MMM 597

I graduated high school 30 years ago yesterday. That was a weird thing to realize.

Monochrome foursome to start us off.

That haircut is a tragedy.

Much better.

Pretty smile.

More monochrome. She’s a little too lean for my tastes.

Smile or grimace?

I’d say she’s learning The Force but girls don’t need to learn The Force, they are The Force.

This one is for me. No one else look.

Happy Monday. 87 bales in the barn and we’re only 1/3 done with the first cutting.


  1. Definitely a grimace to avoid slidin’ a Biden mid exercise

  2. wakey wakey

  3. Number 3’s face reminds me of Kirsti Alley for some reason. Nice all around Leon.

    A nice bit of satire:

    And more memes:

  4. We were posting pics of drunk Indians.
    Feather not dot.

  5. whoa (from AOS):

    Abdallah Aljamal, the Al Jazeera photojournalist who reportedly held Noa Argamani captive in his home. Aljamal and his immediate family also attempted to block the twenty-six-year-old hostage’s rescue, and were shot and killed during the ensuing confrontation.

    Now we’re gonna hear about Israel killing journalists again. Sorry, FAFO, assume room temperature when interfering with the IDF

  6. I just had a chance t read yesterday’s poat because I only had my phone with me at the boat.

    I find it fascinating that Lumps was named after her paternal grandmother. It’s a very unusual name.

  7. Indians is a level of inebriation, 1 drink = 1 indian, finish the keg = 10 indians.

  8. interesting strategy in a debate. make your statement about your running in the race and why you are better, then say you aren’t interested in the debate and walk off.

  9. wow, nerds in high school are running the country. coming from a white woman, the enemy of all things. Bring back bullying!

  10. horribly racist, and funny as hell

    I think HS is 7 indians right now

  11. “The fire has not been deemed criminal in nature yet,” it said.

    I’d probably start by investigating in the muzzie community. (Unlike the frogs did when Notre Dame got torched.)

  12. Don’t underestimate the No-Wheel people. The bullshit blood libel is still being spouted by their spokesturds up there and there are plenty of young, dumb assholes who want “revenge” on the Church for something that never happened.

  13. Are you referring to the mass graves of the murdered schoolchildren at the Catholic mission schools? The ones that have never been found?

    That thing that never happened?

  14. Yes. There must be burnt churches to avenge all the children that never existed and didn’t die.

  15. Yeah, how dare those missionaries try to teach kids not to worship rocks, birds, snakes, and bears. Anybody that evil must have killed the kids who misbehaved.

  16. I’m honestly surprised they didn’t allege that they were molested first, but I’m sure that’s just me not having read extensively enough.

  17. This is brilliant

  18. When do they stop trying to tune their instruments?

  19. I prefer my generation’s music still.

  20. From over at

    Yesterday Mrs. CW was in the checkout line at the grocery store, and the clerk asked her what she was making with some of the stuff she was buying.

    Informed that she was planning a casserole, the checkout gal looked confused and said, “What’s a casserole?”


    I told Mrs. CW that she should written the recipe down for her, but in cursive.

  21. A casserole is Stouffer’s except made by a human without the chemicals.

  22. i made casserole yesterday. chili mac, with habanero cheese. Woo wee, it was HOT!

  23. can we make this a group activity?

  24. Apparently nobody needed to take a dump.

  25. When I was young, I still had a lot of living great aunts and uncles. Most of my great aunts were pretty good cooks, old country style, meat and potato people. When we would go to a family dinner, my mom (also a great cook) would usually take a casserole of some type. I would see the older women pointing at a casserole, whispering to each other “I wonder what’s in that”? Apparently, they didn’t trust it if they couldn’t see what was in it.

  26. I’m not a connoisseur of hot, but I like spicy. I made the mistake of putting an entire small can (8 oz) of Goya Chipotle Peppers with tomato sauce in a pot of chili one time. One quarter of a can would have been OK, but the neighbor and I eventually finished it.

  27. Informed that she was planning a casserole, the checkout gal looked confused and said, “What’s a casserole?”

    Tell me you don’t go to church without telling me you don’t go to church.

  28. To render that in modern language:

    “OMG Z00mers don’t know what f’ck’n casserole is and I can’t even.”

  29. or in minnesota Hot Dish

  30. any michiganders in the Justin Amash/Mike Rogers district?

    My nephew works for Amash’s brothers tool company in Grand Rapids.

  31. Not me, I’m in Kate Upton’s Uncle’s old district.

  32. I’m in the Dingel Dynasty.

  33. The seat has been in the Dingel family since 1933 – 91 years.

    Of the union, by the union, and for the union.

  34. Debbie Dingel and Jill Biden could be sisters.

  35. I asked a friend from Chicago one time if he was familiar with Hot Dish, never heard of it. I’ve had the southern version, I think.

    Easy listening for a rainy day here:

  36. Informed that she was planning a casserole, the checkout gal looked confused and said, “What’s a casserole?”

    Chicago style pizza.

  37. People used to make jokes about tuna noodle casserole, but it was a common Friday supper in my family. In those days Catholics in the U.S. were forbidden to eat meat on Fridays, not just during Lent. And there was no such thing as fresh fish in the midwest.

    Anyway, I liked it, and think it was unjustly ridiculed.

    Of course, we had to eat what was put in front of us or go hungry. You had to stay at the table until your food was gone, or bedtime, whichever came sooner.

  38. Pizza is either an open-faced sandwich or a casserole. Both can be good.

  39. I absolutely love a good tuna casserole. Mom made a fantastic one with cheesy biscuits on top. I really wish I’d learned more of her recipes before she passed.

    In Other News I’m still waiting for my tire. They were supposed to get it in sometime between 8 and 1 today and they would call me. 2:30 and no call so I called them. Oh, they have the tire, but desk dude can’t get it into the inventory system, so they can’t swap the tire until it’s in. Now we’re waiting for “IT” to fix it. I have a feeling I’m not going to get my tire today.

  40. I mentioned snook yesterday, but the tuna thing made me think of swordfish steaks, which are wonderful. I wouldn’t have a clue where to find them, even though seafood is the thing here. A lot of people like grouper, but Mahi or any kind of tuna is good for me. I’m going to speak heresy now, but I don’t see the big deal with trout.

    Oyster casserole is pretty darn good. After getting sick at a local oyster roast, that’s about the only way I’ll eat them. I’ll type up the recipe and post it sometime, very tasty.

  41. but I don’t see the big deal with trout.

    Not heresy. I don’t either. I don’t mind a small trout with eggs for breakfast. But it’s not dinner food.

  42. Here in Michigan it is either walleye or perch for me. Doesn’t come any better.

  43. emergency casserole used to be mac and cheese from the blue box and a can of tuna thrown in.

    When I was out of hot dogs.

  44. I’ll take bluegill any day over trout.

  45. freakin love walleye. Culvers has a good basket during lent that’s tasty. For us that can’t get fresh fish that is. The stuff in New England was amazing, as was the places in MI by the lakes.

  46. Chicago style pizza? Is that near the New York style in the freezer section? I’m prolly going to hell anyway, so I may as well get an express ticket.

    That sucks Mitchell. Computers are a wonderful thing, until they aren’t.

  47. so many bones, but bluegill is good. Crappie too, think someone mentioned that.

    But walleye is better.

  48. just cook 2 new york pizzas on top of each other, that gets close to chicago style.

  49. Chicago style gets a lot of hate, but done right it can be really good. It’s a proper pie with cheese and stewed tomatoes as the filling. We’re pretty close to Chicago here, so a pie in that style is considered upscale pizza here. NY style is the most common, and I’d have to hunt for Detroit style. Too many retired FIPs in the area for Detroit style to get any attention.

  50. Giordano’s was absolutely delicious when we went there.

  51. We grew up with fish Fridays. My mom never told us when it changed to Lenten Fridays. I H8 fish. Yes, I have tried all fish and crustaceans. My mom made homemade egg noodles. One of my Buckeye great aunts taught her how to make Midwest dishes. Called it Prison Food. Ghoulish. Celery potatoes and noodles. Tuna noodle casserole was yummy. My current favorite casseroles are enchilada and chile relleno back.

  52. Best Chicago pizza I’ve had was from a shop in South Bend that’s not there anymore, pretty sure it closed down before the Buttigrad years began.

  53. No taxes on tips is a genius idea. It would affect lower income people more than “the 1%” and would have immediate effect. Probably wouldn’t hurt tax collections either.

  54. my wife hates seafood too, so you aren’t alone oso. You can sit on the bench with her and eat burgers.

  55. The older I get, the less I can stand to eat fish either. I’d sooner just be vegetarian or simply fast for the day.

    And I’m shit for doing penance and whatnot, but I’m pretty sure AYCE fish fry night at the Knight House ain’t one.

  56. Chicago style pizza? Is that near the New York style in the freezer section?

    I’ve never seen it in stores. Google “Lou Malnati”. I think they still ship theirs freshly frozen to anywhere in the world.

  57. I’m for that tax proposal. I’d been trying to tip in cash rather than on the card for a while so the waitress can report what she likes.

  58. You can get Uno’s in most grocer’s freezers around here. It’s not the best representative, and it’s been shrinkflated a lot in the last few years. Very bready and too crusty IMO.

  59. Do the Biden!

  60. The way to avoid bones with bluegills is to filet them, which I was taught always to do. You might end up with a filet the side of your finger, but no bones.

    I used to take a half gallon cardboard milk carton open it up and put the day’s catch in then fill it with water to just above the filets. Then put it in the freezer. Next time, I’d throw the new filets in add water, and so on.

    When I had four cartons full it was time to invite people over and have a fish fry.


  61. lots of pizza places have chicago style. Keep in mind it’s the one that takes 30-45 mins to cook.

  62. mmm that sounds delicious, HS

    But walleye is still better.

  63. I like most fish but I can’t stand it being cooked in my house. Boy1 baked a fillet of some nasty fish on a cooking sheet that didn’t have edges, so the fish juice got all over the oven. Every meal has been accompanied with low tide on fire for a few days. Brrrrr.

  64. always better fried or grilled

  65. Speaking of walleye, many years ago my electrical contractor invited me on a Lake Erie charter for walleye. He took his whole company but asked me too.

    There were ten of us on the boat and we limited out in about four hours. The limit was eight per.

    So we got back to the marina and there was this chick at the fish cleaning station who had an electric knife and was charging a buck a pound to filet your fish.

    So we had her do it and divied it all up.

    When I got home I invited some friends over and my buddy says, “Where are the cheeks?” And I was like, “Huh?” And he informs me that walleye cheeks are like fucking gold.

    I didn’t know anything about them. Obviously the woman charging a buck a pound wasn’t about to tell stupid people like me.

    Anyway, live and learn.

  66. Well, I certainly didn’t know that fish had cheeks, but I did know that goats don’t have dukes.

    I typed these verbatim, so some reading between the lines is required. Put yourself in a 1967 frame of mind for:

    Oyster Casserole by Nell Caldwell in the Bereas’s Best Cookbook 1967
    Generously butter casserole dish. Begin with layer of oyster crackers, then thawed canned frozen oysters, salt, pepper and butter. Make as many layers as desired ending with a few scattered crackers Pour in the liquid from the oysters, then add milk until you can see it. Bake at 350 approximately 35 to 45 minutes. Don’t use too many crackers or it will be too dry. If crackers begin to get too brown, baste with liquid.
    Oyster Casserole by Helen Bicknell in the Bereas’s Best Cookbook 1967
    2 cups cracker crumbs, rolled fine

    1 tbsp chopped pimento

    ¼ tsp paprika

    ¼ tsp celery salt

    1 tsp salt

    2 tsp minced parsley

    ½ cup melted butter or oleo 1 pint oysters

    1 egg, slightly beaten

    2/3 cup undiluted cream of mushroom soup
    Add the crumbs, pimento, salt, paprika, celery salt and minced parsley to melted butter and mix well. Line a shallow casserole with half the crumb mixture. Combine oysters, egg and the soup, and pour over the crumb mixture. Cover oysters with remaining crumb mixture. Bake at 350 for 1 hour. Serves 8.

  67. J’ames, I will hold her hand while we eat a double cheeseburger at Culver’s. At a Twins game, they had State Fair Walleye sandwich. Dan liked it.

  68. Groan. Had a possible lead on a Primary Care provider for my insurance. Nope. Taking Medicare only.

    I guess I’m supposed to work until whatever’s ailing me kills me to support the non-workers. Fuck this fucking garbage.

  69. Used to like the onion. It’s trash now.

  70. Walleye-cheeks = Fish nuggets

  71. I could go for a walleye or a muskie sandwich. What is the preferred condiment?

    When looking back through those old recipes, the folks (mostly ladies) said, oleo. Nobody said margarine. Maybe margarine vs. oleo was a marketing thing or ?. I am a butter man.

  72. finally went through the shredded parmesan, and made parmesan noodles with butter and hand shredded parm. Wow, so much creamier and better. Basically authentic Alfredo made with spaghetti. So good.

  73. yum grouper cheeks!

  74. Quite a Jan 6 theory, but it does make sense.

  75. grouper cheeks must be huge!

  76. Butter was bad. Oleo and margarine were the deal.

  77. Fish and Chips.

    Or pizza at Gino’s East.

  78. No verdict today in the Hunter Biden trial. Guess they aren’t done rigging it.

  79. I think you are correct Oso, I really don’t understand why the USDA denounced butter for so long and then reversed course. Well, maybe I do, but me and the wife have always been butter people, seems more natural.

    Interesting video Pup, sad the guy committed at least one cardinal sin, scraping a Teflon pan with a pair of metal tongs, really? Just kidding, you learn something every day.

  80. My dad was team butter. My mom was team milk the cow and get to work. My mom didn’t like skim milk. I remember the milk separating into different components. No one wanted to churn the butter. I just didn’t like the fact that it was warm and it didn’t really get very cool in the cellar.

  81. I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned on here a time or two that I do not have the fishing gene. I just don’t get it. But I do have a funny fishing story.

    So about 20 years ago I go on a fishing trip with about a dozen other fellows. I’m mostly there for the card playing and beer drinking but I buy a license and borrow a pole so I can go out on the boat and drink beer and not sit back at the cabin by myself all day long. So there’s about a dozen guys, two $30k bass boats, $5k worth of assorted fishing gear, a good deal of bait, and much hope. We launch the boats, fish our asses off all day long, argue about why they’re not biting and where else to try, and after about 10 hours we have barely enough fish to make a decent supper for a dozen moderately drunk and sunburnt men. Some of the late keepers were not long enough to keep but they ended up in the frying pan by necessity.

    So after we’d cooked, eaten, and cleaned up it was decided that we needed to get the two boats out of the water for the evening. As we’re walking down towards the boat ramp to help with the loading I spot a 7-8 year old boy struggling with his little rod and reel from the bank and I say to the fellows, “I think that little fart has hooked him one.” So we all mosey over that way and sure enough he’s battling the shit out of a live one. Some of the real fishermen in our group start coaching his ass up and one of them runs down to his boat and grabs a net. After 3 or 4 minutes of pulling and reeling the little fart gets the fish close enough to the bank that one of our guys jumps in the river and nets the fish. It is huge. They take it over somewhere that there’s a scale and it’s 28 lbs. And the kid caught it on, I shit you not, a Charlie Brown and Snoopy rod and reel that is no more than 4′ long.

    The juxtaposition between his success from the bank with children’s toys and our lack of success from 2 high falutin boats with all the gear you could ever imagine was hilarious. At least it was to me.

  82. heh, reminds me of hunting with dad one time. He didn’t have a license, and it was saturday so he couldn’t get one. He just walked along with us to kick up pheasants.

    Walking through a waterway, freezing rain coming down, so everything was sitting tight. We were on our way back with no luck, and dad spots a rooster to his side. He’s moving slow, then pounces and catches the bird barehanded.

    Only thing we got that day!

  83. Haha, cut down on burnout parties in MN, paint pride flags all over the place!

  84. When the left loses, they riot. all the time.

  85. I have a hunting story to tell.

    When my daughter was in fifth grade her class went to camp for a week. I agreed to chaperone, so I bunked in with the boys. These fucking kids were wild, I’m telling you.

    Anyway, it’s getting close to lights out, and I said, “Anyone need to pee go do it now.”

    So this one particularly troublesome kids ambles toward the door, sticks his flashlight between his legs with the beam shining forward, waddles the rest of the way, flings the door open, and declares, “I’m going out hunting for pussy.” His buddies fucking roared. I have to admit it made me laugh too.

  86. 3 yrs ago on June 10, 2021, I assumed battalion command fully knowing I’d be fired soon after. I was relieved of command Oct 28, 2021 for not complying with the covid shot mandate implemented in Aug 2021.

  87. Man, that was a night. I couldn’t get the little fuckers to quiet down, because I was just a dad.

    Suddenly in pops their teacher having heard all of the noise. He was this black dude and hard as nails. After he chewed their asses out DI style, they didn’t make another peep all night.

  88. Boys from about age 10 to age 13 need lots of asswhippings that it’s frowned on to deliver these days.

  89. We would go fishing at Buckeye Lake. I was a chatterbox. I know, hard to believe. I was also unable to sit still. I would fill my pockets with rocks. I would sit on the dock and create waves with my feet. Throw rocks from the boat. From the dock. Only time my grandfather ever yelled at me. Historic first. He had 10 grandchildren. I was the only one he ever yelled at. 4 sons. Never yelled at them.

  90. X asked for my opinion about the black cunt that killed the 3 year old in Cleveland and stabbed his mom. I gave my opinion…guess who is locked out again? I need Elon to opine so my account is reinstated.

  91. We have fish 2 or 3 times a month. Most of the time it’s haddock, pollock, hake or scrod. P won’t eat any fish other than white fish which is awfully racist of her. She heard cod can get worms so won’t eat cod. It’s true but so can other fish and the worms die after it’s frozen which most fish is soon after it’s caught and it’s cooked so it’s low risk. I’ll eat pretty much any fish except farmed fish. Scallops with linguini and pesto sauce make an appearance every so often.

    As a kid I preferred fried fish which my mother did not make at home except for fried smelts (SO GOOD!) which made the house stink for a few days. My sister absolutely hates fish and will let you know it. Repeatedly.

  92. Dan has herring and sardines. He can only eat that shit when I’m not home.

  93. I used to go fishing with Dad and my older brother who were both avid fishermen back in the 70s when we lived in Maryland. Dad had an aluminum john boat and a 9hp outboard engine and trolling motor. We fished lakes and reservoirs around the area and in Virginia. We fished for crappie, bluegill and bass. Dad knew all the crappie spots and we’d pull stringers of them out. They were easy, just minnows on long telescope poles with corks and they didn’t even have reels. Cork goes down and you just pop the hook. Sometimes we would pull fish out as fast as we could get a minnow on and into the water. I sucked at bass fishing. When we got home we would scale and filet the fish and freeze them for fish frys. Dad would do that outside on a Coleman camp stove. Good times.

  94. When we moved to Florida I was 12 and I started fishing to get out of the house, the ponds on the country club were stocked and a half a block away. Once I started driving I would fish the bridges. Once I got a boat I fished all the bays and inshore waters. Once I graduated to a bigger boat it was offshore fishing. I ate everything I caught at least once.

  95. Funny story, in Houston a friend and I went to all the Japanese restaurants we could find, and ate everything on the menu. The first time I had Tobiko (flying fish roe) I remembered the hundreds of times I had been smacked in the face, head, chest, legs when they flew out of the water, I thought damn! if I knew these things were this good I wouldn’t have used them for bait!

  96. First one is scary, but intriguing . Not much there to hide the peeny, but that’s definitely male! Is he European?

    Beer goggles are kicking in.

  97. Vman with the Florida insight.

  98. Fishing second water sucks.

  99. on the subject of fish. My former bosses wife had a brain bleed a couple of months ago, he’s gonna have his hands full this year, at a minimum, so no weekends on Erie bringing walleye home this year. Walleye is my favorite fresh water fish.

    That said, baked cod, baked on a cookie sheet with a slice of lemon under the fillets and a pat of butter, salt and pepper on top, and a home made macaroni & cheese casserole to provide a side is one of the closest things I can think of that resemble heaven.

    James, try putting non stick foil under the fish on that sheet. Roll the edges up yo make a dam, or dyke, or is it dike?

  100. Faceplant report on Brewfan is that he is in the hospital, got a stent in his heart. Prayers up.

  101. If you hate fish I can’r be friends.

  102. I don’t hate it, I just find myself enjoying it less and less as time goes on.

  103. The only fish I won’t eat is swordfish. After reading The Perfect Storm and learning what those men go through, I just can’t do it.

  104. I know what you mean, Leon, and I get it. You’re a very hearty eater, and fish can be a bit weak in that regard.

    Sometimes I feel the same way about chicken, especially white meat.

  105. This is confusing to me. I have said many timed I was raised English, and did not know it. Something that baffles me is my grandparents on both sides were not Catholic, yet we ate fish every Friday. When my dad met my mom’s parents it was on a Friday. They had Haddock and chips, he broke out in hives. Dad could eat shellfish but not crabs, he could eat any fish but saltwater trout, and haddock, or Pollock. He was good with Cod.

    I can and have eaten every freaking thing in the ocean with no ill effects. Uni (sea urchin roe for the win!) (liver with Iodine and other metallic flavors, but briny sea water)

    Yeah! Rain! My lawn needs a drink it is brown and crunchy.

  106. Just remember, Peter John, and James were fishermen.

  107. Anglicans did the fish thing for a long time too, iirc.

    I made pork chorizo this week using my hand grinder and some tenderloin and chops that I bought in one of the serious dips in pork prices. That’s more my speed. I’ll be ready for some kippered herring by Lent, but probably not beforehand. That said, I want to try smoked eels if I can find them. I really like dragon roll when I go for sushi.

  108. While swordfish steaks are awesome, I refuse to buy them, they are too endangered. Used to catch 500# to 1000# swords, now 100# is large. Never had Marlin but have released a few. Mahi AKA Dolphin or Dorado are the fastest growing most sustainable large fish. Blackfin Tuna are really good and sustainable, but the white baits are what everyone wants you to eat. Sardines, Herring, (threadfin) Greenbacks, Pilchards, Menhaden, Halfbeaks (Ballyhoo) Pogie, Shad, how could I forget Anchovies! and Scad. There are probably several more I am missing but that is a good start. I find most of them too oily and fishy, along with Mullet, I have had them all but shad roe and flying fish roe rock. Maybe I ought to eat a flying fish?

  109. I read somewhere that back in the 1500’s, or maybe 1600’s, back when a kingdom’s fishing and merchant fleets doubled as war ships when needed that the English crown at that time (don’t remember who) mandated by law that every Englishman eat fish at least twice a week in an effort to expand their fishing fleet/conscripted navy. I read it in a history book, not on the internet, so I think it’s factual. That could explain some latter day American dietary habits outside of the Catholic church.

  110. I don’t see you guys talking catfish. That’s pretty much the goto fish in the south. Y’all too classy for bottom feeders?

  111. Michigan is mostly lake fishing, so catfish don’t show up on the menu much. I don’t mind a cajun-style catfish, but if it’s on my plate up here it’s likely farmed.

  112. I have eaten a lot of butter cats. I freely admit I am a offshore or reef fish saltwater snob.

  113. I’ve eaten flying fish,Mon. In Barbados. Nice stuff.

  114. Catfish is nice, too.

  115. Delaying endlessly , Reginald procrastinated.

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