The Business of Media Politics

Want to know when the plug gets pulled on the current MSNBC programming line-up? Read on douche cow.

Let’s start with the contention that the virulent strain of left-wing lunatic liberalism is incompatible with the free market because 85% of the people in this country tend to be repelled by lying hateful race-baiting negative America-bashing truth-raping Socialist clown fuckers.

The 15% that like that shit aren’t a big enough consumer force to make full retard liberalism profitable in the mass market.

Nutbar lefty blogs cater to that 15% and they have no desire for broad appeal so they don’t figure into the equation.  Plus blogs don’t exactly exist to make it rain money.

NPR has been around since 1970 but it has to be subsidized by our hard-earned tax dollars in order to keep pumping out dreck like Prairie Home Companion so it doesn’t figure into this analysis either.

Basically any kook liberal enterprise that attempts to be a profitable going concern in the mass market will ultimately fail because too few people find the content or the purveyors of that content to be believable, informative or entertaining.

Talk radio is an excellent example of the free market telling liberals that they’re fat, ugly, smelly hippies and it wants them to shut the fuck up and get a real job.  Here are the most popular radio programs and the number of weekly listeners.

* The Rush Limbaugh Show – 20+ million
* The Sean Hannity Show – 16+ million
* The Glenn Beck Program – 9+ million
* The Savage Nation – 9+ million
* The Dr. Laura Program – 9+ million
* The Mark Levin Show – 6.25 million
* The Laura Ingraham Show – 6.25 million
* The Dave Ramsey Show – 6.25 million
* Neal Boortz – 4.25+ million

Air America lasted about six years before it went teats up.  But that six years is a little misleading because they had supporters burn piles of cash to keep them running the last year or so and I don’t think they were paying salaries for the last few months.  Plus they stole money from an orphanage or something so that last year wasn’t exactly income statement gold.

I think the shelf-life for unhinged liberalism in the free market is about 5 years.  After that the novelty wears off and no one is left but some of the 15% who like hate with their lies.

MSNBC used to not be fruitcake left-wing.  I mean not any more than CNN, ABC, CBS, etc etc.  Even when Olbermann came on board in 2003, the network was indistinguishable from the rest of the MSM in that its bias was subtle and they pretended to believe in objective reporting. Olbermann’s show actually used to be somewhat entertaining before he decided to give himself a perpetual liberal Kool-Aid enema.

I think there is a point where we can say that MSNBC tacked hard left and started the clock on their demise and that was Olbermann’s first “Special” Comment.  The first “Special” Comment that was actually called “Special” Comment was August 2006 in which El Douche compared Rumsfeld to Neville Chamberlain.  Hahahaha!!  Idiot.

Anyway…although that was the first official spittle-inducing faux-rage-a-thon, I think the whole idea for his dramatic groundhog skits came from a broadcast in September 2005 in which he unloaded on Mayor Nagin Governor Blanco President Bush for killing light-skinned negroes with Katrina or something.  I think it was this ridiculously unhinged far-left fapping that was the beginning of the end for MSNBC as we know it.

The ratings for the cable news networks are a joke and completely support this theory that raw liberalism is a fucking Edsel. Here are the numbers from last Thursday. The ranking is based on the average number of viewers watching at any given time between 6am and 11pm.

* Fox News – 1,406,000 viewers
* CNN – 405,000 viewers
* MSNBC –384,000 viewers

Of the three main cable networks, the more liberal the content, the fewer the viewers. But it’s the trend that’s interesting.

Between 2007 and 2008, MSNBC’s ratings grew 60%. But starting last year, four years after the Katrina comment, MSNBC began to shed a metric assload of viewers.

A good illustration is Olbermann’s viewers in the 25 – 54 age demographic which is the one that brings in the big ad money. Since the beginning of 2009, he’s lost 44% of his viewers in that demographic. When reached for comment, Harry Reid said “You only lost 44% of your most important audience? FUCKING AWESOME!!”

We are seeing the last gasps of breath of a dying enterprise but the truth is that joke of a network was doomed at the birth of the “Special” Comment.

My guess is they will continue to lose more and more viewers, and more and more ad revenue, in the coming months. Their audience on election night will consist of 1,000 suicidal loons and 100,000 conservatives who will tune in to bathe in the tears of the most hateful, racist, arrogant, polemic collection of liars and douche-bags in the history of broadcasting.

Shortly thereafter, someone will step in and humanely bury an icepick in the temple of “The Place for Politics”. Microsoft and GE are in business to make money. They may burn piles of cash to keep a liberal hope alive for a few months as happened with Air America but eventually the liberal answer to Fox News will surpass its five-year shelf life and it will assume the broadcasting equivalent of room temperature.

Good night, good luck and good riddance liberal hate clowns.


  1. I’ve never watched enough MSNBCBDS to notice, but I wonder how much of their advertising is for GE products or MS products.

    You could operate at a loss for a while if the parent company thinks discount advertising is worth it. Conversely, they could pay premium advertising to float the network if they thought it was worth it.

  2. well played.

    Olbermann was able to make his jack when he was attacking Bush. But once Obama won, he had to shift to defense, and that is more difficult for a guy with nothing to offer but hate. And hating on the outsiders is a lot more difficult to pull off.

    Hell, the signal for me that Olby’s attraction to the left was waning came around the time of SCott Brown’s victory when Jon Stewart trashed him.

  3. Brad: also, GE would be willing to keep MSNBC as a loss leader if it meant increased positive attention and focus elsewhere within the company, especially with GE’s wind turbine and other “green” businesses. But when the face of your loss leader is Keith Olbermann’s insanity, and he has lost market share in the all important Demo, it’s game over.

  4. Good post.

  5. Look, Eddie, I’ve made 3 attempts at intelligent comments today. That’s well past my Recommended Daily Allowance. Quit making me try to think.

    It hurts.

  6. That was a lot of blah blah. I need a nice big cup of STFU.

  7. Nutbar lefty blogs cater to that 15% and they have no desire for broad appeal so they don’t figure into the equation. Plus blogs don’t exactly exist to make it rain money.

    No, they exist to offer me a form of inexpensive entertainment.

    Nothing like peeing in their intellectual ice cream with the injection of inconvenient facts, spoiling their vision of utopia with a healthy dose of history, and countering their revisionism by reintroducing everything they cut out in order to make their cockeyed world view make sense. And it leaves them with few options.

    They can beclown themselves with sputtering name-calling and condemnations.

    They can avoid an argument that they cannot win by censoring and banning.

    They can try to defend their idiotic positions, and either realize the error of their ways when they paint themselves into a corner, or show that their intellectual shallowness by their willingness to allow their feelings to over ride their intellect.

    No matter which way it plays out, we win. Because we either help them to change their minds and embrace reason, or we mark targets for others when the inevitable pushback comes.

  8. Well said Law Bitch.

    Part of me will mourn this version of MSNBC because it’s the mother lode of liberal foolishness on grand display.

    But alas, the weak must die so that the strong may live.

  9. That was a lot of blah blah. I need a nice big cup of STFU.

    Don’t say I never gave ya nuthin’, ya big galoot:

  10. Also, I challenge anyone to come up with a more boring title than “The Business of Media Politics”. Hahahahaha!

  11. Also, I challenge anyone to come up with a more boring title than “The Business of Media Politics”. Hahahahaha!

    “A Leftist Parable Rebutted”

    Or “Modern Trends in Antidisestablishmentarinanism”

  12. How about “Rachel Maddow’s Penis” by Will Rodger Cockov

  13. With an introduction by Hugh Jorgen.

  14. Rosetta’s been playing with dolls again…

  15. too many words. Someone go get me some coffee.

  16. Why aren’t you whizzing downhill?

  17. Link fail hospital fruit.

    I’m off to run errands. No one rape WTFFace Jenkins whilst I’m gone.

  18. It ain’t rape if they are willing.

  19. How much extra am I allowed to eat while skiing all day? I think it’s making me hungrier than the extra exertion warrents.

  20. I was whizzing just a few minutes ago.

    I tired.

    I’m pacing myself. I got until 9 pm.

    was out 9 am till 11:45. Lunch for half an hour. Out until 1:45 when I had to come back and remove a layer of my clothing. Out for another hour to check on husband (sore knee) but he’s not here and I’m snacking again.

    So … how much can I eat?

  21. Out for an hour, than back here to check on husband it should have read.

  22. I’d say a whole bag of potato chips.

  23. 40% of the average cow.

  24. ” Read on douche cow.”

    Are you talking to me?

  25. My favorite parts:

    * MSNBC –384,000 viewers

    * Since the beginning of 2009, he’s lost 44% of his viewers in that demographic. When reached for comment, Harry Reid said “You only lost 44% of your most important audience? FUCKING AWESOME!!”

  26. Way to kill the thread, Mare.

    You heartless bitch.

  27. Mare:

  28. Mare?

  29. ‘Sup bitter clingers?

    Nice post, Rosie.

    Good thing there’s a little-known codicil to the H2 constitution that ups the allowable word limit for kicking MSDNC in the poon.

  30. I think he just cut and pasted it from some other guy’s blog.

  31. I’m warm as toast!

  32. I think he just cut and pasted it from some other guy’s blog.

    Hahaha. Bet he was surfing for tranny latex amputee porn and ran across it.

  33. Could one of the Hostage lawyers shed some light on this?

  34. My favorite part, besides the ones Mare pointed out.
    85% of the people in this country tend to be repelled by lying hateful race-baiting negative America-bashing truth-raping Socialist clown fuckers.

  35. *jaw drops*

    I really don’t want to have to do this.

    *stomach feels queasy*

    Maybe I should just get it over with.

    *bile rises in throat*

    Rosetta, that was really an excellent post. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

    *retches into trash can*

  36. @shitmydadsays:”I lost 20 pounds…How? I drank bear piss and took up fencing. How the fuck you think, son? I exercised.”

  37. Time for you Saturday afternoon bluegrass gospel.

  38. Killed it. You heathens.

  39. Could one of the Hostage lawyers shed some light on this?

    Mare, I can’t say that I evah looked into Da Shoulder’s law licensure. However, considering the time and effort that goes into earning the degree and getting licensed, it’s damn peculiar.

    I noted that Teh Won “retired”, in my post titled “A Professional Ethical and Legal Problem”, and how that actually helps him to avoid getting in trouble when he does things like he did at the STOTUS. What really strikes me as odd is that Illinois actually licenses its attorneys directly, rather than through the state bar association. Here is Washingtonistan, the WSBA issues my license, which gives it a degree of real power to discipline breaches in my conduct, whereas the Illinois State Bar Association, which lists the Condescending Lecturer™ as an “honorary” member has no real power to hold Teh Won accountable to its code of conduct other than to strip him of his membership in their organization, which he apparently did not have to work for to begin with.

    A Professional Ethical and Legal Problem

  40. Thank you, BiW. What about Michelle and her license?

    I am curious, not with regard to possible wrong doing (concerning either of them), I have been a vocal opponent when people call them brilliant, or even particularly smart. I KNOW they aren’t. The skids have been greased for these two affirmative action losers for their whole lives.

  41. What a beautiful day here in lovely CT.

    It was so nice today, I took that cat out and gave it bath. Then I took it for some exercise!

    We had a great time!

  42. Great poat Rosetta

  43. At this point, the only positive thing I’m willing to say about the Obama’s is that they appear to be good parents. Their children seem lovely and well behaved.

    Barack is an American hating, radical socialist and simply not too bright. Michelle is also a not too bright leech.

    I have a long memory and I’m under no obligation to be let Mrs. Obama off the hook with regard to her statement, “…for the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country.

    Screw you, you, American teat sucking ingrate.

  44. Obama is speaking at commencement here. They’re giving him an honorary degree.


  45. Did yall see these headlines?

    Iran’s Ahmadinejad: Sept. 11 attacks a ‘big lie’

    O.k. I have to go get ready for the John Mayer concert

  46. Yeah, that was a really good stating of the obvious.

    Liberalism fails no matter where it’s tried, simply because they assume that people are willing to suffer for the greater good. Yet, no one wants to put themselves through the pain of listening to a bunch of raving lunatics day after day after day.

    Once you’ve screeched BUSH SUCKS!! for the 100,000th time, it tends to get a little dull.

  47. I like the pictures on this post.

    *goes back to working on evil, finger eating machine.

  48. And, could you imagine libs giving each other the ridiculous amount of crap that we lay on one another day after day without going postal?

    I can’t.

    No. Sense. Of. Humor.

    They’re just so much more intelligent and stuff. Either that, or we’re just teabag-o-bots.

  49. is the machine broken?

  50. One of the places where I find all my stupid stuff is a socialist/fake anarchist Mecca, kind of scary how many “true believers” are out there. Keef fans, every single one. Every tenth post is something like “I hate what America has become”, damn douche bags don’t realize that there was already an “America” before their evil parents borned them.

    They don’t like it when I tell them that they should just stop complaining and off themselves is some non-violent, vegan friendly sort of way.

    Think Socrates.

  51. Nope, I’m just sand blasting the heck out of stuff and then will probably go watch the sunset with the crowd at Clear Lake Shores.

    I needs a golf cart.

  52. Cool! They are supposed to be passing the law in our town that allows golf carts on the roads 🙂

    Have fun!

  53. They’re giving him an honorary degree.

    Same academic record that he released.

  54. Have fun at the concert.

  55. Okay. Who wants an ass kicking? The line starts over there.

    *points over there*

  56. *gets in line first*

  57. *hides rubber fist behind back*

  58. Rosetta, that was really an excellent post. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

    *retches into trash can*

    Making Michael soil his religious underoos brings me great joy.

    *happily accepts Nobel Casserole Prize*

  59. Thanks!

  60. *hides rubber fist behind back in gerbil hole*

    There you go.

  61. No. Sense. Of. Humor.

    Ain’t that the truth. They laugh themselves silly at the stupidest shit, as long as it insults or attacks that which they have determined is a safe target. Religion (all except Islam), conservatives, white men… just saying “white males are dumb” will elicit gales of uncontrollable laughter from the average lib.

    But make a joke about one of their sacred cows and they get all serious and offended. Remember the whining about how there is nothing funny about Obama? Right. There’s absolutely nothing funny about that clumsy, over-exposed, under-qualifed douche. But Cheney? BWAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!! He’s evil and he accidentally shot his friend and stuff.

    They all live in their safe little echo chambers, continually stroking each other and telling each other how much smarter they are than everyone else, just like their mommies did to them until she finally threw them out of the house. They simply are not equiped, mentally or emotionally. to deal with the real world, so they protect each other from it by pretending it doesn’t exist.

  62. Great poat Rosetta

    Thank you supermodel.

  63. I like the pictures on this post.

    *goes back to working on evil, finger eating machine.


  64. The skids have been greased for these two affirmative action losers for their whole lives.

    Mare, I agree with you wholeheartedly. When Michelle was complaining, I was thinking “you have a degree from Princeton, you have a $300K a year job, whitey ain’t holding you down, honey!”

  65. Stolen from IMAO (#10 is my favorite)

    10. Anytime Obama calls on Congress, they see it’s him through caller ID and let it go to voice mail.

    9. There’s been a pirate ship menacing tourists in the reflecting pool in D.C. for a week, and so far nothing has been done.

    8. In his last meeting with Iran, no one heard Obama, as they were all too busy refining uranium.

    7. The Secret Service has Obama open their mail for them to make sure it’s safe.

    6. Every time Obama orders his dog Bo to do something, Bo later craps in one of Obama’s shoes. Similar situation with Joe Biden.

    5. Obama asked to be on FOX News, but only Red Eye would take him.

    4. The White House tour guides are always ordering him to clean stuff.

    3. “The Red Button” placed in the Oval Office only activates the kitchen garbage disposal.

    2. When Obama visited a classroom, the kids mistook his purpose there and kept asking him to make balloon animals.

    And the number one sign that Obama doesn’t command respect…

    When the White House staff needs a quick decision on something, they consult the teleprompter.

  66. No the number one reason is that they put that ring in his hand and tell him to go stand out on the White House lawn and hold it in front of him.

  67. When I was in Montana my brother-in-law invited a couple of his ski bum friends over to party with us. One of the chicks had some fun mojo going on so when we were outside smoking I asked her if she was a smelly hippie and she said yes. Hahaha.

    She and I had an intense hour of conversation about politics. It was mostly me asking her questions and then kicking her responses in the poon but it was awesome. She was the exact sort of troll that I wish we had here. Funny, respectful but oh so woefully misinformed.

    She believes what she believes without any understanding of reality at all. I asked her if she thought the US was a good in the world or not and her response was a question about the diamond mines in Africa. Hahahahahahaha.

    It was awesome and she was good humored about it all. It was great fun because she was willing to debate but also because she had all the liberal buttons that you could push at will.

    That was one of the highlights of my trip. The fact that she was hot had nothing to do with it.

  68. Rosetta, you should start your own blog that addresses political crap of the day. You know, with your own serious….slash…..hilarious spin.

  69. They all live in their safe little echo chambers, continually stroking each other and telling each other how much smarter they are than everyone else, just like their mommies did to them until she finally threw them out of the house. They simply are not equiped, mentally or emotionally. to deal with the real world, so they protect each other from it by pretending it doesn’t exist.

    Head of nail WIN!!!!

  70. That blog already exists —

  71. Rosetta, you should start your own blog that addresses political crap of the day. You know, with your own serious….slash…..hilarious spin.

    I’m not serious enough for that. I like pictures of random shit, vulgarity, dogs milking goats and videos of people fucking with cats. My real life job is serious enough, I don’t anymore of that. TiityWeb Jenkins is to make me laugh and that’s good enough.

    That’s why I like this place. We are 3% serious which is exactly the right amount for me.

    Also, I’m wearing a beautiful yellow velvet dress right now and I look good. My tiara kicks ass.

  72. Also, I’m wearing a beautiful yellow velvet dress right now and I look good. My tiara kicks ass.

    copy cat

  73. That blog already exists —

    Hahahaha. The tranny’s name is Blaine.

    Best tranny name ever.

  74. copy cat


    *goes goth, cuts self*

  75. That was hilarious Roamy! And mean, but mostly hilarious!

    Notice that they didn’t show us someone actually removing the cat from the ‘spa’? HA! The arms reaching in must be nothing but shreds of skin!!!

  76. I liked the 727A torqueflight myself. I had a M22 Rockcrusher tranny in my Goat.

  77. Rosie?

    That video makes all 37 of The Baby Jesuses laugh and laugh and laugh.

    Rocket Chick?

  78. Yeah, I use to think smelly hippies were harmless too, until we got one as President and the house and senate are filled with them. Now, these ideological morons are making policy and changing MY country.

    So, I’m not so friendly with these guys anymore. The fact your stupid, skiing, hippy chick votes is annoying to me.

    I wonder if she makes all the cash necessary for skiing by being a capitalist pig, or she’s funded by a rich mommy or daddy.

  79. Hi Vmax! Whatcha talking about? *feels like a silly girl for not having a clue*

  80. Have there been any Hostage children?

  81. I’m with you Mare. I worked with this really nice lady for several years; she became a US citizen (dual actually with Germany) and retired shortly thereafter.

    During one phone call with her in 2008, she was enamoured with Obama and talked about how he was going to fix health care for everyone, just like when they got the free care in Germany.

    That was the very last time I spoke with her. NEver returned her phone calls or emails; nothing. I’m just not going to waste my time, or my friendships, with people who are ignorant or refuse educate themselves. Life is just too precious for that kind of wasted energy.

  82. Hotspur, wiserbud’s daughter has made a couple of appearances. Mare’s daughter was here, getting help on her homework. (!) And I have photographic evidence of my daughter flipping off her brother at the tender age of three months.

  83. Would xbrad count, Hotspur?

  84. Cyn, why did she leave Germany if she wants the United States to be fixed up just like Germany.

    Go home, you sausage guzzler.

    (and if this idiot says she came to the US for the , “opportunities” then she needs to know it’s private businesses making the “opportunity” in this country. It’s the individual, not the collective.)

  85. Cyn, my oldest nephew apologized for the Ron Paul posters on the walls of his man-cave. He and I had gotten into it two years ago. I told him Ron Paul would be better than what we have now, and we let it slide.

  86. I mean, specifically, children born since Hostages began.

  87. Maybe it should have been, “… annoyance to me.”

  88. Possibly one of PJM’s was born during H1.

  89. *pours Mare a drink*


    Maybe if she could have had an intelligent discussion with rational arguements, okay; maybe. She could not counter my points other than “feely” shit like “it’s the gov’t role to take care of everyone” {shudders}

    *drinks direclty from the bottle and holds out for anyone to take*

  90. Glaraven?

  91. Would xbrad count, Hotspur?

    No, but dolly might.

  92. Dolly’s not pregnant.


  93. *drinks direclty from the bottle and holds out for anyone to take*

    Mare swills freely!

  94. Glaraven?


  95. Xbrad – maybe you’re not doing it right…?

  96. I think one of you dames should get knocked up.

    Breadmaking, diet, maternity blog FTW.

  97. Cyn, I’m not getting any complaints…

  98. No more babies for me, thankyouverymuch. Happy with my two little pods.

    Mrs. Peelio is young enough, though.

  99. Cyn, I’m not getting any complaints…


  100. *Throws the scalp of 17 liberals into the campfire, thinking this will brighten the collective’s evening.*

  101. Hey Brew!

  102. Yeah, I use to think smelly hippies were harmless too, until we got one as President and the house and senate are filled with them. Now, these ideological morons are making policy and changing MY country.

    There is a difference between left loons that you can talk to and left loons that run the government.

    They may drink from the same Kool-Aid jug but they are animals of different stripes. It’s one thing to hold stupid views because you’re naive. It’s wholly different to believe in those views so strongly that you want to fist the country with them.

    The ones that are in power we can’t do anything about. The ones we come across and pull from the Dark Side by having good social debate are different.

    Also,why is there not a video of a goat washing a lizard?

  103. I am pooped today. We got the 11 yr old’s new loft bed in and all set up today; it looks gorgeous. Has the built in desk, cherry finish. Very nice. His room is totally clean, but in the rush to ready the room for the loft, we dumped everything in boxes every night this week. I think it has all caught up to me tonight.

  104. BiW length combined with EddieBear profanity. I’ts a beautiful thing. Let me go hit the thumbs up thingamajigger before I regain my composure.

  105. Rosetta, at least she was hot.

    Lots of libs are skanky and hard on the eyes.

  106. Why is there not a video of Rosetta pulling a hockey stick out of his ass?

  107. Why is there not a video of a cat massaging a guy’s head…oh, wait, there is:

  108. Why isn’t there a video of…

    Remember the second half of Rule 34, gentlemen and ladies.

    If it doesn’t exist, YOU have to make it.

  109. Hi Cyn,
    Sorry I took so long to reply. I was walking the dogs.

    Rosie was talking Tranny names. So I named a few transmissions I have had.

  110. So, xbrad, if there are no pregnant Hostage wimmen, I have to fix that?

  111. HAHA! Thanks, Vmax!

  112. Rosetta, at least she was hot.

    Lots of libs are skanky and hard on the eyes.

    Hahahahaha. Actually it was the fact that she wanted to debate that was great. For most liberals the political science is settled…ahem. With those kooks there is no use debating.

    I’m a guns-blazing conservative but I am willing to listen to a liberal argument from a sincere lefty. If they can convince me that their view is correct then good on them.


  113. Time for din-din. Later cool kids.

  114. Interesting site you got here. Be a shame if anything happened to it.

  115. No, hotspur, but if you do, you have to make a video of it.

  116. I have a joke.

    What’s brown and rhymes with Snoop?

  117. “…..but I am willing to listen to a liberal argument…if I can also look down her shirt.”


  118. “What’s brown and rhymes with Snoop?”

    xbrad’s favorite hospital “fruit”?

  119. I have a joke.

    What shakes up the bottom of the sea?

  120. So, xbrad, if there are no pregnant Hostage wimmen, I have to fix that?

    No, hotspur, but if you do, you have to make a video of it.

    **cue 70’s pron music

  121. “What’s brown and rhymes with Snoop?”

    xbrad’s favorite hospital “fruit”?

    No. Dr. Dre.


    Best joke ever.

  122. Mare, have you told your oldest the Dr. Dre joke?

  123. “Best joke ever.”

    hahahahahahahaha…..yes it is.

  124. I have a joke.

    What’s brown and rhymes with Snoop?

    Good grief. You actually put up a laudable post, forcing me to compliment you and puke, and then you devolve to a comment like that?

  125. What shakes up the bottom of the sea?

    Americano having sex with Kerry Marie?

  126. Michael, what color cape are you wearing right now?

  127. Not yet.

    Hold on. I’ll tell my youngest.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA….She actually laughed. She said, “who said that?” and I said, “who do you think?” She knew.

  128. What shakes up the bottom of the sea?
    A nervous wreck.

  129. Good grief. You actually put up a laudable post, forcing me to compliment you and puke, and then you devolve to a comment like that?

    You expected something else?

  130. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA….She actually laughed. She said, “who said that?” and I said, “who do you think?” She knew.


    Mr. Mare will like this one:

    What the difference between a dog barking on the back porch and a woman yelling on the front porch?

  131. I’m stealing a comment from The Corner in response to Jonah discussing Brooks

    Jonah, You are too kind. Brooks’ biggest problem is that a lot of us were alive when the New Left took over the democratic party. They were &*&*ing communists! As you know they openly rooted for America’s enemies to win, not only in Vietnam but overall vis a vis the Soviet Union, and they didn’t stop at just rooting they actively colluded with the Soviet Union, Cuba and Communist China. They didn’t engage in “Street Theater” they engaged in widespread violence. Remember, the “New” Left got its name because it broke, not with some mythical conservative establishment, but the actual New Deal/Great Society liberal establishment that was based on loyal non-communist progressive liberalism. The New left rejected all of that in favor of a radical transformation of the United States along socialist, communist lines. They certainly didn’t have any theory of “innocence” other than the a head nod to the boilerplate of “false consciousness”. But, like their historian laureate Howard Zinn, Amerika and hence Amerikans were irremediably evil. That justified the criminal behavior of the left. They only “salvation” was to join the “vanguard of the proletariat” in it’s then current manifestation. In doing so you became, by definition, moral and “wise”. This modern Gnosticism continues to this day and is the exact opposite of what the Tea Party movement stands for. The reason why the Tea Party loves to mock “the One” so much is they recognize the eschatalogical and gnostic rhetoric and attitudes and they reject it. They reject it precisely because they know damn well that human beings are flawed and therefore we are not going to be “saved” by the government or any political party and they rightly distrust anyone who gives themselves those airs or who is gullible enough (David Brooks?) to ascribe those powers to someone else.

  132. A nervous wreck.

    That’s horrible. My mother is nervous wreck.

  133. You expected something else?

    No, not really. I figure that post exhausted his intellect and creativity for about the next three years.

  134. “That’s horrible. My mother is nervous wreck.”

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…..I can see why, dealing with your gender identity issues.

  135. My point being the bit about Gnosticism. Gnosticism is very seductive. It makes the believer feel better about themselves. They have a knowledge that others don’t. They are the chosen ones. Only they know what is right and true.

    It can be seen in religion, of course, but also in progressive liberalism, and of course, in the AGW scam.

  136. Cal just beat Stanfurd to win their first Conference Title since 1960. Go Bears!

  137. No, not really. I figure that post exhausted his intellect and creativity for about the next three seven years.

    There you go.

  138. Sean the ONLY thing good about Cal, is you’re an alumni.

  139. What’s the difference between the chicken crossing the road and Sean eating a bowl of dick?

  140. Please finish this statement:

    If xbrad falls in a forest, and there’s no one there to see it……..

  141. If xbrad falls in a forest, and there’s no one there to see it……..

    Sheep cheer.

  142. Someday I’d like to drive the Zamboni.

  143. “Sheep cheer.”

    hahahahahahaahah…..or heave a sigh of relief.

  144. Mr. RFH is playing a youtube video of Muskrat Love. That would go with Hotspur’s video.

    What the hell was the thought process behind that song?

  145. “What the hell was the thought process behind that song?”


  146. Sean the ONLY thing good about Cal, is you’re an alumni.

    Actually, there have also been several Nobel Laureates there. The real ones, for science and junk.

  147. What’s the difference between the chicken crossing the road and Sean eating a bowl of dick?

    No one from MSNBC is waiting to fuck me while I’m eating.

  148. hahahahahahaahah…..or heave a sigh of relief.

    That’s kinda the same thing.

    *takes down picture of Mare*

  149. The greatest sight xbrad has ever seen:

  150. What’s the difference between the chicken crossing the road and Sean eating a bowl of dick?

    No one from MSNBC is waiting to fuck me while I’m eating.

    How did you know that?

  151. “hahahahahahaahah…..or heave a sigh of relief.”

    I thought mine was better.

    Hey, Rosetta….you’re on the left:

  152. Hey xbrad, what are you going to do on our weekend leave?

  153. What the hell was the thought process behind that song?

    Roamy, come over here.

  154. Same shit, different day.

    I’ve only been making Jiffy cornbread muffins for 35 years. One box, one egg, 1/3 cup of milk, 400 degrees, 17 minutes= six perfectly done cornbread muffins.

    So why is it every time I make them, she reminds me to not overcook them, and insists there’s enough batter for 7 muffins.

    Every time, the discussion ends when I take the muffins out and she exults over how perfect they are.

  155. xbrad??

  156. >> “What the hell was the thought process behind that song?”

    3 hippie Air Force brats.

  157. I’ve only been making Jiffy cornbread muffins for 35 years. One box, one egg, 1/3 cup of milk, 400 degrees, 17 minutes= six perfectly done cornbread muffins.

    We make those a lot. You’re supposed to put jalepenos and cheese in the mix. And not be a faggot. I hope that helps.

  158. I killed the muffin man, Mare.

    Fucker kept trying to put walnuts in the mix.

  159. Hey, Rosetta….you’re on the left:

    You have poop on your jackass hair.

  160. xbrad, you forgot the sugar. dumbass.

  161. Rosie, nothing goes into Jiffy cornbread muffin mix but milk and egg.

    Fuckin’ heretic.

    Why don’t you just turn hippie?

  162. “Oh how they wiggle.
    Dolly starts to giggle.”

  163. Now what should we talk about?

  164. No wait, they (America) didn’t write it, they just recorded it.


    Still, they’re three hippie Air Force brats.

  165. Why don’t you just turn hippie?

    I have a job and I shower every 3 or 4 days.

  166. America recorded Muskrat Love?

    Where the hell did Captain and Tenille get it?

  167. Who puts sugar in cornbread?

    If it isn’t on the instructions on the box, it doesn’t get done.

  168. Roamy, come over here.

    Whatchu want?

    DiT, Captain and Tennille.

  169. America? WTF is wrong with you people? It was Captain and Tenille.

  170. Who puts sugar in cornbread?

    The BrewFan’s do. Jiffy cornbread mix is supremo once you add a little sugar to the batter. Don’t knock it til you try it.

  171. *Cough*
    The next time you get the jiffy muffin mix read the instructions on the back of the cornmeal. Double the sugar and add corn cheese and jalapinos to taste.

  172. Dedicated to Hotspurm

  173. written by a Texas country and western dude, Willis Alan Ramsey (he co-wrote “That’s Right, You’re Not From Texas” with Lyle Lovett).

    America recorded it first, then Captain and Tenille had a top ten hit with it.

  174. What the difference between a dog barking on the back porch and a woman yelling on the front porch?

    One wants in, and one wants out?

  175. **sets fire to Dave, America (the band, not the country) and various muskrats**

  176. Mr. RFH asks what’s the thought process on REMAKING Muskrat Love? Not enough romance for rodents?

  177. What the difference between a dog barking on the back porch and a woman yelling on the front porch?

    One wants in, and one wants out?

    If you let the dog in it will shut up.

    *runs away*

  178. Yeah. Who wants sloppy seconds on Muskrat love? Gross.

  179. If you let the dog in it will shut up.


  180. Well, my point was, do you want your muskrat love described by some fags who rode a horse with no name into the fucking desert, or Tenille?

    It’ not a trick question, brew.

  181. Captain and Tenille’s “Love will keep us together” was a cute song.

  182. I actually think their arrangement is pretty good, much better than C&Ts, but the public disagreed with me. I’m like Congressman Dick Tuck when he lost his seat to Richard Nixon, “Well, the people have spoken, the bastards”.

    That’s a Democrat I could respect.

  183. also sugar and jalapenos in Jiffy cornbread mix is fantastical awesome WIN

  184. Brad, you were still in your old man’s sack, jumping from ball to ball.

  185. It’ not a trick question, brew.

    Sex. Woman. Drum.

    Which of the above words doesn’t belong with the other two?

  186. Congressman Dick Tuck

    (snort) That needs a link to the Dick Pole baseball card.

    So was he a Scoop Jackson Democrat?

  187. rosie, iffin your still here, gimme a call.

  188. Darn, just killed my Balvenie 12 year.

  189. Sex. Woman. Drum.

    Which of the above words doesn’t belong with the other two?

    Sex. You can’t beat sex.

  190. Sex. Woman. Drum.

    Which of the above words doesn’t belong with the other two?

    Sex…You can beat a woman and you can beat a drum but you can’t beat sex.

  191. If you let the dog in it will shut up.


    My sister’s hubby, who is the nicest man in the world by the way, told that joke when we were in a car together and she punched him.

    I only can retain 3 jokes at a time and I’ve had that one for 10 years. It’s a good one if you want a wife punch.

  192. haha! Romy wins!!

  193. Romy,
    Did you share a dream/nightmare with us about being chased by a giant phallus?

    Was that you or PJM?

    Does anybody remember that?

  194. Which of the above words doesn’t belong with the other two?


  195. rosie, iffin your still here, gimme a call.

    You know I hate talking on the phone. ASSHOLE!!


  196. Does anybody remember that?

    I think that was rosetta’s dream. When he woke up he had a potato in his ass.

  197. Dick Tuck, including famous quote.

  198. Pupster, I had the nightmare about the sigma monsters, but that was a long time ago.

  199. Ok. Done skiing for the day.

  200. I had forgotten about all the funny shit he did to Nixon.

  201. Yeah, this was a while back. Never mind.

  202. Boy, I bet Dick Tuck was pretty high up on the Enemies List.

  203. Supposedly Dick inspired Nixon to hire Donald Segretti to orchestrate various dirty campaign tricks.

  204. I read the wiki entry.

    I think my favorite part was making his own billboards read “Dick Fuck”

  205. My favorite was the pregnant woman wearing the “Dick’s the One” t-shirt.

  206. sorry, Nixon’s the One.

  207. Romy, ‘splodey is prolly gonna be thin tonight, as I’m watching some old footage of C-130s.

    I’ll see what I can come up with later.

  208. Didn’t one of the hostages admit to attending the University of Michigan?

    Here’s evidence.

  209. Tricky Dick.

    Be a pretty good trick if I could pull it off now. I got tutored.

  210. S’awright, XBrad, I’m watching Mythbusters. They’re about to do the Gorn cannon.

  211. I was in elementary school when Tricky Dick was elected, but I wanted to vote for him.

  212. I also need a new one of these.,-2-dog.aspx
    Being unemployed sucks, I do not have the $ to buy it. (I just need the transmitter)

  213. I saw a thing on the local news about some idiot who Twittered (Tweeted? WTF?) the entire birth of her son. I can just see it:

    “LOL its crowning.”

  214. All I remember of Nixon was the wage freeze – my dad called him a s.o.b., and I was trying to figure out why sob was such a bad word that Dad spelled it out.

  215. I have only the vaguest recollections of Nixon. Or Ford. Carter, sadly, is seared, seared into my memory.

  216. Ick!
    Loch Dhu 10 year old black whisky sucks.

  217. Yes I remember price freezes on grocery items Romy. So the butchers invented new cuts of meat to get around it. (think Prime Rib, frozen vs Delmonico not frozen)

  218. I want to punch Eleanor Clift in the face.

  219. Sean, was that inspired by something, or just a general observation?

  220. Why do we always end up talking about bread here? NTTIATWWT.

  221. I’m watching the McLaughlin Group right now, and everybody but her was talking about how Obama’s economic policies were fucking up the country. She said they were “sound” and talked up his hopey changey nonsense in the campaign.

  222. I actually watched the Watergate hearings after school when I was a kid. I was fascinated by it. Mostly that so much of them were televised in an age when most big cities had at most, 5 to 7 TV channels. I think all three networks, ABC, NBC and CBS did rotating coverage (cause they sooooo wanted him to go down, which he deserved, but it wasn’t altruistic at all).

  223. I did too DiT, I remember Liddy being painted as Evil and Coleson being a moron. Afterward I kind of liked them both.

    Not to mention Monica!

  224. Elanor isn’t exactly a rocket scientist, is she?

  225. IIRC, Dad was less than a month away from a raise. I’m surprised he didn’t do a full Eddie.

  226. Liddy was the only one who said “fuck you, I’ll go to prison”.

  227. Romy, skip to about the 5:45 mark of this, and there’s some old school AC-130 footage.

  228. He did Dave,
    But he used to hold a lighter to his arm. So he was kind of a Masochist.

  229. ‘Sup, lotus eaters?

  230. Colson still gets portrayed as an asshole.

    He was, and he freely admits it, but he ain’t no mo’.

  231. I wonder if any of the code I wrote for the MC-130s is still being used?

    Hope I didn’t fuck it up.

  232. I haven’t gotten to the MC-130 parts yet, just airlift and AC-130.

    And I’m watching the F-111 episode also.

    I’ve got a nickel for the first person who can tell me what the F-110 was without having to look it up.

  233. Trying to follow this blog on the phone sux.

  234. Who’s Jose? I love him.

    MCPO I agree it sux to follow this blog on the phone! I’m in thr grocery store parking lot right now

  235. F-110 was a souped up Ford Pickup. Turbocharger and headers and shit.

    What did I win? A nickel? Alrighty then.

  236. Hi MCPO!
    It was a good day today here. How was it up north?

  237. The 111 was a sexy swing wing.
    Not sure about the 110 PG

  238. “I’m in thr grocery store parking lot right now”

    She’s wearing pants!

  239. Worst phone conversation ever.

    Does anyone else want to talk on the phone?

  240. Sorry, PG, no nickel for you.

    No bigots allow. Or Mexicans. Or pendejos.

  241. I’m not sure about the 110 either. I just know I had a 1970 model Ford F-100 from my junior year in HS (76) through about 1996 or so. I figure a F-110 must’ve been an upgrade full of after-market goodies.

    Actually I’m just talking out my ass due to acute boredom.

  242. scottw has the worst avatar in the history of time.

  243. My new beer of choice:

  244. I learned to drive in a 67 ford pickup in Dad’s orange grove PG. 300 straight 6 with 3 on the tree.

  245. scottw has the worst avatar in the history of time.

    You have to admire his creativity in using his own driver’s license picture.

  246. Why ya gotta be hatin on the meskins for? penche gringo

  247. Worst date ever.

  248. PG, I didn’t make the rules. Look at the tagline for the blog.

  249. You know I hate talking on the phone. ASSHOLE!!

    90 minutes later……

  250. And this is why Rosetta killed his mother.

  251. vmax, I inherited the 70 model from granddad after he got to old to drive. Of course the way that he proved he was to old to drive was by having numerous fender benders, so even though the truck was only 6 years old and had less than 50k miles, it looked like hammered shit. It was also a 3 on the tree and had absolutely no luxeries. No AC, no carpet, no radio, no electric windows. Heater, defroster, and wipers and that’s about it. Girls definitely had no problem keeping their panties on when I took them out in the F100. My other vehicle of choice for dating was my mom’s Chevy Kingwood Estate stationwagon with the wood panel sides. It wasn’t much for getting the panties wet either. My parents sabotaged the shit out of my sex life when I was young by being cheapskates when it came to automobiles.

  252. You have to admire his creativity in using his own driver’s license picture.

    What are you, a fucking weatherman now?

  253. PG, I didn’t make the rules. Look at the tagline for the blog.

    I get it.

  254. What are you, a fucking weatherman now?


  255. I get it.

    Not in that crappy pick-up truck, you don’t…

  256. My parents sabotaged the shit out of my sex life when I was young by being cheapskates when it came to automobiles.

    Yah…. that’s why you didn’t get laid….. it was the car….

  257. Andy, did you get your ragtop out today?

  258. And this is why Rosetta killed his mother.

    Because of a picture of scottw and lauraw? I don’t think so.

    *gets Hattori Hanzo sword out of storage*

  259. Andy, did you get your ragtop out today?

    Yes I did. What a beautiful day.

  260. Yah…. that’s why you didn’t get laid….. it was the car….

    My older brother had a International Harvester Scout.

    My younger brother had a Studebaker Commander.

    They both got laid more often than Dolly.

    Of course they both had a personality too.

    I rest my case.

  261. *pulls pin from grenade

  262. Yes I did. What a beautiful day.

    Yes it was. Washed, polished and waxed the cat and took her for a nice fast ride around the state.

    She truly enjoys exceeding 110mph.

  263. Sean, would you drive your flaming car through Rosetta’s living room again. That was fun.

  264. I can just imagine that the last 60 minutes of Wiser and Rosie’s 90 minute call went something like this:

    “I love you the most”

    “No, I love you the most”

    “No, I DO”

    “Nuhuh, I do”

  265. “I love you the most”

    “No, I love you the most”

    “No, I DO”

    “Nuhuh, I do”

    Amazing. That’s exactly how the conversation went….. when he put his wife on the phone.

  266. Wiserbud and Rosetta are both big smushies.

  267. Wiserbud and Rosetta are both big smushies.

    jealous much?

  268. I don’t even have to know Mrs. R to know she’d pull your arms and legs off like they were the wings of a fly.

  269. Washed, polished and waxed the cat and took her for a nice fast ride around the state.

    She truly enjoys exceeding 110mph.

    Washed, dropped the top and went winding around some local curvy country roads. Exceeding 100mph around here runs a good risk of merging you into a horse.

  270. It was even a beautiful day in the great Pacific NorthWet. If I wasn’t coughing my lungs up and blowing snot-from-hell, I’d have fired-up the Ducati and gone trolling for tickets. As it was, nobody likes to sneeze in a full-face helmet. Not even me.
    Look Wiserbud, weather related comment!
    Tomorrow, I’m gonna try the Chiefs’ recipe for banana-Bread!

  271. My parents sabotaged the shit out of my sex life when I was young by being cheapskates when it came to automobiles.

    hmm, gotta maintain the Volvo station wagon for a few more years.

  272. Dave, what do you think of Grapevine, Texas (or you other Texans)?

  273. Yep Roamy, that oughta do it.

  274. Bad news, Romy. Station wagons are great for sex.

    Get them a sub-compact.

    It can still work, but they gotta really work at it.

  275. Sean, would you drive your flaming car through Rosetta’s living room again. That was fun.

    For you, Mare? But of course.

    *sets smoldering wreck of car on fire afain*

    *drives through smoldering remains of living room*

    *gives Rosetta the finger on the way through*

  276. Exceeding 100mph around here runs a good risk of merging you into a horse.

    Three times I just barely missed getting caught speeding by a state trooper.

    It was a good day.

    What kind of car do you have?

  277. >> jealous much?

    You have no idea.

    >> Dave, what do you think of Grapevine, Texas

    I like it. Gotta check out spots for air traffic since it’s right there by DFW. Still has a small-town feel, even though it’s fast becoming a bedrooom community/suburb between Dallas and Ft. Worth.

  278. Dave, what do you think of Grapevine, Texas (or you other Texans)?

    I used to live in Southlake, an adjacent town. Grapevine’s nice, as are the other little towns near there (Colleyville, Keller, etc.).

  279. Mare, I live a half a day’s drive west of DFW and only know it mostly geographically. Not so much culturally or whatever. Grapevine sprang up around DFW airport 25 or 30 years ago. I think it’s the closest suburb to the north entrance of DFW. Probably fairly affluent. Next door Southlake is where a lot of the old Cowboy players live. One of my college aged daughters good friends is from Coppell which is another affluent suburb in that area.

  280. What kind of car do you have?

    ’05 Boxster S

  281. ‘05 Boxster S


    Here’s my cat. (well, not exactly mine…)

  282. Next door Southlake is where a lot of the old Cowboy players live.

    Yep. Nate Newton lived in our neighborhood, and Roy Williams (the safety) lived about 5 houses down when we first moved in. The house was on MTV Cribs, and they mangled the house to give it a little gangsta for the show. They had to completely gut and restore it to sell it … didn’t exactly match the character of the neighborhood.

  283. Nate Newton “a van full of maryjane ain’t no thang”

  284. Ol’ Jerry puts a premium on character and integrity, don’t he?

  285. “Here’s my cat. (well, not exactly mine…)”
    You bought it on credit? WTF, O? Why would you buy something you could not pay cash for in this economy? Are you mad? Do you not expect “The WON” to tank the credit market in the next few months?
    Nice car. The Older Jags we used to work with all had hand-prints on the trunk from being pushed into the dealerships to get them running again. Between British Leyland and Lucas, they were a nightmare. A GREAT idea, poorly executed. Back in the day, I had two Lotus Elans and a 911 Targa, and A BMW 2002 Tii. Great hobbies, poor reliable transportation.


  286. Didn’t one of the hostages admit to attending the University of Michigan?

    *slowly raises hand*

    Yeah, that was me.

  287. Get them a sub-compact.

  288. Michael, did you go to law school there?

  289. Here’s my cat. (well, not exactly mine…)


  290. I thought it was Michigan State?

  291. Dave, can you say what town you live in?

    If not, screw you.

  292. I managed to tap a girl in the back seat of a Dodge Colt.

    Of course, she was barely 5′ tall, and I was much more flexible in my youth.

  293. You bought it on credit? WTF, O?

    Actually, I bought that on eBay a few years back and yes, I paid cash. We’ve been pretty lucky with it so far, but damn, it hates the cold weather. And fixing it is rather expensive, to say the least.

    What I mean by “not exactly mine” is that I bought if for my bride. She wanted a new Chrysler Sebring convertible. I got this for less and, form what I’ve heard, made the wise choice.

  294. Nope, Mare, just undergrad business degree. Mostly finance.

  295. “I managed to tap a girl in the back seat of a Dodge Colt.”

    Did anyone else throw up in their mouths a little?

  296. I managed to tap a girl in the back seat of a Dodge Colt.

    If she’s willing, it does not matter what kind of car you are in.

  297. Michael, any thoughts on Grapevine?

    *sets smoldering wreck of car on fire afain*
    *drives through smoldering remains of living room*
    *gives Rosetta the finger on the way through*


  298. I thought it was Michigan State?

    Sideways with a pineapple, Dave.

    And deep.

  299. >> Dave, can you say what town you live in? If not, screw you.

    Email me for the screwing part.

    gooberintexas at gmail dahtcom

    But I grew up in Farmers Branch, N Dallas suburb. I know the area quite well, even though I live 128 miles south of it now on I-35, an hour north of Austin.

  300. Didn’t one of the hostages admit to attending the University of Michigan?

    Class of ’94.

  301. Christ, She wanted a Chrysler and you got her a Jag? She’s disappointed? Are you kidding me?
    I must be way too intoxicated for this conversation. Perhaps, not enough drugs. I’ll sign off and try to remedy that without dying.


  302. Evenin’, Hostages! How’s everyone this fine evening.

  303. My toy is MINE.

    The Mrs. hates driving it. Partly for the rough ride … it’s built to go fast and hold a curve not to cushion your ass. But mostly because I’m so particular about it.

    The only downside of it not being at least partly “hers” is that it makes it hard for me to complain about her closet full of shoes with that expensive bastard sitting out in the garage.

  304. Did anyone else throw up in their mouths a little?

    Probably not as much as xbrad’s conquest, once the rufies wore off.

  305. Dave, can you say what town you live in?

    I can. Dave lives in East Bumfuck, Texas. This is in central Texas between Dallas and San Antonio, but not the Hill Country, so it is pretty much the ugliest place south of the Mason Dixon line. I’m not making this up. Just google it.

  306. EMBER!!!

    **tries to tackle Sky, misses, runs into the wall, hurts back**

  307. It was even a beautiful day in the great Pacific NorthWet. If I wasn’t coughing my lungs up and blowing snot-from-hell, I’d have fired-up the Ducati and gone trolling for tickets.

    We took the boys to Frontier Park, found out that they took out the toys, and then when to Rainier Park. Beautiful day.

    Then the weekly grocery trip…with two very tired boys.

  308. West Bumfuck Mr. Spartan.

  309. “EMBER!!!

    **tries to tackle Sky, misses, runs into the wall, hurts back**”

    *blinks* You okay, xbrad? Looks like some whiskey’d cure that …

  310. it makes it hard for me to complain about her closet full of shoes with that expensive bastard sitting out in the garage.

    Heh. I pay for the car, I pay to fix the car, I pay for the gas, I pay for the tires, I wash, polish and wax the car, then, as a thank you, I get to drive “her car.”

    But it makes her very happy. And when’s she’s happy, I’m happy.

  311. EMBER!!!

    **tries to tackle Sky, misses, runs into the wall, hurts back**

    *steps over Brad, hugs Ember*

    Sweetie, if you lived here, I’d teach you how to shop for groceries.

  312. You know Rosetta, you may have to alter your comments on lefty blogs a bit too, they are apparently declining in traffic as well,

  313. You know Rosetta, you may have to alter your comments on lefty blogs a bit too, they are apparently declining in traffic as well,

    I dunno about that. Rutherford and Hippie Prof don’t seem to have a problem with traffic.

  314. She’s disappointed? Are you kidding me?

    Who said that? She was not happy when I told her we weren’t going to buy her new car that morning, until I told her I bought her the Jag instead.

    It’s been her dream car as long as I’ve known her. It was really cool to be able to get it for her.

  315. My brother moved all his stuff from Chicago to Augusta in a Dodge Colt. An incredible amount of shit shoehorned into that car.

  316. I’ll probably live, Ember.

    But I’m on the wagon for a couple days. Nothing hurts more than a hangover on top of this damn sinus infection.

    In fact, I’m really in the mood for a cup of cocoa and my jammies.

  317. Well, entirely possible BiW, but it appears some of the big ones are starting to see traffic declines.

  318. “It was really cool to be able to get it for her.”

    You will be married a long time, Wiser.

  319. In fact, I’m really in the mood for a cup of cocoa and my jammies.

    I’m in the mood for a good argument. Lacking that, I may just write a new post. I’ve had an idea brewing for a while now.

  320. “*steps over Brad, hugs Ember*

    Sweetie, if you lived here, I’d teach you how to shop for groceries.”

    I need someone to teach me. I freeze up when I shop for groceries. *shudders* Hate. Shopping. For. Groceries.

  321. *peers around* Are Rosetta or Clint around?

  322. And this is why he will be a one-term (or less) President.

  323. For Mare

  324. Well, entirely possible BiW, but it appears some of the big ones are starting to see traffic declines.

    Now that Mommies and Daddies can’t afford to let their ne’er do well children to continue to live in their basements and sponge off of them, the readers havv had to start working and Mickey D’s doesn’t pay enough for rent and the High Speed Internet?

  325. I’m in the mood for a good argument.

    Lee Harvey Oswald was the originbal teabagger….

  326. Love that song, Dave.

  327. Brad:

  328. Dave……..smooooooooooooch!

  329. I’m not a big C&W guy but I really loved playing this Pat Green tune.

  330. I need someone to teach me. I freeze up when I shop for groceries.

    I worked in a grocery store for 5 years. I can walk around one and tell you if it is a good one or a bad one in about 3 minutes.

    The bestest part of living on the West Coast is the fantastic produce. We bought some really terrific looking strawberries today, some really nice romaine, and the fresh cilantro was better than I could grow myself.

    Maybe cooking adds a new dimension to it.

  331. I need someone to teach me. I freeze up when I shop for groceries. *shudders* Hate. Shopping. For. Groceries.

    Isn’t that what your husband is for?

  332. I’m in the mood for a good argument.

    Lee Harvey Oswald was the originbal teabagger….

    I said a good argument. You wanna phone it in, write for IB. They love that weak shit over there.

  333. I’m not a big C&W guy but I really loved playing this Pat Green tune

    That’s a great one. Saw Pat play it live last night.

  334. Normally, xbrad, yes, but today, I had to do the shopping while he was busy on a playdate with Ember Jr’s new friend. It’s terrifying to me for some reason. I can never find anything, and I’m afraid to ask where anything is, because I feel like only an idiot wouldn’t be able to find bread in a damn grocery store and how the fuck do I know if the asparagus is any fucking good and what do you mean there’s fifty-seven different kinds of motherfucking chicken soup?!

  335. >> That’s a great one. Saw Pat play it live last night.

    No shit?

    First time I saw him was down at Gruene Hall.

    Good show.

  336. There’s only ONE kind of chicken soup, Campbells.

    Of course, then you have to choose between chicken noodle (the default choice), chicken and rice, or chicken and stars (always good with kids).

    Why the hell would you buy asparagus?

    Bread? Either the far right, or far left aisle.

  337. No shit?

    First time I saw him was down at Gruene Hall.

    He played the Boston House of Blues last night. Awesome show.

    Would love to see him at Gruene Hall. I saw him at Billy Bob’s once, and it was insane.

  338. Of course, Ember, I never walk into a grocery without a list of exactly what I’m gonna buy.

  339. Oh, and xbrad, we had asparagus and mushrooms and onions grilled in garlic butter and topped off with parmesean cheese today and it was delicious.

  340. His bass player, I forget his name, let me come up during the break and fart around with his equipment and stuff. We talked outside and smoked during the breaks, he was likely 10 years younger than me. an Austin boy who made his chops on 6th street.

  341. Mr. Ember gave me a list. But it wasn’t detailed enough for me, since I don’t shop. I’m sure when he wrote down “Chicken soup” he knew exactly which of the fifty-seven kinds he wanted to buy. I, on the other hand, was lost in a sea of cans. Then, like I said, there’s the finding of everything, and the telling whether things that aren’t in a can are any good.

  342. Michael, any thoughts on Grapevine?

    Sky gets free drinks on Thursday. She gets top shelf brands, depending on how much leg she shows.

    Unless Dave shows up. He might be OK with no leg.

  343. “Sky gets free drinks on Thursday. She gets top shelf brands, depending on how much leg she shows. ”

    Note to self: pack miniskirt.

  344. Sky, I loved that Buffy poster.

  345. Frickin’ Dave is actually a nice guy. I hate that about him.

  346. I knew you would, xbrad.

  347. Unless Dave shows up. He might be OK with no leg.


  348. Sky, next time the hubby sends you shopping, do what I do. Look in the coupon mailer they send out. Circle exactly what you want. Get that.

    And if that doesn’t work, grab the stock boy, flash a little skin. He’ll help you out.

  349. Lieutenant Dan, you got new laigs.

  350. Sky, I liked it so much, I put it up at my place.

    And, instead of watching two episodes of Sopranos tonight, I might just watch a little Buffy.

  351. “And if that doesn’t work, grab the stock boy, flash a little skin. He’ll help you out.”

    But again, that goes back to my fear of asking for help in a grocery store, since I imagine that the stock boy thinks only idiots can’t find things in a grocery store. I’m okay with being a skank, but I don’t want to be a stupid skank.

  352. Austin boy who made his chops on 6th street.

    Also known as Old Pecan Street. Used to be the coolest place in the Austin music scene.

  353. Oh fuck, I forgot…and they call Forrest the retard.

  354. I’m okay with being a skank, but I don’t want to be a stupid skank.

    That’s not how grocery stores work

  355. But again, that goes back to my fear of asking for help in a grocery store, since I imagine that the stock boy thinks only idiots can’t find things in a grocery store. I’m okay with being a skank, but I don’t want to be a stupid skank.

    As a former stockboy, I can tell you that you have nothing to worry about.

  356. “That’s not how grocery stores work”

    You can’t be a stupid skank in a grocery store?

  357. I remember some of the messages we’d pass…someone would walk past and say “Hot Mom in Aisle 4″…

  358. “I’m okay with being a skank, but I don’t want to be a stupid skank”


    “That’s not how grocery stores work”


    skank is one of my favorite slurs, you are not a skank.

  359. “As a former stockboy, I can tell you that you have nothing to worry about.”

    I have only three fears. All three of them are totally irrational. One of them is grocery shopping.

  360. >>>I’m okay with being a skank, but I don’t want to be a stupid skank.

    *thinks about that*

    OK, on Thursday night in Grapevine, I will pretend that I think you are intelligent.

  361. Only women with really fat asses can be stupid skanks.

    Provided you are your usual sunny self, the boys will be falling all over themselves to help you.

    It isn’t often they get treated like more than an annoyance.

  362. You can’t be a stupid skank in a grocery store?

    Its ok if you are operating a cash register.

  363. “OK, on Thursday night in Grapevine, I will pretend that I think you are intelligent.”

    You, sir, are a scholar and a gentleman.

  364. It isn’t often they get treated like more than an annoyance.

    Especially if they can’t use a floor waxer or are dumb enough to get suckered into going to other stores to borrow their skyhooks or dough pads.

    Lord we had some dumb ones darken our doors.

  365. Thanks, Mare, I appreciate that you think I’m not a skank. 😉

    Seriously, where the fuck are Rosetta and Clint? I’m not eating this Zero bar without at least one of them around.

  366. You keep saying “skank” like its a bad thing.

  367. I don’t think I’ve ever been bothered by a hot redhead asking for help.

  368. You keep saying “skank” like its a bad thing.

    You shut your whore mouth

  369. I’m serious, Sky. On Thursday, you can express your opinion about anything, and I will nod my head up and down and make eye contact and otherwise act like I think you are really smart.

    Assuming I see some leg. A little cleavage would also help.

  370. Assuming I see some leg. A little cleavage would also help.

    Does Cathy know you’re meeting one of the resident moron Hotties?

  371. “Assuming I see some leg. A little cleavage would also help.”

    Leg is easy. Cleavage is hard, since I have tiny bewbs. Not that I dislike my bewbs. They will never sag, after all.

  372. >> Does Cathy know you’re meeting one of the resident moron Hotties?

    She will surely be there, which will also be sweet. I hope I can make the run.

  373. Ember, when we meet (and eventually, we will), if you show me all your tattoos, I’ll show you all of mine.

  374. “Ember, when we meet (and eventually, we will), if you show me all your tattoos, I’ll show you all of mine.”

    *considers this* I don’t have to be fully naked to display all of my tattoos at once. Yet.

  375. Does Cathy know you’re meeting one of the resident moron Hotties?

    Yup. In fact, she is planning to go with me to meet Sky. Good decision.

    Cleavage is hard, since I have tiny bewbs. Not that I dislike my bewbs.

    Oh, don’t start making excuses. Those push-up bras at Victoria’s Secret can work wonders, and you know it.

  376. there might even be an exchange of firearms in the parking lot.

  377. “Those push-up bras at Victoria’s Secret can work wonders, and you know it.”

    Victoria’s Secret doesn’t carry my size in stores.

  378. Jesus Christ, is there ANY FUCKING PLACE OBAMA DOESN’T SHOW UP? Next he’s on America’s Most Wanted.

    And not as a suspect.

  379. She will surely be there, which will also be sweet. I hope I can make the run.

    You might get your .38 revolver back. If I am in a good mood.

  380. Brad: He’s coming to STL this week.


    When Bush would come to town, KMOX radio would bring on to provide analysis some of the local anti war leftists. I wonder if they will interview Gateway Pundit or the TeaParty people.

  381. Gentleman, get ready (with regards to Sky), every single news woman, celebrity, sports star or general tv/print personality, they are always even MORE attractive when you meet them in person.

  382. *adds Mare to the list of people to buy awesome presents for at Christmas time*

  383. BTW, Dave, if the fancy leather holster for your .38 smells like it has been repeatedly soaked in urine, that is not my fault.

    It was the dogs. They love that holster.

  384. Ember, when we meet (and eventually, we will), if you show me all your tattoos, I’ll show you all of mine.

    Nobody wants to see the Elmer Fudd on your buttcheek and the “wabbit” tracks leading down into your asshole.

  385. it will still put a bullet in your ass.

    Taurus makes a reliable weapon.

  386. Dave: True dat.

  387. I wonder if they will interview Gateway Pundit or the TeaParty people.

    Hahahahahahahahaha!!! You’re kidding, right?

  388. Sean:

    I was being facetious. Of course, I know how the MSM in STL operates, and I expect them to live down to their reputations.

  389. Gentleman, get ready (with regards to Sky), every single news woman, celebrity, sports star or general tv/print personality, they are always even MORE attractive when you meet them in person.

    Yeah, but, we are just talking about an ordinary, non-famous skank.

    A smart skank, to be sure. Still, I am getting ready to be underwhelmed. Her advance excuses about her hooters are not encouraging.

  390. I knew you were kidding, Ed. The media here in L.A. is pretty bad, too. But I’m sure you could have guessed that.

  391. “Yeah, but, we are just talking about an ordinary, non-famous skank.

    A smart skank, to be sure. Still, I am getting ready to be underwhelmed. Her advance excuses about her hooters are not encouraging.”

    Just because they’re small doesn’t mean they’re not terrific bewbs.

  392. Sky, I’m sure if you ask nicely, Dave will loan you his .38 to cap Michael in the kneecap.

    Or the back of the neck.

  393. Yeah, but, we are just talking about an ordinary, non-famous skank.

    Careful, Bruce, or I’ma pull down yer Batman underoos and shove that clarinet where the sun don’t shine.

  394. “Sky, I’m sure if you ask nicely, Dave will loan you his .38 to cap Michael in the kneecap.

    Or the back of the neck.”

    Excellent advice.

  395. Nobody wants to see the Elmer Fudd on your buttcheek and the “wabbit” tracks leading down into your asshole.


    Sean, you are almost funny enough to comment at IB.

  396. “Careful, Bruce, or I’ma pull down yer Batman underoos and shove that clarinet where the sun don’t shine.”

    *leaves whiskey on the windowsill for stalker as reward*

  397. Sean, you are almost funny enough to comment at IB.

    Why, I don’t think I’ve ever been so insulted in my life!

    (By the way, the tats described are based on a supposedly true story about a guy my friend’s older sister once knew.)

  398. *gulps whiskey*

    Thanks, Ember.

    I don’t stalk skanks.

  399. It’s things like that which make you my favorite stalker.

  400. **pouts**

    I’m really slacking off in my stalker duties.

  401. Sean: yeah. I am amazed taht the LAT keeps that one guy (Andrew Malcolm?) on the payroll. How dare a token non commie work there?

    As for our town, KMOX is weird. They air Limbaugh, but the morning hosts from 5-11AM are utter dogshit. And the guy after Limbaugh actually is kind of fair, but he constantly is doing updates on traffic or cows on the highway out in Franklin County.

  402. “I’m really slacking off in my stalker duties.”

    Well, you’re sick. I forgive you.

  403. Who wouldn’t want to know about cows on the highway?

    Better that than most of what passes for news reporting these days.

  404. I really hate to say it, but Kristen Stewart looks pretty good as a young Joan Jett.

  405. I am amazed taht the LAT keeps that one guy (Andrew Malcolm?) on the payroll. How dare a token non commie work there?

    There was a column from one of their media critics today that made my blood boil. It was about the Climategate emails, and he basically said that they showed nothing more than that the scientists involved had done nothing more than displayed a slightly bad attitude toward their critics.

    The phrase “Hide the decline” did not appear in the column. I know, shocking.

  406. Watching Food Network makes me hungry.

  407. It’s things like that which make you my favorite stalker.

    *leaves Val-U-Rite vodka, single red rose on porch*

    *rings doorbell*

  408. yeah. That Hide The Decline stuff is why I love c-bullitt’s site. He and McGoo are fucking the AGW’s shit up until the cock crows twice.

  409. “*leaves Val-U-Rite vodka, single red rose on porch*

    *rings doorbell*”

    Yay! A rose! *drinks Val-U-Rite, leave some on windowsill, hangs rose from ceiling to dry* I have rather a lot of dried roses.

  410. I have rather a lot of dried roses hobo carcasses.

  411. Herro?

  412. Working on a new poat. It’s gonna SUUUUUUUCK!!!!

  413. Yay! A rose!

    It depends on the species. Roses vary greatly in terms of fragrance.

    The basic technique of hanging them upside down to preserve the fragrance is timeless.

  414. Nice HTML, Batface.

  415. Ember Jr. knows how much I love roses, and every time we pass flowers (in a grocery store, at a market, whatever) she begs to buy me some. It’s darling.

  416. No, Michael, Sky has print work experience. She will be even prettier than her pictures.


  417. “No, Michael, Sky has print work experience. She will be even prettier than her pictures.


    *pours Mare whiskey*


  419. Mare, it isn’t nice to pick on retards like Michael.

  420. Thanks, Sky. Can I have a double?

  421. For you, doll? Anything.

    *makes it a double*

  422. I never suspected that we were in the presence of a prophet. A modern day Ezekial. Will there be a book in the bible someday named “Rosetta”? If so, chapter 6 will probably be about douching.

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