Sohos Update


I just talked to Count and Sohos. She’s having a surgery in an hour to “open up her foot and scrape and clean the skin out of the bone”. She has one of those morphine drips with the button and it soumds like she’s hitting that button like mesa going at a pound of bacon. Yep, our lil Sohos is high as a kite. After this surgery, she has another surgery on Thursday to “close it up”. She has to stay in the hospital 5 days after the last surgery before she can go home. All in all, it sounds like she’s doing the best she can.

I did ask her about the cause of her accident and she said two words “Ten Indians”.


  1. man, sohos has had a pretty bad year so far…..

  2. wow.

    Hope everything goes well.

  3. Would that be ten “Indians” or ten Indians?

  4. It was a direct quote, Tea. “Ten Indians”.

  5. “…clean the skin out of the bone.”


  6. Yuck! I’ll be thinking good thoughts.

  7. Good thoughts going out to her.

  8. As someone who’s had major leg surgery, I pass on my best wishes. It’s not gonna be fun, but hang in there, Sohos.

  9. Did it with my wrist the summer before High School. Nothing quite like metal in your body.

  10. “…clean the skin out of the bone.”

    That mental image really increases the pucker factor for me. Hope all goes well.

    *gets the chills

    *still wants to see injury pics and surgery vid

    *plans experiment with a chicken leg

  11. I thought it was her femor. The foot thing is bad, however, after watching the Joe Thiesman video (I didn’t actually watch it again because when I see that video I need morphine and therapy) maybe the foot injury is better.

    Keep hitting that button, Sohos! Wish I had a button (to hit for morphine).

  12. Double ouchies.

  13. Why are the comments loading strangely?

  14. Mare, they were doing that last night. It’s almost like wordpress is holding them until it gets a few before it dumps them.

    Also, sohos may have her foot confused with her leg.

  15. The whole internetwebtubes are slow today. Earlier this morning, none of my favorite haunts would load. “Can Not Find Server”.

    *shakes fist at sky


  16. I don’t think slow adequately describes this snail crawl.

  17. Fast for me.

  18. Complain Complain Complain.

    You all will get the intertubenetwebbiethinggies that the Obamessiah lets you have, and you’ll like it.


    How Obama feels about us, and our allies.

  20. Poor Sohos. Get better soon.

  21. I bet it was them dot Indians what done it. They’re savages

  22. I hear Wicked Pinto has sent dead flowers.

  23. “I bet it was them dot Indians what done it. They’re savages”

    *shakes fist at sky. TUSHAR!!!!!!

  24. How much you wanna bet the doctor took a quick look at her chest while she was out.

  25. I’ve been running a question around in my own head and would like your opinion, although I don’t know if this is the place for it; at what point do conservatives, patriots, concerned Americans, defenders of the Constitution actually take to the streets. In other words, what is the last straw for you guys?

    Without giving it too much thought my husband said, “when they go door to door for the guns.” And he’s no gun nut (pardon the expression).

    I don’t know myself, but I really hate the whole idea of hate crime and the thought crime movement. In Canada, they recently passed a law (and I don’t really understand it yet) that can criminalize speech that offends the “feelings” of the victim/offended.

    Where do you think a good place to discuss this would be? This site is really about humor (or attempted humor) and I respect that and think it should stay that way. But I think there are some smart people here and would value your opinion.

    Yeah, I know THREAD KILLER!!!!!!!!

  26. (good point, Justin. I updated the Indian pictures)

  27. Mare, we’ve had quite serious discussions and posts here. Would you care to become an author? I can’t speak for anyone else here, but I wouldn’t mind if you were an author.

  28. Wait it wasn’t Canada, I think it was England. Whatever.

  29. I think you are correct and that it is Canada. I remember Mark Steyen was caught up in it.

  30. PattyAnn, when Rosetta posted that picture of the girl holding her computer trying to insert a floppy disc, it was eerily close to my knowledge of computers. For example when I link I screw it up or when I try to download pictures you never know what will happen. My husband and children are masters and I’ve become dependent on their knowledge.

    Short version, I think I should remain a commenter.

  31. See, I want to link the article, however, I will spend hours looking for it and then try to link it and will end up linking my daughter’s cat photos.

    This law is actually brand new and is even more far reaching than Styne’s lawsuit.

  32. You people are all incredibly lame ever since you booted the Wicked Pinto. I’d suggest changing your names to “The Groundeds” since you all behave like a bunch of school children who got caught staying out 10 minutes past curfew. There’s no edge.

    Granted this may not be the post to be making this point, it needs to be made.

    My best goes out to Sohos for a speedy recovery. Goodbye, forever, to the rest of you. I hope you find comfort in your hermetically sealed universe. I’ll find irreverent humor elsewhere.

  33. Mare:
    I have to run home and tend to some sh&t, but I may put up something tonight.

  34. Hate crimes legislation of any sort is bad. And of course, so is the pernicious “thought crime” mentality in Britain. Canada had a defacto hate/thought crime tribunal under their Human Rights Commission. Steyn put a dent in that, but it ain’t dead yet.

    As is usual, when criminalizing activity based on the perception of the “victim” you remove any objectivity from a standpoint of justice. Any busybody can use the legislation to stifle speech or just turn justice on its head and use it to persecute an innocent for personal gain or satisfaction.

    At what point do we rise and take to the streets? I’ve always said the Constitution is only operative when 51% of the people still think it works. I’m curious what percentage right now think it does?

  35. Dear Fierce Scorpion,




  36. xbradtc good point on the Constitution.

    For others, what if we were taxed at 40-50%? Would that move some of you to do something you’ve never done before? Whatever that may be.

    I know before Reagan the wealthiest were taxed around 70%. I would have moved or done something illegal to evade the tax. Just being honest.

  37. Bye scorp.

    Won’t miss you – you weird fuck.

  38. Mare:

    “The Groundeds” pick up their dolls and go home.

    Can “The Groundeds” make it any clearer?

  39. We can wait to discuss until Eddie posts something.

    We can rip on Fierce Scorpion. He wants us to be irreverent here. Yeah, we’re NEVER irreverent here.

  40. Mare, when Reagan came into office, the top marginal tax rate was 69%. But nobody paid that. There were loopholes, that the wealthy exploited. One of the big reasons for the success of the Reagan tax cuts was that when the marginal rates came down, the extra savings provided by the loopholes didn’t justify the hassle and expense of using them, so rich people instead opted to quit using loopholes and pay taxes instead. A lot of rich people actually paid more in taxes than before, but didn’t have to employ dodges to avoid taxation.

    And Fierce? Did you read ‘pinto? No one has excommunicated him. No one has banned him. He’s as welcome or more so than you are.

  41. “The Groundeds”

    I’ve admitted my stupidity here many times FS, so I’m not ashamed to say, what the heck are the Groundeds?

  42. “Mare, when Reagan came into office, the top marginal tax rate was 69%. But nobody paid that. There were loopholes, that the wealthy exploited. One of the big reasons for the success of the Reagan tax cuts was that when the marginal rates came down, the extra savings provided by the loopholes didn’t justify the hassle and expense of using them, so rich people instead opted to quit using loopholes and pay taxes instead. A lot of rich people actually paid more in taxes than before, but didn’t have to employ dodges to avoid taxation.”

    I did have an understanding of that. What if there were no loopholes?

  43. Goodbye, forever, to the rest of you. I hope you find comfort in your hermetically sealed universe.

    Ummmmmm, okay…….

    Sorry our jobs and stuff get in the way of our bringing you the type of humor you pay all that good money for each and every day, douchebag.

    And sorry we haven’t continued to perform for you up to your exacting standards since we moved. Considering your constant stream of hilariously funny comments that just sort of overwhelmed the old place an a daily basis, this new place must seem like a real let-down to ya.

    Dude, seriously, I’m gonna miss you like a fucking tick. You bring nothing to the table and then throw this shit out? What a whiny little cock-sucking bitch you are.

    You want edgy? How’s this? Fuck you very much. Edgy enough for ya?

    So please, don’t feel like you need to waste any more of your precious time here. Time that would be much better spent banging your oh-so-hot porn-star wife, superstar.

  44. I’m breaking Lent this one time and I really hope God forgives me.

    Two things.

    1- Sohos sweetheart, I’m so sorry this happened to you. You’re such a doll. I hope you have insurance since you don’t have a job. YIKESSSS!!! Recover quickly darling.

    2- I’m soooo glad Fierce Scorpion is gone. He was such an ass. The blog will only be improved with his absence.

    Good bye now. I have to go to confession.

  45. Nothing prepares you for a career evaluating commenters as funneh or not like a career in gay porn.

  46. Yeah, PJM!!! God forgives you, I just know it. Can’t wait till your back!

  47. like a career in gay porn.

    Does being the fluffer on bestiality flicks really count as a career?

  48. Would someone please tell me what “Groundeds” refers to?

  49. Now, who’s the most hated commenter, Huh? Huh?

  50. Would someone please tell me what “Groundeds” refers to?

    He’s trying to sling shit about us moving over here. Like we give a flying fuck what some retarded douchbag freak thinks about that decision.

  51. Worst Children’s Movies

    Fierce Scorpion’s wife in The Big Red One

  52. Does being the fluffer on bestiality flicks really count as a career?

    So your job sucks, wiser. I don’t see what that has to do with this.

  53. Ahhhh! the edge I’ve missed so much. Thank you Mesa, Wiser, and PM.

    Rather than polllute your pages any more, can someone at least give me a link so I can finally figure out what led to the disbanding of the original Hostages?

  54. Not So Fierce Scorpion shows his ass and it looks a lot like a dartboard.


  55. Fierce Scorpion’s Chocolate Factory

  56. Fierce Scorporion in The Loonies

  57. Ahhhh! the edge I’ve missed so much. Thank you Mesa, Wiser, and PM.

    Yeah, I figured as much. You like when we use dirty words, FS? Does that make you giggle like a little schoolgirl?

  58. Fierce Scorpion in Play Fisty for Me

  59. “so I can finally figure out what led to the disbanding of the original Hostages?”

    You come in here spouting your crap and you didn’t even read anything that happened at the old blog? Look it up yourself, jerk.

  60. Fierce Scorpion in Star Whores

    Wait, he already did that one last time.

  61. Wow!!! SoHoS vs. Ten Indians!!! Wow, that little girl can hold her own in a fight!!! Move over John Wayne!

  62. I thought FS came here to decry us and defend WP.

    He hasn’t even read the stuff that lead to the move? Strange.

  63. I am guessing Mare that he thinks that the children (us) were grounded by WP or something. Or that we are just being childish in abandoning WP.

  64. SoHoS winds up with a broken leg. I wonder what the Indians looked like…..

  65. Oh, grounded as in punished. His capitals and quotation marks led me to believe he was referencing some movie or something else.

  66. He hasn’t even read the stuff that lead to the move? Strange.

    He’s been busy. Something about breaking the Guinness record for getting the most cocks in his ass at one time.

    I saw your little fucktard comment over the old place, FS. Your comment wasn’t deleted, douchenozzle. Look up, you fucking moron. It’s right there, in all it’s brilliantly hilarious glory.

    You want to be a dick, at least get your facts straight. We don’t moderate and we don’t delete comments. You want to show the world what a fucking tool you are, who are we to stop you?

  67. Rather than being coy, which I can do as well, a nice two sentence summary of what happened at the last site would be useful, at least to me. From what I can glean having read the posts is as follows:

    1. WP got mad at SoHos for something she said about Moz(sp.);

    2. WP is in a relationship with Moz(sp.);

    3. SoHos is in a relationship with ? (I truly don’t know);

    4. WP got totally out of line with SoHos, apologized, but that wasn’t good enough. So all of the posters left, presumably at the behest of SoHos and ?.

    That’s the sum of my knowledge and why I asked for a link.

    If you want to get rid of me all you need do is explain what happened.

  68. Wiserbud:

    I apologize, my message was not deleted. More had come after my post. I retract the comment. All I want to know is what happened.

  69. And, my overall point is, in this day and age of the healing of The Messiah, what possibly could have happened to lead to the break up of a great site?

  70. Fierce, you cocksucking tool, you sure know how to win friends and influence people. Dale Carnegie bows at your feet.

  71. So all of the posters left, presumably at the behest of SoHos and ?.

    You presume a lot. No one asked us to leave. This was a decision based on a history, not just a one-time event. I truly apologize for not clarifying that earlier for you to your satisfaction. Would you like a refund?

    All the posters left because this is not the first time something like this has happened and we were just making it clear that it would be the last, at least as far as we were going to be associated with it.

    As for the rest of our little “high school drama” if it’s so fucking dull and childish to you, why do you care so much? Track down pinto, find out what he plans to do and follow him around if you like. No one said he had to shut that place down and no one said he had to change, as he obviously does not think he needs to.

    We just didn’t feel the need to be a part of it anymore. Our choice. No one is “punishing” anyone, as you seem to imagine.

  72. Xbradtc: I’m not trying to win friends or influence people, I’m trying to gain information.

    Why is everyone so closed lipped? I’ve been trying to get the same information from Wicked Pinto and get the same non-response.

    What is everyone so afraid of?

    Grow up people.

  73. yeah. we’re afraid. that’s the reason we haven’t broadcast this whole thing.

    scary smart, you are.

  74. FS, I would stay at the old Hostages and enjoy WP’s irreverent humor there. Don’t come here, we’re pretty boring and humorless.

  75. Wiserbud:

    Thank you. Finally, someone is willing to give me a straight, yet obtuse, answer.

  76. FS, no one has brought the drama here. We’re having a pretty good time. It seems as though everyone left the drama at WP’s.

  77. What is everyone so afraid of?

    Grow up people.

    fs, if you are so concerned about what happened, go research it for YOURSELF. Its pretty well laid out.

  78. Why is everyone so closed lipped? I’ve been trying to get the same information from Wicked Pinto and get the same non-response.

    Prolly because it is a family matter and none of your damn business, no matter how much you stomp your foot and fling poo at the people who you blame for somehow wrecking your intertubbiewebbienetthinggie experience. I don’t come to your house and demand to know why every guy and the milkman is banging your pornstar wannbe wife, and your kids don’t like you and the dog pisses on your leg, because it is none of my business.

    Your assumptions illustrate why assumptions are frequently bad, and your nose is apparently way longer than your dick. You may now remove it from our business and piss off.

  79. To paraphrase the “Boss”, “Sometimes, just sometimes, BiW is my hero”.

  80. I’m a casual observer of the site and regretted when all of the acrimony started, at least the acrimony I observed. I had no idea that the conflict had such a long history. I should not have inserted myself in it except that my curiosity about one of my favorite sites having such controversy perplexed me. My allegiance, misguided as it may have been, was to Wicked Pinto as I enjoyed his posts at Ace. That led me to the Hostages. Thus, I reflexively took his side upon reading the old site prior to discovering the new site. PM did e-mail me about the new site late last week, thank you. I meant no disrespect to any of you but wanted to know the story.

    You all take care. Mesa: keep up the food posts, I’m always hungry.

  81. BTW, FS, I had considered deleting your comment for a moment, but not because I didn’t want to make any mention of this here, but to protect pinto from asshole comments like yours. I left it mainly because it was funny.

    Regardless of what went down, I still like pinto and hold no ill will towards him.

  82. Passive-Agressive much?

  83. Regardless of what went down, I still like pinto and hold no ill will towards him.

    Can’t speak for anybody else, but that goes for me as well.

  84. To paraphrase the “Boss”, “Sometimes, just sometimes, BiW is my hero”.

    Sox, I’m betting the Boss has never said anything about me that did not include the word “Asshole” or “Dickhead”, but I’ll give up a cat treat for that one anyway.

  85. I’ll give up a cat treat for that one anyway.

    You is so damn easy!

  86. I hear Wicked Pinto has sent dead flowers.

    You people are all incredibly lame ever since you booted the Wicked Pinto. I’d suggest changing your names to “The Groundeds” since you all behave like a bunch of school children who got caught staying out 10 minutes past curfew. There’s no edge.

    Granted this may not be the post to be making this point, it needs to be made.

    My best goes out to Sohos for a speedy recovery. Goodbye, forever, to the rest of you. I hope you find comfort in your hermetically sealed universe. I’ll find irreverent humor elsewhere.

    That’s not a request for information. That’s shitting on the carpet. And now you wanna claim you just want to know what’s going on. Fuck you, that’s what’s going on. If you wanna be a dick, be a dick. Don’t backtrack and claim you just wanted to understand the problem.

    This is a remarkably open and welcoming group. Hell, they let BiW author posts here. But if I had the banhammer here, you’d be toast. This isn’t the first time you’ve come in and stunk up the place and then pleaded for understanding. If it was a one time thing, I’d be pretty understanding. People fuck up. But you’ve established a pattern of being a douchenozzle and then wanting us to forgive you for being an ass. Um. No.


  87. BiW, it’s a paraphrase, cuz I said that about Mesa when he told Folly to get him a sammich.

  88. Xbradtc:

    I did get your attention. That was my goal. Haven’t you ever seen an episode of “House?”

  89. Ummm…xBrad…what’s your situation?

  90. Er, um, FUCKING FELDSPAR!?

  91. You know, I’ve never been a proponent of banning anyone or deleting their comments. Unless, of course, you are like SheWhoWillNotBeNamed. Self-proof that you are a clown cannot be improved upon.

    That said, absolutely nothing stops me from completely ignoring Fierce Scorpion in the future. And I will. If he told us the truth about his wife, I still wish her good health.

  92. Unless, of course, you are like SheWhoWillNotBeNamed.

    pajama momma?

  93. PattyAnn:

    My wife resumed work last Tuesday, thanks for your well wishes.

  94. Ummm…xBrad…what’s your situation?

    I’m single, horny, have a thing for older women.

    And I’ve fucked feldspar once or twice, but I was really drunk.

  95. Ummm…xBrad…what’s your situation?

    I’ll answer that.

    Dire. He lives alone with a stupid CAT.

  96. Somehow, I don’t think that came out just right…..

  97. Oh, and ‘Feldspar’ was a midget Bubble Dancer.

  98. heh heh heh.

    stupid cat…..



  99. Sox???


    stupid cat….

  100. wiser, I love that video.

    I show it to Sox damn near every day. Helps remind him which of us has a bigger brain stem.

  101. For Mesa:

  102. Wiser, I still have the knot on my head, am in pain, and yet you mock me! At least you ain’t as mean as BrewFan.

  103. Rub it in, “Boss”, just Rub it in……

  104. Laterz…..

  105. wiser, I love that video.

    Makes me cry every time I see it.

    Cats is teh stoopid…

  106. Helps remind him which of us has a bigger brain stem.

    Okay, don’t keep us all in suspense here, brad…..

    Which one?

  107. Cats have a reputation for agility and grace. Sox has displayed none of either characteristic. Plus he sheds.

  108. At least you ain’t as mean as BrewFan.

    Brewfan is mean? How did I miss that? I thought he was just a Grumpy Old Men wannabe.

  109. wiser, you tell me.

    Sox is meowing at a bug on the front doorstep, and I’m making fun of you, a lawyer, and a gay porn star.

  110. heh. stoopid kat

  111. We’re getting that weird lag in updating comments. Or FS banned me.

  112. Test.



  113. Someday, which will go down in history as “the last comment before the banhammer” I will, in no uncertain terms, state my opinion of this whole matter. Until then, as a show of my support for the good people at H the 2, I have gone to the great lengths and effort to change my bookmark to come here directly upon entering the internettubes. Cuz yer worth it!

    Oh, and FS, you’re a fucking fool if you think anyone told me which blog I can or can not visit. That ultimatum was never put on the table for anybody, you asinine ignorant jerk. Now, take your fuck-off attitude and go fuck-off with it.

  114. Well, all I wanted to say was “clean skin out of the bone”? Holy Fucking Shit!!

    Heal up soon gal. Glad to hear they gave you one of those Morphine Buddies.

  115. During my Dad’s last illness, right before the end, he couldn’t even use a morphine buddy, but instead we administered it orally with an eyedropper. It’s a damn shame I get sick from damn near any opiates, cuz I had a shitload of that stuff laying around.

  116. everybody know I was just kidding up there ^^, the first paragraph, anyway…well, more like the first sentence….well, more like just the part about stating my opinion….the part about going to great lengths – that’s true.

  117. For Mesa:

    I want that.

  118. KKA, I would actually love to hear your thoughts on the situation. I respect your opinion. I have my own and that won’t change but it’s interesting to hear others thoughts.

  119. Thank you Mare! I respect yours as well. You’ve been on FIRE at Ace’s and funny as all heck on here!

    Email me at anniebananski at gmail.

  120. ………….and it’s dead.

    *gets out electrical cord*

    *takes out portable heat lamp*

    *takes bulb out of socket*

    *wets down the blog*

    *plugs in the cord and throws the socket on the blog*


    nope, still dead.

  121. Nah, it’s not dead. It’s pining for fjords…

  122. **** Ducks back in Quick ****

    Miss KKA, its not officially dead ’til SeaNm shows up.

  123. Wiserbud:

    Nice post you just made on the old Hostages site in response to another casual poster like myself (utter fail). The casual poster simply wants to know what happened to a good thing, like I was inquiring.

    If you folks didn’t keep things so close to the vest maybe the rest of us would understand.

    Must be incestuous, otherwise you’d let us know.

  124. Oh, c’mon Miss KKA,you know, SeaNm, the Thread Coroner.

  125. any hostages live between Oklahoma city and amarillo?

  126. Wiserbud:

    “Perhaps if you actually knew what you were talking about, you might have a slightly different opinion.”

    Your recent post on the old Hostages to a another casual observer like myself. How can we have a different opinion when no one on the new site will give us the facts on what happened?

    Why are you all keeping it so close to the vest? Some big secret we non-Hostages are not worthy of knowing?

  127. FS, (or is that Joe) you ignorant slut. I’ve been on this blog longer than you have and even I don’t know everything that happened. Not all of it’s my business. Difference between you and I, tho, is that I know if it was serious enough to cause a split it’s pretty fuckin’ serious. Serious and personal. Go bugger off and quit trying to open wounds for your own sick entertainment.

  128. xbrad,
    I will send you a fedex envelope.

  129. If you folks didn’t keep things so close to the vest maybe the rest of us would understand.

    Again with the attitude that you are somehow entitled to an explaination. You aren’t, and have already been told. Do I have to stop being polite for you to get the point?

  130. Kornblatt and Blackis(whatevertherestofyournameis):

    You’re both lame. Reminds me of the government.

    Either in the sunshine or don’t continue on with your “oh let’s all have fun” bullshit.

    Bring it on Consigliere, don’t be polite. I shit bigger than you.

  131. IMO it’s not as if everything is being kept close to the vest, just that it is kind of personal so no one wants to talk about it. I get that

    I developed an unfunny comedy routine that relates to this. It isn’t funny but it relates.

    Comedian stands on the stage:

    Every fucking man in here knows the exact length and possibly the circumference of his penis, every fucking one of them. No one is going to talk about it but I guarantee each one of you has measured your penis at least once in your life. Look around, each man knows what I am saying is true.

    Now just because people know things doesn’t mean they need to share it, or want to share it. It is what it is. Not holding close to vest, just being discreet.

  132. I love the new blog…it is like watching reruns of Laguna Beach but without the hot chicks

  133. I like pie.

  134. HAHAHA!!!

    The way that shoe was laced, the bitch was asking for it.

  135. Oh, and Hi Hostages.

    Great news about Sohos. Thanks for the update, PA.

  136. At least you ain’t as mean as BrewFan.

    Who? Me?


  137. “I shit bigger than you.”

    Then I suggest you wipe better next time, cuz the stench you bring with you is overwhelming.

  138. wiser, ping my Yahoo email.

  139. “without the hot chicks”

    What the Hell?

  140. Either in the sunshine or don’t continue on with your “oh let’s all have fun” bullshit.

    Fiewce Scowpion: you were at best a marginal entity at the other site, and here, you are little more than a child, jumping up and down, screaming “MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEME! LOOKIT MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEME!!!”

    Now run along. If you hurry, I’m sure you Mommy will give you a cookie and maybe even let you sit on her lap, if it is a slow night and there aren’t any johns drunk enough to sweep a ten-spot under her nose.


  142. Kornkat Annie:

    With a name like that you shouldn’t make jokes about toilet paper. BTW, I’m not “Joe” whoever that is. I’m a disgruntled viewer who has not been able to get a straight answer from anyone from this site all day, with the exception of Wiserbud who gave me incomplete, unsatisfying answers. How can my stench be overwhelming when I am the one asking quesitons and you (and the others) are the ones who refuse to answer.

  143. I too, am a huge fan of pie.

    It’s true. You can ask around.

  144. I baked you a pie on Saturday and you didn’t show up, so we ate.

  145. it

  146. FS, why don’t you ask Wickedpinto? If you really want to know, badger him for information. He likes to talk.

  147. aw hell.


    what kind?

  148. Dave – cherry custard. It was quite nummy.

  149. “disgruntled viewer”

    HAHAHAH…… a what? Did you think this was “The View”? CNN? “Smarter Than a Fifth Grader”? WTH?

    Turn your ticket in at the door, and have the receptionist / stage hand validate your parking.

  150. FS I don’t really know what happened and I’ve moved on with my life. I didn’t demand people tell me. I just moved on. The commenters are here, they’re funny, it works, what’s the problem? If you feel a certain loyalty to WP no one is going to hold that against you.
    If you enjoy the banter here stay. it’s not complicated nor are there secret cabals working behind the scenes.

  151. Black(whatevertherestofyournameis):

    I checked your website, I see you’re a lawyer, what do you know, me too!

    Ever heard of discovery? Me neither.

    Speaking of MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEME, all of my inquiries have been about UUUUUUUUUUU (collectively the Hostages). No satisfactory response, as of yet. If you would have checked, as your liability insurance would require you to do if you were in private practice, but you’re you’re probably in government or academic practice since you have a website, (“Those that can’t do, teach, those that can’t teach, teach gym”) you would have noticed that all I have done is made inquiry. My inquiry has not been adequately responded to.

    Oh, there have been bits and pieces, but all responses so far demand a “Motion to Compel.” You probably don’t know what that is since you don’t practice but that is a means of asking a court to tell the non-responsive party to comply.

  152. When the heck is Rosetta getting here so we can work him over?

  153. “My inquiry has not been adequately responded to”

    The problem is you think you have a right to know, you don’t.

    As a lawyer you should know, not all inquiries are answered.

    This isn’t a courtroom. Get over it.

  154. FS,
    Where did you attend Law School?

  155. Mare,
    Have you ever read Hotel Honolulu by Paul Theroux?

  156. This is comedy gold. A lawyer that is either too lazy, too stupid or too ,,,nope, those are the only two choices – to go back through the old blog and read. 98.9% of everything is there.

    god help your “clients”

  157. Korncat Annie:

    You didn’t respond to my joke. You know, you shouldn’t make toilet paper jokes given your name which includes “Korn.” Isn’t that a Hostages type joke? Ha, Ha, Ha.

  158. Scorpion, i don’t know anymore than you and i’ve been hanging out here for two years (don’t believe me? This is my first comment here, check the date) and i don’t want to know. I like Wicked and i like Sohos and whatever happened is between them. As for the blog being moved, that’s between Wiser and Wicked i’d imagine, it’s really none of my, or your business. I’m sure there’s other reasons for it besides whatever happened between Wicked and Sohos, but like i said, that’s their business, not ours. They’re the proprietors here, not us.

  159. No, Uniball. Is it good? What’s the premise?

  160. “Isn’t that a Hostages type joke? Ha, Ha, Ha.”

    Are you kidding me? A hostage would be flogged for something that lame.

  161. Mare, did you get your email?

  162. Forged, that was an excellent first comment. God only knows how stupid mine was. Anyone?

  163. KKA, checking now.

  164. Ever heard of discovery? Me neither.

    Never. I only educate opposing counsel on it at least once a week, if not more.

    No satisfactory response, as of yet.

    Which authority conferred upon you the right to issue such requests, counselor?

    If you would have checked, as your liability insurance would require you to do if you were in private practice, but you’re you’re probably in government or academic practice since you have a website

    Keep telling yourself that, sparky.

    Oh, there have been bits and pieces, but all responses so far demand a “Motion to Compel.”

    Thus being the first time in the history of American Jurisprudence that a non-party to a case, who doesn’t even have standing with regard to the controversy at bar seriously attempted to serve discovery requests on a party. Good luck with that, Mr. Darrow.

    You might just find out that CR 11 has a completely different meaning here.

  165. ‘Sup ‘Stages?

    Wut ‘da 411?

  166. Never mind – I just read backwards.

    The older I get, the more nothing changes. :mrgreen:

  167. Wadup Tea.

  168. I hope we don’t get billed for this.

  169. Mare,
    It is a really funny book about a guy from the mainland who ends up as the manager of the Hotel Honolulu. The hotel kind of catches all the dregs and quirky people that come to Honolulu. It is really funny.

    You know how Waikiki gets its share of crazies, and kind of middle-income tourists who only stay in the Waikiki area? It is about that group and the quirky local celebrities that inhabit the island.

    I really enjoyed it and the writer nailed the city. I mean fucking nailed it.

  170. Wadup Tea.

    Nada – getting itchin’ to do some fishin’.

    Ain’t been out since October.

  171. Fierce,
    While you are obnoxious, you are welcome here. We have had too much drama lately and really do not want to rehash it. Tone it down and someone will take you off moderation.

  172. The hotel kind of catches all the dregs and quirky people that come to Honolulu. It is really funny.

    Reminds me of a TV show from the mid-’70s (or thereabouts) – “Key West”. LImited run, but I really liked that show.

    Then again, most network TV I like doesn’t make it past a second season.

  173. I hope we don’t get billed for this.

    ~~ shakes fist at sky ~~


  174. *heart flutters8

    I loves me a man that can take charge.

  175. Key Weird lives up to its name.

  176. We have had too much drama lately

    Yeah – it’s enough to make the poor white Techno-Viking cry.

  177. I loves me a man that can take charge.

    Sorry. Cash only.

  178. Speaking of drama, I’ve lost the manual to my Olympus E-3.

    ~~ shakes fist at sky ~~


  179. Teafran,
    Never seen the show, but it sounds like my cup of tea. I love Key West. Love Vegas, love Honolulu. I love all those tourist destinations.

    The book reminds me of the time that me and my friends were cruising Waikiki looking for girls. We were told by a group to go up to a certain room because there was a party going on. We knocked, someone let us in. We walked in and there was definately a party going on but in the middle of the room on the bed there were two college kids fucking. The girl was really attractive so my friends and I hung out, drinking their booze, watching them fuck. It was great.

    The book is kind of like that.

    It happens Mare, it happens.

  180. Sorry. Cash only.

    Would it surprize you that it took me a whole three minutes to figure that one out?

  181. They were fucking on top of the covers for the whole world to see.

  182. Would it surprize you that it took me a whole three minutes to figure that one out?

    Here’s your sign.

  183. Uni, I will check it out.

  184. You will enjoy it.

  185. Do you swing?

  186. How do I find my first comment at the Hostages to find out how stupid it was?

  187. Do you swing?

    Are you asking what her situtation is?

  188. KKA, Got the email, sent a response. 🙂

  189. Whoa!

    Is this site now China? My penultimate post was telling Black(etc.) that I wouldn’t post to him further because it has been deleted by “Wiserbud, I believe.” That post is now substituted with youtube? What’s going on?

  190. We were told by a group to go up to a certain room because there was a party going on.

    About the only thing that ever happened to me like that was in Tiajauna – heard via the grape vine that it was a good place to hang out.

    If you liked donkey shows, I suppose it was. :mrgreen:

  191. “Do you swing?”

    Don’t need to, my guy is too good at what he does.

  192. “Are you asking what her situation is?”

    Kind of.

  193. Got to pick up my daughter.

  194. Teafran,
    That kind of shit goes on all the time in Waikiki. It is kind of like Vegas.

    Ahhh, my youth.

  195. Mare,
    You have commented at the other place exactly 350 times,
    Here is your first comment using your current email
    September 2008

  196. “You know the ancient back-story on this has got to be good.”

    That’s actually a pretty good post.

  197. I’ve got new socks on!

  198. What’s going on?

  199. I’ve got new socks on!

    I wish you had your new pants on, too!

  200. booger

  201. I’ve got new socks on!

    What a coincidence – so do I!!

    Oh wait – no I don’t.

    Never mind.

  202. OK, had my afternoon nap. Not quite as miserable as I was. I see FS is still pissing and moaning that we aren’t being nice to him. Nice? You want Nice? Go to NiceDeb’s.

    Just what we fucking need. Another lawyer. The only lawyer here I like is Americano, cuz he tells us what tomorrow is like.

  203. The only lawyer I like is my lawyer.

  204. I hate your lawyer.

  205. Americano is a funny man.

  206. Just what we fucking need. Another lawyer.

    Attorneys. At least we aren’t Arthur Anderson. Or Congress.

  207. Oh. Lemme think about that. But Congress has far too many lawyers as it is.

  208. But Congress has far too many lawyers as it is.

    Only ones who couldn’t make it in private practice. Our profession’s version of teachers.

  209. You all know why the corn in nebraska leans so far to the east. Cuz the lawyers in Iowa suck hard and suck long.


  210. farmer joke FAIL

  211. Icepick, I laughed my ass off at that scorpion picture you linked.

    Here’s a video of Sox at 10 Indians. xbradtc, he’s got a problem and you need to stop enabling him.

  212. Dug, ya think maybe he’s enabling me?

  213. I hope Sohos makes a quick recovery and that she takes advantage of all the drugs she can get!

  214. Uni, just noticed your comment about FedEx. Sorry, like an idiot, I turned everything in. Not that there was any controls on it. Once it was prescribed, it was as if it didn’t exist. And better yet, we shared the same name, so I could have gotten away with claiming it as mine.

  215. It terrible what happened to sOhOs. If it makes you guys feel any better, I’m doing fine.

  216. DiT,,,you know not of what you speak.

  217. fierce scorpion?


  218. Fierce Scorpion


  219. Dave in Texas?

  220. Reminds me of a TV show from the mid-’70s (or thereabouts) – “Key West”. LImited run, but I really liked that show.

    Mid-90s, actually. Starring Fischer Stevens, right? I was friends with a guy who played a deputy on that show. That’s the only reason I remember that show.

  221. Wiserbud making a sales pitch:

  222. Mid-90s, actually. Starring Fischer Stevens, right?

    Yeah – Damn – I could have sworn it was the ’70s.

    I plead Old Timer’s Disease.

  223. Wow.

    New location. Same ‘ol drama.

    Hello Hostages!

  224. Best of luck to sohos on her recovery. My breaks are limited to a toe and a slight fracture in my arm, so I can’t even imagine what she’s going through.

  225. Did you bring bacon?

  226. Yes, but not enough for everyone. So I’ll just eat it all myself. Wouldn’t want to play favorites.

  227. Right now it’s just you and me. so there’s enough for everyone.

  228. Just got my new newsletter from the RNC..called “The Weekly Trunk”?? As in “junk in”? W. T. H……

  229. I am curious about what ’10 Indians’ means.
    But I am afraid to ask. It is probably something deeply personal between wiserbud and rosetta.

  230. Hey, Russ, you can have the window seat, but you better keep an empty bottle with you, cause I am not letting you out t ouse the bathroom until we arrive in hell.

  231. Nothing is personal between Rosetta and I. Our life togtether is an open book.

  232. Hahaha Tushar,
    It is a gauge of how drunk you are. 10 being passed out.

  233. >>Our life together is an open book.

    So, do you rub his bald shiny head for luck?

  234. head?

    oh….yeah…. his head.

    ummmm, yes.

  235. It is a gauge of how drunk you are. 10 being passed out.

    I think it has more to do with feather indians than 7-11 indians, if that helps with the reference.

  236. I guess wiserbud is kidding, but I suspect,

    This one time, at band camp….

  237. What happens on the road stays on the road, xbradtc.

    *wink, wink

  238. 7-11 indians?

    That is a new one.

    It would be cool if dot indians had names like ‘Sitting Vishnu’ or ‘Dances with the Ganesha’

  239. 7-11 indians?

    That is a new one.

    Thank you , Joe Biden!

  240. ‘Sup, lemon party enthusiasts?

  241. I’m just glad wiser’s territory doesn’t include California.

  242. I’m just glad wiser’s territory doesn’t include California.

    Who needs business to jet out to the left coast for a little fun-time?

  243. It would be cool if dot indians had names like ‘Sitting Vishnu’ or ‘Dances with the Ganesha’

    Or “Makes me a Slurpee”

  244. OK, wiser. Tell Sean I said ‘hi’ and he still owes me beer.

  245. OK, wiser. Tell Sean I said ‘hi’ and he still owes me beer.

    yer breaking my heart, man. breaking my heart.

  246. I finished eating my bacon. Now I’m ready for a new assignment.

  247. “Cheif Support Tech”

  248. >>Or “Makes me a Slurpee”

    those are the ones corrupted by shiny beads.

  249. 7-11 Indians = GhandiMarts around these parts.

    Or PakiMarts.

    Or Far East Asian Type of Looking People Marts…

  250. Chief Econolodge

  251. >>GhandiMarts

    Aaaargh! It is spelled Gandhi, not Ghandi.

  252. Gandhi was a lawyer. I’m just sayin’…

  253. I finished eating my bacon. Now I’m ready for a new assignment.

    Fetch me a juicebox.

  254. Running with Turmeric

  255. What’s for dinner?

  256. Beer!

  257. You guys make fun of Indians because we are heavily into running convenience stores, motels and staffing IT/Tech support shops. But you know what profession has a really disproportionately high representation of Indians?

    State Governors. Neener neener.

  258. Johnsonville Wieners on bakery fresh hot dog buns topped with Hormel Chili, chopped onions, and shredded cheddar cheese. Fries on the side and a tall glass of ice cold milk. Mmmmmmmm…

    Oh, and its 48°F with temps falling to 18°F overnight

  259. It is spelled Gandhi, not Ghandi.

    Pedant this, Gandhi Dancer

  260. >>Running with Turmeric

    Ha ha ha!

  261. Anyone heard from Jewstin lately?

  262. You guys make fun of Indians because we are heavily into running convenience stores, motels and staffing IT/Tech support shops.

    If I were the offensive type, I might ask something like “yeah – but can you speak English?”

    However I am not the offensive type, so I won’t.

  263. Tushar, move to Wisconsin and then run for governor. I will vote for you.

  264. Hell – Tushar could move to Connecticut and I would vote for him.

  265. Brewfan – I was born and raised for the first 11 years of my life in Wisconsin – lived in West Allis then out towards Troy Center on my Uncle’s dairy farm.

  266. Brew,

    my first year in US was in Dodgeville, 55 miles from Madison. Best time of my life. If I could find a job, I would move to Wisconsin in a heartbeat.

    It was in Wisconsin that I learned that contrary to myths spread by the coastal bastards, rural Americans are not racists but very warm hearted and welcoming people.

  267. But you know what profession has a really disproportionately high representation of Indians?

    State Governors. Neener neener.

    You say that like it’s a bad thing.

  268. Do we need a new post for Tushar’s new name if he was a feather Indian?

  269. >>Do we need a new post for Tushar’s new name if he was a feather Indian?

    Ack! No!

  270. My Dad was born in West Allis but by the time I came along we had moved to the Greenfield. Troy Center is nice. Drove by that area a lot the last few years going down to Illinois to visit in-laws.

  271. It would be hard to beat “Runny With Tumeric”

  272. Do we need a new post for Tushar’s new name if he was a feather Indian?

    Save it for later. I’ve got a 6am flight, so I can’t stay up and play all night.

  273. Oh hell. I meant “RunnING With Tumeric”

  274. Tushar’s new name if he was a feather Indian?

    Tushar couldn’t be a feathered Indian because as we all know, feathered Indians are the 13th Tribe of Isreal so unless Tushar is an Indian Jew….

    Well, I think we all know where that one was going.


  275. Tushar, you’re right about the midwest. Almost everywhere you go in the rural areas people treat you like they’ve known you all their lives, no matter who you are.

  276. I leave and this shit goes on. I saw Fierce Scorpion over that old house. Didn’t bother to comment.

    I’m single, horny, have a thing for older women.

    I’m out since we’re the same age.

  277. It was in Wisconsin that I learned that contrary to myths spread by the coastal bastards, rural Americans are not racists but very warm hearted and welcoming people.

    You didn’t hear the stuff they were saying behind your back. It was really vile.

  278. >>Runny With Tumeric

    I once had to sleep on the couch for using those words to describe the curry my wife made.

  279. Where I live now is 10 miles from the closest supermarket. Its a pain sometimes to be so far from things like that but we have 5 bars in town!

  280. I think Justin was here earlier. I think xbrad’s flaming heterosexualty drove him away.

    Or he’s got a life. Whatever.

  281. Sohos, if Count is printing this crap off for you, I hope you are doing better. At least you have an unlimited supply of good drugs and people waiting on you.

  282. I think xbrad’s flaming heterosexualty drove him away.

    Or he’s got a life. Whatever.

    If those are the two choices, I’m gonna go with “has a life.”

  283. And I’d just like to say that in general, men suck. I think I will spend the rest of my life as the batty old cat lady.

  284. Rich,
    Have you fired that weapon yet?

  285. Well, now that Folly is here, I will leave you all to her tender mercies.

    The place is all yours tomorrow. I will not be around at all. Try not to drink all the alcohol and make sure you feed Sox, k?

  286. Oh great. I’m hall monitor. Thanks wiser.

  287. And I’d just like to say that in general, men suck.

    I like where this is going…hot girl-on-girl action!

    I think I will spend the rest of my life as the batty old cat lady.

    Awwww. Whatta gyp.

  288. Girls do not have the part that I require. Sorry.

  289. >>And I’d just like to say that in general, men suck.

    Unfortunately, women refuse to.

  290. Unfortunately, women refuse to

    Depends on the woman.

  291. And I’d just like to say that in general, men suck. But we also lick. so there is that.

    *should I have said that*

  292. And I’d just like to say that in general, men suck.


  293. >>Depends on the woman.

    I guess unmarried women are willing to at least consider it.

  294. I guess unmarried women are willing to at least consider it.

    Marital status has nothing to do with it.

  295. Ralph came home drunk one night, slid into
    bed beside his sleeping wife, and fell into a deep slumber.

    He awoke before the Pearly Gates, where St. Peter said, ‘You died in your
    sleep, Ralph..’

    Ralph was stunned.
    ‘I’m dead? No, I can’t be! I’ve got too much to live for.

    Send me back!’

    St. Peter said, ‘I’m sorry, but there’s only one way you can go back, and
    that is as a chicken.’

    Ralph was devastated, but begged St. Peter to send him to a farm near his home.. The next thing he knew, he was covered with feathers, clucking, and pecking the ground.
    A rooster strolled past. ‘So, you’re the new hen, huh? How’s your first day here?’

    ‘Not bad,’ replied Ralph the hen, ‘but I have this strange feeling inside. Like I’m gonna explode!’

    ‘You’re ovulating,’ explained the rooster.
    ‘Don ‘t tell me you’ve never laid an egg before? ‘

    ‘Never,’ said Ralph.

    ‘Well, just relax and let it happen,’ says the rooster. ‘It’s no big deal.’

    Ralph did, and a few uncomfortable seconds later, out popped an egg!

    Ralph was overcome with emotion as he experienced motherhood. He
    soon laid another egg — his joy was overwhelming.

    As he was about to lay his third egg, he felt a smack on the back of his head,
    and heard his wife yell…..

    Ralph! Wake up! You shit the bed!’

  296. alright…I just landed in the Houston airport and the gate next to me is a flight to Sao Paulo….these Brazillian chicks are fucking hot…I may have to rub one off right here…

  297. Hahaha Tbom,
    Where are you headed?

  298. Tushar, you still around?

    I met a nice young Muslim fellow from India on a project here, and I’d like to send him a present for his wedding next month in Mumbai. I’d like to give him and his bride something practical to remind him of his time here in America, but I can’t think of anything appropriate.

    Any ideas?

  299. Hmm. Tough one, Pupster.

    I will ask the Mrs.


  300. Pupster,

    will the couple be living in India, or is he coming back to USA with her?

  301. Vmax…Oklahoma city for tomorrow morning and then driving to Amarillo…I wish it was Sao Paulo

  302. OK, dinner was penne pasta with bolognaise sauce. Not bad.

  303. Vmax-not yet. I’m hoping to hit the range on Thursday night while the superstar has soccer practice.

  304. Tush, he works for a company that will send him all over the world for extended stays on projects as assigned, but his wife will stay in India.

    He’s an engineer, who specializes in fire alarm systems.

    Arselon is is his name, he’s a young fellow (27) and full of juice.

  305. Pupster,

    Most Indian couples have the extremely irritating habit of keeping a photoframe with soppily romantic photos of themselves on their night stand. They also like to keep another, with some random and inane photo, on their office desk.

    Why do they do that? Damn if I know.

    But, if budget permits, a digital photo-frame, pre-loaded with some photos from America (friends as well as scenery), will be a great gift.

  306. “he’s a young fellow (27) and full of juice.”

    What’d he do, eat some? I hear teh juice are tasty this time of year.

  307. Isn’t Folly in OKC?
    And Tbom, the only Hostage I know of in Houston is, shall we say, incapacitated at the moment.

  308. Patty Ann, I’m in Tulsa which is about 90 miles away.

  309. I just did a search for civil engineers in Oklahoma City at
    2 civil engineers, one of them was a surveyor. The other did did not have a web site.
    Nobody works there that is why they have no unemployment.

  310. Sorry, Folly. I don’t know why I thought you were in OKC.

  311. We have 6 in Tulsa. 2 with their own websites.

  312. catch you tards when I land and plug in…OOOOOOOOKKLLLLAAAAAAAAHOOOMMMMAAAA

  313. And I came up with 24 Civil Engineers in the OKC area which includes the suburbs of Norman and Edmond as well as Guthrie and Stillwater.

  314. Well – I guess I know where I rank around here – tell a joke and everybody ignores it.


  315. I found 24 in the OKC area including Edmond and Norman as well as Guthrie and Stillwater.

  316. “Where the wind comes sweeping down the plane,
    and the wavin’ wheat can sure smell sweet,
    When the wind comes right behind the rain….”

    Sorry, it’s the state song.

  317. Except I can’t spell tonight. It’s “plain” and not “plane.”

  318. What are you using to search Folly?

  319. Yahoo yellow pages.

  320. Well stinks then.


  321. No problem.

  322. nice!
    Thanks again Folly

  323. Yep.

  324. Folly, you’re still in contention. I said I have a thing for older women, not that I rule out the youngsters.

  325. Oh that’s good to know X-Brad.

  326. Or I could have said that “older” means “older than 21”

  327. I’m double that.

  328. I know. That’s not quite as good as two 21 year old girls, but it ain’t bad.

  329. They couldn’t compete with me anyway.

  330. I guess we’ll have to test that theory.

    Just as soon as I can find two 21 year old girls.

  331. Okay. Keep me updated on your efforts.

  332. You’ll be 84 by the time I find them.

  333. Hahahah. So will you.

  334. heheh
    the 40’s are a wonderful age for women. I would take 1 40yo over 2 20. 2 20’s would be ok for a short while.

  335. I’m curious. I wonder what Fierce Scorpion’s gay porn name was.

    Dick Myass?

  336. A 40 year old knows what she’s doing. A 20 year old doesn’t.

  337. I do not believe much of what FS says I think he is the type that tells you what you want to hear so you simply cannot believe any of it.

  338. Maybe his porn name was Schwetty Balls

  339. A 40 year old knows what she’s doing. A 20 year old doesn’t.

    True, but when I tell a 20yo this is perfectly normal, not at all kinky, and everybody is doing it, she doesn’t know any better…

  340. Yes Folly they do, but their sexuality changes too it is much better and more sensual much less inhibition and far better orgasms.

  341. True, but when I tell a 20yo this is perfectly normal, not at all kinky, and everybody is doing it, she doesn’t know any better…

    True but then again if she’s like most 20 years olds these days, she’s already done it a dozen times and will critique you.

  342. Why not, they were critiquing me when I was 20

  343. Look if you want the young stuff, knock yourselves out.

  344. My computer keyboard is not working, I’m using my iPhone…not a good typer from this thing. Yikes may not be online for a while.

  345. go buy another keyboard. What do they cost, $20 bucks for a cheapy?

  346. Sorry, I didn’t hear you, Folly, I was downloading granny pornl.


  348. Heh.

    Where the hell is everyone? It’s you, me and Vmax right now, with Mare struggling to keep up.

  349. Maybe they’re all watching midget porn.

  350. Oh. I did that this afternoon.

  351. Oh…then they’re slackers.

  352. And you, what’s your excuse?

  353. Xbrad….? Vmax…? Mare…?

    Damn it. All along again. Guess I’ll go to bed.

  354. For what?

  355. Why aren’t you watching midget pron? You know, with the others.

  356. Seen it all.

  357. Yeah, without FS to kick around, this place is kinda dead. I’ve got a whopping one episode of Angel to watch on DVD tonight. And now I see that TNT isn’t streaming episodes of Saving Grace, so I’m pissed at them for that as well.

  358. I don’t watch much television.

  359. I used to. Now I mostly watch via the internets.

  360. I mean, sure, I’d rather be in a club or bar, drinking my sorrows away, hitting on 21yo chicks, and barfing on peoples shoes, but that costs real money.

  361. Nah, I did all that partying when I was in my twenties. Now I’m just too old for it plus I have children to raise. I’d rather spend my money traveling.

  362. What do you do for a living, Xbrad?

  363. I’m currently between opportunities, but I work in the financial industry.

  364. As an advisor or something? You can tell me to shut up if I’m too personal.

  365. I’m still checking in and out here.

  366. Mostly back office support.

    I used to work on the floor of the Chicago Board Options Exchange, trading stocks as a hedge against options, then out here I worked for a trust company helping to design estate plans for the ultra high net worth clients, and implementing estate settlements.

  367. Hey there, PA. When you gonna give us a little Proof of Life picture?

  368. Prolly never, xBrad 🙂

  369. Sounds like you did stuff that I could only understand with flow charts.

  370. Oddly enough, making flow charts and powerpoints was a large part of the job.

  371. PA, did you see this? Do you look like this?

  372. Speaking of pics, did Rosetta finally put the new one of me up?

  373. Folly, you don’t have any pic up here at H2. I’m checking on the original. Last time I looked it was the large version of your current avatar.

  374. Oh…I sent him the most recent one of me last week. Slacker.

  375. He did say it would be a couple of days. He hasn’t seen ALL the midget pron yet.

  376. hahaha, xBrad. No.

  377. Jessica Biel is a cutie, ain’t she?

    By the way, if you search google images for Jessica Rabbit with safe search off, don’t be surprised at what you find.

  378. And on that note, I’m off to bed. Night all.

  379. Wow, so I see FS took a huge shit and tried to cal it a bouquet of roses, Xbrad and Vmax are debating the merits of 21 yo. Anything else?

  380. No chocolate to share tonight, sadly.

  381. I’ma gonna go soak in the tub for a while.

  382. No chocolate to share tonight, sadly.

    Are you talking to me? B/c you shouldn’t bother, once burned, twice shy. I won’t be offering that up again anytime soon, buckaroo.

  383. Well, Tat, the worst part of that is, I don’t have any chocolate.

  384. Right so xbrad’s leaving to play w/ his rubber duckie, is anybody else here?

  385. I’m just here for a few minutes more. Folly, you still here?

  386. Folly went to bed just before i checked in. You’d almost think she knew I was coming 🙂

  387. Sorry, Tattoo, but you’re on your own ’til The Nightcrawlers show up. Goodnight 🙂

  388. Night PA. I may head out here soon anyway

  389. Pulls out the good chocolate that was hidden from Xbrad

    Hmmmm, very yummy

  390. I cannot get this site to stay loaded. It keeps kicking me off. While I might come to appreciate that in the future, I would like to again offer my thoughts and prayers for Soho’s quick recovery*while I can*. and who peed in the scorpion’s cheerios ?

  391. Hi TGSG, how’s stuff?

    I think FS is just upset that his tiny penis fits in his cheerios. Don’t you know we owe the world an explanation.

  392. Hey – what’s been happening Deaux Deaux heads?

  393. other than not being able to stay on here for long dagnabbit,, stuff is good. you ?

  394. Anything else?

    Yeah – I told a great joke and everybdy ignored me.

    Story of my life – the ignorning part anyway.

  395. evening tea. i liked the joke

  396. I just got off a two hour conference call – I hate late eening conference calls.

    Can’t keep my head in the game.

  397. Aww Tea, tell it again. I promise to pay attn!

    TG, not bad. We’re moving thru the week fairly well. Stupid coworkers, but hey who doesn’t have at least on of those?

  398. just took three tries to stay on long enough to comment.

  399. Aww Tea, tell it again.

    Ralph came home drunk one night, slid into
    bed beside his sleeping wife, and fell into a deep slumber.

    He awoke before the Pearly Gates, where St. Peter said, ‘You died in your
    sleep, Ralph..’

    Ralph was stunned.
    ‘I’m dead? No, I can’t be! I’ve got too much to live for.

    Send me back!’

    St. Peter said, ‘I’m sorry, but there’s only one way you can go back, and
    that is as a chicken.’

    Ralph was devastated, but begged St. Peter to send him to a farm near his home.. The next thing he knew, he was covered with feathers, clucking, and pecking the ground.
    A rooster strolled past. ‘So, you’re the new hen, huh? How’s your first day here?’

    ‘Not bad,’ replied Ralph the hen, ‘but I have this strange feeling inside. Like I’m gonna explode!’

    ‘You’re ovulating,’ explained the rooster.
    ‘Don ‘t tell me you’ve never laid an egg before? ‘

    ‘Never,’ said Ralph.

    ‘Well, just relax and let it happen,’ says the rooster. ‘It’s no big deal.’

    Ralph did, and a few uncomfortable seconds later, out popped an egg!

    Ralph was overcome with emotion as he experienced motherhood. He
    soon laid another egg — his joy was overwhelming.

    As he was about to lay his third egg, he felt a smack on the back of his head,
    and heard his wife yell…..

    Ralph! Wake up! You shit the bed!’

  400. We appreciate the effort TG.

  401. well, right now I have only one who is trying hard to stop being that person, it’s been years since I was that person ** I’m old and hide the stupidity better now**

  402. I laughed the first time you put up that joke. And the second.

    And Tat? I just found an emergency supply of Mrs. Freshly’s Creme Filled Swiss Rolls, chocalately goodness in a twin pack snack cake…

  403. IT really does hurt to know that Sohos is all up in the hospital and shit… i can sympathize

  404. xbrad, i prefer the lil debbies boston creme much more

  405. Ewww Tea, that’s gross 🙂

  406. Stupid coworkers, but hey who doesn’t have at least on of those?

    You have to worry about stupid co-workers – I have to worry about stupid academic department heads who completely reject your peer review analysis because it was written by somebody who has some political pull. His supposition was nonsense, his proof complete crap (because I did actually read it and….

    Ah nuts…

  407. I prefer lil Debbie myself *wink wink* but these are here and available.

  408. just wanted to stop in and offer my condolences… enjoy the evening all… goodnight

  409. lil debbies boston creme

    You really don’t want to know how I parsed that – honest.

    It’s been that kind of an evening.

  410. See ya later TG…

  411. Yuck Tea. And that’s why I one of my con’s for going back and getting my PhD. I hate the whole academic/political bullcrap.

  412. And that’s why I one of my con’s for going back and getting my PhD.

    Damn, would you look at that craptastic sentence. Folks, that’s a sign that TI needs some sleep.

  413. This was totally ridiculous – it followed the classic meme – mention everybody on the review committee prominently, scatter references to their work throughout the monograph, make sure everybody gets listed in the footnotes and bibliography, thank everybody, etc., etc., etc., and fill the rest of the paper with bullshit.

    God I hate that.

  414. Just finished off the last of my Trader Joe’s Hofbrau Bock. Time to spend some quality time with the family.

  415. I’m so glad sometimes that I’m stupid.

    One of my friends at church is a PhD. in English with a bent towards liberal feminism. And even though she teaches at a Christian institution, they have all the pettiness and vindictiveness of any other institution of learning. My friend doesn’t help herself in that any time things don’t go her way, she assumes the default position that it is because she’s a womyn.

  416. Time to spend some quality time with the family.

    Sounds like Trader Joe is your family.

    Heh, heh, heh…

  417. she assumes the default position that it is because she’s a womyn.

    Sometimes, believe it or not, it can be a problem in teaching. Mrs. Teafran will be finishing 40 years next year – ask her about working for and with men sometime.

    She’ll give you an ear full and a half.

  418. Tea:
    Naw, just the beer

  419. Naw, just the beer


    I miss drinking beer sometimes – not offten. Right about the time I quit (or was forced to), all of a sudden out came micro-beers.

    Story of my life – I miss out on everything. :mrgreen:

  420. Tea, I know there are some people out there like that. But not every problem is caused by that. And not every slight is an intentional one. My friend just likes to be a victim.

  421. I miss out on conjugal bliss, but that is because I am married.

  422. My friend just likes to be a victim.

    I understand – that happens a lot too. When I was still in academia, you’d run into those types (male and female) where everything was a crisis or everything was the fault of (pick your gender) domination of a department.

    Drove. Me. Nuts. I’m a people type – I like everybody and am forgiving of human error and foilables – not a prejudiced bone in my body and I’m intensely loyal to those who work for me. For some people that doens’t count because its all about them.

    Which is why I retired at the ripe old age of 48 – couldn’t take it anymore.

  423. I miss out on conjugal bliss, but that is because I am married.

    I’m really tired – I parsed that as conjugal visits.


  424. Oh, and somebody tell mare I put up my post dedicated to her at DPUD.

  425. my post dedicated to her at DPUD.

    Department of Public Utilities Delivery?

  426. eddie, you like pistols. Have you seen this post?


  428. I like my Glock 21, but I’m still a revolver guy.

    That’s a tough test to put a nice weapon through.

  429. xbrad – thanks. Another blog to read. Kewl.

    Oh well, that’s it folks – I’ve had enough for one day.

    Catch y’all on the flip flop. Keep the greasy side down and the shiny side up.



  430. Tea, I don’t shoot anymore, but for a long time I either carried a S&W 4506 or a Star PD, since I’m a .45 guy. But I cleaned them every dang time.

  431. Brad:
    My brother just bought a Glock 45. STL County Cops carry Glock 40 Cal.


    Me, I’m a revolver guy. Taurus Judge is my latest. And it shoots fine.


  432. What the fuck do you mean “‘night”. Get your happy nappy ass back here.

  433. oh, and it’s Brewfan’s birthday.

    I think.

    ‘night, nappy ass chaser Brad.

  434. Hopefully Rosie will remember his sacred duty to bring the BSoP tomorrow.

  435. alone again. I’m far too used to that.

    *pulls pants off, scratches butt*

  436. Damn, no cheetos. Where the fuck is everyone? Sean is busy chasing trannies at the Frat House, sure, but what about the other late night denizens?

  437. *pulls pants off, scratches butt*

    *backs out of blog, horrified at what he’s seen*

  438. I kept my underwear on.

  439. Bradley?

    Unfortunately, NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

  440. Gonna go drink a beer and smoke a smoke. Be back before too long.

  441. Back again. I see that even though Brad kept his underwear on, he still scared everyone off. You might want to wash your underwear, Brad.

  442. Comment by eddiebear on March 11, 2009 12:23 am

    Oh, and somebody tell mare I put up my post dedicated to her at DPUD.



  443. FAIL!

  444. Hey y’all.

  445. Ok, I’ll be the first to call Bullshit on this whole “ten indians” excuse from Sohos.

    Clearly, after years of supporting her rack, the poor leg simply shattered.

    Get well soon, Sohos.

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