Thursday Foreignotica V

Today’s video is a sort of Arabia meets South Asia. Most of the lyrics are in Arabic with a few portions in Hindi.

Presenting “Nari Narien” by Hisham Abbas.

(Video length – 4:22)


  1. hi, other brown guy

  2. I am not taking the chance they are eating Cats in this video…..

  3. I posted a very angry cat yesterday Sox I hope you are never like that guy.

  4. Morning Sohita.

  5. Howdy, y’all.
    Here is a palette cleanser

  6. hey yall!

  7. Last night, I went over to my uncle’s place to pick up a weed whacker he wanted to give to me. In the ultimate WTF moment of the week, he included:
    10 candy canes left over from Christmas
    3 slices of deli style turkey that was about to turn
    a small bag of Rold Gold pretzels
    and an extra reel of wire for the trimmer

    Yeah, life is good.

  8. I wanted rold gold pretzels yesterday!


  10. I could start every day with this song:

  11. I do wanna live like the common people.

    And sleep with common people. Like you.

  12. Hello? Anyone home?

  13. Who wants to know?

  14. You morning moment of zen.

    If you don’t like it, you suck the lint from underneath Rosetta’s Brilliantly Painted But Horribly Odiferous Toe Nails

  15. Folly:
    uh, maybe. Depends.

  16. Dammit. It’s bad enough I have to check for ticks evernight, now the fuckers are crawling up my window.

  17. ICK! I am n ow back from PT. (PAIN) but he ordered deep tissue rubs of my ankle to Count while he was there YAY!!!!!!!

  18. Sohos, can you get massages while you’re recuperating? Might be a nice way to treat yourself once a week after PT.

  19. ^ooh. A Tick Check! Always fun!

  20. A Tick Check! Always fun!

    It loses all appeal when you’re doing it every night by yourself 😉

  21. I really should. I have a scar under my left boob from a tick that got comfortable there once.

  22. ^umm…..

  23. My step-Monster ripped it off me and it bled and left a scar. It was buried under my bra. I was like 14-ish and had been hiking in the woods on our land in Alabama.

  24. Damn Sohos. If you do it right, it shouldn’t bleed that much or scar up.

  25. She was Hell. She saw it and just ripped it off my body. IT hurt.

  26. My Dad and I were pissed. Its a small scar but you can see it.

  27. It’s more icky than anything else b/c the skin tends to pull up a bit before the tick comes out. But other than a smidge of a pinch, it shouldn’t hurt.

  28. “Wait- I don’t remember having a mole there…” is what I always think right before I catch a tick.


  29. She took her fingernails and ripped it right off me. I wonder if I can get a pic of the scar and post? hahahahaha

  30. We use the tick spoon on the dogs, works great.

    2/3 down the page:

  31. I’ve seen those Laura, do they work on people too?

  32. Cant you pour like alcohol on them?

  33. Can’t imagine why not. The ‘ v ‘ cut into the spoon is also sharply beveled, so it acts like a tiny prybar and removes the tick’s mouthparts completely.

  34. >>I’ve seen those Laura, do they work on people too?

    Sure, if you can get a Tick Spoon large enough to lift a human.

  35. It’s more icky than anything else b/c the skin tends to pull up a bit before the tick comes out. But other than a smidge of a pinch, it shouldn’t hurt.

    Maybe it was botfly larva.

  36. I found a tick in my daughter’s hair a few years back. I’m trying to remember how I got it out … it didn’t bleed or anything. Perhaps I covered it in vasaline first?

    Oh, go ask some mom who still has her mental facilities in tact.

  37. Cant you pour like alcohol on them?

    Most of those “put something on them” methods really don’t work. Mechanical’s your best bet.

  38. Won’t alcohol make the tick regurgitate? That saliva is frickin’ nasty. Leaves a bad wound.

  39. Oh, go ask some mom who still has her mental facilities in tact.

    Are there any of those? 😉

  40. It has been years since I have been in the woods. Like 25.

  41. No

  42. A discussion on ticks. Lovely. I hate ticks.

  43. Why is my ass all itchy? What did you people do to me last night?

  44. Ahhh ticks. Was out with the scouts one time and when i got home found ticks all around the waist of my shorts, was about a dozen i think. The small kind that you have to get with tweezers

  45. >>Was out with the scouts one time and when i got home found ticks all around the waist of my shorts, was about a dozen i think.

    You have nothing on Dave in Texas. He got a blood sucking leech on his nuts while hiking in Taiwan.

  46. Tush, why do you know about DiT’s nuts?

  47. A New Orleans lawyer sought an FHA loan for a client. He was told the loan would be granted if he could prove satisfactory title to a parcel of property being offered as collateral. The title to the property dated back to 1803, which took the lawyer three months to track down.? After sending the information to the FHA, he received the following reply.

    (Actual letter):
    “Upon review of your letter adjoining your client’s loan application, we note that the request is supported by an Abstract of Title. While we compliment the able manner in which you have prepared and presented the application, we must point out that you have only cleared title to the proposed collateral property back to 1803.
    Before final approval can be accorded, it will be necessary to clear the title back to its origin.”

    Annoyed, the lawyer responded as follows:

    (actual letter):
    “Your letter regarding title in Case No. 189156 has been received. I note that you wish to have title extended further than the 194 years covered by the present application. I was unaware that any educated person in this country, particularly those working in the property area, would not know that Louisiana was purchased, by the U.S. , from France in 1803, the year of origin identified in our application.

    For the edification of uninformed FHA bureaucrats, the title to the land prior to U.S. ownership was obtained from France , which had acquired it by Right of Conquest from Spain . The land came into the possession of Spain by Right of Discovery made in the year 1492 by a sea captain named Christopher Columbus, who had been granted the privilege of seeking a new route to India by the Spanish monarch, Isabella. The good queen, Isabella, being a pious woman and almost as careful about titles as the FHA, took the precaution of securing the blessing of the Pope before she sold her jewels to finance Columbus ‘ expedition.

    Now the Pope, as I’m sure you may know, is the emissary of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and God, it is commonly accepted, created this world. Therefore, I believe it is safe to presume that God also made that part of the world called Louisiana … God, therefore, would be the owner of origin and His origins date back, to before the beginning of time, the world as we know it AND the FHA. I hope you find God’s original claim to be satisfactory.

    Now, may we have our damn loan?”

    The loan was approved.

  48. >>Tush, why do you know about DiT’s nuts?

    Because he wrote about it a few years back.

  49. I hear that the leech got superpowers after drinking DiT’s man-juice. That leech is the CEO of Acer Computers now.

  50. You have nothing on Dave in Texas. He got a blood sucking leech on his nuts while hiking in Taiwan.

    Hahaha, i’m sure there are guys who would pay good money for that. You ever got a tick Tushar?

  51. Heheheheheheh

  52. Ding-a-ling, are you still here? You live in Assachusetts, yes?

    What do you think about having to pay for teat suckers cars and insurance?

  53. I hear that the leech got superpowers after drinking DiT’s man-juice.

    Has someone explained to Tush about the difference between blood and semen?

  54. Folly, that was hilarious.

    It was for real, yes?

  55. Has someone explained to Tush about the difference between blood and semen?

    Probably not. We volunteer you.

  56. Hahahaha Beasn, volunteer away but you can’t make me.

  57. When i went shopping this week, i passed by some van camps pork n beans and in my head pronounced it porknbeasn.

  58. >>You ever got a tick Tushar?

    I do get a verbal tick when I am excited.

  59. Beasn, I don’t know. It was forwarded to me. I can imagine writing a letter like that.

  60. >>Has someone explained to Tush about the difference between blood and semen?

    This leech was into cocktails, from what I hear.

  61. When i went shopping this week, i passed by some van camps pork n beans and in my head pronounced it porknbeasn.

    Last time I was making soup, I asked Mr. Beasn if he wanted some beasns in it.

  62. Since this thread is dead, here’s some boobs.

  63. Last time I was making soup, I asked Mr. Beasn if he wanted some beasns in it.

    Did you ask him if he wanted some goatse in it too?

  64. It’s dead, Fred.


    I guess its official. He’s the expert. Poor red-shirt wearing thread. It never stood a chance.

  66. *attaches suckers to redshirt-wearing thread*

    *rides it to the ground*

  67. Ok Lauraw. That made me choke on my tea.

  68. **checks for pulse, checks pupils, looks for signs of a breath**

    Yep. It is dead. Time to move on, folks.

    So young, such a fine thread,
    and now he is dead.

  69. Did you ask him if he wanted some goatse in it too?

    Eh? Goats are spawns of the devil.

  70. Beasn, if you don’t know what Goatse is, you are better off. Don’t try to find out.
    That kind of knowledge cannot be unlearned.

    Consider yourself warned.

  71. Will one of the 7000 people with posting privileges on this site please put up a new post?

  72. We’re all thinking that somebody else is gonna do it/ must be working on it.

  73. New Thread Up.

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