(is that a camera?) OHAI!

Feel free to steal these images and use them as you wish.


  1. Now ya did it wiser… Teh PETA Freakz will be outside your house carrying Torches and PitchForks ’cause you gave that poor Squirrel Kenyan Ticks and Fleas, teh EPA will declare Kenyan Ticks and Fleas a ‘Protected Species’, and shut down every Nuclear Power Plant on the east coast thereby stopping production of the F-22 FighterJet, and Chocolate Production in Hershey, Pennsylvania. Millions of Women Riot in the Streets, sammiches go unmade, and Ron Paul is elected President. I sure hope you are Proud of your self…

  2. Fuck it all friday eve. Is it not?

  3. Hey, Hey!! Ms. Ca r in!! Now LookyHere, KindLady, iffin’ we are gonna be sharing this Blanket, yer gonna have to Trim them Gangsta ToeNails… Uh…OoHHhhh…Uh.. BRB…

  4. And PG puts out the Siren Call for Ms. Laura…

    ***Drags Towel to cover up a little “Gift” for “Teh Boss”***

  5. I sure hope you are Proud of your self…


    How goes the mouse hunt, kitty cat?

  6. ***Reports certain commenter to ‘AttackWatch’ for threatening to name a Kitty “HulkSmash”***

  7. Fuck it all friday eve. Is it not?

    ♪ It;s the mooost wonderful time… of the weeek… ♪

  8. Hey, Wiser! No Brazil ’til Thanksgiving, which will suck, and don’t have to go back to Morgan City La ’til Sunday. Things are pretty good at home for the moment…subject to change without notice…

    Ms. Laura indicated you had more jobs than a Jamaican Family. You holdin’ up?

  9. Things are pretty good at home for the moment…

    Home? You mean like… home-home??

    WOO HOO!

    Ms. Laura indicated you had more jobs than a Jamaican Family. You holdin’ up?

    sleep is overrated. Seriously, I get 1 or 2 hours a night an I’m friggle zorp gragnar vf ewrerwzzzz

  10. sleep is overrated. Seriously, I get 1 or 2 hours a night an I’m friggle zorp gragnar vf ewrerwzzzz

    Ain’t it Amazin’ what ya go through to keep the lights on at the house…

    Last year was 5 weeks at home, this year looks pretty much the same.

    *** Hides Ms. Ca ri n’s Lighter, doesn’t want her wetting teh bed ***

  11. Off for “HoneyDew List” MouseHunting…

  12. *High fives Sox, changes Wiser’s litter box*


  13. Last year was 5 weeks at home, this year looks pretty much the same.


    I don’t know how you can do that and still have a house to come home to.

  14. I think Hindenberg is my favorite.

    It’s metaphorical and shit.

  15. Road trip!

  16. BO should do a zeppelin tour.

    That would be cool.

  17. Bad kitty. BAD KITTY.

  18. Hello people of the H2. Apparently I have lost my ability to work the interweb, considering I was on the old thread wondering what everyone was doing.


    BTW–The NE is beautiful right now. When I was walking out of the hotel a big fat maple leaf fell off a tree right in front of me. Haven’t seen Fall in years.

  19. Airships are too cool for BO, he shouldn’t sully them by co-location.

  20. My favorite is the Teletubby one.

  21. I’m watching something on Discovery about string theory.

    Still sounds like a crock, even when Michio Kaku explains it. No experiments, no falsifiability, just a cult of mental masturbators.

  22. Oh good, they are at least admitting that we have no idea if it’s true.

  23. Crap, MJ found us. NEW POAT.

    [don’t tell MJ this time]

  24. Work time.


    Hmm. Kinda roomy in here. Maybe I’ll stay for a while.

  26. H3 NOW folks.

    This is not a drill.

  27. I need to repair a hole in my bathroom ceiling.

    Can one of your morons get on that for me?

  28. American Lung Association will never get another penny from me. Stupid idiots with their asthma-baby ads.

  29. BO should do a zeppelin tour.

    Hell, he’s married to one.

  30. Brilliant.

    My Favorite….Teletubbies + poser

  31. That last one is from the future, hopefully.

  32. We need to get this to go viral.

  33. I don’t get the last photo. Could someone help an old man.

  34. Good article by Ann Coulter about the “innocent” black man who was put to death last night.

  35. HS: That is the photo that always accompanies the articles about unemployment at HotAir. People waiting in line to apply for a job.

  36. Last one is a pic from an (NYT I think) article about unemployment, these are people standing in line looking for jobs.

  37. Good morning cool kids.



  38. Good article by Ann Coulter about the “innocent” black man who was put to death last night.

    See? This is what liberals do. They lie. I am against the death penalty, but I have reasons why I think it is wrong. Liberals just make shit up.

  39. MJ, too bad you’re working this trip. Banglar Party Van is on its way to Rhode Island as I type. I think he’s doing a stop in the Boston area this afternoon.

  40. Hey laura. I’ll be back in Mass on (Westminster) on Oct 5th and 6th. I’m hoping to have a bit of free time then.

    If not, not big deal. It looks like I’ll be in Mass quite a bit over the next 6 months.

  41. SCOTT!


  42. I’ll tell him. I probably won’t be able to make it, but Scott might be working over there again.

  43. Looks like our governor has his own little Solyndra. Funny how he isn’t mentioned in the article.


    Because of this and the fact that MO is on the hook for that money, the ‘China hub’ everyone was buzzing about, that would bring JOBS to MO, may be shelved. Not to mention that the governor convinced some leading RINOS to change the wording of the hub bill that would give him basically a slush fund, with no legislative oversight, to hand out as he sees fit for whatever Mamtek or cronies come his way.

  44. Oops, he was mentioned. Turd.

    ….Still, the deal blew up right as lawmakers were meeting in special session to hammer out an economic development bill, which Nixon hopes will let him streamline those programs to get money out the door faster, and in some cases up front, before any jobs are created…..

  45. Eddie, I was going to do a poat on that vapid cunt. You saved me the trouble.

  46. eddiebear?


  47. There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own — nobody

    Words spoken by someone who has never worked a real job. If she worked where I work, she would see that the same few people pick up the majority of slack. Mostly due to work ethic. If not for those few people, the shit would collapse.

    There used to have merit raises for those people, or call them incentives for those people who need a little nudge to be like those people. Then they got rid of them. Things aren’t working as smoothly.

  48. Wow Eddie, I had no idea my business was such a public burden.
    I should shut ‘er down and go on the dole.

  49. Tell me, beasn. Progs want to destroy all the upside of owning a business until there’s just no point to doing it.

  50. You capitalist swine have no idea. It is only on the backs of the workers that the bourgeoisie have gotten to where they are.

    Our trucker called to sadly inform us that he is still unable to return to work … the doctors are unable to find anything wrong with him, so there is to be a new round of test.

    Swear. To. god.

    He drives a truck – he doesn’t have to lift or do anything, and he caused an accident that resulted in THOUSANDS of dollars in damages to us. But his back “just doesn’t feel right.”

    I swear, if your back hurts too much to drive a truck, I say you’re good for nothing and we should just put you out of your misery.

  51. Progs lie. Being surprised at a prog lying to advance their socialist agenda is like being surprised that dogs lick their ass.

  52. Carin, I had a carpenter pull that crap on me several years ago. Said he hurt his back on the job. Bullshit. He helped a friend pour concrete over the weekend and “hurt” it there. Doctors could never find anything wrong with him. He collected work comp for over two years until I persuaded the insurance co. to put a private investigator on him. They caught him working on a jobsite for cash. He no longer lives in this state.

  53. beasn: I wasn’t in U City that day

  54. My back didn’t feel right for the last 17 years of my Navy career, but I sucked it up, went to work and even managed to pass my Physical Readiness tests twice a year.

  55. And, don’t forget, my husband BROKE HIS NECK last March. He too one week off.

    He still has complete numbess in his right hand, which makes writing and typing difficult and pain in his arm/shoulder.

    That’s the difference, of course, between someone who has a stake in a company and/or is working toward it’s success*, and the person who just collects a paycheck not really caring if they’ve earned it or not.

    * we do have employees like this. They are the ones who tend to KEEP their job.

  56. Exactly, Chief. Shit happens. You suck it up, or you roll over and die.

    My dad only has one leg, but he didn’t want to be limited by that. He’s in pain pretty much all the time, but he figured out how to be mobile, etc. He’s got some contraption that sits on top of his car that hauls his wheelchair up there and off he goes. If he were employable, he’d have a job (but he’s really not). He gets sick too often, and has daily health issues. He tries to work from the house – he’s got this project he’s been working on for four years. I keep mum about it (don’t say nothing) because it keeps him occupied.

  57. well, it appears as though the JournOlisters are really pushing her. Look at how Weigel is spinning for her. This shit doesn’t happen in a vacuum, and with Weigel being caught redhanded coordinating & snarking to delegitimize Scott Brown’s victory, his involvement in pushing her is not a shock:

    It appears that with the Dem prospects in the Senate & House looking grim next year, they are going to push for her in order to a) redeem the Coakley loss, and b) be their one shining moment for that night, and build her up to rock star status in the Senate.

  58. Car in – I’ve encountered some of these back problem scammers. Funny, but most of the people I know that have genuine problems have them diagnosed rather quickly and tend to do what is necessary to get back to a functional life. . . then there are the others who sit on their asses, collect disability and whine. It never occurs to them that actually following a recovery regime might solve their problem.

  59. Eddie, that link to mediaite made me see red, and then stars, when I started banging my head against a wall.

    Lively email thread about it this morning.

    I pay an annual LLC tax, plus annual property tax on my business fixtures (literally, the counters and register and shelves and small equipment), plus both sides of Unemployment- both the employee half and the employer half- because I am self-employed (though I can never collect if business dies).

    We take multiple special fuckings from all levels of government, and somehow we owe the rapist more for the honor, than the supine recipients of our wealth.

  60. If Mass wants her, they can have her.

  61. Eddie – She is just another confiscatory socialist but has the ability to not sound like Trotsky after a bottle of vodka. This impresses the progs because their failure is ALWAYS stating this crap with a tinge of anger and this cunt can do it with a smile.

  62. “device registration” for my scale = $ to the state

  63. various sales permits = $ to the state

  64. Laura: when my dad’s business was open, he had to do all that. Also, seeing the cheering by Weigel for Warren tells me all I need to know about the left.

  65. My favorite tax is one of the (many) truck registration/ taxes we pay. The funding of which is supposed to go toward “education and information” regarding trucking. Of course, that information is available already- there is this great website that everyone here in Michigan uses.

    So, they steal money from us so they can hire more government employees who do nothing for something we don’t need.

  66. And, yes, I really loathe Weigel. The fact that a smarmy and mendacious dickfister like him, hidden behind his “But I worked at ‘Reason'” bullshit and candy-coated with a lack of smarts you can only find from a graduate of an “elite” school cashes a paycheck as a “legitimate” journalist bugs me.

    Besides, he reminds me of a twerp I knew who was the equipment manager for our HS Baseball Team, That fucker betrayed my trust and narced to my manager that I was chewing tobacco in the bullpen when nobody was looking.

  67. oh well. Time to go plant the tulip bulbs for the spring.

  68. PTL – the grits are finally gone.

    Let the recovery begin.

    *drinks water and prepares for dinner of lettuce and celery.

  69. He too one week off.

  70. I’m assuming work ethic is a learned skill, but I’ve also met people that seem to just have an intangible quality. I try to hire these people.

  71. New song on new poat. Enjoy. I’m off to manage a snack bar.


  72. […] one to grow on: The H2 catches Obama […]

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