her name called us.

  225. Carin, we were on our way to HotFamily Christmas Hell. Out by you.

  226. Car in, you have been on both sides of transactions. You know what simple courtesy is all about. I tell the kids that work for me that they may be the only human contact that some of these people have. No matter how irritated you get, they deserve kindness. I’m kind of proud of my kids’ Guest Service scores.

  227. oso, maybe get rid of three, and do one tree? Less decorating stress.

    We have two trees. One I keep up all year. The red, white, and blue one.

  228. OK, I can see the holiday pic aren’t going over well.

  229. I tell the kids that work for me that they may be the only human contact that some of these people have.

    What would you do for lonely old men who want to talk for an hour? We’ve got one of those.

  230. Beasn, when my hubby worked bakery for Sam’s Club he was telling me stories that are exactly like yours! I am so glad I don’t work at a SuperT with a bakery. The cake customers are the worst! He was so glad to get out of there. I really feel for you. I can’t abide liars.

  231. They abuse the system because they can.

  232. And the worst part about that lady? She did it in front of her kid. At first she said she ordered a Cars cake, then my coworker heard her kid in the background, then she changed it and said it was a Thomas cake.

    NOT cool.

  233. “Scott โ€“ Whatcha doinโ€™?”

    If you replace the Santa suit with jeans and a fleece jacket….yep.

  234. MCPO must have gotten a sneak peek at tomorrow’s HHD. ๐Ÿ˜€

  235. Beasn, I have a few of those. I try to hurry them along but I always speak with them. Some call and ask for me by name. There are so many lonely people out there.

  236. Is PJM still a honorary Fl cabal member MJ? Or did I miss a vote?

    Who the hell is John E.?

  237. Beasn, I keep my fake ficus with the poinsettia lights up year round but that doesn’t count. You have parents lying in front of their kids about cakes, we see parents teaching their kids to shoplift. It is so sad. I stopped attending a church because the Priest was an idiot about theft. I know so many Catholics that would pay for their fishing license and then shoplift bread and bologna because their Priest said stealing “food” was ok. When my hubby managed a few Payless Shoe stores he would have kids stealing shoes because that was ok per their family Priest.

  238. PJM, John E is a moron.

  239. PJM, John E is a moron.

    ooooooooooooooooooooooh. ok.

  240. AoS moron.

  241. Someone should have brought a copy of the 10 Commandments to your asinine parish priest. And by “brought a copy”, I mean, “beat him senseless with stone tablets”.

  242. I’m just plucky go-get-em type of guy who clawed his way through hard work and moxie to the H2 Florida board of directors.

  243. Hahahahahahaha, “shirtless santa hunk” led me back here.

  244. Iโ€™m just plucky go-get-em type of guy who clawed his way through hard work and moxie to the H2 Florida board of directors.

    Well holy hell and howdy! Were your ears on fire?

  245. It’s the idiots that get me.

    When people say “it’s packed really well”, 95% of them are wrong.

    The average person thinks a set of wine glasses, wrapped in paper towels and tossed into a box is packed “really well”.

    Don’t get me started on plastic bags, people think those things are magical shock absorbers.

    Oh and the green people! We recycle packing peanuts and people love it. I can’t tell you how many times somebody will drive up to the store in their SUV, to drop off about a dozen peanuts in a ziploc bag.

    I want to punch them. Their SUV killed 7 baby seals, the ziploc bag killed 3, the dozen peanuts they kept out of the landfill would have killed .00000007 baby seals.

  246. OH nevermind, I remember who you are.

    Go Jacksonville!

    Er sumpin

  247. No worries.

  248. Scott – Ready for a refill on that drink?

  249. Hot off the presses:

  250. When people say โ€œitโ€™s packed really wellโ€, 95% of them are wrong.

    I am part of the 95%!!

  251. John E is a regular on H3 PJM.

  252. Hot off the presses:

    I’m melting.

  253. Scott, I am in denial about the idiots. My hubby tells me to be the minimum wage ‘tard they think I am. I was always taught to bag chemicals and food items separately. The greenies bring their bags in and want it all in one bag. They get .5 from Target for every bag they bring in.


  255. Puppeh!!!

  256. Via John E. on Twitter:

    Oh, hi John. Didn’t see you standing there.

  257. The problem is that we don’t charge them to repack it, because it’s packed “really well”.

    They pay and leave.

    Later we discover they are idiots, and processing claims is a total pain so we repack it for free and the people at the other end tell them everything arrived intact because it was packed so well.

    Laura is so much better with the human interaction than me. (Fuck you Hotspur) At my store when people said “packed really well” I would pick up the package and start shaking it violently. If there was any reaction I would say “no it’s not” and open it.

  258. Oh, yeah. I link things on Twitter. I’m telling you, this Twitter thing is gonna be huge.

  259. Chief, We drive past 5 Catholic churches to get to the old school Jesuit church I attend. I have had “issues” with 4 of the diocesan priests.


  261. >> the dozen peanuts they kept out of the landfill would have killed .00000007 baby seals.

    *Places order for 4.7 trillion packing peanuts*

  262. My dogs arenโ€™t even getting gifts this year.

    That’s just plain wrong. The dogs should not suffer just because of your bad attitude about Christmas. They like Christmas. Chew toys are not expensive.

  263. Nice week, Scott. You’re within striking distance.

  264. I have had โ€œissuesโ€ with 4 of the diocesan priests.

    Yet another person waiting to be Lutheran.

  265. You know who I just found out is on Twitter?

    Fuckin’ Phat, that’s who. I sent him a twitch.

  266. I freaking hate it when people pack me stuff in that recycled crap. I open the package and all that recycled newspaper or whatever it is falls everywhere.

    Packing peanuts are much more fun. They pop in your mouth.

  267. Scott, with all our retail experience, my hubby and I have discussed some of yours’ and Lauraw’s posts and there is no way we could do what you do. Taking turns on the meat ups is bad enough. No vacations. Representing a brand. Gratis packaging.

  268. Ok. So curiosity here, does anyone really think this is a monitor? It just seems like it was awful light for it to be a monitor. Not that what he did was ok………but watch the video

  269. Fuckinโ€™ Phat, thatโ€™s who. I sent him a twitch.

    Well, he’s got a lot of nerve not hanging with us here at H123123

  270. Drama at Casa de Aggie:

    Bor:Call mom and tell her you’ll bring them up, and I’ll drive down to surprise them!

    Me: Ok, will do!


    Me: Mom, I want to go pick y’all up and bring you here!

    Mom: No, your dad has to work on Monday, so we’ll stay.

    Me: Awww, I can bring you back Christmas Day.

    Mom: No… we saw y’all at Thanksgiving. We’re done for a while.


    (other line rings)

    Me: Hello?

    MIL: Hi!! Can we come stay with you in January?

    Me: Well, sure, but what about Christmas?

    MIL: FIL doesn’t want to drive during the holidays.


    So much for having family here this holiday…sheesh…

  271. flat screen PJ.

    it’s the latest thing.

  272. itโ€™s the latest thing.

    FINE!!! You can have your flat screen. I’ll stick with my CRT, thank you very much.

    Andy, are we meeting up New Year’s Day, or not?

  273. Hahahahahahahaha (HuffPo link)

    But those criticisms could equally be applied to McCain’s mother, Cindy McCain, who was subjected to intense media scrutiny during Sen. John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign.

    Cindy McCain began dating Sen. McCain in 1979, nearly a year before he filed for divorce from his first wife, Carol McCain.

    If tits were brains she’d be Einstein, but alas …

  274. I ALWAYS thought this guy had it right about Christmas shopping:

    (It’s VERY short)

  275. Not New Year’s Day. I’m flying back that day.

    I get there on the 29th and only have official plans the evening of the 30th.

    My daughter is coming with me, so feel free to bring GaroGlarveMaddie.

  276. “Youโ€™re within striking distance.”

    I will make it happen. I have been spending about 4 hours a week on this stupid contest. I’ll up it to 8.

    I need the prize money.

  277. Who is “Muletrain” and can we take them out?

  278. Aggie – you’re welcome to meet up with the TiFW family for Christmas Day; we’d love to have you guys!

  279. Oso you could do what we do. The vacation part sucks, but not working with idiots and all of the sexual harassment makes up for it.

  280. It’s not the FedEx guy’s fault.

    It wasn’t packed right.

  281. Did anybody sneak into anybody else’s secret lair today?

  282. Just yours, Sean.

    Thanks for the offer, Teresa. I will ask the kids what they want to do ๐Ÿ™‚

  283. >> I need the prize money.

    We need to talk.

  284. Scott, the idiots get more idiotic every year. It is pretty sad that I work for the vacation. I accrue 6 weeks a year now. I take 2 weeks. We used to take 4 weeks a year but we haven’t been able to sync workloads.

  285. Itโ€™s not the FedEx guyโ€™s fault.

    It wasnโ€™t packed right.

    I am part of the 95%

  286. Well, Becca’s back to her usual chipper self – chattering away and telling Mr. TiFW how to fold the laundry right.

    Thank you, God.

  287. “We need to talk.”

    No we don’t.

    It’s already spent.

  288. Oh hey, this is how Occupy San Diego people would like us all to live

    the more you know

  289. Vacations are awesome, don’t get me wrong.

    Enjoying work, and those you work with is a nice trade.

    We are vacation eligible now that we are down to one dog.

  290. >> Itโ€™s already spent.

    Oh, well.


  291. Well, #1 son just called to say the he and the S.O. are off to Mass. for Christmas in the morning. They are driving to Niagra tomorrow and then on to Amherst.

  292. Scott, we spend more on lodgings for our dogs than we do for ourselves. They love our dogs and our dogs love going there. We already got our Christmas card from the doggie day camp.

  293. Amherst Mass?

    :Lesbos are involved.

  294. Scott – In that case, I hope he sends pictures!

  295. MCPO apparently hasn’t seen Amherst lesbos.

    It’s less Portia de Rossi, more Rosie O’Donnell, IYKWIM.

  296. Hey Andy, you ever have any problems gettin that outdoor heater thingy to light?

  297. Yep. Sometimes it can be a real pain in the ass.

    Especially after a tank change.

  298. Andy – Why must you crush the dream of a lonely old man?

  299. Saving your eyesight. You’ll thank me one day.

  300. Kinda slow here tonight…

  301. Well, the S.O.’s Dad and brother live in Amherst.

  302. >> Sometimes it can be a real pain in the ass


  303. Just got back from drinks with coworkers. Less depressing than usual.

  304. People are icky.

  305. Did you bring enough drinks for the rest of us?

  306. Sad news, y’all. Cathy’s dad passed away today ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

  307. XBrad, I still have 4 gluten-free beers in the fridge. You’re welcome to them if you get to them before I do.

  308. Thanks, Leon.

    But I just bought a jug of generic whiskey so I’ll stick with that. And add some gluten.

  309. Thanks for the update, Aggie. Sad news.

  310. And add some gluten.

    Please tell your colon that I tried.

  311. RIP Cathy’s Dad. Prayers, Cathy.

  312. My heart is with Cathy,

  313. She’s had a very tough week and I’m thinkin about her too.

    Hard to lose a parent. Or anybody you love, really.

    Dave earned his Masters of the Fucking Obvious in 2002.


    oh wait, I wasn’t supposed to laugh at this

    was I?

  315. My heart has been breaking for Cathy since I saw the news on face chimp. Now, more than ever, we need Hostage humor.

  316. ooooooooooh, bad timing. Her father passed?


    Poor Cathy.

  317. Now, more than ever, we need Hostage humor.

    thanks for trying to save me, oso

  318. new fucking poat…..

  319. PJ, my biggest crisis of conscience involved stinky homeless guy and “Peace be with you” at Christmas Mass one year. Love your link!

  320. Osito, I’m on FB too ๐Ÿ™‚

  321. well… dammit….

    Sorry, Cathy..

  322. My hubby tells me to be the minimum wage โ€˜tard they think I am.

    HAHA…so does mine. Hard to do when you are the only one that can get crap done.

    One time, I was called to the office for meet and greet of our new boss. It got slighted heated in that he made it sound like I was trying to sabotage the new dpt manager by trying to bring back the old one. WTF? Um, I hadn’t spoken to the old once since she left. Perhaps you should be speaking to ‘X’ since she has her on speed dial and you couldn’t fart in the bakery without her texting her.

    Next issue – well, when you are off, things fall apart up there.

    Me – O_o

  323. pssssssssssst, beasn, new thread

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