So you’re freezing your ass off?

Don’t sweat it. Summer will be here soon enough and then you can start bitching about your electric bills.

Now, somebody add some hot broads with big tits to this poat.


  1. Between this and the earlier bartender talk, I have a sudden need for a margarita.

  2. Thanks for double-tapping the old poat, Dick.

  3. Dick, that’s what I thought, too. And a 73? It’s not like he’s a poster child for M’chelle’s childhood obesity campaign. He’s 6′ 2″, 138 lbs., and has been running cross-country. WTF?

  4. Who’s the guy in the header?

  5. All righty, I’m off. I get to run some transmission measurements at work (I love my job!), then go get an echocardiogram and get fitted for a heart monitor. Apparently either the ablation didn’t get everything or my heart doesn’t know how to beat normally without the meds. We shall see.

    Dick, if TiFW doesn’t show up soon to give us an update, would you please call her? I’d like to know that everything went well yesterday.

  6. Give that kid a sammich, stat!

    That boy can *eat* some groceries. I made 3 lbs. of honey mustard chicken last night, with corn and salad on the side, and he ate half.

  7. Heh, good to see that there are some fine bartenders around.

    The place I used to work at had waitresses, who purchased drinks out of a bank to sell. We hadn’t kept track of volume per person, until the computer ordering system. We always thought that the waitress did the higher volume of selling.

    Once we tracked it, we found the bartenders did 2 to 1 sales over a waitress, in addition to making all waitress drinks. Tip outs improved after this discovery.

    Kudos to the true heart of a good drinking establishment!

  8. How’s it hanging this morning, folks?

    I’m not a fan of the ocean, but if it was widely decorated with lovely ladies as above, I could handle it.

  9. My BFF has done plenty of bartender/waitress work. She works her tail off and gets huge tips. She knows the tips are at least partially because she has spectacular knockers, but she does work hard as well. She used to work with a catering company in Austin and would often do Christmas events. Tips were always really big because the patrons felt bad for someone working on Christmas. Little did they realize she’s Jewish. Hahahaha.

    I certainly hope the Obamas will not be there humiliating us! I don’t even want to think about what Michelle would wear to a royal wedding. I can’t believe no friend has taken her aside for an “Oh honey, no” session.

  10. Well, I do believe it. But it’s sad. It shows that she doesn’t have a single friend who really cares about her. Above-mentioned BFF would never let me go out in public looking like that.

  11. Peel, if you went out in public looking like that we’d all spank you.

  12. Holy shit, Dick. You and I killed this mother bastard.

  13. Clearly those English motherfuckers are rasis.

  14. I ain’t never seen a black king of England!

  15. I can’t believe no friend has taken her aside for an “Oh honey, no” session.
    It shows that she doesn’t have a single friend who really cares about her.

    First, you don’t tell Michelle “no”. It’s just not done.
    Second, to do so would require speaking in her presence. It’s just not done.
    Third, let the classless bitch wear whatever she wants. It only confirms to her subjects everything they already know.

    No. I gots no sympathy for her.

  16. I just loved it there at the beginning where the fawning press talked about how lovely and toned her arms were.

    What a lame attempt at distracting people from the running battle over whether she looks more like a Wookiee or Lt. Worf, not to mention the fact that her ass qualifies for its own zipcode.

  17. All you need to know about Barack Obama is that he is married to Michelle.

  18. She is a bit angry, it appears. I heard yesterday that they don’t give their kids Xmas presents. Is this true? GW would have been crucified for that.

  19. Why would a mooselimb give his kids Christmas presents?

  20. They give their kids Eid al Fitr presents though, of course.

  21. A St James’s Palace spokesman said: ‘The wedding will not be a formal state occasion since Prince William is neither the sovereign nor the heir to the throne.’

    Ha ha ha haaaa.
    Queen Elizabeth is really making things hard for everybody isn’t she. I guess she’s not leaving the throne until they have to pry her rigor-hardened hands from it.


  23. It’s funny, ya know? The reason Cuccinelli didn’t ask for an injunction stopping implementation of the health care law after it was found unconstitutional was that the Dept of Justice indicated to the court that they would abide by the ruling so no injunction was necessary.

    They fucking lied:

  24. Who is Stu Pidaso?

  25. >>not to mention the fact that her a$$ qualifies for its own zipcode.

    The WTC twin towers each had their own zipcode, because combined they were too big.
    Something similar might be needed here.

  26. Hey Tushar. How’s NY?

  27. MJ,

    NY is cold, gloomy and unrelenting.

    The weather is not too good either.


    And it’s still Friday morning.


  29. Despite giving Mr. TiFW EXPLICIT instructions on how to update my comment postings, he apparently only listened so far and no further, so “my” update from last night is tacked onto the end of the McDonald’s posting, about 6 hours AFTER everyone had moved on to another post…..

    So here’s the story:

    NO BLOCKAGES WHATSOEVER!!!!!!!! I am sitting at my desk at home, after having been sprung from the hospital about an hour ago, with orders to take it easy for the next couple of days. The cardiologist is stymied as to why my heart enzyme tests came back with wonky readings (which indicated to ALL medical personnel that SOMETHING had happened with my heart) – as he put it yesterday in the cath lab, “Your tests LIED.”

    According to him, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with my heart – no blockages in any of the coronary arteries, no evidence of any buildup that is detectable on an arteriogram, and no evidence whatsoever of any coronary artery disease. Despite my cholesterol readings being over what any doctor would like to see, my blood pressure being high, and me being significantly overweight, neither he nor my primary care physician were able to fuss at me about my lifestyle causing my heart to be damaged – because it isn’t. VINDICATION!!!!!!

    Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers throughout this ordeal – you cannot imagine how very much they meant to both me and my family. We are so very thrilled with this news – it is the BEST possible Christmas present that our family will receive this year.

  30. Ok. the tracking for my SS gift hasn’t been updated in days (from the “info recieved” status), and it doesn’t give any indication that it’s been delivered.

    I’m getting worried.

  31. TiFW – glad to hear you are doing well.

    I bet someone just snuck you some gluten.

  32. Teresa – Great news! I have a heart condition, and nothing is so frustrating as having to “deal” with something that they can’t fix – glad you don’t have any issues.

    I agree with Car in – did you kids slip you sumpin?

  33. Now that you mention it, Car in – both Mr. TiFW and I had lunch with his co-workers on Monday for their Christmas luncheon, and BOTH of us were complaining afterwards that we thought we had gotten hold of something with gluten in it…..

    I couldn’t get to sleep Monday night, either – I had forgotten completely about that! (Chances are, it was just a coincidence, though…..)

  34. New Poat…..


    What a BITCH!!! And after Obama gave her that really awesome iPod with his speeches on it and was kind enough to send back that bust of Churchill that we have been bogarting for all these years!!

    Some people just have no class…..

    Actually, the Queen was probably afraid that the Obama’s would have given the couple a $100 Best Buy gift card as a wedding present and wanted to spare them the embarrassment.

  36. HAZELS Yes.Lauraw sent me that recipe. Just found it in my saved email.

    I’m such an airhead. Printing it out.

  37. From Eddie’s link re: Harrod’s lights:

    Dashperiod reported Knightsbridge visitors were stunned, quoting one woman as saying, “I was with my grandchildren. We had just gotten off the bus. I said ‘look everybody’ and pointed up to the lights – but you know what the lights said? They said f**k off. And that is not an appropriate message for a child. At least not at Christmas time.”

    “At least, not at Christmas time.” BWAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!!


  38. New Poat…..

    Well, DAMMIT!

    I was just getting warmed up here!

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