Bite My Wire

Chumpo here.  This is my un-stompable Modern Art Post.  It will be appearing on certain Tuesdays.  Also, If you do not like Modern Art just remember that all art was at one time threateningly modern.

Meet Mernet Larsen.  Mrs. Larsen is a long time art professor in Florida and has only recently begun showing around the country.  I like her take on generic life and generic people and her excellent use of forced perspective.  Her paintings have been described as a best effort at representing 3D life in 2D.

Region capture 62

Region capture 63

Region capture 64

Next we have Lance Letscher.  A collage artist for many years, Mr Letscher has engagements around the country.  Prolific and deceptively cunning, Mr. Letscher uses cut paper in collages that are both complex and playfully beautiful.

Region capture 67

Region capture 68

Region capture 66

I look forward to seeing both of these artist’s works when they come to my neck of the woods.

What’s hanging in your favorite gallery?


Art who?


  1. His airplanes crashed

  2. **checks blog url**

    **chex again**

  3. I don’t get it.

  4. These are better than the usual modern art, but this is obligatory:

  5. wakey wakey

    Day OFF!!!!

  6. So. What did I miss?

    Mother’s day was busy, so not terribly enjoyable – I worked until five, then had my mom and sister over for dinner.

  7. I almost wakeyd the last poat. It was close.

    I think Mernet Larsen is missing the lens from one side of her glasses.

  8. I spent Mother’s day painting the baby’s room and building a wagon.

  9. I’ll fix your wagon!

  10. Thin privilege is being able to wear one of these stupid watches.

  11. My wagon is fine! I just made it!

  12. I don’t know what to use this gif for, but there’s gotta be something.

  13. Where the hell is MC Escher, Chumpo?

  14. I spent Mother’s Day sodomizing your mother. You might want to go untie her now.

  15. Apples I Have Eaten – Jonathan Gerken

  16. Heh. What a bunch of Art Fagz.

    Escher is in the que, as are some other greats. Stay tuned.

  17. Escher is in the que

    ¿Que este un Escher?

  18. Culture? At the H2?

    Where’s the dogs playing poker?

  19. ¿qué coño es esta mierda?

  20. I knew I saw that first artist’s work somewhere before….

  21. I don’t know what to use this gif for, but there’s gotta be something.

    Perhaps Roamy could use it at NASA.

  22. Forgive me if this has been covered, but is our Emily the one responsible for the infamous Emily’s List?

  23. Forgive me if this has been covered, but is our Emily the one responsible for the infamous Emily’s List?


  24. Thin privilege is being able to wear one of these stupid watches.

    Is that a human hand or a manatee’s paw?

  25. Where’s the dogs playing poker?

  26. Speaking of artwork, I have some tasteful photographs.

    Of your mom.

  27. Hmm. I wonder if anyone has ever had an art exhibition that featured in some way a bullwhip.

  28. This right here is a bunch of fucking bullshit.

  29. Hehheheheheh.

  30. All art is subjective. Why you chose to subject me to this shit is a mystery.

  31. Mare loves Hotspur!! Hahahahah

  32. Blacksmithing.

  33. Hey MCPO, your irises (via Lapeer) are blooming in my yard right now! And they are lovely. I’m going to build a small flower border around them.

  34. OK now I have to make my List and get going with this day.

    Have a great one guys!

  35. Chumpo, it’s a tough crowd. But you knew that.


  37. Yeah, Mare. You only hurt the ones you love. And hotspur

  38. Scott’s picture doesn’t look any older. Regardless, Happy Belated Birthday!

  39. Ha! Chumpo!

  40. Happy Burthday, Scottt. Are ya going to smoke some meat?

  41. Laura – I hope they bring you much pleasure.

  42. I really like the last three.

    Still needs more boobs, though.

  43. I’ll see what I can do, TJ.

  44. TJ, you want to be my guest on Monday?

  45. …..and to whomever suggested getting Kurt Schlichter… thanks!

    He will be on SES this Saturday at around 12:40 EST.

  46. Awesome! Great get, wiser.

    Will you be interviewing Empire of Jeff soon? Oh wait, no delay button.

  47. Will you be interviewing Empire of Jeff soon?


    maybe pre-record that interview.

    And the edit it down to a 60 second spot.

  48. When will Drew be on?

  49. HGahhhahhakhf;alhsh.

    That reminds me of the time Phil Donohue did a show on Tourette’s kids.

    The entire show was just an unending series of “bleep”…”bleep”…”bleep”

  50. So. Cool.


    Worst friends ever.

  52. When will Drew be on?

    I’m thinking the day after the 2016 elections, so he can gloat about how he didn’t vote for anyone so the horrible results (whatever they are) are not his fault and how that makes him a better person than you and me

  53. Worst friends ever.

    hangs head in shame.

  54. I’m also doing the midday show next Monday. Just found out today. Producer who left last week hasn’t booked anyone for that show.

    So I need to find people to help me fill 3 hours.

  55. Tom Hill says he’ll be happy to help.

  56. Tom Hill says he’ll be happy to help.

    heh heh heh

    SM told me yesterday that he received another letter saying that we should take TH off the air, as he is boring and obnoxious.

    Thanks, Cyn!

  57. What week is it my turn to write that letter?

    I can write one after he talks over Schlichter.

  58. I wrote that.

  59. Heh, I can see her doing that.

  60. I can write one after he talks over Schlichter.

    I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to that exchange.

  61. I heard that your mom could fill three hours.

  62. I can write one after he talks over Schlichter.

    He won’t be in the studio. The station is doing a live remote from an event taking place in downtown and Tom, will be one of the people at the event.

    I suggested that I could just play music, but they said “no, try to do as much of your regular show as you can.” So I got Kurt for around 15 minutes. Thought it would work great, as they will be playing the station at the event.

  63. I wrote that.

    You’re kidding, right?

  64. What did we do around here before Your Mom jokes?

  65. Can someone link that piece by Schlichter again so I can have some background before SES?


    Meh, I was gonna do the lmgtfy thing, but it wasn’t that funny after shortened it.

  67. Thanks Jay

  68. Variations on a theme.

  69. What did we do around here before Your Mom jokes?

    talked about gardening and work-out regimens and recipes……. oh… wait….

  70. You’re kidding, right?
    No, I wrote and complained about Tom.

  71. check your g-string.

  72. Yep, still bullshit.

  73. No, I wrote and complained about Tom.


    That’s awesome.

    I’m glad I didn’t know that before he told me.

  74. I’m not going to mention to Hill that I am doing the Monday show until I Mention it on the air on Saturday.

    Then I’m going to time how it takes him to text me and ask me if I need his help.

  75. I’ll bet 10 minutes or less.

  76. Gonna leave this here and note that for a few measly hundreds of thousands of dollars, we could have our very own Benghazi one:

  77. Gonna leave this here

    does anyone else think that her logo kinda looks like a plane flying through two .. oh what shall I call them… towers of some sort?

  78. No one remembers that, though, that was like 14 years ago.

  79. does anyone else think that her logo kinda looks like a plane flying through two .. oh what shall I call them… towers of some sort?

    YES! I couldn’t put my finger on what disturbed me about it other than she’s a ratfink bitch.

    I’m debating on tweeting that but then I prefer to keep the taint of cankles as far away from me as possible.

  80. You tweet it, wiser.

  81. For those of you who h8 the FaceChimp. Here is Miss DG. . .

  82. Happy belated birthday, Scott! Happy 3rd birthday, DG! Can’t believe it has been 3 years already.

  83. I prefer to keep the taint of cankles as far away from me as possible.

    You tweet it, wiser.

    You really do hate me, don’t you?

  84. For those of you who h8 the FaceChimp. Here is Miss DG. . .

    She’s beautiful, MCPO.

    (I still miss the crazy hair, though.)

  85. Wiser, do you have any links for SES with Kurt? I’m sure we can pimp the show on FB and Twitter for you.

  86. I like how beasn calls Hillary! a ratfink, avoiding the swear word or other derogatory term, then calls her a bitch.

    Nice work!

  87. You’re gonna have listeners!

  88. What a roller coaster of a day.

    Lady called me from California to tell me her $10,000 box of silverware was missing.

    30 minutes later she called back to say she found it.

  89. What a cutie bug, MCPO! Thank you for sharing 🙂

  90. Did she misplace it?

  91. Nice score on getting Mr. Schlichter, wiserbud!

    Can I mail my panties to Kurt in care of the station?
    /in before SRGuy!

  92. Her friend was helping her unpack while the delivery guys were there.

    She came across the silver and hid it in a closet.

  93. Wiser, do you have any links for SES with Kurt? I’m sure we can pimp the show on FB and Twitter for you.

    The show’s Twitter is @SESWATR. We don;t have any other page other than mine where I post the shows.

  94. Can I mail my panties to Kurt in care of the station?

    Lemme give you another address for those…….

    I’ll make sure he gets them….


  95. Have you tweeted your guests for this weeks show so we can retweet? Can someone put the show info on the sidebar at the HQ?

  96. Have you tweeted your guests for this weeks show so we can retweet?

    just tweeted it.

  97. Holy crap, great get Wiser!! Best guest ever. Please please focus on his recent kickass column on Free Speech!!!

  98. Holy crap, great get Wiser!! Best guest ever.
    I like Kurt, and he’s a hoot on twitter, but c’mon! Wiser had fucking ASTRONAUTS IN SPACE on the show.

  99. Is Kurt going to be in space?

  100. Best guest ever.

    I’ll tell TexasJew and Andy you said that.

  101. Is Kurt going to be in space?

    Obs he doesn’t need to be…..

  102. just tweeted it.


  103. favorited


  104. just tweeted it.

    just ignored it.

  105. I just favorited the tweet that Mare favorited about Kurt on @SESWATR.


  106. The birthdays have been shopped for, boys need to be gotten from schrool, and a happy birthday cake needs to be made for Googleman. Later taters.

    OH: If anyone finds out that Kurt is going to be interviewed from space, someone IM me so I can mail in the matching bra. TYIA.

  107. I would think provocatively posed pictures in said ensemble would be just as welcome. As a non-LGTBBQ male I can attest that I have little-to-no use for a matching bra and panty set without an appropriate occupant.

  108. As a non-LGTBBQ male I can attest that I have little-to-no use for a matching bra and panty set without an appropriate occupant.

    Unless you plan to be a model in one of your MMM posts….

  109. I am built like Gimli and have a beard. MMM requires at least barely-passable-trannies (check the categories), and even if I wanted to, that’s not in the cards for me.

  110. You really do hate me, don’t you?

    Not really but I’d rather you get the cavity search by her team of monkeys, than me.

    That and I hate her that much.

  111. Unless you plan to be a model in one of your MMM posts….
    Let’s not forget that MJ was the only one to actually post a transgender here. on BBF.

  112. Let’s not forget that MJ was the only one to actually post a transgender here. on BBF.

    You notice he has never once denied it either…..

  113. Mom spoke to sis and asked how sis’s bf was. Sis didn’t mention the engagement once again. Mom is beside herself and I’m pissed.

  114. ?? What’s up Alex? I haven’t heard this story.

  115. Excellent post, Chumpo!

  116. You notice he has never once denied it either…..
    Denied what?

  117. Denied what?

    you know what….


  118. hey, you planning to do a drink or not this weekend?

    We got time if you want to.

  119. A little girly gentelman’s sausage never hurt anyone.


  120. Sure. Love to.

    I have sweet fuck all to do this weekend. Not working all of the time is a pretty big life improvement.

  121. Not working all of the time is a pretty big life improvement.

    that does sound nice….

    call me around 1:40.

  122. Now what should we talk about?

  123. We need to find out what is up with CoAl’s sister.

  124. Did anybody recognize anybody else in a police lineup today?

  125. call me around 1:40.
    Will do.

  126. Let’s talk about you favorite kind of taco.

  127. I like steak tacos. With guac. The rest of you, need to stahp appropriating my culture.

  128. Is the header pic MJ?

  129. Part of my birthday present included that skirt with no underwear.

    I looked awesome.

  130. My sister announced her engagement this weekend, but didn’t tell mom. She’s spoken to mom twice since and hasn’t told the latter about her engagement, even after mom asked directly how sis’s bf was doing. Mom only found out because I said something, not realizing that sis was hiding it.

    Mom and sis had a falling out 15 years ago and it took almost a decade for them to rebuild some semblance of a relationship. Now it looks like sis was using that “relationship” to get money but isn’t interested in anything else.

  131. That is sad for your mom, CoAlex. Is sis the type to hit up mom for money for a wedding she isn’t telling her about?

  132. I honestly don’t know. I know that mom has helped provide money for books, tuition, rent, etc.

  133. Dang, CoLex, sorry to hear it. What kind of guy is the soon to be husband, do you know?

  134. The few times I’ve met him he seemed a decent enough fellow. Supposedly libertarian, likes to shoot guns. Apparently he got kicked off twitter for going on a rant against Tri-Met (The local municipal transit system).

    He majored in Spanish literature and speaks fluent spanish, but refuses to take a job as a translator. Instead he’s going back to school to study urban planning so he can get a job with the city.

    I get the impression that sis wears the pants in the relationship.

  135. I know a former army translator who refuses to do it anymore because of who he ended up talking to (Arabic, Farsi), he’s getting a degree in physical therapy and teaching martial arts instead.

    Can’t say I blame him.

  136. Planners use rubber rulers!

  137. That’s different. This guy has college debt and no job and refuses to take work that pays decent.

  138. Portlandia?

  139. Actually, they do live in Portland.

  140. Yeah, that’s just stupid. Acquiring a valuable skill at great expense in time and money and not using it is moronic. It’s one thing to have many skills and choose to sell the ones you like, it’s another entirely to have one and sell none.

  141. Sounds like my hippie sis that discovered a love for the sweet infant baby Jesus. Her 3rd hubby quit his job just after they married. My mom still gets hit up for money. My sis is 52. She accepts $$ from my mom, but my mom cusses and lives in sin, so my sis doesn’t allow her around her step-grands. Then my sis gets pissed because my mom doesn’t recognize her “Grandkids and great-grandkids” with money and gifts.

  142. I am 99% sure this is trolling, but the 1% uncertainity disturbs me.

  143. Pretty sure the movie Shallow Hal and the concept of “Beer Goggles” takes care of the that situation.

  144. Tushar, have you been reading r/fatpeoplehate?

    Because I have. Guilty pleasure.

  145. My sister announced her engagement this weekend, but didn’t tell mom. She’s spoken to mom twice since and hasn’t told the latter about her engagement, even after mom asked directly how sis’s bf was doing. Mom only found out because I said something, not realizing that sis was hiding it.

    This doesn’t make any basic sense. Announcements are public by design. That’s why they’re called announcements, and not rumors. To whom did your sister ‘announce’ her engagement, that it somehow was supposed to be kept a secret from Mom?

  146. Bedtime.

  147. Leon, yes. It is awesome.

  148. Hey laura, check out your yogurt poat at recipes. Success!

  149. lauraw, my mom isn’t on any social media. She has never seen or heard about my bro’s GF. All my aunts are talking about “Tiffani”

  150. Heard from my bro. She’s heard “Plenty” from my aunts.

  151. Root beer extract, J’Ames? What is that for?

  152. Laura, she told Dad and Stepmom on Saturday, and told me last night.

  153. J’Ames, check babybuttblog for replies.

    Alex, she knows her family do not live in isolation tanks and that they talk to each other, right?

  154. Root beer extract for a root beer float flavor. It’s worth a try.

  155. Interesting.

  156. My isolation tank had root beer extract in it.

  157. Laura,

    One would think. I don’t know what is going on in her head, except that it seems like she doesn’t want to invite mom and is trying to avoid saying so.

  158. Nah, not necessarily. I can think of some other very good reasons why she wouldn’t include her mother right off the bat.

    Chill out. Lay back. Has she chosen a date?

  159. And those reasons are?

    She says they’re thinking of late next summer.

  160. Crossfit Yoga


  162. Alex,
    Welcome to the PNW!
    This is what our weather is like 9 months of the year!
    I’m surprised that attendance was not higher.
    Let’s see, go sit in a warm dry class-room, or go crawl around in the mud?

  163. Moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis?
    ABP would fix that.

  164. The target audience is infantrymen. They’d rather crawl in the mud.

  165. Gambling is bad, mmkay.

  166. And those reasons are?

    Instead of relying on my imagination, which is informed by some minimal knowledge of common family dynamics but absolutely no real information about *your* actual family…maybe ask your sister? She is the person with the answer, this whole time. What’s the worst that could happen?

    Just consider what she has to say. That’s not so difficult.

  167. G’night all.

  168. Gimme her number. I’ll call and ask her.

  169. Nighty dreams, Laurawr

  170. G’night lauraw.

  171. Yup, she’s not inviting mom to the wedding.

    Apparently she wants mom to “take responsibility for her actions”.

  172. My mom used to beat the shit out of me, and my grandfather sexually abused me. They were both at my wedding. Dan H8d both of them. He still makes me call my mom.

  173. Family is the debil.

  174. Alex,
    I think sis is a little ‘confused’ about who she is, as opposed to “mom”.
    For Gods sake, she is a grown-up individual, not subject to “Mom” any more, and never will be again.
    She should just get on with her life as her own person!
    I’m totally not relating anything my past shrink ever said to me anytime, anywhere…

  175. Chris, my sis went through some hard times, no doubt, but our childhood was not horrible.

    This is as much dad’s fault. He and my stepmother have spent decades wallowing in their hate of mom and have pushed the “you’re a victim!” mentality on sis and encouraged it every chance that they got.

  176. Like your shrink probably added as a caveat, “that shit is easier said than done tho”. Ha ha

  177. Oso,

    I don’t expect a close relationship, but her attitude is to wallow in her supposed suffering. I don’t buy it. It’s poison, and I want nothing to do with it.

  178. My husband tries to guilt me into calling my parents. It causes ill winds to blow.

  179. CoAlex, I’m guessing sis sided with Dad in the divorce?

  180. I don’t buy it. It’s poison, and I want nothing to do with it.

    *toasts you*

  181. Beasn, I got a text from my bro to “Call mom”. I asked him if she wanted to talk stupid shit or if there was a raffle for the church. He said “Raffle”. Dan made me call. It was a combination “Stupid shit” and raffle. (By stupid shit, I mean my mom talking anything and blaming Republicans)

  182. No. We lived with mom after the divorce, except for four years where we lived with grandparents.

    Her freshman year in HS things spiraled out of control, culminating in her screaming at mom and stepdad in the HS parking lot. Stepdad grabbed her and pushed her against a car and told her to stop. She ran off and called dad and moved in with him.

  183. Is your role mediator or perfect child?

  184. Hi. Did I miss any family drama?

  185. I think a little of both at times.

  186. Harsh. My birth order screams “Mediator” but I keep getting stuck with “Perfect Child”

  187. My birth order was ‘overlooked’ which I was fine with. I laid low, watched my siblings get knocked into walls, and got out as soon as I was able.

  188. oso, our phone is broke and I’m taking my time replacing it. Only three people have my cell.

  189. I had to break down and get a new phone. Verizon is getting ready to further fuck up. I wanted a contract not a lease.

  190. Though I did send one of those small, potted, rose bushes to my mom this past Sunday. My shell isn’t total cement yet.

  191. People read the book “A Child Called It”. I was always “FU”, you got out.

  192. My husband upgraded to a smart phone. Can’t wait until he loses it.

  193. I read that book. Horrible. Thinking back, I wonder if it was for real.

  194. Beasn, my mom only pissed me off twice on the ACA. She was offended when I said she voted for it. She got mad when I told her that Sarah Palin warned about “Death Panels”

  195. It had it easy. He got away.

  196. There is a form of psychosis that ties in with Munchausen’s that targets a specific child. I was that child. Navy docs were worried in the early 60s when I’d show up in ER after my Dad deployed.

  197. I am able to joke about it.

  198. Beasn, you need a Smart phone. I ❤ mine.

  199. I joke about everything. I made everything so funny to Dan, he thought I was going for laughs. Until the night my dad showed up after my mom beat him with his wheelchair. My dad decided that was the perfect time to apologize for allowing my mom to take out her aggressions on me. That he knew of. And ignored. Better me than he.

  200. Have I mentioned that Dan H8d both of my parents and still made me be civil so I would never have regrets?

  201. I’m very pleased with my Galaxy S3 from Virgin Mobile. Got a decent price on Amazon.

  202. Heh. XB said Virgin.

  203. My old phone didn’t recognize Meerkat or the other dealio. I’ll be at work during Kurt #caring, but I’m still panty tossing SQUEEE

  204. (Imagine someone with skiilz linking Shallow Hal panty toss)

  205. Amazon is a good place for Virgin phones. Still happy with this weird Nokia Lumia Windows phone for Virgin: $50. But the Galaxy would be a better phone if you aren’t a dead cheap skinflint like me.

    Phones are an easier subject than family horror stories.

  206. GO, I’m keeping my new phone on the DL so I don’t have to talk to people. Getting ready to kill Dan for Face Timing me from the couch. 2 days

  207. So will you tune in to Wiser’s video feed on this Saturday’s show, Oso?

  208. I have a blacker heart than you, oso. I run away and hold a grudge. I get into arguments with my husband. He wants what Dan says…you’ll regret it. I say it’s poison.

    There is a form of psychosis that ties in with Munchausen’s that targets a specific child. I was that child. Navy docs were worried in the early 60s when I’d show up in ER after my Dad deployed.

    I would have paid off your mom and adopted you.

  209. FaceTime? So you have a GayPhone? I would have coughed up the cash for that except I hate with the passion of a thousand burning hemorrhoids the big carriers’ rate plans. Virgin won’t offer a GayPhone, and while Boost does, they are perpetually out of stock. Have to use Sprint/Virgin/Boost where I live because everyone else’s signal is even worse than theirs.

  210. No smart phone for me. I’m bugged with how much Mr. Beasn’s phone has increased our bill.

  211. Everything we have is “Fruited”

  212. I pay $35/mo for service. Unlimited data. I *think* it’s unlimited talk, but lord knows I’ve never gone over 10 minutes in a month.

  213. GO I would love to finally Real Time Wiser show…but working.

  214. >>>>So will you tune in to Wiser’s video feed on this Saturday’s show, Oso?


    No video stream this week

    Sorry, GO


  215. Wow. When did Virgin quite selling iPhones? I just looked a couple months ago and they had them.

  216. I don’t deal with the $$ aspect. I just need my phone. My “Precious” MY DO

  217. THIS! This is why Wiser is the most H8D man on the interwebs. (Only if you start discounting everyone that isn’t Wiser that posts here)

  218. Wiser, Evan Sayet. Moron. Check him out for a guest.

  219. When did Virgin quite selling iPhones?

    They were on their site for a long time, but always always out of stock. Now they aren’t there at all. Been at least six weeks or more.

  220. No video stream this week


  221. Looks like they stopped in February. And yes, always out of stock at the Virgin site, but I had no trouble finding decent 5 series phones at Amazon. They just cost too much for my tastes. That’s why I’m clear back in the stone age with an S3.

  222. If your plan is mine, xbrad, then it’s 300 minutes and “unlimited” data and text, where unlimited means about 2 or 2.5GB per month. Then they choke you way back to EDGE speeds or something.

    I never use that much broadband outside of wifi, except for traffic and occasionally internet radio.

  223. Well, I just glanced at amazon, and none of the iPhone 5s models will work with Virgin. The fine print includes disclaimers that they won’t work on Virgin, Verizon, etc. I’ve never seen them there for sale. Not interested in a 4 or 4gs.

  224. Amazon seems to have just GSM GayPhones, and Virgin is very picky about which phones it will permit and they must be CDMA for starters.

    Unlocked cell phones are compatible with GSM carriers like AT&T and T-Mobile as well as with GSM SIM cards (e.g. H20, Straight Talk, and select prepaid carriers). Unlocked cell phones will not work with CDMA Carriers like Sprint, Verizon, Boost or Virgin.

  225. My 4 was becoming an iPod. I have a 2gen and a 5gen.

  226. G’night. I will probably always have issues. Somedays are better than others.

  227. Bonne nuit, oso

  228. Rough day. G’night GO

  229. Leave your stepping stones behind, something calls for you
    Forget the derp you’ve left, they will not follow you
    The vagabond who’s rapping at your door
    Is standing in the clothes that you once wore

  230. HHD

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