HHD – Substitute Teacher Day

I didn’t see an HHD in the line-up, so I’ve taken it upon myself to post one for Roamy (hope she doesn’t mind AND is doing OK).

Mr. TiFW and I went to see this movie last weekend:


May I just say that Jason Statham is yummy?

Well, since I’m the one throwing together this shindig, I guess I can….



Mr. Statham’s co-star in The Mechanic is that up-and-coming amazing young talent, Mr. Ben Foster.  I believe Car in might find him just a TAD appealing:



Don’t recognize the name/face?  Perhaps you may remember him as the kid who almost stole the movie “3:10 From Yuma” from his much better-known co-stars, Russell Crowe:



…..and Christian Bale:



….who is also quite yummy in his own right, but I remember him in “Newsies” and “Henry V”, so that makes me feel like a dirty old lady.  Let’s move on to one of Mr. Bale’s co-stars in his most recent movie, “The Fighter”, Mr. Mark Wahlberg:



I can remember when Mr. Wahlberg was known as Marky Mark and caused a minor sensation posing in his underwear.  And at the time, I was old enough to be somewhat amused that the young girls found that attractive….


Alas, all good things must come to an end, so we finish today’s HHD with Mr. Sam Worthington, who appeared with Mr. Bale in “Terminator: Salvation”.  (He also appeared in “Avatar”, but we’ll forgive him for that):



Okay, ladies, that’s gonna hafta do for today.  I’m going to have to turn on the ceiling fan and cool off – either these fellas are way hot, or I’m starting menopause…..


  1. This thread is 67% gayer than the last thread. And that’s sayin sumpin.

  2. Firs

  3. Christian Bale is a douche cannon.

  4. This thread is 67% gayer than the last thread. And that’s sayin sumpin.

    Only 67%? It’s obviously not trying hard enough.

    Where’s Jewstin?

  5. From the last poat ….

    “But, he doesn’t act like he has a fire in the belly! He doesn’t act like he wants it!.. The soles of his shoes are not worn!

    (actual AOS comments on teh FRED!)”

    “Best of Show” – Funniest movie EVAR!

  6. >> This thread is 67% gayer than the last thread. And that’s sayin sumpin.

    Only 67%? What is that, the metric system or something?

  7. >> “Best of Show” – Funniest movie EVAR!

    Favorite character?

  8. “Best of Show” – Funniest movie EVAR!

    Pretty damn close. Also factual, which is why it is so freaking funny.

  9. Christian Bale is a douche cannon.

    For all I know, they’re ALL douche cannons, but they’re good-looking douche cannons –

    And yeah, like all of the young ladies on BBF are conservative warriors, right? Uh-huh. If only their jugs were brains……

  10. Favorite character?

    The Swans…too many!!!!!

  11. Well, I guess if you ladies like metrosexuals, carry on then.

  12. Douche bags! love it!


  13. Oh my. Redhead. Yummy.

  14. The Swans…too many!!!!!

    They were great.

    Mine’s kind of a sleeper, but if you ever watched the Westminster and paid attention to the stupid shit Joe Garagiola said, Fred Willard’s character just nailed it.

    But yes, too many to really choose just one.

  15. Wasn’t Jane Lynch in “Best of Show”? I absolutely love her! I don’t think anyone does dry comedy delivery quite like her. Mr. TiFW and I love her character in “Two and a Half Men” – the psychiatrist who really doesn’t give a damn…..

  16. Car in, I love Ben Foster, but technically I am old enough to be his mother……..

  17. Fred Willard’s character just nailed it.

    He is hysterical!

  18. BTW, if you haven’t seen “The Mechanic” yet, you might want to – Mr. TiFW and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It’s great in the theater, but for those of you who only do “at-homes”, you’ll definitely want to add it to your queue.

  19. I’m going to have to do some research on this Ben Foster fella.

  20. Car in, he is an AMAZING young actor. He’s one of those naturals who just becomes the character he plays. Seems like a nice enough kid, too –

  21. I’m going to have to do some research on this Ben Foster fella.

    I sense another restraining order in the near future…..

  22. I liked the yuppie couple. It killed me that they both had braces.

    For some unknown reason a ton of middle aged people at our corporate offices have braces too. Its pretty funny when your boss asks you to reschedule a meeting because he has an ortho appointment.

  23. Favorite character?

    The terrier

  24. For some unknown reason a ton of middle aged people at our corporate offices have braces too.

    You’re shitting, right?

    Can you spell company provided dental insurance?

  25. Meg Swan – Parker Posey does such a great job!

  26. Waiting for a meeting, thinking about PJM’s and Sohos’ world class boobs.

  27. One ball! How’s it hanging?

  28. Hey she (Parker Posey) did Umbriel on Futurama!

  29. Dammit. Still not embedding.

    Guess I’ll have to Twitter the WordPOS.com cockholsters again.

  30. Car in. Heavy, as always. How you doin? Meeting about to begin. Its always nice when someone thinks their schedule is more important than yours.

  31. High fives Uni!

  32. Uni!

    How they is it hanging?

  33. Curses! I didn’t see C arin’s comment.

  34. Good morning. I skipped a few comments. Did anyone get arbitrarily banned last night?

  35. Arbitrarily? No.

  36. Got my stitches out. I’ll get impressions taken for dentures tomorrow morning.

  37. Excellent: http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2011/02/borrowing-to-pay-interest-on-a-debt-isnt-creating-debt-todays-qs-for-os-wh-2162011.html

    TAPPER: I assume when the president calls for an adult conversation, he means that conversation should be forthright and politicians shouldn’t be hiding behind cute language such as “We will not be adding more to the national debt,” even if hundreds of billions of dollars are being added to the national debt in interest — paid on debt that President Obama helped, himself, create.

  38. So healing up o.k., I presume.

  39. They actually said the were astonished by how well I was healing.

  40. Hope you are feeling ok, Brad *smooches*

    And I think this HHD is awesome.

  41. You’re shitting, right?
    Nope and nope. We have to pay for the insurance, and a pretty heavy portion of the braces. I don’t get it.

  42. They actually said the were astonished by how well I was healing.

    So the gamma radiation treatments worked, huh?

  43. Excellent news xbrad. What a PITA this must have been for you. Removing teeth is actually surprisingly traumatic to the body.

  44. *blushes*
    Why thank you, Miss Aggie! It does have a more “mature” flavor than usual, but I tried to throw in a little eye candy for the younger lasses…..

  45. Heh. Xbrad’s about half the age of the average Palm Desert denizen. That may have something to do with it.

  46. Other than makiing 8it really tough to enjoy such simple things as french fries, it hasn’t been that bad.

    And my teeth were causing me a ton of problems, so I’m not really sad to see them go.

  47. Glad to hear you are doing ok, xbrad. I assume you are looking forward to a good meal soon?

  48. We have to pay for the insurance, and a pretty heavy portion of the braces. I don’t get it.

    The way the Army tells us, orthodontics is not a dental procedure, but a cosmetic one. I have been saving to pay for son’s braces this spring. It’s gonna hurt.

    Teresa, we all like “mature”…. it’s safer that way 😉

  49. Andy, as regards the PBS hooker money, if it’s “only” 1-2% of their budget as Schiller claims, why do they want it so badly??

  50. Here’s a bit of good news for the taxpayer: http://www.boston.com/news/politics/politicalintelligence/2011/02/house_rejects_f.html

  51. I bet well over 50% of NPR’s dough comes from the federal government, either directly or indirectly. It’s a money laundering scheme for white suburban liberals with a radio show attached.

    Botton; top – taxpayers; CPB/NPR


  52. Botton; top – taxpayers; CPB/NPR


    All it needs is the FUCK SALT!! logo 😉

  53. If the CPB and NPR don’t get booted off the government dole this year, that’s a dead canary in a coal mine and it’s time to look for property in Belize.

  54. I bet well over 50% of NPR’s dough comes from the federal government, either directly or indirectly.

    Isn’t there close to $1/2 billion in the new budget for CPB/NPR?

    Yeah, they say the majority of that goes to the state orgs, but where do they buy their programming?

    if $1/2 Billion is only 1-2% of their overall revenue, what the hell???

  55. Mmmm hmmm … I was wondering when this part of the story would emerge: http://twitter.com/#!/instapundit/status/37961050779287552

  56. XBrad, glad you are doing so well – hope you continue to get better and better!

    LauraW, how is your mom doing? I seem to remember Scott mentioning something about her having some digestive issues and going in for some tests. Hope all is well –

    Aggie, you KNOW that if NPR and PBS have to actually EARN money to keep their programming going, they will go belly-up right quick – that’s why they want Uncle Sugar to keep pumping them full of that sweet, sweet, “free” money from the unwashed masses who don’t appreciate their awesomeness. It’s bad enough that we have to sit through “Whine and Beg” every other week…..

    Andy – hurrah for that news! When I first read the headline when it came over the wire, I was afraid they had cancelled the entire program, and Mr. TiFW was gonna be on the bread line soon –

  57. Mmmm hmmm … I was wondering when this part of the story would emerge: http://twitter.com/#!/instapundit/status/37961050779287552

    See? It’s the Jews fault!

    How difficult was that?

  58. If the CPB and NPR don’t get booted off the government dole this year, that’s a dead canary in a coal mine and it’s time to look for property in Belize.

    Probably not far enough away.

    When Mexico annexes the US, they’ll still need us to pay taxes so they can have free shit.

  59. (should have scrolled up further)

    Glad to see you are exceeding the doctor’s expectations, Xteeth.

  60. When Mexico annexes the US, they’ll still need us to pay taxes so they can have free shit.

    Not if my Spanish-descended neighbors have anything to say about it – their families got here the “hard” way, and they have jobs and pay taxes. They aren’t too thrilled with all of these freeloaders who cut in line.

    My bet? They’d be the first ones on the front lines with rifles in hand to keep the hordes from coming over….

  61. Glad to see you are exceeding the doctor’s expectations, Xteeth.

    I thought XBrad’s Delta Chi name was now “Gummy” –

  62. The whole thing with CPB is bogus. I worked retail, and y’all can’t believe the amount of money their cartoon characters make in merchandising, most of which goes back to PBS.

  63. I thought XBrad’s Delta Chi name was now “Gummy” –

    oops, my bad.

  64. oops, my bad.

    *starts petition for new chapter president*

  65. Mmmm hmmm … I was wondering when this part of the story would emerge: http://twitter.com/#!/instapundit/status/37961050779287552

    Unfortunately, that’s gonna get the “feminists” off of the hook – now it’s not because she was a dirty woman who is lower than a dog on the Sharia food chain, it’s because she is a Jew. And we all know that many of the most rabid feminists could care less about that.

    And in THAT case…..

    No doubt in their eyes, she should have known better; she was just asking for it.

  66. ……most of which goes back to PBS executives’ salaries, so they can afford to make political donations to Democrat candidates, live in big, energy-consuming houses, and hire illegal maids and nannies off the books so they don’t have to pay Social Security or taxes for them.


  67. Thanks Teresa 😉

  68. I thought it was spelled “Gummi”

  69. >> The whole thing with CPB is bogus. I worked retail, and y’all can’t believe the amount of money their cartoon characters make in merchandising, most of which goes back to PBS.

    This! They always trot out the kids’ programming (a variation on “for the children”) to tug at your heartstrings, but Elmo and Barney are some profitable bitches (as every parent here knows).

    Those franchises will live on. The remainder of the void, to the extent there is one, will get filled by History, Discovery, etc. (not to mention the Interwebz).

    But their darling liberal talk radio … as embodied by NPR … has been a colossal flop in the private sector. That bitch is toast.

  70. Anytime, Ags!

  71. All I know is that if Rosetta’s BBF tramp is wearing as much clothing this coming Friday as TiFW’s nancyboys are today, we might as well shut this joint down. Wiser won’t have to ban any of us………at least not on Fridays. We’ll spend most of the day googling “milkers” with the safe search set to moderate.

  72. From your fingers to God’s eyes, Andy 😉

  73. Those franchises will live on. The remainder of the void, to the extent there is one, will get filled by History, Discovery, etc. (not to mention the Interwebz).

    Last time I saw an actual history program on the History Channel, it was pretty slanted to the left as it was. I think that’s been a contingency plan for them for a while.

  74. What is this “safe search” you speak of? I am unfamiliar with the concept.

  75. This subject is the top reason that I hate Newt Gingrich. He lied to us with his bullshit Contract with America, and said he’d cut this funding. That was 1994. Seventeen years later he’s still a colossal asshole and public broadcast is still a leftwing cesspool.

    And to think he has the audacity to imagine he should be taken seriously.

  76. >> I think that’s been a contingency plan for them for a while.

    True. Outside of Modern Marvels and Top Shot, I don’t watch hardly anything there anymore.

  77. I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that the NYT owns the History Channel now. It was a pretty good way to spend an evening 10 years ago. Now, not so much. Not really sure how Pawn Stars fits the criteria of being histororical. I have enjoyed some of the Modern Marvels shows though. Of course they usually cover a little of the history of the development of certain modern contraptions along the way.

  78. We’ll spend most of the day googling “milkers”

    Coffee. Monitor. Assembly complete.

  79. >> And to think he has the audacity to imagine he should be taken seriously.

    San Fran Nan, couch, pandering douchebag … some assembly required.

  80. I haven’t watched tv for over five years, other than sports in the tavern next door. They do not turn the sound on, so I don’t even have to hear the commercials.

    Fuck all that shit.

  81. True. Outside of Modern Marvels and Top Shot, I don’t watch hardly anything there anymore.

    And Top Gear USA, which I guess was kinda sorta historical since the car they decided would be best for GM to bring back was the 1990 Buick Roadmaster stationwagon.

  82. PG, I realize that men are simple creatures who need a minimum of distractions to be able to fantasize about the women of their dreams, but we ladies are much more complex beings who take full advantage of our imaginations.

    Trust me when I tell you that the fairer sex enjoys dreaming about slowly peeling each and every layer off of those lovely muscles. And when we have them completely exposed we can imagine MUCH dirtier things happening between the sheets than your primal brains can even begin to contemplate…..

  83. San Fran Nan, couch, pandering douchebag … some assembly required.

    Bingo! Once that ad aired, he was done.

    Too bad no one told him.

  84. I used to want a Roadmaster sedan back during the ’90’s. I knew it was gonna be the last of the boats even then. Mrs. Pendejo vetoed that shit with malice and mayhem. We got a Dodge Caravan instead…….

    *checks to see if cock has returned*

  85. We got a Dodge Caravan instead…….

    Ooooooo……… ouch……..

    sorry ‘but that dude.

  86. Bingo! Once that ad aired, he was done.
    Too bad no one told him.

    But, but, but….bipartisanship!

    We only like bipartisanship if it works. In this instance, it doesn’t. Get off the couch, Newt.

  87. sorry ‘but that dude.

    – – –

    same here.

  88. If it were my kids…


    I don’t think it would be good.

  89. Trust me when I tell you that the fairer sex enjoys dreaming about slowly peeling each and every layer off of those lovely muscles. And when we have them completely exposed we can imagine MUCH dirtier things happening between the sheets than your primal brains can even begin to think of….. lays there thinking about which shoes to put in storage for spring and summer and which ones to retrieve, until this vile, nasty shit is over with.

    You gals ain’t foolin’ any of us.

  90. PG, did the gaskets and seals all take a hike on it at around 100k?

  91. I always thought the magic number for the Dodge was 70k.

  92. I don’t know BiW, I sold it at about 80K. It was a decent vehicle.

  93. did the gaskets and seals all take a hike on it at around 100k?

    Yours made it to 100K? Must’ve had the special “Not a COMPLETE piece of shit” package.

  94. If I recall correctly, the engine in it was made by Mitsubishi.

  95. Ouch, indeed!

    Although if you tricked it out with a lift kit and some 44″ super-swampers.

    Nahhhhh … still testosterone free.

  96. But, but, but….bipartisanship!

    You are so funny 😉

    You know bipartisanship only works one way!!!

  97. Although if you tricked it out with a lift kit and some 44″ super-swampers.

    I found removing the dealer-installed “Nutless Wonder On Board” sticker helped.

  98. I found removing the dealer-installed “Nutless Wonder On Board” sticker helped.

    You can do that? I thought it was welded to the body.

  99. My nuts are welded to my body.

  100. Of course, they’re purely ornamental lately…

  101. Of course, they’re purely ornamental lately…


    Wait’ll you get those new choppers. You’re gonna be beating off with a stick.


    I know what I typed.

  102. Apparently, my ears are racist. I can’t understand a thing this insurance rep is saying.

  103. I know what I typed.

    +346,892 Literature Nobels

  104. Seriously. These fucking overseas call centers are gonna make me go all “Falling Down” one of these days.

  105. I know what I typed.

    – – – – – –

    Humor has a way of making me laugh…

  106. Herr, I make them repeat and repeat. If I still can’t understand them I tell them to get me a supervisor. Then I tell the supervisor how ridiculous it is that they hire people that can’t speak properly.

    Racist? I don’t give a fuck.

  107. Lately?

  108. Surprisingly, I just had a most professional experience ordering Turbo Tax from what was clearly an overseas call center. The guy spoke excellent English despite his accent, and was extremely thorough and helpful.

    Just to be clear, based on my experiences, I got lucky this time.

  109. Humor has a way of making me laugh…

    Please be sure to let us know if you find any. We like to laugh too.

  110. It’s not the overseas call centers I was referring to. It’s the fucking offices that hire ebonics speaking quota filling wasteoids.

    Alan West said something like “We are a united people and we should have ONE language.” Or some shit.


  111. I had a 90’s Dodge Caravan, the engine was good but electronically it was a piece of crap. Speedometer and all of the gauges would stop working for days on end and wipers would randomly come on for a single swipe. Nothing that ran off of electricity worked all the time.

    I read that some of them would die for a few minutes if you got too close to an airport.

  112. >> Nothing that ran off of electricity worked all the time.

    Can’t wait until their Obama-mandated electric car comes out.

  113. Humor has a way of making me laugh…

    You want to laugh? I just recieved an “invitation” to join the Handyman’s Club of America. According to the brochure, “Only serious handymen are nominated.”


    Why was I chosen? “Well, it’s no secret among my family and friends that I am an outstanding handyman.”


    *rechecks address.

    Oh, wait, this belongs to my neighbor.


  114. Alan West said something like “We are a united people and we should have ONE language.” Or some shit.

    Couldn’t quite understand him the first time he said it, huh?

  115. Please be sure to let us know if you find any. We like to laugh too

    – – – –


  116. 10-4

    The mosh pit at 0:00 was intense

  117. sorry….. “fucking intense”

  118. I just hit the 3 o’clock wall

  119. I just hit the 3 o’clock wall…again

  120. Character, that’s what the Caravan had.

    I forgot, the keys would fall out of the ignition when turning left.

  121. Character, that’s what the Caravan had.

    riiiiiiight. lots and lots of “character.” and scratch marks from the tow truck.

  122. I take it back, Clint.

    I do hope Justin “What is German” Bieber goes the way of Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan.

    Bieber has a good shot, having to live with a guy’s name and all…

  123. Oh man, Scott’s Caravan was awesome. It still ran without the key in the ignition. Sometimes we’d come to a stop sign, the windshield wiper would swipe once for no reason, and all the dash lights and gauges would suddenly die together.

    We’d keep driving along…

    Scott: “Gauges are dead again.”

    Laura : “Do you remember if you need gas?”

    Scott: “No. Don’t think so, though.”

    Laura: (silently fretting)

  124. We had a K-Car right out of college (SYWM – it was Mr. TiFW’s idea; “Buy American” and all that shit. Hasn’t made THAT mistake again). One day, while sitting at home, I heard someone start honking their horn. They laid on it, and wouldn’t get off of the darn thing.

    Finally, I’d had enough. I went outside to see where the idiot was, and realized that the K-Car had started honking its own horn all by itself. I opened the hood, stared at the stuff underneath it for a second or two, then realized that unlike in the movies, there weren’t any blinking lights going off. Car hood went down, horn kept on honking. A few minutes later, it just stopped – all on its own.

    This was the same car whose heater quit working in the dead of winter for no good reason. Never could get it to work again. Fortunately, the AC worked fine. I hated that POS car.

    There were LOTS of them in the Pull-Your-Part lots, though, if we ever needed body parts……

  125. That didn’t take long – Obama kicked Big Pharma out of his bed:

    And he didn’t leave any money on the dresser, either……

    I guess we know why this guy doesn’t have any friends, huh?

  126. Scott: “No. Don’t think so, though.”

    HAHAHAHA!!! Typical guy.

  127. My dad always wrote down the date, mileage, gallons, price per gallon, and cost whenever he bought gas. I just sort of naturally followed suit when I grew up. I did it for years until one day I thought “What the fuck do I do this for?” So I stopped.

    Then I found $20.


  129. OMG – Hotspur is my long-lost older brother?

    My dad does that to this day…..

  130. “I forgot, the keys would fall out of the ignition when turning left.”


  131. My husband gets some kind of thrill seeing how far he can go on empty.

    *Laura was nice and fretted

    *I’m asking, “what the hell is wrong with you?”

  132. It never fell out on its own, but you could pull the key out of our ’73 International Scout while it was running.

    Eventually it got to where if you didn’t have a key, a flat-bladed screwdriver was just as good.

  133. All Chevies until the 60s could have the ignition key removed while running.

  134. what do yall know about Viore TV’s? Is it like a Vizio? There is a 26 in, 1080 for a little over 200.00. I am thinking of buying a TV for daughter dears 15th bday

  135. sohos,

    I’ve never heard of the brand – I just bought a Vizio – great quality for the price.

    Is it a 1080p or 1080i? And is it 60Hz? A 1080i at 60Hz is a fair deal. A 1080P at 120Hz for $200 is a great deal, even at 26″ My new 42″ 1080p at 120Hz was $558.

  136. Meanwhile, the crazy neighbors are doing it again:
    This yahoo called into my favorite radio station – UNSOLICITED – this morning to plead his case. Fortunately, the DJs and audience are wise to his methods.

    This is the same genius who made a big stink about the term “black hole” being racist. Pick of the kitty litter, this one.

    And before you ask, “How can people keep re-electing him?”, bear in mind this is the same area that keeps re-electing Eddie Bernice Johnson…..

  137. ooops sorry its a 24in. This is what it says:

    Viore 24″ Class LED-LCD 1080p 60Hz HDTV, LED24VF60

  138. Time to head to the low-speed rail that AD and JackStraw subsidize for me. BBL

  139. There is a 22 in Vizio:

    VIZIO 22″ 1080p 60Hz RAZOR LED LCD FULL HDTV, M220VA

    around the same price. We have a Vizio and I like it a LOT

  140. What the fook is this shoop.

  141. It’s 72 degrees here in Florida.

    Wait a minute….I’M IN MISSOURI!!!

    I’m winning the future like a motherfucker today.

  142. Well, Chief and Herself should be hitting the Motel 6 and Cracker Barrel about now.

  143. Hmm, wonder where I heard this before?

    Rasmussen: 55% Say Obama’s Budget Doesn’t Cut Enough

    Down in the article: Republican voters are even more critical of the legislators from their own party. Fifty-one percent (51%) of Republicans say the changes proposed by congressional Republicans cut too little, a view shared by 41% of voters not affiliated with either of the major political parties. Forty-six percent (46%) of Democrats think the GOP wants to cut too much.

  144. Herself: When do you want to go to dinner?
    Chief: How about now?
    Herself: Are your Depends dry?
    Chief: I think so.
    Herself: Can you walk or should we take the Hoveround?
    Chief: Hoveround. I’m really bushed from sitting in the car all day.


  145. Rosetta – The people in South Carolina say, “HOWDY”. . . and, “Put some pants on, fergawdssake!”

  146. I CANNOT believe that only 51% of Republicans think it doesn’t cut enough? The remaining, what are they? Democrats?

  147. Hahahahaha

  148. Hotspur – No need. . . there is a BoJangles’ right next door!

  149. HEY, MCPO, how are you? How’s the drive and the quality time with the Mrs.?

  150. MCPO is on his annual migration?

  151. How’s the drive, Chief?

  152. Rosetta, new rule.

    Bite me.

  153. Mare- Scott was correct about the drive. Relaxing but a lot of mountains. I’ll have to check the forecast before coming back this way.
    Herself and I discussed everything from Obama’s bullshit budget to her friend who is a wonderful person but needs to avoid caffeine. . .

  154. Rosetta, new rule.

    Bite me.

    Hotspur, are you aware of the other new rule?

    “Bite me” now means “shoot me in the face with a cannon.”

  155. sohos, the Vizio Razor line is their newer technology – if it is approximately the same price, get it.

    The Razor version of the Vizio I just bought was almost $400 more than the one I got.

  156. What care are you driving. MCPO?

    Smart car?

  157. Rosie – Jeep Grand Cherokee with 14 tons of unnecessary bullshit packed into it

  158. Rosie – Jeep Grand Cherokee with 14 tons of unnecessary bullshit packed into it

    Why are you giving Michael Moore a ride?

  159. We passed a lace wig shop in NC. . . just sos you know.

  160. So when you get out of it, it only has 4 tons of bullshit in it (and Herself, or course)?

  161. AD – Com’on, man! I stood next to you and Rosie at the picnic so I’d look like Twiggy!

  162. Good night all.

    I hope to “see” you all Monday.

  163. Good night all.

    That’s the earliest ten Indians in the history of time!!

    Well done, AD.

  164. I stood next to you and Rosie at the picnic so I’d look like Twiggy!

    True, true. Only asses like Michael Moore make me look slim.

  165. Rosie – Last song on the CD as we pulled into the hotel


    Anyone got a vodka martooni for me?

  166. I reckon there’s an indian waiting for me next door.

  167. Still at work, waiting for my salon appointment in 40 mins.

  168. I stood next to Rosetta and MCPO so they’d feel slim.

    I think that was awful nice of me.

  169. I stood next to you and Rosie at the picnic so I’d look like Twiggy I ate Twiggy!

    There you go, Tiny.

  170. Did AD say what kind of operation he was having?

    Hope they don’t accidentally remove your penis!

  171. Still at work, waiting for my salon appointment in 40 mins.

    Then what happened?

  172. Then what happened?

    rosetta messed up his italics is what happened.

  173. I stood next to Rosetta and MCPO so they’d feel slim be deaf.

    There you go, cutie patootie.

  174. http://is.gd/FEwjua

  175. There you go, cutie patootie.

    Rosetta, please don’t make me use my outside voice……….you won’t like it when I use my outside voice.

  176. I can’t wait till we have another meetup. I know exactly who I’m going to sit next to the ENTIRE time.

  177. rosetta messed up his italics is what happened.


  178. Laura – Please tell Scott that Herself says, “Thanks for the route advice”. She quite enjoyed today’s drive as I wasn’t screaming at Massholes and Canadians all day.

  179. I reeeeeeeeeeeeally need to be studying right now.


    Chris Matthews needs shock treatment.

  181. where are you so far mcpo? Please check on my house while you’re in jacksonville.

  182. I will MCPO. He was really concerned that you were going to hit rush hour at some city. Or shoot a toll booth worker.

  183. PJM – email me the address and I’ll do a driveby.

  184. What are you studying for. bitchface?

  185. Laura – We hit Charlotte at rush hour but stayed in the HOV lane.

  186. my next certification toopidhead


  187. ok, I love you all and hope you’re on later……..cuz I reeeeeeeeeally have to study.

  188. Religion of Peace + Foreign Servants = Best Bosses Ever

  189. my next certification toopidhead


    Is it plugged in? Try plugging it in.

  190. Good to hear MCPO. I have always found it to be much easier on the eyes, less stressful and cheaper. No tolls and you don’t pay tourist rates for food and lodging like you do along 95.

    I thought about the weather aspect last night and checked. Not a good road for winter weather, no sir.

  191. Hlo all.

    I’ve decided that all printers are evil and sent from Hell. How’s everyone here?

  192. Religion of Peace + Foreign Servants = Best Bosses Ever


    I don’t think peace means what they think it means.

  193. Anyone noticed how BreadLady’s maturity level has dropped a couple notches since going back to college?

  194. I’ve decided that all printers are evil and sent from Hell. How’s everyone here?


  195. Hotspur, how’s the chardonnay?

  196. Sierra Nevada Pale Ale


  197. Religion of Peace + Foreign Servants = Best Bosses Ever

    Bitch should’ve kept herself covered and her mouth shut. It’s her own damned fault.


  198. Laura linked the goldfish story before I could – that’s some public school system in Chicago, huh?

    Chief, glad you got to your first stop safely!

  199. Floyd needs to mark some territory.


  200. Mare,
    Check your e-mail…..

  201. TiFw – Thanks. We’ve got only about 5.5 hours to go tomorrow.

  202. By mark territory do you mean get his anal glands expressed?

  203. Is PJM moving to India to be a tech support person there?

  204. Rosetta – I just spent $50 on a printing job that they printed on the WRONG PAPER. so now my project is kinda boned.

  205. Lovely Mare – How is Dallas treating you today? Did you drive over and TP Michael’s house last night?

  206. Teresa, check your Gluten levels.

  207. Did you drive over and TP Michael’s house last night?

    No, but it’s a good idea. I’m thinking of adding flaming bags of kitten poo.

  208. You can get Tony Romo at the same time Mare. Very convenient.

  209. Mare left a gift for Romo. . . http://tinyurl.com/4nmzkyw

  210. Rosetta – I just spent $50 on a printing job that they printed on the WRONG PAPER. so now my project is kinda boned.

    They won’t re-do it on the right paper? What the hell. Are these Kinko’s hippies?

  211. Okay, check!

    Add Romo to the flaming poo deal. Anyone else.

    I sure wish I knew where Jerry lived.

  212. Mare, check your ButtFace.

  213. Rosie- Where the hell is my vodka martoonie? Shake a reg, Sracker!

  214. Oh, boy, a security guy stopped by to give me a sales pitch and I said I wasn’t interested. Man, did he give me a look. It looked just like this….really:


    I’ve charmed another sales person.

  215. Rosetta, check your assdouche.

  216. I’ve charmed another sales person.


  217. How far did you get MCPO?

  218. Scott – Richburg, SC. My left ankle is swollen up like a balloon from the nerve damage, but I just took 3 Motrin.

  219. I wish I could show up in GCS and scare the crap out of MCPO while he’s teeing off.

  220. Rosetta, how’s your goutse?

  221. MCPO: if you are stopped at the Georgia-Florida border for a hoverround inspection its not what you think it is.


  222. Mare – Do that and I will lick your face like Floyd!

    MJ – I hoping for the cavity search!

  223. They won’t re-do it on the right paper? What the hell. Are these Kinko’s hippies?

    No, it was one of the school labs.

  224. MJ – I hoping for the cavity search!
    Heh. An early welcome to you! Happy to have you in the land of beautiful weather, for a short time.

  225. Rosetta, how’s your goutse?

    El Goutse has been beaten back like a mofo.


    *just kidding el goutcho, please don’t kill me*

  226. Seriously, what have you changed to make it better (Besides drugs, no wait, you had a cortisone shot, right?).

  227. MJ, what color unitard are you wearing right now?

  228. El Goutse has been beaten back like a mofo.
    Did you have to quit drinking? I felt disturbance in the drunk.

  229. >> Did you have to quit drinking? I felt disturbance in the drunk.

    Hahahaha. Jagermeister USA hit hardest.

  230. Rosetta, if I washed my junk a 100 times would you suck it?

  231. Duh, its Wednesday. I’m in the Fleur de Lis. Blue, with a white background.

  232. Rosetta, have you stopped Irish dancing?

    Because I think that would really help.

  233. “Rosetta, if I washed my junk a 100 times would you suck it?”


    I have really sunk to some low depths. DAMN YOU, HOSTAGES!

  234. Seriously, what have you changed to make it better (Besides drugs, no wait, you had a cortisone shot, right?).

    I had a shit load of cortisone shot into my ankle and I’ve been taking an anti-inflammatory. And I’ve been eating more veggies *VIOLENT BARF* and salads and fruit and not drinking beer *BOOOOOOOOOO*.

    If you need to eat better and not drink as much beer, El Goutcho is a good way to motivate yourself.

  235. In all seriousness, I’m very glad you’ve had improvement. I do know it’s awful x 200,000.

  236. If you need to eat better and not drink as much beer, El Goutcho is a good way to motivate yourself.

    I need to eat better, and not drink so much beer, but you can keep your El Goutcho. Listening to you has motivated me enough!

    Well done, sir!

  237. Hahahaha. Jagermeister USA hit hardest.

    You should short the shit out of that fucker.

    My El Goutse has been responsible for massive layoffs and the shuttering of 3 manufacturing facilities.

  238. whose turn is it to rub my feet?

  239. Rosetta, if I washed my junk a 100 times would you suck it?

    If you washed your junk 100 times it would disappear.

  240. I have my foot elevated, otherwise I’d stick my foot up Brew’s ass.

    Brew – How ’bout that Phillies’ rotation?

  241. If you washed your junk 100 times it would disappear. = no


  242. Duh, its Wednesday. I’m in the Fleur de Lis. Blue, with a white background.


  243. whose turn is it to rub my feet?

    *raises hand

  244. Brew – How ’bout that Phillies’ rotation?

    It is nice Chief. It has the potential to be almost as good as the Brewers rotation.

  245. whose turn is it to rub my feet?

    Are they clean?

  246. not drinking beer

    dude. seriously. Just off yourself now.

    As Ben Franklin said, beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. So if you can’t drink beer, the only thing I can draw from that is that God hates you.

  247. If you washed your junk 100 times it would disappear. = no




  248. Just read the article in the NYT about CT’s new gov. To my friends in CT; my deepest sympathies. You should move to Wisconsin where our new governor is kicking ass and taking names.

  249. As Ben Franklin said, beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. So if you can’t drink beer, the only thing I can draw from that is that God hates you.

    You were never good at drawing.


  250. You should move to Wisconsin where our new governor is kicking ass and taking names.

    No kidding. He has got some good mojo. I would have never have expected that from the Cheese State.

  251. So. what did I miss?

  252. So what did Ben Franklin say about Chardonnay and Mt. Gay rum?

  253. Sohos hearts Wiserbud

  254. >> My El Goutse has been responsible for massive layoffs and the shuttering of 3 manufacturing facilities.

    Is that news public yet?

    *Checks JAGR after-hours quote*

  255. Ben Franklin never said nuthin’ ’bout no vodka.

    *dances around blog


    Okay, I’m done now.

  256. So what did Ben Franklin say about Chardonnay and Mt. Gay rum?

    Only witches drink that and they should be burned at the stake.

    Federalist 149.

  257. Sohos hearts Wiserbud

    Right back atcha baby.

    Now when I’m done with your feet, I have something I’d like you to rub……

  258. If by clean you mean in a pair of thick socks and boots ALL day then, yes

  259. So what did Ben Franklin say about Chardonnay and Mt. Gay rum?

    I don’t think Ben had a problem with teh gheys….

    It was a different time and all that….

  260. Rosetta, if I washed my junk a 100 times would you suck it?

    Farm Animal funk?

    Lemon zest?

  261. I would have never have expected that from the Cheese State.

    I’m still giddy that I now live in a red state! Yea!!!

  262. Brewfan, it appears at least that this guy is trying. He will probably fail but he is trying.

    The last Governor “balanced” the budget with stimulus money and loans.
    We are 3 billion in the hole thanks to that and only 3 million live here.

  263. If by clean you mean in a pair of thick socks and boots ALL day then, yes

    *sniff sniff*


  264. Only witches drink that and they should be burned at the stake
    I thought you would go for a gay joke. S.A.D. Sad.

    I got fired from a bar tending job for changing Mt Gay to Mt Gary in the MICROS system. The bar manager was named Gary.

  265. taps foot.

    Oh COME ON. Someone must have said something funny in the last 5 hours.

  266. I’m still giddy that I now live in a red state! Yea!!!

    Did your governor tell those commie teachers that they could go back to work right the hell now, or they could start looking for different work?

  267. Car In, how many kilometres did you bike today?

    Round to the nearest 100.

  268. I got fired from a bar tending job for changing Mt Gay to Mt Gary in the MICROS system. The bar manager was named Gary.

    “Gary’s” have no sense of humor. i had one as a manager once too. Fucker played Steve Miller band every Sunday morning.

    I hate that band still.

  269. The last Governor “balanced” the budget with stimulus money and loans.
    We are 3 billion in the hole thanks to that and only 3 million live here.

    We now have a budget hole in Washingtonistan that I couldn’t even hope to plug with my own ass.

  270. I got fired from a bar tending job for changing Mt Gay to Mt Gary in the MICROS system. The bar manager was named Gary.


    I don’t know anyone named Gary but they don’t sound like they would have a good sense if humor.

  271. Car In, how many kilometres did you bike today?

    Round to the nearest 10o

    I didn’t . I walked up pretend stairs for an hour.

    I could have checked how many floors I did, but I didn’t.

  272. “Gary’s” have no sense of humor. i had one as a manager once too. Fucker played Steve Miller band every Sunday morning.


    The H2: 2

    Gary’s: 0

  273. As if I needed a reason to hate Justin Beiber.

  274. It’s 62 degrees here. I have the window open.

  275. I’m about to leave the office and there better be a mothafuckin chicken pot pie on a plate in front of my chair at the end of the table when i get home

  276. “You guys are evil,” he jokes. “Canada’s the best country in the world.” He adds, “We go to the doctor and we don’t need to worry about paying him, but here, your whole life, you’re broke because of medical bills. My bodyguard’s baby was premature, and now he has to pay for it. In Canada, if your baby’s premature, he stays in the hospital as long as he needs to, and then you go home.”

    Look you little shit-fuck. Get back to me when you hit puberty. Until then, you can STFU about politics and just sing your pussy songs.

    Hey, I’ve got an idea. He’s YOUR body guard. Why don’t you pony up the cash?

  277. I’m about to leave the office and there better be a mothafuckin chicken pot pie on a plate in front of my chair at the end of the table when i get home

    *Lets go of sohos’ feet

    later, baby. gotta go.


  278. Did your governor tell those commie teachers that they could go back to work right the hell now, or they could start looking for different work?

    Christie has started the relay but we need 3 or 4 more governors to pick up the baton and run.

    If we get a half-dozen governors to bring the thunder, that will hopefully create some momentum for others join.

  279. As if I needed a reason to hate Justin Beiber.

    I hope he speaks at the Democrat convention next year.


  280. As if I needed a reason to hate Justin Beiber.

    I’m waiting for the wails of teenaged agony that will come when the little turd burglar decides that he is ghey and wants the whole world to know.

  281. Once the 12-somethings of Lapeer have decided that Beiber is “a fag” … well, stick a fork in him.

    I hope he has invested well.

  282. If we get a half-dozen governors to bring the thunder, that will hopefully create some momentum for others join.

    heh. but not ours.

    We have a special election coming up to replace the Dem who just got elected to the state senate, and then got caught for like the 5th time double-billing his expenses and finally resigned his seat.

    Any bets on which party gets that seat? (Hint, it’s in CT… oh damn, what a giveaway.)

  283. Baby … baby …

  284. I knew a gary once,an old friend i often bailed out of his troubled life and he was living with a bunch of punks shooting some kinda shit in his arm and he od’d so his roommates called me and told me they were bailing and he was dying. Sohos and I were on our way out to dinner and we had to go rescue the vegetable and take him to the hospital.

    H2: 3
    Gary’s: -1

  285. I hope he speaks at the Democrat convention next year.
    Too much experience. Sheriff Joe would feel self-conscious.

  286. We have a special election coming up to replace the Dem who just got elected to the state senate, and then got caught for like the 5th time double-billing his expenses and finally resigned his seat.

    Blue ribbon Democrat!!!!

  287. If we get a half-dozen governors to bring the thunder, that will hopefully create some momentum for others join.

    If we can get Rob McKenna into the Governor’s seat next year, I think you’ll have a third.

    *cues knshing of teeth and donning of sackcloth and ashes for heartless policies that are not in step with “Washington Values”.*

  288. Dammit. Still not embedding.

    Guess I’ll have to Twitter the WordPOS.com cockholsters again.

    Find out why I can’t back-page from a Twitter link in Firefox while you are at it.


  289. Did he make it?


    It’s like an episode of Intervention.

    I love that show.

    My police friend from the gym tells me two people OD from heroin in Lapeer (County) in the last week alone.


    How it going?

  291. Pupster, you FAG.

  292. yeah car in he made it to do it again and again and again. I hear he’s doing ok now I cut him off so I never hear from him. He’ son sohos facechimp though

  293. MCPO’s day tomorrow….. back on 95

    bump – bump
    bump – bump
    bump – bump
    bump – bump

    Concrete slab highway fail.

  294. H2: 3
    Gary’s: -1

    Hahahahahahaha. This is not looking good for the Garys.

    Wasn’t there a clown serial-killer named John Wayne Gary?

    Yeah, that’s what I thought.

  295. Our brandy-new Republican legislature and Governor are talking about “restructuring the public employees’ benefits packages”. They are already howling. HAHAHAHA! Fuck’em!

  296. I’m waiting for the wails of teenaged agony that will come when the little turd burglar decides that he is ghey and wants the whole world to know.

    Oh they know. deep down inside, they know.

    He is totally a product of some press relations group. Once it starts, his fall will be fast and furious.

  297. I told my police friend that heroin addicts should be put in a room with a TON of heroin.

    Of course, I’m an evil bitch.

    But, really. why prolong the suffering? Let’s just get on with it.

    I know. I know. I’m evil.

  298. I’m about to leave the office and there better be a mothafuckin chicken pot pie on a plate in front of my chair at the end of the table when i get home

    Uh oh…


  299. What Count forgot to add was that it was Valentines night

  300. “He is totally a product of some press relations group. Once it starts, his fall will be fast and furious.

    ha. I tried to copy but it failed, but in another bit of the interview they talked about how his voice has changed completely and he doesn’t sound ANYTHING like what his fans think but he’s working with a voice coach, so he should be able to carry a tune very soon.

  301. “I’m about to leave the office and there better be a mothafuckin chicken pot pie on a plate in front of my chair at the end of the table when i get home”

    I hope it’s frozen and still in the box.

  302. No offense TiFW, Aggie, and GML, but I’m rooting against your Aggies tonight.

    Go Cyclones!

  303. Hahahahahahaha. This is not looking good for the Garys.

    You ever been to Gary, IN? Not one damn funny thing about the place.

  304. I told my police friend that heroin addicts should be put in a room with a TON of heroin.

    Of course, I’m an evil bitch.

    But, really. why prolong the suffering? Let’s just get on with it.

    If you’re going to give them clean needles you might as well give them the smack.

    But I agree that they only get free heroin once a month and it’s a pound. You have one hour. Shoot all you want.


  305. I told my husband I didn’t want to go out to eat until next weekend or something. Too busy around VD.

    But, I got so many chocolates … I may have to pass.

  306. “Not one damn funny thing about the place.”

    It smells funny.

  307. You ever been to Gary, IN? Not one damn funny thing about the place.

    I once went to a strip club there. There was a chick named Gary. It was the worst private dance ever.


  308. You ever been to Gary, IN? Not one damn funny thing about the place.

    I thought it smelled funny.

  309. But I agree that they only get free heroin once a month and it’s a pound. You have one hour. Shoot all you want.

    Points at my eyes with two finger, then points at Rosie’s eyes with two fingers, then back again at mine.

    Did I tell you the story about the prisoner that ate a crap sandwich? I think I did.

  310. But, really. why prolong the suffering? Let’s just get on with it.

    awwwwwwww, don’t you mean people understand??? It;s a sickness! We should all bend over backwards and so whatever it takes (and PAY whatever it takes) to keep the precious little victim alive and happy!

    h8ers, the lot of you.

  311. I thought it smelled funny.

    Funny “ha ha” or funny “rosetta”?

  312. h8ers, the lot of you.

    Raises hand. Accepts title with grace.

  313. I once went to a strip club there. There was a chick named Gary. It was the worst private dance ever.

    Couldn’t get past her adam’s apple, huh?

  314. What Count forgot to add was that it was Valentines night

    Happy Valengary!!


  315. I once went to a strip club there. There was a chick named Gary. It was the worst private dance ever.


    It was all the ass hair.

    It creates a lot of friction.

  316. My buddy says you wouldn’t believe how rampant heroin is. And how desperate the users have become. They used to only break into your house when you were gone. They don’t care anymore. They’ll break in when you’re home.

    I think providing them with all the heroin they want would be a public service.

  317. I think providing them with all the heroin they want lead overdose would be a public service.

  318. I think providing them with all the heroin they want would be a public service.

    Natural selection, in progress.

  319. I’ve got an idea! Let’s send all of the heroin addict to CT. That way they’ll be taken care of by kind, compassionate Democrats with mountains of money to spend on them!

  320. I get home after 8pm and this is still on top?


  321. Chief, you are a man with ideas.

    Berkley would also be a great option.

  322. They will get disability checks.

  323. I know a Gary and he is a whiny, wanna be clinger on

  324. It was all the ass hair.

    It creates a lot of friction.

    I will assume you speak from experience.

  325. Leon – Go “clean and jerk” the neighborhood cats

  326. I get home after 8pm and this is still on top?


    We’ve been busy, Leon. I had to go to Khols, for example.

  327. I thought we already sent the heroin addicts to CA?

    Also, I fully back an elimination of all drug laws. My biggest liberal friend does not, claiming that opium was employed as a weapon by the English against the Chinese, so we’ll all turn into opium den-izens, or something.

  328. Heroin must be awesome. I know of exactly one person who has quit it.

  329. My biggest liberal friend does not, claiming that opium was employed as a weapon by the English against the Chinese, so we’ll all turn into opium den-izens, or something.

    Ha ha haa …

    I wanna party with your friend.

  330. Leon – Go “clean and jerk” the neighborhood cats

    Too tired, today’s workout was already plenty tough, and I’ve still got to clean the litters/floor around the litters.

  331. I’ll put up a new POS post.



    How it going?

    Purdy good, I must say. I think I may have closed a big deal for a camera system today…I’ve been cultivating this client for a few months now. I’ll find out tomorrow.

    Pupster, you FAG.

    No MJ, I won’t go out with you. I like girls.

  333. I’ve read that most are constantly chasing their first high with heroin. I simply becomes necessary.

    How awesome is that?

  334. I’ve got an idea! Let’s send all of the heroin addict to CT. That way they’ll be taken care of by kind, compassionate Democrats with mountains of money to spend on them!

    gosh thanks.

    Drive safely now, ya hear?

  335. Famous Garys

  336. Purdy good, I must say. I think I may have closed a big deal for a camera system today…I’ve been cultivating this client for a few months now. I’ll find out tomorrow.

    Good luck:)

    fingers, toes crossed.

  337. I wanna party with your friend.

    I’m hard pressed to think of a freedom he’s not against in some way. He makes exceptions for alcohol, but I’m sure I could get him to admit that we should license imbibers/purchasers.

  338. Wiser – Smooch! I didn’t mean to your house. . . I meant Hartford.

  339. Gary Newman.

  340. The world’s worst post is now available for desecration.

  341. Thanks cArin. I could use a sale.

    What happened to all the Tabs?

  342. Heroin must be awesome. I know of exactly one person who has quit it.

    I still have days……

  343. What happened to all the Tabs?

    Car In drank them.

  344. wasn’t Tab banned?
    *hehe late again*

  345. […] The H2 has Big Boob Friday. And some Rule 5 for the ladies […]

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