Broken Meme, kind of


  1. omment by Jay in Ames on October 10, 2022 10:04 pm

    FBI arresting more christians protesting abortion, at gunpoint. Surely this has to have some backlash, at some point. Someone has to stand up for these people, facing 11 years in prison.
    At this point that’s the goal

    “See, we told you they were violent extremists!”

  2. Carin, that sounds a lot like what my cat stretches and side-to side reclining stretches were trying to accomplish! It’s like we just know where the trouble is.

    I agree. Standing up I was able to put more pressure on the stretch. Plus, I was pregnant at the time – lol.

    wakey wakey.

  3. After I eat my eggs on toast the dogs line up to lick the plate of melted butter and egg/bread crumbs which is part of the morning routine. It only gets weird when they start licking my hand which is when the plate gets pulled up with an “Enough!”. Every damn time.

  4. jam, that woman is cray cray. taking kids money without a parent present?

  5. oh, I see Elliot eats breakfast at your place too

  6. wonder if hockey will start implementing late hits now, to keep up with football.

  7. The Dyson one got me pretty good.

    Good morning cheesebaghosefuckers.

    It’s foggy here today. Looks pretty. I’m in a great mood because I took my magnesium last night and slept well and I took my evening primrose oil earlier in the day and it really has stopped my hot flashes so I slept well times two.
    Woke up only with a little leg pain but it seems to be triggered by being too cold so I pulled over another blanket and it calmed down some so I could continue blissful sleep.

    Gonna pick one day this week to get half a day’s work in and then go play in the garden. Time to get some stuff put to rest out there. This might be the day, who knows.

  8. You may have been wondering why I’ve been missing from the blog so much lately…

    +1 ball vacuum

  9. I assumed it was networking to leave your current job, but ball vacuum is more plausible.

  10. Got the car to the shop. Naturally it did not overheat en route. So the extra time allotted means I’m way early.

    Now begins the waiting game.

  11. Vaccine was NEVER tested on transmission, that was all a lie:

  12. Psychotic germaphobes need to remove themselves from society and become recluses, not wander around the neighborhood committing petty crimes against children. She’s lucky he didn’t beat the crap out of her, because she sure deserved it.

  13. Pastoring pays well in GA, I guess!

  14. Car in doesn’t love her chickens enough

  15. Capes are usually to save the hens’ back feathers from an aggressive rooster, but sure, cozy warmth or whatever.

  16. Leon, raining on people’s parades since 2009

  17. I’m probably going to vote for Walker out of pure spite.

    Also, there are pockets of the internet that ins’t penetrated by vaccine information. Sites still ban all users/info that question the efficacy of the vaccine. All of their information stopped a few years ago. It’s pretty neat to read.

  18. you’re gonna have to give more at Ebenezer, if you do that.

  19. Leon, raining on people’s parades since 2009

    It’s a gift.

  20. So! Sorta bad, sorta good. Coolant pump leak. $700 to replace. OR keep coolant around to top it off as needed and just $30 for the visit. I’m not made of money, cheap route it is and add another thing to the “Eventually” list.

  21. I had to do that on my ’93 Tercel twice. Once at 60k miles, again at 130k. It was cheaper then, and you have to remove the timing belt to get at it at all, so I did that both times too. I’ve gotten handier since then and might be able to do the work myself, but I’d be watching YT vids for a bit before I made that call or tried doing it.

  22. where is the leak? might be able to use a JB weld to slow it down or stop it. There is also coolant leak fillers to add to antifreeze, that will plug up slow leaks in radiators.

  23. Tim, antifreeze is poison, if the leak produces puddles you need to keep pets from tasting the sweet smelling treat. I almost killed my beloved Wolfgang when I was sloppy with a radiator flush and fill in my driveway.

  24. They put something in anti-freeze that makes it taste bitter now, so dogs are less attracted to it. Previously, it had a sweet taste that they liked. Still poison, though.

  25. Doggos don’t get to where I park so no threat to them, thankfully. Won’t be an issue a week from now regardless.

  26. what will russian soldiers do for alcohol, now?

  27. I don’t know the details of the leak and lack the skills to fix it myself anyway. As much as I otherwise love this vehicle whoever engineered it was clearly high, so many overcomplicated or just weird things.

  28. Barr’s stop leak. Looks like a jar of rat turds. About $7 at any auto parts store.

  29. that’s what I was thinking of, thanks dave

  30. What’s the make/model? I’m curious if there’s a YT vid already up for it.

  31. We should taste test antifreeze for a blog post. You go first.

  32. Who needs Barr’s Stop Leak when you have a ball vacuum?

  33. Really interesting trends with 100% online youth. Huge spread of Tourettes and dissociative identity disorder. It’s all fake, but very interesting.

    They categorize every ‘personality’ along with their pronouns and flags. Some have dozens or even hundreds.

    But the teen female to male craze is 100% legit and can’t be questioned.

  34. Walgreen’s brand of Sudafed (Wal-Phed) has a bitter coating on it. I’m pretty sure it’s to discourage kids not meth cooks.

  35. 2014 Traverse. All kinds of weird. Battery under the passenger compartment, replace headlights through wheel well weird.

  36. Current Year Wal-Phed doesn’t even have pseudo-ephedrine in it anymore, does it?

  37. I think I could do this if I had to, but it does look pretty painstaking to get at all the tubes that might be leaking. If you could be sure it was just the reservoir, that doesn’t look too bad to swap out.

  38. This is the real deal pseudoephedrine Leon, the kind you need to hand your driver’s license to the tech in order to get a box of the good shit just in case you’re a tweaker

  39. Hilarious!

    It may not stay up very long.

  40. Real sudafed usually is sold behind the counter and you have to show ID and sign for it.

    The fake stuff that they sell over the counter, pseudoephedrine, isn’t as good and can’t be used as a precursor to meth.

  41. Pseudoephedrine is the meth precursor, RC. It’s “OTC” but hidden behind the counter now for that reason. Regular ephedrine is now harder to get than weed and not included in any OTC. The stuff that’s on the shelf to pick up is 2 steps removed from ephedrine (a workalike of a workalike), but “sudafed” was originally made with pseudoephedrine rather than regular ephedrine. Nowadays “sudafed” on the shelf rather than behind the counter is just a brand/trade name, not indicative of ingredients.

    Pretty sure the only OTCs with actual ephedrine were all the diet pills that got pulled after like 5 people had heart attacks. This was back when the FDA cared about people having cardiac events from profitable formulae (or when they weren’t getting enough bribe money) so ephedrine itself went on the Schedule.

  42. Every now and then I check for online sales of the Mormon Tea plants, and while you can find listings, it’s almost always “out of stock”. It’s literally easier to get marijuana.

  43. what is mormon tea?

  44. old school sudafed cleared your head, and your memory

  45. Ephedra nevadensis, Jay. It’s the plant the drug is named for. It got the common name because Mormons proscribe coffee but still like to wake up sometimes and get stuff done. That and it being native to the high desert where the LDS got started.

  46. I had some middle ear congestion about a month ago. No idea why, maybe allergies combined with a little bad luck? Anyway, I took an AM dose of Wal-Phed for a few days and it cleared it up entirely.

  47. wow, saw highlights of Masters/Kelly senate debate, and Kelly did NOT come off well.

  48. eBay has the Mormon Tea available. The one in the search engine was sold out but I searched for it and found a few listings.

    From a listing I clicked on:

    “About the product: Mormon Tea, Cowboy Tea, Whorehouse Tea, Squaw Tea, Canyon Tea, Indian names: Tuttumpin (Paiute), Tutupivi (Kawaiisu)”

  49. the video of Katie Hobbs not learning a single thing from latinos is really cringe.

  50. It’s always sold out, Jimbro, every time I check, or it’s the green variety (ephedra viridis) rather than blue.

  51. I didn’t know the green vs blue difference existed. These looked green. There was a tincture as well, hard to determine the color there.

  52. I heard this on the local sports radio this morning while in my truck

    My HS team. My old coach died a long time ago and this guy was the 3rd or 4th since his era. People ruin everything.

  53. Foliage report: 80% green, 15% red/orange/maroon, 5% gone off the trees. There’s one huge maple tree that’s orange and is a real showpiece.

  54. You know how canned goods unopened and in good condition are usually good for a few years after “best by” date? Yeah, fuck that, the March 2020 can of Bush’s baked beans I had yesterday is making me miserable on the way out today.

    Live and learn. Then again I shouldn’t be surprised that anything with that date is such a shitshow.

  55. We’ve got a lot of burning bushes in the yard, so there’s a lot of red at the ground level. The sassafras is all red now too. Maples are just starting to go yellow.

  56. Friend’s barn keeps re-igniting. Goats are supposed to be moving out and this is slowing them down.

    No, they don’t have a Tesla. My guess is there’s an RV battery in there somewhere that hasn’t been yanked out yet.

  57. Angela Lansbury died. I never watched “Murder, She Wrote”, but I remember her from “The Manchurian Candidate” and “The Picture of Dorian Grey”. Oh, and Mrs. Potts.

  58. In case you never heard her sing when she was young.

  59. Sorry to hear that, BroTim.

  60. heh, muslims shut down Dearborn school board meeting over LGBTQ books in the school.

    What did they think was gonna happen?

  61. Thanks for the correction. leon.

  62. I only looked into it because they put the good stuff behind the counter when Breaking Bad was busy letting everyone know that it was a meth precursor and I was occasionally using it to get through allergy season and vacuum my living room at midnight.

  63. Well, Illinois must be rich, huh? Not even Cali is doing this!

    $500 a month, no questions about immigration status asked.

  64. Heh, the car or the beans? Though honestly both situations are kinda shitty…one more literally than the other…

  65. Lefties are racist, and believe lies. An exchange I had on twitter:

  66. scott linnen
    Replying to
    Senator Cotton belongs to a white supremacist movement with theocratic fascistic leanings that has proven it is no longer a viable U.S. political party.

    Herschel Walker is dangerous negative racial stereotype who they’re using to cynically win votes from other racists.

  67. Jay
    Replying to
    wow, none of what you just said is true, yet you believe it. Very sad.

  68. i must be blocked now, because his reply was “Ok, stick with 2000 mules then”.

    Which had nothing to do with his original post.

  69. Herschel is just another escaping slave to these assholes.

  70. Sad puppy news. I just found out our side lost another good guy last week. Denney at Grouchy Old Cripple passed away . I comm’d with him many times, he wasn’t the grouchy old guy he portrayed at the blog, he was a really a really cool guy that just expressed himself in a back at you sort of way. RIP & God speed Denney, gonna miss the Monday pun groans and Saturday boobage.

  71. What did they think was gonna happen?

    Probably thought books on goat fucking and buggering little boys would be more suited to the schools.

  72. My cousin lost a nephew (not related to me) due to “organ failure”. He was 42.

  73. Denney at Grouchy Old Cripple passed away
    I used to see Saturday Boobage when I used to get the Best of the Web email from Proof Positive but that email spontaneously imploded along with a bunch of others a few months ago in what I believe was a targeted move to dampen conservative sites.

  74. Feral Irishman and By Other Means are still there for your totty needs, at least. BOM is almost nothing but that and the occasional meme poat, Irish is NSFW totty on Fridays, with some political stuff during the week.

  75. Are the hospitals still not taking anyone without the deathshot and refusing all waivers, Lumps?

  76. I used to see Saturday Boobage when I used to get the Best of the Web email from Proof Positive but that email spontaneously imploded along with a bunch of others a few months ago in what I believe was a targeted move to dampen conservative sites.

    Mike is getting up there too, been friends with him since the SAB days when Rob actually let us say anything, when Mike lived in Ohio, before making the mistake of thinking California would be better. He’s a good guy too, hopefully he’ll wise up and get the hell out of Hell before it’s too late.

  77. Looks like the rail strike that Brandon solved is back on for after the midterms. That way it’ll be the Republican’s fault.

  78. weird thing about Proof, he was born in Indiana and moved to Maryland as a child, I was born in Maryland and moved to Indiana as a child…..I would think he’d know better than move to California after that!

  79. California is a really beautiful state and I’ve admired that beauty the 4 or 5 times I’ve visited but I have no desire to live there at this point.

  80. Looks like the rail strike that Brandon solved is back on

    CSX. Greek shipping tycoons find their panamax’s parked off the coast waiting to unload Chinese products . Win- Win
    Your mom will have to wait for batteries for her vibrator. Life sucks.

  81. * invents wind powered vibrator *

  82. A lot of the modern ones have rechargeable internal cells that you can plug into a USB.

  83. Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸
    Kathy Barnette announces on
    : I will be voting Republican all the way down ‘even though
    is a jack*ss’

  84. Correct Leon.
    I believe it is still a federal dictat that all institutions that provide service to medicare patients must have 100% compliance. Which is almost all of them. In any case, this state’s hospital system will not budge. One of Scott’s friends is a property manager who can’t leave their job because all the other property management companies require the jab. Our hospital systems employ them all over the state, you see, and these hospitals want all their contractors, remote workers even, jabbed as well.
    It’s all so sad.

  85. watching a guy cut down a 170′ spruce tree, climbing it. Tie a zip line to the top, slide down all the branches, then firewood chunks from the top. Amazing

  86. I remember this happening to people of other job descriptions over a decade ago. Some reg would pass and an entire industry lost their jobs. This was their career, how they fed their families…gone.
    As long as nothing hits the nightly news, nobody hears anything about it and so nobody stands up for anybody else. The TV people are the ones who create popular causes, now.
    If you stand up for a cause not supported by the TV people, you are a dangerous sort, ripe for investigations.


  88. jfcoaps

  89. Dylan extravagantly rewarded Paul.

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