Memes Are Burning



  1. Oi

  2. Lotta laughs in here!

  3. wakey wakey

  4. Glehmennin

  5. Meh. How much money is spent on a rescue of “british Billionaire adventurer” taking a tourist trip of the Titanic?

  6. So, the impression I’m getting is that Juneteenth is becoming a special day set aside from all the other days to vilify the white folk and encourage black youths to shoot each other the same as on any other day but with time-and-a-half wages

  7. A shooting on Martin Luther King Drive? No way.

  8. It’s a day to celebrate that they’re no longer slaves to the white man, but prisoners of their own society.

  9. It seems every time I read trans stories the one common component is how self focused these people are. So inward looking I’m sure they could describe their own asshole in detail. Their family doesn’t matter at all so why should they care about society and forcing them to whole heartedly accept their pathology?

  10. That article was way too long. I gave up caring about their situation less than halfway through the article

  11. special day set aside from all the other days to vilify the white folk

    Or we could just classify it as “another day that ends in Y”?

  12. Juneteenth is for white collar workers to get another day off.

    And shootings.

    But mostly for shootings.

  13. So, the impression I’m getting is that Juneteenth is becoming a special day set aside from all the other days to vilify the white folk and encourage black youths to shoot each other the same as on any other day but with time-and-a-half wages

    If you want to find the safest part of any large city, find Martin Luther King Blvd. Go there.

  14. In Detroit there are two special safe places, Martin Luther King Blvd., and Rosa Parks Blvd.

    Peace, Love and Harmony abound.

  15. If you want to find the safest part of any large city, find Martin Luther King Blvd. Go there.

    Soon it will all be happening on Obama Blvd.

  16. I gave up caring about their situation less than halfway through the article

    I feel horrible for that woman. And her children. The husband left a path of destruction behind him.

  17. My grandma lived on MLK, which she called Broadway. A very enriched neighborhood. Lots of public housing, boarded up businesses, crime, and general awfulness.

    Changing the name of the street really changed things.

  18. I worked in a research lab at BU the year between college and med school. Driving in and out of Boston from my parents house 24 miles south of the city sucked. I’d mix it up and take the SE Expressway, the Red Line from Braintree and get off at the Broadway stop and walk a mile to and from BU and the last one was the most exciting – Blue Hill Avenue which went through a lot of “urban” neighborhoods. Mornings were quiet but coming home in the afternoon I got to see the Hood denizens in all their glory.

  19. It’s very racist of us to speak this way on the day after Juneteenth – a totally made up bullshit “holiday” not unlike Cinco de Mayo, only less drinking and more killing.

  20. False. There’s an equal amount of drinking.

  21. Fuck. Off.

    we are not a serious country

    Plea deal, no media coverage.

  22. no way juneteenth beats cinco de mayo in drinking

  23. I bet it beats it for crack smoked.

  24. Probably more mom’s cracks out on Juneteenth too

  25. The Hunter plea deal was forecast months ago by a lot of conservative talkers. Inevitable really.

    The libs say: You think there are two justice systems? Well, there are! Now fuck you normie, we don’t GAF as long as we’re winning!

  26. Same with SBF … failed crypto bank / #1 Dem donor for the midterms – “charges dropped” according to several tweets I’ve seen but not read into because it too, was inevitable and I don’t want to be further discouraged. Like I said, I haven’t read the full story so he may be getting a token slap across the face with the limp dick of the law so they can claim it was adjudicated and he faced consequences for his actions

  27. anyone have a favorite english pale ale? Brew club is having a contest, and I haven’t brewed an english ale. I was thinking Bass, but Newcastle is a good one too.

  28. Boddington’s

  29. my favorite brewing site is down right now. Guess I’ll have to check recipes later.

  30. Heard that name, never had it. better than both mentioned? I’ll have to check it out.

  31. mmm, the clone recipe I see shows a darker crystal malt, and a little patent black malt making this a lot darker. I think I like that one, thanks geoff!

    Is there a chart breaking this down?

  32. I mean, did you think Hunter Biden was going to jail? Nah.

    There is a picture of his dead brother’s wife giving him a blowjob with the caption across it…’about to beat up your wife’s pussy’. There’s quite a few pictures of her naked.

    Normally that might raise an eyebrow. Nothing to see here though.

  33. Hunter is the Hillary Clinton of the current era.

    Nothing sticks to the cocksucker, and no democrat cares what he’s done or been involved with.

    He’s a fucking ghost.

  34. Remember the Left outrage when Trump said something about being able to shoot someone on Fifth Avenue NYC and not “lose one voter?” (Which I interpreted as just his overblown way of saying he was famous.)

    And yet it is almost exclusively Leftists who are let off the hook after they commit crimes. Tiered justice is a fact, and it isn’t because of ability to afford better lawyers. It’s because of political bias in the legal system.

  35. mmm, the clone recipe I see shows a darker crystal malt, and a little patent black malt making this a lot darker.

    Come for the darker crystal malt, and a little patent black malt, stay for the awesome commercial.

  36. Hunter got a new award!

  37. Hunter wins the Cocksuckingest Cocksucker in the Entire Cocksucking Universe Award.

  38. what happened to all the mink?

  39. Formerly held by your mom.

  40. The mink moved to another marina. They were sick of our shit.

  41. I have a video. I’ll upload to YouBoob, and post it.

  42. Hunter wins the Cocksuckingest Cocksucker in the Entire Cocksucking Universe Award.

    He used the award money to buy new cocksucking teeth

  43. Jason Whitlock
    Good thing Hunter Biden didn’t do anything serious like trespass at the Capitol while wearing a moose head.

  44. It takes an hour for YT to process a video to a resolution you can actually watch. So it will be a bit before you can see the mink.

  45. Nope, it’s already ready.

  46. heh, nice

  47. More reflections on slavery

  48. Future headline: “Transwomen feel unsafe with cis women in their spaces, demand that they be made to use men’s room”

  49. Why is this tolerated?

    Because there are no consequences.

  50. Bass ale is history. It was my favorite.

    Best replacement we found so far

  51. Huh, I hadn’t heard about Bass Ale. I have no single brand that’s a must have although I could easily list 5 brands I’d be bummed if they stopped production.

    Guinness would be #1

  52. I’m still pissed that Stroh’s is gone. Remember Alex the dog in their TV commercials?

  53. Hope this works because it is a bizarre story

    EMS called for a guy in distress and the apartment was filled with guys wearing dresses, alcohol, drugs and sex toys. Oh yeah, they were hiding a bunch of kids in the back room.

  54. Stroh’s was popular when I was in high school and college. I was wondering if they made a beer ball but I’m pretty sure I’m mistaken.

    The beer ball was our beverage container of choice in college. We’d stop at the ice house and get a couple of bags of cubes to pour around the ball in its cardboard box and be off and running. Matt’s or Genesee were the two big ones.

  55. If money was tight and we were searching the seats for loose change we’d splurge on this or an equivalent

  56. My friends from high school that went to Penn State mostly drank Genny Cream Ale.
    There was a bar in State College that sold Rolling Rock in the 7 oz pony bottles, but they sold it a wooden case at a time to take back to your table. I don’t think the Latrobe Brewing Co. makes Rolling Rock anymore.
    I had a summer job in ’77 in Longview Washington that made me a fan of Rainier.
    My brief time in the Bay Area in ’78 and ’79 made me a fan of Anchor Steam.

  57. Stroh’s was an old brand, too. Survived Prohibition by making ice cream, then kept making it after along with beer. I only ever got to have the ice cream, which was pretty good.

  58. I have been in meetings and having tummy problems all day. Got pizza hut for evening meal hoping to block things up.

  59. “…with extra cheese….and I know it’s not a regular topping, but can you put some corks on it?”

  60. Stuffed crust. Basically a cheese cork.

  61. Feeling better about the garden situation. Not catching up so fast, but at least things are moving along.

    Harvested two potato pots from the April (greenhouse) planting, decent return. Two more to turn out, they’re starting to look ready. Time to start a second crop.

    Picked about five quarts of sugarsnaps today. Sis came by and grabbed some, and a big bag of salad greens. Started my succession batch of lettuce seeds, and zucchini. It’s starting to feel like Summer.

  62. It’s not helping, I blame the salad I ate yesterday. I am never eating lettuce again.

  63. Pizza Hut doesn’t solve anything.

    I knew that when I was 10.

  64. Dzerzhinsky embodied Russian perfidy.

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